1package json
3import (
4	"strconv"
5	"time"
8const (
9	// Import from zerolog/global.go
10	timeFormatUnix   = ""
11	timeFormatUnixMs = "UNIXMS"
12	timeFormatUnixMicro = "UNIXMICRO"
15// AppendTime formats the input time with the given format
16// and appends the encoded string to the input byte slice.
17func (e Encoder) AppendTime(dst []byte, t time.Time, format string) []byte {
18	switch format {
19	case timeFormatUnix:
20		return e.AppendInt64(dst, t.Unix())
21	case timeFormatUnixMs:
22		return e.AppendInt64(dst, t.UnixNano()/1000000)
23	case timeFormatUnixMicro:
24		return e.AppendInt64(dst, t.UnixNano()/1000)
25	}
26	return append(t.AppendFormat(append(dst, '"'), format), '"')
29// AppendTimes converts the input times with the given format
30// and appends the encoded string list to the input byte slice.
31func (Encoder) AppendTimes(dst []byte, vals []time.Time, format string) []byte {
32	switch format {
33	case timeFormatUnix:
34		return appendUnixTimes(dst, vals)
35	case timeFormatUnixMs:
36		return appendUnixMsTimes(dst, vals)
37	}
38	if len(vals) == 0 {
39		return append(dst, '[', ']')
40	}
41	dst = append(dst, '[')
42	dst = append(vals[0].AppendFormat(append(dst, '"'), format), '"')
43	if len(vals) > 1 {
44		for _, t := range vals[1:] {
45			dst = append(t.AppendFormat(append(dst, ',', '"'), format), '"')
46		}
47	}
48	dst = append(dst, ']')
49	return dst
52func appendUnixTimes(dst []byte, vals []time.Time) []byte {
53	if len(vals) == 0 {
54		return append(dst, '[', ']')
55	}
56	dst = append(dst, '[')
57	dst = strconv.AppendInt(dst, vals[0].Unix(), 10)
58	if len(vals) > 1 {
59		for _, t := range vals[1:] {
60			dst = strconv.AppendInt(append(dst, ','), t.Unix(), 10)
61		}
62	}
63	dst = append(dst, ']')
64	return dst
67func appendUnixMsTimes(dst []byte, vals []time.Time) []byte {
68	if len(vals) == 0 {
69		return append(dst, '[', ']')
70	}
71	dst = append(dst, '[')
72	dst = strconv.AppendInt(dst, vals[0].UnixNano()/1000000, 10)
73	if len(vals) > 1 {
74		for _, t := range vals[1:] {
75			dst = strconv.AppendInt(append(dst, ','), t.UnixNano()/1000000, 10)
76		}
77	}
78	dst = append(dst, ']')
79	return dst
82// AppendDuration formats the input duration with the given unit & format
83// and appends the encoded string to the input byte slice.
84func (e Encoder) AppendDuration(dst []byte, d time.Duration, unit time.Duration, useInt bool) []byte {
85	if useInt {
86		return strconv.AppendInt(dst, int64(d/unit), 10)
87	}
88	return e.AppendFloat64(dst, float64(d)/float64(unit))
91// AppendDurations formats the input durations with the given unit & format
92// and appends the encoded string list to the input byte slice.
93func (e Encoder) AppendDurations(dst []byte, vals []time.Duration, unit time.Duration, useInt bool) []byte {
94	if len(vals) == 0 {
95		return append(dst, '[', ']')
96	}
97	dst = append(dst, '[')
98	dst = e.AppendDuration(dst, vals[0], unit, useInt)
99	if len(vals) > 1 {
100		for _, d := range vals[1:] {
101			dst = e.AppendDuration(append(dst, ','), d, unit, useInt)
102		}
103	}
104	dst = append(dst, ']')
105	return dst