1\name{ereprompt} 2\alias{ereprompt} 3\title{Update an Rd file and open it in an editor} 4\description{ 5 Update an Rd file and open it in an editor. This is a wrapper for 6 reprompt with different defaults for some parameters. 7} 8\usage{ 9ereprompt(..., edit = TRUE, filename = TRUE) 10} 11\arguments{ 12 13 \item{\dots}{ 14 passed on to \code{\link{reprompt}}, see its documentation for 15 details.} 16 \item{edit}{if \code{TRUE}, the default, open an editor when finished.} 17 \item{filename}{if \code{TRUE}, the default, replace and/or edit the 18 original Rd file.} 19} 20\details{ 21 22 \code{ereprompt} calls \code{reprompt} to do the actual job but has 23 different defaults for the arguments described on this page. By 24 default, it replaces the original Rd file with the updated 25 documentation and opens it in an editor. 26 27} 28\value{ 29 called for the side effect of updating Rd documentation file and 30 opening it in an editor 31} 32%\references{ 33%%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ 34%} 35\author{Georgi N. Boshnakov} 36%\note{ 37%%% ~~further notes~~ 38%} 39% 40%%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ 41% 42\seealso{ 43 \code{\link{reprompt}} which does the actual work 44} 45\examples{ 46## this assumes that the current working directory is 47## in any subdirectory of the development directory of Rdpack 48\dontrun{ 49ereprompt(infile = "reprompt.Rd") 50} 51} 52\keyword{documentation} 53% use one of RShowDoc("KEYWORDS") 54