2# Tests the suppression of := output
3# Since this tests autoprinting at the console, it needs to use the .Rout.save mechanism in R CMD check
4DT = data.table(a=1:2)                # Should print at console?
5DT                                    # yes
6DT[1]                                 # yes
7DT[2,a:=3L]                           # no
8DT                                    # yes
9DT[FALSE,a:=3L]                       # no
10DT[a==4L,a:=5L]                       # no
11DT[a %in% 4:8, a:=5L]                 # no
12DT                                    # yes
13print(DT[2,a:=4L])                    # no
14print(DT)                             # yes
15if (TRUE) DT[2,a:=5L]                 # no. used to print before v1.9.5
16if (TRUE) if (TRUE) DT[2,a:=6L]       # no. used to print before v1.9.5
17(function(){DT[2,a:=5L];NULL})()      # print NULL
18DT                                    # no (from v1.9.5+). := suppresses next auto print (can't distinguish just "DT" symbol alone at the prompt)
19DT                                    # yes. 2nd time needed, or solutions below
20(function(){DT[2,a:=5L];NULL})()      # print NULL
21DT[]                                  # yes. guaranteed print
22(function(){DT[2,a:=5L];NULL})()      # print NULL
23print(DT)                             # no. only DT[] is guaranteed print from v1.9.6 and R 3.2.0
24(function(){DT[2,a:=5L][];NULL})()    # print NULL
25DT                                    # yes. i) function needs to add [] after last one, so that "DT" alone is guaranteed anyway
26(function(){DT[2,a:=5L];DT[];NULL})() # print NULL
27DT                                    # yes. ii) or as a separate DT[] after the last := inside the function
28DT2 = data.table(b=3:4)               # no
30DT                                    # yes. last := was on DT2 not DT
31{DT[2,a:=6L];invisible()}             # no
32print(DT)                             # no
33(function(){print(DT[2,a:=7L]);print(DT);invisible()})()    # yes*2
34{print(DT[2,a:=8L]);print(DT);invisible()}                  # yes*1  Not within function so as at prompt
35DT[1][,a:=9L]      # no (was too tricky to detect that DT[1] is a new object). Simple rule is that := always doesn't print
36DT[2,a:=10L][1]                       # yes
37DT[1,a:=10L][1,a:=10L]                # no
38DT[,a:=as.integer(a)]                 # no
39DT[1,a:=as.integer(a)]                # no
40DT[1,a:=10L][]                        # yes. ...[] == oops, forgot print(...)
42# Test that error in := doesn't suppress next valid print, bug #2376
43tryCatch(DT[,foo:=ColumnNameTypo], error=function(e) e$message)         # error: not found.
44DT                                    # yes
45DT                                    # yes