1--  Copyright 1994 Grady Booch
2--  Copyright 2005 Martin Krischik
3--  Copyright 2003-2014 Simon Wright <simon@pushface.org>
5--  This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6--  modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as
7--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
8--  (at your option) any later version. This package is distributed in
9--  the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
10--  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
11--  PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
12--  details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
13--  License distributed with this package; see file COPYING.  If not,
14--  write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
15--  330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
17--  As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
18--  this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
19--  executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
20--  executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.  This
21--  exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
22--  executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
24with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
26package body BC.Indefinite_Unmanaged_Containers.Collections is
28   function "=" (Left, Right : in Collection) return Boolean is
29      use Collection_Nodes;
30   begin
31      return Left.Rep = Right.Rep;
32   end "=";
34   procedure Clear (C : in out Collection) is
35   begin
36      Collection_Nodes.Clear (C.Rep);
37   end Clear;
39   procedure Insert (C : in out Collection; Elem : Item) is
40   begin
41      Collection_Nodes.Insert (C.Rep, Elem);
42   end Insert;
44   procedure Insert (C : in out Collection;
45                     Elem : Item;
46                     Before : Positive) is
47   begin
48      Collection_Nodes.Insert (C.Rep, Elem, Before);
49   end Insert;
51   procedure Append (C : in out Collection; Elem : Item) is
52   begin
53      Collection_Nodes.Append (C.Rep, Elem);
54   end Append;
56   procedure Append (C : in out Collection;
57                     Elem : Item;
58                     After : Positive) is
59   begin
60      Collection_Nodes.Append (C.Rep, Elem, After);
61   end Append;
63   procedure Remove (C : in out Collection; At_Index : Positive) is
64   begin
65      Collection_Nodes.Remove (C.Rep, At_Index);
66   end Remove;
68   procedure Replace (C : in out Collection;
69                      At_Index : Positive;
70                      Elem : Item) is
71   begin
72      Collection_Nodes.Replace (C.Rep, At_Index, Elem);
73   end Replace;
75   function Length (C : Collection) return Natural is
76   begin
77      return Collection_Nodes.Length (C.Rep);
78   end Length;
80   function Is_Empty (C : Collection) return Boolean is
81   begin
82      return Collection_Nodes.Length (C.Rep) = 0;
83   end Is_Empty;
85   function First (C : Collection) return Item is
86   begin
87      return Collection_Nodes.First (C.Rep);
88   end First;
90   function Last (C : Collection) return Item is
91   begin
92      return Collection_Nodes.Last (C.Rep);
93   end Last;
95   function Item_At
96     (C : Collection; At_Index : Positive) return Item is
97   begin
98      return Item_At (C, At_Index).all;
99   end Item_At;
101   function Location (C : Collection; Elem : Item) return Natural is
102   begin
103      return Collection_Nodes.Location (C.Rep, Elem);
104   end Location;
106   package Address_Conversions
107   is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Collection);
109   function New_Iterator
110     (For_The_Collection : Collection) return Iterator'Class is
111      Result : Collection_Iterator;
112   begin
113      Result.For_The_Container :=
114        Container_Ptr (Address_Conversions.To_Pointer
115                         (For_The_Collection'Address));
116      Reset (Result);
117      return Result;
118   end New_Iterator;
120   function Item_At
121     (C : Collection; Index : Positive) return Item_Ptr is
122   begin
123      return Collection_Nodes.Item_At (C.Rep, Index);
124   end Item_At;
126   function Null_Container return Collection is
127      Empty_Container : Collection;
128      pragma Warnings (Off, Empty_Container);
129   begin
130      return Empty_Container;
131   end Null_Container;
133   procedure Reset (It : in out Collection_Iterator) is
134      C : Collection'Class
135        renames Collection'Class (It.For_The_Container.all);
136   begin
137      if Length (C) = 0 then
138         It.Index := 0;
139      else
140         It.Index := 1;
141      end if;
142   end Reset;
144   function Is_Done (It : Collection_Iterator) return Boolean is
145      C : Collection'Class
146        renames Collection'Class (It.For_The_Container.all);
147   begin
148      return It.Index = 0 or else It.Index > Length (C);
149   end Is_Done;
151   procedure Next (It : in out Collection_Iterator) is
152   begin
153      It.Index := It.Index + 1;
154   end Next;
156   function Current_Item (It : Collection_Iterator) return Item is
157      C : Collection'Class
158        renames Collection'Class (It.For_The_Container.all);
159   begin
160      if Is_Done (It) then
161         raise BC.Not_Found;
162      end if;
163      return Item_At (C, It.Index).all;
164   end Current_Item;
166   function Current_Item_Ptr (It : Collection_Iterator) return Item_Ptr is
167      C : Collection'Class
168        renames Collection'Class (It.For_The_Container.all);
169   begin
170      if Is_Done (It) then
171         raise BC.Not_Found;
172      end if;
173      return Item_At (C, It.Index);
174   end Current_Item_Ptr;
176   procedure Delete_Item_At (It : in out Collection_Iterator) is
177      C : Collection'Class
178        renames Collection'Class (It.For_The_Container.all);
179   begin
180      if Is_Done (It) then
181         raise BC.Not_Found;
182      end if;
183      Remove (C, It.Index);
184   end Delete_Item_At;
186end BC.Indefinite_Unmanaged_Containers.Collections;