1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // peaks_over_threshold.hpp
3 //
4 //  Copyright 2006 Daniel Egloff, Olivier Gygi. Distributed under the Boost
5 //  Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
6 //  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
11 #include <vector>
12 #include <limits>
13 #include <numeric>
14 #include <functional>
15 #include <boost/config/no_tr1/cmath.hpp> // pow
16 #include <sstream> // stringstream
17 #include <stdexcept> // runtime_error
18 #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
19 #include <boost/range.hpp>
20 #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
21 #include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
22 #include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
23 #include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
24 #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
25 #include <boost/accumulators/accumulators_fwd.hpp>
26 #include <boost/accumulators/framework/accumulator_base.hpp>
27 #include <boost/accumulators/framework/extractor.hpp>
28 #include <boost/accumulators/numeric/functional.hpp>
29 #include <boost/accumulators/framework/parameters/sample.hpp>
30 #include <boost/accumulators/framework/depends_on.hpp>
31 #include <boost/accumulators/statistics_fwd.hpp>
32 #include <boost/accumulators/statistics/parameters/quantile_probability.hpp>
33 #include <boost/accumulators/statistics/count.hpp>
34 #include <boost/accumulators/statistics/tail.hpp>
36 #ifdef _MSC_VER
37 # pragma warning(push)
38 # pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
39 #endif
41 namespace boost { namespace accumulators
42 {
44 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
45 // threshold_probability and threshold named parameters
46 //
47 BOOST_PARAMETER_NESTED_KEYWORD(tag, pot_threshold_value, threshold_value)
48 BOOST_PARAMETER_NESTED_KEYWORD(tag, pot_threshold_probability, threshold_probability)
51 BOOST_ACCUMULATORS_IGNORE_GLOBAL(pot_threshold_probability)
53 namespace impl
54 {
55     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56     // peaks_over_threshold_impl
57     //  works with an explicit threshold value and does not depend on order statistics
58     /**
59         @brief Peaks over Threshold Method for Quantile and Tail Mean Estimation
61         According to the theorem of Pickands-Balkema-de Haan, the distribution function \f$F_u(x)\f$ of
62         the excesses \f$x\f$ over some sufficiently high threshold \f$u\f$ of a distribution function \f$F(x)\f$
63         may be approximated by a generalized Pareto distribution
64         \f[
65             G_{\xi,\beta}(x) =
66             \left\{
67             \begin{array}{ll}
68                 \beta^{-1}\left(1+\frac{\xi x}{\beta}\right)^{-1/\xi-1} & \textrm{if }\xi\neq0\\
69                 \beta^{-1}\exp\left(-\frac{x}{\beta}\right) & \textrm{if }\xi=0,
70             \end{array}
71             \right.
72         \f]
73         with suitable parameters \f$\xi\f$ and \f$\beta\f$ that can be estimated, e.g., with the method of moments, cf.
74         Hosking and Wallis (1987),
75         \f[
76             \begin{array}{lll}
77             \hat{\xi} & = & \frac{1}{2}\left[1-\frac{(\hat{\mu}-u)^2}{\hat{\sigma}^2}\right]\\
78             \hat{\beta} & = & \frac{\hat{\mu}-u}{2}\left[\frac{(\hat{\mu}-u)^2}{\hat{\sigma}^2}+1\right],
79             \end{array}
80         \f]
81         \f$\hat{\mu}\f$ and \f$\hat{\sigma}^2\f$ being the empirical mean and variance of the samples over
82         the threshold \f$u\f$. Equivalently, the distribution function
83         \f$F_u(x-u)\f$ of the exceedances \f$x-u\f$ can be approximated by
84         \f$G_{\xi,\beta}(x-u)=G_{\xi,\beta,u}(x)\f$. Since for \f$x\geq u\f$ the distribution function \f$F(x)\f$
85         can be written as
86         \f[
87             F(x) = [1 - \P(X \leq u)]F_u(x - u) + \P(X \leq u)
88         \f]
89         and the probability \f$\P(X \leq u)\f$ can be approximated by the empirical distribution function
90         \f$F_n(u)\f$ evaluated at \f$u\f$, an estimator of \f$F(x)\f$ is given by
91         \f[
92             \widehat{F}(x) = [1 - F_n(u)]G_{\xi,\beta,u}(x) + F_n(u).
93         \f]
94         It can be shown that \f$\widehat{F}(x)\f$ is a generalized
95         Pareto distribution \f$G_{\xi,\bar{\beta},\bar{u}}(x)\f$ with \f$\bar{\beta}=\beta[1-F_n(u)]^{\xi}\f$
96         and \f$\bar{u}=u-\bar{\beta}\left\{[1-F_n(u)]^{-\xi}-1\right\}/\xi\f$. By inverting \f$\widehat{F}(x)\f$,
97         one obtains an estimator for the \f$\alpha\f$-quantile,
98         \f[
99             \hat{q}_{\alpha} = \bar{u} + \frac{\bar{\beta}}{\xi}\left[(1-\alpha)^{-\xi}-1\right],
100         \f]
101         and similarly an estimator for the (coherent) tail mean,
102         \f[
103             \widehat{CTM}_{\alpha} = \hat{q}_{\alpha} - \frac{\bar{\beta}}{\xi-1}(1-\alpha)^{-\xi},
104         \f]
105         cf. McNeil and Frey (2000).
107         Note that in case extreme values of the left tail are fitted, the distribution is mirrored with respect to the
108         \f$y\f$ axis such that the left tail can be treated as a right tail. The computed fit parameters thus define
109         the Pareto distribution that fits the mirrored left tail. When quantities like a quantile or a tail mean are
110         computed using the fit parameters obtained from the mirrored data, the result is mirrored back, yielding the
111         correct result.
113         For further details, see
115         J. R. M. Hosking and J. R. Wallis, Parameter and quantile estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution,
116         Technometrics, Volume 29, 1987, p. 339-349
118         A. J. McNeil and R. Frey, Estimation of Tail-Related Risk Measures for Heteroscedastic Financial Time Series:
119         an Extreme Value Approach, Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 7, 2000, p. 271-300
121         @param quantile_probability
122         @param pot_threshold_value
123     */
124     template<typename Sample, typename LeftRight>
125     struct peaks_over_threshold_impl
126       : accumulator_base
127     {
128         typedef typename numeric::functional::fdiv<Sample, std::size_t>::result_type float_type;
129         // for boost::result_of
130         typedef boost::tuple<float_type, float_type, float_type> result_type;
131         // for left tail fitting, mirror the extreme values
132         typedef mpl::int_<is_same<LeftRight, left>::value ? -1 : 1> sign;
134         template<typename Args>
peaks_over_threshold_implboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_impl135         peaks_over_threshold_impl(Args const &args)
136           : Nu_(0)
137           , mu_(sign::value * numeric::fdiv(args[sample | Sample()], (std::size_t)1))
138           , sigma2_(numeric::fdiv(args[sample | Sample()], (std::size_t)1))
139           , threshold_(sign::value * args[pot_threshold_value])
140           , fit_parameters_(boost::make_tuple(0., 0., 0.))
141           , is_dirty_(true)
142         {
143         }
145         template<typename Args>
operator ()boost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_impl146         void operator ()(Args const &args)
147         {
148             this->is_dirty_ = true;
150             if (sign::value * args[sample] > this->threshold_)
151             {
152                 this->mu_ += args[sample];
153                 this->sigma2_ += args[sample] * args[sample];
154                 ++this->Nu_;
155             }
156         }
158         template<typename Args>
resultboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_impl159         result_type result(Args const &args) const
160         {
161             if (this->is_dirty_)
162             {
163                 this->is_dirty_ = false;
165                 std::size_t cnt = count(args);
167                 this->mu_ = sign::value * numeric::fdiv(this->mu_, this->Nu_);
168                 this->sigma2_ = numeric::fdiv(this->sigma2_, this->Nu_);
169                 this->sigma2_ -= this->mu_ * this->mu_;
171                 float_type threshold_probability = numeric::fdiv(cnt - this->Nu_, cnt);
173                 float_type tmp = numeric::fdiv(( this->mu_ - this->threshold_ )*( this->mu_ - this->threshold_ ), this->sigma2_);
174                 float_type xi_hat = 0.5 * ( 1. - tmp );
175                 float_type beta_hat = 0.5 * ( this->mu_ - this->threshold_ ) * ( 1. + tmp );
176                 float_type beta_bar = beta_hat * std::pow(1. - threshold_probability, xi_hat);
177                 float_type u_bar = this->threshold_ - beta_bar * ( std::pow(1. - threshold_probability, -xi_hat) - 1.)/xi_hat;
178                 this->fit_parameters_ = boost::make_tuple(u_bar, beta_bar, xi_hat);
179             }
181             return this->fit_parameters_;
182         }
184         // make this accumulator serializeable
185         // TODO: do we need to split to load/save and verify that threshold did not change?
186         template<class Archive>
serializeboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_impl187         void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int file_version)
188         {
189             ar & Nu_;
190             ar & mu_;
191             ar & sigma2_;
192             ar & threshold_;
193             ar & get<0>(fit_parameters_);
194             ar & get<1>(fit_parameters_);
195             ar & get<2>(fit_parameters_);
196             ar & is_dirty_;
197         }
199     private:
200         std::size_t Nu_;                     // number of samples larger than threshold
201         mutable float_type mu_;              // mean of Nu_ largest samples
202         mutable float_type sigma2_;          // variance of Nu_ largest samples
203         float_type threshold_;
204         mutable result_type fit_parameters_; // boost::tuple that stores fit parameters
205         mutable bool is_dirty_;
206     };
208     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
209     // peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl
210     //  determines threshold from a given threshold probability using order statistics
211     /**
212         @brief Peaks over Threshold Method for Quantile and Tail Mean Estimation
214         @sa peaks_over_threshold_impl
216         @param quantile_probability
217         @param pot_threshold_probability
218     */
219     template<typename Sample, typename LeftRight>
220     struct peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl
221       : accumulator_base
222     {
223         typedef typename numeric::functional::fdiv<Sample, std::size_t>::result_type float_type;
224         // for boost::result_of
225         typedef boost::tuple<float_type, float_type, float_type> result_type;
226         // for left tail fitting, mirror the extreme values
227         typedef mpl::int_<is_same<LeftRight, left>::value ? -1 : 1> sign;
229         template<typename Args>
peaks_over_threshold_prob_implboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl230         peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl(Args const &args)
231           : mu_(sign::value * numeric::fdiv(args[sample | Sample()], (std::size_t)1))
232           , sigma2_(numeric::fdiv(args[sample | Sample()], (std::size_t)1))
233           , threshold_probability_(args[pot_threshold_probability])
234           , fit_parameters_(boost::make_tuple(0., 0., 0.))
235           , is_dirty_(true)
236         {
237         }
operator ()boost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl239         void operator ()(dont_care)
240         {
241             this->is_dirty_ = true;
242         }
244         template<typename Args>
resultboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl245         result_type result(Args const &args) const
246         {
247             if (this->is_dirty_)
248             {
249                 this->is_dirty_ = false;
251                 std::size_t cnt = count(args);
253                 // the n'th cached sample provides an approximate threshold value u
254                 std::size_t n = static_cast<std::size_t>(
255                     std::ceil(
256                         cnt * ( ( is_same<LeftRight, left>::value ) ? this->threshold_probability_ : 1. - this->threshold_probability_ )
257                     )
258                 );
260                 // If n is in a valid range, return result, otherwise return NaN or throw exception
261                 if ( n >= static_cast<std::size_t>(tail(args).size()))
262                 {
263                     if (std::numeric_limits<float_type>::has_quiet_NaN)
264                     {
265                         return boost::make_tuple(
266                             std::numeric_limits<float_type>::quiet_NaN()
267                           , std::numeric_limits<float_type>::quiet_NaN()
268                           , std::numeric_limits<float_type>::quiet_NaN()
269                         );
270                     }
271                     else
272                     {
273                         std::ostringstream msg;
274                         msg << "index n = " << n << " is not in valid range [0, " << tail(args).size() << ")";
275                         boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error(msg.str()));
276                         return boost::make_tuple(Sample(0), Sample(0), Sample(0));
277                     }
278                 }
279                 else
280                 {
281                     float_type u = *(tail(args).begin() + n - 1) * sign::value;
283                     // compute mean and variance of samples above/under threshold value u
284                     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
285                     {
286                         mu_ += *(tail(args).begin() + i);
287                         sigma2_ += *(tail(args).begin() + i) * (*(tail(args).begin() + i));
288                     }
290                     this->mu_ = sign::value * numeric::fdiv(this->mu_, n);
291                     this->sigma2_ = numeric::fdiv(this->sigma2_, n);
292                     this->sigma2_ -= this->mu_ * this->mu_;
294                     if (is_same<LeftRight, left>::value)
295                         this->threshold_probability_ = 1. - this->threshold_probability_;
297                     float_type tmp = numeric::fdiv(( this->mu_ - u )*( this->mu_ - u ), this->sigma2_);
298                     float_type xi_hat = 0.5 * ( 1. - tmp );
299                     float_type beta_hat = 0.5 * ( this->mu_ - u ) * ( 1. + tmp );
300                     float_type beta_bar = beta_hat * std::pow(1. - threshold_probability_, xi_hat);
301                     float_type u_bar = u - beta_bar * ( std::pow(1. - threshold_probability_, -xi_hat) - 1.)/xi_hat;
302                     this->fit_parameters_ = boost::make_tuple(u_bar, beta_bar, xi_hat);
303                 }
304             }
306             return this->fit_parameters_;
307         }
309         // make this accumulator serializeable
310         // TODO: do we need to split to load/save and verify that threshold did not change?
311         template<class Archive>
serializeboost::accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl312         void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int file_version)
313         {
314             ar & mu_;
315             ar & sigma2_;
316             ar & threshold_probability_;
317             ar & get<0>(fit_parameters_);
318             ar & get<1>(fit_parameters_);
319             ar & get<2>(fit_parameters_);
320             ar & is_dirty_;
321         }
323     private:
324         mutable float_type mu_;                     // mean of samples above threshold u
325         mutable float_type sigma2_;                 // variance of samples above threshold u
326         mutable float_type threshold_probability_;
327         mutable result_type fit_parameters_;        // boost::tuple that stores fit parameters
328         mutable bool is_dirty_;
329     };
331 } // namespace impl
333 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
334 // tag::peaks_over_threshold
335 //
336 namespace tag
337 {
338     template<typename LeftRight>
339     struct peaks_over_threshold
340       : depends_on<count>
341       , pot_threshold_value
342     {
343         /// INTERNAL ONLY
344         ///
345         typedef accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_impl<mpl::_1, LeftRight> impl;
346     };
348     template<typename LeftRight>
349     struct peaks_over_threshold_prob
350       : depends_on<count, tail<LeftRight> >
351       , pot_threshold_probability
352     {
353         /// INTERNAL ONLY
354         ///
355         typedef accumulators::impl::peaks_over_threshold_prob_impl<mpl::_1, LeftRight> impl;
356     };
358     struct abstract_peaks_over_threshold
359       : depends_on<>
360     {
361     };
362 }
364 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 // extract::peaks_over_threshold
366 //
367 namespace extract
368 {
369     extractor<tag::abstract_peaks_over_threshold> const peaks_over_threshold = {};
371     BOOST_ACCUMULATORS_IGNORE_GLOBAL(peaks_over_threshold)
372 }
374 using extract::peaks_over_threshold;
376 // peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight>(with_threshold_value) -> peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight>
377 template<typename LeftRight>
378 struct as_feature<tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight>(with_threshold_value)>
379 {
380     typedef tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> type;
381 };
383 // peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight>(with_threshold_probability) -> peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight>
384 template<typename LeftRight>
385 struct as_feature<tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight>(with_threshold_probability)>
386 {
387     typedef tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> type;
388 };
390 template<typename LeftRight>
391 struct feature_of<tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> >
392   : feature_of<tag::abstract_peaks_over_threshold>
393 {
394 };
396 template<typename LeftRight>
397 struct feature_of<tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> >
398   : feature_of<tag::abstract_peaks_over_threshold>
399 {
400 };
402 // So that peaks_over_threshold can be automatically substituted
403 // with weighted_peaks_over_threshold when the weight parameter is non-void.
404 template<typename LeftRight>
405 struct as_weighted_feature<tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> >
406 {
407     typedef tag::weighted_peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> type;
408 };
410 template<typename LeftRight>
411 struct feature_of<tag::weighted_peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> >
412   : feature_of<tag::peaks_over_threshold<LeftRight> >
413 {};
415 // So that peaks_over_threshold_prob can be automatically substituted
416 // with weighted_peaks_over_threshold_prob when the weight parameter is non-void.
417 template<typename LeftRight>
418 struct as_weighted_feature<tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> >
419 {
420     typedef tag::weighted_peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> type;
421 };
423 template<typename LeftRight>
424 struct feature_of<tag::weighted_peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> >
425   : feature_of<tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<LeftRight> >
426 {};
428 }} // namespace boost::accumulators
430 #ifdef _MSC_VER
431 # pragma warning(pop)
432 #endif
434 #endif