1 //! A module to handle `Reader`
3 #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
4 use std::borrow::Cow;
5 use std::fs::File;
6 use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader};
7 use std::path::Path;
8 use std::str::from_utf8;
10 #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
11 use encoding_rs::{Encoding, UTF_16BE, UTF_16LE};
13 use errors::{Error, Result};
14 use events::{attributes::Attribute, BytesDecl, BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText, Event};
16 use memchr;
18 #[derive(Clone)]
19 enum TagState {
20     Opened,
21     Closed,
22     Empty,
23     /// Either Eof or Errored
24     Exit,
25 }
27 /// A low level encoding-agnostic XML event reader.
28 ///
29 /// Consumes a `BufRead` and streams XML `Event`s.
30 ///
31 /// # Examples
32 ///
33 /// ```
34 /// use quick_xml::Reader;
35 /// use quick_xml::events::Event;
36 ///
37 /// let xml = r#"<tag1 att1 = "test">
38 ///                 <tag2><!--Test comment-->Test</tag2>
39 ///                 <tag2>Test 2</tag2>
40 ///             </tag1>"#;
41 /// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(xml);
42 /// reader.trim_text(true);
43 /// let mut count = 0;
44 /// let mut txt = Vec::new();
45 /// let mut buf = Vec::new();
46 /// loop {
47 ///     match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
48 ///         Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => {
49 ///             match e.name() {
50 ///                 b"tag1" => println!("attributes values: {:?}",
51 ///                                     e.attributes().map(|a| a.unwrap().value)
52 ///                                     .collect::<Vec<_>>()),
53 ///                 b"tag2" => count += 1,
54 ///                 _ => (),
55 ///             }
56 ///         },
57 ///         Ok(Event::Text(e)) => txt.push(e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).unwrap()),
58 ///         Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.buffer_position(), e),
59 ///         Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
60 ///         _ => (),
61 ///     }
62 ///     buf.clear();
63 /// }
64 /// ```
65 #[derive(Clone)]
66 pub struct Reader<B: BufRead> {
67     /// reader
68     reader: B,
69     /// current buffer position, useful for debuging errors
70     buf_position: usize,
71     /// current state Open/Close
72     tag_state: TagState,
73     /// expand empty element into an opening and closing element
74     expand_empty_elements: bool,
75     /// trims Text events, skip the element if text is empty
76     trim_text: bool,
77     /// trims trailing whitespaces from markup names in closing tags `</a >`
78     trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags: bool,
79     /// check if End nodes match last Start node
80     check_end_names: bool,
81     /// check if comments contains `--` (false per default)
82     check_comments: bool,
83     /// all currently Started elements which didn't have a matching
84     /// End element yet
85     opened_buffer: Vec<u8>,
86     /// opened name start indexes
87     opened_starts: Vec<usize>,
88     /// a buffer to manage namespaces
89     ns_buffer: NamespaceBufferIndex,
90     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
91     /// the encoding specified in the xml, defaults to utf8
92     encoding: &'static Encoding,
93     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
94     /// check if quick-rs could find out the encoding
95     is_encoding_set: bool,
96 }
98 impl<B: BufRead> Reader<B> {
99     /// Creates a `Reader` that reads from a reader implementing `BufRead`.
from_reader(reader: B) -> Reader<B>100     pub fn from_reader(reader: B) -> Reader<B> {
101         Reader {
102             reader,
103             opened_buffer: Vec::new(),
104             opened_starts: Vec::new(),
105             tag_state: TagState::Closed,
106             expand_empty_elements: false,
107             trim_text: false,
108             trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags: true,
109             check_end_names: true,
110             buf_position: 0,
111             check_comments: false,
112             ns_buffer: NamespaceBufferIndex::default(),
113             #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
114             encoding: ::encoding_rs::UTF_8,
115             #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
116             is_encoding_set: false,
117         }
118     }
120     /// Changes whether empty elements should be split into an `Open` and a `Close` event.
121     ///
122     /// When set to `true`, all [`Empty`] events produced by a self-closing tag like `<tag/>` are
123     /// expanded into a [`Start`] event followed by a [`End`] event. When set to `false` (the
124     /// default), those tags are represented by an [`Empty`] event instead.
125     ///
126     /// (`false` by default)
127     ///
128     /// [`Empty`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.Empty
129     /// [`Start`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.Start
130     /// [`End`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.End
expand_empty_elements(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B>131     pub fn expand_empty_elements(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B> {
132         self.expand_empty_elements = val;
133         self
134     }
136     /// Changes whether whitespace before and after character data should be removed.
137     ///
138     /// When set to `true`, all [`Text`] events are trimmed. If they are empty, no event will be
139     /// pushed.
140     ///
141     /// (`false` by default)
142     ///
143     /// [`Text`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.Text
trim_text(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B>144     pub fn trim_text(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B> {
145         self.trim_text = val;
146         self
147     }
149     /// Changes wether trailing whitespaces after the markup name are trimmed in closing tags
150     /// `</a >`.
151     ///
152     /// If true the emitted [`End`] event is stripped of trailing whitespace after the markup name.
153     ///
154     /// Note that if set to `false` and `check_end_names` is true the comparison of markup names is
155     /// going to fail erronously if a closing tag contains trailing whitespaces.
156     ///
157     /// (`true` by default)
158     ///
159     /// [`End`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.End
trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B>160     pub fn trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B> {
161         self.trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags = val;
162         self
163     }
165     /// Changes whether mismatched closing tag names should be detected.
166     ///
167     /// When set to `false`, it won't check if a closing tag matches the corresponding opening tag.
168     /// For example, `<mytag></different_tag>` will be permitted.
169     ///
170     /// If the XML is known to be sane (already processed, etc.) this saves extra time.
171     ///
172     /// Note that the emitted [`End`] event will not be modified if this is disabled, ie. it will
173     /// contain the data of the mismatched end tag.
174     ///
175     /// (`true` by default)
176     ///
177     /// [`End`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.End
check_end_names(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B>178     pub fn check_end_names(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B> {
179         self.check_end_names = val;
180         self
181     }
183     /// Changes whether comments should be validated.
184     ///
185     /// When set to `true`, every [`Comment`] event will be checked for not containing `--`, which
186     /// is not allowed in XML comments. Most of the time we don't want comments at all so we don't
187     /// really care about comment correctness, thus the default value is `false` to improve
188     /// performance.
189     ///
190     /// (`false` by default)
191     ///
192     /// [`Comment`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.Comment
check_comments(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B>193     pub fn check_comments(&mut self, val: bool) -> &mut Reader<B> {
194         self.check_comments = val;
195         self
196     }
198     /// Gets the current byte position in the input data.
199     ///
200     /// Useful when debugging errors.
buffer_position(&self) -> usize201     pub fn buffer_position(&self) -> usize {
202         // when internal state is Opened, we have actually read until '<',
203         // which we don't want to show
204         if let TagState::Opened = self.tag_state {
205             self.buf_position - 1
206         } else {
207             self.buf_position
208         }
209     }
211     /// private function to read until '<' is found
212     /// return a `Text` event
read_until_open<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>>213     fn read_until_open<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
214         self.tag_state = TagState::Opened;
215         let buf_start = buf.len();
216         match read_until(&mut self.reader, b'<', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
217             Ok(0) => Ok(Event::Eof),
218             Ok(_) => {
219                 let (start, len) = if self.trim_text {
220                     match buf.iter().skip(buf_start).position(|&b| !is_whitespace(b)) {
221                         Some(start) => (
222                             buf_start + start,
223                             buf.iter()
224                                 .rposition(|&b| !is_whitespace(b))
225                                 .map_or_else(|| buf.len(), |p| p + 1),
226                         ),
227                         None => return self.read_event(buf),
228                     }
229                 } else {
230                     (buf_start, buf.len())
231                 };
232                 Ok(Event::Text(BytesText::from_escaped(&buf[start..len])))
233             }
234             Err(e) => Err(e),
235         }
236     }
238     /// private function to read until '>' is found
read_until_close<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>>239     fn read_until_close<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
240         self.tag_state = TagState::Closed;
242         // need to read 1 character to decide whether pay special attention to attribute values
243         let buf_start = buf.len();
244         let start = loop {
245             match self.reader.fill_buf() {
246                 Ok(n) if n.is_empty() => return Ok(Event::Eof),
247                 Ok(n) => {
248                     // We intentionally don't `consume()` the byte, otherwise we would have to
249                     // handle things like '<>' here already.
250                     break n[0];
251                 }
252                 Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
253                 Err(e) => return Err(Error::Io(e)),
254             }
255         };
257         if start != b'/' && start != b'!' && start != b'?' {
258             match read_elem_until(&mut self.reader, b'>', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
259                 Ok(0) => Ok(Event::Eof),
260                 Ok(_) => {
261                     // we already *know* that we are in this case
262                     self.read_start(&buf[buf_start..])
263                 }
264                 Err(e) => Err(e),
265             }
266         } else {
267             match read_until(&mut self.reader, b'>', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
268                 Ok(0) => Ok(Event::Eof),
269                 Ok(_) => match start {
270                     b'/' => self.read_end(&buf[buf_start..]),
271                     b'!' => self.read_bang(buf_start, buf),
272                     b'?' => self.read_question_mark(&buf[buf_start..]),
273                     _ => unreachable!(
274                         "We checked that `start` must be one of [/!?], was {:?} \
275                              instead.",
276                         start
277                     ),
278                 },
279                 Err(e) => Err(e),
280             }
281         }
282     }
284     /// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `/`,
285     /// if `self.check_end_names`, checks that element matches last opened element
286     /// return `End` event
read_end<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>>287     fn read_end<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
288         // XML standard permits whitespaces after the markup name in closing tags.
289         // Let's strip them from the buffer before comparing tag names.
290         let name = if self.trim_markup_names_in_closing_tags {
291             if let Some(pos_end_name) = buf[1..].iter().rposition(|&b| !b.is_ascii_whitespace()) {
292                 let (name, _) = buf[1..].split_at(pos_end_name + 1);
293                 name
294             } else {
295                 &buf[1..]
296             }
297         } else {
298             &buf[1..]
299         };
300         if self.check_end_names {
301             let mismatch_err = |expected: &[u8], found: &[u8], buf_position: &mut usize| {
302                 *buf_position -= buf.len();
303                 Err(Error::EndEventMismatch {
304                     expected: from_utf8(expected).unwrap_or("").to_owned(),
305                     found: from_utf8(found).unwrap_or("").to_owned(),
306                 })
307             };
308             match self.opened_starts.pop() {
309                 Some(start) => {
310                     if name != &self.opened_buffer[start..] {
311                         let expected = &self.opened_buffer[start..];
312                         mismatch_err(expected, name, &mut self.buf_position)
313                     } else {
314                         self.opened_buffer.truncate(start);
315                         Ok(Event::End(BytesEnd::borrowed(name)))
316                     }
317                 }
318                 None => mismatch_err(b"", &buf[1..], &mut self.buf_position),
319             }
320         } else {
321             Ok(Event::End(BytesEnd::borrowed(name)))
322         }
323     }
325     /// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `!`,
326     /// return `Comment`, `CData` or `DocType` event
327     ///
328     /// Note: depending on the start of the Event, we may need to read more
329     /// data, thus we need a mutable buffer
read_bang<'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, buf_start: usize, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<Event<'b>>330     fn read_bang<'a, 'b>(
331         &'a mut self,
332         buf_start: usize,
333         buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>,
334     ) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
335         if buf[buf_start..].starts_with(b"!--") {
336             while buf.len() < buf_start + 5 || !buf.ends_with(b"--") {
337                 buf.push(b'>');
338                 match read_until(&mut self.reader, b'>', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
339                     Ok(0) => {
340                         self.buf_position -= buf.len() - buf_start;
341                         return Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("Comment".to_string()));
342                     }
343                     Ok(_) => (),
344                     Err(e) => return Err(e),
345                 }
346             }
347             let len = buf.len();
348             if self.check_comments {
349                 // search if '--' not in comments
350                 if let Some(p) = memchr::memchr_iter(b'-', &buf[buf_start + 3..len - 2])
351                     .position(|p| buf[buf_start + 3 + p + 1] == b'-')
352                 {
353                     self.buf_position -= buf.len() - buf_start + p;
354                     return Err(Error::UnexpectedToken("--".to_string()));
355                 }
356             }
357             Ok(Event::Comment(BytesText::from_escaped(
358                 &buf[buf_start + 3..len - 2],
359             )))
360         } else if buf.len() >= buf_start + 8 {
361             match &buf[buf_start + 1..buf_start + 8] {
362                 b"[CDATA[" => {
363                     while buf.len() < 10 || !buf.ends_with(b"]]") {
364                         buf.push(b'>');
365                         match read_until(&mut self.reader, b'>', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
366                             Ok(0) => {
367                                 self.buf_position -= buf.len() - buf_start;
368                                 return Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("CData".to_string()));
369                             }
370                             Ok(_) => (),
371                             Err(e) => return Err(e),
372                         }
373                     }
374                     Ok(Event::CData(BytesText::from_escaped(
375                         &buf[buf_start + 8..buf.len() - 2],
376                     )))
377                 }
378                 b"DOCTYPE" => {
379                     let mut count = buf.iter().skip(buf_start).filter(|&&b| b == b'<').count();
380                     while count > 0 {
381                         buf.push(b'>');
382                         match read_until(&mut self.reader, b'>', buf, &mut self.buf_position) {
383                             Ok(0) => {
384                                 self.buf_position -= buf.len() - buf_start;
385                                 return Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("DOCTYPE".to_string()));
386                             }
387                             Ok(n) => {
388                                 let start = buf.len() - n;
389                                 count += buf.iter().skip(start).filter(|&&b| b == b'<').count();
390                                 count -= 1;
391                             }
392                             Err(e) => return Err(e),
393                         }
394                     }
395                     Ok(Event::DocType(BytesText::from_escaped(
396                         &buf[buf_start + 8..buf.len()],
397                     )))
398                 }
399                 _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedBang),
400             }
401         } else {
402             self.buf_position -= buf.len() - buf_start;
403             Err(Error::UnexpectedBang)
404         }
405     }
407     /// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `?`,
408     /// return `Decl` or `PI` event
409     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
read_question_mark<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>>410     fn read_question_mark<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
411         let len = buf.len();
412         if len > 2 && buf[len - 1] == b'?' {
413             if len > 5 && &buf[1..4] == b"xml" && is_whitespace(buf[4]) {
414                 let event = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::borrowed(&buf[1..len - 1], 3));
415                 // Try getting encoding from the declaration event
416                 if let Some(enc) = event.encoder() {
417                     self.encoding = enc;
418                     self.is_encoding_set = true;
419                 }
420                 Ok(Event::Decl(event))
421             } else {
422                 Ok(Event::PI(BytesText::from_escaped(&buf[1..len - 1])))
423             }
424         } else {
425             self.buf_position -= len;
426             Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("XmlDecl".to_string()))
427         }
428     }
430     /// reads `BytesElement` starting with a `?`,
431     /// return `Decl` or `PI` event
432     #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
read_question_mark<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>>433     fn read_question_mark<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
434         let len = buf.len();
435         if len > 2 && buf[len - 1] == b'?' {
436             if len > 5 && &buf[1..4] == b"xml" && is_whitespace(buf[4]) {
437                 let event = BytesDecl::from_start(BytesStart::borrowed(&buf[1..len - 1], 3));
438                 Ok(Event::Decl(event))
439             } else {
440                 Ok(Event::PI(BytesText::from_escaped(&buf[1..len - 1])))
441             }
442         } else {
443             self.buf_position -= len;
444             Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("XmlDecl".to_string()))
445         }
446     }
448     #[inline]
close_expanded_empty(&mut self) -> Result<Event<'static>>449     fn close_expanded_empty(&mut self) -> Result<Event<'static>> {
450         self.tag_state = TagState::Closed;
451         let name = self
452             .opened_buffer
453             .split_off(self.opened_starts.pop().unwrap());
454         Ok(Event::End(BytesEnd::owned(name)))
455     }
457     /// reads `BytesElement` starting with any character except `/`, `!` or ``?`
458     /// return `Start` or `Empty` event
read_start<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>>459     fn read_start<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
460         // TODO: do this directly when reading bufreader ...
461         let len = buf.len();
462         let name_end = buf.iter().position(|&b| is_whitespace(b)).unwrap_or(len);
463         if let Some(&b'/') = buf.last() {
464             let end = if name_end < len { name_end } else { len - 1 };
465             if self.expand_empty_elements {
466                 self.tag_state = TagState::Empty;
467                 self.opened_starts.push(self.opened_buffer.len());
468                 self.opened_buffer.extend(&buf[..end]);
469                 Ok(Event::Start(BytesStart::borrowed(&buf[..len - 1], end)))
470             } else {
471                 Ok(Event::Empty(BytesStart::borrowed(&buf[..len - 1], end)))
472             }
473         } else {
474             if self.check_end_names {
475                 self.opened_starts.push(self.opened_buffer.len());
476                 self.opened_buffer.extend(&buf[..name_end]);
477             }
478             Ok(Event::Start(BytesStart::borrowed(buf, name_end)))
479         }
480     }
482     /// Reads the next `Event`.
483     ///
484     /// This is the main entry point for reading XML `Event`s.
485     ///
486     /// `Event`s borrow `buf` and can be converted to own their data if needed (uses `Cow`
487     /// internally).
488     ///
489     /// Having the possibility to control the internal buffers gives you some additional benefits
490     /// such as:
491     ///
492     /// - Reduce the number of allocations by reusing the same buffer. For constrained systems,
493     ///   you can call `buf.clear()` once you are done with processing the event (typically at the
494     ///   end of your loop).
495     /// - Reserve the buffer length if you know the file size (using `Vec::with_capacity`).
496     ///
497     /// # Examples
498     ///
499     /// ```
500     /// use quick_xml::Reader;
501     /// use quick_xml::events::Event;
502     ///
503     /// let xml = r#"<tag1 att1 = "test">
504     ///                 <tag2><!--Test comment-->Test</tag2>
505     ///                 <tag2>Test 2</tag2>
506     ///             </tag1>"#;
507     /// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(xml);
508     /// reader.trim_text(true);
509     /// let mut count = 0;
510     /// let mut buf = Vec::new();
511     /// let mut txt = Vec::new();
512     /// loop {
513     ///     match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
514     ///         Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => count += 1,
515     ///         Ok(Event::Text(e)) => txt.push(e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).expect("Error!")),
516     ///         Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.buffer_position(), e),
517     ///         Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
518     ///         _ => (),
519     ///     }
520     ///     buf.clear();
521     /// }
522     /// println!("Found {} start events", count);
523     /// println!("Text events: {:?}", txt);
524     /// ```
read_event<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>>525     pub fn read_event<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Event<'b>> {
526         let event = match self.tag_state {
527             TagState::Opened => self.read_until_close(buf),
528             TagState::Closed => self.read_until_open(buf),
529             TagState::Empty => self.close_expanded_empty(),
530             TagState::Exit => return Ok(Event::Eof),
531         };
532         match event {
533             Err(_) | Ok(Event::Eof) => self.tag_state = TagState::Exit,
534             _ => {}
535         }
536         event
537     }
539     /// Resolves a potentially qualified **event name** into (namespace name, local name).
540     ///
541     /// *Qualified* attribute names have the form `prefix:local-name` where the`prefix` is defined
542     /// on any containing XML element via `xmlns:prefix="the:namespace:uri"`. The namespace prefix
543     /// can be defined on the same element as the attribute in question.
544     ///
545     /// *Unqualified* event inherits the current *default namespace*.
546     #[inline]
event_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>( &'a self, qname: &'b [u8], namespace_buffer: &'c [u8], ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8])547     pub fn event_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>(
548         &'a self,
549         qname: &'b [u8],
550         namespace_buffer: &'c [u8],
551     ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8]) {
552         self.ns_buffer
553             .resolve_namespace(qname, namespace_buffer, true)
554     }
556     /// Resolves a potentially qualified **attribute name** into (namespace name, local name).
557     ///
558     /// *Qualified* attribute names have the form `prefix:local-name` where the`prefix` is defined
559     /// on any containing XML element via `xmlns:prefix="the:namespace:uri"`. The namespace prefix
560     /// can be defined on the same element as the attribute in question.
561     ///
562     /// *Unqualified* attribute names do *not* inherit the current *default namespace*.
563     #[inline]
attribute_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>( &'a self, qname: &'b [u8], namespace_buffer: &'c [u8], ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8])564     pub fn attribute_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>(
565         &'a self,
566         qname: &'b [u8],
567         namespace_buffer: &'c [u8],
568     ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8]) {
569         self.ns_buffer
570             .resolve_namespace(qname, namespace_buffer, false)
571     }
573     /// Reads the next event and resolves its namespace (if applicable).
574     ///
575     /// # Examples
576     ///
577     /// ```
578     /// use std::str::from_utf8;
579     /// use quick_xml::Reader;
580     /// use quick_xml::events::Event;
581     ///
582     /// let xml = r#"<x:tag1 xmlns:x="www.xxxx" xmlns:y="www.yyyy" att1 = "test">
583     ///                 <y:tag2><!--Test comment-->Test</y:tag2>
584     ///                 <y:tag2>Test 2</y:tag2>
585     ///             </x:tag1>"#;
586     /// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(xml);
587     /// reader.trim_text(true);
588     /// let mut count = 0;
589     /// let mut buf = Vec::new();
590     /// let mut ns_buf = Vec::new();
591     /// let mut txt = Vec::new();
592     /// loop {
593     ///     match reader.read_namespaced_event(&mut buf, &mut ns_buf) {
594     ///         Ok((ref ns, Event::Start(ref e))) => {
595     ///             count += 1;
596     ///             match (*ns, e.local_name()) {
597     ///                 (Some(b"www.xxxx"), b"tag1") => (),
598     ///                 (Some(b"www.yyyy"), b"tag2") => (),
599     ///                 (ns, n) => panic!("Namespace and local name mismatch"),
600     ///             }
601     ///             println!("Resolved namespace: {:?}", ns.and_then(|ns| from_utf8(ns).ok()));
602     ///         }
603     ///         Ok((_, Event::Text(e))) => {
604     ///             txt.push(e.unescape_and_decode(&reader).expect("Error!"))
605     ///         },
606     ///         Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.buffer_position(), e),
607     ///         Ok((_, Event::Eof)) => break,
608     ///         _ => (),
609     ///     }
610     ///     buf.clear();
611     /// }
612     /// println!("Found {} start events", count);
613     /// println!("Text events: {:?}", txt);
614     /// ```
read_namespaced_event<'a, 'b, 'c>( &'a mut self, buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>, namespace_buffer: &'c mut Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<(Option<&'c [u8]>, Event<'b>)>615     pub fn read_namespaced_event<'a, 'b, 'c>(
616         &'a mut self,
617         buf: &'b mut Vec<u8>,
618         namespace_buffer: &'c mut Vec<u8>,
619     ) -> Result<(Option<&'c [u8]>, Event<'b>)> {
620         self.ns_buffer.pop_empty_namespaces(namespace_buffer);
621         match self.read_event(buf) {
622             Ok(Event::Eof) => Ok((None, Event::Eof)),
623             Ok(Event::Start(e)) => {
624                 self.ns_buffer.push_new_namespaces(&e, namespace_buffer);
625                 Ok((
626                     self.ns_buffer
627                         .find_namespace_value(e.name(), &**namespace_buffer),
628                     Event::Start(e),
629                 ))
630             }
631             Ok(Event::Empty(e)) => {
632                 // For empty elements we need to 'artificially' keep the namespace scope on the
633                 // stack until the next `next()` call occurs.
634                 // Otherwise the caller has no chance to use `resolve` in the context of the
635                 // namespace declarations that are 'in scope' for the empty element alone.
636                 // Ex: <img rdf:nodeID="abc" xmlns:rdf="urn:the-rdf-uri" />
637                 self.ns_buffer.push_new_namespaces(&e, namespace_buffer);
638                 // notify next `read_namespaced_event()` invocation that it needs to pop this
639                 // namespace scope
640                 self.ns_buffer.pending_pop = true;
641                 Ok((
642                     self.ns_buffer
643                         .find_namespace_value(e.name(), &**namespace_buffer),
644                     Event::Empty(e),
645                 ))
646             }
647             Ok(Event::End(e)) => {
648                 // notify next `read_namespaced_event()` invocation that it needs to pop this
649                 // namespace scope
650                 self.ns_buffer.pending_pop = true;
651                 Ok((
652                     self.ns_buffer
653                         .find_namespace_value(e.name(), &**namespace_buffer),
654                     Event::End(e),
655                 ))
656             }
657             Ok(e) => Ok((None, e)),
658             Err(e) => Err(e),
659         }
660     }
662     /// Returns the `Reader`s encoding.
663     ///
664     /// The used encoding may change after parsing the XML declaration.
665     ///
666     /// This encoding will be used by [`decode`].
667     ///
668     /// [`decode`]: #method.decode
669     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
encoding(&self) -> &'static Encoding670     pub fn encoding(&self) -> &'static Encoding {
671         self.encoding
672     }
674     /// Decodes a slice using the encoding specified in the XML declaration.
675     ///
676     /// Decode `bytes` with BOM sniffing and with malformed sequences replaced with the
678     ///
679     /// If no encoding is specified, defaults to UTF-8.
680     #[inline]
681     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
decode<'b, 'c>(&'b self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str>682     pub fn decode<'b, 'c>(&'b self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str> {
683         self.encoding.decode(bytes).0
684     }
686     /// Decodes a UTF8 slice without BOM (Byte order mark) regardless of XML declaration.
687     ///
688     /// Decode `bytes` without BOM and with malformed sequences replaced with the
690     ///
691     /// # Note
692     ///
693     /// If you instead want to use XML declared encoding, use the `encoding` feature
694     #[inline]
695     #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
decode_without_bom<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str>696     pub fn decode_without_bom<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str> {
697         if bytes.starts_with(b"\xEF\xBB\xBF") {
698             from_utf8(&bytes[3..]).map_err(Error::Utf8)
699         } else {
700             from_utf8(bytes).map_err(Error::Utf8)
701         }
702     }
704     /// Decodes a slice using without BOM (Byte order mark) the encoding specified in the XML declaration.
705     ///
706     /// Decode `bytes` without BOM and with malformed sequences replaced with the
708     ///
709     /// If no encoding is specified, defaults to UTF-8.
710     #[inline]
711     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
decode_without_bom<'b, 'c>(&'b mut self, mut bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str>712     pub fn decode_without_bom<'b, 'c>(&'b mut self, mut bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str> {
713         if self.is_encoding_set {
714             return self.encoding.decode_with_bom_removal(bytes).0;
715         }
716         if bytes.starts_with(b"\xEF\xBB\xBF") {
717             self.is_encoding_set = true;
718             bytes = &bytes[3..];
719         } else if bytes.starts_with(b"\xFF\xFE") {
720             self.is_encoding_set = true;
721             self.encoding = UTF_16LE;
722             bytes = &bytes[2..];
723         } else if bytes.starts_with(b"\xFE\xFF") {
724             self.is_encoding_set = true;
725             self.encoding = UTF_16BE;
726             bytes = &bytes[3..];
727         };
728         self.encoding.decode_without_bom_handling(bytes).0
729     }
731     /// Decodes a UTF8 slice regardless of XML declaration.
732     ///
733     /// Decode `bytes` with BOM sniffing and with malformed sequences replaced with the
735     ///
736     /// # Note
737     ///
738     /// If you instead want to use XML declared encoding, use the `encoding` feature
739     #[inline]
740     #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str>741     pub fn decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str> {
742         from_utf8(bytes).map_err(Error::Utf8)
743     }
745     /// Get utf8 decoder
746     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
decoder(&self) -> Decoder747     pub fn decoder(&self) -> Decoder {
748         Decoder {
749             encoding: self.encoding,
750         }
751     }
753     /// Get utf8 decoder
754     #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
decoder(&self) -> Decoder755     pub fn decoder(&self) -> Decoder {
756         Decoder
757     }
759     /// Reads until end element is found
760     ///
761     /// Manages nested cases where parent and child elements have the same name
read_to_end<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, end: K, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()>762     pub fn read_to_end<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, end: K, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
763         let mut depth = 0;
764         let end = end.as_ref();
765         loop {
766             match self.read_event(buf) {
767                 Ok(Event::End(ref e)) if e.name() == end => {
768                     if depth == 0 {
769                         return Ok(());
770                     }
771                     depth -= 1;
772                 }
773                 Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) if e.name() == end => depth += 1,
774                 Err(e) => return Err(e),
775                 Ok(Event::Eof) => {
776                     return Err(Error::UnexpectedEof(format!("</{:?}>", from_utf8(end))));
777                 }
778                 _ => (),
779             }
780             buf.clear();
781         }
782     }
784     /// Reads optional text between start and end tags.
785     ///
786     /// If the next event is a [`Text`] event, returns the decoded and unescaped content as a
787     /// `String`. If the next event is an [`End`] event, returns the empty string. In all other
788     /// cases, returns an error.
789     ///
790     /// Any text will be decoded using the XML encoding specified in the XML declaration (or UTF-8
791     /// if none is specified).
792     ///
793     /// # Examples
794     ///
795     /// ```
796     /// use quick_xml::Reader;
797     /// use quick_xml::events::Event;
798     ///
799     /// let mut xml = Reader::from_reader(b"
800     ///     <a>&lt;b&gt;</a>
801     ///     <a></a>
802     /// " as &[u8]);
803     /// xml.trim_text(true);
804     ///
805     /// let expected = ["<b>", ""];
806     /// for &content in expected.iter() {
807     ///     match xml.read_event(&mut Vec::new()) {
808     ///         Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => {
809     ///             assert_eq!(&xml.read_text(e.name(), &mut Vec::new()).unwrap(), content);
810     ///         },
811     ///         e => panic!("Expecting Start event, found {:?}", e),
812     ///     }
813     /// }
814     /// ```
815     ///
816     /// [`Text`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.Text
817     /// [`End`]: events/enum.Event.html#variant.End
read_text<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, end: K, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<String>818     pub fn read_text<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, end: K, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<String> {
819         let s = match self.read_event(buf) {
820             Ok(Event::Text(e)) => e.unescape_and_decode(self),
821             Ok(Event::End(ref e)) if e.name() == end.as_ref() => return Ok("".to_string()),
822             Err(e) => return Err(e),
823             Ok(Event::Eof) => return Err(Error::UnexpectedEof("Text".to_string())),
824             _ => return Err(Error::TextNotFound),
825         };
826         self.read_to_end(end, buf)?;
827         s
828     }
830     /// Consumes `Reader` returning the underlying reader
831     ///
832     /// Can be used to compute line and column of a parsing error position
833     ///
834     /// # Examples
835     ///
836     /// ```
837     /// use std::{str, io::Cursor};
838     /// use quick_xml::Reader;
839     /// use quick_xml::events::Event;
840     ///
841     /// let xml = r#"<tag1 att1 = "test">
842     ///                 <tag2><!--Test comment-->Test</tag2>
843     ///                 <tag3>Test 2</tag3>
844     ///             </tag1>"#;
845     /// let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(Cursor::new(xml.as_bytes()));
846     /// let mut buf = Vec::new();
847     ///
848     /// fn into_line_and_column(reader: Reader<Cursor<&[u8]>>) -> (usize, usize) {
849     ///     let end_pos = reader.buffer_position();
850     ///     let mut cursor = reader.into_underlying_reader();
851     ///     let s = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()[0..end_pos].to_owned())
852     ///         .expect("can't make a string");
853     ///     let mut line = 1;
854     ///     let mut column = 0;
855     ///     for c in s.chars() {
856     ///         if c == '\n' {
857     ///             line += 1;
858     ///             column = 0;
859     ///         } else {
860     ///             column += 1;
861     ///         }
862     ///     }
863     ///     (line, column)
864     /// }
865     ///
866     /// loop {
867     ///     match reader.read_event(&mut buf) {
868     ///         Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => match e.name() {
869     ///             b"tag1" | b"tag2" => (),
870     ///             tag => {
871     ///                 assert_eq!(b"tag3", tag);
872     ///                 assert_eq!((3, 22), into_line_and_column(reader));
873     ///                 break;
874     ///             }
875     ///         },
876     ///         Ok(Event::Eof) => unreachable!(),
877     ///         _ => (),
878     ///     }
879     ///     buf.clear();
880     /// }
881     /// ```
into_underlying_reader(self) -> B882     pub fn into_underlying_reader(self) -> B {
883         self.reader
884     }
885 }
887 impl Reader<BufReader<File>> {
888     /// Creates an XML reader from a file path.
from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Reader<BufReader<File>>>889     pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Reader<BufReader<File>>> {
890         let file = File::open(path).map_err(Error::Io)?;
891         let reader = BufReader::new(file);
892         Ok(Reader::from_reader(reader))
893     }
894 }
896 impl<'a> Reader<&'a [u8]> {
897     /// Creates an XML reader from a string slice.
from_str(s: &'a str) -> Reader<&'a [u8]>898     pub fn from_str(s: &'a str) -> Reader<&'a [u8]> {
899         Reader::from_reader(s.as_bytes())
900     }
901 }
903 /// read until `byte` is found or end of file
904 /// return the position of byte
905 #[inline]
read_until<R: BufRead>( r: &mut R, byte: u8, buf: &mut Vec<u8>, position: &mut usize, ) -> Result<usize>906 fn read_until<R: BufRead>(
907     r: &mut R,
908     byte: u8,
909     buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
910     position: &mut usize,
911 ) -> Result<usize> {
912     let mut read = 0;
913     let mut done = false;
914     while !done {
915         let used = {
916             let available = match r.fill_buf() {
917                 Ok(n) if n.is_empty() => break,
918                 Ok(n) => n,
919                 Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
920                 Err(e) => {
921                     *position += read;
922                     return Err(Error::Io(e));
923                 }
924             };
926             match memchr::memchr(byte, available) {
927                 Some(i) => {
928                     buf.extend_from_slice(&available[..i]);
929                     done = true;
930                     i + 1
931                 }
932                 None => {
933                     buf.extend_from_slice(available);
934                     available.len()
935                 }
936             }
937         };
938         r.consume(used);
939         read += used;
940     }
941     *position += read;
942     Ok(read)
943 }
945 /// Derived from `read_until`, but modified to handle XML attributes using a minimal state machine.
946 /// [W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (2006)](https://www.w3.org/TR/xml11)
947 ///
948 /// Attribute values are defined as follows:
949 /// ```plain
950 /// AttValue := '"' (([^<&"]) | Reference)* '"'
951 ///           | "'" (([^<&']) | Reference)* "'"
952 /// ```
953 /// (`Reference` is something like `&quot;`, but we don't care about escaped characters at this
954 /// level)
955 #[inline]
read_elem_until<R: BufRead>( r: &mut R, end_byte: u8, buf: &mut Vec<u8>, position: &mut usize, ) -> Result<usize>956 fn read_elem_until<R: BufRead>(
957     r: &mut R,
958     end_byte: u8,
959     buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
960     position: &mut usize,
961 ) -> Result<usize> {
962     #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
963     enum State {
964         /// The initial state (inside element, but outside of attribute value)
965         Elem,
966         /// Inside a single-quoted attribute value
967         SingleQ,
968         /// Inside a double-quoted attribute value
969         DoubleQ,
970     }
971     let mut state = State::Elem;
972     let mut read = 0;
973     let mut done = false;
974     while !done {
975         let used = {
976             let available = match r.fill_buf() {
977                 Ok(n) if n.is_empty() => return Ok(read),
978                 Ok(n) => n,
979                 Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
980                 Err(e) => {
981                     *position += read;
982                     return Err(Error::Io(e));
983                 }
984             };
986             let mut memiter = memchr::memchr3_iter(end_byte, b'\'', b'"', available);
987             let used: usize;
988             loop {
989                 match memiter.next() {
990                     Some(i) => {
991                         state = match (state, available[i]) {
992                             (State::Elem, b) if b == end_byte => {
993                                 // only allowed to match `end_byte` while we are in state `Elem`
994                                 buf.extend_from_slice(&available[..i]);
995                                 done = true;
996                                 used = i + 1;
997                                 break;
998                             }
999                             (State::Elem, b'\'') => State::SingleQ,
1000                             (State::Elem, b'\"') => State::DoubleQ,
1002                             // the only end_byte that gets us out if the same character
1003                             (State::SingleQ, b'\'') | (State::DoubleQ, b'\"') => State::Elem,
1005                             // all other bytes: no state change
1006                             _ => state,
1007                         };
1008                     }
1009                     None => {
1010                         buf.extend_from_slice(available);
1011                         used = available.len();
1012                         break;
1013                     }
1014                 }
1015             }
1016             used
1017         };
1018         r.consume(used);
1019         read += used;
1020     }
1021     *position += read;
1022     Ok(read)
1023 }
1025 /// A function to check whether the byte is a whitespace (blank, new line, carriage return or tab)
1026 #[inline]
is_whitespace(b: u8) -> bool1027 pub(crate) fn is_whitespace(b: u8) -> bool {
1028     match b {
1029         b' ' | b'\r' | b'\n' | b'\t' => true,
1030         _ => false,
1031     }
1032 }
1034 /// A namespace declaration. Can either bind a namespace to a prefix or define the current default
1035 /// namespace.
1036 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1037 struct Namespace {
1038     /// Index of the namespace in the buffer
1039     start: usize,
1040     /// Length of the prefix
1041     /// * if bigger than start, then binds this namespace to the corresponding slice.
1042     /// * else defines the current default namespace.
1043     prefix_len: usize,
1044     /// The namespace name (the URI) of this namespace declaration.
1045     ///
1046     /// The XML standard specifies that an empty namespace value 'removes' a namespace declaration
1047     /// for the extent of its scope. For prefix declarations that's not very interesting, but it is
1048     /// vital for default namespace declarations. With `xmlns=""` you can revert back to the default
1049     /// behaviour of leaving unqualified element names unqualified.
1050     value_len: usize,
1051     /// Level of nesting at which this namespace was declared. The declaring element is included,
1052     /// i.e., a declaration on the document root has `level = 1`.
1053     /// This is used to pop the namespace when the element gets closed.
1054     level: i32,
1055 }
1057 impl Namespace {
1058     /// Gets the value slice out of namespace buffer
1059     ///
1060     /// Returns `None` if `value_len == 0`
1061     #[inline]
opt_value<'a, 'b>(&'a self, ns_buffer: &'b [u8]) -> Option<&'b [u8]>1062     fn opt_value<'a, 'b>(&'a self, ns_buffer: &'b [u8]) -> Option<&'b [u8]> {
1063         if self.value_len == 0 {
1064             None
1065         } else {
1066             let start = self.start + self.prefix_len;
1067             Some(&ns_buffer[start..start + self.value_len])
1068         }
1069     }
1071     /// Check if the namespace matches the potentially qualified name
1072     #[inline]
is_match(&self, ns_buffer: &[u8], qname: &[u8]) -> bool1073     fn is_match(&self, ns_buffer: &[u8], qname: &[u8]) -> bool {
1074         if self.prefix_len == 0 {
1075             !qname.contains(&b':')
1076         } else {
1077             qname.get(self.prefix_len).map_or(false, |n| *n == b':')
1078                 && qname.starts_with(&ns_buffer[self.start..self.start + self.prefix_len])
1079         }
1080     }
1081 }
1083 /// A namespace management buffer.
1084 ///
1085 /// Holds all internal logic to push/pop namespaces with their levels.
1086 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
1087 struct NamespaceBufferIndex {
1088     /// a buffer of namespace ranges
1089     slices: Vec<Namespace>,
1090     /// The number of open tags at the moment. We need to keep track of this to know which namespace
1091     /// declarations to remove when we encounter an `End` event.
1092     nesting_level: i32,
1093     /// For `Empty` events keep the 'scope' of the element on the stack artificially. That way, the
1094     /// consumer has a chance to use `resolve` in the context of the empty element. We perform the
1095     /// pop as the first operation in the next `next()` call.
1096     pending_pop: bool,
1097 }
1099 impl NamespaceBufferIndex {
1100     #[inline]
find_namespace_value<'a, 'b, 'c>( &'a self, element_name: &'b [u8], buffer: &'c [u8], ) -> Option<&'c [u8]>1101     fn find_namespace_value<'a, 'b, 'c>(
1102         &'a self,
1103         element_name: &'b [u8],
1104         buffer: &'c [u8],
1105     ) -> Option<&'c [u8]> {
1106         self.slices
1107             .iter()
1108             .rfind(|n| n.is_match(buffer, element_name))
1109             .and_then(|n| n.opt_value(buffer))
1110     }
pop_empty_namespaces(&mut self, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>)1112     fn pop_empty_namespaces(&mut self, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>) {
1113         if !self.pending_pop {
1114             return;
1115         }
1116         self.pending_pop = false;
1117         self.nesting_level -= 1;
1118         let current_level = self.nesting_level;
1119         // from the back (most deeply nested scope), look for the first scope that is still valid
1120         match self.slices.iter().rposition(|n| n.level <= current_level) {
1121             // none of the namespaces are valid, remove all of them
1122             None => {
1123                 buffer.clear();
1124                 self.slices.clear();
1125             }
1126             // drop all namespaces past the last valid namespace
1127             Some(last_valid_pos) => {
1128                 if let Some(len) = self.slices.get(last_valid_pos + 1).map(|n| n.start) {
1129                     buffer.truncate(len);
1130                     self.slices.truncate(last_valid_pos + 1);
1131                 }
1132             }
1133         }
1134     }
push_new_namespaces(&mut self, e: &BytesStart, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>)1136     fn push_new_namespaces(&mut self, e: &BytesStart, buffer: &mut Vec<u8>) {
1137         self.nesting_level += 1;
1138         let level = self.nesting_level;
1139         // adds new namespaces for attributes starting with 'xmlns:' and for the 'xmlns'
1140         // (default namespace) attribute.
1141         for a in e.attributes().with_checks(false) {
1142             if let Ok(Attribute { key: k, value: v }) = a {
1143                 if k.starts_with(b"xmlns") {
1144                     match k.get(5) {
1145                         None => {
1146                             let start = buffer.len();
1147                             buffer.extend_from_slice(&*v);
1148                             self.slices.push(Namespace {
1149                                 start,
1150                                 prefix_len: 0,
1151                                 value_len: v.len(),
1152                                 level,
1153                             });
1154                         }
1155                         Some(&b':') => {
1156                             let start = buffer.len();
1157                             buffer.extend_from_slice(&k[6..]);
1158                             buffer.extend_from_slice(&*v);
1159                             self.slices.push(Namespace {
1160                                 start,
1161                                 prefix_len: k.len() - 6,
1162                                 value_len: v.len(),
1163                                 level,
1164                             });
1165                         }
1166                         _ => break,
1167                     }
1168                 }
1169             } else {
1170                 break;
1171             }
1172         }
1173     }
1175     /// Resolves a potentially qualified **attribute name** into (namespace name, local name).
1176     ///
1177     /// *Qualified* attribute names have the form `prefix:local-name` where the`prefix` is defined
1178     /// on any containing XML element via `xmlns:prefix="the:namespace:uri"`. The namespace prefix
1179     /// can be defined on the same element as the attribute in question.
1180     ///
1181     /// *Unqualified* attribute names do *not* inherit the current *default namespace*.
1182     #[inline]
resolve_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>( &'a self, qname: &'b [u8], buffer: &'c [u8], use_default: bool, ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8])1183     fn resolve_namespace<'a, 'b, 'c>(
1184         &'a self,
1185         qname: &'b [u8],
1186         buffer: &'c [u8],
1187         use_default: bool,
1188     ) -> (Option<&'c [u8]>, &'b [u8]) {
1189         self.slices
1190             .iter()
1191             .rfind(|n| n.is_match(buffer, qname))
1192             .map_or((None, qname), |n| {
1193                 let len = n.prefix_len;
1194                 if len > 0 {
1195                     (n.opt_value(buffer), &qname[len + 1..])
1196                 } else if use_default {
1197                     (n.opt_value(buffer), qname)
1198                 } else {
1199                     (None, qname)
1200                 }
1201             })
1202     }
1203 }
1205 /// Utf8 Decoder
1206 #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
1207 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
1208 pub struct Decoder;
1210 /// Utf8 Decoder
1211 #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
1212 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
1213 pub struct Decoder {
1214     encoding: &'static Encoding,
1215 }
1217 impl Decoder {
1218     #[cfg(not(feature = "encoding"))]
decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str>1219     pub fn decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Result<&'c str> {
1220         from_utf8(bytes).map_err(Error::Utf8)
1221     }
1223     #[cfg(feature = "encoding")]
decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str>1224     pub fn decode<'c>(&self, bytes: &'c [u8]) -> Cow<'c, str> {
1225         self.encoding.decode(bytes).0
1226     }
1227 }