1[NO_PID]: ECPGdebug: set to 1
2[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
3[NO_PID]: ECPGconnect: opening database ecpg1_regression on <DEFAULT> port <DEFAULT>
4[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
5[NO_PID]: ECPGsetcommit on line 16: action "on"; connection "ecpg1_regression"
6[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
7[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 20: query: create table T ( Item1 int , Item2 int ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
8[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
9[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 20: using PQexec
10[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
11[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 20: OK: CREATE TABLE
12[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
13[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 22: query: insert into t select 1 , nullif ( y - 1 , 0 ) from generate_series ( 1 , 3 ) with ordinality as series ( x , y ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
14[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
15[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 22: using PQexec
16[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
17[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 22: OK: INSERT 0 3
18[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
19[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 26: query: select Item2 from T order by Item2 nulls last; with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
20[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
21[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 26: using PQexec
22[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
23[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 26: correctly got 3 tuples with 1 fields
24[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
25[NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 26: RESULT: 1 offset: -1; array: no
26[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
27[NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 26: RESULT: 2 offset: -1; array: no
28[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
29[NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 26: RESULT:  offset: -1; array: no
30[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
31[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: query: alter table T alter Item1 type bigint; with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
32[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
33[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: using PQexec
34[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
35[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 31: OK: ALTER TABLE
36[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
37[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 32: query: alter table T alter column Item2 set data type smallint; with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
38[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
39[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 32: using PQexec
40[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
41[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 32: OK: ALTER TABLE
42[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
43[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 34: query: drop table T; with 0 parameter(s) on connection ecpg1_regression
44[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
45[NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 34: using PQexec
46[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
47[NO_PID]: ecpg_process_output on line 34: OK: DROP TABLE
48[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
49[NO_PID]: ecpg_finish: connection ecpg1_regression closed
50[NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000