1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/comprehend/Comprehend_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
9 #include <aws/comprehend/model/JobStatus.h>
10 #include <aws/core/utils/DateTime.h>
11 #include <aws/comprehend/model/InputDataConfig.h>
12 #include <aws/comprehend/model/OutputDataConfig.h>
13 #include <aws/comprehend/model/LanguageCode.h>
14 #include <aws/comprehend/model/VpcConfig.h>
15 #include <utility>
17 namespace Aws
18 {
19 namespace Utils
20 {
21 namespace Json
22 {
23   class JsonValue;
24   class JsonView;
25 } // namespace Json
26 } // namespace Utils
27 namespace Comprehend
28 {
29 namespace Model
30 {
32   /**
33    * <p>Provides information about a sentiment detection job.</p><p><h3>See
34    * Also:</h3>   <a
35    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/SentimentDetectionJobProperties">AWS
36    * API Reference</a></p>
37    */
38   class AWS_COMPREHEND_API SentimentDetectionJobProperties
39   {
40   public:
41     SentimentDetectionJobProperties();
42     SentimentDetectionJobProperties(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
43     SentimentDetectionJobProperties& operator=(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
44     Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue Jsonize() const;
47     /**
48      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
49      */
GetJobId()50     inline const Aws::String& GetJobId() const{ return m_jobId; }
52     /**
53      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
54      */
JobIdHasBeenSet()55     inline bool JobIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_jobIdHasBeenSet; }
57     /**
58      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
59      */
SetJobId(const Aws::String & value)60     inline void SetJobId(const Aws::String& value) { m_jobIdHasBeenSet = true; m_jobId = value; }
62     /**
63      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
64      */
SetJobId(Aws::String && value)65     inline void SetJobId(Aws::String&& value) { m_jobIdHasBeenSet = true; m_jobId = std::move(value); }
67     /**
68      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
69      */
SetJobId(const char * value)70     inline void SetJobId(const char* value) { m_jobIdHasBeenSet = true; m_jobId.assign(value); }
72     /**
73      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
74      */
WithJobId(const Aws::String & value)75     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobId(const Aws::String& value) { SetJobId(value); return *this;}
77     /**
78      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
79      */
WithJobId(Aws::String && value)80     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobId(Aws::String&& value) { SetJobId(std::move(value)); return *this;}
82     /**
83      * <p>The identifier assigned to the sentiment detection job.</p>
84      */
WithJobId(const char * value)85     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobId(const char* value) { SetJobId(value); return *this;}
88     /**
89      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
90      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
91      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
92      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
93      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
94      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
95      * </p>
96      */
GetJobArn()97     inline const Aws::String& GetJobArn() const{ return m_jobArn; }
99     /**
100      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
101      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
102      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
103      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
104      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
105      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
106      * </p>
107      */
JobArnHasBeenSet()108     inline bool JobArnHasBeenSet() const { return m_jobArnHasBeenSet; }
110     /**
111      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
112      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
113      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
114      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
115      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
116      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
117      * </p>
118      */
SetJobArn(const Aws::String & value)119     inline void SetJobArn(const Aws::String& value) { m_jobArnHasBeenSet = true; m_jobArn = value; }
121     /**
122      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
123      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
124      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
125      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
126      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
127      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
128      * </p>
129      */
SetJobArn(Aws::String && value)130     inline void SetJobArn(Aws::String&& value) { m_jobArnHasBeenSet = true; m_jobArn = std::move(value); }
132     /**
133      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
134      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
135      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
136      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
137      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
138      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
139      * </p>
140      */
SetJobArn(const char * value)141     inline void SetJobArn(const char* value) { m_jobArnHasBeenSet = true; m_jobArn.assign(value); }
143     /**
144      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
145      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
146      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
147      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
148      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
149      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
150      * </p>
151      */
WithJobArn(const Aws::String & value)152     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobArn(const Aws::String& value) { SetJobArn(value); return *this;}
154     /**
155      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
156      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
157      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
158      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
159      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
160      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
161      * </p>
162      */
WithJobArn(Aws::String && value)163     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobArn(Aws::String&& value) { SetJobArn(std::move(value)); return *this;}
165     /**
166      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a
167      * unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the AWS account,
168      * Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:</p> <p>
169      * <code>arn:&lt;partition&gt;:comprehend:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:sentiment-detection-job/&lt;job-id&gt;</code>
170      * </p> <p>The following is an example job ARN:</p> <p>
171      * <code>arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:111122223333:sentiment-detection-job/1234abcd12ab34cd56ef1234567890ab</code>
172      * </p>
173      */
WithJobArn(const char * value)174     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobArn(const char* value) { SetJobArn(value); return *this;}
177     /**
178      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
179      */
GetJobName()180     inline const Aws::String& GetJobName() const{ return m_jobName; }
182     /**
183      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
184      */
JobNameHasBeenSet()185     inline bool JobNameHasBeenSet() const { return m_jobNameHasBeenSet; }
187     /**
188      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
189      */
SetJobName(const Aws::String & value)190     inline void SetJobName(const Aws::String& value) { m_jobNameHasBeenSet = true; m_jobName = value; }
192     /**
193      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
194      */
SetJobName(Aws::String && value)195     inline void SetJobName(Aws::String&& value) { m_jobNameHasBeenSet = true; m_jobName = std::move(value); }
197     /**
198      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
199      */
SetJobName(const char * value)200     inline void SetJobName(const char* value) { m_jobNameHasBeenSet = true; m_jobName.assign(value); }
202     /**
203      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
204      */
WithJobName(const Aws::String & value)205     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobName(const Aws::String& value) { SetJobName(value); return *this;}
207     /**
208      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
209      */
WithJobName(Aws::String && value)210     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobName(Aws::String&& value) { SetJobName(std::move(value)); return *this;}
212     /**
213      * <p>The name that you assigned to the sentiment detection job</p>
214      */
WithJobName(const char * value)215     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobName(const char* value) { SetJobName(value); return *this;}
218     /**
219      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
220      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
221      * failure.</p>
222      */
GetJobStatus()223     inline const JobStatus& GetJobStatus() const{ return m_jobStatus; }
225     /**
226      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
227      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
228      * failure.</p>
229      */
JobStatusHasBeenSet()230     inline bool JobStatusHasBeenSet() const { return m_jobStatusHasBeenSet; }
232     /**
233      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
234      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
235      * failure.</p>
236      */
SetJobStatus(const JobStatus & value)237     inline void SetJobStatus(const JobStatus& value) { m_jobStatusHasBeenSet = true; m_jobStatus = value; }
239     /**
240      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
241      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
242      * failure.</p>
243      */
SetJobStatus(JobStatus && value)244     inline void SetJobStatus(JobStatus&& value) { m_jobStatusHasBeenSet = true; m_jobStatus = std::move(value); }
246     /**
247      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
248      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
249      * failure.</p>
250      */
WithJobStatus(const JobStatus & value)251     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobStatus(const JobStatus& value) { SetJobStatus(value); return *this;}
253     /**
254      * <p>The current status of the sentiment detection job. If the status is
255      * <code>FAILED</code>, the <code>Messages</code> field shows the reason for the
256      * failure.</p>
257      */
WithJobStatus(JobStatus && value)258     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithJobStatus(JobStatus&& value) { SetJobStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
261     /**
262      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
263      */
GetMessage()264     inline const Aws::String& GetMessage() const{ return m_message; }
266     /**
267      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
268      */
MessageHasBeenSet()269     inline bool MessageHasBeenSet() const { return m_messageHasBeenSet; }
271     /**
272      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
273      */
SetMessage(const Aws::String & value)274     inline void SetMessage(const Aws::String& value) { m_messageHasBeenSet = true; m_message = value; }
276     /**
277      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
278      */
SetMessage(Aws::String && value)279     inline void SetMessage(Aws::String&& value) { m_messageHasBeenSet = true; m_message = std::move(value); }
281     /**
282      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
283      */
SetMessage(const char * value)284     inline void SetMessage(const char* value) { m_messageHasBeenSet = true; m_message.assign(value); }
286     /**
287      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
288      */
WithMessage(const Aws::String & value)289     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithMessage(const Aws::String& value) { SetMessage(value); return *this;}
291     /**
292      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
293      */
WithMessage(Aws::String && value)294     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithMessage(Aws::String&& value) { SetMessage(std::move(value)); return *this;}
296     /**
297      * <p>A description of the status of a job.</p>
298      */
WithMessage(const char * value)299     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithMessage(const char* value) { SetMessage(value); return *this;}
302     /**
303      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
304      */
GetSubmitTime()305     inline const Aws::Utils::DateTime& GetSubmitTime() const{ return m_submitTime; }
307     /**
308      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
309      */
SubmitTimeHasBeenSet()310     inline bool SubmitTimeHasBeenSet() const { return m_submitTimeHasBeenSet; }
312     /**
313      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
314      */
SetSubmitTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime & value)315     inline void SetSubmitTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { m_submitTimeHasBeenSet = true; m_submitTime = value; }
317     /**
318      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
319      */
SetSubmitTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime && value)320     inline void SetSubmitTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { m_submitTimeHasBeenSet = true; m_submitTime = std::move(value); }
322     /**
323      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
324      */
WithSubmitTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime & value)325     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithSubmitTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { SetSubmitTime(value); return *this;}
327     /**
328      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job was submitted for processing.</p>
329      */
WithSubmitTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime && value)330     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithSubmitTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { SetSubmitTime(std::move(value)); return *this;}
333     /**
334      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
335      */
GetEndTime()336     inline const Aws::Utils::DateTime& GetEndTime() const{ return m_endTime; }
338     /**
339      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
340      */
EndTimeHasBeenSet()341     inline bool EndTimeHasBeenSet() const { return m_endTimeHasBeenSet; }
343     /**
344      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
345      */
SetEndTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime & value)346     inline void SetEndTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { m_endTimeHasBeenSet = true; m_endTime = value; }
348     /**
349      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
350      */
SetEndTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime && value)351     inline void SetEndTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { m_endTimeHasBeenSet = true; m_endTime = std::move(value); }
353     /**
354      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
355      */
WithEndTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime & value)356     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithEndTime(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { SetEndTime(value); return *this;}
358     /**
359      * <p>The time that the sentiment detection job ended.</p>
360      */
WithEndTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime && value)361     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithEndTime(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { SetEndTime(std::move(value)); return *this;}
364     /**
365      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
366      * detection job.</p>
367      */
GetInputDataConfig()368     inline const InputDataConfig& GetInputDataConfig() const{ return m_inputDataConfig; }
370     /**
371      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
372      * detection job.</p>
373      */
InputDataConfigHasBeenSet()374     inline bool InputDataConfigHasBeenSet() const { return m_inputDataConfigHasBeenSet; }
376     /**
377      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
378      * detection job.</p>
379      */
SetInputDataConfig(const InputDataConfig & value)380     inline void SetInputDataConfig(const InputDataConfig& value) { m_inputDataConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_inputDataConfig = value; }
382     /**
383      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
384      * detection job.</p>
385      */
SetInputDataConfig(InputDataConfig && value)386     inline void SetInputDataConfig(InputDataConfig&& value) { m_inputDataConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_inputDataConfig = std::move(value); }
388     /**
389      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
390      * detection job.</p>
391      */
WithInputDataConfig(const InputDataConfig & value)392     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithInputDataConfig(const InputDataConfig& value) { SetInputDataConfig(value); return *this;}
394     /**
395      * <p>The input data configuration that you supplied when you created the sentiment
396      * detection job.</p>
397      */
WithInputDataConfig(InputDataConfig && value)398     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithInputDataConfig(InputDataConfig&& value) { SetInputDataConfig(std::move(value)); return *this;}
401     /**
402      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
403      * sentiment detection job.</p>
404      */
GetOutputDataConfig()405     inline const OutputDataConfig& GetOutputDataConfig() const{ return m_outputDataConfig; }
407     /**
408      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
409      * sentiment detection job.</p>
410      */
OutputDataConfigHasBeenSet()411     inline bool OutputDataConfigHasBeenSet() const { return m_outputDataConfigHasBeenSet; }
413     /**
414      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
415      * sentiment detection job.</p>
416      */
SetOutputDataConfig(const OutputDataConfig & value)417     inline void SetOutputDataConfig(const OutputDataConfig& value) { m_outputDataConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_outputDataConfig = value; }
419     /**
420      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
421      * sentiment detection job.</p>
422      */
SetOutputDataConfig(OutputDataConfig && value)423     inline void SetOutputDataConfig(OutputDataConfig&& value) { m_outputDataConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_outputDataConfig = std::move(value); }
425     /**
426      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
427      * sentiment detection job.</p>
428      */
WithOutputDataConfig(const OutputDataConfig & value)429     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithOutputDataConfig(const OutputDataConfig& value) { SetOutputDataConfig(value); return *this;}
431     /**
432      * <p>The output data configuration that you supplied when you created the
433      * sentiment detection job.</p>
434      */
WithOutputDataConfig(OutputDataConfig && value)435     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithOutputDataConfig(OutputDataConfig&& value) { SetOutputDataConfig(std::move(value)); return *this;}
438     /**
439      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
440      */
GetLanguageCode()441     inline const LanguageCode& GetLanguageCode() const{ return m_languageCode; }
443     /**
444      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
445      */
LanguageCodeHasBeenSet()446     inline bool LanguageCodeHasBeenSet() const { return m_languageCodeHasBeenSet; }
448     /**
449      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
450      */
SetLanguageCode(const LanguageCode & value)451     inline void SetLanguageCode(const LanguageCode& value) { m_languageCodeHasBeenSet = true; m_languageCode = value; }
453     /**
454      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
455      */
SetLanguageCode(LanguageCode && value)456     inline void SetLanguageCode(LanguageCode&& value) { m_languageCodeHasBeenSet = true; m_languageCode = std::move(value); }
458     /**
459      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
460      */
WithLanguageCode(const LanguageCode & value)461     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithLanguageCode(const LanguageCode& value) { SetLanguageCode(value); return *this;}
463     /**
464      * <p>The language code of the input documents.</p>
465      */
WithLanguageCode(LanguageCode && value)466     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithLanguageCode(LanguageCode&& value) { SetLanguageCode(std::move(value)); return *this;}
469     /**
470      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
471      * your input data.</p>
472      */
GetDataAccessRoleArn()473     inline const Aws::String& GetDataAccessRoleArn() const{ return m_dataAccessRoleArn; }
475     /**
476      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
477      * your input data.</p>
478      */
DataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet()479     inline bool DataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet() const { return m_dataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet; }
481     /**
482      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
483      * your input data.</p>
484      */
SetDataAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String & value)485     inline void SetDataAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String& value) { m_dataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_dataAccessRoleArn = value; }
487     /**
488      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
489      * your input data.</p>
490      */
SetDataAccessRoleArn(Aws::String && value)491     inline void SetDataAccessRoleArn(Aws::String&& value) { m_dataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_dataAccessRoleArn = std::move(value); }
493     /**
494      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
495      * your input data.</p>
496      */
SetDataAccessRoleArn(const char * value)497     inline void SetDataAccessRoleArn(const char* value) { m_dataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet = true; m_dataAccessRoleArn.assign(value); }
499     /**
500      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
501      * your input data.</p>
502      */
WithDataAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String & value)503     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithDataAccessRoleArn(const Aws::String& value) { SetDataAccessRoleArn(value); return *this;}
505     /**
506      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
507      * your input data.</p>
508      */
WithDataAccessRoleArn(Aws::String && value)509     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithDataAccessRoleArn(Aws::String&& value) { SetDataAccessRoleArn(std::move(value)); return *this;}
511     /**
512      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that gives Amazon Comprehend read access to
513      * your input data.</p>
514      */
WithDataAccessRoleArn(const char * value)515     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithDataAccessRoleArn(const char* value) { SetDataAccessRoleArn(value); return *this;}
518     /**
519      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
520      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
521      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
522      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
523      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
524      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
525      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
526      * </p> </li> </ul>
527      */
GetVolumeKmsKeyId()528     inline const Aws::String& GetVolumeKmsKeyId() const{ return m_volumeKmsKeyId; }
530     /**
531      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
532      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
533      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
534      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
535      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
536      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
537      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
538      * </p> </li> </ul>
539      */
VolumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet()540     inline bool VolumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet() const { return m_volumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet; }
542     /**
543      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
544      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
545      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
546      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
547      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
548      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
549      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
550      * </p> </li> </ul>
551      */
SetVolumeKmsKeyId(const Aws::String & value)552     inline void SetVolumeKmsKeyId(const Aws::String& value) { m_volumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet = true; m_volumeKmsKeyId = value; }
554     /**
555      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
556      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
557      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
558      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
559      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
560      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
561      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
562      * </p> </li> </ul>
563      */
SetVolumeKmsKeyId(Aws::String && value)564     inline void SetVolumeKmsKeyId(Aws::String&& value) { m_volumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet = true; m_volumeKmsKeyId = std::move(value); }
566     /**
567      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
568      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
569      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
570      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
571      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
572      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
573      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
574      * </p> </li> </ul>
575      */
SetVolumeKmsKeyId(const char * value)576     inline void SetVolumeKmsKeyId(const char* value) { m_volumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet = true; m_volumeKmsKeyId.assign(value); }
578     /**
579      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
580      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
581      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
582      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
583      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
584      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
585      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
586      * </p> </li> </ul>
587      */
WithVolumeKmsKeyId(const Aws::String & value)588     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithVolumeKmsKeyId(const Aws::String& value) { SetVolumeKmsKeyId(value); return *this;}
590     /**
591      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
592      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
593      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
594      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
595      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
596      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
597      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
598      * </p> </li> </ul>
599      */
WithVolumeKmsKeyId(Aws::String && value)600     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithVolumeKmsKeyId(Aws::String&& value) { SetVolumeKmsKeyId(std::move(value)); return *this;}
602     /**
603      * <p>ID for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key that Amazon Comprehend uses
604      * to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s)
605      * that process the analysis job. The VolumeKmsKeyId can be either of the following
606      * formats:</p> <ul> <li> <p>KMS Key ID:
607      * <code>"1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>Amazon
608      * Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS Key:
609      * <code>"arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"</code>
610      * </p> </li> </ul>
611      */
WithVolumeKmsKeyId(const char * value)612     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithVolumeKmsKeyId(const char* value) { SetVolumeKmsKeyId(value); return *this;}
615     /**
616      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
617      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
618      * more information, see <a
619      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
620      * VPC</a>. </p>
621      */
GetVpcConfig()622     inline const VpcConfig& GetVpcConfig() const{ return m_vpcConfig; }
624     /**
625      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
626      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
627      * more information, see <a
628      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
629      * VPC</a>. </p>
630      */
VpcConfigHasBeenSet()631     inline bool VpcConfigHasBeenSet() const { return m_vpcConfigHasBeenSet; }
633     /**
634      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
635      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
636      * more information, see <a
637      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
638      * VPC</a>. </p>
639      */
SetVpcConfig(const VpcConfig & value)640     inline void SetVpcConfig(const VpcConfig& value) { m_vpcConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_vpcConfig = value; }
642     /**
643      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
644      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
645      * more information, see <a
646      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
647      * VPC</a>. </p>
648      */
SetVpcConfig(VpcConfig && value)649     inline void SetVpcConfig(VpcConfig&& value) { m_vpcConfigHasBeenSet = true; m_vpcConfig = std::move(value); }
651     /**
652      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
653      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
654      * more information, see <a
655      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
656      * VPC</a>. </p>
657      */
WithVpcConfig(const VpcConfig & value)658     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithVpcConfig(const VpcConfig& value) { SetVpcConfig(value); return *this;}
660     /**
661      * <p> Configuration parameters for a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
662      * containing the resources you are using for your sentiment detection job. For
663      * more information, see <a
664      * href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html">Amazon
665      * VPC</a>. </p>
666      */
WithVpcConfig(VpcConfig && value)667     inline SentimentDetectionJobProperties& WithVpcConfig(VpcConfig&& value) { SetVpcConfig(std::move(value)); return *this;}
669   private:
671     Aws::String m_jobId;
672     bool m_jobIdHasBeenSet;
674     Aws::String m_jobArn;
675     bool m_jobArnHasBeenSet;
677     Aws::String m_jobName;
678     bool m_jobNameHasBeenSet;
680     JobStatus m_jobStatus;
681     bool m_jobStatusHasBeenSet;
683     Aws::String m_message;
684     bool m_messageHasBeenSet;
686     Aws::Utils::DateTime m_submitTime;
687     bool m_submitTimeHasBeenSet;
689     Aws::Utils::DateTime m_endTime;
690     bool m_endTimeHasBeenSet;
692     InputDataConfig m_inputDataConfig;
693     bool m_inputDataConfigHasBeenSet;
695     OutputDataConfig m_outputDataConfig;
696     bool m_outputDataConfigHasBeenSet;
698     LanguageCode m_languageCode;
699     bool m_languageCodeHasBeenSet;
701     Aws::String m_dataAccessRoleArn;
702     bool m_dataAccessRoleArnHasBeenSet;
704     Aws::String m_volumeKmsKeyId;
705     bool m_volumeKmsKeyIdHasBeenSet;
707     VpcConfig m_vpcConfig;
708     bool m_vpcConfigHasBeenSet;
709   };
711 } // namespace Model
712 } // namespace Comprehend
713 } // namespace Aws