1 /*	Public domain	*/
3 #ifdef _AGAR_CORE_BEGIN_H_
4 #error Nested inclusion of <agar/core/begin.h>
5 #endif
6 #define _AGAR_CORE_BEGIN_H_
8 #include <agar/core/types.h>
9 #include <agar/core/attributes.h>
11 /* Define internationalization macros if NLS is enabled. */
12 #if !defined(_)
13 # include <agar/config/enable_nls.h>
14 # ifdef ENABLE_NLS
15 #  include <libintl.h>
16 #  define _(String) dgettext("agar",String)
17 #  ifdef dgettext_noop
18 #   define N_(String) dgettext_noop("agar",String)
19 #  else
20 #   define N_(String) (String)
21 #  endif
23 # else
24 #  undef _
25 #  undef N_
26 #  undef ngettext
27 #  define _(String) (String)
28 #  define N_(String) (String)
29 #  define ngettext(Singular,Plural,Number) ((Number==1)?(Singular):(Plural))
31 # endif
32 #endif /* defined(_) */
34 /* Define __BEGIN_DECLS and __END_DECLS if needed. */
35 #if !defined(__BEGIN_DECLS) || !defined(__END_DECLS)
37 # if defined(__cplusplus)
38 #  define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
39 #  define __END_DECLS   }
40 # else
41 #  define __BEGIN_DECLS
42 #  define __END_DECLS
43 # endif
44 #endif
46 /*
47  * Expand "DECLSPEC" to any compiler-specific keywords, as required for proper
48  * visibility of symbols in shared libraries.
49  * See: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility
50  */
51 #undef DECLSPEC
52 #ifndef DECLSPEC
53 # if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__HAIKU__)
54 #  if defined(__GNUC__)
55 #   define DECLSPEC
56 #  else
57 #   define DECLSPEC	__declspec(export)
58 #  endif
59 # elif defined(__WIN32__)
60 #  ifdef __BORLANDC__
61 #   ifdef _AGAR_CORE_INTERNAL
62 #    define DECLSPEC
63 #   else
64 #    define DECLSPEC	__declspec(dllimport)
65 #   endif
66 #  else
67 #   define DECLSPEC	__declspec(dllexport)
68 #  endif
69 # elif defined(__OS2__)
70 #  ifdef __WATCOMC__
71 #   ifdef _AGAR_CORE_INTERNAL
72 #    define DECLSPEC	__declspec(dllexport)
73 #   else
74 #    define DECLSPEC
75 #   endif
76 #  elif defined (__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 4
77 #   ifdef _AGAR_CORE_INTERNAL
78 #    define DECLSPEC    __declspec(dllexport)
79 #   else
80 #    define DECLSPEC
81 #   endif
82 #  else
83 #   define DECLSPEC
84 #  endif
85 # else
86 #  if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
87 #   define DECLSPEC	__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
88 #  else
89 #   define DECLSPEC
90 #  endif
91 # endif
92 #endif
93 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
94 #ifndef EKA2
95 #undef DECLSPEC
96 #define DECLSPEC
97 #elif !defined(__WINS__)
98 #undef DECLSPEC
99 #define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllexport)
100 #endif /* !EKA2 */
101 #endif /* __SYMBIAN32__ */
103 /*
104  * Force structure packing at 4 byte alignment. This is necessary if the
105  * header is included in code which has structure packing set to an alternate
106  * value. The packing is reset to the previous value in close.h.
107  */
108 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
109 # ifdef _MSC_VER
110 #  pragma warning(disable: 4103)
111 # endif
112 # ifdef __BORLANDC__
113 #  pragma nopackwarning
114 # endif
115 # pragma pack(push,4)
116 #elif (defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(__MACOS__))
117 # pragma options align=mac68k4byte
118 # pragma enumsalwaysint on
119 #endif
121 /*
122  * Expand "__inline__" to any compiler-specific keyword needed for defining
123  * an inline function, if supported.
124  */
125 #ifdef __GNUC__
126 # define _AGAR_CORE_USE_INLINE
127 #else
128 # if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || \
129      defined(__DMC__) || defined(__SC__) || \
130      defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__LCC__) || \
131      defined(__DECC) || defined(__EABI__)
132 #  ifndef __inline__
133 #   define __inline__	__inline
134 #  endif
135 #  define _AGAR_CORE_USE_INLINE
136 # else
137 #  if !defined(__MRC__) && !defined(_SGI_SOURCE)
138 #   ifndef __inline__
139 #    define __inline__ inline
140 #   endif
141 #   define _AGAR_CORE_USE_INLINE
142 #  endif
143 # endif
144 #endif /* !__GNUC__ */
146 # define __inline__
147 #endif
149 /* Define NULL if needed. */
150 #if !defined(NULL) && !defined(__MACH__)
151 # ifdef __cplusplus
152 #  define NULL 0
154 # else
155 #  define NULL ((void *)0)
157 # endif
158 #endif