3 #ifdef __cplusplus
4 extern "C" {
5 #endif
7 #ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
8 #  error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"
9 #endif
11 #include "objimpl.h"
12 #include "pymem.h"
15 /* GC runtime state */
17 /* If we change this, we need to change the default value in the
18    signature of gc.collect. */
19 #define NUM_GENERATIONS 3
21 /*
22    NOTE: about the counting of long-lived objects.
24    To limit the cost of garbage collection, there are two strategies;
25      - make each collection faster, e.g. by scanning fewer objects
26      - do less collections
27    This heuristic is about the latter strategy.
29    In addition to the various configurable thresholds, we only trigger a
30    full collection if the ratio
31     long_lived_pending / long_lived_total
32    is above a given value (hardwired to 25%).
34    The reason is that, while "non-full" collections (i.e., collections of
35    the young and middle generations) will always examine roughly the same
36    number of objects -- determined by the aforementioned thresholds --,
37    the cost of a full collection is proportional to the total number of
38    long-lived objects, which is virtually unbounded.
40    Indeed, it has been remarked that doing a full collection every
41    <constant number> of object creations entails a dramatic performance
42    degradation in workloads which consist in creating and storing lots of
43    long-lived objects (e.g. building a large list of GC-tracked objects would
44    show quadratic performance, instead of linear as expected: see issue #4074).
46    Using the above ratio, instead, yields amortized linear performance in
47    the total number of objects (the effect of which can be summarized
48    thusly: "each full garbage collection is more and more costly as the
49    number of objects grows, but we do fewer and fewer of them").
51    This heuristic was suggested by Martin von Löwis on python-dev in
52    June 2008. His original analysis and proposal can be found at:
53     http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-June/080579.html
54 */
56 /*
57    NOTE: about untracking of mutable objects.
59    Certain types of container cannot participate in a reference cycle, and
60    so do not need to be tracked by the garbage collector. Untracking these
61    objects reduces the cost of garbage collections. However, determining
62    which objects may be untracked is not free, and the costs must be
63    weighed against the benefits for garbage collection.
65    There are two possible strategies for when to untrack a container:
67    i) When the container is created.
68    ii) When the container is examined by the garbage collector.
70    Tuples containing only immutable objects (integers, strings etc, and
71    recursively, tuples of immutable objects) do not need to be tracked.
72    The interpreter creates a large number of tuples, many of which will
73    not survive until garbage collection. It is therefore not worthwhile
74    to untrack eligible tuples at creation time.
76    Instead, all tuples except the empty tuple are tracked when created.
77    During garbage collection it is determined whether any surviving tuples
78    can be untracked. A tuple can be untracked if all of its contents are
79    already not tracked. Tuples are examined for untracking in all garbage
80    collection cycles. It may take more than one cycle to untrack a tuple.
82    Dictionaries containing only immutable objects also do not need to be
83    tracked. Dictionaries are untracked when created. If a tracked item is
84    inserted into a dictionary (either as a key or value), the dictionary
85    becomes tracked. During a full garbage collection (all generations),
86    the collector will untrack any dictionaries whose contents are not
87    tracked.
89    The module provides the python function is_tracked(obj), which returns
90    the CURRENT tracking status of the object. Subsequent garbage
91    collections may change the tracking status of the object.
93    Untracking of certain containers was introduced in issue #4688, and
94    the algorithm was refined in response to issue #14775.
95 */
97 struct gc_generation {
98     PyGC_Head head;
99     int threshold; /* collection threshold */
100     int count; /* count of allocations or collections of younger
101                   generations */
102 };
104 /* Running stats per generation */
105 struct gc_generation_stats {
106     /* total number of collections */
107     Py_ssize_t collections;
108     /* total number of collected objects */
109     Py_ssize_t collected;
110     /* total number of uncollectable objects (put into gc.garbage) */
111     Py_ssize_t uncollectable;
112 };
114 struct _gc_runtime_state {
115     /* List of objects that still need to be cleaned up, singly linked
116      * via their gc headers' gc_prev pointers.  */
117     PyObject *trash_delete_later;
118     /* Current call-stack depth of tp_dealloc calls. */
119     int trash_delete_nesting;
121     int enabled;
122     int debug;
123     /* linked lists of container objects */
124     struct gc_generation generations[NUM_GENERATIONS];
125     PyGC_Head *generation0;
126     /* a permanent generation which won't be collected */
127     struct gc_generation permanent_generation;
128     struct gc_generation_stats generation_stats[NUM_GENERATIONS];
129     /* true if we are currently running the collector */
130     int collecting;
131     /* list of uncollectable objects */
132     PyObject *garbage;
133     /* a list of callbacks to be invoked when collection is performed */
134     PyObject *callbacks;
135     /* This is the number of objects that survived the last full
136        collection. It approximates the number of long lived objects
137        tracked by the GC.
139        (by "full collection", we mean a collection of the oldest
140        generation). */
141     Py_ssize_t long_lived_total;
142     /* This is the number of objects that survived all "non-full"
143        collections, and are awaiting to undergo a full collection for
144        the first time. */
145     Py_ssize_t long_lived_pending;
146 };
148 PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyGC_Initialize(struct _gc_runtime_state *);
151 /* Set the memory allocator of the specified domain to the default.
152    Save the old allocator into *old_alloc if it's non-NULL.
153    Return on success, or return -1 if the domain is unknown. */
154 PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyMem_SetDefaultAllocator(
155     PyMemAllocatorDomain domain,
156     PyMemAllocatorEx *old_alloc);
158 /* Special bytes broadcast into debug memory blocks at appropriate times.
159    Strings of these are unlikely to be valid addresses, floats, ints or
160    7-bit ASCII.
162    - PYMEM_CLEANBYTE: clean (newly allocated) memory
163    - PYMEM_DEADBYTE dead (newly freed) memory
164    - PYMEM_FORBIDDENBYTE: untouchable bytes at each end of a block
166    Byte patterns 0xCB, 0xDB and 0xFB have been replaced with 0xCD, 0xDD and
167    0xFD to use the same values than Windows CRT debug malloc() and free().
168    If modified, _PyMem_IsPtrFreed() should be updated as well. */
169 #define PYMEM_CLEANBYTE      0xCD
170 #define PYMEM_DEADBYTE       0xDD
173 /* Heuristic checking if a pointer value is newly allocated
174    (uninitialized), newly freed or NULL (is equal to zero).
176    The pointer is not dereferenced, only the pointer value is checked.
178    The heuristic relies on the debug hooks on Python memory allocators which
179    fills newly allocated memory with CLEANBYTE (0xCD) and newly freed memory
180    with DEADBYTE (0xDD). Detect also "untouchable bytes" marked
181    with FORBIDDENBYTE (0xFD). */
_PyMem_IsPtrFreed(void * ptr)182 static inline int _PyMem_IsPtrFreed(void *ptr)
183 {
184     uintptr_t value = (uintptr_t)ptr;
185 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
186     return (value == 0
187             || value == (uintptr_t)0xCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD
188             || value == (uintptr_t)0xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
189             || value == (uintptr_t)0xFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFD);
190 #elif SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4
191     return (value == 0
192             || value == (uintptr_t)0xCDCDCDCD
193             || value == (uintptr_t)0xDDDDDDDD
194             || value == (uintptr_t)0xFDFDFDFD);
195 #else
196 #  error "unknown pointer size"
197 #endif
198 }
200 PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyMem_GetAllocatorName(
201     const char *name,
202     PyMemAllocatorName *allocator);
204 /* Configure the Python memory allocators.
205    Pass PYMEM_ALLOCATOR_DEFAULT to use default allocators.
206    PYMEM_ALLOCATOR_NOT_SET does nothing. */
207 PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyMem_SetupAllocators(PyMemAllocatorName allocator);
209 #ifdef __cplusplus
210 }
211 #endif
212 #endif /* !Py_INTERNAL_PYMEM_H */