2-- Test SP-GiST indexes.
4-- There are other tests to test different SP-GiST opclasses. This is for
5-- testing SP-GiST code itself.
7create table spgist_point_tbl(id int4, p point);
8create index spgist_point_idx on spgist_point_tbl using spgist(p);
10-- Test vacuum-root operation. It gets invoked when the root is also a leaf,
11-- i.e. the index is very small.
12insert into spgist_point_tbl (id, p)
13select g, point(g*10, g*10) from generate_series(1, 10) g;
14delete from spgist_point_tbl where id < 5;
15vacuum spgist_point_tbl;
17-- Insert more data, to make the index a few levels deep.
18insert into spgist_point_tbl (id, p)
19select g,      point(g*10, g*10) from generate_series(1, 10000) g;
20insert into spgist_point_tbl (id, p)
21select g+100000, point(g*10+1, g*10+1) from generate_series(1, 10000) g;
23-- To test vacuum, delete some entries from all over the index.
24delete from spgist_point_tbl where id % 2 = 1;
26-- And also delete some concentration of values. (SP-GiST doesn't currently
27-- attempt to delete pages even when they become empty, but if it did, this
28-- would exercise it)
29delete from spgist_point_tbl where id < 10000;
31vacuum spgist_point_tbl;
33-- Test rescan paths (cf. bug #15378)
34-- use box and && rather than point, so that rescan happens when the
35-- traverse stack is non-empty
37create table spgist_box_tbl(id serial, b box);
38insert into spgist_box_tbl(b)
39select box(point(i,j),point(i+s,j+s))
40  from generate_series(1,100,5) i,
41       generate_series(1,100,5) j,
42       generate_series(1,10) s;
43create index spgist_box_idx on spgist_box_tbl using spgist (b);
45select count(*)
46  from (values (point(5,5)),(point(8,8)),(point(12,12))) v(p)
47 where exists(select * from spgist_box_tbl b where b.b && box(v.p,v.p));
49-- The point opclass's choose method only uses the spgMatchNode action,
50-- so the other actions are not tested by the above. Create an index using
51-- text opclass, which uses the others actions.
53create table spgist_text_tbl(id int4, t text);
54create index spgist_text_idx on spgist_text_tbl using spgist(t);
56insert into spgist_text_tbl (id, t)
57select g, 'f' || repeat('o', 100) || g from generate_series(1, 10000) g
58union all
59select g, 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaar' || g from generate_series(1, 1000) g;
61-- Do a lot of insertions that have to split an existing node. Hopefully
62-- one of these will cause the page to run out of space, causing the inner
63-- tuple to be moved to another page.
64insert into spgist_text_tbl (id, t)
65select -g, 'f' || repeat('o', 100-g) || 'surprise' from generate_series(1, 100) g;