1BOSSA 1.9
4BOSSA is a flash programming utility for Atmel's SAM family of flash-based ARM microcontrollers.
5The motivation behind BOSSA is to create a simple, easy-to-use, open source utility to replace Atmel's SAM-BA software.
6BOSSA is an acronym for Basic Open Source SAM-BA Application to reflect that goal.
8The software was created by Scott Shumate with contributions from several
11The software is released under the terms of the BSD license as specified in the LICENSE file.
13Supported Device Families
15 * SAM7S
16 * SAM7SE
17 * SAM7X
18 * SAM7XC
19 * SAM3N
20 * SAM3S
21 * SAM3U
22 * SAM4E
23 * SAM4S
24 * SAMD21
25 * SAMD51
26 * SAM3X\*
27 * SAM3A\*
28 * SAM7L\*
29 * SAM9XE\*
30 * SAMR21\*
31 * SAML21\*
32 * SAME51\*
33 * SAME53\*
34 * SAME54\*
35 * SAME70\*
36 * SAMS70\*
37 * SAMV70\*
38 * SAMV71\*
40\* Device families which are not tested for each release and could stop working.
42Do you want to help make sure a device family is tested or do you want to see a new device family added?  Then contribute a development board with a device from that family to the BOSSA project to make it happen.  Contact scott at shumatech.com if you are interested in helping the project.
44The following individuals and companies graciously provided development boards to assist the BOSSA project.
45 * Atmel Corporation (SAM3N, SAM3S, SAM3U)
46 * David Crocker (SAM4E, SAM4S)
47 * Adafruit Industries (SAMD21, SAMD51)