1{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
2\pard\plain\f0\fs48\b Toolbox\par
3\pard\plain\f0\fs28\b\ul \par
4\pard\plain\f0\fs28\b\ul Introduction\par
5\pard\plain\f0\fs24 \tab Toobox is a collection of tools. Each tool is in the form of bundle. In a given category, you can add new items. Each item contains the values of location and of bundle (tool). Depending on the location, items can have different contents even with the same bundle. Conceptually, it is similar to the bookmark. It does not only store the location, but also the tool to access the location. \par
6\pard\plain\f0\fs24 \tab The item is not supposed to change its location frequently. It is designed to access the fixed location, either on file system or over internet. Some items don't access any location, such as calculator.\par
7\pard\plain\f0\fs24 \par
8\pard\plain\f0\fs28\b\ul Menu{\fs24\ul \par
9}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b\ul \par
10\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Tool : Tool Info...\par
11\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Display the tool information depending on your selection of tools.\par
12}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Tool: Tool Help...\par
13\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Display the help of each tool. Useful when you need to add new item.\par
14}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Tool: Reload\par
15\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Reload the content of item. Useful when content changes over time.\par
16}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Edit: Add Category\par
17\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Add new category. The new name is required immediately.}\par
18\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Edit: Delete Category\par
19\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Remove the selected category and its items.}\par
20\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Edit: Add Item\par
21\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Add new item. The name, location and bundle to use are required . Check out the help of each tool to know what to put into the "Location" field. Generally, it is a file path or a url.\par
22}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Edit: Delete Item\par
23\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Delete a item\par
24}\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b Edit: Import Item\par
25\pard\plain\f0\fs24\b \tab {\b0 Import items either from the local file or the built-in items of bundles. Some bundles offer the easy-to-import items. If you want to import items from files, be sure the file format is correct and the required bundles exist. Importing from files are designed for advanced users. \par
26}\pard\plain\f0\fs24 \par
27\pard\plain\f0\fs28\b\ul File\par
28\pard\plain\f0\fs28\b\ul \tab {\fs24\b0\ul Toolbox will store all the information in the file .Toolbox in your home directory automatically when it quits.}}