1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3use strict;
5#sub log_err {warn @_;}
6sub log_err {}
8# read in the .atlas header
10die "No ATLAS line\n" unless <STDIN> =~ /^ATLAS/;
11die "No IWILL line\n" unless <STDIN> =~ /^IWILL/;
13# spit out the .def header
15print("#Modeline for XEmacs: -*-Python-*-\n");
17# main parse loop
19# a stack to keep track of whether we're inside an array, map, or whatever
20my @parse_type;
22# don't put brackets around multi-line arrays
23my @multi_line_array;
24my $started_multi_line_array;
26# call when you finish an element
27sub push_done_type {
28  return if(!@parse_type);
29  if ($parse_type[-1] eq "map_have_key") {
30    pop @parse_type;
31  } elsif ($parse_type[-1] ne "in_array") {
32    die "In invalid state $parse_type[-1] at end of element\n";
33  }
34  push @parse_type, "need_sep";
35  log_err "Parse type stack is now:";
36  foreach(@parse_type) {log_err " $_";}
37  log_err "\n";
39  $started_multi_line_array = 0;
42sub indent { my $space = (@parse_type - (shift or 0)) - @multi_line_array; print "    " while $space--; };
44sub valid_parse_type {return @parse_type ? $parse_type[-1] : "none";}
46# Allow repeated passes through the loop for a single line, for cases
47# like '{ foo:[""], bar:0 }, {'
48LINE: while(my $line = <STDIN>) {
50  # ignore comments
51  next LINE if $line =~ /^#/;
53  while($line) {
54    # remove leading whitespace
55    $line =~ s/^\s+//gm if !@parse_type or $parse_type[-1] ne "in_string";
56    next LINE if !$line;
58    if(!@parse_type or $parse_type[-1] eq "map_have_key" or $parse_type[-1] eq "in_array") {
59      log_err "Starting new element\n";
60      # start new element
61      $line =~ s/^(.)//;
62      my $char = $1;
63      if($char eq "{") { # starting a map
64        log_err "Staring a map\n";
65        # We print a \n at the beginning of a multi-line array, so don't here
66        print "\n" unless @multi_line_array and $multi_line_array[-1] == @parse_type - 1 and $started_multi_line_array;
67        push @parse_type, "in_map";
68        indent(1);
69        print ":map:\n";
70      } elsif ($char eq "[") { # starting an array
71        log_err "Staring a array\n";
72        if (!$line or $line =~ /^[{\n]/) {
73          # multi_line_array
74          my $place = @parse_type; # scalar cast
75          log_err "Starting multi line array at depth $place\n";
76          push @multi_line_array, $place;
77          print "\n";
78          $started_multi_line_array = 1;
79        } else {
80          print "[";
81        }
82        push @parse_type, "in_array";
83      } elsif ($char eq "]") { # finished an array, either a trailing comma or empty
84        log_err "Finished an array\n";
85        pop @parse_type;
86        if(@multi_line_array and @parse_type == $multi_line_array[-1]) {
87          log_err "Finished multi line array at depth $multi_line_array[-1]\n";
88          pop @multi_line_array;
89        } elsif(@multi_line_array and @parse_type < $multi_line_array[-1]) {
90          die "Ending array at depth @parse_type, deepest multi line array is at $multi_line_array[-1]\n";
91        } else {
92          print "]";
93        }
94        push_done_type();
95      } elsif ($char eq "\"") { # starting a string
96        log_err "Staring a string\n";
97        indent() if @multi_line_array and $multi_line_array[-1] == @parse_type - 1;
98        push @parse_type, "in_string";
99        print "\"";
100      }
101      elsif ($char =~ /[0-9]/) { # starting a number
102        log_err "Staring a number\n";
103        indent() if @multi_line_array and $multi_line_array[-1] == @parse_type - 1;
104        # print the digits
105        $line =~ s/^([0-9.]*)//;
106        print "$char$1";
107        push_done_type();
108      }
109      else {
110        # $line still has a trailing \n, don't add one to 'die' statement
111        die "Invalid element $1$line";
112      }
113    } elsif ($parse_type[-1] eq "in_map") {
114      if($line =~ /^\}/) { # finished a map, either a trailing comma or empty
115        $line =~ s/^.//;
116        pop @parse_type; # remove "in_map"
117        push_done_type();
118      } else {
119        die "Couldn't find key string in map"
120          unless $line =~ s/([A-Za-z_]+:)//;
121        log_err "Got key $1\n";
122        indent();
123        # some keys had name changes
124        if($1 eq "summary:") {
125          print "description:";
126        } elsif($1 eq "description:") {
127          print "long_description:";
128        } elsif($1 eq "arg_description:") {
129          print "args_description:";
130        } elsif($1 eq "arg:") {
131          print "args:";
132        } else { print $1; }
133        push @parse_type, "map_have_key";
134      }
135    } elsif ($parse_type[-1] eq "need_sep") {
136      pop @parse_type; # remove "need_sep"
137      $line =~ s/^(.)//;
138      log_err "Printed separator $1 leaving parse type " . valid_parse_type() ."\n";
139      if($1 eq "]") {
140        log_err "Got a ]\n";
141        die "Ended map with ]" unless $parse_type[-1] eq "in_array";
142        pop @parse_type; # remove "in_array"
143        if(@multi_line_array and @parse_type == $multi_line_array[-1]) {
144          log_err "Finished multi line array at depth $multi_line_array[-1]\n";
145          pop @multi_line_array;
146        } elsif(@multi_line_array and @parse_type < $multi_line_array[-1]) {
147          die "Ending array at depth @parse_type, deepest multi line array is at $multi_line_array[-1]\n";
148        } else {
149          print "]";
150        }
151        push_done_type();
152      } elsif($1 eq "}") {
153        log_err "Got a }\n";
154        die "Ended array with }" unless $parse_type[-1] eq "in_map";
155        pop @parse_type; # remove "in_map"
156        push_done_type();
157      } elsif ($1 eq ",") {
158        if (@parse_type == 1 || $parse_type[-1] eq "in_map") {
159          print "\n"; # toplevel array, maps
160        } else {
161          print ", "; # deeper array levels
162        }
163      } else {
164        die "Invalid array continuation $1$line";
165      }
166      log_err "After checking separator, parse type is " . valid_parse_type() . "\n";
167    } elsif(@parse_type and $parse_type[-1] eq "in_string") {
168      print $1 while $line =~ s/([^\"]\\\")//;
169      if($line =~ /([^\"]*\")(.*)/) {
170        log_err "Printing string \"$1, remainder of line is \"$2\"\n";
171        # handle a changed opname, hopefully this won't mess up anything else
172        my $out = $1 eq "communication\"" ? "communicate\"" : $1;
173        print $out;
174        $line = $2;
175        pop @parse_type;
176        push_done_type();
177        log_err "After printing string, parse type is " . valid_parse_type() . "\n";
178      } else {
179        print $line;
180        $line = "";
181      }
182    } else {
183      die "Invalid parse type $parse_type[-1]\n";
184    }
185  }
188# fix no-newline-at-end-of-file
189print "\n";
191die "Still in state $parse_type[-1], unmatched brackets\n" if @parse_type;