1 package org.coolreader.crengine;
3 import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
5 import org.coolreader.CoolReader;
6 import org.coolreader.crengine.Engine.DelayedProgress;
7 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
8 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
9 import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
11 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
12 import java.io.File;
13 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
14 import java.io.IOException;
15 import java.io.InputStream;
16 import java.net.Authenticator;
17 import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
18 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
19 import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
20 import java.net.Proxy;
21 import java.net.URL;
22 import java.net.URLConnection;
23 import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
24 import java.text.ParseException;
25 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
26 import java.util.ArrayList;
27 import java.util.Collection;
28 import java.util.HashSet;
29 import java.util.Stack;
30 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
32 import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
33 import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
34 import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
35 import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager;
36 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
37 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
39 @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat")
40 public class OPDSUtil {
42 	public static final boolean EXTENDED_LOG = false; // set to false for production
43     public static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60000;
44     public static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 60000;
45 	/*
46 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
47 <feed xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:relevance="http://a9.com/-/opensearch/extensions/relevance/1.0/"
48 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
49 xml:base="http://lib.ololo.cc/opds/">
50 <id>http://lib.ololo.cc/opds/</id>
51 <updated>2011-05-31T10:28:22+04:00</updated>
52 <title>OPDS: lib.ololo.cc</title>
53 <subtitle>Librusec mirror.</subtitle>
54 <author>
55   <name>ololo team</name>
56   <uri>http://lib.ololo.cc</uri><email>libololo@gmail.com</email>
57 </author>
58 <icon>http://lib.ololo.cc/book.png</icon>
59 <link rel="self" title="This Page" type="application/atom+xml" href="/opds/"/>
60 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="HTML Page" href="/"/>
61 <entry>
62    <updated>2011-05-31T10:28:22+04:00</updated>
63    <id>http://lib.ololo.cc/opds/asearch/</id>
64    <title>sample type</title>
65    <content type="text">sample content</content>
66    <link type="application/atom+xml" href="http://lib.ololo.cc/opds/asearch/"/>
67 </entry>
68 </feed>
69 	 */
70 	/**
71 	 * Callback interface for OPDS.
72 	 */
73 	public interface DownloadCallback {
74 		/**
75 		 * Some entries are downloaded.
76 		 * @param doc is document
77 		 * @param entries is list of entries to add
78 		 */
onEntries( DocInfo doc, Collection<EntryInfo> entries )79 		public boolean onEntries( DocInfo doc, Collection<EntryInfo> entries );
80 		/**
81 		 * All entries are downloaded.
82 		 * @param doc is document
83 		 * @param entries is list of entries to add
84 		 */
onFinish( DocInfo doc, Collection<EntryInfo> entries )85 		public boolean onFinish( DocInfo doc, Collection<EntryInfo> entries );
86 		/**
87 		 * Before download: request filename to save as.
88 		 */
onDownloadStart( String type, String url )89 		public File onDownloadStart( String type, String url );
90 		/**
91 		 * Download progress
92 		 */
onDownloadProgress( String type, String url, int percent )93 		public void onDownloadProgress( String type, String url, int percent );
94 		/**
95 		 * Book is downloaded.
96 		 */
onDownloadEnd( String type, String url, File file )97 		public void onDownloadEnd( String type, String url, File file );
98 		/**
99 		 * Error occured
100 		 */
onError( String message )101 		public void onError( String message );
102 	}
104 	public static class DocInfo {
105 		public String id;
106 		public long updated;
107 		public String title;
108 		public String subtitle;
109 		public String icon;
110 		public String language;
111 		public LinkInfo selfLink;
112 		public LinkInfo alternateLink;
113 		public LinkInfo nextLink;
114 	}
dirPath(String filePath)116 	public static String dirPath(String filePath) {
117 		int pos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/");
118 		if (pos < 0)
119 			return filePath;
120 		return filePath.substring(0, pos+1);
121 	}
123 	public static class LinkInfo {
124 		public String href;
125 		public String rel;
126 		public String title;
127 		public String type;
LinkInfo( URL baseURL, Attributes attributes )128 		public LinkInfo( URL baseURL, Attributes attributes ) {
129 			rel = attributes.getValue("rel");
130 			type = attributes.getValue("type");
131 			title = attributes.getValue("title");
132 			href = convertHref( baseURL, attributes.getValue("href") );
133 		}
convertHref( URL baseURL, String href )134 		public static String convertHref( URL baseURL, String href ) {
135 			if ( href==null )
136 				return href;
137 			String port = "";
138 			if (baseURL.getPort() != 80 && baseURL.getPort() > 0)
139 				port = ":" + baseURL.getPort();
140 			String hostPort = baseURL.getHost() + port;
141 			if ( href.startsWith("//") )
142 				return baseURL.getProtocol() + ":" + href;
143 			if ( href.startsWith("/") )
144 				return baseURL.getProtocol() + "://" + hostPort + href;
145 			if ( !href.startsWith("http://") && !href.startsWith("https://") ) {
146 				return baseURL.getProtocol() + "://" + hostPort + dirPath(baseURL.getPath()) + "/" + href;
147 			}
148 			return href;
149 		}
isValid()150 		public boolean isValid() {
151 			return href!=null && href.length()!=0;
152 		}
getPriority()153 		public int getPriority() {
154 			if ( type==null )
155 				return 0;
156 			DocumentFormat df = DocumentFormat.byMimeType(type);
157 			if ( rel!=null && rel.indexOf("acquisition")<0 && df!=DocumentFormat.FB2 && df!=DocumentFormat.EPUB
158 					&& df!=DocumentFormat.RTF && df!=DocumentFormat.DOC)
159 				return 0;
160 			return df!=null ? df.getPriority() : 0;
161 		}
162 		@Override
toString()163 		public String toString() {
164 			return "[ rel=" + rel + ", type=" + type
165 					+ ", title=" + title + ", href=" + href + "]";
166 		}
168 	}
170 	public static class AuthorInfo {
171 		public String name;
172 		public String uri;
173 	}
175 	public static class EntryInfo {
176 		public String id;
177 		public long updated;
178 		public String title="";
179 		public String content="";
180 		public String summary="";
181 		public LinkInfo link;
182 		public ArrayList<LinkInfo> links = new ArrayList<LinkInfo>();
183 		public String icon;
184 		public ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>();
185 		public ArrayList<AuthorInfo> authors = new ArrayList<AuthorInfo>();
getBestAcquisitionLink()186 		public LinkInfo getBestAcquisitionLink() {
187 			LinkInfo best = null;
188 			int bestPriority = 0;
189 			for ( LinkInfo link : links ) {
190 				//boolean isAcquisition = link.rel!=null && link.rel.indexOf("acquisition")>=0;
191 				int priority = link.getPriority();
192 				if (priority>0 && priority>bestPriority) {
193 					if ( link.getPriority()>0 && (best==null || best.getPriority()<link.getPriority()) ) {
194 						best = link;
195 						bestPriority = priority;
196 					}
197 				}
198 			}
199 			return best;
200 		}
getAuthors()201 		public String getAuthors() {
202 			if ( authors.size()==0 )
203 				return null;
204 			StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
205 			for ( AuthorInfo a : authors ) {
206 				if ( buf.length()>0 )
207 					buf.append(", ");
208 				buf.append(a.name);
209 			}
210 			return buf.toString();
211 		}
212 	}
214 	public static class OPDSHandler extends DefaultHandler {
215 		private URL url;
216 		private DocInfo docInfo = new DocInfo();
217 		private EntryInfo entryInfo = new EntryInfo();
218 		private ArrayList<EntryInfo> entries = new ArrayList<EntryInfo>();
219 		private Stack<String> elements = new Stack<String>();
220 		//private Attributes currentAttributes;
221 		private AuthorInfo authorInfo;
222 		private boolean insideFeed;
223 		private boolean insideEntry;
224 		private boolean insideEntryTitle;
225 		//private boolean singleEntry;
226 		private int level = 0;
227 		//2011-05-31T10:28:22+04:00
228 		private static SimpleDateFormat tsFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
229 		private static SimpleDateFormat tsFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
OPDSHandler( URL url )230 		public OPDSHandler( URL url ) {
231 			this.url = url;
232 		}
setUrl(URL url)233 		public void setUrl(URL url) {
234 			this.url = url;
235 		}
parseTimestamp( String ts )236 		private long parseTimestamp( String ts ) {
237 			if ( ts==null )
238 				return 0;
239 			ts = ts.trim();
240 			try {
241 				if ( ts.length()=="2010-01-10T10:01:10Z".length() )
242 					return tsFormat2.parse(ts).getTime();
243 				if ( ts.length()=="2011-11-11T11:11:11+67:87".length()&& ts.lastIndexOf(":")==ts.length()-3 ) {
244 					ts = ts.substring(0, ts.length()-3) + ts.substring(0, ts.length()-2);
245 					return tsFormat.parse(ts).getTime();
246 				}
247 				if ( ts.length()=="2011-11-11T11:11:11+6787".length()) {
248 					return tsFormat.parse(ts).getTime();
249 				}
250 			} catch (ParseException e) {
251 			}
252 			L.e("cannot parse timestamp " + ts);
253 			return 0;
254 		}
256 		@Override
characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)257 		public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
258 				throws SAXException {
259 			super.characters(ch, start, length);
261 			String s = new String( ch, start, length);
262 			s = s.trim();
263 			if (s.length()==0 || (s.length()==1 && s.charAt(0) == '\n') )
264 				return; // ignore empty line
265 			//L.d(tab() + "  {" + s + "}");
266 			String currentElement = elements.peek();
267 			if ( currentElement==null )
268 				return;
269 			if ( insideFeed ) {
270 				if ( "id".equals(currentElement) ) {
271 					if ( insideEntry )
272 						entryInfo.id = s;
273 					else
274 						docInfo.id = s;
275 				} else if ( "updated".equals(currentElement) ) {
276 					long ts = parseTimestamp(s);
277 					if ( insideEntry )
278 						entryInfo.updated = ts;
279 					else
280 						docInfo.updated = ts;
281 				} else if ( "title".equals(currentElement) ) {
282 					if ( !insideEntry ) {
283 						docInfo.title = s;
284 					} else {
285 						entryInfo.title = entryInfo.title + s;
286 					}
287 				} else if ( "summary".equals(currentElement) ) {
288 					if ( insideEntry )
289 						entryInfo.summary = entryInfo.summary + s;
290 				} else if ( "name".equals(currentElement) ) {
291 					if ( authorInfo != null )
292 						authorInfo.name = s;
293 				} else if ( "uri".equals(currentElement) ) {
294 					if ( authorInfo!=null )
295 						authorInfo.uri = s;
296 				} else if ( "icon".equals(currentElement) ) {
297 					if ( !insideEntry )
298 						docInfo.icon = s;
299 					else
300 						entryInfo.icon = s;
301 				} else if ( "link".equals(currentElement) ) {
302 					// rel, type, title, href
303 //					if ( !insideEntry )
304 //						docInfo.icon = s;
305 //					else
306 //						entryInfo.icon = s;
307 				} else if ( "content".equals(currentElement) ) {
308 					if ( insideEntry )
309 						entryInfo.content = entryInfo.content + s;
310 				} else if ( "subtitle".equals(currentElement) ) {
311 					if ( !insideEntry )
312 						docInfo.subtitle = s;
313 				} else if ( "language".equals(currentElement) ) {
314 					if ( !insideEntry )
315 						docInfo.language = s;
316 				} else if ( insideEntryTitle ) {
317 					if (entryInfo.title.length() > 0)
318 						entryInfo.title = entryInfo.title + " ";
319 					entryInfo.title = entryInfo.title + s;
320 				}
321 			}
322 		}
324 		@Override
endDocument()325 		public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
326 			super.endDocument();
327 			if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("endDocument: " + entries.size() + " entries parsed");
328 			if (EXTENDED_LOG)
329 				for ( EntryInfo entry : entries ) {
330 					L.d("   " + entry.title + " : " + entry.link.toString());
331 				}
332 		}
tab()334 		private String tab() {
335 			if ( level<=1 )
336 				return "";
337 			StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(level*2);
338 			for ( int i=1; i<level; i++ )
339 				buf.append("  ");
340 			return buf.toString();
341 		}
343 		@Override
startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)344 		public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
345 				String qName, Attributes attributes)
346 				throws SAXException {
347 			super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);
348 			if ( qName!=null && qName.length()>0 )
349 				localName = qName;
350 			level++;
351 			//L.d(tab() + "<" + localName + ">");
352 			//currentAttributes = attributes;
353 			elements.push(localName);
354 			//String currentElement = elements.peek();
355 			if ( !insideFeed && "feed".equals(localName) ) {
356 				insideFeed = true;
357 			} else if ( "entry".equals(localName) ) {
358 				if ( !insideFeed ) {
359 					insideFeed = true;
360 					//singleEntry = true;
361 				}
362 				insideEntry = true;
363 				entryInfo = new EntryInfo();
364 			} else if ( "category".equals(localName) ) {
365 				if ( insideEntry ) {
366 					String category = attributes.getValue("label");
367 					if ( category!=null )
368 						entryInfo.categories.add(category);
369 				}
370 			} else if ( "id".equals(localName) ) {
372 			} else if ( "updated".equals(localName) ) {
374 			} else if ( "title".equals(localName) ) {
375 				insideEntryTitle = insideEntry;
376 			} else if ( "name".equals(localName) ) {
378 			} else if ( "link".equals(localName) ) {
379 				LinkInfo link = new LinkInfo(url, attributes);
380 				if ( link.isValid() && insideFeed ) {
381 					if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d(tab()+link.toString());
382 					if ( insideEntry ) {
383 						if ( link.type!=null ) {
384 							entryInfo.links.add(link);
385 							int priority = link.getPriority();
386 							if ( link.type.startsWith("application/atom+xml") ) {
387 								if (entryInfo.link == null || !entryInfo.link.type.startsWith("application/atom+xml"))
388 									entryInfo.link = link;
389 							} else if ( "http://opds-spec.org/cover".equals(link.rel) && "image/jpeg".equals(link.type)) {
390 								entryInfo.icon = link.href;
391 							} else if ( "http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail".equals(link.rel) && "image/jpeg".equals(link.type)) {
392 								if (entryInfo.icon == null)
393 									entryInfo.icon = link.href;
394 							} else if (priority>0 && (entryInfo.link==null || entryInfo.link.getPriority()<priority)) {
395 								entryInfo.link = link;
396 							}
397 						}
398 					} else {
399 						if ( "self".equals(link.rel) )
400 							docInfo.selfLink = link;
401 						else if ( "alternate".equals(link.rel) )
402 							docInfo.alternateLink = link;
403 						else if ( "next".equals(link.rel) )
404 							docInfo.nextLink = link;
405 					}
406 				}
407 			} else if ( "author".equals(localName) ) {
408 				authorInfo = new AuthorInfo();
409 			}
410 		}
412 		@Override
endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)413 		public void endElement(String uri, String localName,
414 				String qName) throws SAXException {
415 			super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
416 			if ( qName!=null && qName.length()>0 )
417 				localName = qName;
418 			//L.d(tab() + "</" + localName + ">");
419 			//String currentElement = elements.peek();
420 			if ( insideFeed && "feed".equals(localName) ) {
421 				insideFeed = false;
422 			} else if ( "title".equals(localName) ) {
423 				insideEntryTitle = false;
424 			} else if ( "entry".equals(localName) ) {
425 				if ( !insideFeed || !insideEntry )
426 					throw new SAXException("unexpected element " + localName);
427 				if ( entryInfo.link!=null || entryInfo.getBestAcquisitionLink()!=null ) {
428 					entries.add(entryInfo);
429 				}
430 				insideEntry = false;
431 				entryInfo = null;
432 			} else if ( "author".equals(localName) ) {
433 				if (insideEntry) {
434 					if ( authorInfo!=null && authorInfo.name!=null )
435 						entryInfo.authors.add(authorInfo);
436 				}
437 				authorInfo = null;
438 			}
439 			//currentAttributes = null;
440 			if ( level>0 )
441 				level--;
442 		}
444 		@Override
startDocument()445 		public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
446 			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
447 			super.startDocument();
448 		}
450 	}
452 	public static class DownloadTask {
453 		final private CoolReader coolReader;
454 		private URL url;
455 		private String username;
456 		private String password;
457 		final private String expectedType;
458 		final private String referer;
459 		final private String defaultFileName;
460 		final private DownloadCallback callback;
461 		private String progressMessage = "Dowloading...";
462 		private HttpURLConnection connection;
463 		private DelayedProgress delayedProgress;
464 		OPDSHandler handler;
DownloadTask(CoolReader coolReader, URL url, String defaultFileName, String expectedType, String referer, DownloadCallback callback, String username, String password)465 		public DownloadTask(CoolReader coolReader, URL url, String defaultFileName, String expectedType, String referer, DownloadCallback callback, String username, String password) {
466 			this.url = url;
467 			this.coolReader = coolReader;
468 			this.callback = callback;
469 			this.referer = referer;
470 			this.expectedType = expectedType;
471 			this.defaultFileName = defaultFileName;
472 			this.username = username;
473 			this.password = password;
474 			L.d("Created DownloadTask for " + url);
475 		}
setProgressMessage( String url, int totalSize )476 		private void setProgressMessage( String url, int totalSize ) {
477 			progressMessage = coolReader.getString(org.coolreader.R.string.progress_downloading) + " " + url;
478 			if ( totalSize>0 )
479 				progressMessage = progressMessage + " (" + totalSize + ")";
480 		}
481 		// call in GUI thread only!
hideProgress()482 		private void hideProgress() {
483 			if ( progressShown && Services.getEngine() != null)
484 				Services.getEngine().hideProgress();
485 			if ( delayedProgress != null ) {
486 				delayedProgress.cancel();
487 				delayedProgress.hide();
488 			}
489 		}
onError(final String msg)490 		private void onError(final String msg) {
491 			BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> {
492 				hideProgress();
493 				callback.onError(msg);
494 			});
495 		}
parseFeed( InputStream is )496 		private void parseFeed( InputStream is ) throws Exception {
497 			try {
498 				if (handler==null)
499 					handler = new OPDSHandler(url);
500 				else
501 					handler.setUrl(url); // download next part
502 				String[] namespaces = new String[] {
503                         "access", "http://www.bloglines.com/about/specs/fac-1.0",
504                         "admin", "http://webns.net/mvcb/",
505                         "ag", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/aggregation/",
506                         "annotate", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/annotate/",
507                         "app", "http://www.w3.org/2007/app",
508                         "atom", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom",
509                         "audio", "http://media.tangent.org/rss/1.0/",
510                         "blogChannel", "http://backend.userland.com/blogChannelModule",
511                         "cc", "http://web.resource.org/cc/",
512                         "cf", "http://www.microsoft.com/schemas/rss/core/2005",
513                         "company", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/company",
514                         "content", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/",
515                         "conversationsNetwork", "http://conversationsnetwork.org/rssNamespace-1.0/",
516                         "cp", "http://my.theinfo.org/changed/1.0/rss/",
517                         "creativeCommons", "http://backend.userland.com/creativeCommonsRssModule",
518                         "dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
519                         "dcterms", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
520                         "email", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/email/",
521                         "ev", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/event/",
522                         "feedburner", "http://rssnamespace.org/feedburner/ext/1.0",
523                         "fh", "http://purl.org/syndication/history/1.0",
524                         "foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
525                         "foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1",
526                         "geo", "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#",
527                         "georss", "http://www.georss.org/georss",
528                         "geourl", "http://geourl.org/rss/module/",
529                         "g", "http://base.google.com/ns/1.0",
530                         "gml", "http://www.opengis.net/gml",
531                         "icbm", "http://postneo.com/icbm",
532                         "image", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/image/",
533                         "indexing", "urn:atom-extension:indexing",
534                         "itunes", "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd",
535                         "kml20", "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0",
536                         "kml21", "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1",
537                         "kml22", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2",
538                         "l", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/link/",
539                         "mathml", "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
540                         "media", "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/",
541                         "openid", "http://openid.net/xmlns/1.0",
542                         "opensearch10", "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearchrss/1.0/",
543                         "opensearch", "http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/",
544                         "opml", "http://www.opml.org/spec2",
545                         "rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
546                         "rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
547                         "ref", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/reference/",
548                         "reqv", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/richequiv/",
549                         "rss090", "http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/",
550                         "rss091", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/rss091#",
551                         "rss1", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/",
552                         "rss11", "http://purl.org/net/rss1.1#",
553                         "search", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/search/",
554                         "slash", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/",
555                         "ss", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/servicestatus/",
556                         "str", "http://hacks.benhammersley.com/rss/streaming/",
557                         "sub", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/subscription/",
558                         "svg", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
559                         "sx", "http://feedsync.org/2007/feedsync",
560                         "sy", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/",
561                         "taxo", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/taxonomy/",
562                         "thr", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/threading/",
563                         "thr", "http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0",
564                         "trackback", "http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/",
565                         "wfw", "http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/",
566                         "wiki", "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/wiki/",
567                         "xhtml", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
568                         "xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
569                         "xrd", "xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)",
570                         "xrds", "xri://$xrds"
571 				};
572 				for ( int i=0; i<namespaces.length-1; i+=2 )
573 					handler.startPrefixMapping(namespaces[i], namespaces[i+1]);
574 				SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
575 				spf.setValidating(false);
576 //				spf.setNamespaceAware(true);
577 //				spf.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", false);
578 				SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
579 				//XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
580 				sp.parse(is, handler);
581 			} catch (SAXException se) {
582 				L.e("sax error", se);
583 				throw se;
584 			} catch (IOException ioe) {
585 				L.e("sax parse io error", ioe);
586 				throw ioe;
587 			}
588 		}
generateFileName( File outDir, String fileName, String type, boolean isZip )590 		private File generateFileName( File outDir, String fileName, String type, boolean isZip ) {
591 			DocumentFormat fmt = type!=null ? DocumentFormat.byMimeType(type) : null;
592 			//DocumentFormat fmtext = fileName!=null ? DocumentFormat.byExtension(fileName) : null;
593 			if ( fileName==null )
594 				fileName = "noname";
595 			String ext = null;
596 			if ( fileName.lastIndexOf(".")>0 ) {
597 				ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
598 				fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
599 			}
600 			fileName = Utils.transcribeFileName( fileName );
601 			if ( fmt!=null ) {
602 				if ( fmt==DocumentFormat.FB2 && isZip )
603 					ext = ".fb2.zip";
604 				else
605 					ext = fmt.getExtensions()[0].substring(1);
606 			}
607 			for (int i=0; i<1000; i++ ) {
608 				String fn = fileName + (i==0 ? "" : "(" + i + ")") + "." + ext;
609 				File f = new File(outDir, fn);
610 				if ( !f.exists() && !f.isDirectory() )
611 					return f;
612 			}
613 			return null;
614 		}
downloadBook( final String type, final String url, InputStream is, int contentLength, final String fileName, final boolean isZip )615 		private void downloadBook( final String type, final String url, InputStream is, int contentLength, final String fileName, final boolean isZip ) throws Exception {
616 			L.d("Download requested: " + type + " " + url + " " + contentLength);
617 			DocumentFormat fmt = DocumentFormat.byMimeType(type);
618 			if ( fmt==null ) {
619 				L.d("Download: unknown type " + type);
620 				throw new Exception("Unknown file type " + type);
621 			}
622 			final File outDir = BackgroundThread.instance().callGUI(new Callable<File>() {
623 				@Override
624 				public File call() throws Exception {
625 					return callback.onDownloadStart(type, url);
626 				}
627 			});
628 			if ( outDir==null ) {
629 				L.d("Cannot find writable location for downloaded file " + url);
630 				throw new Exception("Cannot save file " + url);
631 			}
632 			final File outFile = generateFileName( outDir, fileName, type, isZip );
633 			if ( outFile==null ) {
634 				L.d("Cannot generate file name");
635 				throw new Exception("Cannot generate file name");
636 			}
637 			L.d("Creating file: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());
638 			if ( outFile.exists() || !outFile.createNewFile() ) {
639 				L.d("Cannot create file " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());
640 				throw new Exception("Cannot create file");
641 			}
643 			L.d("Download started: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());
644 //			long lastTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
645 //			int lastPercent = -1;
646 			boolean success = false;
647 			try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outFile)) {
648 				byte[] buf = new byte[16384];
649 				int totalWritten = 0;
650 				while (totalWritten<contentLength || contentLength==-1) {
651 					int bytesRead = is.read(buf);
652 					if ( bytesRead<=0 )
653 						break;
654 					os.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
655 					totalWritten += bytesRead;
656 //					final int percent = totalWritten * 100 / contentLength;
657 //					long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
658 //					if ( percent!=lastPercent && ts - lastTs > 1500 ) {
659 //						L.d("Download progress: " + percent + "%");
660 //						BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(new Runnable() {
661 //							@Override
662 //							public void run() {
663 //								callback.onDownloadProgress(type, url, percent);
664 //							}
665 //						});
666 //					}
667 				}
668 				success = true;
669 			} finally {
670 				if ( !success ) {
671 					if ( outFile.exists() && outFile.isFile() ) {
672 						L.w("deleting unsuccessully downloaded file " + outFile);
673 						outFile.delete();
674 					}
675 				}
676 			}
677 			L.d("Download finished");
678 			BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> callback.onDownloadEnd(type, url, outFile));
679 		}
findSubstring( byte[]buf, String str )680 		public static int findSubstring( byte[]buf, String str ) {
681 			for ( int i=0; i<buf.length-str.length(); i++ ) {
682 				boolean found = true;
683 				for ( int j=0; j<str.length(); j++ )
684 					if ( str.charAt(j)!=buf[i+j] ) {
685 						found = false;
686 						break;
687 					}
688 				if ( found )
689 					return i;
690 			}
691 			return -1; // not found
692 		}
encodePassword(String username, String password)694 		public static String encodePassword(String username, String password) {
695 			return Base64.encodeToString((username + ":" + password).getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
696 		}
runInternal()698 		public void runInternal() {
699 			connection = null;
701 			boolean itemsLoadedPartially = false;
702 			boolean loadNext = false;
703 			HashSet<String> visited = new HashSet<String>();
705 			do {
706 				try {
707 					setProgressMessage( url.toString(), -1 );
708 					visited.add(url.toString());
709 					long startTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
710 					if (!partialDownloadCompleted) {
711 						if (delayedProgress != null)
712 							delayedProgress.cancel();
713 						delayedProgress = Services.getEngine().showProgressDelayed(0, progressMessage, PROGRESS_DELAY_MILLIS);
714 					}
715 					URL newURL = url;
716 					boolean useOrobotProxy = false;
717 					String host = url.getHost();
718 					if (host.endsWith(".onion"))
719 					    useOrobotProxy = true;
720 					String oldAddress = url.toString();
721 					if (oldAddress.startsWith("orobot://")) {
722 					    newURL = new URL("http://" + oldAddress.substring(9)); // skip orobot://
723 					    useOrobotProxy = true;
724 					    L.d("Converting url - " + oldAddress + " to " + newURL + " for using ORobot proxy");
725 					} else if (oldAddress.startsWith("orobots://")) {
726 					    newURL = new URL("https://" + oldAddress.substring(10)); // skip orobots://
727 					    useOrobotProxy = true;
728 					    L.d("Converting url - " + oldAddress + " to " + newURL + " for using ORobot proxy");
729 					}
730 					Proxy proxy = null;
731                     System.setProperty("http.keepAlive", "false");
732 					if (useOrobotProxy) {
733                         // Set-up proxy
734                         //System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
735                         //System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8118");
736 					    //L.d("Using ORobot proxy: " + proxy);
737 					    proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8118)); // ORobot proxy running on this device
738 					    L.d("Using ORobot proxy: " + proxy);
739 					} else {
740                         //System.clearProperty("http.proxyHost");
741                         //System.clearProperty("http.proxyPort");
742 					}
744 					URLConnection conn = proxy == null ? newURL.openConnection() : newURL.openConnection(proxy);
745 					if ( conn instanceof HttpsURLConnection ) {
746 	                	HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection)conn;
748 	                    // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
749 	                    TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
750 	                        public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
751 	                            return null;
752 	                        }
753 	                        public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
754 	                        }
755 	                        public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
756 	                        }
757 	                    } };
758 	                    // Install the all-trusting trust manager
759 	                    final SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
760 	                    sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new java.security.SecureRandom());
761 	                    HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory());
763 	                	https.setHostnameVerifier((arg0, arg1) -> true);
764 					}
765 					if ( !(conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) ) {
766 						onError("Only HTTP supported");
767 						return;
768 					}
769 					connection = (HttpURLConnection)conn;
770 		            connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "CoolReader/3(Android)");
771 		            if ( referer!=null )
772 		            	connection.setRequestProperty("Referer", referer);
773 		            connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true);
774 	                connection.setUseCaches(false);
776 	                if (username != null && username.length() > 0 && password != null && password.length() > 0) {
777 	                	connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", encodePassword(username, password));
778 	                	Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
779 	                	    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
780 	                	        return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray());
781 	                	    }});
782 	                }
784 		            connection.setAllowUserInteraction(false);
785 		            connection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
786 		            connection.setReadTimeout(READ_TIMEOUT);
787 		            connection.setDoInput(true);
788 		            String fileName = null;
789 		            String disp = connection.getHeaderField("Content-Disposition");
790 		            if ( disp!=null ) {
791 		            	int p = disp.indexOf("filename=");
792 		            	if ( p>0 ) {
793 		            		fileName = disp.substring(p + 9);
794 		            	}
795 		            }
796 		            //connection.setDoOutput(true);
797 		            //connection.set
799 		            int response = -1;
801 					response = connection.getResponseCode();
802 					if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("Response: " + response);
803 					if ( response == 301 || response == 302 || response == 307 || response == 303 ) {
804 						// redirects
805 						String redirect = connection.getHeaderField("Location");
806 						if (null == redirect) {
807 							onError("Invalid redirect " + response);
808 							return;
809 						}
810 						L.d("continue with next part: " + url);
811 						url = new URL(redirect);
812 						if (visited.contains(url.toString())) {
813 							onError("Duplicate redirect " + url);
814 							return;
815 						}
816 						loadNext = true;
817 						L.d("Response " + response + ": redirect to " + url);
818 						continue;
819 					}
820 					if ( response != 200 ) {
821 						onError("Error " + response);
822 						return;
823 					}
825 					if (cancelled)
826 						break;
828 					String contentType = connection.getContentType();
829 					String contentEncoding = connection.getContentEncoding();
830 					int contentLen = connection.getContentLength();
831 					//connection.getC
832 					if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("Entity content length: " + contentLen);
833 					if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("Entity content type: " + contentType);
834 					if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("Entity content encoding: " + contentEncoding);
835 					setProgressMessage( url.toString(), contentLen );
836 					InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
837 					if (delayedProgress != null)
838 						delayedProgress.cancel();
839 					is = new ProgressInputStream(is, startTimeStamp, progressMessage, contentLen, 80);
840 					final int MAX_CONTENT_LEN_TO_BUFFER = 256*1024;
841 					boolean isZip = contentType!=null && contentType.equals("application/zip");
842 					if ( expectedType!=null )
843 						contentType = expectedType;
844 					else if ( contentLen>0 && contentLen<MAX_CONTENT_LEN_TO_BUFFER) { // autodetect type
845 						byte[] buf = new byte[contentLen];
846 						if ( is.read(buf)!=contentLen ) {
847 							onError("Wrong content length");
848 							return;
849 						}
850 						is.close();
851 						is = null;
852 						is = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf);
853 						if ( findSubstring(buf, "<?xml version=")>=0 && findSubstring(buf, "<feed")>=0  )
854 							contentType = "application/atom+xml"; // override type
855 					}
856 					if ( contentType.startsWith("application/atom+xml") ) {
857 						if (EXTENDED_LOG) L.d("Parsing feed");
858 						parseFeed( is );
859 						itemsLoadedPartially = true;
860 						if (handler.docInfo.nextLink!=null && handler.docInfo.nextLink.type.startsWith("application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog")) {
861 							if (handler.entries.size() < MAX_OPDS_ITEMS) {
862 								url = new URL(handler.docInfo.nextLink.href);
863 								loadNext = !visited.contains(url.toString());
864 								L.d("continue with next part: " + url);
865 							} else {
866 								L.d("max item count reached: " + handler.entries.size());
867 								loadNext = false;
868 							}
869 						} else {
870 							loadNext = false;
871 						}
873 					} else {
874 						if ( fileName==null )
875 							fileName = defaultFileName;
876 						L.d("Downloading book: " + contentEncoding);
877 						downloadBook( contentType, url.toString(), is, contentLen, fileName, isZip );
878 						hideProgress();
879 						loadNext = false;
880 						itemsLoadedPartially = false;
881 					}
882 				} catch (Exception e) {
883 					L.e("Exception while trying to open URI " + url.toString(), e);
884 					if ( progressShown )
885 						Services.getEngine().hideProgress();
886 					onError("Error occured while reading OPDS catalog");
887 					break;
888 				} finally {
889 					if ( connection!=null )
890 						try {
891 							connection.disconnect();
892 						} catch ( Exception e ) {
893 							// ignore
894 						}
895 				}
897 				partialDownloadCompleted = true; // don't show progress
899 				if (loadNext && !cancelled) {
900 					// partially loaded
901 					if ( progressShown )
902 						Services.getEngine().hideProgress();
903 					final ArrayList<EntryInfo> entries = new ArrayList<>(handler.entries);
904 					BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> {
905 						L.d("Parsing is partially. " + handler.entries.size() + " entries found -- updating view");
906 						if (!callback.onEntries(handler.docInfo, entries))
907 							cancel();
908 					});
909 				}
910 			} while (loadNext && !cancelled);
911 			if (delayedProgress != null)
912 				delayedProgress.cancel();
913 			hideProgress();
914 			if (itemsLoadedPartially && !cancelled) {
915 				BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> {
916 					L.d("Parsing is finished successfully. " + handler.entries.size() + " entries found");
917 					hideProgress();
918 					if (!callback.onFinish(handler.docInfo, handler.entries))
919 						cancel();
920 				});
921 			}
922 		}
run()924 		public void run() {
925 			BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> {
926 				try {
927 					runInternal();
928 				} catch ( Exception e ) {
929 					L.e("exception while opening OPDS", e);
930 				}
931 			});
932 		}
cancel()934 		public void cancel() {
935 			if (!cancelled) {
936 				L.d("cancelling current download task");
937 				cancelled = true;
938 			}
939 		}
941 		volatile private boolean cancelled = false;
943 		private boolean progressShown = false;
945 		private boolean partialDownloadCompleted = false;
947 		public class ProgressInputStream extends InputStream {
949 			private static final int TIMEOUT = 1500;
951 			private final InputStream sourceStream;
952 			private final int totalSize;
953 			private final String progressMessage;
954 			private long lastUpdate;
955 			private int lastPercent;
956 			private int maxPercentToStartShowingProgress;
957 			private int bytesRead;
ProgressInputStream( InputStream sourceStream, long startTimeStamp, String progressMessage, int totalSize, int maxPercentToStartShowingProgress )959 			public ProgressInputStream( InputStream sourceStream, long startTimeStamp, String progressMessage, int totalSize, int maxPercentToStartShowingProgress ) {
960 				this.sourceStream = sourceStream;
961 				this.totalSize = totalSize;
962 				this.maxPercentToStartShowingProgress = maxPercentToStartShowingProgress * 100;
963 				this.progressMessage = progressMessage;
964 				this.lastUpdate = startTimeStamp;
965 				this.bytesRead = 0;
966 			}
updateProgress()968 			private void updateProgress() {
969 				long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
970 				long delay = ts - lastUpdate;
971 				if ( delay > TIMEOUT ) {
972 					lastUpdate = ts;
973 					int percent = 0;
974 					if ( totalSize>0 ) {
975 						percent = bytesRead * 100 / totalSize * 100;
976 					}
977 					if ( !partialDownloadCompleted && (!progressShown || percent!=lastPercent) && (progressShown || percent<maxPercentToStartShowingProgress || delay > TIMEOUT*2 ) ) {
978 						Services.getEngine().showProgress(percent, progressMessage);
979 						lastPercent = percent;
980 						progressShown = true;
981 					}
982 				}
984 			}
986 			@Override
read()987 			public int read() throws IOException {
988 				bytesRead++;
989 				updateProgress();
990 				return sourceStream.read();
991 			}
993 			@Override
close()994 			public void close() throws IOException {
995 				super.close();
996 			}
997 		}
999 	}
1000 	private static DownloadTask currentTask;
create(CoolReader coolReader, URL uri, String defaultFileName, String expectedType, String referer, DownloadCallback callback, String username, String password)1001 	public static DownloadTask create(CoolReader coolReader, URL uri, String defaultFileName, String expectedType, String referer, DownloadCallback callback, String username, String password) {
1002 		if (currentTask != null)
1003 			currentTask.cancel();
1004 		final DownloadTask task = new DownloadTask(coolReader, uri, defaultFileName, expectedType, referer, callback, username, password);
1005 		currentTask = task;
1006 		return task;
1007 	}
1009 	static class SubstTable {
1010 		private final int startChar;
1011 		private final String[] replacements;
SubstTable( int startChar, String[] replacements )1012 		public SubstTable( int startChar, String[] replacements ) {
1013 			this.startChar = startChar;
1014 			this.replacements = replacements;
1015 		}
isInRange( char ch )1016 		boolean isInRange( char ch ) {
1017 			return ch>=startChar && ch<startChar + replacements.length;
1018 		}
get( char ch )1019 		String get( char ch ) {
1020 			return (ch>=startChar && ch<startChar + replacements.length) ? replacements[ch - startChar] : "";
1021 		}
1022 	}
1024 	public static final int PROGRESS_DELAY_MILLIS = 2000;
1025 	public static final int MAX_OPDS_ITEMS = 1000;
1026 }