1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. <duncan@kde.org>
3  * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@owncloud.com>
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
12  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
13  * for more details.
14  */
16 #include "syncengine.h"
17 #include "account.h"
18 #include "owncloudpropagator.h"
19 #include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
20 #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
21 #include "discoveryphase.h"
22 #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h"
23 #include "common/syncfilestatus.h"
24 #include "csync_exclude.h"
25 #include "filesystem.h"
26 #include "propagateremotedelete.h"
27 #include "propagatedownload.h"
28 #include "common/asserts.h"
29 #include "discovery.h"
30 #include "common/vfs.h"
32 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
33 #include <windows.h>
34 #else
35 #include <unistd.h>
36 #endif
38 #include <climits>
39 #include <assert.h>
40 #include <chrono>
42 #include <QCoreApplication>
43 #include <QSslSocket>
44 #include <QDir>
45 #include <QLoggingCategory>
46 #include <QMutexLocker>
47 #include <QThread>
48 #include <QStringList>
49 #include <QTextStream>
50 #include <QTime>
51 #include <QUrl>
52 #include <QSslCertificate>
53 #include <QProcess>
54 #include <QElapsedTimer>
55 #include <qtextcodec.h>
57 namespace OCC {
59 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcEngine, "sync.engine", QtInfoMsg)
61 bool SyncEngine::s_anySyncRunning = false;
63 /** When the client touches a file, block change notifications for this duration (ms)
64  *
65  * On Linux and Windows the file watcher can't distinguish a change that originates
66  * from the client (like a download during a sync operation) and an external change.
67  * To work around that, all files the client touches are recorded and file change
68  * notifications for these are blocked for some time. This value controls for how
69  * long.
70  *
71  * Reasons this delay can't be very small:
72  * - it takes time for the change notification to arrive and to be processed by the client
73  * - some time could pass between the client recording that a file will be touched
74  *   and its filesystem operation finishing, triggering the notification
75  */
76 static const std::chrono::milliseconds s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs(3 * 1000);
78 // doc in header
79 std::chrono::milliseconds SyncEngine::minimumFileAgeForUpload(2000);
SyncEngine(AccountPtr account,const QString & localPath,const QString & remotePath,OCC::SyncJournalDb * journal)81 SyncEngine::SyncEngine(AccountPtr account, const QString &localPath,
82     const QString &remotePath, OCC::SyncJournalDb *journal)
83     : _account(account)
84     , _needsUpdate(false)
85     , _syncRunning(false)
86     , _localPath(localPath)
87     , _remotePath(remotePath)
88     , _journal(journal)
89     , _progressInfo(new ProgressInfo)
90     , _hasNoneFiles(false)
91     , _hasRemoveFile(false)
92     , _uploadLimit(0)
93     , _downloadLimit(0)
94     , _anotherSyncNeeded(NoFollowUpSync)
95 {
96     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileItem>("SyncFileItem");
97     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileItemPtr>("SyncFileItemPtr");
98     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileItem::Status>("SyncFileItem::Status");
99     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileStatus>("SyncFileStatus");
100     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileItemVector>("SyncFileItemVector");
101     qRegisterMetaType<SyncFileItem::Direction>("SyncFileItem::Direction");
103     // Everything in the SyncEngine expects a trailing slash for the localPath.
104     OC_ASSERT(localPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')));
106     _excludedFiles.reset(new ExcludedFiles);
108     _syncFileStatusTracker.reset(new SyncFileStatusTracker(this));
110     _clearTouchedFilesTimer.setSingleShot(true);
111     _clearTouchedFilesTimer.setInterval(30 * 1000);
112     connect(&_clearTouchedFilesTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &SyncEngine::slotClearTouchedFiles);
113 }
~SyncEngine()115 SyncEngine::~SyncEngine()
116 {
117     abort();
118     _excludedFiles.reset();
119 }
121 /**
122  * Check if the item is in the blacklist.
123  * If it should not be sync'ed because of the blacklist, update the item with the error instruction
124  * and proper error message, and return true.
125  * If the item is not in the blacklist, or the blacklist is stale, return false.
126  */
checkErrorBlacklisting(SyncFileItem & item)127 bool SyncEngine::checkErrorBlacklisting(SyncFileItem &item)
128 {
129     if (!_journal) {
130         qCCritical(lcEngine) << "Journal is undefined!";
131         return false;
132     }
134     SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord entry = _journal->errorBlacklistEntry(item._file);
135     item._hasBlacklistEntry = false;
137     if (!entry.isValid()) {
138         return false;
139     }
141     item._hasBlacklistEntry = true;
143     // If duration has expired, it's not blacklisted anymore
144     time_t now = Utility::qDateTimeToTime_t(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc());
145     if (now >= entry._lastTryTime + entry._ignoreDuration) {
146         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "blacklist entry for " << item._file << " has expired!";
147         return false;
148     }
150     // If the file has changed locally or on the server, the blacklist
151     // entry no longer applies
152     if (item._direction == SyncFileItem::Up) { // check the modtime
153         if (item._modtime == 0 || entry._lastTryModtime == 0) {
154             return false;
155         } else if (item._modtime != entry._lastTryModtime) {
156             qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but has changed mtime!";
157             return false;
158         } else if (item._renameTarget != entry._renameTarget) {
159             qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but rename target changed from" << entry._renameTarget;
160             return false;
161         }
162     } else if (item._direction == SyncFileItem::Down) {
163         // download, check the etag.
164         if (item._etag.isEmpty() || entry._lastTryEtag.isEmpty()) {
165             qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << "one ETag is empty, no blacklisting";
166             return false;
167         } else if (item._etag != entry._lastTryEtag) {
168             qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but has changed etag!";
169             return false;
170         }
171     }
173     int waitSeconds = entry._lastTryTime + entry._ignoreDuration - now;
174     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Item is on blacklist: " << entry._file
175                      << "retries:" << entry._retryCount
176                      << "for another" << waitSeconds << "s";
178     // We need to indicate that we skip this file due to blacklisting
179     // for reporting and for making sure we don't update the blacklist
180     // entry yet.
181     // Classification is this _instruction and _status
182     item._instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
183     item._status = SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError;
185     auto waitSecondsStr = Utility::durationToDescriptiveString1(1000 * waitSeconds);
186     item._errorString = tr("%1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2)").arg(entry._errorString, waitSecondsStr);
188     if (entry._errorCategory == SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::InsufficientRemoteStorage) {
189         slotInsufficientRemoteStorage();
190     }
192     return true;
193 }
isFileTransferInstruction(SyncInstructions instruction)195 static bool isFileTransferInstruction(SyncInstructions instruction)
196 {
197     return instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT
198         || instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
199         || instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC
200         || instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE;
201 }
deleteStaleDownloadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector & syncItems)203 void SyncEngine::deleteStaleDownloadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
204 {
205     // Find all downloadinfo paths that we want to preserve.
206     QSet<QString> download_file_paths;
207     foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
208         if (it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down
209             && it->_type == ItemTypeFile
210             && isFileTransferInstruction(it->_instruction)) {
211             download_file_paths.insert(it->_file);
212         }
213     }
215     // Delete from journal and from filesystem.
216     const QVector<SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo> deleted_infos =
217         _journal->getAndDeleteStaleDownloadInfos(download_file_paths);
218     foreach (const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &deleted_info, deleted_infos) {
219         const QString tmppath = _propagator->fullLocalPath(deleted_info._tmpfile);
220         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Deleting stale temporary file: " << tmppath;
221         FileSystem::remove(tmppath);
222     }
223 }
deleteStaleUploadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector & syncItems)225 void SyncEngine::deleteStaleUploadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
226 {
227     // Find all blacklisted paths that we want to preserve.
228     QSet<QString> upload_file_paths;
229     foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
230         if (it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up
231             && it->_type == ItemTypeFile
232             && isFileTransferInstruction(it->_instruction)) {
233             upload_file_paths.insert(it->_file);
234         }
235     }
237     // Delete from journal.
238     auto ids = _journal->deleteStaleUploadInfos(upload_file_paths);
240     // Delete the stales chunk on the server.
241     if (account()->capabilities().chunkingNg()) {
242         foreach (uint transferId, ids) {
243             if (!transferId)
244                 continue; // Was not a chunked upload
245             QUrl url = Utility::concatUrlPath(account()->url(), QLatin1String("remote.php/dav/uploads/") + account()->davUser() + QLatin1Char('/') + QString::number(transferId));
246             (new DeleteJob(account(), url, this))->start();
247         }
248     }
249 }
deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(const SyncFileItemVector & syncItems)251 void SyncEngine::deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
252 {
253     // Find all blacklisted paths that we want to preserve.
254     QSet<QString> blacklist_file_paths;
255     foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
256         if (it->_hasBlacklistEntry)
257             blacklist_file_paths.insert(it->_file);
258     }
260     // Delete from journal.
261     _journal->deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(blacklist_file_paths);
262 }
conflictRecordMaintenance()264 void SyncEngine::conflictRecordMaintenance()
265 {
266     // Remove stale conflict entries from the database
267     // by checking which files still exist and removing the
268     // missing ones.
269     auto conflictRecordPaths = _journal->conflictRecordPaths();
270     for (const auto &path : conflictRecordPaths) {
271         auto fsPath = _propagator->fullLocalPath(QString::fromUtf8(path));
272         if (!QFileInfo(fsPath).exists()) {
273             _journal->deleteConflictRecord(path);
274         }
275     }
277     // Did the sync see any conflict files that don't yet have records?
278     // If so, add them now.
279     //
280     // This happens when the conflicts table is new or when conflict files
281     // are downlaoded but the server doesn't send conflict headers.
282     for (const auto &path : _seenConflictFiles) {
283         OC_ASSERT(Utility::isConflictFile(path));
285         auto bapath = path.toUtf8();
286         if (!conflictRecordPaths.contains(bapath)) {
287             ConflictRecord record;
288             record.path = bapath;
289             auto basePath = Utility::conflictFileBaseNameFromPattern(bapath);
290             record.initialBasePath = basePath;
292             // Determine fileid of target file
293             SyncJournalFileRecord baseRecord;
294             if (_journal->getFileRecord(basePath, &baseRecord) && baseRecord.isValid()) {
295                 record.baseFileId = baseRecord._fileId;
296             }
298             _journal->setConflictRecord(record);
299         }
300     }
301 }
slotItemDiscovered(const OCC::SyncFileItemPtr & item)304 void OCC::SyncEngine::slotItemDiscovered(const OCC::SyncFileItemPtr &item)
305 {
306     if (Utility::isConflictFile(item->_file))
307         _seenConflictFiles.insert(item->_file);
308     if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA && !item->isDirectory()) {
309         // For directories, metadata-only updates will be done after all their files are propagated.
311         // Update the database now already:  New remote fileid or Etag or RemotePerm
312         // Or for files that were detected as "resolved conflict".
313         // Or a local inode/mtime change
315         // In case of "resolved conflict": there should have been a conflict because they
316         // both were new, or both had their local mtime or remote etag modified, but the
317         // size and mtime is the same on the server.  This typically happens when the
318         // database is removed. Nothing will be done for those files, but we still need
319         // to update the database.
321         // This metadata update *could* be a propagation job of its own, but since it's
322         // quick to do and we don't want to create a potentially large number of
323         // mini-jobs later on, we just update metadata right now.
325         if (item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down) {
326             QString filePath = _localPath + item->_file;
328             // If the 'W' remote permission changed, update the local filesystem
329             SyncJournalFileRecord prev;
330             if (_journal->getFileRecord(item->_file, &prev)
331                 && prev.isValid()
332                 && prev._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite) != item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite)) {
333                 const bool isReadOnly = !item->_remotePerm.isNull() && !item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite);
334                 FileSystem::setFileReadOnlyWeak(filePath, isReadOnly);
335             }
336             auto rec = item->toSyncJournalFileRecordWithInode(filePath);
337             if (rec._checksumHeader.isEmpty())
338                 rec._checksumHeader = prev._checksumHeader;
339             rec._serverHasIgnoredFiles |= prev._serverHasIgnoredFiles;
341             // Ensure it's a placeholder file on disk
342             if (item->_type == ItemTypeFile) {
343                 const auto result = _syncOptions._vfs->convertToPlaceholder(filePath, *item);
344                 if (!result) {
345                     item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
346                     item->_errorString = tr("Could not update file : %1").arg(result.error());
347                     return;
348                 }
349             }
351             // Update on-disk virtual file metadata
352             if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile) {
353                 auto r = _syncOptions._vfs->updateMetadata(filePath, item->_modtime, item->_size, item->_fileId);
354                 if (!r) {
355                     item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
356                     item->_errorString = tr("Could not update virtual file metadata: %1").arg(r.error());
357                     return;
358                 }
359             }
361             // Updating the db happens on success
362             _journal->setFileRecord(rec);
364             // This might have changed the shared flag, so we must notify SyncFileStatusTracker for example
365             emit itemCompleted(item);
366         } else {
367             // Update only outdated data from the disk.
368             _journal->updateLocalMetadata(item->_file, item->_modtime, item->_size, item->_inode);
369         }
370         _hasNoneFiles = true;
371         return;
372     } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE) {
373         _hasNoneFiles = true;
374         if (_account->capabilities().uploadConflictFiles() && Utility::isConflictFile(item->_file)) {
375             // For uploaded conflict files, files with no action performed on them should
376             // be displayed: but we mustn't overwrite the instruction if something happens
377             // to the file!
378             item->_errorString = tr("Unresolved conflict.");
379             item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
380             item->_status = SyncFileItem::Conflict;
381         }
382         return;
383     } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE && !item->_isSelectiveSync) {
384         _hasRemoveFile = true;
385     } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME) {
386         _hasNoneFiles = true; // If a file (or every file) has been renamed, it means not al files where deleted
387     } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE
388         || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC) {
389         if (item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up) {
390             // An upload of an existing file means that the file was left unchanged on the server
391             // This counts as a NONE for detecting if all the files on the server were changed
392             _hasNoneFiles = true;
393         }
394     }
396     // check for blacklisting of this item.
397     // if the item is on blacklist, the instruction was set to ERROR
398     checkErrorBlacklisting(*item);
399     _needsUpdate = true;
401     // Insert sorted
402     auto it = std::lower_bound( _syncItems.begin(), _syncItems.end(), item ); // the _syncItems is sorted
403     _syncItems.insert( it, item );
405     slotNewItem(item);
407     if (item->isDirectory()) {
408         slotFolderDiscovered(item->_etag.isEmpty(), item->_file);
409     }
410 }
startSync()412 void SyncEngine::startSync()
413 {
414     if (_journal->exists()) {
415         QVector<SyncJournalDb::PollInfo> pollInfos = _journal->getPollInfos();
416         if (!pollInfos.isEmpty()) {
417             qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Finish Poll jobs before starting a sync";
418             CleanupPollsJob *job = new CleanupPollsJob(pollInfos, _account,
419                 _journal, _localPath, _syncOptions._vfs, this);
420             connect(job, &CleanupPollsJob::finished, this, &SyncEngine::startSync);
421             connect(job, &CleanupPollsJob::aborted, this, &SyncEngine::slotCleanPollsJobAborted);
422             job->start();
423             return;
424         }
425     }
427     if (_syncRunning) {
428         OC_ASSERT(false);
429         return;
430     }
432     s_anySyncRunning = true;
433     _syncRunning = true;
434     _anotherSyncNeeded = NoFollowUpSync;
435     _clearTouchedFilesTimer.stop();
437     _hasNoneFiles = false;
438     _hasRemoveFile = false;
439     _seenConflictFiles.clear();
441     _progressInfo->reset();
443     if (!QDir(_localPath).exists()) {
444         _anotherSyncNeeded = DelayedFollowUp;
445         // No _tr, it should only occur in non-mirall
446         syncError(QStringLiteral("Unable to find local sync folder."));
447         finalize(false);
448         return;
449     }
451     // Check free size on disk first.
452     const qint64 minFree = criticalFreeSpaceLimit();
453     const qint64 freeBytes = Utility::freeDiskSpace(_localPath);
454     if (freeBytes >= 0) {
455         if (freeBytes < minFree) {
456             qCWarning(lcEngine()) << "Too little space available at" << _localPath << ". Have"
457                                   << freeBytes << "bytes and require at least" << minFree << "bytes";
458             _anotherSyncNeeded = DelayedFollowUp;
459             syncError(tr("Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start",
460                 "Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString()")
461                           .arg(
462                               Utility::octetsToString(freeBytes),
463                               Utility::octetsToString(minFree)));
464             finalize(false);
465             return;
466         } else {
467             qCInfo(lcEngine) << "There are" << freeBytes << "bytes available at" << _localPath;
468         }
469     } else {
470         qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Could not determine free space available at" << _localPath;
471     }
473     _syncItems.clear();
474     _needsUpdate = false;
476     if (!_journal->exists()) {
477         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "New sync (no sync journal exists)";
478     } else {
479         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Sync with existing sync journal";
480     }
482     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Using Qt " << qVersion() << " SSL library " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString() << " on " << Utility::platformName();
484     // This creates the DB if it does not exist yet.
485     if (!_journal->open()) {
486         qCWarning(lcEngine) << "No way to create a sync journal!";
487         syncError(tr("Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder."));
488         finalize(false);
489         return;
490         // database creation error!
491     }
493     // Functionality like selective sync might have set up etag storage
494     // filtering via schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(). This *is* the next sync, so
495     // undo the filter to allow this sync to retrieve and store the correct etags.
496     _journal->clearEtagStorageFilter();
498     _excludedFiles->setExcludeConflictFiles(!_account->capabilities().uploadConflictFiles());
500     _lastLocalDiscoveryStyle = _localDiscoveryStyle;
502     if (_syncOptions._vfs->mode() == Vfs::WithSuffix && _syncOptions._vfs->fileSuffix().isEmpty()) {
503         syncError(tr("Using virtual files with suffix, but suffix is not set"));
504         finalize(false);
505         return;
506     }
508     bool ok;
509     auto selectiveSyncBlackList = _journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok);
510     if (ok) {
511         bool usingSelectiveSync = (!selectiveSyncBlackList.isEmpty());
512         qCInfo(lcEngine) << (usingSelectiveSync ? "Using Selective Sync" : "NOT Using Selective Sync");
513     } else {
514         qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Could not retrieve selective sync list from DB";
515         syncError(tr("Unable to read the blacklist from the local database"));
516         finalize(false);
517         return;
518     }
520     _stopWatch.start();
521     _progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Starting;
522     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
524     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Discovery start ####################################################";
525     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Server" << account()->serverVersion()
526                      << (account()->isHttp2Supported() ? "Using HTTP/2" : "");
527     _progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Discovery;
528     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
530     _discoveryPhase.reset(new DiscoveryPhase);
531     _discoveryPhase->_account = _account;
532     _discoveryPhase->_excludes = _excludedFiles.data();
533     _discoveryPhase->_statedb = _journal;
534     _discoveryPhase->_localDir = _localPath;
535     if (!_discoveryPhase->_localDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
536         _discoveryPhase->_localDir+=QLatin1Char('/');
537     _discoveryPhase->_remoteFolder = _remotePath;
538     if (!_discoveryPhase->_remoteFolder.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
539         _discoveryPhase->_remoteFolder+=QLatin1Char('/');
540     _discoveryPhase->_syncOptions = _syncOptions;
541     _discoveryPhase->_shouldDiscoverLocaly = [this](const QString &s) { return shouldDiscoverLocally(s); };
542     _discoveryPhase->setSelectiveSyncBlackList(selectiveSyncBlackList);
543     _discoveryPhase->setSelectiveSyncWhiteList(_journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList, &ok));
544     if (!ok) {
545         qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Unable to read selective sync list, aborting.";
546         syncError(tr("Unable to read from the sync journal."));
547         finalize(false);
548         return;
549     }
551     // Check for invalid character in old server version
552     QString invalidFilenamePattern = _account->capabilities().invalidFilenameRegex();
553     if (invalidFilenamePattern.isNull()
554         && _account->serverVersionInt() < Account::makeServerVersion(8, 1, 0)) {
555         // Server versions older than 8.1 don't support some characters in filenames.
556         // If the capability is not set, default to a pattern that avoids uploading
557         // files with names that contain these.
558         // It's important to respect the capability also for older servers -- the
559         // version check doesn't make sense for custom servers.
560         invalidFilenamePattern = QLatin1String("[\\\\:?*\"<>|]");
561     }
562     if (!invalidFilenamePattern.isEmpty())
563         _discoveryPhase->_invalidFilenameRx = QRegExp(invalidFilenamePattern);
564     _discoveryPhase->_serverBlacklistedFiles = _account->capabilities().blacklistedFiles();
565     _discoveryPhase->_ignoreHiddenFiles = ignoreHiddenFiles();
567     connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::itemDiscovered, this, &SyncEngine::slotItemDiscovered);
568     connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::newBigFolder, this, &SyncEngine::newBigFolder);
569     connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::fatalError, this, [this](const QString &errorString) {
570         syncError(errorString);
571         finalize(false);
572     });
573     connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::finished, this, &SyncEngine::slotDiscoveryFinished);
574     connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::silentlyExcluded,
575         _syncFileStatusTracker.data(), &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAddSilentlyExcluded);
577     auto discoveryJob = new ProcessDirectoryJob(
578         _discoveryPhase.data(), PinState::AlwaysLocal, _discoveryPhase.data());
579     _discoveryPhase->startJob(discoveryJob);
580     connect(discoveryJob, &ProcessDirectoryJob::etag, this, &SyncEngine::slotRootEtagReceived);
581 }
slotFolderDiscovered(bool local,const QString & folder)583 void SyncEngine::slotFolderDiscovered(bool local, const QString &folder)
584 {
585     // Don't wanna overload the UI
586     if (!_lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.isValid()) {
587         _lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.start(); // first call
588     } else if (_lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.elapsed() < 200) {
589         return;
590     } else {
591         _lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.start();
592     }
594     if (local) {
595         _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredLocalFolder = folder;
596         _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder.clear();
597     } else {
598         _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder = folder;
599         _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredLocalFolder.clear();
600     }
601     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
602 }
slotRootEtagReceived(const QString & e)604 void SyncEngine::slotRootEtagReceived(const QString &e)
605 {
606     if (_remoteRootEtag.isEmpty()) {
607         qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Root etag:" << e;
608         _remoteRootEtag = e;
609         emit rootEtag(_remoteRootEtag);
610     }
611 }
slotNewItem(const SyncFileItemPtr & item)613 void SyncEngine::slotNewItem(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
614 {
615     _progressInfo->adjustTotalsForFile(*item);
616 }
slotDiscoveryFinished()618 void SyncEngine::slotDiscoveryFinished()
619 {
620     if (!_discoveryPhase) {
621         // There was an error that was already taken care of
622         return;
623     }
625     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Discovery end #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Discovery Finished")) << "ms";
627     // Sanity check
628     if (!_journal->open()) {
629         qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Bailing out, DB failure";
630         syncError(tr("Cannot open the sync journal"));
631         finalize(false);
632         return;
633     } else {
634         // Commits a possibly existing (should not though) transaction and starts a new one for the propagate phase
635         _journal->commitIfNeededAndStartNewTransaction(QStringLiteral("Post discovery"));
636     }
638     _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder.clear();
639     _progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredLocalFolder.clear();
640     _progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Reconcile;
641     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
643     //    qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Permissions of the root folder: " << _csync_ctx->remote.root_perms.toString();
644     auto finish = [this]{
647         auto databaseFingerprint = _journal->dataFingerprint();
648         // If databaseFingerprint is empty, this means that there was no information in the database
649         // (for example, upgrading from a previous version, or first sync, or server not supporting fingerprint)
650         if (!databaseFingerprint.isEmpty() && _discoveryPhase
651             && _discoveryPhase->_dataFingerprint != databaseFingerprint) {
652             qCInfo(lcEngine) << "data fingerprint changed, assume restore from backup" << databaseFingerprint << _discoveryPhase->_dataFingerprint;
653             restoreOldFiles(_syncItems);
654         }
656         if (_discoveryPhase->_anotherSyncNeeded && _anotherSyncNeeded == NoFollowUpSync) {
657             _anotherSyncNeeded = ImmediateFollowUp;
658         }
660         Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(_syncItems.begin(), _syncItems.end()));
662         const auto regex = syncOptions().fileRegex();
663         if (regex.isValid()) {
664             QSet<QStringRef> names;
665             for (auto &i : _syncItems) {
666                 if (regex.match(i->_file).hasMatch()) {
667                     int index = -1;
668                     QStringRef ref;
669                     do {
670                         ref = i->_file.midRef(0, index);
671                         names.insert(ref);
672                         index = ref.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
673                     } while (index > 0);
674                 }
675             }
676             _syncItems.erase(std::remove_if(_syncItems.begin(), _syncItems.end(), [&names](auto i) {
677                 return !names.contains(QStringRef { &i->_file });
678             }),
679                 _syncItems.end());
680         }
682         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Reconcile (aboutToPropagate) #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Reconcile (aboutToPropagate)")) << "ms";
684         _localDiscoveryPaths.clear();
686         // To announce the beginning of the sync
687         emit aboutToPropagate(_syncItems);
689         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Reconcile (aboutToPropagate OK) #################################################### "<< _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Reconcile (aboutToPropagate OK)")) << "ms";
691         // it's important to do this before ProgressInfo::start(), to announce start of new sync
692         _progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Propagation;
693         emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
694         _progressInfo->startEstimateUpdates();
696         // post update phase script: allow to tweak stuff by a custom script in debug mode.
697         if (!qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("OWNCLOUD_POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT")) {
698     #ifndef NDEBUG
699             const QString script = qEnvironmentVariable("OWNCLOUD_POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT");
701             qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Post Update Script: " << script;
702             QProcess::execute(script);
703     #else
704             qCWarning(lcEngine) << "**** Attention: POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT installed, but not executed because compiled with NDEBUG";
705     #endif
706         }
708         // do a database commit
709         _journal->commit(QStringLiteral("post treewalk"));
711         _propagator = QSharedPointer<OwncloudPropagator>(
712             new OwncloudPropagator(_account, _localPath, _remotePath, _journal));
713         _propagator->setSyncOptions(_syncOptions);
714         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::itemCompleted,
715             this, &SyncEngine::slotItemCompleted);
716         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::progress,
717             this, &SyncEngine::slotProgress);
718         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::updateFileTotal,
719             this, &SyncEngine::updateFileTotal);
720         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::finished, this, &SyncEngine::slotPropagationFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection);
721         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::seenLockedFile, this, &SyncEngine::seenLockedFile);
722         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::touchedFile, this, &SyncEngine::slotAddTouchedFile);
723         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::insufficientLocalStorage, this, &SyncEngine::slotInsufficientLocalStorage);
724         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::insufficientRemoteStorage, this, &SyncEngine::slotInsufficientRemoteStorage);
725         connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::newItem, this, &SyncEngine::slotNewItem);
727         // apply the network limits to the propagator
728         setNetworkLimits(_uploadLimit, _downloadLimit);
730         deleteStaleDownloadInfos(_syncItems);
731         deleteStaleUploadInfos(_syncItems);
732         deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(_syncItems);
733         _journal->commit(QStringLiteral("post stale entry removal"));
735         // Emit the started signal only after the propagator has been set up.
736         if (_needsUpdate)
737             emit(started());
739         _propagator->start(std::move(_syncItems));
741         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Post-Reconcile end #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Post-Reconcile Finished")) << "ms";
742     };
744     if (!_hasNoneFiles && _hasRemoveFile) {
745         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "All the files are going to be changed, asking the user";
746         int side = 0; // > 0 means more deleted on the server.  < 0 means more deleted on the client
747         foreach (const auto &it, _syncItems) {
748             if (it->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
749                 side += it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down ? 1 : -1;
750             }
751         }
753         QPointer<QObject> guard = new QObject();
754         QPointer<QObject> self = this;
755         auto callback = [this, self, finish, guard](bool cancel) -> void {
756             // use a guard to ensure its only called once...
757             // qpointer to self to ensure we still exist
758             if (!guard || !self) {
759                 return;
760             }
761             guard->deleteLater();
762             if (cancel) {
763                 qCInfo(lcEngine) << "User aborted sync";
764                 finalize(false);
765                 return;
766             } else {
767                 finish();
768             }
769         };
770         emit aboutToRemoveAllFiles(side >= 0 ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up, callback);
771         return;
772     }
773     finish();
774 }
slotCleanPollsJobAborted(const QString & error)776 void SyncEngine::slotCleanPollsJobAborted(const QString &error)
777 {
778     syncError(error);
779     finalize(false);
780 }
setNetworkLimits(int upload,int download)782 void SyncEngine::setNetworkLimits(int upload, int download)
783 {
784     _uploadLimit = upload;
785     _downloadLimit = download;
787     if (!_propagator)
788         return;
790     _propagator->_uploadLimit = upload;
791     _propagator->_downloadLimit = download;
793     if (upload != 0 || download != 0) {
794         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Network Limits (down/up) " << upload << download;
795     }
796 }
slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr & item)798 void SyncEngine::slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
799 {
800     _progressInfo->setProgressComplete(*item);
802     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
803     emit itemCompleted(item);
804 }
slotPropagationFinished(bool success)806 void SyncEngine::slotPropagationFinished(bool success)
807 {
808     if (_propagator->_anotherSyncNeeded && _anotherSyncNeeded == NoFollowUpSync) {
809         _anotherSyncNeeded = ImmediateFollowUp;
810     }
812     if (success && _discoveryPhase) {
813         _journal->setDataFingerprint(_discoveryPhase->_dataFingerprint);
814     }
816     conflictRecordMaintenance();
818     _journal->deleteStaleFlagsEntries();
819     _journal->commit(QStringLiteral("All Finished."), false);
821     // Send final progress information even if no
822     // files needed propagation, but clear the lastCompletedItem
823     // so we don't count this twice (like Recent Files)
824     _progressInfo->_lastCompletedItem = SyncFileItem();
825     _progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Done;
826     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
828     finalize(success);
829 }
finalize(bool success)831 void SyncEngine::finalize(bool success)
832 {
833     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Sync run took " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Sync Finished")) << "ms";
834     _stopWatch.stop();
836     if (_discoveryPhase) {
837         _discoveryPhase.take()->deleteLater();
838     }
839     s_anySyncRunning = false;
840     _syncRunning = false;
841     emit finished(success);
843     // Delete the propagator only after emitting the signal.
844     _propagator.clear();
845     _seenConflictFiles.clear();
846     _uniqueErrors.clear();
847     _localDiscoveryPaths.clear();
848     _localDiscoveryStyle = LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly;
850     _clearTouchedFilesTimer.start();
851 }
slotProgress(const SyncFileItem & item,qint64 current)853 void SyncEngine::slotProgress(const SyncFileItem &item, qint64 current)
854 {
855     _progressInfo->setProgressItem(item, current);
856     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
857 }
updateFileTotal(const SyncFileItem & item,qint64 newSize)859 void SyncEngine::updateFileTotal(const SyncFileItem &item, qint64 newSize)
860 {
861     _progressInfo->updateTotalsForFile(item, newSize);
862     emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
863 }
restoreOldFiles(SyncFileItemVector & syncItems)864 void SyncEngine::restoreOldFiles(SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
865 {
866     /* When the server is trying to send us lots of file in the past, this means that a backup
867        was restored in the server.  In that case, we should not simply overwrite the newer file
868        on the file system with the older file from the backup on the server. Instead, we will
869        upload the client file. But we still downloaded the old file in a conflict file just in case
870     */
872     for (auto it = syncItems.begin(); it != syncItems.end(); ++it) {
873         if ((*it)->_direction != SyncFileItem::Down)
874             continue;
876         switch ((*it)->_instruction) {
877         case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC:
878             qCWarning(lcEngine) << "restoreOldFiles: RESTORING" << (*it)->_file;
879             (*it)->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
880             break;
882             qCWarning(lcEngine) << "restoreOldFiles: RESTORING" << (*it)->_file;
883             (*it)->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
884             (*it)->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
885             break;
887         case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW:
888             // Ideally we should try to revert the rename or remove, but this would be dangerous
889             // without re-doing the reconcile phase.  So just let it happen.
890             break;
891         default:
892             break;
893         }
894     }
895 }
slotAddTouchedFile(const QString & fn)897 void SyncEngine::slotAddTouchedFile(const QString &fn)
898 {
899     QElapsedTimer now;
900     now.start();
901     QString file = QDir::cleanPath(fn);
903     // Iterate from the oldest and remove anything older than 15 seconds.
904     while (true) {
905         auto first = _touchedFiles.begin();
906         if (first == _touchedFiles.end())
907             break;
908         // Compare to our new QElapsedTimer instead of using elapsed().
909         // This avoids querying the current time from the OS for every loop.
910         auto elapsed = std::chrono::milliseconds(now.msecsSinceReference() - first.key().msecsSinceReference());
911         if (elapsed <= s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs) {
912             // We found the first path younger than the maximum age, keep the rest.
913             break;
914         }
916         _touchedFiles.erase(first);
917     }
919     // This should be the largest QElapsedTimer yet, use constEnd() as hint.
920     _touchedFiles.insert(_touchedFiles.constEnd(), now, file);
921 }
slotClearTouchedFiles()923 void SyncEngine::slotClearTouchedFiles()
924 {
925     _touchedFiles.clear();
926 }
wasFileTouched(const QString & fn) const928 bool SyncEngine::wasFileTouched(const QString &fn) const
929 {
930     // Start from the end (most recent) and look for our path. Check the time just in case.
931     auto begin = _touchedFiles.constBegin();
932     for (auto it = _touchedFiles.constEnd(); it != begin; --it) {
933         if ((it-1).value() == fn)
934             return std::chrono::milliseconds((it-1).key().elapsed()) <= s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs;
935     }
936     return false;
937 }
account() const939 AccountPtr SyncEngine::account() const
940 {
941     return _account;
942 }
setLocalDiscoveryOptions(LocalDiscoveryStyle style,std::set<QString> paths)944 void SyncEngine::setLocalDiscoveryOptions(LocalDiscoveryStyle style, std::set<QString> paths)
945 {
946     _localDiscoveryStyle = style;
947     _localDiscoveryPaths = std::move(paths);
949     // Normalize to make sure that no path is a contained in another.
950     // Note: for simplicity, this code consider anything less than '/' as a path separator, so for
951     // example, this will remove "foo.bar" if "foo" is in the list. This will mean we might have
952     // some false positive, but that's Ok.
953     // This invariant is used in SyncEngine::shouldDiscoverLocally
954     QString prev;
955     auto it = _localDiscoveryPaths.begin();
956     while(it != _localDiscoveryPaths.end()) {
957         if (!prev.isNull() && it->startsWith(prev) && (prev.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) || *it == prev || it->at(prev.size()) <= QLatin1Char('/'))) {
958             it = _localDiscoveryPaths.erase(it);
959         } else {
960             prev = *it;
961             ++it;
962         }
963     }
964 }
shouldDiscoverLocally(const QString & path) const966 bool SyncEngine::shouldDiscoverLocally(const QString &path) const
967 {
968     if (_localDiscoveryStyle == LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly)
969         return true;
971     // The intention is that if "A/X" is in _localDiscoveryPaths:
972     // - parent folders like "/", "A" will be discovered (to make sure the discovery reaches the
973     //   point where something new happened)
974     // - the folder itself "A/X" will be discovered
975     // - subfolders like "A/X/Y" will be discovered (so data inside a new or renamed folder will be
976     //   discovered in full)
977     // Check out TestLocalDiscovery::testLocalDiscoveryDecision()
979     auto it = _localDiscoveryPaths.lower_bound(path);
980     if (it == _localDiscoveryPaths.end() || !it->startsWith(path)) {
981         // Maybe a subfolder of something in the list?
982         if (it != _localDiscoveryPaths.begin() && path.startsWith(*(--it))) {
983             return it->endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) || (path.size() > it->size() && path.at(it->size()) <= QLatin1Char('/'));
984         }
985         return false;
986     }
988     // maybe an exact match or an empty path?
989     if (it->size() == path.size() || path.isEmpty())
990         return true;
992     // Maybe a parent folder of something in the list?
993     // check for a prefix + / match
994     forever {
995         if (it->size() > path.size() && it->at(path.size()) == QLatin1Char('/'))
996             return true;
997         ++it;
998         if (it == _localDiscoveryPaths.end() || !it->startsWith(path))
999             return false;
1000     }
1001     return false;
1002 }
wipeVirtualFiles(const QString & localPath,SyncJournalDb & journal,Vfs & vfs)1004 void SyncEngine::wipeVirtualFiles(const QString &localPath, SyncJournalDb &journal, Vfs &vfs)
1005 {
1006     qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Wiping virtual files inside" << localPath;
1007     journal.getFilesBelowPath(QByteArray(), [&](const SyncJournalFileRecord &rec) {
1008         if (rec._type != ItemTypeVirtualFile && rec._type != ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
1009             return;
1011         qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Removing db record for" << rec._path;
1012         journal.deleteFileRecord(QString::fromUtf8(rec._path));
1014         // If the local file is a dehydrated placeholder, wipe it too.
1015         // Otherwise leave it to allow the next sync to have a new-new conflict.
1016         QString localFile = localPath + QString::fromUtf8(rec._path);
1017         if (QFile::exists(localFile) && vfs.isDehydratedPlaceholder(localFile)) {
1018             qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Removing local dehydrated placeholder" << rec._path;
1019             QFile::remove(localFile);
1020         }
1021     });
1023     journal.forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSync();
1025     // Postcondition: No ItemTypeVirtualFile / ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload left in the db.
1026     // But hydrated placeholders may still be around.
1027 }
abort()1029 void SyncEngine::abort()
1030 {
1031     if (_propagator)
1032         qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Aborting sync";
1034     if (_propagator) {
1035         // If we're already in the propagation phase, aborting that is sufficient
1036         _propagator->abort();
1037     } else if (_discoveryPhase) {
1038         // Delete the discovery and all child jobs after ensuring
1039         // it can't finish and start the propagator
1040         disconnect(_discoveryPhase.data(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
1041         _discoveryPhase.take()->deleteLater();
1043         syncError(tr("Aborted"));
1044         finalize(false);
1045     }
1046 }
slotSummaryError(const QString & message)1048 void SyncEngine::slotSummaryError(const QString &message)
1049 {
1050     if (_uniqueErrors.contains(message))
1051         return;
1053     _uniqueErrors.insert(message);
1054     emit syncError(message, ErrorCategory::Normal);
1055 }
slotInsufficientLocalStorage()1057 void SyncEngine::slotInsufficientLocalStorage()
1058 {
1059     slotSummaryError(
1060         tr("Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space "
1061            "below %1 were skipped.")
1062             .arg(Utility::octetsToString(freeSpaceLimit())));
1063 }
slotInsufficientRemoteStorage()1065 void SyncEngine::slotInsufficientRemoteStorage()
1066 {
1067     auto msg = tr("There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads.");
1068     if (_uniqueErrors.contains(msg))
1069         return;
1071     _uniqueErrors.insert(msg);
1072     emit syncError(msg, ErrorCategory::InsufficientRemoteStorage);
1073 }
1075 } // namespace OCC