2# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
4from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
6__license__ = 'GPL v3'
7__copyright__ = '2020, Pat Stapleton <pat.stapleton at gmail.com>'
9Recipe for Independent Australia
12from calibre.web.feeds.news import BasicNewsRecipe
13from calibre.web.feeds import Feed
16class IndependentAustralia(BasicNewsRecipe):
17    title = 'Independent Australia'
18    language = 'en_AU'
19    __author__ = 'Pat Stapleton'
20    description = (
21        'Independent Australia is a progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity.'
22        ' It contains news and opinion from Australia and around the world.')
23    oldest_article = 7  # days
24    max_articles_per_feed = 100
26    feeds = [
27        (
28            'Independent Australia',
29            'https://feeds.feedburner.com/IndependentAustralia'
30        ),
31    ]
33    masthead_url = 'https://independentaustralia.net/t/2018/logo-2018-lg-h90.png'
34    cover_url = 'https://independentaustralia.net/t/apple-touch-icon.png'
35    #    cover_margins = (0,20,'#000000')
36    scale_news_images_to_device = True
37    oldest_article = 7  # days
38    max_articles_per_feed = 100
39    publication_type = 'newspaper'
41    #    auto_cleanup   = True # enable this as a backup option if recipe stops working
43    #    use_embedded_content = False # if set to true will assume that all the article content is within the feed (i.e. won't try to fetch more data)
45    no_stylesheets = True
46    remove_javascript = True
48    keep_only_tags = [
49        dict(name='div', attrs={'class': "art-display"})
50    ]  # the article content is contained in
52    # ************************************
53    # Clear out all the unwanted html tags:
54    # ************************************
55    remove_tags = [{
56        'name': ['meta', 'link', 'noscript', 'script', 'footer']
57    }, {
58        'attrs': {
59            'class': ['tagFooter', 'noshow', 'panelSubscription', 'mt-2']
60        }
61    }]
63    # ************************************
64    # Tidy up the output to look neat for reading
65    # ************************************
66    remove_attributes = ['width', 'height', 'style']
67    extra_css = '.byline{font-size:smaller;margin-bottom:10px;}.inline-caption{display:block;font-size:smaller;text-decoration: none;}'
68    compress_news_images = True
70    feeds = [
71        (
72            'Independent Australia',
73            'https://feeds.feedburner.com/IndependentAustralia'
74        ),
75    ]
77    # ************************************
78    # Break up feed into categories (based on BrianG's code snippet):
79    # ************************************
80    def parse_feeds(self):
81        # Do the "official" parse_feeds first
82        feeds = BasicNewsRecipe.parse_feeds(self)
84        politicsArticles = []
85        environmentArticles = []
86        businessArticles = []
87        lifeArticles = []
88        australiaArticles = []
89        # Loop thru the articles in all feeds to find articles with base categories in it
90        for curfeed in feeds:
91            delList = []
92            for a, curarticle in enumerate(curfeed.articles):
93                if curarticle.url.lower(
94                ).find('independentaustralia.net/politics/') >= 0:
95                    politicsArticles.append(curarticle)
96                    delList.append(curarticle)
97                elif curarticle.url.lower(
98                ).find('independentaustralia.net/environment/') >= 0:
99                    environmentArticles.append(curarticle)
100                    delList.append(curarticle)
101                elif curarticle.url.lower(
102                ).find('independentaustralia.net/business/') >= 0:
103                    businessArticles.append(curarticle)
104                    delList.append(curarticle)
105                elif curarticle.url.lower(
106                ).find('independentaustralia.net/life/') >= 0:
107                    lifeArticles.append(curarticle)
108                    delList.append(curarticle)
109                elif curarticle.url.lower(
110                ).find('independentaustralia.net/australia/') >= 0:
111                    australiaArticles.append(curarticle)
112                    delList.append(curarticle)
113            if len(delList) > 0:
114                for d in delList:
115                    index = curfeed.articles.index(d)
116                    curfeed.articles[index:index + 1] = []
118        # If there are any of each base category found, create, append a new Feed object
119        if len(politicsArticles) > 0:
120            pfeed = Feed()
121            pfeed.title = 'Politics'
122            pfeed.image_url = None
123            pfeed.oldest_article = 30
124            pfeed.id_counter = len(politicsArticles)
125            # Create a new Feed, add the articles, and append to "official" list of feeds
126            pfeed.articles = politicsArticles[:]
127            feeds.append(pfeed)
128        if len(environmentArticles) > 0:
129            pfeed = Feed()
130            pfeed.title = 'Environment'
131            pfeed.image_url = None
132            pfeed.oldest_article = 30
133            pfeed.id_counter = len(environmentArticles)
134            # Create a new Feed, add the articles, and append to "official" list of feeds
135            pfeed.articles = environmentArticles[:]
136            feeds.append(pfeed)
137        if len(businessArticles) > 0:
138            pfeed = Feed()
139            pfeed.title = 'Business'
140            pfeed.image_url = None
141            pfeed.oldest_article = 30
142            pfeed.id_counter = len(businessArticles)
143            # Create a new Feed, add the articles, and append to "official" list of feeds
144            pfeed.articles = businessArticles[:]
145            feeds.append(pfeed)
146        if len(lifeArticles) > 0:
147            pfeed = Feed()
148            pfeed.title = 'Life'
149            pfeed.image_url = None
150            pfeed.oldest_article = 30
151            pfeed.id_counter = len(lifeArticles)
152            # Create a new Feed, add the articles, and append to "official" list of feeds
153            pfeed.articles = lifeArticles[:]
154            feeds.append(pfeed)
155        if len(australiaArticles) > 0:
156            pfeed = Feed()
157            pfeed.title = 'Australia'
158            pfeed.image_url = None
159            pfeed.oldest_article = 30
160            pfeed.id_counter = len(australiaArticles)
161            # Create a new Feed, add the articles, and append to "official" list of feeds
162            pfeed.articles = australiaArticles[:]
163            feeds.append(pfeed)
165        if len(feeds) > 1:  # cleanup empty first feed item
166            if len(feeds[0]) == 0:
167                del feeds[0]
168        return feeds