1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
25 #ifndef NDB_DUMMY_TS_H
26 #define NDB_DUMMY_TS_H
28 // Implementing the callbacks for working with SDI
29 // in tablespaces as defined in handler.h
30 #include "sql/handler.h"
32 // These are dummy callback implementations as there is no
33 // point in keeping .SDI files for each table stored in
34 // the data directory of MySQL Server. The tables and
35 // their metadata is safely stored in the transactional
36 // dictionary of NDB
38 namespace ndb_dummy_ts {
40 /**
41   Create SDI in a tablespace. This API should be used when
42   upgrading a tablespace with no SDI.
43   @param[in,out]	tablespace	tablespace object
44   @retval		false		success
45   @retval		true		failure
46 */
sdi_create(dd::Tablespace * tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))47 static bool sdi_create(dd::Tablespace *tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
48   DBUG_ASSERT(false);  // Never called
49   return false;        // Success
50 }
52 /**
53   Drop SDI in a tablespace. This API should be used only
54   when SDI is corrupted.
55   @param[in,out]	tablespace	tablespace object
56   @retval		false		success
57   @retval		true		failure
58 */
sdi_drop(dd::Tablespace * tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))59 static bool sdi_drop(dd::Tablespace *tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
60   DBUG_ASSERT(false);  // Never called
61   return false;        // Success
62 }
64 /**
65   Get the SDI keys in a tablespace into the vector provided.
66   @param[in]	tablespace	tablespace object
67   @param[in,out]	vector		vector to hold SDI keys
68   @retval		false		success
69   @retval		true		failure
70 */
sdi_get_keys(const dd::Tablespace & tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),sdi_vector_t & vector MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))71 static bool sdi_get_keys(const dd::Tablespace &tablespace
72                              MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
73                          sdi_vector_t &vector MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
74   DBUG_ASSERT(false);  // Never called
75   return false;        // Success
76 }
78 /** Retrieve SDI from tablespace
79   @param[in]	tablespace	tablespace object
80   @param[in]	sdi_key		SDI key
81   @param[in,out]	sdi		SDI retrieved from tablespace
82   @param[in,out]	sdi_len		in:  size of memory allocated
83                               out: actual length of SDI
84   @retval		false		success
85   @retval		true		failure
86 */
sdi_get(const dd::Tablespace & tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const sdi_key_t * sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),void * sdi MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),uint64 * sdi_len MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))87 static bool sdi_get(const dd::Tablespace &tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
88                     const sdi_key_t *sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
89                     void *sdi MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
90                     uint64 *sdi_len MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
91   DBUG_ASSERT(false);  // Never called
92   return false;        // Success
93 }
95 /** Insert/Update SDI in tablespace
96   @param[in]	hton		handlerton object
97   @param[in]	tablespace	tablespace object
98   @param[in]	table		table object
99   @param[in]	sdi_key		SDI key to uniquely identify the tablespace
100                               object
101   @param[in]	sdi		SDI to be stored in tablespace
102   @param[in]	sdi_len		SDI length
103   @retval		false		success
104   @retval		true		failure
105 */
sdi_set(handlerton * hton MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const dd::Tablespace & tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const dd::Table * table MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const sdi_key_t * sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const void * sdi MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),uint64 sdi_len MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))106 static bool sdi_set(handlerton *hton MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
107                     const dd::Tablespace &tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
108                     const dd::Table *table MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
109                     const sdi_key_t *sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
110                     const void *sdi MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
111                     uint64 sdi_len MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
112   return false;  // Success
113 }
115 /**
116   Delete SDI from tablespace
117   @param[in]	tablespace	tablespace object
118   @param[in]	table		table object
119   @param[in]	sdi_key		SDI key to uniquely identify the tablespace
120                                 object
121   @retval		false		success
122   @retval		true		failure
123 */
sdi_delete(const dd::Tablespace & tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const dd::Table * table MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),const sdi_key_t * sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))124 static bool sdi_delete(const dd::Tablespace &tablespace MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
125                        const dd::Table *table MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
126                        const sdi_key_t *sdi_key MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
127   return false;  // Success
128 }
129 }  // namespace ndb_dummy_ts
131 #endif