1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * reloptions.h
4  *	  Core support for relation and tablespace options (pg_class.reloptions
5  *	  and pg_tablespace.spcoptions)
6  *
7  * Note: the functions dealing with text-array reloptions values declare
8  * them as Datum, not ArrayType *, to avoid needing to include array.h
9  * into a lot of low-level code.
10  *
11  *
12  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
13  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
14  *
15  * src/include/access/reloptions.h
16  *
17  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  */
19 #ifndef RELOPTIONS_H
20 #define RELOPTIONS_H
22 #include "access/amapi.h"
23 #include "access/htup.h"
24 #include "access/tupdesc.h"
25 #include "nodes/pg_list.h"
26 #include "storage/lock.h"
28 /* types supported by reloptions */
29 typedef enum relopt_type
30 {
35 } relopt_type;
37 /* kinds supported by reloptions */
38 typedef enum relopt_kind
39 {
40 	RELOPT_KIND_HEAP = (1 << 0),
41 	RELOPT_KIND_TOAST = (1 << 1),
42 	RELOPT_KIND_BTREE = (1 << 2),
43 	RELOPT_KIND_HASH = (1 << 3),
44 	RELOPT_KIND_GIN = (1 << 4),
45 	RELOPT_KIND_GIST = (1 << 5),
48 	RELOPT_KIND_SPGIST = (1 << 8),
49 	RELOPT_KIND_VIEW = (1 << 9),
50 	RELOPT_KIND_BRIN = (1 << 10),
52 	/* if you add a new kind, make sure you update "last_default" too */
55 	/* some compilers treat enums as signed ints, so we can't use 1 << 31 */
56 	RELOPT_KIND_MAX = (1 << 30)
57 } relopt_kind;
59 /* reloption namespaces allowed for heaps -- currently only TOAST */
60 #define HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES { "toast", NULL }
62 /* generic struct to hold shared data */
63 typedef struct relopt_gen
64 {
65 	const char *name;			/* must be first (used as list termination
66 								 * marker) */
67 	const char *desc;
68 	bits32		kinds;
69 	LOCKMODE	lockmode;
70 	int			namelen;
71 	relopt_type type;
72 } relopt_gen;
74 /* holds a parsed value */
75 typedef struct relopt_value
76 {
77 	relopt_gen *gen;
78 	bool		isset;
79 	union
80 	{
81 		bool		bool_val;
82 		int			int_val;
83 		double		real_val;
84 		char	   *string_val; /* allocated separately */
85 	}			values;
86 } relopt_value;
88 /* reloptions records for specific variable types */
89 typedef struct relopt_bool
90 {
91 	relopt_gen	gen;
92 	bool		default_val;
93 } relopt_bool;
95 typedef struct relopt_int
96 {
97 	relopt_gen	gen;
98 	int			default_val;
99 	int			min;
100 	int			max;
101 } relopt_int;
103 typedef struct relopt_real
104 {
105 	relopt_gen	gen;
106 	double		default_val;
107 	double		min;
108 	double		max;
109 } relopt_real;
111 /* validation routines for strings */
112 typedef void (*validate_string_relopt) (const char *value);
114 typedef struct relopt_string
115 {
116 	relopt_gen	gen;
117 	int			default_len;
118 	bool		default_isnull;
119 	validate_string_relopt validate_cb;
120 	char	   *default_val;
121 } relopt_string;
123 /* This is the table datatype for fillRelOptions */
124 typedef struct
125 {
126 	const char *optname;		/* option's name */
127 	relopt_type opttype;		/* option's datatype */
128 	int			offset;			/* offset of field in result struct */
129 } relopt_parse_elt;
132 /*
133  * These macros exist for the convenience of amoptions writers (but consider
134  * using fillRelOptions, which is a lot simpler).  Beware of multiple
135  * evaluation of arguments!
136  *
137  * The last argument in the HANDLE_*_RELOPTION macros allows the caller to
138  * determine whether the option was set (true), or its value acquired from
139  * defaults (false); it can be passed as (char *) NULL if the caller does not
140  * need this information.
141  *
142  * optname is the option name (a string), var is the variable
143  * on which the value should be stored (e.g. StdRdOptions->fillfactor), and
144  * option is a relopt_value pointer.
145  *
146  * The normal way to use this is to loop on the relopt_value array returned by
147  * parseRelOptions:
148  * for (i = 0; options[i].gen->name; i++)
149  * {
150  *		if (HAVE_RELOPTION("fillfactor", options[i])
151  *		{
152  *			HANDLE_INT_RELOPTION("fillfactor", rdopts->fillfactor, options[i], &isset);
153  *			continue;
154  *		}
155  *		if (HAVE_RELOPTION("default_row_acl", options[i])
156  *		{
157  *			...
158  *		}
159  *		...
160  *		if (validate)
161  *			ereport(ERROR,
162  *					(errmsg("unknown option")));
163  *	}
164  *
165  *	Note that this is more or less the same that fillRelOptions does, so only
166  *	use this if you need to do something non-standard within some option's
167  *	code block.
168  */
169 #define HAVE_RELOPTION(optname, option) \
170 	(strncmp(option.gen->name, optname, option.gen->namelen + 1) == 0)
172 #define HANDLE_INT_RELOPTION(optname, var, option, wasset)		\
173 	do {														\
174 		if (option.isset)										\
175 			var = option.values.int_val;						\
176 		else													\
177 			var = ((relopt_int *) option.gen)->default_val;		\
178 		(wasset) != NULL ? *(wasset) = option.isset : (dummyret)NULL; \
179 	} while (0)
181 #define HANDLE_BOOL_RELOPTION(optname, var, option, wasset)			\
182 	do {															\
183 		if (option.isset)										\
184 			var = option.values.bool_val;						\
185 		else													\
186 			var = ((relopt_bool *) option.gen)->default_val;	\
187 		(wasset) != NULL ? *(wasset) = option.isset : (dummyret) NULL; \
188 	} while (0)
190 #define HANDLE_REAL_RELOPTION(optname, var, option, wasset)		\
191 	do {														\
192 		if (option.isset)										\
193 			var = option.values.real_val;						\
194 		else													\
195 			var = ((relopt_real *) option.gen)->default_val;	\
196 		(wasset) != NULL ? *(wasset) = option.isset : (dummyret) NULL; \
197 	} while (0)
199 /*
200  * Note that this assumes that the variable is already allocated at the tail of
201  * reloptions structure (StdRdOptions or equivalent).
202  *
203  * "base" is a pointer to the reloptions structure, and "offset" is an integer
204  * variable that must be initialized to sizeof(reloptions structure).  This
205  * struct must have been allocated with enough space to hold any string option
206  * present, including terminating \0 for every option.  SET_VARSIZE() must be
207  * called on the struct with this offset as the second argument, after all the
208  * string options have been processed.
209  */
210 #define HANDLE_STRING_RELOPTION(optname, var, option, base, offset, wasset) \
211 	do {														\
212 		relopt_string *optstring = (relopt_string *) option.gen;\
213 		char *string_val;										\
214 		if (option.isset)										\
215 			string_val = option.values.string_val;				\
216 		else if (!optstring->default_isnull)					\
217 			string_val = optstring->default_val;				\
218 		else													\
219 			string_val = NULL;									\
220 		(wasset) != NULL ? *(wasset) = option.isset : (dummyret) NULL; \
221 		if (string_val == NULL)									\
222 			var = 0;											\
223 		else													\
224 		{														\
225 			strcpy(((char *)(base)) + (offset), string_val);	\
226 			var = (offset);										\
227 			(offset) += strlen(string_val) + 1;					\
228 		}														\
229 	} while (0)
231 /*
232  * For use during amoptions: get the strlen of a string option
233  * (either default or the user defined value)
234  */
235 #define GET_STRING_RELOPTION_LEN(option) \
236 	((option).isset ? strlen((option).values.string_val) : \
237 	 ((relopt_string *) (option).gen)->default_len)
239 /*
240  * For use by code reading options already parsed: get a pointer to the string
241  * value itself.  "optstruct" is the StdRdOption struct or equivalent, "member"
242  * is the struct member corresponding to the string option
243  */
244 #define GET_STRING_RELOPTION(optstruct, member) \
245 	((optstruct)->member == 0 ? NULL : \
246 	 (char *)(optstruct) + (optstruct)->member)
249 extern relopt_kind add_reloption_kind(void);
250 extern void add_bool_reloption(bits32 kinds, const char *name, const char *desc,
251 				   bool default_val);
252 extern void add_int_reloption(bits32 kinds, const char *name, const char *desc,
253 				  int default_val, int min_val, int max_val);
254 extern void add_real_reloption(bits32 kinds, const char *name, const char *desc,
255 				   double default_val, double min_val, double max_val);
256 extern void add_string_reloption(bits32 kinds, const char *name, const char *desc,
257 					 const char *default_val, validate_string_relopt validator);
259 extern Datum transformRelOptions(Datum oldOptions, List *defList,
260 					const char *namspace, char *validnsps[],
261 					bool ignoreOids, bool isReset);
262 extern List *untransformRelOptions(Datum options);
263 extern bytea *extractRelOptions(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
264 				  amoptions_function amoptions);
265 extern relopt_value *parseRelOptions(Datum options, bool validate,
266 				relopt_kind kind, int *numrelopts);
267 extern void *allocateReloptStruct(Size base, relopt_value *options,
268 					 int numoptions);
269 extern void fillRelOptions(void *rdopts, Size basesize,
270 			   relopt_value *options, int numoptions,
271 			   bool validate,
272 			   const relopt_parse_elt *elems, int nelems);
274 extern bytea *default_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate,
275 				   relopt_kind kind);
276 extern bytea *heap_reloptions(char relkind, Datum reloptions, bool validate);
277 extern bytea *view_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
278 extern bytea *index_reloptions(amoptions_function amoptions, Datum reloptions,
279 				 bool validate);
280 extern bytea *index_generic_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
281 extern bytea *attribute_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
282 extern bytea *tablespace_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
283 extern LOCKMODE AlterTableGetRelOptionsLockLevel(List *defList);
285 #endif							/* RELOPTIONS_H */