3 * EGroupware API: Contacts
4 *
5 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
6 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
7 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
8 * @author Joerg Lehrke <jlehrke@noc.de>
9 * @package api
10 * @subpackage contacts
11 * @copyright (c) 2005-16 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
12 * @copyright (c) 2005/6 by Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
13 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
14 * @version $Id$
15 */
17namespace EGroupware\Api;
19use calendar_bo;  // to_do: do NOT require it, just use if there
22 * Business object for contacts
23 */
24class Contacts extends Contacts\Storage
27	/**
28	 * Birthdays are read into the cache, cache is expired when a
29	 * birthday changes, or after 10 days.
30	 */
31	const BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME = 864000; /* 10 days*/
33	/**
34	 * Custom ACL allowing to share into the AB / setting shared_with
35	 */
36	const ACL_SHARED = Acl::CUSTOM1;
37	/**
38	 * Mask to allow to share into the AB, at least one of the following need to be set:
39	 * - custom ACL_SHARED
40	 * - ACL::EDIT
41	 */
44	/**
45	 * @var int $now_su actual user (!) time
46	 */
47	var $now_su;
49	/**
50	 * @var array $timestamps timestamps
51	 */
52	var $timestamps = array('modified','created');
54	/**
55	 * @var array $fileas_types
56	 */
57	var $fileas_types = array(
58		'org_name: n_family, n_given',
59		'org_name: n_family, n_prefix',
60		'org_name: n_given n_family',
61		'org_name: n_fn',
62		'org_name, org_unit: n_family, n_given',
63		'org_name, adr_one_locality: n_family, n_given',
64		'org_name, org_unit, adr_one_locality: n_family, n_given',
65		'n_family, n_given: org_name',
66		'n_family, n_given (org_name)',
67		'n_family, n_prefix: org_name',
68		'n_given n_family: org_name',
69		'n_prefix n_family: org_name',
70		'n_fn: org_name',
71		'org_name',
72		'org_name - org_unit',
73		'n_given n_family',
74		'n_prefix n_family',
75		'n_family, n_given',
76		'n_family, n_prefix',
77		'n_fn',
78		'n_family, n_given (bday)',
79	);
81	/**
82	 * @var array $org_fields fields belonging to the (virtual) organisation entry
83	 */
84	var $org_fields = array(
85		'org_name',
86		'org_unit',
87		'adr_one_street',
88		'adr_one_street2',
89		'adr_one_locality',
90		'adr_one_region',
91		'adr_one_postalcode',
92		'adr_one_countryname',
93		'adr_one_countrycode',
94		'label',
95		'tel_work',
96		'tel_fax',
97		'tel_assistent',
98		'assistent',
99		'email',
100		'url',
101		'tz',
102	);
104	/**
105	 * Which fields is a (non-admin) user allowed to edit in his own account
106	 *
107	 * @var array
108	 */
109	var $own_account_acl;
111	/**
112	 * @var double $org_common_factor minimum percentage of the contacts with identical values to construct the "common" (virtual) org-entry
113	 */
114	var $org_common_factor = 0.6;
116	var $contact_fields = array();
117	var $business_contact_fields = array();
118	var $home_contact_fields = array();
120	/**
121	 * Set Logging
122	 *
123	 * @var boolean
124	 */
125	var $log = false;
126	var $logfile = '/tmp/log-addressbook_bo';
128	/**
129	 * Number and message of last error or false if no error, atm. only used for saving
130	 *
131	 * @var string/boolean
132	 */
133	var $error;
134	/**
135	 * Addressbook preferences of the user
136	 *
137	 * @var array
138	 */
139	var $prefs;
140	/**
141	 * Default addressbook for new contacts, if no addressbook is specified (user preference)
142	 *
143	 * @var int
144	 */
145	var $default_addressbook;
146	/**
147	 * Default addressbook is the private one
148	 *
149	 * @var boolean
150	 */
151	var $default_private;
152	/**
153	 * Use a separate private addressbook (former private flag), for contacts not shareable via regular read acl
154	 *
155	 * @var boolean
156	 */
157	var $private_addressbook = false;
158	/**
159	 * Categories object
160	 *
161	 * @var Categories
162	 */
163	var $categories;
165	/**
166	* Tracking changes
167	*
168	* @var Contacts\Tracking
169	*/
170	protected $tracking;
172	/**
173	* Keep deleted addresses, or really delete them
174	* Set in Admin -> Addressbook -> Site Configuration
175	* ''=really delete, 'history'=keep, only admins delete, 'userpurge'=keep, users delete
176 	*
177	* @var string
178 	*/
179	protected $delete_history = '';
181	/**
182	 * Constructor
183	 *
184	 * @param string $contact_app ='addressbook' used for acl->get_grants()
185	 * @param Db $db =null
186	 */
187	function __construct($contact_app='addressbook',Db $db=null)
188	{
189		parent::__construct($contact_app,$db);
190		if ($this->log)
191		{
192			$this->logfile = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'].'/log-addressbook_bo';
193			error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($contact_app)\n", 3 ,$this->logfile);
194		}
196		$this->now_su = DateTime::to('now','ts');
198		$this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook'];
199		if(!isset($this->prefs['hide_accounts']))
200		{
201			$this->prefs['hide_accounts'] = '0';
202		}
203		// get the default addressbook from the users prefs
204		$this->default_addressbook = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] ?
205			(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] : $this->user;
206		$this->default_private = substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'],-1) == 'p';
207		if ($this->default_addressbook > 0 && $this->default_addressbook != $this->user &&
208			($this->default_private ||
209			$this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced['addressbook']['add_default'] ||
210			$this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default['addressbook']['add_default']))
211		{
212			$this->default_addressbook = $this->user;	// admin set a default or forced pref for personal addressbook
213		}
214		$this->private_addressbook = self::private_addressbook($this->contact_repository == 'sql', $this->prefs);
216		$this->contact_fields = array(
217			'id'                   => lang('Contact ID'),
218			'tid'                  => lang('Type'),
219			'owner'                => lang('Addressbook'),
220			'private'              => lang('private'),
221			'cat_id'               => lang('Category'),
222			'n_prefix'             => lang('prefix'),
223			'n_given'              => lang('first name'),
224			'n_middle'             => lang('middle name'),
225			'n_family'             => lang('last name'),
226			'n_suffix'             => lang('suffix'),
227			'n_fn'                 => lang('full name'),
228			'n_fileas'             => lang('own sorting'),
229			'bday'                 => lang('birthday'),
230			'org_name'             => lang('Organisation'),
231			'org_unit'             => lang('Department'),
232			'title'                => lang('title'),
233			'role'                 => lang('role'),
234			'assistent'            => lang('Assistent'),
235			'room'                 => lang('Room'),
236			'adr_one_street'       => lang('business street'),
237			'adr_one_street2'      => lang('business address line 2'),
238			'adr_one_locality'     => lang('business city'),
239			'adr_one_region'       => lang('business state'),
240			'adr_one_postalcode'   => lang('business zip code'),
241			'adr_one_countryname'  => lang('business country'),
242			'adr_one_countrycode'  => lang('business country code'),
243			'label'                => lang('label'),
244			'adr_two_street'       => lang('street (private)'),
245			'adr_two_street2'      => lang('address line 2 (private)'),
246			'adr_two_locality'     => lang('city (private)'),
247			'adr_two_region'       => lang('state (private)'),
248			'adr_two_postalcode'   => lang('zip code (private)'),
249			'adr_two_countryname'  => lang('country (private)'),
250			'adr_two_countrycode'  => lang('country code (private)'),
251			'tel_work'             => lang('work phone'),
252			'tel_cell'             => lang('mobile phone'),
253			'tel_fax'              => lang('business fax'),
254			'tel_assistent'        => lang('assistent phone'),
255			'tel_car'              => lang('car phone'),
256			'tel_pager'            => lang('pager'),
257			'tel_home'             => lang('home phone'),
258			'tel_fax_home'         => lang('fax (private)'),
259			'tel_cell_private'     => lang('mobile phone (private)'),
260			'tel_other'            => lang('other phone'),
261			'tel_prefer'           => lang('preferred phone'),
262			'email'                => lang('business email'),
263			'email_home'           => lang('email (private)'),
264			'url'                  => lang('url (business)'),
265			'url_home'             => lang('url (private)'),
266			'freebusy_uri'         => lang('Freebusy URI'),
267			'calendar_uri'         => lang('Calendar URI'),
268			'note'                 => lang('note'),
269			'tz'                   => lang('time zone'),
270			'geo'                  => lang('geo'),
271			'pubkey'               => lang('public key'),
272			'created'              => lang('created'),
273			'creator'              => lang('created by'),
274			'modified'             => lang('last modified'),
275			'modifier'             => lang('last modified by'),
276			'jpegphoto'            => lang('photo'),
277			'account_id'           => lang('Account ID'),
278		);
279		$this->business_contact_fields = array(
280			'org_name'             => lang('Company'),
281			'org_unit'             => lang('Department'),
282			'title'                => lang('Title'),
283			'role'                 => lang('Role'),
284			'n_prefix'             => lang('prefix'),
285			'n_given'              => lang('first name'),
286			'n_middle'             => lang('middle name'),
287			'n_family'             => lang('last name'),
288			'n_suffix'             => lang('suffix'),
289			'adr_one_street'       => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')',
290			'adr_one_street2'      => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')',
291			'adr_one_locality'     => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')',
292			'adr_one_region'       => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')',
293			'adr_one_postalcode'   => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')',
294			'adr_one_countryname'  => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')',
295		);
296		$this->home_contact_fields = array(
297			'org_name'             => lang('Company'),
298			'org_unit'             => lang('Department'),
299			'title'                => lang('Title'),
300			'role'                 => lang('Role'),
301			'n_prefix'             => lang('prefix'),
302			'n_given'              => lang('first name'),
303			'n_middle'             => lang('middle name'),
304			'n_family'             => lang('last name'),
305			'n_suffix'             => lang('suffix'),
306			'adr_two_street'       => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')',
307			'adr_two_street2'      => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')',
308			'adr_two_locality'     => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')',
309			'adr_two_region'       => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')',
310			'adr_two_postalcode'   => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')',
311			'adr_two_countryname'  => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')',
312		);
313		//_debug_array($this->contact_fields);
314		$this->own_account_acl = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['own_account_acl'];
315		if (!is_array($this->own_account_acl)) $this->own_account_acl = json_php_unserialize($this->own_account_acl, true);
316		// we have only one acl (n_fn) for the whole name, as not all backends store every part in an own field
317		if ($this->own_account_acl && in_array('n_fn',$this->own_account_acl))
318		{
319			$this->own_account_acl = array_merge($this->own_account_acl,array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix'));
320		}
321		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update'])
322		{
323			$this->org_fields =  $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update'];
324			if (!is_array($this->org_fields)) $this->org_fields = unserialize($this->org_fields);
326			// Set country code if country name is selected
327			$supported_fields = $this->get_fields('supported',null,0);
328			if(in_array('adr_one_countrycode', $supported_fields) && in_array('adr_one_countryname',$this->org_fields))
329			{
330				$this->org_fields[] = 'adr_one_countrycode';
331			}
332			if(in_array('adr_two_countrycode', $supported_fields) && in_array('adr_two_countryname',$this->org_fields))
333			{
334				$this->org_fields[] = 'adr_two_countrycode';
335			}
336		}
337		$this->categories = new Categories($this->user,'addressbook');
339		$this->delete_history = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['history'];
340	}
342	/**
343	 * Do we use a private addressbook (in comparison to a personal one)
344	 *
345	 * Used to set $this->private_addressbook for current user.
346	 *
347	 * @param string $contact_repository
348	 * @param array $prefs addressbook preferences
349	 * @return boolean
350	 */
351	public static function private_addressbook($contact_repository, array $prefs=null)
352	{
353		return $contact_repository == 'sql' && $prefs['private_addressbook'];
354	}
356	/**
357	 * Get the availible addressbooks of the user
358	 *
359	 * @param int $required =Acl::READ required rights on the addressbook or multiple rights or'ed together,
360	 * 	to return only addressbooks fullfilling all the given rights
361	 * @param ?string $extra_label first label if given (already translated)
362	 * @param ?int $user =null account_id or null for current user
363	 * @param boolean $check_all =true false: only require any of the given right-bits is set
364	 * @return array with owner => label pairs
365	 */
366	function get_addressbooks($required=Acl::READ,$extra_label=null,$user=null,$check_all=true)
367	{
368		if (is_null($user))
369		{
370			$user = $this->user;
371			$preferences = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'];
372			$grants = $this->grants;
373		}
374		else
375		{
376			$prefs_obj = new Preferences($user);
377			$preferences = $prefs_obj->read_repository();
378			$grants = $this->get_grants($user, 'addressbook', $preferences);
379		}
381		$addressbooks = $to_sort = array();
382		if ($extra_label) $addressbooks[''] = $extra_label;
383		$addressbooks[$user] = lang('Personal');
384		// add all group addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too
385		foreach($grants as $uid => $rights)
386		{
387			if (self::is_set($rights, $required, $check_all) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'g')
388			{
389				$to_sort[$uid] = lang('Group %1',$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid));
390			}
391		}
392		if ($to_sort)
393		{
394			asort($to_sort);
395			$addressbooks += $to_sort;
396		}
397		if ($required != Acl::ADD &&	// do NOT allow to set accounts as default addressbook (AB can add accounts)
398			$preferences['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] !== '1' && (
399				($grants[0] & $required) == $required ||
400				$preferences['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' &&
401				$this->account_repository != 'ldap' && ($required & Acl::READ)))
402		{
403			$addressbooks[0] = lang('Accounts');
404		}
405		// add all other user addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too
406		$to_sort = array();
407		foreach($grants as $uid => $rights)
408		{
409			if ($uid != $user && self::is_set($rights, $required, $check_all) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'u')
410			{
411				$to_sort[$uid] = Accounts::username($uid);
412			}
413		}
414		if ($to_sort)
415		{
416			asort($to_sort);
417			$addressbooks += $to_sort;
418		}
419		if ($user > 0 && self::private_addressbook($this->contact_repository, $preferences['addressbook']))
420		{
421			$addressbooks[$user.'p'] = lang('Private');
422		}
423		return $addressbooks;
424	}
426	/**
427	 * Check rights for one or more required rights
428	 * @param int $rights
429	 * @param int $required
430	 * @param boolean $check_all =true false: only require any of the given right-bits is set
431	 * @return bool
432	 */
433	private static function is_set($rights, $required, $check_all=true)
434	{
435		$result = $rights & $required;
436		return $check_exact ? $result == $required : $result !== 0;
437	}
439	/**
440	 * calculate the file_as string from the contact and the file_as type
441	 *
442	 * @param array $contact
443	 * @param string $type =null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one
444	 * @param boolean $isUpdate =false If true, reads the old record for any not set fields
445	 * @return string
446	 */
447	function fileas($contact,$type=null, $isUpdate=false)
448	{
449		if (is_null($type)) $type = $contact['fileas_type'];
450		if (!$type) $type = $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0];
452		if (strpos($type,'n_fn') !== false) $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
454		if($isUpdate)
455		{
456			$fileas_fields = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix','n_fn','org_name','org_unit','adr_one_locality','bday');
457			$old = null;
458			foreach($fileas_fields as $field)
459			{
460				if(!isset($contact[$field]))
461				{
462					if(is_null($old)) $old = $this->read($contact['id']);
463					$contact[$field] = $old[$field];
464				}
465			}
466			unset($old);
467		}
469		// removing empty delimiters, caused by empty contact fields
470		$fileas = str_replace(array(', , : ',', : ',': , ',', , ',': : ',' ()'),
471			array(': ',': ',': ',', ',': ',''),
472			strtr($type, array(
473				'n_prefix' => $contact['n_prefix'],
474				'n_given'  => $contact['n_given'],
475				'n_middle' => $contact['n_middle'],
476				'n_family' => $contact['n_family'],
477				'n_suffix' => $contact['n_suffix'],
478				'n_fn'     => $contact['n_fn'],
479				'org_name' => $contact['org_name'],
480				'org_unit' => $contact['org_unit'],
481				'adr_one_locality' => $contact['adr_one_locality'],
482				'bday'     => (int)$contact['bday'] ? DateTime::to($contact['bday'], true) : $contact['bday'],
483			)));
485		while ($fileas[0] == ':' ||  $fileas[0] == ',')
486		{
487			$fileas = substr($fileas,2);
488		}
489		while (substr($fileas,-2) == ': ' || substr($fileas,-2) == ', ')
490		{
491			$fileas = substr($fileas,0,-2);
492		}
493		return $fileas;
494	}
496	/**
497	 * determine the file_as type from the file_as string and the contact
498	 *
499	 * @param array $contact
500	 * @param string $file_as =null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one
501	 * @return string
502	 */
503	function fileas_type($contact,$file_as=null)
504	{
505		if (is_null($file_as)) $file_as = $contact['n_fileas'];
507		if ($file_as)
508		{
509			foreach($this->fileas_types as $type)
510			{
511				if ($this->fileas($contact,$type) == $file_as)
512				{
513					return $type;
514				}
515			}
516		}
517		return $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0];
518	}
520	/**
521	 * get selectbox options for the customfields
522	 *
523	 * @param array $field =null
524	 * @return array with options:
525	 */
526	public static function cf_options()
527	{
528		$cf_fields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook',TRUE);
529		foreach ($cf_fields as $key => $value )
530		{
531			$options[$key]= $value['label'];
532		}
533		return $options;
534	}
536	/**
537	 * get selectbox options for the fileas types with translated labels, or real content
538	 *
539	 * @param array $contact =null real content to use, default none
540	 * @return array with options: fileas type => label pairs
541	 */
542	function fileas_options($contact=null)
543	{
544		$labels = array(
545			'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'),
546			'n_given'  => lang('first name'),
547			'n_middle' => lang('middle name'),
548			'n_family' => lang('last name'),
549			'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'),
550			'n_fn'     => lang('full name'),
551			'org_name' => lang('company'),
552			'org_unit' => lang('department'),
553			'adr_one_locality' => lang('city'),
554			'bday'     => lang('Birthday'),
555		);
556		foreach(array_keys($labels) as $name)
557		{
558			if ($contact[$name]) $labels[$name] = $contact[$name];
559		}
560		foreach($this->fileas_types as $fileas_type)
561		{
562			$options[$fileas_type] = $this->fileas($labels,$fileas_type);
563		}
564		return $options;
565	}
567	/**
568	 * Set n_fileas (and n_fn) in contacts of all users  (called by Admin >> Addressbook >> Site configuration (Admin only)
569	 *
570	 * If $all all fileas fields will be set, if !$all only empty ones
571	 *
572	 * @param string $fileas_type '' or type of $this->fileas_types
573	 * @param int $all =false update all contacts or only ones with empty values
574	 * @param int &$errors=null on return number of errors
575	 * @return int|boolean number of contacts updated, false for wrong fileas type
576	 */
577	function set_all_fileas($fileas_type,$all=false,&$errors=null,$ignore_acl=false)
578	{
579		if ($fileas_type != '' && !in_array($fileas_type, $this->fileas_types))
580		{
581			return false;
582		}
583		if ($ignore_acl)
584		{
585			unset($this->somain->grants);	// to NOT limit search to contacts readable by current user
586		}
587		// to be able to work on huge contact repositories we read the contacts in chunks of 100
588		for($n = $updated = $errors = 0; ($contacts = parent::search($all ? array() : array(
589			'n_fileas IS NULL',
590			"n_fileas=''",
591			'n_fn IS NULL',
592			"n_fn=''",
593		),false,'','','',false,'OR',array($n*100,100))); ++$n)
594		{
595			foreach($contacts as $contact)
596			{
597				$old_fn     = $contact['n_fn'];
598				$old_fileas = $contact['n_fileas'];
599				$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
600				// only update fileas if type is given AND (all should be updated or n_fileas is empty)
601				if ($fileas_type && ($all || empty($contact['n_fileas'])))
602				{
603					$contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact,$fileas_type);
604				}
605				if ($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] || $old_fn != $contact['n_fn'])
606				{
607					// only specify/write updated fields plus "keys"
608					$contact = array_intersect_key($contact,array(
609						'id' => true,
610						'owner' => true,
611						'private' => true,
612						'account_id' => true,
613						'uid' => true,
614					)+($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] ? array('n_fileas' => true) : array())+($old_fn != $contact['n_fn'] ? array('n_fn' => true) : array()));
615					if ($this->save($contact,$ignore_acl))
616					{
617						$updated++;
618					}
619					else
620					{
621						$errors++;
622					}
623				}
624			}
625		}
626		return $updated;
627	}
629	/**
630	 * Cleanup all contacts db fields of all users  (called by Admin >> Addressbook >> Site configuration (Admin only)
631	 *
632	 * Cleanup means to truncate all unnecessary chars like whitespaces or tabs,
633	 * remove unneeded carriage returns or set empty fields to NULL
634	 *
635	 * @param int &$errors=null on return number of errors
636	 * @return int|boolean number of contacts updated
637	 */
638	function set_all_cleanup(&$errors=null,$ignore_acl=false)
639	{
640		if ($ignore_acl)
641		{
642			unset($this->somain->grants);	// to NOT limit search to contacts readable by current user
643		}
645		// fields that must not be touched
646		$fields_exclude = array(
647			'id'			=> true,
648			'tid'			=> true,
649			'owner'			=> true,
650			'private'		=> true,
651			'created'		=> true,
652			'creator'		=> true,
653			'modified'		=> true,
654			'modifier'		=> true,
655			'account_id'	=> true,
656			'etag'			=> true,
657			'uid'			=> true,
658			'freebusy_uri'	=> true,
659			'calendar_uri'	=> true,
660			'photo'			=> true,
661		);
663		// to be able to work on huge contact repositories we read the contacts in chunks of 100
664		for($n = $updated = $errors = 0; ($contacts = parent::search(array(),false,'','','',false,'OR',array($n*100,100))); ++$n)
665		{
666			foreach($contacts as $contact)
667			{
668				$fields_to_update = array();
669				foreach($contact as $field_name => $field_value)
670				{
671					if($fields_exclude[$field_name] === true) continue; // dont touch specified field
673					if (is_string($field_value) && $field_name != 'pubkey' && $field_name != 'jpegphoto')
674					{
675						// check if field has to be trimmed
676						if (strlen($field_value) != strlen(trim($field_value)))
677						{
678							$fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = trim($field_value);
679						}
680						// check if field contains a carriage return - exclude notes
681						if ($field_name != 'note' && strpos($field_value,"\x0D\x0A") !== false)
682						{
683							$fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = str_replace("\x0D\x0A"," ",$field_value);
684						}
685					}
686					// check if a field contains an empty string
687					if (is_string($field_value) && strlen($field_value) == 0)
688					{
689						$fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = null;
690					}
691					// check for valid birthday date
692					if ($field_name == 'bday' && $field_value != null &&
693						!preg_match('/^(18|19|20|21|22)\d{2}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/',$field_value))
694					{
695						$fields_to_update[$field_name] = $field_value = null;
696					}
697				}
699				if(count($fields_to_update) > 0)
700				{
701					$contact_to_save = array(
702						'id' => $contact['id'],
703						'owner' => $contact['owner'],
704						'private' => $contact['private'],
705						'account_id' => $contact['account_id'],
706						'uid' => $contact['uid']) + $fields_to_update;
708					if ($this->save($contact_to_save,$ignore_acl))
709					{
710						$updated++;
711					}
712					else
713					{
714						$errors++;
715					}
716				}
717			}
718		}
719		return $updated;
720	}
722	/**
723	 * get full name from the name-parts
724	 *
725	 * @param array $contact
726	 * @return string full name
727	 */
728	function fullname($contact)
729	{
730		if (empty($contact['n_family']) && empty($contact['n_given'])) {
731			$cpart = array('org_name');
732		} else {
733			$cpart = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix');
734		}
735		$parts = array();
736		foreach($cpart as $n)
737		{
738			if ($contact[$n]) $parts[] = $contact[$n];
739		}
740		return implode(' ',$parts);
741	}
743	/**
744	 * changes the data from the db-format to your work-format
745	 *
746	 * it gets called everytime when data is read from the db
747	 * This function needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
748	 *
749	 * @param array $data
750	 * @param $date_format ='ts' date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp, 'server'=timestamp in server-time, 'array'=array or string with date-format
751	 *
752	 * @return array updated data
753	 */
754	function db2data($data, $date_format='ts')
755	{
756		static $fb_url = false;
758		// convert timestamps from server-time in the db to user-time
759		foreach ($this->timestamps as $name)
760		{
761			if (isset($data[$name]))
762			{
763				$data[$name] = DateTime::server2user($data[$name], $date_format);
764			}
765		}
766		$data['photo'] = $this->photo_src($data['id'],$data['jpegphoto'] || ($data['files'] & self::FILES_BIT_PHOTO), '', $data['etag']);
768		// set freebusy_uri for accounts
769		if (!$data['freebusy_uri'] && !$data['owner'] && $data['account_id'] && !is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']))
770		{
771			if ($fb_url || @is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/calendar/inc'))
772			{
773				$fb_url = true;
774				$user = isset($data['account_lid']) ? $data['account_lid'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($data['account_id']);
775				$data['freebusy_uri'] = calendar_bo::freebusy_url($user);
776			}
777		}
778		return $data;
779	}
781	/**
782	 * src for photo: returns array with linkparams if jpeg exists or the $default image-name if not
783	 * @param int $id contact_id
784	 * @param boolean $jpeg =false jpeg exists or not
785	 * @param string $default ='' image-name to use if !$jpeg, eg. 'template'
786	 * @param string $etag =null etag to set in url to allow caching with Expires header
787	 * @return string
788	 */
789	function photo_src($id,$jpeg,$default='',$etag=null)
790	{
791		//error_log(__METHOD__."($id, ..., etag=$etag) ".  function_backtrace());
792		return $jpeg || !$default ? Egw::link('/api/avatar.php', array(
793			'contact_id' => $id,
794			'lavatar' => !$jpeg ? true : false
795		)+(isset($etag) ? array(
796			'etag'       => $etag
797		) : array())) : $default;
798	}
800	/**
801	 * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format
802	 *
803	 * It gets called everytime when data gets writen into db or on keys for db-searches
804	 * this needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
805	 *
806	 * @param array $data
807	 * @param $date_format ='ts' date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp, 'server'=timestamp in server-time, 'array'=array or string with date-format
808	 *
809	 * @return array upated data
810	 */
811	function data2db($data, $date_format='ts')
812	{
813		// convert timestamps from user-time to server-time in the db
814		foreach ($this->timestamps as $name)
815		{
816			if (isset($data[$name]))
817			{
818				$data[$name] = DateTime::user2server($data[$name], $date_format);
819			}
820		}
821		return $data;
822	}
824	/**
825	* deletes contact in db
826	*
827	* @param mixed &$contact contact array with key id or (array of) id(s)
828	* @param boolean $deny_account_delete =true if true never allow to delete accounts
829	* @param int $check_etag =null
830	* @return boolean|int true on success or false on failiure, 0 if etag does not match
831	*/
832	function delete($contact,$deny_account_delete=true,$check_etag=null)
833	{
834		if (is_array($contact) && isset($contact['id']))
835		{
836			$contact = array($contact);
837		}
838		elseif (!is_array($contact))
839		{
840			$contact = array($contact);
841		}
842		foreach($contact as $c)
843		{
844			$id = is_array($c) ? $c['id'] : $c;
846			$ok = false;
847			if ($this->check_perms(Acl::DELETE,$c,$deny_account_delete))
848			{
849				if (!($old = $this->read($id))) return false;
850				// check if we only mark contacts as deleted, or really delete them
851				// already marked as deleted item and accounts are always really deleted
852				// we cant mark accounts as deleted, as no such thing exists for accounts!
853				if ($old['owner'] && $this->delete_history != '' && $old['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE)
854				{
855					$delete = $old;
856					$delete['tid'] = self::DELETED_TYPE;
857					if ($check_etag) $delete['etag'] = $check_etag;
858					if (($ok = $this->save($delete))) $ok = true;	// we have to return true or false
859					Link::unlink(0,'addressbook',$id,'','','',true);
860				}
861				elseif (($ok = parent::delete($id,$check_etag)))
862				{
863					Link::unlink(0,'addressbook',$id);
864				}
866				// Don't notify of final purge
867				if ($ok && $old['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE)
868				{
869					if (!isset($this->tracking)) $this->tracking = new Contacts\Tracking($this);
870					$this->tracking->track(array('id' => $id), array('id' => $id), null, true);
871				}
872			}
873			else
874			{
875				break;
876			}
877		}
878		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($contact).', deny_account_delete='.array2string($deny_account_delete).', check_etag='.array2string($check_etag).' returning '.array2string($ok));
879		return $ok;
880	}
882	/**
883	* saves contact to db
884	*
885	* @param array &$contact contact array from etemplate::exec
886	* @param boolean $ignore_acl =false should the acl be checked or not
887	* @param boolean $touch_modified =true should modified/r be updated
888	* @return int/string/boolean id on success, false on failure, the error-message is in $this->error
889	*/
890	function save(&$contact, $ignore_acl=false, $touch_modified=true)
891	{
892		$update_type = "update";
894		// Make sure photo remains unchanged unless its purposely set to be false
895		// which means photo has changed.
896		if (!array_key_exists('photo_unchanged',$contact)) $contact['photo_unchanged'] = true;
898		// remember if we add or update a entry
899		if (($isUpdate = $contact['id']))
900		{
901			if (!isset($contact['owner']) || !isset($contact['private']))	// owner/private not set on update, eg. SyncML
902			{
903				if (($old = $this->read($contact['id'])))	// --> try reading the old entry and set it from there
904				{
905					if(!isset($contact['owner']))
906					{
907						$contact['owner'] = $old['owner'];
908					}
909					if(!isset($contact['private']))
910					{
911						$contact['private'] = $old['private'];
912					}
913				}
914				else	// entry not found --> create a new one
915				{
916					$isUpdate = $contact['id'] = null;
917					$update_type = "add";
918				}
919			}
920		}
921		else
922		{
923			// if no owner/addressbook set use the setting of the add_default prefs (if set, otherwise the users personal addressbook)
924			if (!isset($contact['owner'])) $contact['owner'] = $this->default_addressbook;
925			if (!isset($contact['private'])) $contact['private'] = (int)$this->default_private;
926			// do NOT allow to create new accounts via addressbook, they are broken without an account_id
927			if (!$contact['owner'] && empty($contact['account_id']))
928			{
929				$contact['owner'] = $this->default_addressbook ? $this->default_addressbook : $this->user;
930			}
931			// allow admins to import contacts with creator / created date set
932			if (!$contact['creator'] || !$ignore_acl && !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['creator'] = $this->user;
933			if (!$contact['created'] || !$ignore_acl && !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['created'] = $this->now_su;
935			if (!$contact['tid']) $contact['tid'] = 'n';
936			$update_type = "add";
937		}
938		// ensure accounts and group addressbooks are never private!
939		if ($contact['owner'] <= 0)
940		{
941			$contact['private'] = 0;
942		}
943		if(!$ignore_acl && !$this->check_perms($isUpdate ? Acl::EDIT : Acl::ADD,$contact))
944		{
945			$this->error = 'access denied';
946			return false;
947		}
948		// resize image to 60px width
949		if (!empty($contact['jpegphoto']))
950		{
951			$contact['jpegphoto'] = $this->resize_photo($contact['jpegphoto']);
952		}
953		// convert categories
954		if (is_array($contact['cat_id']))
955		{
956			$contact['cat_id'] = implode(',',$contact['cat_id']);
957		}
959		// Update country codes
960		foreach(array('adr_one_', 'adr_two_') as $c_prefix) {
961			if($contact[$c_prefix.'countryname'] && !$contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] &&
962				$code = Country::country_code($contact[$c_prefix.'countryname']))
963			{
964				if(strlen($code) == 2)
965				{
966					$contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] = $code;
967				}
968				else
969				{
970					$contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] = null;
971				}
972			}
973			if($contact[$c_prefix.'countrycode'] != null)
974			{
975				$contact[$c_prefix.'countryname'] = null;
976			}
977		}
979		// last modified
980		if ($touch_modified)
981		{
982			$contact['modifier'] = $this->user;
983			$contact['modified'] = $this->now_su;
984		}
985		// set full name and fileas from the content
986		if (!isset($contact['n_fn']))
987		{
988			$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
989		}
990		if (isset($contact['org_name'])) $contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact, null, false);
992		// Get old record for tracking changes
993		if (!isset($old) && $isUpdate)
994		{
995			$old = $this->read($contact['id']);
996		}
997		$to_write = $contact;
998		// (non-admin) user editing his own account, make sure he does not change fields he is not allowed to (eg. via SyncML or xmlrpc)
999		if (!$ignore_acl && !$contact['owner'] && !($this->is_admin($contact) || $this->allow_account_edit()))
1000		{
1001			foreach(array_keys($contact) as $field)
1002			{
1003				if (!in_array($field,$this->own_account_acl) && !in_array($field,array('id','owner','account_id','modified','modifier', 'photo_unchanged')))
1004				{
1005					// user is not allowed to change that
1006					if ($old)
1007					{
1008						$to_write[$field] = $contact[$field] = $old[$field];
1009					}
1010					else
1011					{
1012						unset($to_write[$field]);
1013					}
1014				}
1015			}
1016		}
1018		// IF THE OLD ENTRY IS A ACCOUNT, dont allow to change the owner/location
1019		// maybe we need that for id and account_id as well.
1020		if (is_array($old) && (!isset($old['owner']) || empty($old['owner'])))
1021		{
1022			if (isset($to_write['owner']) && !empty($to_write['owner']))
1023			{
1024				error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Trying to change account to owner:". $to_write['owner'].' Account affected:'.array2string($old).' Data send:'.array2string($to_write));
1025				unset($to_write['owner']);
1026			}
1027		}
1029		if(!($this->error = parent::save($to_write)))
1030		{
1031			$contact['id'] = $to_write['id'];
1032			$contact['uid'] = $to_write['uid'];
1033			$contact['etag'] = $to_write['etag'];
1034			$contact['files'] = $to_write['files'];
1036			// Clear any files saved with new entries
1037			// They've been dealt with already and they cause errors with linking
1038			foreach(array_keys($this->customfields) as $field)
1039			{
1040				if(is_array($to_write[Storage::CF_PREFIX.$field]))
1041				{
1042					unset($to_write[Storage::CF_PREFIX.$field]);
1043				}
1044			}
1046			// if contact is an account and account-relevant data got updated, handle it like account got updated
1047			if ($contact['account_id'] && $isUpdate &&
1048				($old['email'] != $contact['email'] || $old['n_family'] != $contact['n_family'] || $old['n_given'] != $contact['n_given']))
1049			{
1050				// invalidate the cache of the accounts class
1051				$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->cache_invalidate($contact['account_id']);
1052				// call edit-accout hook, to let other apps know about changed account (names or email)
1053				$GLOBALS['hook_values'] = (array)$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($contact['account_id']);
1054				Hooks::process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array(
1055					'location' => 'editaccount',
1056				),False,True);	// called for every app now, not only enabled ones)
1057			}
1058			// notify interested apps about changes in the account-contact data
1059			if (!$to_write['owner'] && $to_write['account_id'] && $isUpdate)
1060			{
1061				$to_write['location'] = 'editaccountcontact';
1062				Hooks::process($to_write,False,True);	// called for every app now, not only enabled ones));
1063			}
1065			// Check for restore of deleted contact, restore held links
1066			if($old && $old['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE && $contact['tid'] != self::DELETED_TYPE)
1067			{
1068				Link::restore('addressbook', $contact['id']);
1069			}
1071			// Record change history for sql - doesn't work for LDAP accounts
1072			$deleted = ($old['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE || $contact['tid'] == self::DELETED_TYPE);
1073			if(!$contact['account_id'] || $contact['account_id'] && $this->account_repository == 'sql')
1074			{
1075				if (!isset($this->tracking)) $this->tracking = new Contacts\Tracking($this);
1076				$this->tracking->track($to_write, $old ? $old : null, null, $deleted);
1077			}
1079			// Notify linked apps about changes in the contact data
1080			Link::notify_update('addressbook',  $contact['id'], $contact, $deleted ? 'delete' : $update_type);
1082			// Expire birthday cache for this year and next if birthday changed
1083			if($isUpdate && $old['bday'] !== $to_write['bday'] || !$isUpdate && $to_write['bday'])
1084			{
1085				$year = (int) date('Y',time());
1086				$this->clear_birthday_cache($year, $to_write['owner']);
1087				$year++;
1088				$this->clear_birthday_cache($year, $to_write['owner']);
1089			}
1090		}
1092		return $this->error ? false : $contact['id'];
1093	}
1095	/**
1096	 * Since birthdays are cached for the instance for BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME, we
1097	 * need to clear them if a birthday changes.
1098	 *
1099	 * @param type $year
1100	 */
1101	protected function clear_birthday_cache($year, $owner)
1102	{
1103		// Cache is kept per-language, so clear them all
1104		foreach(array_keys(Translation::get_installed_langs()) as $lang)
1105		{
1106			Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-{$owner}-$lang");
1107		}
1108	}
1110	/**
1111	 * Resize photo down to 240pixel width and returns it
1112	 *
1113	 * Also makes sures photo is a JPEG.
1114	 *
1115	 * @param string|FILE $photo string with image or open filedescribtor
1116	 * @param int $dst_w =240 max width to resize to
1117	 * @return string with resized jpeg photo, null on error
1118	 */
1119	public static function resize_photo($photo, $dst_w=240)
1120	{
1121		if (is_resource($photo))
1122		{
1123			$photo = stream_get_contents($photo);
1124		}
1125		if (empty($photo) || !($image = imagecreatefromstring($photo)))
1126		{
1127			error_log(__METHOD__."() invalid image!");
1128			return null;
1129		}
1130		$src_w = imagesx($image);
1131		$src_h = imagesy($image);
1132		//error_log(__METHOD__."() got image $src_w * $src_h, is_jpeg=".array2string(substr($photo,0,2) === "\377\330"));
1134		// if $photo is to width or not a jpeg image --> resize it
1135		if ($src_w > $dst_w || cut_bytes($photo,0,2) !== "\377\330")
1136		{
1137			//error_log(__METHOD__."(,dst_w=$dst_w) src_w=$src_w, cut_bytes(photo,0,2)=".array2string(cut_bytes($photo,0,2)).' --> resizing');
1138			// scale the image to a width of 60 and a height according to the proportion of the source image
1139			$resized = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w,$dst_h = round($src_h * $dst_w / $src_w));
1140			imagecopyresized($resized,$image,0,0,0,0,$dst_w,$dst_h,$src_w,$src_h);
1142			ob_start();
1143			imagejpeg($resized,null,90);
1144			$photo = ob_get_contents();
1145			ob_end_clean();
1147			imagedestroy($resized);
1148			//error_log(__METHOD__."() resized image $src_w*$src_h to $dst_w*$dst_h");
1149		}
1150		//else error_log(__METHOD__."(,dst_w=$dst_w) src_w=$src_w, cut_bytes(photo,0,2)=".array2string(cut_bytes($photo,0,2)).' --> NOT resizing');
1152		imagedestroy($image);
1154		return $photo;
1155	}
1157	/**
1158	* reads contacts matched by key and puts all cols in the data array
1159	*
1160	* @param int|string $contact_id
1161	* @param boolean $ignore_acl =false true: no acl check
1162	* @return array|boolean array with contact data, null if not found or false on no view perms
1163	*/
1164	function read($contact_id, $ignore_acl=false)
1165	{
1166		// get so_sql_cf to read private customfields too, if we ignore acl
1167		if ($ignore_acl && is_a($this->somain, __CLASS__.'\\Sql'))
1168		{
1169			$cf_backup = (array)$this->somain->customfields;
1170			$this->somain->customfields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook', true);
1171		}
1172		if (!($data = parent::read($contact_id)))
1173		{
1174			$data = null;	// not found
1175		}
1176		elseif (!$ignore_acl && !$this->check_perms(Acl::READ,$data))
1177		{
1178			$data = false;	// no view perms
1179		}
1180		else
1181		{
1182			// determine the file-as type
1183			$data['fileas_type'] = $this->fileas_type($data);
1185			// Update country name from code
1186			if($data['adr_one_countrycode'] != null) {
1187				$data['adr_one_countryname'] = Country::get_full_name($data['adr_one_countrycode'], true);
1188			}
1189			if($data['adr_two_countrycode'] != null) {
1190				$data['adr_two_countryname'] = Country::get_full_name($data['adr_two_countrycode'], true);
1191			}
1192		}
1193		if (isset($cf_backup))
1194		{
1195			$this->somain->customfields = $cf_backup;
1196		}
1197		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($contact_id).') returning '.array2string($data));
1198		return $data;
1199	}
1201	/**
1202	 * Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights
1203	 *
1204	 * If the access of a contact is set to private, one need a private grant for a personal addressbook
1205	 * or the group membership for a group-addressbook
1206	 *
1207	 * @param int $needed necessary ACL right: Acl::{READ|EDIT|DELETE}
1208	 * @param mixed $contact contact as array or the contact-id
1209	 * @param boolean $deny_account_delete =false if true never allow to delete accounts
1210	 * @param ?int $user =null for which user to check, default current user
1211	 * @param int $check_shared =3 limits the nesting level of sharing checks, use 0 to NOT check sharing
1212	 * @return ?boolean|"shared" true permission granted, false for permission denied, null for contact does not exist
1213	 *  "shared" if permission is from sharing
1214	 */
1215	function check_perms($needed,$contact,$deny_account_delete=false,$user=null,$check_shared=3)
1216	{
1217		if (!$user) $user = $this->user;
1218		if ($user == $this->user)
1219		{
1220			$grants = $this->grants;
1221			$memberships = $this->memberships;
1222		}
1223		else
1224		{
1225			$grants = $this->get_grants($user);
1226			$memberships =  $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($user,true);
1227		}
1229		if ((!is_array($contact) || !isset($contact['owner'])) &&
1231			!($contact = parent::read(is_array($contact) ? $contact['id'] : $contact)))
1232		{
1233			return null;
1234		}
1235		$owner = $contact['owner'];
1237		// allow the user to edit his own account
1238		if (!$owner && $needed == Acl::EDIT && $contact['account_id'] == $user && $this->own_account_acl)
1239		{
1240			$access = true;
1241		}
1242		// dont allow to delete own account (as admin handels it too)
1243		elseif (!$owner && $needed == Acl::DELETE && ($deny_account_delete || $contact['account_id'] == $user))
1244		{
1245			$access = false;
1246		}
1247		// for reading accounts (owner == 0) and account_selection == groupmembers, check if current user and contact are groupmembers
1248		elseif ($owner == 0 && $needed == Acl::READ &&
1249			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'groupmembers' &&
1250			!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']))
1251		{
1252			$access = !!array_intersect($memberships,$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($contact['account_id'],true));
1253		}
1254		else if ($contact['id'] && $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('A'.$contact['id'], $needed, 'addressbook'))
1255		{
1256			$access = true;
1257		}
1258		else
1259		{
1260			$access = ($grants[$owner] & $needed) &&
1261				(!$contact['private'] || ($grants[$owner] & Acl::PRIVAT) || in_array($owner,$memberships));
1262		}
1263		// check if we might have access via sharing (not for delete)
1264		if ($access === false && !empty($contact['shared']) && $needed != Acl::DELETE && $check_shared > 0)
1265		{
1266			foreach($contact['shared'] as $shared)
1267			{
1268				if (isset($grants[$shared['shared_with']]) && (!($needed & Acl::EDIT) ||
1269					// if shared writable, we check if the one who shared the contact still has edit rights
1270					$shared['shared_writable'] && $this->check_perms($needed, $contact, $deny_account_delete, $shared['shared_by'], $check_shared-1)))
1271				{
1272					$access = "shared";
1273					error_log(__METHOD__."($needed,$contact[id],$deny_account_delete,$user,$check_shared) shared=".json_encode($shared)." returning ".array2string($access));
1274					break;
1275				}
1276			}
1277		}
1278		//error_log(__METHOD__."($needed,$contact[id],$deny_account_delete,$user,$check_shared) returning ".array2string($access));
1279		return $access;
1280	}
1282	/**
1283	 * Check if user has right to share with / into given AB
1284	 *
1285	 * @param array[]& $shared_with array of arrays with values for keys "shared_with", "shared_by", ...
1286	 * @param ?string& $error on return error-message
1287	 * @return array entries removed from $shared_with because current user is not allowed to share into (key is preserved)
1288	 */
1289	function check_shared_with(array &$shared_with=null, &$error=null)
1290	{
1291		$removed = [];
1292		foreach((array)$shared_with as $key => $shared)
1293		{
1294			if (!empty($shared['shared_by']) && $shared['shared_by'] != $this->user)
1295			{
1296				$grants = $this->get_grants($shared['shared_by']);
1297			}
1298			else
1299			{
1300				$grants = $this->grants;
1301			}
1302			if (!($grants[$shared['shared_with']] & self::CHECK_ACL_SHARED))
1303			{
1304				$removed[$key] = $shared;
1305				unset($shared_with[$key]);
1306			}
1307		}
1308		// allow apps to modifiy
1309		$results = [];
1310		foreach(Hooks::process([
1311			'location' => 'check_shared_with',
1312			'shared_with' => &$shared_with,
1313			'removed' => &$removed,
1314		], true) as $result)
1315		{
1316			if ($result)
1317			{
1318				$results = array_merge($results, $result);
1319			}
1320		}
1321		if ($results) $error = implode("\n", $results);
1323		return $removed;
1324	}
1326	/**
1327	 * Check access to the file store
1328	 *
1329	 * @param int|array $id id of entry or entry array
1330	 * @param int $check Acl::READ for read and Acl::EDIT for write or delete access
1331	 * @param string $rel_path =null currently not used in InfoLog
1332	 * @param int $user =null for which user to check, default current user
1333	 * @return boolean true if access is granted or false otherwise
1334	 */
1335	function file_access($id,$check,$rel_path=null,$user=null)
1336	{
1337		unset($rel_path);	// not used, but required by function signature
1339		return $this->check_perms($check,$id,false,$user);
1340	}
1342	/**
1343	 * Read (virtual) org-entry (values "common" for most contacts in the given org)
1344	 *
1345	 * @param string $org_id org_name:oooooo|||org_unit:uuuuuuuuu|||adr_one_locality:lllllll (org_unit and adr_one_locality are optional)
1346	 * @return array/boolean array with common org fields or false if org not found
1347	 */
1348	function read_org($org_id)
1349	{
1350		if (!$org_id) return false;
1351		if (strpos($org_id,'*AND*')!== false) $org_id = str_replace('*AND*','&',$org_id);
1352		$org = array();
1353		foreach(explode('|||',$org_id) as $part)
1354		{
1355			list($name,$value) = explode(':',$part,2);
1356			$org[$name] = $value;
1357		}
1358		$csvs = array('cat_id');	// fields with comma-separated-values
1360		// split regular fields and custom fields
1361		$custom_fields = $regular_fields = array();
1362		foreach($this->org_fields as $name)
1363		{
1364			if ($name[0] != '#')
1365			{
1366				$regular_fields[] = $name;
1367			}
1368			else
1369			{
1370				$custom_fields[] = $name = substr($name,1);
1371				$regular_fields['id'] = 'id';
1372				if (substr($this->customfields[$name]['type'],0,6)=='select' && $this->customfields[$name]['rows'] ||	// multiselection
1373					$this->customfields[$name]['type'] == 'radio')
1374				{
1375					$csvs[] = '#'.$name;
1376				}
1377			}
1378		}
1379		// read the regular fields
1380		$contacts = parent::search('',$regular_fields,'','','',false,'AND',false,$org);
1381		if (!$contacts) return false;
1383		// if we have custom fields, read and merge them in
1384		if ($custom_fields)
1385		{
1386			foreach($contacts as $contact)
1387			{
1388				$ids[] = $contact['id'];
1389			}
1390			if (($cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids,$custom_fields)))
1391			{
1392				foreach ($contacts as &$contact)
1393				{
1394					$id = $contact['id'];
1395					if (isset($cfs[$id]))
1396					{
1397						foreach($cfs[$id] as $name => $value)
1398						{
1399							$contact['#'.$name] = $value;
1400						}
1401					}
1402				}
1403				unset($contact);
1404			}
1405		}
1407		// create a statistic about the commonness of each fields values
1408		$fields = array();
1409		foreach($contacts as $contact)
1410		{
1411			foreach($contact as $name => $value)
1412			{
1413				if (!in_array($name,$csvs))
1414				{
1415					$fields[$name][$value]++;
1416				}
1417				else
1418				{
1419					// for comma separated fields, we have to use each single value
1420					foreach(explode(',',$value) as $val)
1421					{
1422						$fields[$name][$val]++;
1423					}
1424				}
1425			}
1426		}
1427		foreach($fields as $name => $values)
1428		{
1429			if (!in_array($name,$this->org_fields)) continue;
1431			arsort($values,SORT_NUMERIC);
1432			$value = key($values);
1433			$num = current($values);
1434			if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor)
1435			{
1436				if (!in_array($name,$csvs))
1437				{
1438					$org[$name] = $value;
1439				}
1440				else
1441				{
1442					$org[$name] = array();
1443					foreach ($values as $value => $num)
1444					{
1445						if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor)
1446						{
1447							$org[$name][] = $value;
1448						}
1449					}
1450					$org[$name] = implode(',',$org[$name]);
1451				}
1452			}
1453		}
1454		return $org;
1455	}
1457	/**
1458	 * Return all org-members with same content in one or more of the given fields (only org_fields are counting)
1459	 *
1460	 * @param string $org_name
1461	 * @param array $fields field-name => value pairs
1462	 * @return array with contacts
1463	 */
1464	function org_similar($org_name,$fields)
1465	{
1466		$criteria = array();
1467		foreach($this->org_fields as $name)
1468		{
1469			if (isset($fields[$name]))
1470			{
1471				if (empty($fields[$name]))
1472				{
1473					$criteria[] = "($name IS NULL OR $name='')";
1474				}
1475				else
1476				{
1477					$criteria[$name] = $fields[$name];
1478				}
1479			}
1480		}
1481		return parent::search($criteria,false,'n_family,n_given','','',false,'OR',false,array('org_name'=>$org_name));
1482	}
1484	/**
1485	 * Return the changed fields from two versions of a contact (not modified or modifier)
1486	 *
1487	 * @param array $from original/old version of the contact
1488	 * @param array $to changed/new version of the contact
1489	 * @param boolean $only_org_fields =true check and return only org_fields, default true
1490	 * @return array with field-name => value from $from
1491	 */
1492	function changed_fields($from,$to,$only_org_fields=true)
1493	{
1494		// we only care about countryname, if contrycode is empty
1495		foreach(array(
1496			'adr_one_countryname' => 'adr_one_countrycode',
1497			'adr_two_countryname' => 'adr_one_countrycode',
1498		) as $name => $code)
1499		{
1500			if (!empty($from[$code])) $from[$name] = '';
1501			if (!empty($to[$code])) $to[$name] = '';
1502		}
1503		$changed = array();
1504		foreach($only_org_fields ? $this->org_fields : array_keys($this->contact_fields) as $name)
1505		{
1506			if (in_array($name,array('modified','modifier')))	// never count these
1507			{
1508				continue;
1509			}
1510			if ((string) $from[$name] != (string) $to[$name])
1511			{
1512				$changed[$name] = $from[$name];
1513			}
1514		}
1515		return $changed;
1516	}
1518	/**
1519	 * Change given fields in all members of the org with identical content in the field
1520	 *
1521	 * @param string $org_name
1522	 * @param array $from original/old version of the contact
1523	 * @param array $to changed/new version of the contact
1524	 * @param array $members =null org-members to change, default null --> function queries them itself
1525	 * @return array/boolean (changed-members,changed-fields,failed-members) or false if no org_fields changed or no (other) members matching that fields
1526	 */
1527	function change_org($org_name,$from,$to,$members=null)
1528	{
1529		if (!($changed = $this->changed_fields($from,$to,true))) return false;
1531		if (is_null($members) || !is_array($members))
1532		{
1533			$members = $this->org_similar($org_name,$changed);
1534		}
1535		if (!$members) return false;
1537		$ids = array();
1538		foreach($members as $member)
1539		{
1540			$ids[] = $member['id'];
1541		}
1542		$customfields = $this->read_customfields($ids);
1544		$changed_members = $changed_fields = $failed_members = 0;
1545		foreach($members as $member)
1546		{
1547			if (isset($customfields[$member['id']]))
1548			{
1549				foreach(array_keys($this->customfields) as $name)
1550				{
1551					$member['#'.$name] = $customfields[$member['id']][$name];
1552				}
1553			}
1554			$fields = 0;
1555			foreach($changed as $name => $value)
1556			{
1557				if ((string)$value == (string)$member[$name])
1558				{
1559					$member[$name] = $to[$name];
1560					++$fields;
1561				}
1562			}
1563			if ($fields)
1564			{
1565				if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::EDIT,$member) || !$this->save($member))
1566				{
1567					++$failed_members;
1568				}
1569				else
1570				{
1571					++$changed_members;
1572					$changed_fields += $fields;
1573				}
1574			}
1575		}
1576		return array($changed_members,$changed_fields,$failed_members);
1577	}
1579	/**
1580	 * get title for a contact identified by $contact
1581	 *
1582	 * Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference.
1583	 *
1584	 * @param int|string|array $contact int/string id or array with contact
1585	 * @return string/boolean string with the title, null if contact does not exitst, false if no perms to view it
1586	 */
1587	function link_title($contact)
1588	{
1589		if (!is_array($contact) && $contact)
1590		{
1591			$contact = $this->read($contact);
1592		}
1593		if (!is_array($contact))
1594		{
1595			return $contact;
1596		}
1597		$type = $this->prefs['link_title'];
1598		if (!$type || $type === 'n_fileas')
1599		{
1600			if ($contact['n_fileas']) return $contact['n_fileas'];
1601			$type = null;
1602		}
1603		$title =  $this->fileas($contact,$type);
1605		if (!empty($this->prefs['link_title_cf']))
1606		{
1607			$field_list = is_string($this->prefs['link_title_cf']) ? explode(',', $this->prefs['link_title_cf']) : $this->prefs['link_title_cf'];
1608			foreach ($field_list as $field)
1609			{
1610				if($contact['#'.$field])
1611				{
1612				   $title .= ', ' . $contact['#'.$field];
1613				}
1614			}
1615		}
1616		return $title ;
1617	}
1619	/**
1620	 * get title for multiple contacts identified by $ids
1621	 *
1622	 * Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference.
1623	 *
1624	 * @param array $ids array with contact-id's
1625	 * @return array with titles, see link_title
1626	 */
1627	function link_titles(array $ids)
1628	{
1629		$titles = array();
1630		if (($contacts =& $this->search(array('contact_id' => $ids),false,'',$extra_cols='','',False,'AND',False,array('tid'=>null))))
1631		{
1632			$ids = array();
1633			foreach($contacts as $contact)
1634			{
1635				$ids[] = $contact['id'];
1636			}
1637			$cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids);
1638			foreach($contacts as $contact)
1639			{
1640			   	$titles[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact+(array)$cfs[$contact['id']]);
1641			}
1642		}
1643		// we assume all not returned contacts are not readable for the user (as we report all deleted contacts to egw_link)
1644		foreach($ids as $id)
1645		{
1646			if (!isset($titles[$id]))
1647			{
1648				$titles[$id] = false;
1649			}
1650		}
1651		return $titles;
1652	}
1654	/**
1655	 * query addressbook for contacts matching $pattern
1656	 *
1657	 * Is called as hook to participate in the linking
1658	 *
1659	 * @param string|array $pattern pattern to search, or an array with a 'search' key
1660	 * @param array $options Array of options for the search
1661	 * @return array with id - title pairs of the matching entries
1662	 */
1663	function link_query($pattern, Array &$options = array())
1664	{
1665		$result = $criteria = array();
1666		$limit = false;
1667		if ($pattern)
1668		{
1669			$criteria = is_array($pattern) ? $pattern['search'] : $pattern;
1670		}
1671		if($options['start'] || $options['num_rows'])
1672		{
1673			$limit = array($options['start'], $options['num_rows']);
1674		}
1675		$filter = (array)$options['filter'];
1676		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '1') $filter['account_id'] = null;
1677		if (($contacts =& parent::search($criteria,false,'org_name,n_family,n_given,cat_id,contact_email','','%',false,'OR', $limit, $filter)))
1678		{
1679			$ids = array();
1680			foreach($contacts as $contact)
1681			{
1682				$ids[] = $contact['id'];
1683			}
1684			$cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids);
1685			foreach($contacts as $contact)
1686			{
1687				$result[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact+(array)$cfs[$contact['id']]);
1688				// make sure to return a correctly quoted rfc822 address, if requested
1689				if ($options['type'] === 'email')
1690				{
1691					$args = explode('@', $contact['email']);
1692					$args[] = $result[$contact['id']];
1693					$result[$contact['id']] = call_user_func_array('imap_rfc822_write_address', $args);
1694				}
1695				// show category color
1696				if ($contact['cat_id'] && ($color = Categories::cats2color($contact['cat_id'])))
1697				{
1698					$result[$contact['id']] = array(
1699						'label' => $result[$contact['id']],
1700						'style.backgroundColor' => $color,
1701					);
1702				}
1703			}
1704		}
1705		$options['total'] = $this->total;
1706		return $result;
1707	}
1709	/**
1710	 * Query for subtype email (returns only contacts with email address set)
1711	 *
1712	 * @param string|array $pattern
1713	 * @param array $options
1714	 * @return Ambigous <multitype:, string, multitype:Ambigous <multitype:, string> string >
1715	 */
1716	function link_query_email($pattern, Array &$options = array())
1717	{
1718		if (isset($options['filter']) && !is_array($options['filter']))
1719		{
1720			$options['filter'] = (array)$options['filter'];
1721		}
1722		// return only contacts with email set
1723		$options['filter'][] = "contact_email ".$this->db->capabilities[Db::CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE]." '%@%'";
1725		// let link query know, to append email to list
1726		$options['type'] = 'email';
1728		return $this->link_query($pattern,$options);
1729	}
1731	/**
1732	 * returns info about contacts for calender
1733	 *
1734	 * @param int|array $ids single contact-id or array of id's
1735	 * @return array
1736	 */
1737	function calendar_info($ids)
1738	{
1739		if (!$ids) return null;
1741		$data = array();
1742		foreach(!is_array($ids) ? array($ids) : $ids as $id)
1743		{
1744			if (!($contact = $this->read($id))) continue;
1746			$data[] = array(
1747				'res_id' => $id,
1748				'email' => $contact['email'] ? $contact['email'] : $contact['email_home'],
1749				'rights' => Acl::CUSTOM1|Acl::CUSTOM3,	// calendar_bo::ACL_READ_FOR_PARTICIPANTS|ACL_INVITE
1750				'name' => $this->link_title($contact),
1751				'cn' => trim($contact['n_given'].' '.$contact['n_family']),
1752			);
1753		}
1754		return $data;
1755	}
1757	/**
1758	 * Read the next and last event of given contacts
1759	 *
1760	 * @param array $uids participant IDs.  Contacts should be c<contact_id>, user accounts <account_id>
1761	 * @param boolean $extra_title =true if true, use a short date only title and put the full title as extra_title (tooltip)
1762	 * @return array
1763	 */
1764	function read_calendar($uids,$extra_title=true)
1765	{
1766		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar'] ||
1767				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['disable_event_column'] == 'True'
1768		)
1769		{
1770			return array();
1771		}
1773		$split_uids = array();
1774		$events = array();
1776		foreach($uids as $id => $uid)
1777		{
1778			$type = is_numeric($uid[0]) ? 'u' : $uid[0];
1779			if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['disable_event_column'] == 'contacts' && $type == 'u')
1780			{
1781				continue;
1782			}
1783			$split_uids[$type][$id] = str_replace($type, '', $uid);
1784		}
1786		foreach($split_uids as $type => $s_uids)
1787		{
1788			$events += $this->read_calendar_type($s_uids, $type, $extra_title);
1789		}
1790		return $events;
1791	}
1793	private function read_calendar_type($uids, $type='c', $extra_title = true)
1794	{
1795		$calendars = array();
1796		$bocal = new calendar_bo();
1797		$type_field = $type=='u' ? 'account_id' : 'contact_id';
1798		$type_field_varchar = $this->db->to_varchar($type_field);
1799		$concat_start_id_recurrance = $this->db->concat('cal_start',"':'",'egw_cal_user.cal_id',"':'",'cal_recur_date');
1800		$now = $this->db->unix_timestamp('NOW()');
1801		$sql = "SELECT n_fn,org_name,$type_field AS user_id,
1802			(
1803				SELECT $concat_start_id_recurrance
1804				FROM egw_cal_user
1805				JOIN egw_cal_dates on egw_cal_dates.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id and (cal_recur_date=0 or cal_recur_date=cal_start)
1806				JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id AND egw_cal.cal_deleted IS NULL
1807				WHERE cal_user_type='$type' and cal_user_id=$type_field_varchar and cal_start < $now";
1808		if ( !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['show_rejected'])
1809		{
1810			$sql .= " AND egw_cal_user.cal_status != 'R'";
1811		}
1812		$sql .= "
1813				order by cal_start DESC Limit 1
1814			) as last_event,
1815			(
1816				SELECT $concat_start_id_recurrance
1817				FROM egw_cal_user
1818				JOIN egw_cal_dates on egw_cal_dates.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id and (cal_recur_date=0 or cal_recur_date=cal_start)
1819				JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id AND egw_cal.cal_deleted IS NULL
1820				WHERE cal_user_type='$type' and cal_user_id=$type_field_varchar and cal_start > $now";
1821		if ( !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['show_rejected'])
1822		{
1823			$sql .= " AND egw_cal_user.cal_status != 'R'";
1824		}
1825		$sql .= ' order by cal_recur_date ASC, cal_start ASC Limit 1
1827			) as next_event
1828			FROM egw_addressbook
1829			WHERE '.$this->db->expression('egw_addressbook', array($type_field => $uids));
1832		$contacts =& $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
1834		if (!$contacts) return array();
1836		// Extract the event info and generate what is needed for next/last event
1837		$do_event = function($key, $contact) use (&$bocal, &$calendars, $type, $extra_title)
1838		{
1839			list($start, $cal_id, $recur_date) = explode(':', $contact[$key.'_event']);
1841			$link = array(
1842				'id' => $cal_id,//.':'.$start,
1843				'app' => 'calendar',
1844				'title' => $bocal->link_title($cal_id . ($start ? '-'.$start : '')),
1845				'extra_args' => array(
1846					'date' => \EGroupware\Api\DateTime::server2user($start,\EGroupware\Api\DateTime::ET2),
1847					'exception'=> 1
1848				),
1849			);
1850			if ($extra_title)
1851			{
1852				$link['extra_title'] = $link['title'];
1853				$link['title'] = \EGroupware\Api\DateTime::server2user($start, true);
1854			}
1855			$user_id = ($type == 'u' ? '' : $type) . $contact['user_id'];
1856			$calendars[$user_id][$key.'_event'] = $start;
1857			$calendars[$user_id][$key.'_link'] = $link;
1858		};
1860		foreach($contacts as $contact)
1861		{
1862			if($contact['last_event'])
1863			{
1864				$do_event('last', $contact);
1865			}
1866			if($contact['next_event'])
1867			{
1868				$do_event('next', $contact);
1869			}
1870		}
1871		return $calendars;
1872	}
1874	/**
1875	 * Read the holidays (birthdays) from the given addressbook, either from the
1876	 * instance cache, or read them & cache for next time.  Cached for HOLIDAY_CACHE_TIME.
1877	 *
1878	 * @param int $addressbook - Addressbook to search.  We cache them separately in the instance.
1879	 * @param int $year
1880	 */
1881	public function read_birthdays($addressbook, $year)
1882	{
1883		if (($birthdays = Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-$addressbook-".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'])) !== null)
1884		{
1885			return $birthdays;
1886		}
1888		$birthdays = array();
1889		$filter = array(
1890			'owner' => (int)$addressbook,
1891			'n_family' => "!''",
1892			'bday' => "!''",
1893		);
1894		$bdays =& $this->search('',array('id','n_family','n_given','n_prefix','n_middle','bday'),
1895			'contact_bday ASC', '', '', false, 'AND', false, $filter);
1897		if ($bdays)
1898		{
1899			// sort by month and day only
1900			usort($bdays, function($a, $b)
1901			{
1902				return (int) $a['bday'] == (int) $b['bday'] ?
1903					strcmp($a['bday'], $b['bday']) :
1904					(int) $a['bday'] - (int) $b['bday'];
1905			});
1906			foreach($bdays as $pers)
1907			{
1908				if (empty($pers['bday']) || $pers['bday']=='0000-00-00 0' || $pers['bday']=='0000-00-00' || $pers['bday']=='0.0.00')
1909				{
1910					//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Skipping entry for invalid birthday:'.array2string($pers));
1911					continue;
1912				}
1913				list($y,$m,$d) = explode('-',$pers['bday']);
1914				if ($y > $year)
1915				{
1916					// not yet born
1917					continue;
1918				}
1919				$birthdays[sprintf('%04d%02d%02d',$year,$m,$d)][] = array(
1920					'day'       => $d,
1921					'month'     => $m,
1922					'occurence' => 0,
1923					'name'      => implode(' ', array_filter(array(lang('Birthday'),($pers['n_given'] ? $pers['n_given'] : $pers['n_prefix']), $pers['n_middle'],
1924						$pers['n_family'], ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['hide_birthdays'] == 'age' ? ($year - $y): '')))).
1925						($y && in_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['hide_birthdays'], array('','age')) ? ' ('.$y.')' : ''),
1926					'birthyear' => $y,	// this can be used to identify birthdays from holidays
1927				);
1928			}
1929		}
1930		Cache::setInstance(__CLASS__,"birthday-$year-$addressbook-".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'], $birthdays, self::BIRTHDAY_CACHE_TIME);
1931		return $birthdays;
1932	}
1934	/**
1935	 * Called by delete-account hook, when an account get deleted --> deletes/moves the personal addressbook
1936	 *
1937	 * @param array $data
1938	 */
1939	function deleteaccount($data)
1940	{
1941		// delete/move personal addressbook
1942		parent::deleteaccount($data);
1943	}
1945	/**
1946	 * Called by delete_category hook, when a category gets deleted.
1947	 * Removes the category from addresses
1948	 */
1949	function delete_category($data)
1950	{
1951		// get all cats if you want to drop sub cats
1952		$drop_subs = ($data['drop_subs'] && !$data['modify_subs']);
1953		if($drop_subs)
1954		{
1955			$cats = new Categories('', 'addressbook');
1956			$cat_ids = $cats->return_all_children($data['cat_id']);
1957		}
1958		else
1959		{
1960			$cat_ids = array($data['cat_id']);
1961		}
1963		// Get addresses that use the category
1964		@set_time_limit( 0 );
1965		foreach($cat_ids as $cat_id)
1966		{
1967			if (($ids = $this->search(array('cat_id' => $cat_id), false)))
1968			{
1969				foreach($ids as &$info)
1970				{
1971					$info['cat_id'] = implode(',',array_diff(explode(',',$info['cat_id']), $cat_ids));
1972					$this->save($info);
1973				}
1974			}
1975		}
1976	}
1978	/**
1979	 * Merges some given addresses into the first one and delete the others
1980	 *
1981	 * If one of the other addresses is an account, everything is merged into the account.
1982	 * If two accounts are in $ids, the function fails (returns false).
1983	 *
1984	 * @param array $ids contact-id's to merge
1985	 * @return int number of successful merged contacts, false on a fatal error (eg. cant merge two accounts)
1986	 */
1987	function merge($ids)
1988	{
1989		$this->error = false;
1990		$account = null;
1991		$custom_fields = Storage\Customfields::get('addressbook', true);
1992		$custom_field_list = $this->read_customfields($ids);
1993		foreach(parent::search(array('id'=>$ids),false) as $contact)	// $this->search calls the extended search from ui!
1994		{
1995			if ($contact['account_id'])
1996			{
1997				if (!is_null($account))
1998				{
1999					echo $this->error = 'Can not merge more then one account!';
2000					return false;	// we dont deal with two accounts!
2001				}
2002				$account = $contact;
2003				continue;
2004			}
2005			// Add in custom fields
2006			if (is_array($custom_field_list[$contact['id']])) $contact = array_merge($contact, $custom_field_list[$contact['id']]);
2008			$pos = array_search($contact['id'],$ids);
2009			$contacts[$pos] = $contact;
2010		}
2011		if (!is_null($account))	// we found an account, so we merge the contacts into it
2012		{
2013			$target = $account;
2014			unset($account);
2015		}
2016		else					// we found no account, so we merge all but the first into the first
2017		{
2018			$target = $contacts[0];
2019			unset($contacts[0]);
2020		}
2021		if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::EDIT,$target))
2022		{
2023			echo $this->error = 'No edit permission for the target contact!';
2024			return 0;
2025		}
2026		foreach($contacts as $contact)
2027		{
2028			foreach($contact as $name => $value)
2029			{
2030				if (!$value) continue;
2032				switch($name)
2033				{
2034					case 'id':
2035					case 'tid':
2036					case 'owner':
2037					case 'private':
2038					case 'etag';
2039						break;	// ignored
2041					case 'cat_id':	// cats are all merged together
2042						if (!is_array($target['cat_id'])) $target['cat_id'] = $target['cat_id'] ? explode(',',$target['cat_id']) : array();
2043						$target['cat_id'] = array_unique(array_merge($target['cat_id'],is_array($value)?$value:explode(',',$value)));
2044						break;
2046					default:
2047						// Multi-select custom fields can also be merged
2048						if($name[0] == '#') {
2049							$c_name = substr($name, 1);
2050							if($custom_fields[$c_name]['type'] == 'select' && $custom_fields[$c_name]['rows'] > 1) {
2051								if (!is_array($target[$name])) $target[$name] = $target[$name] ? explode(',',$target[$name]) : array();
2052								$target[$name] = implode(',',array_unique(array_merge($target[$name],is_array($value)?$value:explode(',',$value))));
2053							}
2054						}
2055						if (!$target[$name]) $target[$name] = $value;
2056						break;
2057				}
2058			}
2060			// Merge distribution lists
2061			$lists = $this->read_distributionlist(array($contact['id']));
2062			foreach($lists[$contact['id']] as $list_id => $list_name)
2063			{
2064				parent::add2list($target['id'], $list_id);
2065			}
2066		}
2067		if (!$this->save($target)) return 0;
2069		$success = 1;
2070		foreach($contacts as $contact)
2071		{
2072			if (!$this->check_perms(Acl::DELETE,$contact))
2073			{
2074				continue;
2075			}
2076			foreach(Link::get_links('addressbook',$contact['id']) as $data)
2077			{
2078				//_debug_array(array('function'=>__METHOD__,'line'=>__LINE__,'app'=>'addressbook','id'=>$contact['id'],'data:'=>$data,'target'=>$target['id']));
2079				// info_from and info_link_id (main link)
2080				$newlinkID = Link::link('addressbook',$target['id'],$data['app'],$data['id'],$data['remark'],$target['owner']);
2081				//_debug_array(array('newLinkID'=>$newlinkID));
2082				if ($newlinkID)
2083				{
2084					// update egw_infolog set info_link_id=$newlinkID where info_id=$data['id'] and info_link_id=$data['link_id']
2085					if ($data['app']=='infolog')
2086					{
2087						$this->db->update('egw_infolog',array(
2088								'info_link_id' => $newlinkID
2089							),array(
2090								'info_id' => $data['id'],
2091								'info_link_id' => $data['link_id']
2092							),__LINE__,__FILE__,'infolog');
2093					}
2094					unset($newlinkID);
2095				}
2096			}
2097			// Update calendar
2098			$this->merge_calendar('c'.$contact['id'], $target['account_id'] ? 'u'.$target['account_id'] : 'c'.$target['id']);
2100			if ($this->delete($contact['id'])) $success++;
2101		}
2102		return $success;
2103	}
2105	/**
2106	 * Change the contact ID in any calendar events from the old contact ID
2107	 * to the new merged ID
2108	 *
2109	 * @param int $old_id
2110	 * @param int $new_id
2111	 */
2112	protected function merge_calendar($old_id, $new_id)
2113	{
2114		static $bo;
2115		if(!is_object($bo))
2116		{
2117			$bo = new \calendar_boupdate();
2118		}
2120		// Find all events with this contact
2121		$events = $bo->search(array('users' => $old_id, 'ignore_acl' => true));
2123		foreach($events as $event)
2124		{
2125			$event['participants'][$new_id] = $event['participants'][$old_id];
2126			unset($event['participants'][$old_id]);
2128			// Quietly update, ignoring ACL & no notifications
2129			$bo->update($event, true, true, true, true, $messages, true);
2130		}
2131	}
2133	/**
2134	 * Some caching for lists within request
2135	 *
2136	 * @var array
2137	 */
2138	private static $list_cache = array();
2140	/**
2141	 * Check if user has required rights for a list or list-owner
2142	 *
2143	 * @param int $list
2144	 * @param int $required
2145	 * @param int $owner =null
2146	 * @return boolean
2147	 */
2148	function check_list($list,$required,$owner=null)
2149	{
2150		if ($list && ($list_data = $this->read_list($list)))
2151		{
2152			$owner = $list_data['list_owner'];
2153		}
2154		//error_log(__METHOD__."($list, $required, $owner) grants[$owner]=".$this->grants[$owner]." returning ".array2string(!!($this->grants[$owner] & $required)));
2155		return !!($this->grants[$owner] & $required);
2156	}
2158	/**
2159	 * Adds / updates a distribution list
2160	 *
2161	 * @param string|array $keys list-name or array with column-name => value pairs to specify the list
2162	 * @param int $owner user- or group-id
2163	 * @param array $contacts =array() contacts to add (only for not yet existing lists!)
2164	 * @param array &$data=array() values for keys 'list_uid', 'list_carddav_name', 'list_name'
2165	 * @return int|boolean integer list_id or false on error
2166	 */
2167	function add_list($keys,$owner,$contacts=array(),array &$data=array())
2168	{
2169		if (!$this->check_list(null,Acl::ADD|Acl::EDIT,$owner)) return false;
2171		try {
2172			$ret = parent::add_list($keys,$owner,$contacts,$data);
2173			if ($ret) unset(self::$list_cache[$ret]);
2174		}
2175		// catch sql error, as creating same name&owner list gives a sql error doublicate key
2176		catch(Db\Exception\InvalidSql $e) {
2177			unset($e);	// not used
2178			return false;
2179		}
2180		return $ret;
2181	}
2183	/**
2184	 * Adds contacts to a distribution list
2185	 *
2186	 * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s)
2187	 * @param int $list list-id
2188	 * @param array $existing =null array of existing contact-id(s) of list, to not reread it, eg. array()
2189	 * @return false on error
2190	 */
2191	function add2list($contact,$list,array $existing=null)
2192	{
2193		if (!$this->check_list($list,Acl::EDIT)) return false;
2195		unset(self::$list_cache[$list]);
2197		return parent::add2list($contact,$list,$existing);
2198	}
2200	/**
2201	 * Removes one contact from distribution list(s)
2202	 *
2203	 * @param int|array $contact contact_id(s)
2204	 * @param int $list list-id
2205	 * @return false on error
2206	 */
2207	function remove_from_list($contact,$list=null)
2208	{
2209		if ($list && !$this->check_list($list,Acl::EDIT)) return false;
2211		if ($list)
2212		{
2213			unset(self::$list_cache[$list]);
2214		}
2215		else
2216		{
2217			self::$list_cache = array();
2218		}
2220		return parent::remove_from_list($contact,$list);
2221	}
2223	/**
2224	 * Deletes a distribution list (incl. it's members)
2225	 *
2226	 * @param int|array $list list_id(s)
2227	 * @return number of members deleted or false if list does not exist
2228	 */
2229	function delete_list($list)
2230	{
2231		foreach((array)$list as $l)
2232		{
2233			if (!$this->check_list($l, Acl::DELETE)) return false;
2235			unset(self::$list_cache[$l]);
2236		}
2238		return parent::delete_list($list);
2239	}
2241	/**
2242	 * Read data of a distribution list
2243	 *
2244	 * @param int $list list_id
2245	 * @return array of data or false if list does not exist
2246	 */
2247	function read_list($list)
2248	{
2249		if (isset(self::$list_cache[$list])) return self::$list_cache[$list];
2251		return self::$list_cache[$list] = parent::read_list($list);
2252	}
2254	/**
2255	 * Get the address-format of a country
2256	 *
2257	 * This is a good reference where I got nearly all information, thanks to mikaelarhelger-AT-gmail.com
2258	 * http://www.bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.html
2259	 *
2260	 * Mail me (RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de) if you want your nation added or fixed.
2261	 *
2262	 * @param string $country
2263	 * @return string 'city_state_postcode' (eg. US) or 'postcode_city' (eg. DE)
2264	 */
2265	function addr_format_by_country($country)
2266	{
2267		$code = Country::country_code($country);
2269		switch($code)
2270		{
2271			case 'AU':
2272			case 'CA':
2273			case 'GB':	// not exactly right, postcode is in separate line
2274			case 'HK':	// not exactly right, they have no postcode
2275			case 'IN':
2276			case 'ID':
2277			case 'IE':	// not exactly right, they have no postcode
2278			case 'JP':	// not exactly right
2279			case 'KR':
2280			case 'LV':
2281			case 'NZ':
2282			case 'TW':
2283			case 'SA':	// not exactly right, postcode is in separate line
2284			case 'SG':
2285			case 'US':
2286				$adr_format = 'city_state_postcode';
2287				break;
2289			case 'AR':
2290			case 'AT':
2291			case 'BE':
2292			case 'CH':
2293			case 'CZ':
2294			case 'DK':
2295			case 'EE':
2296			case 'ES':
2297			case 'FI':
2298			case 'FR':
2299			case 'DE':
2300			case 'GL':
2301			case 'IS':
2302			case 'IL':
2303			case 'IT':
2304			case 'LT':
2305			case 'LU':
2306			case 'MY':
2307			case 'MX':
2308			case 'NL':
2309			case 'NO':
2310			case 'PL':
2311			case 'PT':
2312			case 'RO':
2313			case 'RU':
2314			case 'SE':
2315				$adr_format = 'postcode_city';
2316				break;
2318			default:
2319				$adr_format = $this->prefs['addr_format'] ? $this->prefs['addr_format'] : 'postcode_city';
2320		}
2321		return $adr_format;
2322	}
2324	/**
2325	 * Find existing categories in database by name or add categories that do not exist yet
2326	 * currently used for vcard import
2327	 *
2328	 * @param array $catname_list names of the categories which should be found or added
2329	 * @param int $contact_id =null match against existing contact and expand the returned category ids
2330	 *  by the ones the user normally does not see due to category permissions - used to preserve categories
2331	 * @return array category ids (found, added and preserved categories)
2332	 */
2333	function find_or_add_categories($catname_list, $contact_id=null)
2334	{
2335		if ($contact_id && $contact_id > 0 && ($old_contact = $this->read($contact_id)))
2336		{
2337			// preserve categories without users read access
2338			$old_categories = explode(',',$old_contact['cat_id']);
2339			$old_cats_preserve = array();
2340			if (is_array($old_categories) && count($old_categories) > 0)
2341			{
2342				foreach ($old_categories as $cat_id)
2343				{
2344					if (!$this->categories->check_perms(Acl::READ, $cat_id))
2345					{
2346						$old_cats_preserve[] = $cat_id;
2347					}
2348				}
2349			}
2350		}
2352		$cat_id_list = array();
2353		foreach ((array)$catname_list as $cat_name)
2354		{
2355			$cat_name = trim($cat_name);
2356			$cat_id = $this->categories->name2id($cat_name, 'X-');
2357			if (!$cat_id)
2358			{
2359				// some SyncML clients (mostly phones) add an X- to the category names
2360				if (strncmp($cat_name, 'X-', 2) == 0)
2361				{
2362					$cat_name = substr($cat_name, 2);
2363				}
2364				$cat_id = $this->categories->add(array('name' => $cat_name, 'descr' => $cat_name, 'access' => 'private'));
2365			}
2367			if ($cat_id)
2368			{
2369				$cat_id_list[] = $cat_id;
2370			}
2371		}
2373		if (is_array($old_cats_preserve) && count($old_cats_preserve) > 0)
2374		{
2375			$cat_id_list = array_merge($cat_id_list, $old_cats_preserve);
2376		}
2378		if (count($cat_id_list) > 1)
2379		{
2380			$cat_id_list = array_unique($cat_id_list);
2381			sort($cat_id_list, SORT_NUMERIC);
2382		}
2384		//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($catname_list).", $contact_id) returning ".array2string($cat_id_list));
2385		return $cat_id_list;
2386	}
2388	function get_categories($cat_id_list)
2389	{
2390		if (!is_object($this->categories))
2391		{
2392			$this->categories = new Categories($this->user,'addressbook');
2393		}
2395		if (!is_array($cat_id_list))
2396		{
2397			$cat_id_list = explode(',',$cat_id_list);
2398		}
2399		$cat_list = array();
2400		foreach($cat_id_list as $cat_id)
2401		{
2402			if ($cat_id && $this->categories->check_perms(Acl::READ, $cat_id) &&
2403					($cat_name = $this->categories->id2name($cat_id)) && $cat_name != '--')
2404			{
2405				$cat_list[] = $cat_name;
2406			}
2407		}
2409		return $cat_list;
2410	}
2412	function fixup_contact(&$contact)
2413	{
2414		if (empty($contact['n_fn']))
2415		{
2416			$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
2417		}
2419		if (empty($contact['n_fileas']))
2420		{
2421			$contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact);
2422		}
2423	}
2425	/**
2426	 * Try to find a matching db entry
2427	 *
2428	 * @param array $contact   the contact data we try to find
2429	 * @param boolean $relax =false if asked to relax, we only match against some key fields
2430	 * @return array od matching contact_ids
2431	 */
2432	function find_contact($contact, $relax=false)
2433	{
2434		$empty_addr_one = $empty_addr_two = true;
2436		if ($this->log)
2437		{
2438			error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2439				. '('. ($relax ? 'RELAX': 'EXACT') . ')[ContactData]:'
2440				. array2string($contact)
2441				. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2442		}
2444		$matchingContacts = array();
2445		if ($contact['id'] && ($found = $this->read($contact['id'])))
2446		{
2447			if ($this->log)
2448			{
2449				error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2450					. '()[ContactID]: ' . $contact['id']
2451					. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2452			}
2453			// We only do a simple consistency check
2454			if (!$relax || ((empty($found['n_family']) || $found['n_family'] == $contact['n_family'])
2455					&& (empty($found['n_given']) || $found['n_given'] == $contact['n_given'])
2456					&& (empty($found['org_name']) || $found['org_name'] == $contact['org_name'])))
2457			{
2458				return array($found['id']);
2459			}
2460		}
2461		unset($contact['id']);
2463		if (!$relax && !empty($contact['uid']))
2464		{
2465			if ($this->log)
2466			{
2467				error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2468					. '()[ContactUID]: ' . $contact['uid']
2469					. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2470			}
2471			// Try the given UID first
2472			$criteria = array ('contact_uid' => $contact['uid']);
2473			if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria)))
2474			{
2475				foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact)
2476				{
2477					$matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id'];
2478				}
2479			}
2480			return $matchingContacts;
2481		}
2482		unset($contact['uid']);
2484		$columns_to_search = array('n_family', 'n_given', 'n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix',
2485						'bday', 'org_name', 'org_unit', 'title', 'role',
2486						'email', 'email_home');
2487		$tolerance_fields = array('n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix',
2488					  'bday', 'org_unit', 'title', 'role',
2489					  'email', 'email_home');
2490		$addr_one_fields = array('adr_one_street', 'adr_one_locality',
2491					 'adr_one_region', 'adr_one_postalcode');
2492		$addr_two_fields = array('adr_two_street', 'adr_two_locality',
2493					 'adr_two_region', 'adr_two_postalcode');
2495		if (!empty($contact['owner']))
2496		{
2497			$columns_to_search += array('owner');
2498		}
2500		$criteria = array();
2502		foreach ($columns_to_search as $field)
2503		{
2504			if ($relax && in_array($field, $tolerance_fields)) continue;
2506			if (empty($contact[$field]))
2507			{
2508				// Not every device supports all fields
2509				if (!in_array($field, $tolerance_fields))
2510				{
2511					$criteria[$field] = '';
2512				}
2513			}
2514			else
2515			{
2516				$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
2517			}
2518		}
2520		if (!$relax)
2521		{
2522			// We use addresses only for strong matching
2524			foreach ($addr_one_fields as $field)
2525			{
2526				if (empty($contact[$field]))
2527				{
2528					$criteria[$field] = '';
2529				}
2530				else
2531				{
2532					$empty_addr_one = false;
2533					$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
2534				}
2535			}
2537			foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field)
2538			{
2539				if (empty($contact[$field]))
2540				{
2541					$criteria[$field] = '';
2542				}
2543				else
2544				{
2545					$empty_addr_two = false;
2546					$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
2547				}
2548			}
2549		}
2551		if ($this->log)
2552		{
2553			error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2554				. '()[Addressbook FIND Step 1]: '
2555				. 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria)
2556				. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2557		}
2559		// first try full match
2560		if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true)))
2561		{
2562			foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact)
2563			{
2564				$matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id'];
2565			}
2566		}
2568		// No need for more searches for relaxed matching
2569		if ($relax || count($matchingContacts)) return $matchingContacts;
2572		if (!$empty_addr_one && $empty_addr_two)
2573		{
2574			// try given address and ignore the second one in EGW
2575			foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field)
2576			{
2577				unset($criteria[$field]);
2578			}
2580			if ($this->log)
2581			{
2582				error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2583					. '()[Addressbook FIND Step 2]: '
2584					. 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria)
2585					. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2586			}
2588			if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true)))
2589			{
2590				foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact)
2591				{
2592					$matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id'];
2593				}
2594			}
2595			else
2596			{
2597				// try address as home address -- some devices don't qualify addresses
2598				foreach ($addr_two_fields as $key => $field)
2599				{
2600					$criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]];
2601					unset($criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]]);
2602				}
2604				if ($this->log)
2605				{
2606					error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2607						. '()[Addressbook FIND Step 3]: '
2608						. 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria)
2609						. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2610				}
2612				if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true)))
2613				{
2614					foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact)
2615					{
2616						$matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id'];
2617					}
2618				}
2619			}
2620		}
2621		elseif (!$empty_addr_one && !$empty_addr_two)
2622		{ // try again after address swap
2624			foreach ($addr_one_fields as $key => $field)
2625			{
2626				$_temp = $criteria[$field];
2627				$criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]];
2628				$criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]] = $_temp;
2629			}
2630			if ($this->log)
2631			{
2632				error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2633					. '()[Addressbook FIND Step 4]: '
2634					. 'CRITERIA = ' . array2string($criteria)
2635					. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2636			}
2637			if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', true)))
2638			{
2639				foreach ($foundContacts as $egwContact)
2640				{
2641					$matchingContacts[] = $egwContact['id'];
2642				}
2643			}
2644		}
2645		if ($this->log)
2646		{
2647			error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__
2648				. '()[FOUND]: ' . array2string($matchingContacts)
2649				. "\n", 3, $this->logfile);
2650		}
2651		return $matchingContacts;
2652	}
2654	/**
2655	 * Get a ctag (collection tag) for one addressbook or all addressbooks readable by a user
2656	 *
2657	 * Currently implemented as maximum modification date (1 seconde granularity!)
2658	 *
2659	 * We have to include deleted entries, as otherwise the ctag will not change if an entry gets deleted!
2660	 * (Only works if tracking of deleted entries / history is switched on!)
2661	 *
2662	 * @param int|array $owner =null 0=accounts, null=all addressbooks or integer account_id of user or group
2663	 * @return string
2664	 */
2665	public function get_ctag($owner=null)
2666	{
2667		$filter = array('tid' => null);	// tid=null --> use all entries incl. deleted (tid='D')
2668		// show addressbook of a single user?
2669		if (!is_null($owner)) $filter['owner'] = $owner;
2671		// should we hide the accounts addressbook
2672		if (!$owner && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] === '1')
2673		{
2674			$filter['account_id'] = null;
2675		}
2676		$result = $this->search(array(),'contact_modified','contact_modified DESC','','',false,'AND',array(0,1),$filter);
2678		if (!$result || !isset($result[0]['modified']))
2679		{
2680			$ctag = 'empty';	// ctag for empty addressbook
2681		}
2682		else
2683		{
2684			// need to convert modified time back to server-time (was converted to user-time by search)
2685			// as we use it direct in server-queries eg. CardDAV sync-report and to be consistent with CalDAV
2686			$ctag = DateTime::user2server($result[0]['modified']);
2687		}
2688		//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($owner).') returning '.array2string($ctag));
2689		return $ctag;
2690	}
2692	/**
2693	 * download photo of the given ($_GET['contact_id'] or $_GET['account_id']) contact
2694	 */
2695	function photo()
2696	{
2697		ob_start();
2699		$contact_id = isset($_GET['contact_id']) ? $_GET['contact_id'] :
2700			(isset($_GET['account_id']) ? 'account:'.$_GET['account_id'] : 0);
2702		if (substr($contact_id,0,8) == 'account:')
2703		{
2704			$contact_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name(substr($contact_id,8),'person_id');
2705		}
2707		$contact = $this->read($contact_id);
2709		if (!($contact) ||
2710			empty($contact['jpegphoto']) &&                           // LDAP/AD (not updated SQL)
2711			!(($contact['files'] & \EGroupware\Api\Contacts::FILES_BIT_PHOTO) && // new SQL in VFS
2712				($size = filesize($url= \EGroupware\Api\Link::vfs_path('addressbook', $contact_id, \EGroupware\Api\Contacts::FILES_PHOTO)))))
2713		{
2714			if (is_array($contact))
2715			{
2716				header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
2717				$contact['jpegphoto'] =  \EGroupware\Api\avatar::lavatar(array(
2718					'id' => $contact['id'],
2719					'firstname' => $contact['n_given'],
2720					'lastname' => $contact['n_family'])
2721				);
2722			}
2723		}
2725		// use an etag over the image mapp
2726		$etag = '"'.$contact_id.':'.$contact['etag'].'"';
2727		if (!ob_get_contents())
2728		{
2729			header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
2730			header('ETag: '.$etag);
2731			// if etag parameter given in url, we can allow browser to cache picture via an Expires header
2732			// different url with different etag parameter will force a reload
2733			if (isset($_GET['etag']))
2734			{
2735				\EGroupware\Api\Session::cache_control(30*86400);	// cache for 30 days
2736			}
2737			// if servers send a If-None-Match header, response with 304 Not Modified, if etag matches
2738			if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] === $etag)
2739			{
2740				header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
2741			}
2742			elseif(!empty($contact['jpegphoto']))
2743			{
2744				header('Content-length: '.bytes($contact['jpegphoto']));
2745				echo $contact['jpegphoto'];
2746			}
2747			else
2748			{
2749				header('Content-length: '.$size);
2750				readfile($url);
2751			}
2752			exit();
2753		}
2754		Egw::redirect(\EGroupware\Api\Image::find('addressbook','photo'));
2755	}