2 * \copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
3 */
5import QtQuick 2.12
6import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
8import Governikus.Global 1.0
9import Governikus.View 1.0
10import Governikus.Style 1.0
11import Governikus.Type.NumberModel 1.0
14SectionPage {
15	id: root
17	signal close()
19	property int passwordType: NumberModel.passwordType
21	Accessible.name: qsTr("Password information")
22	Accessible.description: qsTr("This is the password information section of the AusweisApp2.")
24	title: passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_CAN ? qsTr("CAN information")
26			: passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_PUK ? qsTr("PUK information")
28			: passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_REMOTE_PIN ? qsTr("Smartphone as card reader information")
30			: qsTr("PIN information")
32	content: ColumnLayout {
33		property bool elementsFitOnScreen: implicitHeight <= root.height
35		width: root.width
36		height: elementsFitOnScreen ? root.height : undefined
38		spacing: 0
40		PasswordInfoImage {
41			Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
42			Layout.topMargin: Constants.pane_padding
44			passwordType: root.passwordType
45		}
47		GSpacer { Layout.fillHeight: true }
49		GPane {
50			Layout.fillWidth: true
51			Layout.maximumWidth: Style.dimens.max_text_width
52			Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
53			Layout.margins: Constants.pane_padding
55			GText {
56				width: parent.width
58				text: {
59					if (passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_CAN && NumberModel.isCanAllowedMode) {
60						//: INFO ANDROID IOS Description text of CAN-allowed authentication
61						return qsTr("The Card Access Number (CAN) allows to access the imprinted data of the ID card. In order to allow on-site reading of the personal data the service provider needs to acquire governmental authorization to do so. On-site reading is usually employed to automatically fill forms and prevent spelling mistakes when transfering the personal data.")
62					}
63					if (passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_CAN && !NumberModel.isCanAllowedMode) {
64						//: INFO ANDROID IOS Description text of CAN if required for third PIN attempt
65						return qsTr("The Card Access Number (CAN) is required if the PIN has already been entered incorrectly twice. In order to prevent a third incorrect entry and thus the blocking of the PIN without your consent, the CAN is also requested at this point. The CAN is a six-digit number that can be found on the front of the ID card. It is located at the bottom right next to the validity date (marked in red).")
66					}
67					if (passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_PUK) {
68						//: INFO ANDROID IOS Description text of PUK
69						return qsTr("The Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) is required if the PIN has been entered three times. At this point the PIN is blocked. The PUK is a ten-digit number you received with the letter sent to you by your competent authority (marked in red). Please note that you can only use the PUK to unblock the PIN entry. If you have forgotten your PIN, you can have a new PIN set at your competent authority.")
70					}
71					if (passwordType === NumberModel.PASSWORD_REMOTE_PIN) {
72						//: INFO ANDROID IOS Description text of SaC pairing
73						return qsTr("You may use your smartphone as a card reader with AusweisApp2. The smartphone needs to feature a supported NFC chipset and both devices, your smartphone and this machine, need to be connected to the same WiFi network.<br><br>To use your smartphone as a card reader you'll always need to activate the remote service in the AusweisApp2 on the smartphone. For the first time you'll also need to start the pairing mode on your smartphone, select the device from the list of available devices on this machine and then enter the pairing code shown on the phone.")
74					}
76					//: INFO ANDROID IOS Description text of PIN
77					return qsTr("The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is chosen by you and is required for every use of the online eID function. You can change it anytime and indefinitely if you know your valid PIN. For your six-digit PIN choose a combination of numbers, that is not easy to guess, neither \"123456\" nor your birth date, or any other numbers printed on the ID card. If you are no longer aware of your valid PIN, you will need to contact your responsible authority to renew your PIN.<br><br>When changing the PIN for the first time, please use the five-digit Transport PIN. You will find the Transport PIN in the letter you received from your responsible authority (marked in red) after you have applied for your identity card.<br><br>Please note that you can not use the online eID function with the five-digit Transport PIN. A change to a six-digit PIN is mandatory.")
78				}
79			}
80		}
82		GSpacer { Layout.fillHeight: true }
83	}