1 #source: property-x86-empty.s 2 #source: property-x86-ibt.s 3 #source: property-x86-shstk.s 4 #source: property-x86-3.s 5 #as: --64 -defsym __64_bit__=1 -mx86-used-note=yes 6 #ld: -r -melf_x86_64 -z cet-report=warning 7 #warning: .*: warning: missing IBT and SHSTK properties.*: warning: missing SHSTK property.*: warning: missing IBT property.*: warning: missing IBT and SHSTK properties 8 #readelf: -n 9 10 Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.property 11 [ ]+Owner[ ]+Data size[ ]+Description 12 GNU 0x00000030 NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0 13 Properties: x86 ISA needed: x86-64-baseline, x86-64-v2, <unknown: 10>, <unknown: 20> 14 x86 feature used: x86 15 x86 ISA used: x86-64-v2, x86-64-v4, <unknown: 20>, <unknown: 80> 16