1 //
2 // Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
3 //
4 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
5 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
7 //
11 #include <boost/gil/concepts/basic.hpp>
12 #include <boost/gil/concepts/color.hpp>
13 #include <boost/gil/concepts/concept_check.hpp>
14 #include <boost/gil/concepts/fwd.hpp>
16 #include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp>
17 #include <type_traits>
19 #if defined(BOOST_CLANG)
20 #pragma clang diagnostic push
21 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs"
22 #endif
24 #if defined(BOOST_GCC) && (BOOST_GCC >= 40900)
25 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
26 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs"
27 #endif
29 namespace boost { namespace gil {
31 // Forward declarations of at_c
32 namespace detail {
34 template <typename Element, typename Layout, int K>
35 struct homogeneous_color_base;
37 } // namespace detail
39 template <int K, typename E, typename L, int N>
40 auto at_c(detail::homogeneous_color_base<E, L, N>& p)
41     -> typename std::add_lvalue_reference<E>::type;
43 template <int K, typename E, typename L, int N>
44 auto at_c(detail::homogeneous_color_base<E, L, N> const& p)
45     -> typename std::add_lvalue_reference<typename std::add_const<E>::type>::type;
47 template <typename P, typename C, typename L>
48 struct packed_pixel;
50 template <int K, typename P, typename C, typename L>
51 auto at_c(packed_pixel<P, C, L>& p)
52     -> typename kth_element_reference_type<packed_pixel<P, C, L>, K>::type;
54 template <int K, typename P, typename C, typename L>
55 auto at_c(packed_pixel<P, C, L> const& p)
56     -> typename kth_element_const_reference_type<packed_pixel<P, C, L>, K>::type;
58 template <typename B, typename C, typename L, bool M>
59 struct bit_aligned_pixel_reference;
61 template <int K, typename B, typename C, typename L, bool M>
62 inline auto at_c(bit_aligned_pixel_reference<B, C, L, M> const& p)
63     -> typename kth_element_reference_type
64         <
65             bit_aligned_pixel_reference<B, C, L, M>,
66             K
67         >::type;
69 // Forward declarations of semantic_at_c
70 template <int K, typename ColorBase>
71 auto semantic_at_c(ColorBase& p)
72     -> typename std::enable_if
73         <
74             !std::is_const<ColorBase>::value,
75             typename kth_semantic_element_reference_type<ColorBase, K>::type
76         >::type;
78 template <int K, typename ColorBase>
79 auto semantic_at_c(ColorBase const& p)
80     -> typename kth_semantic_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase, K>::type;
82 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
83 /// \brief A color base is a container of color elements (such as channels, channel references or channel pointers).
84 ///
85 /// The most common use of color base is in the implementation of a pixel,
86 /// in which case the color elements are channel values. The color base concept,
87 /// however, can be used in other scenarios. For example, a planar pixel has
88 /// channels that are not contiguous in memory. Its reference is a proxy class
89 /// that uses a color base whose elements are channel references. Its iterator
90 /// uses a color base whose elements are channel iterators.
91 ///
92 /// A color base must have an associated layout (which consists of a color space,
93 /// as well as an ordering of the channels).
94 /// There are two ways to index the elements of a color base: A physical index
95 /// corresponds to the way they are ordered in memory, and a semantic index
96 /// corresponds to the way the elements are ordered in their color space.
97 /// For example, in the RGB color space the elements are ordered as
98 /// {red_t, green_t, blue_t}. For a color base with a BGR layout, the first element
99 /// in physical ordering is the blue element, whereas the first semantic element
100 /// is the red one.
101 /// Models of \p ColorBaseConcept are required to provide the \p at_c<K>(ColorBase)
102 /// function, which allows for accessing the elements based on their physical order.
103 /// GIL provides a \p semantic_at_c<K>(ColorBase) function (described later)
104 /// which can operate on any model of ColorBaseConcept and returns the corresponding
105 /// semantic element.
106 ///
107 /// \code
108 /// concept ColorBaseConcept<typename T> : CopyConstructible<T>, EqualityComparable<T>
109 /// {
110 ///     // a GIL layout (the color space and element permutation)
111 ///     typename layout_t;
112 ///
113 ///     // The type of K-th element
114 ///     template <int K>
115 ///     struct kth_element_type;
116 ///         where Metafunction<kth_element_type>;
117 ///
118 ///     // The result of at_c
119 ///     template <int K>
120 ///     struct kth_element_const_reference_type;
121 ///         where Metafunction<kth_element_const_reference_type>;
122 ///
123 ///     template <int K>
124 ///     kth_element_const_reference_type<T,K>::type at_c(T);
125 ///
126 ///     // Copy-constructible and equality comparable with other compatible color bases
127 ///     template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
128 ///         T::T(T2);
129 ///     template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
130 ///         bool operator==(const T&, const T2&);
131 ///     template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
132 ///         bool operator!=(const T&, const T2&);
133 /// };
134 /// \endcode
135 template <typename ColorBase>
136 struct ColorBaseConcept
137 {
constraintsboost::gil::ColorBaseConcept138     void constraints()
139     {
140         gil_function_requires<CopyConstructible<ColorBase>>();
141         gil_function_requires<EqualityComparable<ColorBase>>();
143         using color_space_t = typename ColorBase::layout_t::color_space_t;
144         gil_function_requires<ColorSpaceConcept<color_space_t>>();
146         using channel_mapping_t = typename ColorBase::layout_t::channel_mapping_t;
147         // TODO: channel_mapping_t must be an Boost.MP11-compatible random access sequence
149         static const int num_elements = size<ColorBase>::value;
151         using TN = typename kth_element_type<ColorBase, num_elements - 1>::type;
152         using RN = typename kth_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase, num_elements - 1>::type;
154         RN r = gil::at_c<num_elements - 1>(cb);
155         boost::ignore_unused(r);
157         // functions that work for every pixel (no need to require them)
158         semantic_at_c<0>(cb);
159         semantic_at_c<num_elements-1>(cb);
160         // also static_max(cb), static_min(cb), static_fill(cb,value),
161         // and all variations of static_for_each(), static_generate(), static_transform()
162     }
163     ColorBase cb;
164 };
166 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
167 /// \brief Color base which allows for modifying its elements
168 /// \code
169 /// concept MutableColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept T> : Assignable<T>, Swappable<T>
170 /// {
171 ///     template <int K>
172 ///     struct kth_element_reference_type; where Metafunction<kth_element_reference_type>;
173 ///
174 ///     template <int K>
175 ///     kth_element_reference_type<kth_element_type<T,K>::type>::type at_c(T);
176 ///
177 ///     template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
178 ///         T& operator=(T&, const T2&);
179 /// };
180 /// \endcode
181 template <typename ColorBase>
182 struct MutableColorBaseConcept
183 {
constraintsboost::gil::MutableColorBaseConcept184     void constraints()
185     {
186         gil_function_requires<ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
187         gil_function_requires<Assignable<ColorBase>>();
188         gil_function_requires<Swappable<ColorBase>>();
190         using R0 = typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase, 0>::type;
192         R0 r = gil::at_c<0>(cb);
193         gil::at_c<0>(cb) = r;
194     }
195     ColorBase cb;
196 };
198 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
199 /// \brief Color base that also has a default-constructor. Refines Regular
200 /// \code
201 /// concept ColorBaseValueConcept<typename T> : MutableColorBaseConcept<T>, Regular<T>
202 /// {
203 /// };
204 /// \endcode
205 template <typename ColorBase>
206 struct ColorBaseValueConcept
207 {
constraintsboost::gil::ColorBaseValueConcept208     void constraints()
209     {
210         gil_function_requires<MutableColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
211         gil_function_requires<Regular<ColorBase>>();
212     }
213 };
215 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
216 /// \brief Color base whose elements all have the same type
217 /// \code
218 /// concept HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept CB>
219 /// {
220 ///     // For all K in [0 ... size<C1>::value-1):
221 ///     //     where SameType<kth_element_type<CB,K>::type, kth_element_type<CB,K+1>::type>;
222 ///     kth_element_const_reference_type<CB,0>::type dynamic_at_c(CB const&, std::size_t n) const;
223 /// };
224 /// \endcode
225 template <typename ColorBase>
226 struct HomogeneousColorBaseConcept
227 {
constraintsboost::gil::HomogeneousColorBaseConcept228     void constraints()
229     {
230         gil_function_requires<ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
232         static const int num_elements = size<ColorBase>::value;
234         using T0 = typename kth_element_type<ColorBase, 0>::type;
235         using TN = typename kth_element_type<ColorBase, num_elements - 1>::type;
237         static_assert(std::is_same<T0, TN>::value, "");   // better than nothing
239         using R0 = typename kth_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase, 0>::type;
240         R0 r = dynamic_at_c(cb, 0);
241         boost::ignore_unused(r);
242     }
243     ColorBase cb;
244 };
246 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
247 /// \brief Homogeneous color base that allows for modifying its elements
248 /// \code
249 /// concept MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept CB>
250 ///     : HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<CB>
251 /// {
252 ///     kth_element_reference_type<CB, 0>::type dynamic_at_c(CB&, std::size_t n);
253 /// };
254 /// \endcode
255 template <typename ColorBase>
256 struct MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept
257 {
constraintsboost::gil::MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept258     void constraints()
259     {
260         gil_function_requires<ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
261         gil_function_requires<HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
262         using R0 = typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase, 0>::type;
263         R0 r = dynamic_at_c(cb, 0);
264         boost::ignore_unused(r);
265         dynamic_at_c(cb, 0) = dynamic_at_c(cb, 0);
266     }
267     ColorBase cb;
268 };
270 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
271 /// \brief Homogeneous color base that also has a default constructor.
272 /// Refines Regular.
273 ///
274 /// \code
275 /// concept HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept<typename T>
276 ///     : MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<T>, Regular<T>
277 /// {
278 /// };
279 /// \endcode
280 template <typename ColorBase>
281 struct HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept
282 {
constraintsboost::gil::HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept283     void constraints()
284     {
285         gil_function_requires<MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBase>>();
286         gil_function_requires<Regular<ColorBase>>();
287     }
288 };
290 /// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
291 /// \brief Two color bases are compatible if they have the same color space and their elements are compatible, semantic-pairwise.
292 /// \code
293 /// concept ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<ColorBaseConcept C1, ColorBaseConcept C2>
294 /// {
295 ///     where SameType<C1::layout_t::color_space_t, C2::layout_t::color_space_t>;
296 ///     // also, for all K in [0 ... size<C1>::value):
297 ///     //     where Convertible<kth_semantic_element_type<C1,K>::type, kth_semantic_element_type<C2,K>::type>;
298 ///     //     where Convertible<kth_semantic_element_type<C2,K>::type, kth_semantic_element_type<C1,K>::type>;
299 /// };
300 /// \endcode
301 template <typename ColorBase1, typename ColorBase2>
302 struct ColorBasesCompatibleConcept
303 {
constraintsboost::gil::ColorBasesCompatibleConcept304     void constraints()
305     {
306         static_assert(std::is_same
307             <
308                 typename ColorBase1::layout_t::color_space_t,
309                 typename ColorBase2::layout_t::color_space_t
310             >::value, "");
312 //        using e1 = typename kth_semantic_element_type<ColorBase1,0>::type;
313 //        using e2 = typename kth_semantic_element_type<ColorBase2,0>::type;
314 //        "e1 is convertible to e2"
315     }
316 };
318 }} // namespace boost::gil
320 #if defined(BOOST_CLANG)
321 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
322 #endif
324 #if defined(BOOST_GCC) && (BOOST_GCC >= 40900)
325 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
326 #endif
328 #endif