4The following KDE packages must be installed in order to run KAlarm
6   - Various KDE frameworks libraries
7   - Various KDE PIM libraries, notably kalarmcal
8   - kdepim-runtime: required for email alarms, and access to birthdays and
9           KOrganizer alarms and todos.
11The following optional packages enhance KAlarm if they are installed:
12   - Jovie (from kdeaccessibility): if installed and configured (together with
13	   compatible speech synthesiser packages), it allows KAlarm to speak
14	   alarm messages when alarms are displayed.
16Setting up KAlarm on non-KDE desktops
19Although KAlarm is a KDE application and requires the above KDE packages to be
20installed on your system, you can still use it while running other desktops or
21window managers.
23In order to have alarms monitored and displayed automatically from one login
24session to the next, KAlarm must be run automatically when you graphically log
25in or otherwise start X. If you are running the KDE desktop, the KAlarm
26installation process sets this up for you.
28- GNOME 2
29  =======
30  Run Desktop Preferences -> Advanced -> Sessions. In the Sessions dialog,
31  select the Startup Programs tab and click Add. Enter
32  'kalarmautostart kalarm --tray' as the Startup Command. This will run KAlarm
33  in the system tray every time you start up.
35- Other Window Managers
36  =====================
37  If you want to use KAlarm with a non-KDE window manager:
39  1) If your desktop environment/window manager performs session restoration,
40     ensure that the kalarm is included in the session restoration, and that
41     after login or restarting X kalarm is running with a '-session' command
42     line option, e.g.
44         kalarm -session 117f000002000100176495700000008340018
46     You can use the 'ps' command to check this.
48     Using session restoration will ensure that alarm message windows which
49     were displayed at the time of logout will be redisplayed when you log in
50     again.
52  2) To ensure that KAlarm is always started when you log in, even if it was
53     not running at logout (so that it wouldn't be included in session
54     restoration), you should configure one of the following commands to be run
55     whenever you graphically log in or start X:
57     a) If you cannot use session restoration to start KAlarm, run:
59            kalarm --tray
61     b) If you use session restoration, you MUST NOT use the above command, but
62        instead run:
64            kalarmautostart kalarm --tray
66        The reason for using this command instead is that if 'kalarm --tray' is
67        executed while session restoration is already underway, KAlarm will
68        fail to start. This is an unavoidable consequence of how a KDE
69        application interacts with session restoration.
71     If your desktop environment or window manager has a facility to configure
72     programs to be run at login, you can use that facility. Otherwise, you need
73     to add the command to an appropriate script which is run after X is started.
75  If you can send me details on how to set up KAlarm for any particular window
76  manager, I will include these in the next version of KAlarm.