1 /*
2  * RInternal.hpp
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2021 by RStudio, PBC
5  *
6  * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant
7  * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then
8  * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the
9  * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT
12  * AGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) for more details.
13  *
14  */
16 #ifndef R_R_INTERNAL_HPP
17 #define R_R_INTERNAL_HPP
19 // IMPORTANT NOTE: If R internal functions (functions prefixed with R_ or Rf_,
20 // as distinct from simple SEXP accessor functions) are called from within a
21 // c++ execution context they must either:
22 //
23 //  (a) be inspected to make sure they won't ever call error (longjump); or
24 //
25 //  (b) be called from within a safe block (see r::exec::executeSafely)
26 //
27 // This is critical to prevent error (longjump) from being called. If it is
28 // called then execution will pop back to the top of the R stack (repl loop)
29 // and c++ stack unwinding will not occur!
30 //
31 // To prevent inadvertent use of R_ and Rf_ internal functions by clients
32 // they are only included if the R_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS macro is defined.
33 //
34 // Note also that public functions and classes exposed from within the r
35 // namespace have an implicit guarantee not to allow an error/longjump to
36 // escape from them (they adhere to guideline a or b above). Therefore,
37 // if client code from outside the r namespace feels the need to call R
38 // internal functions a sounder approach might be to add a suitable function
39 // to the r namespace which performs the intended operation safely.
40 //
42 #define R_NO_REMAP
43 #include <Rinternals.h>
45 // Hide macros that are always unsafe for us to use, because their
46 // interface has changed between versions of R
47 #undef BODY_EXPR
50 #undef PREXPR
55 // force compiler error if the client tries to call an R internal function
56 #define Rf_asChar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
57 #define Rf_coerceVector INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
58 #define Rf_PairToVectorList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
59 #define Rf_VectorToPairList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
60 #define Rf_asLogical INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
61 #define Rf_asInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
62 #define Rf_asReal INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
63 #define Rf_asComplex INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
64 #define Rf_acopy_string INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
65 #define Rf_alloc3DArray INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
66 #define Rf_allocArray INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
67 #define Rf_allocMatrix INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
68 #define Rf_allocList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
69 #define Rf_allocS4Object INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
70 #define Rf_allocSExp INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
71 #define Rf_applyClosure INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
72 #define Rf_arraySubscript INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
73 #define Rf_asComplex INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
74 #define Rf_asInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
75 #define Rf_asLogical INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
76 #define Rf_asReal INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
77 #define Rf_classgets INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
78 #define Rf_cons INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
79 #define Rf_copyMatrix INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
80 #define Rf_copyMostAttrib INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
81 #define Rf_copyVector INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
82 #define Rf_CreateTag INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
83 #define Rf_defineVar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
84 #define Rf_dimgets INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
85 #define Rf_dimnamesgets INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
86 #define Rf_DropDims INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
87 #define Rf_duplicate INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
88 #define Rf_duplicated INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
89 #define Rf_eval INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
90 #define Rf_findFun INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
91 #define Rf_findVar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
92 #define Rf_findVarInFrame INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
93 #define Rf_findVarInFrame3 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
94 #define Rf_getAttrib INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
95 #define Rf_GetArrayDimnames INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
96 #define Rf_GetColNames INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
97 #define Rf_GetMatrixDimnames INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
98 #define Rf_GetOption INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
99 #define Rf_GetOptionDigits INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
100 #define Rf_GetOptionWidth INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
101 #define Rf_GetRowNames INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
102 #define Rf_gsetVar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
103 #define Rf_install INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
104 #define Rf_isFree INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
105 #define Rf_isOrdered INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
106 #define Rf_isUnordered INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
107 #define Rf_isUnsorted INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
108 #define Rf_lengthgets INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
109 #define R_lsInternal INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
110 #define Rf_match INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
111 #define Rf_namesgets INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
112 #define Rf_mkCharLen INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
113 #define Rf_NonNullStringMatch INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
114 #define Rf_ncols INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
115 #define Rf_nrows INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
116 #define Rf_nthcdr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
117 #define Rf_pmatch INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
118 #define Rf_psmatch INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
119 #define Rf_PrintValue INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
120 #define Rf_protect INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
121 #define Rf_setSVector INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
122 #define Rf_setVar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
123 #define Rf_str2type INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
124 #define Rf_StringBlank INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
125 #define Rf_substitute INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
126 #define Rf_translateChar INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
127 #define Rf_translateCharUTF8 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
128 #define Rf_type2char INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
129 #define Rf_type2str INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
130 #define Rf_unprotect INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
131 #define Rf_unprotect_ptr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
132 #define R_ProtectWithIndex INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
133 #define R_Reprotect INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
134 #define R_tryEval INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
135 #define Rf_asS4 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
136 #define Rf_getCharCE INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
137 #define Rf_mkCharCE INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
138 #define Rf_mkCharLenCE INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
139 #define Rf_reEnc INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
140 #define R_MakeExternalPtr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
141 #define R_ExternalPtrAddr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
142 #define R_ExternalPtrTag INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
143 #define R_ExternalPtrProtected INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
144 #define R_ClearExternalPtr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
145 #define R_SetExternalPtrAddr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
146 #define R_SetExternalPtrTag INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
147 #define R_SetExternalPtrProtected INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
148 #define R_RegisterFinalizer INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
149 #define R_RegisterCFinalizer INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
150 #define R_RegisterFinalizerEx INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
151 #define R_RegisterCFinalizerEx INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
152 #define R_MakeWeakRef INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
153 #define R_MakeWeakRefC INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
154 #define R_WeakRefKey INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
155 #define R_WeakRefValue INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
156 #define R_RunWeakRefFinalizer INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
157 #define R_PromiseExpr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
158 #define R_ClosureExpr INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
159 #define R_initialize_bcode INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
160 #define R_bcEncode INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
161 #define R_bcDecode INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
162 #define R_ToplevelExec INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
163 #define R_RestoreHashCount INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
164 #define R_IsPackageEnv INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
165 #define R_PackageEnvName INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
166 #define R_FindPackageEnv INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
167 #define R_IsNamespaceEnv INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
168 #define R_NamespaceEnvSpec INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
169 #define R_FindNamespace INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
170 #define R_LockEnvironment INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
171 #define R_EnvironmentIsLocked INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
172 #define R_LockBinding INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
173 #define R_unLockBinding INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
174 #define R_MakeActiveBinding INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
175 #define R_BindingIsLocked INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
176 #define R_BindingIsActive INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
177 #define R_HasFancyBindings INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
178 #define Rf_errorcall INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
179 #define Rf_warningcall INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
180 #define Rf_warningcall_immediate INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
181 #define R_XDREncodeDouble INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
182 #define R_XDRDecodeDouble INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
183 #define R_XDREncodeInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
184 #define R_XDRDecodeInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
185 #define R_InitInPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
186 #define R_InitOutPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
187 #define R_InitFileInPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
188 #define R_InitFileOutPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
189 #define R_InitConnOutPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
190 #define R_InitConnInPStream INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
191 #define R_Serialize INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
192 #define R_Unserialize INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
193 #define R_do_slot INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
194 #define R_do_slot_assign INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
195 #define R_has_slot INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
197 #define R_getClassDef INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
198 #define R_do_new_object INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
199 #define R_PreserveObject INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
200 #define R_ReleaseObject INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
201 #define R_dot_Last INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
202 #define R_RunExitFinalizers INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
203 #define R_popen INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
204 #define R_system INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
205 #define Rf_conformable INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
206 #define Rf_elt INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
207 #define Rf_inherits INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
208 #define Rf_isArray INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
209 #define Rf_isFactor INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
210 #define Rf_isFrame INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
211 #define Rf_isFunction INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
212 #define Rf_isInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
213 #define Rf_isLanguage INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
214 #define Rf_isList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
215 #define Rf_isMatrix INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
216 #define Rf_isNewList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
217 #define Rf_isNumeric INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
218 #define Rf_isPairList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
219 #define Rf_isPrimitive INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
220 #define Rf_isTs INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
221 #define Rf_isUserBinop INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
222 #define Rf_isValidString INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
223 #define Rf_isValidStringF INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
224 #define Rf_isVector INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
225 #define Rf_isVectorAtomic INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
226 #define Rf_isVectorList INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
227 #define Rf_isVectorizable INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
228 #define Rf_lang1 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
229 #define Rf_lang2 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
230 #define Rf_lang3 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
231 #define Rf_lang4 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
232 #define Rf_lastElt INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
233 #define Rf_lcons INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
234 #define Rf_length INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
235 #define Rf_list1 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
236 #define Rf_list2 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
237 #define Rf_list3 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
238 #define Rf_list4 INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
239 #define Rf_listAppend INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
240 #define Rf_mkString INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
241 #define Rf_nlevels INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
242 #define Rf_ScalarComplex INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
243 #define Rf_ScalarInteger INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
244 #define Rf_ScalarLogical INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
245 #define Rf_ScalarRaw INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
246 #define Rf_ScalarReal INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
247 #define Rf_ScalarString INTERNAL_R_FUNCTION
251 #endif // R_R_INTERNAL_HPP