1# create the test directory
2# create the wrong test directory
3# create the test file
4# create the wrong test file
5# create a file in wrong dir
6# setup
7CREATE TABLE test.wl13168(id INT PRIMARY KEY, data VARCHAR(50));
8# FR2/FR1.2: specify test_dir: should work
9# verify that the data are loaded
10SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
11id	data
121	a
132	b
14DELETE FROM test.wl13168;
15# FR1.1: specify empty (default): should fail
16ERROR 2068 (HY000) at line 1: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access.
17SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
18id	data
19# FR1.1: specify explicit empty: should fail
20ERROR 2068 (HY000) at line 1: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access.
21SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
22id	data
23# FR1.1: specify explicit empty and local-infile: should work
24SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
25id	data
261	a
272	b
28DELETE FROM test.wl13168;
29# FR1.1: specify wrong file: should fail
30ERROR 2068 (HY000) at line 1: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access.
31SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
32id	data
33# FR1.1: specify wrong dir: should fail
34ERROR 2068 (HY000) at line 1: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access.
35SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
36id	data
37# FR1.1: specify wrong dir and local-infile: should work
38SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
39id	data
401	a
412	b
42DELETE FROM test.wl13168;
43# Expect no error on MacOS and error on others
44# FR1.5: specify wrong case dir: should fail except on MacOS
45DELETE FROM test.wl13168;
46# FR1.5: specify wrong case file: should fail except on MacOS
47DELETE FROM test.wl13168;
48# Expect no error on windows and error on others
49# FR2.1: specify non-existent dir: expect success on windows and failure on unix
50SET @@global.local_infile = 0;
51# FR2/FR1.2: specify test_dir: should fail
52ERROR 3948 (42000) at line 1: Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides
53SELECT * FROM test.wl13168 ORDER BY id;
54id	data
55# cleanup
56DROP TABLE test.wl13168;
57SET @@global.local_infile = 1;