1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * fmgr.h
4  *	  Definitions for the Postgres function manager and function-call
5  *	  interface.
6  *
7  * This file must be included by all Postgres modules that either define
8  * or call fmgr-callable functions.
9  *
10  *
11  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
12  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
13  *
14  * src/include/fmgr.h
15  *
16  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
17  */
18 #ifndef FMGR_H
19 #define FMGR_H
21 /* We don't want to include primnodes.h here, so make some stub references */
22 typedef struct Node *fmNodePtr;
23 typedef struct Aggref *fmAggrefPtr;
25 /* Likewise, avoid including execnodes.h here */
26 typedef void (*fmExprContextCallbackFunction) (Datum arg);
28 /* Likewise, avoid including stringinfo.h here */
29 typedef struct StringInfoData *fmStringInfo;
32 /*
33  * All functions that can be called directly by fmgr must have this signature.
34  * (Other functions can be called by using a handler that does have this
35  * signature.)
36  */
38 typedef struct FunctionCallInfoBaseData *FunctionCallInfo;
40 typedef Datum (*PGFunction) (FunctionCallInfo fcinfo);
42 /*
43  * This struct holds the system-catalog information that must be looked up
44  * before a function can be called through fmgr.  If the same function is
45  * to be called multiple times, the lookup need be done only once and the
46  * info struct saved for re-use.
47  *
48  * Note that fn_expr really is parse-time-determined information about the
49  * arguments, rather than about the function itself.  But it's convenient to
50  * store it here rather than in FunctionCallInfoBaseData, where it might more
51  * logically belong.
52  *
53  * fn_extra is available for use by the called function; all other fields
54  * should be treated as read-only after the struct is created.
55  */
56 typedef struct FmgrInfo
57 {
58 	PGFunction	fn_addr;		/* pointer to function or handler to be called */
59 	Oid			fn_oid;			/* OID of function (NOT of handler, if any) */
60 	short		fn_nargs;		/* number of input args (0..FUNC_MAX_ARGS) */
61 	bool		fn_strict;		/* function is "strict" (NULL in => NULL out) */
62 	bool		fn_retset;		/* function returns a set */
63 	unsigned char fn_stats;		/* collect stats if track_functions > this */
64 	void	   *fn_extra;		/* extra space for use by handler */
65 	MemoryContext fn_mcxt;		/* memory context to store fn_extra in */
66 	fmNodePtr	fn_expr;		/* expression parse tree for call, or NULL */
67 } FmgrInfo;
69 /*
70  * This struct is the data actually passed to an fmgr-called function.
71  *
72  * The called function is expected to set isnull, and possibly resultinfo or
73  * fields in whatever resultinfo points to.  It should not change any other
74  * fields.  (In particular, scribbling on the argument arrays is a bad idea,
75  * since some callers assume they can re-call with the same arguments.)
76  *
77  * Note that enough space for arguments needs to be provided, either by using
78  * SizeForFunctionCallInfo() in dynamic allocations, or by using
79  * LOCAL_FCINFO() for on-stack allocations.
80  *
81  * This struct is named *BaseData, rather than *Data, to break pre v12 code
82  * that allocated FunctionCallInfoData itself, as it'd often silently break
83  * old code due to no space for arguments being provided.
84  */
85 typedef struct FunctionCallInfoBaseData
86 {
87 	FmgrInfo   *flinfo;			/* ptr to lookup info used for this call */
88 	fmNodePtr	context;		/* pass info about context of call */
89 	fmNodePtr	resultinfo;		/* pass or return extra info about result */
90 	Oid			fncollation;	/* collation for function to use */
92 	bool		isnull;			/* function must set true if result is NULL */
93 	short		nargs;			/* # arguments actually passed */
95 	NullableDatum args[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
96 } FunctionCallInfoBaseData;
98 /*
99  * Space needed for a FunctionCallInfoBaseData struct with sufficient space
100  * for `nargs` arguments.
101  */
102 #define SizeForFunctionCallInfo(nargs) \
103 	(offsetof(FunctionCallInfoBaseData, args) + \
104 	 sizeof(NullableDatum) * (nargs))
106 /*
107  * This macro ensures that `name` points to a stack-allocated
108  * FunctionCallInfoBaseData struct with sufficient space for `nargs` arguments.
109  */
110 #define LOCAL_FCINFO(name, nargs) \
111 	/* use union with FunctionCallInfoBaseData to guarantee alignment */ \
112 	union \
113 	{ \
114 		FunctionCallInfoBaseData fcinfo; \
115 		/* ensure enough space for nargs args is available */ \
116 		char fcinfo_data[SizeForFunctionCallInfo(nargs)]; \
117 	} name##data; \
118 	FunctionCallInfo name = &name##data.fcinfo
120 /*
121  * This routine fills a FmgrInfo struct, given the OID
122  * of the function to be called.
123  */
124 extern void fmgr_info(Oid functionId, FmgrInfo *finfo);
126 /*
127  * Same, when the FmgrInfo struct is in a memory context longer-lived than
128  * CurrentMemoryContext.  The specified context will be set as fn_mcxt
129  * and used to hold all subsidiary data of finfo.
130  */
131 extern void fmgr_info_cxt(Oid functionId, FmgrInfo *finfo,
132 						  MemoryContext mcxt);
134 /* Convenience macro for setting the fn_expr field */
135 #define fmgr_info_set_expr(expr, finfo) \
136 	((finfo)->fn_expr = (expr))
138 /*
139  * Copy an FmgrInfo struct
140  */
141 extern void fmgr_info_copy(FmgrInfo *dstinfo, FmgrInfo *srcinfo,
142 						   MemoryContext destcxt);
144 extern void fmgr_symbol(Oid functionId, char **mod, char **fn);
146 /*
147  * This macro initializes all the fields of a FunctionCallInfoBaseData except
148  * for the args[] array.
149  */
150 #define InitFunctionCallInfoData(Fcinfo, Flinfo, Nargs, Collation, Context, Resultinfo) \
151 	do { \
152 		(Fcinfo).flinfo = (Flinfo); \
153 		(Fcinfo).context = (Context); \
154 		(Fcinfo).resultinfo = (Resultinfo); \
155 		(Fcinfo).fncollation = (Collation); \
156 		(Fcinfo).isnull = false; \
157 		(Fcinfo).nargs = (Nargs); \
158 	} while (0)
160 /*
161  * This macro invokes a function given a filled-in FunctionCallInfoBaseData
162  * struct.  The macro result is the returned Datum --- but note that
163  * caller must still check fcinfo->isnull!	Also, if function is strict,
164  * it is caller's responsibility to verify that no null arguments are present
165  * before calling.
166  *
167  * Some code performs multiple calls without redoing InitFunctionCallInfoData,
168  * possibly altering the argument values.  This is okay, but be sure to reset
169  * the fcinfo->isnull flag before each call, since callees are permitted to
170  * assume that starts out false.
171  */
172 #define FunctionCallInvoke(fcinfo)	((* (fcinfo)->flinfo->fn_addr) (fcinfo))
175 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
176  *		Support macros to ease writing fmgr-compatible functions
177  *
178  * A C-coded fmgr-compatible function should be declared as
179  *
180  *		Datum
181  *		function_name(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
182  *		{
183  *			...
184  *		}
185  *
186  * It should access its arguments using appropriate PG_GETARG_xxx macros
187  * and should return its result using PG_RETURN_xxx.
188  *
189  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
190  */
192 /* Standard parameter list for fmgr-compatible functions */
193 #define PG_FUNCTION_ARGS	FunctionCallInfo fcinfo
195 /*
196  * Get collation function should use.
197  */
198 #define PG_GET_COLLATION()	(fcinfo->fncollation)
200 /*
201  * Get number of arguments passed to function.
202  */
203 #define PG_NARGS() (fcinfo->nargs)
205 /*
206  * If function is not marked "proisstrict" in pg_proc, it must check for
207  * null arguments using this macro.  Do not try to GETARG a null argument!
208  */
209 #define PG_ARGISNULL(n)  (fcinfo->args[n].isnull)
211 /*
212  * Support for fetching detoasted copies of toastable datatypes (all of
213  * which are varlena types).  pg_detoast_datum() gives you either the input
214  * datum (if not toasted) or a detoasted copy allocated with palloc().
215  * pg_detoast_datum_copy() always gives you a palloc'd copy --- use it
216  * if you need a modifiable copy of the input.  Caller is expected to have
217  * checked for null inputs first, if necessary.
218  *
219  * pg_detoast_datum_packed() will return packed (1-byte header) datums
220  * unmodified.  It will still expand an externally toasted or compressed datum.
221  * The resulting datum can be accessed using VARSIZE_ANY() and VARDATA_ANY()
222  * (beware of multiple evaluations in those macros!)
223  *
224  * In consumers oblivious to data alignment, call PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(),
225  * VARDATA_ANY(), VARSIZE_ANY() and VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR().  Elsewhere, call
226  * PG_DETOAST_DATUM(), VARDATA() and VARSIZE().  Directly fetching an int16,
227  * int32 or wider field in the struct representing the datum layout requires
228  * aligned data.  memcpy() is alignment-oblivious, as are most operations on
229  * datatypes, such as text, whose layout struct contains only char fields.
230  *
231  * Note: it'd be nice if these could be macros, but I see no way to do that
232  * without evaluating the arguments multiple times, which is NOT acceptable.
233  */
234 extern struct varlena *pg_detoast_datum(struct varlena *datum);
235 extern struct varlena *pg_detoast_datum_copy(struct varlena *datum);
236 extern struct varlena *pg_detoast_datum_slice(struct varlena *datum,
237 											  int32 first, int32 count);
238 extern struct varlena *pg_detoast_datum_packed(struct varlena *datum);
240 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datum) \
241 	pg_detoast_datum((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum))
242 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(datum) \
243 	pg_detoast_datum_copy((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum))
244 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(datum,f,c) \
245 		pg_detoast_datum_slice((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum), \
246 		(int32) (f), (int32) (c))
247 /* WARNING -- unaligned pointer */
248 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(datum) \
249 	pg_detoast_datum_packed((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum))
251 /*
252  * Support for cleaning up detoasted copies of inputs.  This must only
253  * be used for pass-by-ref datatypes, and normally would only be used
254  * for toastable types.  If the given pointer is different from the
255  * original argument, assume it's a palloc'd detoasted copy, and pfree it.
256  * NOTE: most functions on toastable types do not have to worry about this,
257  * but we currently require that support functions for indexes not leak
258  * memory.
259  */
260 #define PG_FREE_IF_COPY(ptr,n) \
261 	do { \
262 		if ((Pointer) (ptr) != PG_GETARG_POINTER(n)) \
263 			pfree(ptr); \
264 	} while (0)
266 /* Macros for fetching arguments of standard types */
268 #define PG_GETARG_DATUM(n)	 (fcinfo->args[n].value)
269 #define PG_GETARG_INT32(n)	 DatumGetInt32(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
270 #define PG_GETARG_UINT32(n)  DatumGetUInt32(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
271 #define PG_GETARG_INT16(n)	 DatumGetInt16(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
272 #define PG_GETARG_UINT16(n)  DatumGetUInt16(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
273 #define PG_GETARG_CHAR(n)	 DatumGetChar(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
274 #define PG_GETARG_BOOL(n)	 DatumGetBool(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
275 #define PG_GETARG_OID(n)	 DatumGetObjectId(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
276 #define PG_GETARG_POINTER(n) DatumGetPointer(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
277 #define PG_GETARG_CSTRING(n) DatumGetCString(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
278 #define PG_GETARG_NAME(n)	 DatumGetName(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
279 #define PG_GETARG_TRANSACTIONID(n)	DatumGetTransactionId(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
280 /* these macros hide the pass-by-reference-ness of the datatype: */
281 #define PG_GETARG_FLOAT4(n)  DatumGetFloat4(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
282 #define PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(n)  DatumGetFloat8(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
283 #define PG_GETARG_INT64(n)	 DatumGetInt64(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
284 /* use this if you want the raw, possibly-toasted input datum: */
285 #define PG_GETARG_RAW_VARLENA_P(n)	((struct varlena *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(n))
286 /* use this if you want the input datum de-toasted: */
288 /* and this if you can handle 1-byte-header datums: */
290 /* DatumGetFoo macros for varlena types will typically look like this: */
291 #define DatumGetByteaPP(X)			((bytea *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(X))
292 #define DatumGetTextPP(X)			((text *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(X))
293 #define DatumGetBpCharPP(X)			((BpChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(X))
294 #define DatumGetVarCharPP(X)		((VarChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(X))
295 #define DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(X)	((HeapTupleHeader) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
296 /* And we also offer variants that return an OK-to-write copy */
297 #define DatumGetByteaPCopy(X)		((bytea *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
298 #define DatumGetTextPCopy(X)		((text *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
299 #define DatumGetBpCharPCopy(X)		((BpChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
300 #define DatumGetVarCharPCopy(X)		((VarChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
301 #define DatumGetHeapTupleHeaderCopy(X)	((HeapTupleHeader) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
302 /* Variants which return n bytes starting at pos. m */
303 #define DatumGetByteaPSlice(X,m,n)	((bytea *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(X,m,n))
304 #define DatumGetTextPSlice(X,m,n)	((text *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(X,m,n))
305 #define DatumGetBpCharPSlice(X,m,n) ((BpChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(X,m,n))
306 #define DatumGetVarCharPSlice(X,m,n) ((VarChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(X,m,n))
307 /* GETARG macros for varlena types will typically look like this: */
308 #define PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP(n)		DatumGetByteaPP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
309 #define PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(n)		DatumGetTextPP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
310 #define PG_GETARG_BPCHAR_PP(n)		DatumGetBpCharPP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
311 #define PG_GETARG_VARCHAR_PP(n)		DatumGetVarCharPP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
312 #define PG_GETARG_HEAPTUPLEHEADER(n)	DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
313 /* And we also offer variants that return an OK-to-write copy */
314 #define PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P_COPY(n)	DatumGetByteaPCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
315 #define PG_GETARG_TEXT_P_COPY(n)	DatumGetTextPCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
316 #define PG_GETARG_BPCHAR_P_COPY(n)	DatumGetBpCharPCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
317 #define PG_GETARG_VARCHAR_P_COPY(n) DatumGetVarCharPCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
318 #define PG_GETARG_HEAPTUPLEHEADER_COPY(n)	DatumGetHeapTupleHeaderCopy(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
319 /* And a b-byte slice from position a -also OK to write */
320 #define PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P_SLICE(n,a,b) DatumGetByteaPSlice(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n),a,b)
321 #define PG_GETARG_TEXT_P_SLICE(n,a,b)  DatumGetTextPSlice(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n),a,b)
322 #define PG_GETARG_BPCHAR_P_SLICE(n,a,b) DatumGetBpCharPSlice(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n),a,b)
323 #define PG_GETARG_VARCHAR_P_SLICE(n,a,b) DatumGetVarCharPSlice(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n),a,b)
324 /*
325  * Obsolescent variants that guarantee INT alignment for the return value.
326  * Few operations on these particular types need alignment, mainly operations
327  * that cast the VARDATA pointer to a type like int16[].  Most code should use
328  * the ...PP(X) counterpart.  Nonetheless, these appear frequently in code
329  * predating the PostgreSQL 8.3 introduction of the ...PP(X) variants.
330  */
331 #define DatumGetByteaP(X)			((bytea *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
332 #define DatumGetTextP(X)			((text *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
333 #define DatumGetBpCharP(X)			((BpChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
334 #define DatumGetVarCharP(X)			((VarChar *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
335 #define PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(n)		DatumGetByteaP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
336 #define PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(n)			DatumGetTextP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
337 #define PG_GETARG_BPCHAR_P(n)		DatumGetBpCharP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
338 #define PG_GETARG_VARCHAR_P(n)		DatumGetVarCharP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
340 /* To access options from opclass support functions use this: */
341 #define PG_HAS_OPCLASS_OPTIONS()	has_fn_opclass_options(fcinfo->flinfo)
342 #define PG_GET_OPCLASS_OPTIONS()	get_fn_opclass_options(fcinfo->flinfo)
344 /* To return a NULL do this: */
345 #define PG_RETURN_NULL()  \
346 	do { fcinfo->isnull = true; return (Datum) 0; } while (0)
348 /* A few internal functions return void (which is not the same as NULL!) */
349 #define PG_RETURN_VOID()	 return (Datum) 0
351 /* Macros for returning results of standard types */
353 #define PG_RETURN_DATUM(x)	 return (x)
354 #define PG_RETURN_INT32(x)	 return Int32GetDatum(x)
355 #define PG_RETURN_UINT32(x)  return UInt32GetDatum(x)
356 #define PG_RETURN_INT16(x)	 return Int16GetDatum(x)
357 #define PG_RETURN_UINT16(x)  return UInt16GetDatum(x)
358 #define PG_RETURN_CHAR(x)	 return CharGetDatum(x)
359 #define PG_RETURN_BOOL(x)	 return BoolGetDatum(x)
360 #define PG_RETURN_OID(x)	 return ObjectIdGetDatum(x)
361 #define PG_RETURN_POINTER(x) return PointerGetDatum(x)
362 #define PG_RETURN_CSTRING(x) return CStringGetDatum(x)
363 #define PG_RETURN_NAME(x)	 return NameGetDatum(x)
364 #define PG_RETURN_TRANSACTIONID(x)	return TransactionIdGetDatum(x)
365 /* these macros hide the pass-by-reference-ness of the datatype: */
366 #define PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(x)  return Float4GetDatum(x)
367 #define PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(x)  return Float8GetDatum(x)
368 #define PG_RETURN_INT64(x)	 return Int64GetDatum(x)
369 #define PG_RETURN_UINT64(x)  return UInt64GetDatum(x)
370 /* RETURN macros for other pass-by-ref types will typically look like this: */
375 #define PG_RETURN_HEAPTUPLEHEADER(x)  return HeapTupleHeaderGetDatum(x)
378 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
379  *		Support for detecting call convention of dynamically-loaded functions
380  *
381  * Dynamically loaded functions currently can only use the version-1 ("new
382  * style") calling convention.  Version-0 ("old style") is not supported
383  * anymore.  Version 1 is the call convention defined in this header file, and
384  * must be accompanied by the macro call
385  *
386  *		PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(function_name);
387  *
388  * Note that internal functions do not need this decoration since they are
389  * assumed to be version-1.
390  *
391  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
392  */
394 typedef struct
395 {
396 	int			api_version;	/* specifies call convention version number */
397 	/* More fields may be added later, for version numbers > 1. */
398 } Pg_finfo_record;
400 /* Expected signature of an info function */
401 typedef const Pg_finfo_record *(*PGFInfoFunction) (void);
403 /*
404  *	Macro to build an info function associated with the given function name.
405  *
406  *	As a convenience, also provide an "extern" declaration for the given
407  *	function name, so that writers of C functions need not write that too.
408  *
409  *	On Windows, the function and info function must be exported.  Our normal
410  *	build processes take care of that via .DEF files or --export-all-symbols.
411  *	Module authors using a different build process might need to manually
412  *	declare the function PGDLLEXPORT.  We do that automatically here for the
413  *	info function, since authors shouldn't need to be explicitly aware of it.
414  */
415 #define PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(funcname) \
416 extern Datum funcname(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); \
417 extern PGDLLEXPORT const Pg_finfo_record * CppConcat(pg_finfo_,funcname)(void); \
418 const Pg_finfo_record * \
419 CppConcat(pg_finfo_,funcname) (void) \
420 { \
421 	static const Pg_finfo_record my_finfo = { 1 }; \
422 	return &my_finfo; \
423 } \
424 extern int no_such_variable
427 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
428  *		Support for verifying backend compatibility of loaded modules
429  *
430  * We require dynamically-loaded modules to include the macro call
432  * so that we can check for obvious incompatibility, such as being compiled
433  * for a different major PostgreSQL version.
434  *
435  * To compile with versions of PostgreSQL that do not support this,
436  * you may put an #ifdef/#endif test around it.  Note that in a multiple-
437  * source-file module, the macro call should only appear once.
438  *
439  * The specific items included in the magic block are intended to be ones that
440  * are custom-configurable and especially likely to break dynamically loaded
441  * modules if they were compiled with other values.  Also, the length field
442  * can be used to detect definition changes.
443  *
444  * Note: we compare magic blocks with memcmp(), so there had better not be
445  * any alignment pad bytes in them.
446  *
447  * Note: when changing the contents of magic blocks, be sure to adjust the
448  * incompatible_module_error() function in dfmgr.c.
449  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
450  */
452 /* Definition of the magic block structure */
453 typedef struct
454 {
455 	int			len;			/* sizeof(this struct) */
456 	int			version;		/* PostgreSQL major version */
457 	int			funcmaxargs;	/* FUNC_MAX_ARGS */
458 	int			indexmaxkeys;	/* INDEX_MAX_KEYS */
459 	int			namedatalen;	/* NAMEDATALEN */
460 	int			float8byval;	/* FLOAT8PASSBYVAL */
461 } Pg_magic_struct;
463 /* The actual data block contents */
464 #define PG_MODULE_MAGIC_DATA \
465 { \
466 	sizeof(Pg_magic_struct), \
467 	PG_VERSION_NUM / 100, \
472 }
474 /*
475  * Declare the module magic function.  It needs to be a function as the dlsym
476  * in the backend is only guaranteed to work on functions, not data
477  */
478 typedef const Pg_magic_struct *(*PGModuleMagicFunction) (void);
480 #define PG_MAGIC_FUNCTION_NAME Pg_magic_func
481 #define PG_MAGIC_FUNCTION_NAME_STRING "Pg_magic_func"
483 #define PG_MODULE_MAGIC \
484 extern PGDLLEXPORT const Pg_magic_struct *PG_MAGIC_FUNCTION_NAME(void); \
485 const Pg_magic_struct * \
487 { \
488 	static const Pg_magic_struct Pg_magic_data = PG_MODULE_MAGIC_DATA; \
489 	return &Pg_magic_data; \
490 } \
491 extern int no_such_variable
494 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
495  *		Support routines and macros for callers of fmgr-compatible functions
496  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
497  */
499 /* These are for invocation of a specifically named function with a
500  * directly-computed parameter list.  Note that neither arguments nor result
501  * are allowed to be NULL.  Also, the function cannot be one that needs to
502  * look at FmgrInfo, since there won't be any.
503  */
504 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall1Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
505 									 Datum arg1);
506 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall2Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
507 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2);
508 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall3Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
509 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
510 									 Datum arg3);
511 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall4Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
512 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
513 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4);
514 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall5Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
515 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
516 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5);
517 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall6Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
518 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
519 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
520 									 Datum arg6);
521 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall7Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
522 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
523 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
524 									 Datum arg6, Datum arg7);
525 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall8Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
526 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
527 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
528 									 Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8);
529 extern Datum DirectFunctionCall9Coll(PGFunction func, Oid collation,
530 									 Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
531 									 Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
532 									 Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8,
533 									 Datum arg9);
535 /*
536  * These functions work like the DirectFunctionCall functions except that
537  * they use the flinfo parameter to initialise the fcinfo for the call.
538  * It's recommended that the callee only use the fn_extra and fn_mcxt
539  * fields, as other fields will typically describe the calling function
540  * not the callee.  Conversely, the calling function should not have
541  * used fn_extra, unless its use is known to be compatible with the callee's.
542  */
543 extern Datum CallerFInfoFunctionCall1(PGFunction func, FmgrInfo *flinfo,
544 									  Oid collation, Datum arg1);
545 extern Datum CallerFInfoFunctionCall2(PGFunction func, FmgrInfo *flinfo,
546 									  Oid collation, Datum arg1, Datum arg2);
548 /* These are for invocation of a previously-looked-up function with a
549  * directly-computed parameter list.  Note that neither arguments nor result
550  * are allowed to be NULL.
551  */
552 extern Datum FunctionCall0Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation);
553 extern Datum FunctionCall1Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
554 							   Datum arg1);
555 extern Datum FunctionCall2Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
556 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2);
557 extern Datum FunctionCall3Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
558 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
559 							   Datum arg3);
560 extern Datum FunctionCall4Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
561 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
562 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4);
563 extern Datum FunctionCall5Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
564 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
565 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5);
566 extern Datum FunctionCall6Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
567 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
568 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
569 							   Datum arg6);
570 extern Datum FunctionCall7Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
571 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
572 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
573 							   Datum arg6, Datum arg7);
574 extern Datum FunctionCall8Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
575 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
576 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
577 							   Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8);
578 extern Datum FunctionCall9Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation,
579 							   Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
580 							   Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
581 							   Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8,
582 							   Datum arg9);
584 /* These are for invocation of a function identified by OID with a
585  * directly-computed parameter list.  Note that neither arguments nor result
586  * are allowed to be NULL.  These are essentially fmgr_info() followed by
587  * FunctionCallN().  If the same function is to be invoked repeatedly, do the
588  * fmgr_info() once and then use FunctionCallN().
589  */
590 extern Datum OidFunctionCall0Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation);
591 extern Datum OidFunctionCall1Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
592 								  Datum arg1);
593 extern Datum OidFunctionCall2Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
594 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2);
595 extern Datum OidFunctionCall3Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
596 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
597 								  Datum arg3);
598 extern Datum OidFunctionCall4Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
599 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
600 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4);
601 extern Datum OidFunctionCall5Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
602 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
603 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5);
604 extern Datum OidFunctionCall6Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
605 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
606 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
607 								  Datum arg6);
608 extern Datum OidFunctionCall7Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
609 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
610 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
611 								  Datum arg6, Datum arg7);
612 extern Datum OidFunctionCall8Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
613 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
614 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
615 								  Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8);
616 extern Datum OidFunctionCall9Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation,
617 								  Datum arg1, Datum arg2,
618 								  Datum arg3, Datum arg4, Datum arg5,
619 								  Datum arg6, Datum arg7, Datum arg8,
620 								  Datum arg9);
622 /* These macros allow the collation argument to be omitted (with a default of
623  * InvalidOid, ie, no collation).  They exist mostly for backwards
624  * compatibility of source code.
625  */
626 #define DirectFunctionCall1(func, arg1) \
627 	DirectFunctionCall1Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1)
628 #define DirectFunctionCall2(func, arg1, arg2) \
629 	DirectFunctionCall2Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2)
630 #define DirectFunctionCall3(func, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
631 	DirectFunctionCall3Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3)
632 #define DirectFunctionCall4(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
633 	DirectFunctionCall4Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
634 #define DirectFunctionCall5(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \
635 	DirectFunctionCall5Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
636 #define DirectFunctionCall6(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
637 	DirectFunctionCall6Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
638 #define DirectFunctionCall7(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) \
639 	DirectFunctionCall7Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)
640 #define DirectFunctionCall8(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) \
641 	DirectFunctionCall8Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)
642 #define DirectFunctionCall9(func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) \
643 	DirectFunctionCall9Coll(func, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
644 #define FunctionCall1(flinfo, arg1) \
645 	FunctionCall1Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1)
646 #define FunctionCall2(flinfo, arg1, arg2) \
647 	FunctionCall2Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2)
648 #define FunctionCall3(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
649 	FunctionCall3Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3)
650 #define FunctionCall4(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
651 	FunctionCall4Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
652 #define FunctionCall5(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \
653 	FunctionCall5Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
654 #define FunctionCall6(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
655 	FunctionCall6Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
656 #define FunctionCall7(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) \
657 	FunctionCall7Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)
658 #define FunctionCall8(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) \
659 	FunctionCall8Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)
660 #define FunctionCall9(flinfo, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) \
661 	FunctionCall9Coll(flinfo, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
662 #define OidFunctionCall0(functionId) \
663 	OidFunctionCall0Coll(functionId, InvalidOid)
664 #define OidFunctionCall1(functionId, arg1) \
665 	OidFunctionCall1Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1)
666 #define OidFunctionCall2(functionId, arg1, arg2) \
667 	OidFunctionCall2Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2)
668 #define OidFunctionCall3(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
669 	OidFunctionCall3Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3)
670 #define OidFunctionCall4(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
671 	OidFunctionCall4Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
672 #define OidFunctionCall5(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \
673 	OidFunctionCall5Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
674 #define OidFunctionCall6(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
675 	OidFunctionCall6Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
676 #define OidFunctionCall7(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) \
677 	OidFunctionCall7Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)
678 #define OidFunctionCall8(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) \
679 	OidFunctionCall8Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)
680 #define OidFunctionCall9(functionId, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) \
681 	OidFunctionCall9Coll(functionId, InvalidOid, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
684 /* Special cases for convenient invocation of datatype I/O functions. */
685 extern Datum InputFunctionCall(FmgrInfo *flinfo, char *str,
686 							   Oid typioparam, int32 typmod);
687 extern Datum OidInputFunctionCall(Oid functionId, char *str,
688 								  Oid typioparam, int32 typmod);
689 extern char *OutputFunctionCall(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Datum val);
690 extern char *OidOutputFunctionCall(Oid functionId, Datum val);
691 extern Datum ReceiveFunctionCall(FmgrInfo *flinfo, fmStringInfo buf,
692 								 Oid typioparam, int32 typmod);
693 extern Datum OidReceiveFunctionCall(Oid functionId, fmStringInfo buf,
694 									Oid typioparam, int32 typmod);
695 extern bytea *SendFunctionCall(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Datum val);
696 extern bytea *OidSendFunctionCall(Oid functionId, Datum val);
699 /*
700  * Routines in fmgr.c
701  */
702 extern const Pg_finfo_record *fetch_finfo_record(void *filehandle, const char *funcname);
703 extern void clear_external_function_hash(void *filehandle);
704 extern Oid	fmgr_internal_function(const char *proname);
705 extern Oid	get_fn_expr_rettype(FmgrInfo *flinfo);
706 extern Oid	get_fn_expr_argtype(FmgrInfo *flinfo, int argnum);
707 extern Oid	get_call_expr_argtype(fmNodePtr expr, int argnum);
708 extern bool get_fn_expr_arg_stable(FmgrInfo *flinfo, int argnum);
709 extern bool get_call_expr_arg_stable(fmNodePtr expr, int argnum);
710 extern bool get_fn_expr_variadic(FmgrInfo *flinfo);
711 extern bytea *get_fn_opclass_options(FmgrInfo *flinfo);
712 extern bool has_fn_opclass_options(FmgrInfo *flinfo);
713 extern void set_fn_opclass_options(FmgrInfo *flinfo, bytea *options);
714 extern bool CheckFunctionValidatorAccess(Oid validatorOid, Oid functionOid);
716 /*
717  * Routines in dfmgr.c
718  */
719 extern char *Dynamic_library_path;
721 extern void *load_external_function(const char *filename, const char *funcname,
722 									bool signalNotFound, void **filehandle);
723 extern void *lookup_external_function(void *filehandle, const char *funcname);
724 extern void load_file(const char *filename, bool restricted);
725 extern void **find_rendezvous_variable(const char *varName);
726 extern Size EstimateLibraryStateSpace(void);
727 extern void SerializeLibraryState(Size maxsize, char *start_address);
728 extern void RestoreLibraryState(char *start_address);
730 /*
731  * Support for aggregate functions
732  *
733  * These are actually in executor/nodeAgg.c, but we declare them here since
734  * the whole point is for callers to not be overly friendly with nodeAgg.
735  */
737 /* AggCheckCallContext can return one of the following codes, or 0: */
738 #define AGG_CONTEXT_AGGREGATE	1	/* regular aggregate */
739 #define AGG_CONTEXT_WINDOW		2	/* window function */
741 extern int	AggCheckCallContext(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
742 								MemoryContext *aggcontext);
743 extern fmAggrefPtr AggGetAggref(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo);
744 extern MemoryContext AggGetTempMemoryContext(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo);
745 extern bool AggStateIsShared(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo);
746 extern void AggRegisterCallback(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
747 								fmExprContextCallbackFunction func,
748 								Datum arg);
750 /*
751  * We allow plugin modules to hook function entry/exit.  This is intended
752  * as support for loadable security policy modules, which may want to
753  * perform additional privilege checks on function entry or exit, or to do
754  * other internal bookkeeping.  To make this possible, such modules must be
755  * able not only to support normal function entry and exit, but also to trap
756  * the case where we bail out due to an error; and they must also be able to
757  * prevent inlining.
758  */
759 typedef enum FmgrHookEventType
760 {
762 	FHET_END,
764 } FmgrHookEventType;
766 typedef bool (*needs_fmgr_hook_type) (Oid fn_oid);
768 typedef void (*fmgr_hook_type) (FmgrHookEventType event,
769 								FmgrInfo *flinfo, Datum *arg);
771 extern PGDLLIMPORT needs_fmgr_hook_type needs_fmgr_hook;
772 extern PGDLLIMPORT fmgr_hook_type fmgr_hook;
774 #define FmgrHookIsNeeded(fn_oid)							\
775 	(!needs_fmgr_hook ? false : (*needs_fmgr_hook)(fn_oid))
777 #endif							/* FMGR_H */