2/* get country names */
3$sql = "SELECT code,name FROM mgw_countries ORDER BY name";
5if(($res = $conn->GetAll($sql))===false) exit(showSQLerror($sql, $conn->ErrorMsg(), __LINE__, __FILE__));
7array_unshift($res, array("",Lang::getLanguageString("chosecountrytext")));
9/* settings array */
10$settings["contact"] = array( // modulename (will be translated on runtime)
11	"settings" => array( // a sub option of this modules settings (will be translated on runtime)
12	    "quicksearchmethod" => array( // an option - configtagname in db
13              "method" => "checkbox", // options method
14	      "choices" => array( // option values
15            	array("name"=>"firstname","value"=>"mgw_contacts.firstname"), // name to be displayed, value to be posted
16                array("name"=>"lastname","value"=>"mgw_contacts.lastname"), // the name will be placed behind the checkbox
17                array("name"=>"company","value"=>"mgw_companies.name1"),
18                array("name"=>"email","value"=>"mgw_contacts.email"),
19                array("name"=>"city","value"=>"mgw_contacts.priv_city"),
20                array("name"=>"note_contact","value"=>"mgw_contacts.note"),
21                array("name"=>"note_company","value"=>"mgw_companies.note")),
22	      "name" => "qsearchoptions", // [optionable] name of the option (will be translated on runtime)
23	      "type" => "str", // configtag value, row in the db which holds the data (TODO: MAKE THIS UNNESECARY)
24	      "note" => "searchnote",
25	      "description" => "What fields to look for when quick searching",
26	      "selections" => 1,
27	      "dimensions" => 1,
28	      "default" => array("mgw_contacts.firstname","mgw_contacts.lastname","mgw_companies.name1")
29        ),
30        "name_display" => array(
31        	"method" => "select",
32		"choices" => array(
33				   array('name' => '', 'value' => array(
34		      array('lastfirst', 'lastfirst'),
35		      array('firstlast', 'firstlast')
36		      ))
37		),
38           	"type" => "str",
39		"name" => "name_display",
40		"translate" => true,
41		"description" => "how to display names",
42		"selections" => 0,
43		"dimensions" => 0,
44		"default" => array('lastfirst')
45        ),
46        "favourite_countries" => array(
47        	"method" => "select",
48		"choices" => array(
49            	array("name" => "(1.)","value"=>$res), // name to be displayed (behind selectbox), array of names and values to put in selectbox
50                array("name" => "(2.)","value"=>$res), // selectbox option values have index 0 in the value array
51                array("name" => "(3.)","value"=>$res), // selectbox option names have index 1
52                array("name" => "(4.)","value"=>$res),
53                array("name" => "(5.)","value"=>$res)),
54           	"type" => "str",
55		"name" => "favcountries",
56		"translate" => false,
57		"description" => "list of top 5 favourite countries",
58		"selections" => 0,
59		"dimensions" => 1,
60		"default" => array("DEU","FRA","CZE","GBR")
61        ),
62        "show_company_id"  => array(
63        	"method" => "checkbox", // if no choices array is given to a selectbox a single checkbox with value '1' will be displayed
64		"name" => "showcompid",
65		"type" => "int",
66		"description" => "1 if company id is to be shown, 0 if not",
67		"default" => "0"
68        ),
69        "use_dialer" => array(
70        	"method" => "checkbox",
71		"name" => "usedialer",
72		"type" => "int",
73		"description" => "1 if dialer is to be shown, 0 if not",
74		"default" => "0"
75        )
76    )