1# This calendar is a slightly modified version of the calendars
2# distributed in OpenBSD and FreeBSD.
4# Original versions of these calendars can be found at:
6# http://bsdcalendar.sf.net/
7# http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/usr.bin/calendar/calendars/
11HH History
1200000101 Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution in Cuba
1300000101 Castro expels Cuban President Batista, 1959
1400000101 Churchill delivers his "Iron Curtain" speech, 1947
1500000101 First Rose Bowl; Michigan 49 - Stanford 0, 1902
1600000104 Quadrantid meteor shower (look north)
1700000105 -50 degrees F, Strawberry UT, 1913
1800000105 The FCC hears the first demonstration of FM radio, 1940
1900000105 Twelfth night
2000000108 Battle of New Orleans, 1815
2100000109 Plough Monday
2200000110 First meeting of United Nations General Assembly in London, 1946
2300000110 Thomas Paine's Common Sense published, 1776
2400000111 Anniversary of the Peoples Republic of Albania
2500000111 De Hostos' Birthday in Puerto Rico
2600000111 Milk delivered in bottles for the first time, 1878
2700000111 Prithvi Jayanti in Nepal
2800000111 Surgeon General condemned cigarettes, 1964
2900000111 The Whiskey-A-Go-Go opens on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, 1963
3000000114 Julian Calendar New Year's Day
3100000114 The first "Be-In" is held in Golden Gate Park, 1967
3200000116 Prohibition begins, 1920
3300000120 St. Agnes Eve (Ah, bitter chill it was...)
3400000124 Eskimo Pie patented by Christian Nelson, 1922
3500000124 Gold discovered in California at Sutter's Mill, 1848
3600000124 A B-52 bomber carrying two 24 megaton bombs crashes at Goldsboro, North Carolina; 5 of 6 safety devices failed on one of them, 1961
3700000126 Sydney, New South Wales Australias settled, 1788
3800000127 Grissom, White and Chaffe burned to death in Apollo 1, 1967
3900000127 Vietnam War cease-fire signed, 1973
4000000128 First ski tow, Woodstock VT, 1914
4100000128 Space Shuttle Challenger (51-L) explodes 74 seconds after liftoff killing Scobee, Smith, McNair, Resnick, Jarvis, Onizuka and McAuliffe, 1986
4200000130 Mohandas Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu fanatic, 1948
4300000130 Tet Offensive, 1968
4400000131 "Ham" the chimpanzee soars into space aboard Mercury-Redstone 2, 1961
4500000131 Explorer I launched, 1958.  Van Allen Belt discovered
4600000131 Irving Langmuir, 1881, invented tungsten filament lamp
4700000201 Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) disintegrates 15 minutes before landing, 2003
4800000201 First TV soap: Secret Storm, 1954
4900000201 Forces led by Khomeini take over Iran, 1979
5000000204 Cybernet inaugurated, 1969
5100000204 Patricia Hearst kidnaped by Symbionese Liberation Army, 1974
5200000208 1963 Revolution Anniversary in Iraq
5300000209 -51 degrees F, Vanderbilt MI, 1934
5400000212 US President Abraham Lincoln's real birthday (born 1809)
5500000212 Santa Barbara oil leak, 1969
5600000214 Bombing of Dresden, 1945
5700000215 Chicago Seven convicted, 1970
5800000216 Nylon patented, 1937
5900000216 Stephen Decatur burns US frigate in Tripoli, 1804
6000000218 Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory, AZ, 1930
6100000219 US Marines land on Iwo Jima, 1945
6200000220 John Glenn orbits the Earth 3 times, 1962
6300000221 Battle of Verdun begins, 1916 1M casualties
6400000221 First telephone directory, New Haven, Connecticut, 1878
6500000221 Malcom X shot to death in Harlem, 1965
6600000223 Lt. Calley confesses, implicates Cpt. Medina, 1971
6700000224 Impeachment proceedings against Andrew Johnson begin, 1868
6800000227 The Lionheart crowned, 1189
6900000228 The "French Connection" drug bust occurs in Marseilles, 1972
7000000229 French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704
7100000301 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba arrested for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
7200000304 First meeting of Congress, 1789, in N.Y.C.
7300000306 Hindenburg explodes and burns upon landing at Lakehurst, NJ, 1939
7400000313 "Striptease" introduced, Paris, 1894
7500000314 Teddy Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from continental US, 1907
7600000315 Buzzards return to Hinckley OH
7700000315 France assumes protectorate over Vietnam, 1874
7800000315 Watts, Los Angeles, riots kill two, injure 25, 1966
7900000315 Ides of March.  Gaius Julius Ceasar assassinated by senators, including adoptive son Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio, 44BC
8000000316 First liquid-fuel-powered rocket flight, 1926
8100000316 MyLai Massacre; 300 non-combatant villagers killed by US infantrymen
8200000316 Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket, Auburn MA, 1926
8300000317 Vanguard I launched, 1958.  Earth proved pear-shaped
8400000318 Aleksei Leonov performs first spacewalk, 1965
8500000319 Swallows return to Capistrano
8600000320 Radio Caroline, the original British pirate radio station, sinks, 1980
8700000324 Construction of New York subway system begins, 1900
8800000325 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911
8900000326 Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937
9000000327 Khrushchev becomes Premier of Soviet Union, 1958
9100000328 First reaction thrust motor demonstration, 1883
9200000328 Three Mile Island releases radioactive gas, 1979
9300000329 Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE, 1638
9400000330 Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, 1867
9500000330 Five rings around Uranus discovered, 1977
9600000330 Pencil with eraser patented, 1858
9700000401 People of superb intelligence, savoir-faire, etc. born this day.
9800000404 Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, 1968
9900000404 NATO Established, 1949
10000000406 Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church, 1830
10100000407 Albert Hofmann synthesizes LSD in Switzerland, 1943
10200000407 Alewives run, Cape Cod
10300000408 Matthew Flinders and Nicolas Baudin meet in Encounter Bay, 1802
10400000409 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, 1865
10500000412 Confederate troops fire first shots of Civil War at Ft Sumter, 1861
10600000412 Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space, 1961
10700000412 Space Shuttle Columbia launched, 1981
10800000413 Laotian New Year (3 days) in Laos
10900000414 US President Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, 1865
11000000414 Titanic hits iceberg and sinks, 1912
11100000415 US President Abraham Lincoln dies, 1865
11200000415 Ray Kroc opens first McDonalds in Des Plaines, IL, 1955
11300000416 Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, 1865
11400000417 Bay of Pigs invasion crushed by Castro forces, 1961
11500000418 Einstein's Death, 1955
11600000418 First Laundromat opens, Fort Worth Texas, 1934
11700000418 San Francisco earthquake, 1906
11800000419 Landing of the "33" in Uruguay
11900000419 Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 1943
12000000420 Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of busing, 1971
12100000421 Lyrid meteor shower
12200000422 Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, called Lenin, Russian political leader, born in Simbirsk, 1870
12300000423 Hank Aaron hits his first home run, 1954
12400000426 William Shakespeare baptized in Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1564, birthdate less certain
12500000427 Magellan killed in Philippines, 1521
12600000429 Zipper patented by Gideon Sindback, 1913
12700000501 Beltaine; Feast of the god Bel, sun god
12800000503 Anti-war protest disrupts business in Washington, 1971
12900000504 Four Kent State students are shot down by the National Guard, 1970
13000000505 John Scopes arrested for teaching evolution, Dayton, TN, 1925
13100000507 Germany surrenders after WWII, 1945
13200000508 US institutes mining of Haiphong Harbor, 1972
13300000509 94 degrees, New York, 1979
13400000510 Germany invades Low Countries, 1940
13500000510 Nazi bookburning, 1933
13600000514 Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804
13700000514 Nation of Israel proclaimed, 1948
13800000515 Asylum for Inebriates founded, Binghamton NY, 1854
13900000517 24" rain in 11 hours, Pearl River, S. China, 1982
14000000517 Six SLA members killed in televised gun fight, 1974
14100000518 Battle of Las Piedras in Uruguay
14200000518 Napoleon crowned Emperor, 1804
14300000521 Battle of Iquique in Chile
14400000521 US explodes first hydrogen bomb, 1956
14500000522 US Civil War ends, 1865
14600000523 Israeli raid into Argentina to capture Adolf Eichmann, 1960
14700000523 Federal Republic of Germany founded, 1949
14800000524 Battle of Pinchincha in Ecuador
14900000525 Successful test of the limelight in Purfleet, England, 1830
15000000526 Congress sets first immigration quotas, 1924
15100000527 Golden Gate Bridge opens, 1937
15200000529 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkay climb Mt. Everest, 1953
15300000529 First food stamps issued, 1961
15400000530 US Marines sent to Nicaragua, 1912
15500000602 Native Americans "granted" citizenship, 1924
15600000603 Last Star Trek episode first aired ("Turnabout Intruder"), 1969
15700000603 A 46-cent computer chip fails, causing the mistaken detection of a Soviet missile attack by the NORAD system. About a 100 B-52 bombers were readied for take off along with the President's airborne command post before the error is detected, 1980
15800000605 Robert Kennedy assassinated, 1968
15900000605 US leaves the Gold Standard, 1933
16000000606 First drive-in movie, 1933
16100000606 Normandy landing, 1944
16200000610 Death of Alexander the Great, 323 B.C.
16300000610 Denver police tear gas Jethro Tull and 2000 fans at Red Rocks, 1971
16400000611 Greeks seize Troy, 1184BC
16500000613 Pioneer 10 flies past Neptune's orbit, and becomes the first human artifact to travel beyond the orbits of all known planets, 1983
16600000614 Sandpaper invented by I. Fischer, Jr., 1834
16700000615 Ben Franklin's kite experiment, 1752
16800000615 Magna Carta signed, 1215
16900000615 Series of photographs by Edward Muggeridge prove to Leland Stanford that all the hooves of a horse are off the ground during the gallop, 1878
17000000616 "The Blues Brothers" premieres in Chicago, 1980
17100000617 China explodes its first Hydrogen bomb, 1967
17200000617 Watergate Democratic National Committee break-in, 1972
17300000619 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in Sing-Sing prison, 1953
17400000619 Lizzie Bordon acquitted, 1893
17500000620 Victoria crowned, 1837
17600000621 Berlin airlift begins, 1948
17700000621 Sun rises over Heelstone at Stonehenge
17800000622 Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964
17900000623 Slavery abolished in England, 1772
18000000624 Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970
18100000625 Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn, 1876
18200000625 North Korea invades South Korea, 1950
18300000626 Battle of Gettysburg, 1863
18400000626 St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth II, 1959
18500000627 100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915
18600000627 Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971
18700000628 Supreme Court decides in favor of Alan Bakke, 1978
18800000630 "That" explosion in Siberia, 1908
18900000630 China and Soviet Union announce split over ideology, 1960
19000000701 Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863
19100000703 Dog days begin
19200000704 Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863
19300000704 Cloudy, 76 degrees, Philadelphia PA, 1776
19400000704 New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776
19500000704 Thoreau enters woods, 1845
19600000706 First `talkie' (talking motion picture) premiere in New York, 1928
19700000706 Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba, 1917
19800000707 First radio broadcast of "Dragnet", 1949
19900000708 First public reading of the Declaration of Independence, 1776
20000000708 Liberty Bell cracks while being rung at funeral of John Marshall, 1835
20100000709 10-hour working day set by law, NH, 1847
20200000710 134 degrees in Death Valley, 1913
20300000712 Minimum wages established: 40 cents/hour, 1933
20400000713 Women first compete in Olympic games, 1908
20500000716 Detonation of the first atomic bomb at Alamagordo, NM, 1945
20600000717 Disneyland opens, 1955
20700000718 Ty Cobb gets 4000th base hit, 1927
20800000719 Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft, 1692
20900000720 Armstrong and Aldrin land on moon, 1969
21000000721 First Train Robbery, Jesse James gets $3000 near Adair, Iowa, 1873
21100000721 Vietnam divided at 17th parallel, 1954
21200000723 Ice cream cone introduced, St. Louis MO, 1904
21300000724 Scopes Monkey Trial, 1925
21400000728 Potato introduced in Europe by Sir Thomas Harriot, 1586
21500000728 B-25 hit 79th floor of Empire State Building, 1945
21600000730 "In God We Trust" made US motto, 1956
21700000731 Harry S. Truman dedicates N.Y. Int'l Airport @ Idlewild Field, 1948, later JFK
21800000801 Lughnasa; Feast of the god Lugh, a 30 day Celtic feast centers on this day
21900000803 Columbus sets sail for Cathay, 1492
22000000803 First ICBM (P-7) test (5T of iron is launched to Kamchatka), 1957
22100000803 USS Nautilus crosses under north polar ice cap, 1958
22200000804 Axe murder of Andrew and Abbey Borden, 1892
22300000804 Bombing of N. Vietnam begins, 1964
22400000804 Britain declares war on Germany starting World War I, 1914
22500000806 Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 1945
22600000806 Caricom in Barbados
22700000806 Cy Young pitches first game, 1890
22800000808 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, 1945
22900000808 Montenegro declares war on Germany, 1914
23000000808 Richard Nixon resigns the US presidency, 1974
23100000808 The Great Train Robbery -- $7,368,000, 1963
23200000809 Helter Skelter... the Charles Manson murders take place, 1969
23300000809 Persia defeats Spartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae, 480 BC
23400000809 US/Canada border defined in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842
23500000810 Chicago incorporated as a village of 300 people, 1833
23600000810 US and Panama agree to transfer the canal in the year 2000, 1977
23700000811 Dog days end
23800000811 France Ends War in Indochina, 1954
23900000811 Perseid meteor shower (look north; three days)
24000000812 First test flight of Space Shuttle "Enterprise" from 747, 1977
24100000812 Last US ground troops out of Vietnam, 1972
24200000813 Berlin wall erected, 1961
24300000813 Li'l Abner debut, 1934
24400000814 Social Security begins in U.S., 1935
24500000815 Gandhi's movement obtains independence for Pakistan and India, 1947
24600000815 Hurricane hits Plymouth Plantation, 1635
24700000816 Roller Coaster patented, 1898
24800000817 First public bath opened in N.Y., 1891
24900000818 Anti-Cigarette League of America formed
25000000819 Air Force cargo plane snares payload from Discoverer 14 spy satellite, marking start of practical military reconnaissance from space, 1960
25100000819 Gail Borden patents condensed milk, 1856
25200000822 Death of King Richard III, 1485, Last of the Plantagenets
25300000822 Joe Walker sets X-15 all time altitude mark (67 miles), 1963
25400000822 St. Columbia reports seeing monster in Loch Ness, 565
25500000823 Sacco and Vanzetti executed, 1927
25600000824 "Alice's Restaurant" premieres in New York and Los Angeles, 1969
25700000824 -126.9 F at Vostok, Antarctica, 1960
25800000824 British troops burn Washington, 1814
25900000825 First reaction thrust motor design, 1898
26000000825 Gen. DeGaulle leads French forces into Paris, 1944
26100000826 19th amendment of US constitution gives women the right to vote, 1920
26200000827 "Tarzan of the Apes" published, 1912
26300000827 Krakatoa, Java explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons, 1883
26400000828 Martin Luther King leads over 200K in civil rights rally in Washington, DC, 1963
26500000829 Star in Cygnus goes nova and becomes 4th brightest in sky, 1975; Nova Cygni 1975.
26600000829 Hurricane Katrina hits Louisiana & Mississippi, 2005
26700000830 75 cents a pound tariff set on opium, 1842
26800000830 Japan Stationery Co. sells first felt-tipped pen, 1960
26900000830 St. Rose of Lima in Peru
27000000830 Washington-to-Moscow hot line connected, 1963
27100000831 269 people killed after Korean Airlines 747 shot down by USSR, 1983
27200000831 Mary Anne Nichols becomes Jack the Ripper's first victim, 1888
27300000831 Non-aggression pact signed by USSR and Afghanistan, 1926
27400000901 Bobby Fischer defeats Boris Spassky in World Chess Match, 1972
27500000901 Joshua A. Norton proclaims himself 'Emperor Norton I', 1859
27600000902 Great Britain adopts Gregorian Calendar, 1752
27700000902 Japan signs unconditional surrender on US battleship `Missouri', 1945
27800000903 King Richard ``the Lionheart" of Aquitaine and England crowned, 1189
27900000903 Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic in San Marino
28000000905 US President Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests, 1961
28100000905 The first Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia, 1774
28200000906 149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard the Mayflower, 1620
28300000906 US President McKinley shot, 1901
28400000906 Somhlolo in Swaziland
28500000908 Star Trek debuts on NBC (1966) with "The Man Trap"
28600000908 Jack the Ripper kills again, Annie Chapman is second victim, 1888
28700000908 US President Ford pardons Richard M. Nixon, 1974
28800000909 California becomes the 31st state of the USA, 1850
28900000909 United Colonies is renamed the United States, 1776
29000000910 Mountain Meadows Massacre.  Mormons kill Gentile wagon train, 1857
29100000911 Terrorist attacks on World Trade Center (New York City) and Pentagon (Virginia), 2001
29200000912 German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity in Rome, 1943
29300000912 Germany annexes Sudentenland, 1938
29400000913 58 C (136.4 F) measured at el Azizia, Libya, 1922
29500000913 British defeat the French at Plains of Abraham near Quebec City, 1788
29600000913 Building of Hadrian's Wall begun, 122
29700000913 Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China, 1943
29800000914 Benjamin Franklin is sent to France as an American minister, 1778
29900000914 Salem, Massachusetts, is founded, 1629
30000000914 The US Selective Service Act establishes the first peacetime draft, 1940
30100000915 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins his 13 day tour of the US, 1959
30200000915 The US Foreign Affairs Dept. becomes the U.S. State Department, 1789
30300000916 The village of Shawmut, Massachusetts, becomes the city of Boston, 1630
30400000917 Battle of Antietam, 1862
30500000918 Victory of Uprona in Burundi
30600000919 New Zealand women get the right to vote, 1893
30700000920 Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for US President, 1884
30800000920 First meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848
30900000920 First meeting of the US National Research Council, 1916
31000000920 Magellan leaves Spain on the first Round the World passage, 1519
31100000920 The Roxy Theater opens in Hollywood, 1973
31200000922 US President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, 1862
31300000922 Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenas US President Nixon, 1974
31400000922 The first Soviet atomic bomb explodes, 1949
31500000923 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law, 1972
31600000923 The New York Knickerbockers becomes the first US Baseball club, 1845
31700000923 US Vice President Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with his "Checkers" speech, 1952
31800000925 Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on US Supreme Court, 1981
31900000927 The first passenger was hauled in a locomotive in England, 1825
32000000928 "Pilgrim's Progress" published, 1678
32100000928 A Greek soldier runs 26+ miles after the Persian defeat at Marathon, 490BC
32200000930 Red Jack kills 2, Elizabeth Stride (#3) and Catherine Eddowes (#4), 1888
32300000930 The first tooth is extracted under anesthesia in Charleston, Mass, 1846
32400000930 The verdicts of the Nuremberg trials are announced, 1946
32500001001 NASA officially begins operations, 1958
32600001002 Thurgood Marshall sworn as the first black Supreme Court Justice, 1967
32700001004 Crimean war begins, 1853
32800001004 Sputnik I, world's first orbiting satellite launched, 1957
32900001006 Antioch College is the first public school to admit men and women, 1853
33000001006 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated in Cairo, 1981
33100001006 Israel is attacked by the alliance of Egypt and Syria, 1973
33200001007 Foundation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR or DDR), 1949
33300001007 Georgia Tech. beats Cumberland Univ. 222-0, 1916
33400001007 Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges, 1977
33500001007 Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1979
33600001007 Police stop Wilbur Mills car, Fanne Fox jumps into water, 1974
33700001008 Great Chicago Fire, 1871
33800001009 First two-way telephone conversation, 1876
33900001010 Beginning of the Wars for Independence in Cuba
34000001010 Foundation of the Workers Party in North Korea
34100001010 Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice-President due to income tax fraud, 1973
34200001011 "Saturday Night Live" premiers on NBC-TV, 1975
34300001011 The Gang of Four are arrested in Peking, 1976
34400001011 The first steam powered ferry ran between New York and Hoboken, 1811
34500001011 The second Vatican Ecumenical Council opens in Rome, 1962
34600001012 Bahama Natives discover Columbus of Europe lost on their shores, 1492
34700001012 Khrushchev pounds his desk with shoe during a speech to the UN, 1960
34800001012 Man O'War's last race, 1920
34900001013 Italy declares war on Germany, 1943
35000001013 US Navy born, 1775, authorized by the Second Continental Congress
35100001014 Battle of Hastings won by William the Conqueror and the Normans, 1066
35200001014 Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier, 1947
35300001015 First draft card burned, 1965
35400001018 Boston Shoemakers form first US labor org., 1648
35500001018 Soviets announce their probe took photos of the Moon's far side, 1959
35600001019 Mao Tse-tung establishes the People's Republic of China, 1949
35700001019 Napoleon's beaten army begins the long retreat from Moscow, 1812
35800001020 "Saturday Night Massacre", 1973
35900001020 OPEC embargo, 1973
36000001021 Edison makes the first practical incandescent lamp, 1879
36100001021 Guggenheim Museum opens, 1959
36200001023 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins, 1944
36300001023 Swallows leave Capistrano
36400001023 South African troops invade Angola in support of UNITA and FNLA, 1975
36500001025 The UN removes Taiwan and admits the People's Republic of China, 1971
36600001026 UN's World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated, 1978
36700001027 New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges, 1871
36800001027 The first New York Subway is opened, 1904
36900001028 Columbus discovers Cuba, 1492
37000001028 Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge, 312
37100001028 Harvard was founded in Massachusetts, 1636
37200001028 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island, 1886
37300001029 Stock Market Crash, 1929
37400001030 Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast, 1938
37500001031 Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Castle Church, Wittenberg, 1517
37600001101 Austria-Hungary become two separate nations, 1918
37700001101 Puerto Rican nationalists try to kill Truman at the Blair House, 1950
37800001102 Luftwaffe completes 57 consecutive nights of bombing of London, 1940
37900001102 Two Frenchmen make the first free hot air balloon flight, 1783
38000001103 Beef rises to 3 cents a pound, IL, 1837
38100001103 Linus Pauling wins Nobel Chemistry Prize, 1954
38200001103 Sputnik II launched, 1957, bearing space dog Laika
38300001104 Iranian militants seize US embassy personnel in Teheran, 1979
38400001104 Soviet forces crush the anti-communist revolt in Hungary, 1956
38500001105 Guy Fawkes' Plot, 1605
38600001107 Abolitionist newspaperman Elijah P. Lovejoy murdered by mob, 1837
38700001107 Lewis and Clark Expedition in sight of the Pacific Ocean, 1805
38800001109 Blackout of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada, 1965
38900001109 Giant panda discovered (?!), China, 1927
39000001109 Jack the Ripper kills fifth and final victim, Jane Kelly, 1888
39100001109 Margaret Sanger forms American Birth Control League, 1921
39200001109 Roosevelt establishes the Civil Works Administration, 1933
39300001110 41 Women arrested in suffragette demonstrations near White House, 1917
39400001110 Cpt. Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison hanged, 1865
39500001110 Henry Stanley asks David Livingston, "Dr. Livingston, I presume?", 1871
39600001111 Washington becomes the 42nd state, 1889
39700001112 Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday in Taiwan
39800001112 US first exports oil to Europe, 1861
39900001114 Quarter Pounder price raised from $0.53 to $0.55 in violation of Nixon price controls (but okayed by Price Commission after formal request from McDonald's), 1971
40000001115 Niagara Falls power plant startup, 1896
40100001115 Space Shuttle Buran launched, 1988
40200001116 Opening of the Suez Canal, 1869
40300001117 46,000 meteoroids fall over AZ in 20 minutes, 1966
40400001117 Richard Nixon says "I am not a crook.", 1973
40500001118 First hydrogen bomb blasts Enewetok, 1952
40600001118 Local standard time zones established for US, 1883
40700001119 Gettysburg Address delivered, 1863
40800001121 Announcement of 18 1/2 minute gap on Watergate tape, 1973
40900001122 Kennedy shot in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
41000001123 First broadcast of Dr. Who (longest running TV series), 1963
41100001124 Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, 1963
41200001125 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite, 1867
41300001127 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize, 1895
41400001127 Friction match invented, England, 1826
41500001127 Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed, 1873, in NW Massachusetts
41600001129 King Tut's tomb opened, 1922
41700001201 First national corn-husking championship, Alleman IA, 1924
41800001201 Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955
41900001201 Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of the bus (Montgomery, AL), 1953
42000001203 First neon light display, Paris, 1910
42100001203 First successful human heart transplant led by Dr. Barnard, 1967
42200001203 The Montreux Casino burns down during a Frank Zappa concert, 1971
42300001204 Washington takes leave of his officers at Fraunce's Tavern, NYC, 1783
42400001205 Phi Beta Kappa founded, 1776
42500001205 The Eighteenth Amendment repealed, ending the Prohibition of alcohol, 1933
42600001207 Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, 1941
42700001209 Ball-bearing roller skates patented, 1884
42800001210 Metric system established in France, 1799
42900001210 Nobel Peace Prize awarded each year
43000001212 First wireless message sent across Atlantic by Marconi, 1901
43100001213 Apollo 17 leaves the moon, with "last" men to walk on moon aboard, 1972
43200001213 Dartmouth College chartered, 1769
43300001213 Geminid meteor shower (look south)
43400001215 Argo Merchant oil spill, 1976
43500001215 Bill of Rights adopted, 1791
43600001215 James Naismith invents basketball, Canada, 1891
43700001215 Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890
43800001220 US buys ~1,000,000 sq. miles of Louisiana for ~$20/sq.mi.
43900001221 Phileas Fogg completes his trip around the world in less than 80 days
44000001221 Women gain the right to vote in South Australia, 1894
44100001221 Women gain the right to hold political office in South Australia, 1894
44200001224 KKK formed in Pulaski, Tenn, 1865
44300001226 DPMA founded, 1951
44400001226 Indian Ocean tsunami kills approximately 230,000 people, 2004
44500001227 APT report published, 1956
44600001227 Ether first used as anesthetic in childbirth, 1845
44700001228 Comet Kohoutek at perihelion, 1973
44800001229 Battle of Wounded knee, 1890
44900001230 First Los Angeles freeway dedicated, 1940
45000001231 St. Sylvester in Switzerland
45100001231 Winterland closes its doors, 1978