1; Default resource file for Gcal-2.20 or newer
300000101 Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran (1979)%i19790101
400000103 Battle of Princeton (1777)%i17770103
500000124 Spacecraft Voyager 2 reaches Uranus (1986)%i19860124
600000127 Auschwitz is liberated (1945)%i19450127
700000127 Paris Accord on ceasefire in Vietnam (1973)%i19730127
800000127 Three astronauts die in flash fire (1967)%i19670127
900000128 Explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger (1986)%i19860128
1000000130 Beginning of the Tet Offensive in Vietnam (1968)%i19680130
1100000130 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany (1933)%i19330130
1200000211 Beatles invade America (1964)%i19640211
1300000219 Battle of Iwo Jima (1945)%i19450219
1400000227 Berlin Reichstag fire (1933)%i19330227
1500000305 Joseph Stalin dies of stroke at 10 P.M. (1953)%i19530305
1600000306 Fall of The Alamo, remember it (1836)%i18360306
1700000313 Chernenko dies; Gorbachev chosen to lead (1985)%i19850313
1800000314 Nazis take Austria (1938)%i19380314
1900000316 Facing revolt,Russian Czar abdicates at 3pm (1917)%i19170316
2000000321 Beginning of Spring
2100000324 Exxon Valdez desaster at Alaska (1989)%i19890324
2200000329 Coca-Cola is created (1886)%i18860329
2300000330 J.Hinckley Jr. shoots Pres. Reagan in chest (1981)%i19810330
2400000401 April's Fool's Day
2500000402 Argentine troops seize Falkland Islands (1982)%i19820402
2600000404 NATO established (1949)%i19490404
2700000404 Rev. M.L. King, Jr. assassinated in Memphis (1968)%i19680404
2800000405 Generalissimo Chang Kai-Shek dies in Taiwan (1975)%i19750405
2900000405 World Trade Center opens in New York City (1974)%i19740405
3000000406 Battle of Shiloh (1862)%i18620406
3100000406 First modern Olympics held (1896)%i18960406
3200000406 Peary,Henson and 4 Eskimos reach the N.Pole (1909)%i19090406
3300000407 Prohibition in USA ends (1933)%i19330407
3400000412 Juri Gagarin - first man in space (1961)%i19610412
3500000414 U.S. President Lincoln Assassinated (1865)%i18650414
3600000415 Stadium stampede at Sheffield,G.B.,94 dies (1989)%i19890415
3700000415 Titanic sunk at 2:20 A.M., 1595 perish (1912)%i19120415
3800000421 Plans to build Disneyland announced (1954)%i19540421
3900000425 Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster (1986)%i19860425
4000000425 Iran hostage rescue ends in fiasco (1980)%i19800425
4100000430 Hitler commits suicide in his bunker (1945)%i19450430
4200000430 Saigon surrenders to the Communists (1975)%i19750430
4300000501 Lindbergh baby kidnapped (1932)%i19320501
4400000501 North Korea established (1948)%i19480501
4500000501 Russia shoots down U-2 plane (1960)%i19600501
4600000506 The Hindenburg explodes in N.J. (1937)%i19370506
4700000507 Lusitania sunk by Germans (1915)%i19150507
4800000508 VE Day, Germany surrenders (1945)%i19450508
4900000513 Assassin wounds Pope J. Paul II (1981)%i19810513
5000000514 Warsaw Pact signed (1955)%i19550514
5100000518 Massive protest in Beijing, China (1989)%i19890518
5200000518 Mt. St. Helen blows its top (1980)%i19800518
5300000520 Beijing: Martial law declared (1989)%i19890520
5400000521 C. Lindbergh lands in Paris (1927)%i19270521
5500000529 Edmund Hillary climbs Mt.Everest (1953)%i19530529
5600000531 Adolf Eichmann hangs in Israel (1962)%i19620531
5700000603 American victory at Midway (1942)%i19420603
5800000603 Ayatollah Khomeini dies (1989)%i19890603
5900000605 Six Day War, annexation of Jerusalem (1967)%i19670605
6000000606 D-Day (1944)%i19440606
6100000614 Falklands: Argentina surrenders (1982)%i19820614
6200000615 Battle of Waterloo (1815)%i18150615
6300000621 Beginning of Summer
6400000625 Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876)%i18760625
6500000625 North Korean Reds invade South (1950)%i19500625
6600000628 Signature of Treaty of Versailles (1919)%i19190628
6700000701 Battle of Gettysburg starts (50,000 dies) (1863)%i18630701
6800000702 Ernest Hemingway kills self in Ketchum (1961)%i19610702
6900000703 Raid on Entebbe, 105 rescued (1976)%i19760703
7000000709 Spacecraft Voyager 2 reaches Jupiter (1979)%i19790709
7100000714 Taiwan ends 37 years of martial law (1987)%i19870714
7200000716 1st major battle of U.S. Civil War-Bull Run (1861)%i18610716
7300000716 Bolsheviks murderd Czar and family (1918)%i19180716
7400000717 Disneyland opens its doors in Anaheim, CA (1955)%i19550717
7500000721 Neil Armstrong steps on moon (1969)%i19690721
7600000727 Korean War ends (1953)%i19530727
7700000801 Olympics opening ceremony in Berlin (1936)%i19360801
7800000805 Marilyn Monroe dies at age 36 (1962)%i19620805
7900000805 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed (1963)%i19630805
8000000806 First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima (1945)%i19450806
8100000807 U.S. landing at Guadalcanal (1942)%i19420807
8200000808 Nixon quits, first president to do so (1974)%i19740808
8300000809 Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki (1945)%i19450809
8400000812 Beginning of building of the Berlin Wall (1961)%i19610812
8500000815 Japanese delegation surrenders to MacArthur (1945)%i19450815
8600000816 Elvis Presley dies at age 42 (1977)%i19770816
8700000820 Spacecraft Voyager 2 launched (1977)%i19770820
8800000821 Soviet tanks invade Czechoslovakia (1968)%i19680821
8900000823 Sacco and Vanzetti die on electric chair (1927)%i19270823
9000000825 Spacecraft Voyager 2 reaches Neptune (1989)%i19890825
9100000825 Spacecraft Voyager 2 reaches Saturn (1981)%i19810825
9200000828 Martin Luther King: "I have a dream" (1963)%i19630828
9300000831 Soviet shoots down South Korean Boeing 747 (1983)%i19830831
9400000901 Hitler's troops invades Poland,Begin of WW2 (1939)%i19390901
9500000902 End of WW2 (1945)%i19450902
9600000903 U.S. Viking II lands on Mars (1976)%i19760903
9700000904 Mark Spitz wins 7 golds (1972)%i19720904
9800000905 Munich Olympic Massacre (1972)%i19720905
9900000906 President McKinley assassinated (1901)%i19010906
10000000909 Mao Tse-Tung dies at age 82 (1976)%i19760909
10100000923 Beginning of Autumn
10200000923 Beginning of Vienna Congress (1814)%i18140923
10300001001 Germany annexes Sudetentland (1938)%i19381001
10400001001 Mao proclaims People's Republic of China (1949)%i19491001
10500001001 The 6.1 Whittier Earthquake in California (1987)%i19871001
10600001004 Soviet launches Sputnik (1957)%i19571004
10700001006 Anwar Sadat assassinated (1981)%i19811006
10800001007 Arabs hijack Italian liner Achille Lauro (1985)%i19851007
10900001010 Sun Yat-Sen overthrows in China (1911)%i19111010
11000001014 Field Marshal Erwin Rommel commits suicide (1944)%i19441014
11100001015 Nazi Hermann Goering dies in prison (1946)%i19461015
11200001016 China becomes world's 5th nuclear power (1964)%i19641016
11300001017 Albert Einstein flees Germany (1933)%i19331017
11400001018 Beginning of Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)%i19621018
11500001018 Thomas A. Edison dies in West Orange, N.J. (1931)%i19311018
11600001019 Black Monday on Wall Street,down 508.32pts (1987)%i19871019
11700001019 T.A. Edison demonstrates the electric light (1879)%i18791019
11800001024 "Black Thursday" on Wall Street (1929)%i19291024
11900001028 Jacquel. Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis (1968)%i19681028
12000001029 John DeLorean indicted for drug trafficking (1982)%i19821029
12100001031 1900 U.S. Marines invade Grenada (1983)%i19831031
12200001031 Halloween
12300001107 Russia: Bolsheviks seize power (1917)%i19171107
12400001108 Hitler's Beer-Hall Putsch (1923)%i19231108
12500001109 "Crystal Night" in Berlin (1938)%i19381109
12600001111 Germany signs armistice (1918)%i19181111
12700001122 JFK assassinated in Dallas (1963)%i19631122
12800001202 1st controlled nuclear reaction (1942)%i19421202
12900001203 1st human heart transplant performed (1967)%i19671203
13000001203 Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India (1984)%i19841203
13100001207 Pearl Harbor attacked on this day (1941)%i19411207
13200001213 Wright Brother's 1st flight at Kittyhawk (1903)%i19031213
13300001214 Ronald Amundsen reaches the South Pole (1911)%i19111214
13400001220 "Operation Just Cause": U.S. invades Panama (1989)%i19891220
13500001222 Beginning of Winter
13600001223 Hideki Tojo hangs for war crimes (1948)%i19481223
13700001227 Soviet troops invade Afghanistan (1979)%i19791227