1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/mediaconvert/MediaConvert_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleAlignment.h>
9 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor.h>
10 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor.h>
11 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleFallbackFont.h>
12 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleFontColor.h>
13 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/FontScript.h>
14 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
15 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleOutlineColor.h>
16 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleShadowColor.h>
17 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough.h>
18 #include <aws/mediaconvert/model/BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing.h>
19 #include <utility>
21 namespace Aws
22 {
23 namespace Utils
24 {
25 namespace Json
26 {
27   class JsonValue;
28   class JsonView;
29 } // namespace Json
30 } // namespace Utils
31 namespace MediaConvert
32 {
33 namespace Model
34 {
36   /**
37    * Burn-in is a captions delivery method, rather than a captions format. Burn-in
38    * writes the captions directly on your video frames, replacing pixels of video
39    * content with the captions. Set up burn-in captions in the same output as your
40    * video. For more information, see
41    * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/burn-in-output-captions.html.
42    * When you work directly in your JSON job specification, include this object and
43    * any required children when you set destinationType to BURN_IN.<p><h3>See
44    * Also:</h3>   <a
45    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mediaconvert-2017-08-29/BurninDestinationSettings">AWS
46    * API Reference</a></p>
47    */
48   class AWS_MEDIACONVERT_API BurninDestinationSettings
49   {
50   public:
51     BurninDestinationSettings();
52     BurninDestinationSettings(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
53     BurninDestinationSettings& operator=(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
54     Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue Jsonize() const;
57     /**
58      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
59      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
60      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
61      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
62      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
63      * relative to those coordinates.
64      */
GetAlignment()65     inline const BurninSubtitleAlignment& GetAlignment() const{ return m_alignment; }
67     /**
68      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
69      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
70      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
71      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
72      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
73      * relative to those coordinates.
74      */
AlignmentHasBeenSet()75     inline bool AlignmentHasBeenSet() const { return m_alignmentHasBeenSet; }
77     /**
78      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
79      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
80      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
81      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
82      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
83      * relative to those coordinates.
84      */
SetAlignment(const BurninSubtitleAlignment & value)85     inline void SetAlignment(const BurninSubtitleAlignment& value) { m_alignmentHasBeenSet = true; m_alignment = value; }
87     /**
88      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
89      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
90      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
91      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
92      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
93      * relative to those coordinates.
94      */
SetAlignment(BurninSubtitleAlignment && value)95     inline void SetAlignment(BurninSubtitleAlignment&& value) { m_alignmentHasBeenSet = true; m_alignment = std::move(value); }
97     /**
98      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
99      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
100      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
101      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
102      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
103      * relative to those coordinates.
104      */
WithAlignment(const BurninSubtitleAlignment & value)105     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithAlignment(const BurninSubtitleAlignment& value) { SetAlignment(value); return *this;}
107     /**
108      * Specify the alignment of your captions. If no explicit x_position is provided,
109      * setting alignment to centered will placethe captions at the bottom center of the
110      * output. Similarly, setting a left alignment willalign captions to the bottom
111      * left of the output. If x and y positions are given in conjunction with the
112      * alignment parameter, the font will be justified (either left or centered)
113      * relative to those coordinates.
114      */
WithAlignment(BurninSubtitleAlignment && value)115     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithAlignment(BurninSubtitleAlignment&& value) { SetAlignment(std::move(value)); return *this;}
118     /**
119      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
120      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
121      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
122      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
123      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
124      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
125      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
126      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
127      */
GetApplyFontColor()128     inline const BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor& GetApplyFontColor() const{ return m_applyFontColor; }
130     /**
131      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
132      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
133      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
134      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
135      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
136      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
137      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
138      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
139      */
ApplyFontColorHasBeenSet()140     inline bool ApplyFontColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_applyFontColorHasBeenSet; }
142     /**
143      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
144      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
145      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
146      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
147      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
148      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
149      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
150      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
151      */
SetApplyFontColor(const BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor & value)152     inline void SetApplyFontColor(const BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor& value) { m_applyFontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_applyFontColor = value; }
154     /**
155      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
156      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
157      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
158      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
159      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
160      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
161      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
162      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
163      */
SetApplyFontColor(BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor && value)164     inline void SetApplyFontColor(BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor&& value) { m_applyFontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_applyFontColor = std::move(value); }
166     /**
167      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
168      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
169      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
170      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
171      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
172      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
173      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
174      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
175      */
WithApplyFontColor(const BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor & value)176     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithApplyFontColor(const BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor& value) { SetApplyFontColor(value); return *this;}
178     /**
179      * Ignore this setting unless Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
180      * Enabled and Font color (FontColor) set to Black, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, or
181      * Hex. Use Apply font color (ApplyFontColor) for additional font color controls.
182      * When you choose White text only (WHITE_TEXT_ONLY), or leave blank, your font
183      * color setting only applies to white text in your input captions. For example, if
184      * your font color setting is Yellow, and your input captions have red and white
185      * text, your output captions will have red and yellow text. When you choose
186      * ALL_TEXT, your font color setting applies to all of your output captions text.
187      */
WithApplyFontColor(BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor && value)188     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithApplyFontColor(BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor&& value) { SetApplyFontColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
191     /**
192      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
193      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
194      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
195      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
196      */
GetBackgroundColor()197     inline const BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor& GetBackgroundColor() const{ return m_backgroundColor; }
199     /**
200      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
201      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
202      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
203      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
204      */
BackgroundColorHasBeenSet()205     inline bool BackgroundColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_backgroundColorHasBeenSet; }
207     /**
208      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
209      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
210      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
211      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
212      */
SetBackgroundColor(const BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor & value)213     inline void SetBackgroundColor(const BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor& value) { m_backgroundColorHasBeenSet = true; m_backgroundColor = value; }
215     /**
216      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
217      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
218      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
219      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
220      */
SetBackgroundColor(BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor && value)221     inline void SetBackgroundColor(BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor&& value) { m_backgroundColorHasBeenSet = true; m_backgroundColor = std::move(value); }
223     /**
224      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
225      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
226      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
227      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
228      */
WithBackgroundColor(const BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor & value)229     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithBackgroundColor(const BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor& value) { SetBackgroundColor(value); return *this;}
231     /**
232      * Specify the color of the rectangle behind the captions. Leave background color
233      * (BackgroundColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled
234      * to use the background color data from your input captions, if present. Within
235      * your job settings, all of your DVB-Sub settings must be identical.
236      */
WithBackgroundColor(BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor && value)237     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithBackgroundColor(BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor&& value) { SetBackgroundColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
240     /**
241      * Specify the opacity of the background rectangle. Enter a value from 0 to 255,
242      * where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough
243      * (StylePassthrough) is set to enabled, leave blank to pass through the background
244      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
245      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
246      * backgrounds from your output captions.
247      */
GetBackgroundOpacity()248     inline int GetBackgroundOpacity() const{ return m_backgroundOpacity; }
250     /**
251      * Specify the opacity of the background rectangle. Enter a value from 0 to 255,
252      * where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough
253      * (StylePassthrough) is set to enabled, leave blank to pass through the background
254      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
255      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
256      * backgrounds from your output captions.
257      */
BackgroundOpacityHasBeenSet()258     inline bool BackgroundOpacityHasBeenSet() const { return m_backgroundOpacityHasBeenSet; }
260     /**
261      * Specify the opacity of the background rectangle. Enter a value from 0 to 255,
262      * where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough
263      * (StylePassthrough) is set to enabled, leave blank to pass through the background
264      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
265      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
266      * backgrounds from your output captions.
267      */
SetBackgroundOpacity(int value)268     inline void SetBackgroundOpacity(int value) { m_backgroundOpacityHasBeenSet = true; m_backgroundOpacity = value; }
270     /**
271      * Specify the opacity of the background rectangle. Enter a value from 0 to 255,
272      * where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough
273      * (StylePassthrough) is set to enabled, leave blank to pass through the background
274      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
275      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
276      * backgrounds from your output captions.
277      */
WithBackgroundOpacity(int value)278     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithBackgroundOpacity(int value) { SetBackgroundOpacity(value); return *this;}
281     /**
282      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
283      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
284      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
285      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
286      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
287      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
288      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
289      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
290      */
GetFallbackFont()291     inline const BurninSubtitleFallbackFont& GetFallbackFont() const{ return m_fallbackFont; }
293     /**
294      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
295      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
296      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
297      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
298      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
299      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
300      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
301      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
302      */
FallbackFontHasBeenSet()303     inline bool FallbackFontHasBeenSet() const { return m_fallbackFontHasBeenSet; }
305     /**
306      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
307      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
308      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
309      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
310      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
311      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
312      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
313      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
314      */
SetFallbackFont(const BurninSubtitleFallbackFont & value)315     inline void SetFallbackFont(const BurninSubtitleFallbackFont& value) { m_fallbackFontHasBeenSet = true; m_fallbackFont = value; }
317     /**
318      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
319      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
320      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
321      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
322      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
323      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
324      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
325      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
326      */
SetFallbackFont(BurninSubtitleFallbackFont && value)327     inline void SetFallbackFont(BurninSubtitleFallbackFont&& value) { m_fallbackFontHasBeenSet = true; m_fallbackFont = std::move(value); }
329     /**
330      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
331      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
332      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
333      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
334      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
335      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
336      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
337      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
338      */
WithFallbackFont(const BurninSubtitleFallbackFont & value)339     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFallbackFont(const BurninSubtitleFallbackFont& value) { SetFallbackFont(value); return *this;}
341     /**
342      * Specify the font that you want the service to use for your burn in captions when
343      * your input captions specify a font that MediaConvert doesn't support. When you
344      * set Fallback font (FallbackFont) to best match (BEST_MATCH), or leave blank,
345      * MediaConvert uses a supported font that most closely matches the font that your
346      * input captions specify. When there are multiple unsupported fonts in your input
347      * captions, MediaConvert matches each font with the supported font that matches
348      * best. When you explicitly choose a replacement font, MediaConvert uses that font
349      * to replace all unsupported fonts from your input.
350      */
WithFallbackFont(BurninSubtitleFallbackFont && value)351     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFallbackFont(BurninSubtitleFallbackFont&& value) { SetFallbackFont(std::move(value)); return *this;}
354     /**
355      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
356      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
357      * color data from your input captions, if present.
358      */
GetFontColor()359     inline const BurninSubtitleFontColor& GetFontColor() const{ return m_fontColor; }
361     /**
362      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
363      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
364      * color data from your input captions, if present.
365      */
FontColorHasBeenSet()366     inline bool FontColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_fontColorHasBeenSet; }
368     /**
369      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
370      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
371      * color data from your input captions, if present.
372      */
SetFontColor(const BurninSubtitleFontColor & value)373     inline void SetFontColor(const BurninSubtitleFontColor& value) { m_fontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_fontColor = value; }
375     /**
376      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
377      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
378      * color data from your input captions, if present.
379      */
SetFontColor(BurninSubtitleFontColor && value)380     inline void SetFontColor(BurninSubtitleFontColor&& value) { m_fontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_fontColor = std::move(value); }
382     /**
383      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
384      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
385      * color data from your input captions, if present.
386      */
WithFontColor(const BurninSubtitleFontColor & value)387     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontColor(const BurninSubtitleFontColor& value) { SetFontColor(value); return *this;}
389     /**
390      * Specify the color of the burned-in captions text. Leave Font color (FontColor)
391      * blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font
392      * color data from your input captions, if present.
393      */
WithFontColor(BurninSubtitleFontColor && value)394     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontColor(BurninSubtitleFontColor&& value) { SetFontColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
397     /**
398      * Specify the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
399      */
GetFontOpacity()400     inline int GetFontOpacity() const{ return m_fontOpacity; }
402     /**
403      * Specify the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
404      */
FontOpacityHasBeenSet()405     inline bool FontOpacityHasBeenSet() const { return m_fontOpacityHasBeenSet; }
407     /**
408      * Specify the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
409      */
SetFontOpacity(int value)410     inline void SetFontOpacity(int value) { m_fontOpacityHasBeenSet = true; m_fontOpacity = value; }
412     /**
413      * Specify the opacity of the burned-in captions. 255 is opaque; 0 is transparent.
414      */
WithFontOpacity(int value)415     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontOpacity(int value) { SetFontOpacity(value); return *this;}
418     /**
419      * Specify the Font resolution (FontResolution) in DPI (dots per inch).
420      */
GetFontResolution()421     inline int GetFontResolution() const{ return m_fontResolution; }
423     /**
424      * Specify the Font resolution (FontResolution) in DPI (dots per inch).
425      */
FontResolutionHasBeenSet()426     inline bool FontResolutionHasBeenSet() const { return m_fontResolutionHasBeenSet; }
428     /**
429      * Specify the Font resolution (FontResolution) in DPI (dots per inch).
430      */
SetFontResolution(int value)431     inline void SetFontResolution(int value) { m_fontResolutionHasBeenSet = true; m_fontResolution = value; }
433     /**
434      * Specify the Font resolution (FontResolution) in DPI (dots per inch).
435      */
WithFontResolution(int value)436     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontResolution(int value) { SetFontResolution(value); return *this;}
439     /**
440      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
441      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
442      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
443      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
444      */
GetFontScript()445     inline const FontScript& GetFontScript() const{ return m_fontScript; }
447     /**
448      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
449      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
450      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
451      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
452      */
FontScriptHasBeenSet()453     inline bool FontScriptHasBeenSet() const { return m_fontScriptHasBeenSet; }
455     /**
456      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
457      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
458      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
459      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
460      */
SetFontScript(const FontScript & value)461     inline void SetFontScript(const FontScript& value) { m_fontScriptHasBeenSet = true; m_fontScript = value; }
463     /**
464      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
465      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
466      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
467      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
468      */
SetFontScript(FontScript && value)469     inline void SetFontScript(FontScript&& value) { m_fontScriptHasBeenSet = true; m_fontScript = std::move(value); }
471     /**
472      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
473      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
474      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
475      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
476      */
WithFontScript(const FontScript & value)477     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontScript(const FontScript& value) { SetFontScript(value); return *this;}
479     /**
480      * Set Font script (FontScript) to Automatically determined (AUTOMATIC), or leave
481      * blank, to automatically determine the font script in your input captions.
482      * Otherwise, set to Simplified Chinese (HANS) or Traditional Chinese (HANT) if
483      * your input font script uses Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
484      */
WithFontScript(FontScript && value)485     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontScript(FontScript&& value) { SetFontScript(std::move(value)); return *this;}
488     /**
489      * Specify the Font size (FontSize) in pixels. Must be a positive integer. Set to
490      * 0, or leave blank, for automatic font size.
491      */
GetFontSize()492     inline int GetFontSize() const{ return m_fontSize; }
494     /**
495      * Specify the Font size (FontSize) in pixels. Must be a positive integer. Set to
496      * 0, or leave blank, for automatic font size.
497      */
FontSizeHasBeenSet()498     inline bool FontSizeHasBeenSet() const { return m_fontSizeHasBeenSet; }
500     /**
501      * Specify the Font size (FontSize) in pixels. Must be a positive integer. Set to
502      * 0, or leave blank, for automatic font size.
503      */
SetFontSize(int value)504     inline void SetFontSize(int value) { m_fontSizeHasBeenSet = true; m_fontSize = value; }
506     /**
507      * Specify the Font size (FontSize) in pixels. Must be a positive integer. Set to
508      * 0, or leave blank, for automatic font size.
509      */
WithFontSize(int value)510     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithFontSize(int value) { SetFontSize(value); return *this;}
513     /**
514      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
515      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
516      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
517      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
518      */
GetHexFontColor()519     inline const Aws::String& GetHexFontColor() const{ return m_hexFontColor; }
521     /**
522      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
523      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
524      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
525      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
526      */
HexFontColorHasBeenSet()527     inline bool HexFontColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_hexFontColorHasBeenSet; }
529     /**
530      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
531      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
532      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
533      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
534      */
SetHexFontColor(const Aws::String & value)535     inline void SetHexFontColor(const Aws::String& value) { m_hexFontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_hexFontColor = value; }
537     /**
538      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
539      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
540      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
541      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
542      */
SetHexFontColor(Aws::String && value)543     inline void SetHexFontColor(Aws::String&& value) { m_hexFontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_hexFontColor = std::move(value); }
545     /**
546      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
547      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
548      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
549      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
550      */
SetHexFontColor(const char * value)551     inline void SetHexFontColor(const char* value) { m_hexFontColorHasBeenSet = true; m_hexFontColor.assign(value); }
553     /**
554      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
555      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
556      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
557      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
558      */
WithHexFontColor(const Aws::String & value)559     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithHexFontColor(const Aws::String& value) { SetHexFontColor(value); return *this;}
561     /**
562      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
563      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
564      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
565      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
566      */
WithHexFontColor(Aws::String && value)567     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithHexFontColor(Aws::String&& value) { SetHexFontColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
569     /**
570      * Ignore this setting unless your Font color is set to Hex. Enter either six or
571      * eight hexidecimal digits, representing red, green, and blue, with two optional
572      * extra digits for alpha. For example a value of 1122AABB is a red value of 0x11,
573      * a green value of 0x22, a blue value of 0xAA, and an alpha value of 0xBB.
574      */
WithHexFontColor(const char * value)575     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithHexFontColor(const char* value) { SetHexFontColor(value); return *this;}
578     /**
579      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
580      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
581      * data from your input captions, if present.
582      */
GetOutlineColor()583     inline const BurninSubtitleOutlineColor& GetOutlineColor() const{ return m_outlineColor; }
585     /**
586      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
587      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
588      * data from your input captions, if present.
589      */
OutlineColorHasBeenSet()590     inline bool OutlineColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_outlineColorHasBeenSet; }
592     /**
593      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
594      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
595      * data from your input captions, if present.
596      */
SetOutlineColor(const BurninSubtitleOutlineColor & value)597     inline void SetOutlineColor(const BurninSubtitleOutlineColor& value) { m_outlineColorHasBeenSet = true; m_outlineColor = value; }
599     /**
600      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
601      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
602      * data from your input captions, if present.
603      */
SetOutlineColor(BurninSubtitleOutlineColor && value)604     inline void SetOutlineColor(BurninSubtitleOutlineColor&& value) { m_outlineColorHasBeenSet = true; m_outlineColor = std::move(value); }
606     /**
607      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
608      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
609      * data from your input captions, if present.
610      */
WithOutlineColor(const BurninSubtitleOutlineColor & value)611     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithOutlineColor(const BurninSubtitleOutlineColor& value) { SetOutlineColor(value); return *this;}
613     /**
614      * Specify font outline color. Leave Outline color (OutlineColor) blank and set
615      * Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the font outline color
616      * data from your input captions, if present.
617      */
WithOutlineColor(BurninSubtitleOutlineColor && value)618     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithOutlineColor(BurninSubtitleOutlineColor&& value) { SetOutlineColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
621     /**
622      * Specify the Outline size (OutlineSize) of the caption text, in pixels. Leave
623      * Outline size blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
624      * use the outline size data from your input captions, if present.
625      */
GetOutlineSize()626     inline int GetOutlineSize() const{ return m_outlineSize; }
628     /**
629      * Specify the Outline size (OutlineSize) of the caption text, in pixels. Leave
630      * Outline size blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
631      * use the outline size data from your input captions, if present.
632      */
OutlineSizeHasBeenSet()633     inline bool OutlineSizeHasBeenSet() const { return m_outlineSizeHasBeenSet; }
635     /**
636      * Specify the Outline size (OutlineSize) of the caption text, in pixels. Leave
637      * Outline size blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
638      * use the outline size data from your input captions, if present.
639      */
SetOutlineSize(int value)640     inline void SetOutlineSize(int value) { m_outlineSizeHasBeenSet = true; m_outlineSize = value; }
642     /**
643      * Specify the Outline size (OutlineSize) of the caption text, in pixels. Leave
644      * Outline size blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
645      * use the outline size data from your input captions, if present.
646      */
WithOutlineSize(int value)647     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithOutlineSize(int value) { SetOutlineSize(value); return *this;}
650     /**
651      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
652      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
653      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
654      */
GetShadowColor()655     inline const BurninSubtitleShadowColor& GetShadowColor() const{ return m_shadowColor; }
657     /**
658      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
659      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
660      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
661      */
ShadowColorHasBeenSet()662     inline bool ShadowColorHasBeenSet() const { return m_shadowColorHasBeenSet; }
664     /**
665      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
666      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
667      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
668      */
SetShadowColor(const BurninSubtitleShadowColor & value)669     inline void SetShadowColor(const BurninSubtitleShadowColor& value) { m_shadowColorHasBeenSet = true; m_shadowColor = value; }
671     /**
672      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
673      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
674      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
675      */
SetShadowColor(BurninSubtitleShadowColor && value)676     inline void SetShadowColor(BurninSubtitleShadowColor&& value) { m_shadowColorHasBeenSet = true; m_shadowColor = std::move(value); }
678     /**
679      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
680      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
681      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
682      */
WithShadowColor(const BurninSubtitleShadowColor & value)683     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithShadowColor(const BurninSubtitleShadowColor& value) { SetShadowColor(value); return *this;}
685     /**
686      * Specify the color of the shadow cast by the captions. Leave Shadow color
687      * (ShadowColor) blank and set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to enabled to
688      * use the shadow color data from your input captions, if present.
689      */
WithShadowColor(BurninSubtitleShadowColor && value)690     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithShadowColor(BurninSubtitleShadowColor&& value) { SetShadowColor(std::move(value)); return *this;}
693     /**
694      * Specify the opacity of the shadow. Enter a value from 0 to 255, where 0 is
695      * transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
696      * Enabled, leave Shadow opacity (ShadowOpacity) blank to pass through the shadow
697      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
698      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
699      * shadows from your output captions.
700      */
GetShadowOpacity()701     inline int GetShadowOpacity() const{ return m_shadowOpacity; }
703     /**
704      * Specify the opacity of the shadow. Enter a value from 0 to 255, where 0 is
705      * transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
706      * Enabled, leave Shadow opacity (ShadowOpacity) blank to pass through the shadow
707      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
708      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
709      * shadows from your output captions.
710      */
ShadowOpacityHasBeenSet()711     inline bool ShadowOpacityHasBeenSet() const { return m_shadowOpacityHasBeenSet; }
713     /**
714      * Specify the opacity of the shadow. Enter a value from 0 to 255, where 0 is
715      * transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
716      * Enabled, leave Shadow opacity (ShadowOpacity) blank to pass through the shadow
717      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
718      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
719      * shadows from your output captions.
720      */
SetShadowOpacity(int value)721     inline void SetShadowOpacity(int value) { m_shadowOpacityHasBeenSet = true; m_shadowOpacity = value; }
723     /**
724      * Specify the opacity of the shadow. Enter a value from 0 to 255, where 0 is
725      * transparent and 255 is opaque. If Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) is set to
726      * Enabled, leave Shadow opacity (ShadowOpacity) blank to pass through the shadow
727      * style information in your input captions to your output captions. If Style
728      * passthrough is set to disabled, leave blank to use a value of 0 and remove all
729      * shadows from your output captions.
730      */
WithShadowOpacity(int value)731     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithShadowOpacity(int value) { SetShadowOpacity(value); return *this;}
734     /**
735      * Specify the horizontal offset of the shadow, relative to the captions in pixels.
736      * A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left.
737      */
GetShadowXOffset()738     inline int GetShadowXOffset() const{ return m_shadowXOffset; }
740     /**
741      * Specify the horizontal offset of the shadow, relative to the captions in pixels.
742      * A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left.
743      */
ShadowXOffsetHasBeenSet()744     inline bool ShadowXOffsetHasBeenSet() const { return m_shadowXOffsetHasBeenSet; }
746     /**
747      * Specify the horizontal offset of the shadow, relative to the captions in pixels.
748      * A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left.
749      */
SetShadowXOffset(int value)750     inline void SetShadowXOffset(int value) { m_shadowXOffsetHasBeenSet = true; m_shadowXOffset = value; }
752     /**
753      * Specify the horizontal offset of the shadow, relative to the captions in pixels.
754      * A value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels to the left.
755      */
WithShadowXOffset(int value)756     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithShadowXOffset(int value) { SetShadowXOffset(value); return *this;}
759     /**
760      * Specify the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A
761      * value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. Leave
762      * Shadow y-offset (ShadowYOffset) blank and set Style passthrough
763      * (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the shadow y-offset data from your input
764      * captions, if present.
765      */
GetShadowYOffset()766     inline int GetShadowYOffset() const{ return m_shadowYOffset; }
768     /**
769      * Specify the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A
770      * value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. Leave
771      * Shadow y-offset (ShadowYOffset) blank and set Style passthrough
772      * (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the shadow y-offset data from your input
773      * captions, if present.
774      */
ShadowYOffsetHasBeenSet()775     inline bool ShadowYOffsetHasBeenSet() const { return m_shadowYOffsetHasBeenSet; }
777     /**
778      * Specify the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A
779      * value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. Leave
780      * Shadow y-offset (ShadowYOffset) blank and set Style passthrough
781      * (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the shadow y-offset data from your input
782      * captions, if present.
783      */
SetShadowYOffset(int value)784     inline void SetShadowYOffset(int value) { m_shadowYOffsetHasBeenSet = true; m_shadowYOffset = value; }
786     /**
787      * Specify the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the captions in pixels. A
788      * value of -2 would result in a shadow offset 2 pixels above the text. Leave
789      * Shadow y-offset (ShadowYOffset) blank and set Style passthrough
790      * (StylePassthrough) to enabled to use the shadow y-offset data from your input
791      * captions, if present.
792      */
WithShadowYOffset(int value)793     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithShadowYOffset(int value) { SetShadowYOffset(value); return *this;}
796     /**
797      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
798      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
799      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
800      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
801      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
802      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
803      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
804      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
805      */
GetStylePassthrough()806     inline const BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough& GetStylePassthrough() const{ return m_stylePassthrough; }
808     /**
809      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
810      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
811      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
812      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
813      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
814      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
815      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
816      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
817      */
StylePassthroughHasBeenSet()818     inline bool StylePassthroughHasBeenSet() const { return m_stylePassthroughHasBeenSet; }
820     /**
821      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
822      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
823      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
824      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
825      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
826      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
827      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
828      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
829      */
SetStylePassthrough(const BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough & value)830     inline void SetStylePassthrough(const BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough& value) { m_stylePassthroughHasBeenSet = true; m_stylePassthrough = value; }
832     /**
833      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
834      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
835      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
836      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
837      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
838      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
839      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
840      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
841      */
SetStylePassthrough(BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough && value)842     inline void SetStylePassthrough(BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough&& value) { m_stylePassthroughHasBeenSet = true; m_stylePassthrough = std::move(value); }
844     /**
845      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
846      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
847      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
848      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
849      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
850      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
851      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
852      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
853      */
WithStylePassthrough(const BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough & value)854     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithStylePassthrough(const BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough& value) { SetStylePassthrough(value); return *this;}
856     /**
857      * Set Style passthrough (StylePassthrough) to ENABLED to use the available style,
858      * color, and position information from your input captions. MediaConvert uses
859      * default settings for any missing style and position information in your input
860      * captions. Set Style passthrough to DISABLED, or leave blank, to ignore the style
861      * and position information from your input captions and use default settings:
862      * white text with black outlining, bottom-center positioning, and automatic
863      * sizing. Whether you set Style passthrough to enabled or not, you can also choose
864      * to manually override any of the individual style and position settings.
865      */
WithStylePassthrough(BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough && value)866     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithStylePassthrough(BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough&& value) { SetStylePassthrough(std::move(value)); return *this;}
869     /**
870      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
871      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
872      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
873      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
874      * for closed captions.
875      */
GetTeletextSpacing()876     inline const BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing& GetTeletextSpacing() const{ return m_teletextSpacing; }
878     /**
879      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
880      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
881      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
882      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
883      * for closed captions.
884      */
TeletextSpacingHasBeenSet()885     inline bool TeletextSpacingHasBeenSet() const { return m_teletextSpacingHasBeenSet; }
887     /**
888      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
889      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
890      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
891      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
892      * for closed captions.
893      */
SetTeletextSpacing(const BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing & value)894     inline void SetTeletextSpacing(const BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing& value) { m_teletextSpacingHasBeenSet = true; m_teletextSpacing = value; }
896     /**
897      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
898      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
899      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
900      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
901      * for closed captions.
902      */
SetTeletextSpacing(BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing && value)903     inline void SetTeletextSpacing(BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing&& value) { m_teletextSpacingHasBeenSet = true; m_teletextSpacing = std::move(value); }
905     /**
906      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
907      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
908      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
909      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
910      * for closed captions.
911      */
WithTeletextSpacing(const BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing & value)912     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithTeletextSpacing(const BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing& value) { SetTeletextSpacing(value); return *this;}
914     /**
915      * Specify whether the text spacing (TeletextSpacing) in your captions is set by
916      * the captions grid, or varies depending on letter width. Choose fixed grid
917      * (FIXED_GRID) to conform to the spacing specified in the captions file more
918      * accurately. Choose proportional (PROPORTIONAL) to make the text easier to read
919      * for closed captions.
920      */
WithTeletextSpacing(BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing && value)921     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithTeletextSpacing(BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing&& value) { SetTeletextSpacing(std::move(value)); return *this;}
924     /**
925      * Specify the horizontal position (XPosition) of the captions, relative to the
926      * left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions
927      * starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is
928      * provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment
929      * parameter.
930      */
GetXPosition()931     inline int GetXPosition() const{ return m_xPosition; }
933     /**
934      * Specify the horizontal position (XPosition) of the captions, relative to the
935      * left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions
936      * starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is
937      * provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment
938      * parameter.
939      */
XPositionHasBeenSet()940     inline bool XPositionHasBeenSet() const { return m_xPositionHasBeenSet; }
942     /**
943      * Specify the horizontal position (XPosition) of the captions, relative to the
944      * left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions
945      * starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is
946      * provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment
947      * parameter.
948      */
SetXPosition(int value)949     inline void SetXPosition(int value) { m_xPositionHasBeenSet = true; m_xPosition = value; }
951     /**
952      * Specify the horizontal position (XPosition) of the captions, relative to the
953      * left side of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions
954      * starting 10 pixels from the left of the output. If no explicit x_position is
955      * provided, the horizontal caption position will be determined by the alignment
956      * parameter.
957      */
WithXPosition(int value)958     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithXPosition(int value) { SetXPosition(value); return *this;}
961     /**
962      * Specify the vertical position (YPosition) of the captions, relative to the top
963      * of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10
964      * pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the
965      * caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output.
966      */
GetYPosition()967     inline int GetYPosition() const{ return m_yPosition; }
969     /**
970      * Specify the vertical position (YPosition) of the captions, relative to the top
971      * of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10
972      * pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the
973      * caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output.
974      */
YPositionHasBeenSet()975     inline bool YPositionHasBeenSet() const { return m_yPositionHasBeenSet; }
977     /**
978      * Specify the vertical position (YPosition) of the captions, relative to the top
979      * of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10
980      * pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the
981      * caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output.
982      */
SetYPosition(int value)983     inline void SetYPosition(int value) { m_yPositionHasBeenSet = true; m_yPosition = value; }
985     /**
986      * Specify the vertical position (YPosition) of the captions, relative to the top
987      * of the output in pixels. A value of 10 would result in the captions starting 10
988      * pixels from the top of the output. If no explicit y_position is provided, the
989      * caption will be positioned towards the bottom of the output.
990      */
WithYPosition(int value)991     inline BurninDestinationSettings& WithYPosition(int value) { SetYPosition(value); return *this;}
993   private:
995     BurninSubtitleAlignment m_alignment;
996     bool m_alignmentHasBeenSet;
998     BurninSubtitleApplyFontColor m_applyFontColor;
999     bool m_applyFontColorHasBeenSet;
1001     BurninSubtitleBackgroundColor m_backgroundColor;
1002     bool m_backgroundColorHasBeenSet;
1004     int m_backgroundOpacity;
1005     bool m_backgroundOpacityHasBeenSet;
1007     BurninSubtitleFallbackFont m_fallbackFont;
1008     bool m_fallbackFontHasBeenSet;
1010     BurninSubtitleFontColor m_fontColor;
1011     bool m_fontColorHasBeenSet;
1013     int m_fontOpacity;
1014     bool m_fontOpacityHasBeenSet;
1016     int m_fontResolution;
1017     bool m_fontResolutionHasBeenSet;
1019     FontScript m_fontScript;
1020     bool m_fontScriptHasBeenSet;
1022     int m_fontSize;
1023     bool m_fontSizeHasBeenSet;
1025     Aws::String m_hexFontColor;
1026     bool m_hexFontColorHasBeenSet;
1028     BurninSubtitleOutlineColor m_outlineColor;
1029     bool m_outlineColorHasBeenSet;
1031     int m_outlineSize;
1032     bool m_outlineSizeHasBeenSet;
1034     BurninSubtitleShadowColor m_shadowColor;
1035     bool m_shadowColorHasBeenSet;
1037     int m_shadowOpacity;
1038     bool m_shadowOpacityHasBeenSet;
1040     int m_shadowXOffset;
1041     bool m_shadowXOffsetHasBeenSet;
1043     int m_shadowYOffset;
1044     bool m_shadowYOffsetHasBeenSet;
1046     BurnInSubtitleStylePassthrough m_stylePassthrough;
1047     bool m_stylePassthroughHasBeenSet;
1049     BurninSubtitleTeletextSpacing m_teletextSpacing;
1050     bool m_teletextSpacingHasBeenSet;
1052     int m_xPosition;
1053     bool m_xPositionHasBeenSet;
1055     int m_yPosition;
1056     bool m_yPositionHasBeenSet;
1057   };
1059 } // namespace Model
1060 } // namespace MediaConvert
1061 } // namespace Aws