1# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18"""B+Tree indices"""
20from io import BytesIO
22from ..lazy_import import lazy_import
23lazy_import(globals(), """
24import bisect
25import math
26import tempfile
27import zlib
30from .. import (
31    chunk_writer,
32    debug,
33    fifo_cache,
34    lru_cache,
35    osutils,
36    static_tuple,
37    trace,
38    transport,
39    )
40from . import (
41    index,
42    )
46_BTSIGNATURE = b"B+Tree Graph Index 2\n"
47_OPTION_ROW_LENGTHS = b"row_lengths="
48_LEAF_FLAG = b"type=leaf\n"
49_INTERNAL_FLAG = b"type=internal\n"
50_INTERNAL_OFFSET = b"offset="
53_PAGE_SIZE = 4096
55# 4K per page: 4MB - 1000 entries
59class _BuilderRow(object):
60    """The stored state accumulated while writing out a row in the index.
62    :ivar spool: A temporary file used to accumulate nodes for this row
63        in the tree.
64    :ivar nodes: The count of nodes emitted so far.
65    """
67    def __init__(self):
68        """Create a _BuilderRow."""
69        self.nodes = 0
70        self.spool = None  # tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='bzr-index-row-')
71        self.writer = None
73    def finish_node(self, pad=True):
74        byte_lines, _, padding = self.writer.finish()
75        if self.nodes == 0:
76            self.spool = BytesIO()
77            # padded note:
78            self.spool.write(b"\x00" * _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES)
79        elif self.nodes == 1:
80            # We got bigger than 1 node, switch to a temp file
81            spool = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='bzr-index-row-')
82            spool.write(self.spool.getvalue())
83            self.spool = spool
84        skipped_bytes = 0
85        if not pad and padding:
86            del byte_lines[-1]
87            skipped_bytes = padding
88        self.spool.writelines(byte_lines)
89        remainder = (self.spool.tell() + skipped_bytes) % _PAGE_SIZE
90        if remainder != 0:
91            raise AssertionError("incorrect node length: %d, %d"
92                                 % (self.spool.tell(), remainder))
93        self.nodes += 1
94        self.writer = None
97class _InternalBuilderRow(_BuilderRow):
98    """The stored state accumulated while writing out internal rows."""
100    def finish_node(self, pad=True):
101        if not pad:
102            raise AssertionError("Must pad internal nodes only.")
103        _BuilderRow.finish_node(self)
106class _LeafBuilderRow(_BuilderRow):
107    """The stored state accumulated while writing out a leaf rows."""
110class BTreeBuilder(index.GraphIndexBuilder):
111    """A Builder for B+Tree based Graph indices.
113    The resulting graph has the structure:
116    _SIGNATURE     := 'B+Tree Graph Index 1' NEWLINE
118    REF_LISTS      := 'node_ref_lists=' DIGITS NEWLINE
119    KEY_ELEMENTS   := 'key_elements=' DIGITS NEWLINE
120    LENGTH         := 'len=' DIGITS NEWLINE
121    ROW_LENGTHS    := 'row_lengths' DIGITS (COMMA DIGITS)*
122    NODES          := NODE_COMPRESSED*
124    NODE_RAW       := INTERNAL | LEAF
126    LEAF           := LEAF_FLAG ROWS
127    KEY_ELEMENT    := Not-whitespace-utf8
128    KEY            := KEY_ELEMENT (NULL KEY_ELEMENT)*
129    ROWS           := ROW*
131    ABSENT         := 'a'
132    REFERENCES     := REFERENCE_LIST (TAB REFERENCE_LIST){node_ref_lists - 1}
134    REFERENCE      := KEY
135    VALUE          := no-newline-no-null-bytes
136    """
138    def __init__(self, reference_lists=0, key_elements=1, spill_at=100000):
139        """See GraphIndexBuilder.__init__.
141        :param spill_at: Optional parameter controlling the maximum number
142            of nodes that BTreeBuilder will hold in memory.
143        """
144        index.GraphIndexBuilder.__init__(self, reference_lists=reference_lists,
145                                         key_elements=key_elements)
146        self._spill_at = spill_at
147        self._backing_indices = []
148        # A map of {key: (node_refs, value)}
149        self._nodes = {}
150        # Indicate it hasn't been built yet
151        self._nodes_by_key = None
152        self._optimize_for_size = False
154    def add_node(self, key, value, references=()):
155        """Add a node to the index.
157        If adding the node causes the builder to reach its spill_at threshold,
158        disk spilling will be triggered.
160        :param key: The key. keys are non-empty tuples containing
161            as many whitespace-free utf8 bytestrings as the key length
162            defined for this index.
163        :param references: An iterable of iterables of keys. Each is a
164            reference to another key.
165        :param value: The value to associate with the key. It may be any
166            bytes as long as it does not contain \\0 or \\n.
167        """
168        # Ensure that 'key' is a StaticTuple
169        key = static_tuple.StaticTuple.from_sequence(key).intern()
170        # we don't care about absent_references
171        node_refs, _ = self._check_key_ref_value(key, references, value)
172        if key in self._nodes:
173            raise index.BadIndexDuplicateKey(key, self)
174        self._nodes[key] = static_tuple.StaticTuple(node_refs, value)
175        if self._nodes_by_key is not None and self._key_length > 1:
176            self._update_nodes_by_key(key, value, node_refs)
177        if len(self._nodes) < self._spill_at:
178            return
179        self._spill_mem_keys_to_disk()
181    def _spill_mem_keys_to_disk(self):
182        """Write the in memory keys down to disk to cap memory consumption.
184        If we already have some keys written to disk, we will combine them so
185        as to preserve the sorted order.  The algorithm for combining uses
186        powers of two.  So on the first spill, write all mem nodes into a
187        single index. On the second spill, combine the mem nodes with the nodes
188        on disk to create a 2x sized disk index and get rid of the first index.
189        On the third spill, create a single new disk index, which will contain
190        the mem nodes, and preserve the existing 2x sized index.  On the fourth,
191        combine mem with the first and second indexes, creating a new one of
192        size 4x. On the fifth create a single new one, etc.
193        """
194        if self._combine_backing_indices:
195            (new_backing_file, size,
196             backing_pos) = self._spill_mem_keys_and_combine()
197        else:
198            new_backing_file, size = self._spill_mem_keys_without_combining()
199        # Note: The transport here isn't strictly needed, because we will use
200        #       direct access to the new_backing._file object
201        new_backing = BTreeGraphIndex(transport.get_transport_from_path('.'),
202                                      '<temp>', size)
203        # GC will clean up the file
204        new_backing._file = new_backing_file
205        if self._combine_backing_indices:
206            if len(self._backing_indices) == backing_pos:
207                self._backing_indices.append(None)
208            self._backing_indices[backing_pos] = new_backing
209            for backing_pos in range(backing_pos):
210                self._backing_indices[backing_pos] = None
211        else:
212            self._backing_indices.append(new_backing)
213        self._nodes = {}
214        self._nodes_by_key = None
216    def _spill_mem_keys_without_combining(self):
217        return self._write_nodes(self._iter_mem_nodes(), allow_optimize=False)
219    def _spill_mem_keys_and_combine(self):
220        iterators_to_combine = [self._iter_mem_nodes()]
221        pos = -1
222        for pos, backing in enumerate(self._backing_indices):
223            if backing is None:
224                pos -= 1
225                break
226            iterators_to_combine.append(backing.iter_all_entries())
227        backing_pos = pos + 1
228        new_backing_file, size = \
229            self._write_nodes(self._iter_smallest(iterators_to_combine),
230                              allow_optimize=False)
231        return new_backing_file, size, backing_pos
233    def add_nodes(self, nodes):
234        """Add nodes to the index.
236        :param nodes: An iterable of (key, node_refs, value) entries to add.
237        """
238        if self.reference_lists:
239            for (key, value, node_refs) in nodes:
240                self.add_node(key, value, node_refs)
241        else:
242            for (key, value) in nodes:
243                self.add_node(key, value)
245    def _iter_mem_nodes(self):
246        """Iterate over the nodes held in memory."""
247        nodes = self._nodes
248        if self.reference_lists:
249            for key in sorted(nodes):
250                references, value = nodes[key]
251                yield self, key, value, references
252        else:
253            for key in sorted(nodes):
254                references, value = nodes[key]
255                yield self, key, value
257    def _iter_smallest(self, iterators_to_combine):
258        if len(iterators_to_combine) == 1:
259            for value in iterators_to_combine[0]:
260                yield value
261            return
262        current_values = []
263        for iterator in iterators_to_combine:
264            try:
265                current_values.append(next(iterator))
266            except StopIteration:
267                current_values.append(None)
268        last = None
269        while True:
270            # Decorate candidates with the value to allow 2.4's min to be used.
271            candidates = [(item[1][1], item) for item
272                          in enumerate(current_values) if item[1] is not None]
273            if not len(candidates):
274                return
275            selected = min(candidates)
276            # undecorate back to (pos, node)
277            selected = selected[1]
278            if last == selected[1][1]:
279                raise index.BadIndexDuplicateKey(last, self)
280            last = selected[1][1]
281            # Yield, with self as the index
282            yield (self,) + selected[1][1:]
283            pos = selected[0]
284            try:
285                current_values[pos] = next(iterators_to_combine[pos])
286            except StopIteration:
287                current_values[pos] = None
289    def _add_key(self, string_key, line, rows, allow_optimize=True):
290        """Add a key to the current chunk.
292        :param string_key: The key to add.
293        :param line: The fully serialised key and value.
294        :param allow_optimize: If set to False, prevent setting the optimize
295            flag when writing out. This is used by the _spill_mem_keys_to_disk
296            functionality.
297        """
298        new_leaf = False
299        if rows[-1].writer is None:
300            # opening a new leaf chunk;
301            new_leaf = True
302            for pos, internal_row in enumerate(rows[:-1]):
303                # flesh out any internal nodes that are needed to
304                # preserve the height of the tree
305                if internal_row.writer is None:
306                    length = _PAGE_SIZE
307                    if internal_row.nodes == 0:
308                        length -= _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES  # padded
309                    if allow_optimize:
310                        optimize_for_size = self._optimize_for_size
311                    else:
312                        optimize_for_size = False
313                    internal_row.writer = chunk_writer.ChunkWriter(
314                        length, 0, optimize_for_size=optimize_for_size)
315                    internal_row.writer.write(_INTERNAL_FLAG)
316                    internal_row.writer.write(_INTERNAL_OFFSET
317                                              + b"%d\n" % rows[pos + 1].nodes)
318            # add a new leaf
319            length = _PAGE_SIZE
320            if rows[-1].nodes == 0:
321                length -= _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES  # padded
322            rows[-1].writer = chunk_writer.ChunkWriter(
323                length, optimize_for_size=self._optimize_for_size)
324            rows[-1].writer.write(_LEAF_FLAG)
325        if rows[-1].writer.write(line):
326            # if we failed to write, despite having an empty page to write to,
327            # then line is too big. raising the error avoids infinite recursion
328            # searching for a suitably large page that will not be found.
329            if new_leaf:
330                raise index.BadIndexKey(string_key)
331            # this key did not fit in the node:
332            rows[-1].finish_node()
333            key_line = string_key + b"\n"
334            new_row = True
335            for row in reversed(rows[:-1]):
336                # Mark the start of the next node in the node above. If it
337                # doesn't fit then propagate upwards until we find one that
338                # it does fit into.
339                if row.writer.write(key_line):
340                    row.finish_node()
341                else:
342                    # We've found a node that can handle the pointer.
343                    new_row = False
344                    break
345            # If we reached the current root without being able to mark the
346            # division point, then we need a new root:
347            if new_row:
348                # We need a new row
349                if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
350                    trace.mutter('Inserting new global row.')
351                new_row = _InternalBuilderRow()
352                reserved_bytes = 0
353                rows.insert(0, new_row)
354                # This will be padded, hence the -100
355                new_row.writer = chunk_writer.ChunkWriter(
356                    _PAGE_SIZE - _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES,
357                    reserved_bytes,
358                    optimize_for_size=self._optimize_for_size)
359                new_row.writer.write(_INTERNAL_FLAG)
360                new_row.writer.write(_INTERNAL_OFFSET
361                                     + b"%d\n" % (rows[1].nodes - 1))
362                new_row.writer.write(key_line)
363            self._add_key(string_key, line, rows,
364                          allow_optimize=allow_optimize)
366    def _write_nodes(self, node_iterator, allow_optimize=True):
367        """Write node_iterator out as a B+Tree.
369        :param node_iterator: An iterator of sorted nodes. Each node should
370            match the output given by iter_all_entries.
371        :param allow_optimize: If set to False, prevent setting the optimize
372            flag when writing out. This is used by the _spill_mem_keys_to_disk
373            functionality.
374        :return: A file handle for a temporary file containing a B+Tree for
375            the nodes.
376        """
377        # The index rows - rows[0] is the root, rows[1] is the layer under it
378        # etc.
379        rows = []
380        # forward sorted by key. In future we may consider topological sorting,
381        # at the cost of table scans for direct lookup, or a second index for
382        # direct lookup
383        key_count = 0
384        # A stack with the number of nodes of each size. 0 is the root node
385        # and must always be 1 (if there are any nodes in the tree).
386        self.row_lengths = []
387        # Loop over all nodes adding them to the bottom row
388        # (rows[-1]). When we finish a chunk in a row,
389        # propagate the key that didn't fit (comes after the chunk) to the
390        # row above, transitively.
391        for node in node_iterator:
392            if key_count == 0:
393                # First key triggers the first row
394                rows.append(_LeafBuilderRow())
395            key_count += 1
396            string_key, line = _btree_serializer._flatten_node(
397                node, self.reference_lists)
398            self._add_key(string_key, line, rows,
399                          allow_optimize=allow_optimize)
400        for row in reversed(rows):
401            pad = (not isinstance(row, _LeafBuilderRow))
402            row.finish_node(pad=pad)
403        lines = [_BTSIGNATURE]
404        lines.append(b'%s%d\n' % (_OPTION_NODE_REFS, self.reference_lists))
405        lines.append(b'%s%d\n' % (_OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTS, self._key_length))
406        lines.append(b'%s%d\n' % (_OPTION_LEN, key_count))
407        row_lengths = [row.nodes for row in rows]
408        lines.append(_OPTION_ROW_LENGTHS + ','.join(
409            map(str, row_lengths)).encode('ascii') + b'\n')
410        if row_lengths and row_lengths[-1] > 1:
411            result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='bzr-index-')
412        else:
413            result = BytesIO()
414        result.writelines(lines)
415        position = sum(map(len, lines))
416        if position > _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES:
417            raise AssertionError("Could not fit the header in the"
418                                 " reserved space: %d > %d"
419                                 % (position, _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES))
420        # write the rows out:
421        for row in rows:
422            reserved = _RESERVED_HEADER_BYTES  # reserved space for first node
423            row.spool.flush()
424            row.spool.seek(0)
425            # copy nodes to the finalised file.
426            # Special case the first node as it may be prefixed
427            node = row.spool.read(_PAGE_SIZE)
428            result.write(node[reserved:])
429            if len(node) == _PAGE_SIZE:
430                result.write(b"\x00" * (reserved - position))
431            position = 0  # Only the root row actually has an offset
432            copied_len = osutils.pumpfile(row.spool, result)
433            if copied_len != (row.nodes - 1) * _PAGE_SIZE:
434                if not isinstance(row, _LeafBuilderRow):
435                    raise AssertionError("Incorrect amount of data copied"
436                                         " expected: %d, got: %d"
437                                         % ((row.nodes - 1) * _PAGE_SIZE,
438                                            copied_len))
439        result.flush()
440        size = result.tell()
441        result.seek(0)
442        return result, size
444    def finish(self):
445        """Finalise the index.
447        :return: A file handle for a temporary file containing the nodes added
448            to the index.
449        """
450        return self._write_nodes(self.iter_all_entries())[0]
452    def iter_all_entries(self):
453        """Iterate over all keys within the index
455        :return: An iterable of (index, key, value, reference_lists). There is
456            no defined order for the result iteration - it will be in the most
457            efficient order for the index (in this case dictionary hash order).
458        """
459        if 'evil' in debug.debug_flags:
460            trace.mutter_callsite(
461                3, "iter_all_entries scales with size of history.")
462        # Doing serial rather than ordered would be faster; but this shouldn't
463        # be getting called routinely anyway.
464        iterators = [self._iter_mem_nodes()]
465        for backing in self._backing_indices:
466            if backing is not None:
467                iterators.append(backing.iter_all_entries())
468        if len(iterators) == 1:
469            return iterators[0]
470        return self._iter_smallest(iterators)
472    def iter_entries(self, keys):
473        """Iterate over keys within the index.
475        :param keys: An iterable providing the keys to be retrieved.
476        :return: An iterable of (index, key, value, reference_lists). There is
477            no defined order for the result iteration - it will be in the most
478            efficient order for the index (keys iteration order in this case).
479        """
480        keys = set(keys)
481        # Note: We don't use keys.intersection() here. If you read the C api,
482        #       set.intersection(other) special cases when other is a set and
483        #       will iterate the smaller of the two and lookup in the other.
484        #       It does *not* do this for any other type (even dict, unlike
485        #       some other set functions.) Since we expect keys is generally <<
486        #       self._nodes, it is faster to iterate over it in a list
487        #       comprehension
488        nodes = self._nodes
489        local_keys = [key for key in keys if key in nodes]
490        if self.reference_lists:
491            for key in local_keys:
492                node = nodes[key]
493                yield self, key, node[1], node[0]
494        else:
495            for key in local_keys:
496                node = nodes[key]
497                yield self, key, node[1]
498        # Find things that are in backing indices that have not been handled
499        # yet.
500        if not self._backing_indices:
501            return  # We won't find anything there either
502        # Remove all of the keys that we found locally
503        keys.difference_update(local_keys)
504        for backing in self._backing_indices:
505            if backing is None:
506                continue
507            if not keys:
508                return
509            for node in backing.iter_entries(keys):
510                keys.remove(node[1])
511                yield (self,) + node[1:]
513    def iter_entries_prefix(self, keys):
514        """Iterate over keys within the index using prefix matching.
516        Prefix matching is applied within the tuple of a key, not to within
517        the bytestring of each key element. e.g. if you have the keys ('foo',
518        'bar'), ('foobar', 'gam') and do a prefix search for ('foo', None) then
519        only the former key is returned.
521        :param keys: An iterable providing the key prefixes to be retrieved.
522            Each key prefix takes the form of a tuple the length of a key, but
523            with the last N elements 'None' rather than a regular bytestring.
524            The first element cannot be 'None'.
525        :return: An iterable as per iter_all_entries, but restricted to the
526            keys with a matching prefix to those supplied. No additional keys
527            will be returned, and every match that is in the index will be
528            returned.
529        """
530        keys = set(keys)
531        if not keys:
532            return
533        for backing in self._backing_indices:
534            if backing is None:
535                continue
536            for node in backing.iter_entries_prefix(keys):
537                yield (self,) + node[1:]
538        if self._key_length == 1:
539            for key in keys:
540                index._sanity_check_key(self, key)
541                try:
542                    node = self._nodes[key]
543                except KeyError:
544                    continue
545                if self.reference_lists:
546                    yield self, key, node[1], node[0]
547                else:
548                    yield self, key, node[1]
549            return
550        nodes_by_key = self._get_nodes_by_key()
551        for entry in index._iter_entries_prefix(self, nodes_by_key, keys):
552            yield entry
554    def _get_nodes_by_key(self):
555        if self._nodes_by_key is None:
556            nodes_by_key = {}
557            if self.reference_lists:
558                for key, (references, value) in self._nodes.items():
559                    key_dict = nodes_by_key
560                    for subkey in key[:-1]:
561                        key_dict = key_dict.setdefault(subkey, {})
562                    key_dict[key[-1]] = key, value, references
563            else:
564                for key, (references, value) in self._nodes.items():
565                    key_dict = nodes_by_key
566                    for subkey in key[:-1]:
567                        key_dict = key_dict.setdefault(subkey, {})
568                    key_dict[key[-1]] = key, value
569            self._nodes_by_key = nodes_by_key
570        return self._nodes_by_key
572    def key_count(self):
573        """Return an estimate of the number of keys in this index.
575        For InMemoryGraphIndex the estimate is exact.
576        """
577        return len(self._nodes) + sum(
578            backing.key_count()
579            for backing in self._backing_indices
580            if backing is not None)
582    def validate(self):
583        """In memory index's have no known corruption at the moment."""
585    def __lt__(self, other):
586        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
587            return self._nodes < other._nodes
588        # Always sort existing indexes before ones that are still being built.
589        if isinstance(other, BTreeGraphIndex):
590            return False
591        raise TypeError
594class _LeafNode(dict):
595    """A leaf node for a serialised B+Tree index."""
597    __slots__ = ('min_key', 'max_key', '_keys')
599    def __init__(self, bytes, key_length, ref_list_length):
600        """Parse bytes to create a leaf node object."""
601        # splitlines mangles the \r delimiters.. don't use it.
602        key_list = _btree_serializer._parse_leaf_lines(
603            bytes, key_length, ref_list_length)
604        if key_list:
605            self.min_key = key_list[0][0]
606            self.max_key = key_list[-1][0]
607        else:
608            self.min_key = self.max_key = None
609        super(_LeafNode, self).__init__(key_list)
610        self._keys = dict(self)
612    def all_items(self):
613        """Return a sorted list of (key, (value, refs)) items"""
614        items = sorted(self.items())
615        return items
617    def all_keys(self):
618        """Return a sorted list of all keys."""
619        keys = sorted(self.keys())
620        return keys
623class _InternalNode(object):
624    """An internal node for a serialised B+Tree index."""
626    __slots__ = ('keys', 'offset')
628    def __init__(self, bytes):
629        """Parse bytes to create an internal node object."""
630        # splitlines mangles the \r delimiters.. don't use it.
631        self.keys = self._parse_lines(bytes.split(b'\n'))
633    def _parse_lines(self, lines):
634        nodes = []
635        self.offset = int(lines[1][7:])
636        as_st = static_tuple.StaticTuple.from_sequence
637        for line in lines[2:]:
638            if line == b'':
639                break
640            # GZ 2017-05-24: Used to intern() each chunk of line as well, need
641            # to recheck performance and perhaps adapt StaticTuple to adjust.
642            nodes.append(as_st(line.split(b'\0')).intern())
643        return nodes
646class BTreeGraphIndex(object):
647    """Access to nodes via the standard GraphIndex interface for B+Tree's.
649    Individual nodes are held in a LRU cache. This holds the root node in
650    memory except when very large walks are done.
651    """
653    def __init__(self, transport, name, size, unlimited_cache=False,
654                 offset=0):
655        """Create a B+Tree index object on the index name.
657        :param transport: The transport to read data for the index from.
658        :param name: The file name of the index on transport.
659        :param size: Optional size of the index in bytes. This allows
660            compatibility with the GraphIndex API, as well as ensuring that
661            the initial read (to read the root node header) can be done
662            without over-reading even on empty indices, and on small indices
663            allows single-IO to read the entire index.
664        :param unlimited_cache: If set to True, then instead of using an
665            LRUCache with size _NODE_CACHE_SIZE, we will use a dict and always
666            cache all leaf nodes.
667        :param offset: The start of the btree index data isn't byte 0 of the
668            file. Instead it starts at some point later.
669        """
670        self._transport = transport
671        self._name = name
672        self._size = size
673        self._file = None
674        self._recommended_pages = self._compute_recommended_pages()
675        self._root_node = None
676        self._base_offset = offset
677        self._leaf_factory = _LeafNode
678        # Default max size is 100,000 leave values
679        self._leaf_value_cache = None  # lru_cache.LRUCache(100*1000)
680        if unlimited_cache:
681            self._leaf_node_cache = {}
682            self._internal_node_cache = {}
683        else:
684            self._leaf_node_cache = lru_cache.LRUCache(_NODE_CACHE_SIZE)
685            # We use a FIFO here just to prevent possible blowout. However, a
686            # 300k record btree has only 3k leaf nodes, and only 20 internal
687            # nodes. A value of 100 scales to ~100*100*100 = 1M records.
688            self._internal_node_cache = fifo_cache.FIFOCache(100)
689        self._key_count = None
690        self._row_lengths = None
691        self._row_offsets = None  # Start of each row, [-1] is the end
693    def __hash__(self):
694        return id(self)
696    def __eq__(self, other):
697        """Equal when self and other were created with the same parameters."""
698        return (
699            isinstance(self, type(other))
700            and self._transport == other._transport
701            and self._name == other._name
702            and self._size == other._size)
704    def __lt__(self, other):
705        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
706            return ((self._name, self._size) < (other._name, other._size))
707        # Always sort existing indexes before ones that are still being built.
708        if isinstance(other, BTreeBuilder):
709            return True
710        raise TypeError
712    def __ne__(self, other):
713        return not self.__eq__(other)
715    def _get_and_cache_nodes(self, nodes):
716        """Read nodes and cache them in the lru.
718        The nodes list supplied is sorted and then read from disk, each node
719        being inserted it into the _node_cache.
721        Note: Asking for more nodes than the _node_cache can contain will
722        result in some of the results being immediately discarded, to prevent
723        this an assertion is raised if more nodes are asked for than are
724        cachable.
726        :return: A dict of {node_pos: node}
727        """
728        found = {}
729        start_of_leaves = None
730        for node_pos, node in self._read_nodes(sorted(nodes)):
731            if node_pos == 0:  # Special case
732                self._root_node = node
733            else:
734                if start_of_leaves is None:
735                    start_of_leaves = self._row_offsets[-2]
736                if node_pos < start_of_leaves:
737                    self._internal_node_cache[node_pos] = node
738                else:
739                    self._leaf_node_cache[node_pos] = node
740            found[node_pos] = node
741        return found
743    def _compute_recommended_pages(self):
744        """Convert transport's recommended_page_size into btree pages.
746        recommended_page_size is in bytes, we want to know how many _PAGE_SIZE
747        pages fit in that length.
748        """
749        recommended_read = self._transport.recommended_page_size()
750        recommended_pages = int(math.ceil(recommended_read / _PAGE_SIZE))
751        return recommended_pages
753    def _compute_total_pages_in_index(self):
754        """How many pages are in the index.
756        If we have read the header we will use the value stored there.
757        Otherwise it will be computed based on the length of the index.
758        """
759        if self._size is None:
760            raise AssertionError('_compute_total_pages_in_index should not be'
761                                 ' called when self._size is None')
762        if self._root_node is not None:
763            # This is the number of pages as defined by the header
764            return self._row_offsets[-1]
765        # This is the number of pages as defined by the size of the index. They
766        # should be indentical.
767        total_pages = int(math.ceil(self._size / _PAGE_SIZE))
768        return total_pages
770    def _expand_offsets(self, offsets):
771        """Find extra pages to download.
773        The idea is that we always want to make big-enough requests (like 64kB
774        for http), so that we don't waste round trips. So given the entries
775        that we already have cached and the new pages being downloaded figure
776        out what other pages we might want to read.
778        See also doc/developers/btree_index_prefetch.txt for more details.
780        :param offsets: The offsets to be read
781        :return: A list of offsets to download
782        """
783        if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
784            trace.mutter('expanding: %s\toffsets: %s', self._name, offsets)
786        if len(offsets) >= self._recommended_pages:
787            # Don't add more, we are already requesting more than enough
788            if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
789                trace.mutter('  not expanding large request (%s >= %s)',
790                             len(offsets), self._recommended_pages)
791            return offsets
792        if self._size is None:
793            # Don't try anything, because we don't know where the file ends
794            if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
795                trace.mutter('  not expanding without knowing index size')
796            return offsets
797        total_pages = self._compute_total_pages_in_index()
798        cached_offsets = self._get_offsets_to_cached_pages()
799        # If reading recommended_pages would read the rest of the index, just
800        # do so.
801        if total_pages - len(cached_offsets) <= self._recommended_pages:
802            # Read whatever is left
803            if cached_offsets:
804                expanded = [x for x in range(total_pages)
805                            if x not in cached_offsets]
806            else:
807                expanded = list(range(total_pages))
808            if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
809                trace.mutter('  reading all unread pages: %s', expanded)
810            return expanded
812        if self._root_node is None:
813            # ATM on the first read of the root node of a large index, we don't
814            # bother pre-reading any other pages. This is because the
815            # likelyhood of actually reading interesting pages is very low.
816            # See doc/developers/btree_index_prefetch.txt for a discussion, and
817            # a possible implementation when we are guessing that the second
818            # layer index is small
819            final_offsets = offsets
820        else:
821            tree_depth = len(self._row_lengths)
822            if len(cached_offsets) < tree_depth and len(offsets) == 1:
823                # We haven't read enough to justify expansion
824                # If we are only going to read the root node, and 1 leaf node,
825                # then it isn't worth expanding our request. Once we've read at
826                # least 2 nodes, then we are probably doing a search, and we
827                # start expanding our requests.
828                if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
829                    trace.mutter('  not expanding on first reads')
830                return offsets
831            final_offsets = self._expand_to_neighbors(offsets, cached_offsets,
832                                                      total_pages)
834        final_offsets = sorted(final_offsets)
835        if 'index' in debug.debug_flags:
836            trace.mutter('expanded:  %s', final_offsets)
837        return final_offsets
839    def _expand_to_neighbors(self, offsets, cached_offsets, total_pages):
840        """Expand requests to neighbors until we have enough pages.
842        This is called from _expand_offsets after policy has determined that we
843        want to expand.
844        We only want to expand requests within a given layer. We cheat a little
845        bit and assume all requests will be in the same layer. This is true
846        given the current design, but if it changes this algorithm may perform
847        oddly.
849        :param offsets: requested offsets
850        :param cached_offsets: offsets for pages we currently have cached
851        :return: A set() of offsets after expansion
852        """
853        final_offsets = set(offsets)
854        first = end = None
855        new_tips = set(final_offsets)
856        while len(final_offsets) < self._recommended_pages and new_tips:
857            next_tips = set()
858            for pos in new_tips:
859                if first is None:
860                    first, end = self._find_layer_first_and_end(pos)
861                previous = pos - 1
862                if (previous > 0 and
863                    previous not in cached_offsets and
864                    previous not in final_offsets and
865                        previous >= first):
866                    next_tips.add(previous)
867                after = pos + 1
868                if (after < total_pages and
869                    after not in cached_offsets and
870                    after not in final_offsets and
871                        after < end):
872                    next_tips.add(after)
873                # This would keep us from going bigger than
874                # recommended_pages by only expanding the first offsets.
875                # However, if we are making a 'wide' request, it is
876                # reasonable to expand all points equally.
877                # if len(final_offsets) > recommended_pages:
878                #     break
879            final_offsets.update(next_tips)
880            new_tips = next_tips
881        return final_offsets
883    def clear_cache(self):
884        """Clear out any cached/memoized values.
886        This can be called at any time, but generally it is used when we have
887        extracted some information, but don't expect to be requesting any more
888        from this index.
889        """
890        # Note that we don't touch self._root_node or self._internal_node_cache
891        # We don't expect either of those to be big, and it can save
892        # round-trips in the future. We may re-evaluate this if InternalNode
893        # memory starts to be an issue.
894        self._leaf_node_cache.clear()
896    def external_references(self, ref_list_num):
897        if self._root_node is None:
898            self._get_root_node()
899        if ref_list_num + 1 > self.node_ref_lists:
900            raise ValueError('No ref list %d, index has %d ref lists'
901                             % (ref_list_num, self.node_ref_lists))
902        keys = set()
903        refs = set()
904        for node in self.iter_all_entries():
905            keys.add(node[1])
906            refs.update(node[3][ref_list_num])
907        return refs - keys
909    def _find_layer_first_and_end(self, offset):
910        """Find the start/stop nodes for the layer corresponding to offset.
912        :return: (first, end)
913            first is the first node in this layer
914            end is the first node of the next layer
915        """
916        first = end = 0
917        for roffset in self._row_offsets:
918            first = end
919            end = roffset
920            if offset < roffset:
921                break
922        return first, end
924    def _get_offsets_to_cached_pages(self):
925        """Determine what nodes we already have cached."""
926        cached_offsets = set(self._internal_node_cache)
927        # cache may be dict or LRUCache, keys() is the common method
928        cached_offsets.update(self._leaf_node_cache.keys())
929        if self._root_node is not None:
930            cached_offsets.add(0)
931        return cached_offsets
933    def _get_root_node(self):
934        if self._root_node is None:
935            # We may not have a root node yet
936            self._get_internal_nodes([0])
937        return self._root_node
939    def _get_nodes(self, cache, node_indexes):
940        found = {}
941        needed = []
942        for idx in node_indexes:
943            if idx == 0 and self._root_node is not None:
944                found[0] = self._root_node
945                continue
946            try:
947                found[idx] = cache[idx]
948            except KeyError:
949                needed.append(idx)
950        if not needed:
951            return found
952        needed = self._expand_offsets(needed)
953        found.update(self._get_and_cache_nodes(needed))
954        return found
956    def _get_internal_nodes(self, node_indexes):
957        """Get a node, from cache or disk.
959        After getting it, the node will be cached.
960        """
961        return self._get_nodes(self._internal_node_cache, node_indexes)
963    def _cache_leaf_values(self, nodes):
964        """Cache directly from key => value, skipping the btree."""
965        if self._leaf_value_cache is not None:
966            for node in nodes.values():
967                for key, value in node.all_items():
968                    if key in self._leaf_value_cache:
969                        # Don't add the rest of the keys, we've seen this node
970                        # before.
971                        break
972                    self._leaf_value_cache[key] = value
974    def _get_leaf_nodes(self, node_indexes):
975        """Get a bunch of nodes, from cache or disk."""
976        found = self._get_nodes(self._leaf_node_cache, node_indexes)
977        self._cache_leaf_values(found)
978        return found
980    def iter_all_entries(self):
981        """Iterate over all keys within the index.
983        :return: An iterable of (index, key, value) or
984            (index, key, value, reference_lists).
985            The former tuple is used when there are no reference lists in the
986            index, making the API compatible with simple key:value index types.
987            There is no defined order for the result iteration - it will be in
988            the most efficient order for the index.
989        """
990        if 'evil' in debug.debug_flags:
991            trace.mutter_callsite(
992                3, "iter_all_entries scales with size of history.")
993        if not self.key_count():
994            return
995        if self._row_offsets[-1] == 1:
996            # There is only the root node, and we read that via key_count()
997            if self.node_ref_lists:
998                for key, (value, refs) in self._root_node.all_items():
999                    yield (self, key, value, refs)
1000            else:
1001                for key, (value, refs) in self._root_node.all_items():
1002                    yield (self, key, value)
1003            return
1004        start_of_leaves = self._row_offsets[-2]
1005        end_of_leaves = self._row_offsets[-1]
1006        needed_offsets = list(range(start_of_leaves, end_of_leaves))
1007        if needed_offsets == [0]:
1008            # Special case when we only have a root node, as we have already
1009            # read everything
1010            nodes = [(0, self._root_node)]
1011        else:
1012            nodes = self._read_nodes(needed_offsets)
1013        # We iterate strictly in-order so that we can use this function
1014        # for spilling index builds to disk.
1015        if self.node_ref_lists:
1016            for _, node in nodes:
1017                for key, (value, refs) in node.all_items():
1018                    yield (self, key, value, refs)
1019        else:
1020            for _, node in nodes:
1021                for key, (value, refs) in node.all_items():
1022                    yield (self, key, value)
1024    @staticmethod
1025    def _multi_bisect_right(in_keys, fixed_keys):
1026        """Find the positions where each 'in_key' would fit in fixed_keys.
1028        This is equivalent to doing "bisect_right" on each in_key into
1029        fixed_keys
1031        :param in_keys: A sorted list of keys to match with fixed_keys
1032        :param fixed_keys: A sorted list of keys to match against
1033        :return: A list of (integer position, [key list]) tuples.
1034        """
1035        if not in_keys:
1036            return []
1037        if not fixed_keys:
1038            # no pointers in the fixed_keys list, which means everything must
1039            # fall to the left.
1040            return [(0, in_keys)]
1042        # TODO: Iterating both lists will generally take M + N steps
1043        #       Bisecting each key will generally take M * log2 N steps.
1044        #       If we had an efficient way to compare, we could pick the method
1045        #       based on which has the fewer number of steps.
1046        #       There is also the argument that bisect_right is a compiled
1047        #       function, so there is even more to be gained.
1048        # iter_steps = len(in_keys) + len(fixed_keys)
1049        # bisect_steps = len(in_keys) * math.log(len(fixed_keys), 2)
1050        if len(in_keys) == 1:  # Bisect will always be faster for M = 1
1051            return [(bisect.bisect_right(fixed_keys, in_keys[0]), in_keys)]
1052        # elif bisect_steps < iter_steps:
1053        #     offsets = {}
1054        #     for key in in_keys:
1055        #         offsets.setdefault(bisect_right(fixed_keys, key),
1056        #                            []).append(key)
1057        #     return [(o, offsets[o]) for o in sorted(offsets)]
1058        in_keys_iter = iter(in_keys)
1059        fixed_keys_iter = enumerate(fixed_keys)
1060        cur_in_key = next(in_keys_iter)
1061        cur_fixed_offset, cur_fixed_key = next(fixed_keys_iter)
1063        class InputDone(Exception):
1064            pass
1066        class FixedDone(Exception):
1067            pass
1069        output = []
1070        cur_out = []
1072        # TODO: Another possibility is that rather than iterating on each side,
1073        #       we could use a combination of bisecting and iterating. For
1074        #       example, while cur_in_key < fixed_key, bisect to find its
1075        #       point, then iterate all matching keys, then bisect (restricted
1076        #       to only the remainder) for the next one, etc.
1077        try:
1078            while True:
1079                if cur_in_key < cur_fixed_key:
1080                    cur_keys = []
1081                    cur_out = (cur_fixed_offset, cur_keys)
1082                    output.append(cur_out)
1083                    while cur_in_key < cur_fixed_key:
1084                        cur_keys.append(cur_in_key)
1085                        try:
1086                            cur_in_key = next(in_keys_iter)
1087                        except StopIteration:
1088                            raise InputDone
1089                    # At this point cur_in_key must be >= cur_fixed_key
1090                # step the cur_fixed_key until we pass the cur key, or walk off
1091                # the end
1092                while cur_in_key >= cur_fixed_key:
1093                    try:
1094                        cur_fixed_offset, cur_fixed_key = next(fixed_keys_iter)
1095                    except StopIteration:
1096                        raise FixedDone
1097        except InputDone:
1098            # We consumed all of the input, nothing more to do
1099            pass
1100        except FixedDone:
1101            # There was some input left, but we consumed all of fixed, so we
1102            # have to add one more for the tail
1103            cur_keys = [cur_in_key]
1104            cur_keys.extend(in_keys_iter)
1105            cur_out = (len(fixed_keys), cur_keys)
1106            output.append(cur_out)
1107        return output
1109    def _walk_through_internal_nodes(self, keys):
1110        """Take the given set of keys, and find the corresponding LeafNodes.
1112        :param keys: An unsorted iterable of keys to search for
1113        :return: (nodes, index_and_keys)
1114            nodes is a dict mapping {index: LeafNode}
1115            keys_at_index is a list of tuples of [(index, [keys for Leaf])]
1116        """
1117        # 6 seconds spent in miss_torture using the sorted() line.
1118        # Even with out of order disk IO it seems faster not to sort it when
1119        # large queries are being made.
1120        keys_at_index = [(0, sorted(keys))]
1122        for row_pos, next_row_start in enumerate(self._row_offsets[1:-1]):
1123            node_indexes = [idx for idx, s_keys in keys_at_index]
1124            nodes = self._get_internal_nodes(node_indexes)
1126            next_nodes_and_keys = []
1127            for node_index, sub_keys in keys_at_index:
1128                node = nodes[node_index]
1129                positions = self._multi_bisect_right(sub_keys, node.keys)
1130                node_offset = next_row_start + node.offset
1131                next_nodes_and_keys.extend([(node_offset + pos, s_keys)
1132                                            for pos, s_keys in positions])
1133            keys_at_index = next_nodes_and_keys
1134        # We should now be at the _LeafNodes
1135        node_indexes = [idx for idx, s_keys in keys_at_index]
1137        # TODO: We may *not* want to always read all the nodes in one
1138        #       big go. Consider setting a max size on this.
1139        nodes = self._get_leaf_nodes(node_indexes)
1140        return nodes, keys_at_index
1142    def iter_entries(self, keys):
1143        """Iterate over keys within the index.
1145        :param keys: An iterable providing the keys to be retrieved.
1146        :return: An iterable as per iter_all_entries, but restricted to the
1147            keys supplied. No additional keys will be returned, and every
1148            key supplied that is in the index will be returned.
1149        """
1150        # 6 seconds spent in miss_torture using the sorted() line.
1151        # Even with out of order disk IO it seems faster not to sort it when
1152        # large queries are being made.
1153        # However, now that we are doing multi-way bisecting, we need the keys
1154        # in sorted order anyway. We could change the multi-way code to not
1155        # require sorted order. (For example, it bisects for the first node,
1156        # does an in-order search until a key comes before the current point,
1157        # which it then bisects for, etc.)
1158        keys = frozenset(keys)
1159        if not keys:
1160            return
1162        if not self.key_count():
1163            return
1165        needed_keys = []
1166        if self._leaf_value_cache is None:
1167            needed_keys = keys
1168        else:
1169            for key in keys:
1170                value = self._leaf_value_cache.get(key, None)
1171                if value is not None:
1172                    # This key is known not to be here, skip it
1173                    value, refs = value
1174                    if self.node_ref_lists:
1175                        yield (self, key, value, refs)
1176                    else:
1177                        yield (self, key, value)
1178                else:
1179                    needed_keys.append(key)
1181        needed_keys = keys
1182        if not needed_keys:
1183            return
1184        nodes, nodes_and_keys = self._walk_through_internal_nodes(needed_keys)
1185        for node_index, sub_keys in nodes_and_keys:
1186            if not sub_keys:
1187                continue
1188            node = nodes[node_index]
1189            for next_sub_key in sub_keys:
1190                if next_sub_key in node:
1191                    value, refs = node[next_sub_key]
1192                    if self.node_ref_lists:
1193                        yield (self, next_sub_key, value, refs)
1194                    else:
1195                        yield (self, next_sub_key, value)
1197    def _find_ancestors(self, keys, ref_list_num, parent_map, missing_keys):
1198        """Find the parent_map information for the set of keys.
1200        This populates the parent_map dict and missing_keys set based on the
1201        queried keys. It also can fill out an arbitrary number of parents that
1202        it finds while searching for the supplied keys.
1204        It is unlikely that you want to call this directly. See
1205        "CombinedGraphIndex.find_ancestry()" for a more appropriate API.
1207        :param keys: A keys whose ancestry we want to return
1208            Every key will either end up in 'parent_map' or 'missing_keys'.
1209        :param ref_list_num: This index in the ref_lists is the parents we
1210            care about.
1211        :param parent_map: {key: parent_keys} for keys that are present in this
1212            index. This may contain more entries than were in 'keys', that are
1213            reachable ancestors of the keys requested.
1214        :param missing_keys: keys which are known to be missing in this index.
1215            This may include parents that were not directly requested, but we
1216            were able to determine that they are not present in this index.
1217        :return: search_keys    parents that were found but not queried to know
1218            if they are missing or present. Callers can re-query this index for
1219            those keys, and they will be placed into parent_map or missing_keys
1220        """
1221        if not self.key_count():
1222            # We use key_count() to trigger reading the root node and
1223            # determining info about this BTreeGraphIndex
1224            # If we don't have any keys, then everything is missing
1225            missing_keys.update(keys)
1226            return set()
1227        if ref_list_num >= self.node_ref_lists:
1228            raise ValueError('No ref list %d, index has %d ref lists'
1229                             % (ref_list_num, self.node_ref_lists))
1231        # The main trick we are trying to accomplish is that when we find a
1232        # key listing its parents, we expect that the parent key is also likely
1233        # to sit on the same page. Allowing us to expand parents quickly
1234        # without suffering the full stack of bisecting, etc.
1235        nodes, nodes_and_keys = self._walk_through_internal_nodes(keys)
1237        # These are parent keys which could not be immediately resolved on the
1238        # page where the child was present. Note that we may already be
1239        # searching for that key, and it may actually be present [or known
1240        # missing] on one of the other pages we are reading.
1241        # TODO:
1242        #   We could try searching for them in the immediate previous or next
1243        #   page. If they occur "later" we could put them in a pending lookup
1244        #   set, and then for each node we read thereafter we could check to
1245        #   see if they are present.
1246        #   However, we don't know the impact of keeping this list of things
1247        #   that I'm going to search for every node I come across from here on
1248        #   out.
1249        #   It doesn't handle the case when the parent key is missing on a
1250        #   page that we *don't* read. So we already have to handle being
1251        #   re-entrant for that.
1252        #   Since most keys contain a date string, they are more likely to be
1253        #   found earlier in the file than later, but we would know that right
1254        #   away (key < min_key), and wouldn't keep searching it on every other
1255        #   page that we read.
1256        #   Mostly, it is an idea, one which should be benchmarked.
1257        parents_not_on_page = set()
1259        for node_index, sub_keys in nodes_and_keys:
1260            if not sub_keys:
1261                continue
1262            # sub_keys is all of the keys we are looking for that should exist
1263            # on this page, if they aren't here, then they won't be found
1264            node = nodes[node_index]
1265            parents_to_check = set()
1266            for next_sub_key in sub_keys:
1267                if next_sub_key not in node:
1268                    # This one is just not present in the index at all
1269                    missing_keys.add(next_sub_key)
1270                else:
1271                    value, refs = node[next_sub_key]
1272                    parent_keys = refs[ref_list_num]
1273                    parent_map[next_sub_key] = parent_keys
1274                    parents_to_check.update(parent_keys)
1275            # Don't look for things we've already found
1276            parents_to_check = parents_to_check.difference(parent_map)
1277            # this can be used to test the benefit of having the check loop
1278            # inlined.
1279            # parents_not_on_page.update(parents_to_check)
1280            # continue
1281            while parents_to_check:
1282                next_parents_to_check = set()
1283                for key in parents_to_check:
1284                    if key in node:
1285                        value, refs = node[key]
1286                        parent_keys = refs[ref_list_num]
1287                        parent_map[key] = parent_keys
1288                        next_parents_to_check.update(parent_keys)
1289                    else:
1290                        # This parent either is genuinely missing, or should be
1291                        # found on another page. Perf test whether it is better
1292                        # to check if this node should fit on this page or not.
1293                        # in the 'everything-in-one-pack' scenario, this *not*
1294                        # doing the check is 237ms vs 243ms.
1295                        # So slightly better, but I assume the standard 'lots
1296                        # of packs' is going to show a reasonable improvement
1297                        # from the check, because it avoids 'going around
1298                        # again' for everything that is in another index
1299                        # parents_not_on_page.add(key)
1300                        # Missing for some reason
1301                        if key < node.min_key:
1302                            # in the case of bzr.dev, 3.4k/5.3k misses are
1303                            # 'earlier' misses (65%)
1304                            parents_not_on_page.add(key)
1305                        elif key > node.max_key:
1306                            # This parent key would be present on a different
1307                            # LeafNode
1308                            parents_not_on_page.add(key)
1309                        else:
1310                            # assert (key != node.min_key and
1311                            #         key != node.max_key)
1312                            # If it was going to be present, it would be on
1313                            # *this* page, so mark it missing.
1314                            missing_keys.add(key)
1315                parents_to_check = next_parents_to_check.difference(parent_map)
1316                # Might want to do another .difference() from missing_keys
1317        # parents_not_on_page could have been found on a different page, or be
1318        # known to be missing. So cull out everything that has already been
1319        # found.
1320        search_keys = parents_not_on_page.difference(
1321            parent_map).difference(missing_keys)
1322        return search_keys
1324    def iter_entries_prefix(self, keys):
1325        """Iterate over keys within the index using prefix matching.
1327        Prefix matching is applied within the tuple of a key, not to within
1328        the bytestring of each key element. e.g. if you have the keys ('foo',
1329        'bar'), ('foobar', 'gam') and do a prefix search for ('foo', None) then
1330        only the former key is returned.
1332        WARNING: Note that this method currently causes a full index parse
1333        unconditionally (which is reasonably appropriate as it is a means for
1334        thunking many small indices into one larger one and still supplies
1335        iter_all_entries at the thunk layer).
1337        :param keys: An iterable providing the key prefixes to be retrieved.
1338            Each key prefix takes the form of a tuple the length of a key, but
1339            with the last N elements 'None' rather than a regular bytestring.
1340            The first element cannot be 'None'.
1341        :return: An iterable as per iter_all_entries, but restricted to the
1342            keys with a matching prefix to those supplied. No additional keys
1343            will be returned, and every match that is in the index will be
1344            returned.
1345        """
1346        keys = sorted(set(keys))
1347        if not keys:
1348            return
1349        # Load if needed to check key lengths
1350        if self._key_count is None:
1351            self._get_root_node()
1352        # TODO: only access nodes that can satisfy the prefixes we are looking
1353        # for. For now, to meet API usage (as this function is not used by
1354        # current breezy) just suck the entire index and iterate in memory.
1355        nodes = {}
1356        if self.node_ref_lists:
1357            if self._key_length == 1:
1358                for _1, key, value, refs in self.iter_all_entries():
1359                    nodes[key] = value, refs
1360            else:
1361                nodes_by_key = {}
1362                for _1, key, value, refs in self.iter_all_entries():
1363                    key_value = key, value, refs
1364                    # For a key of (foo, bar, baz) create
1365                    # _nodes_by_key[foo][bar][baz] = key_value
1366                    key_dict = nodes_by_key
1367                    for subkey in key[:-1]:
1368                        key_dict = key_dict.setdefault(subkey, {})
1369                    key_dict[key[-1]] = key_value
1370        else:
1371            if self._key_length == 1:
1372                for _1, key, value in self.iter_all_entries():
1373                    nodes[key] = value
1374            else:
1375                nodes_by_key = {}
1376                for _1, key, value in self.iter_all_entries():
1377                    key_value = key, value
1378                    # For a key of (foo, bar, baz) create
1379                    # _nodes_by_key[foo][bar][baz] = key_value
1380                    key_dict = nodes_by_key
1381                    for subkey in key[:-1]:
1382                        key_dict = key_dict.setdefault(subkey, {})
1383                    key_dict[key[-1]] = key_value
1384        if self._key_length == 1:
1385            for key in keys:
1386                index._sanity_check_key(self, key)
1387                try:
1388                    if self.node_ref_lists:
1389                        value, node_refs = nodes[key]
1390                        yield self, key, value, node_refs
1391                    else:
1392                        yield self, key, nodes[key]
1393                except KeyError:
1394                    pass
1395            return
1396        for entry in index._iter_entries_prefix(self, nodes_by_key, keys):
1397            yield entry
1399    def key_count(self):
1400        """Return an estimate of the number of keys in this index.
1402        For BTreeGraphIndex the estimate is exact as it is contained in the
1403        header.
1404        """
1405        if self._key_count is None:
1406            self._get_root_node()
1407        return self._key_count
1409    def _compute_row_offsets(self):
1410        """Fill out the _row_offsets attribute based on _row_lengths."""
1411        offsets = []
1412        row_offset = 0
1413        for row in self._row_lengths:
1414            offsets.append(row_offset)
1415            row_offset += row
1416        offsets.append(row_offset)
1417        self._row_offsets = offsets
1419    def _parse_header_from_bytes(self, bytes):
1420        """Parse the header from a region of bytes.
1422        :param bytes: The data to parse.
1423        :return: An offset, data tuple such as readv yields, for the unparsed
1424            data. (which may be of length 0).
1425        """
1426        signature = bytes[0:len(self._signature())]
1427        if not signature == self._signature():
1428            raise index.BadIndexFormatSignature(self._name, BTreeGraphIndex)
1429        lines = bytes[len(self._signature()):].splitlines()
1430        options_line = lines[0]
1431        if not options_line.startswith(_OPTION_NODE_REFS):
1432            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1433        try:
1434            self.node_ref_lists = int(options_line[len(_OPTION_NODE_REFS):])
1435        except ValueError:
1436            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1437        options_line = lines[1]
1438        if not options_line.startswith(_OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTS):
1439            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1440        try:
1441            self._key_length = int(options_line[len(_OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTS):])
1442        except ValueError:
1443            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1444        options_line = lines[2]
1445        if not options_line.startswith(_OPTION_LEN):
1446            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1447        try:
1448            self._key_count = int(options_line[len(_OPTION_LEN):])
1449        except ValueError:
1450            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1451        options_line = lines[3]
1452        if not options_line.startswith(_OPTION_ROW_LENGTHS):
1453            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1454        try:
1455            self._row_lengths = [int(length) for length in
1456                                 options_line[len(_OPTION_ROW_LENGTHS):].split(
1457                                     b',')
1458                                 if length]
1459        except ValueError:
1460            raise index.BadIndexOptions(self)
1461        self._compute_row_offsets()
1463        # calculate the bytes we have processed
1464        header_end = (len(signature) + sum(map(len, lines[0:4])) + 4)
1465        return header_end, bytes[header_end:]
1467    def _read_nodes(self, nodes):
1468        """Read some nodes from disk into the LRU cache.
1470        This performs a readv to get the node data into memory, and parses each
1471        node, then yields it to the caller. The nodes are requested in the
1472        supplied order. If possible doing sort() on the list before requesting
1473        a read may improve performance.
1475        :param nodes: The nodes to read. 0 - first node, 1 - second node etc.
1476        :return: None
1477        """
1478        # may be the byte string of the whole file
1479        bytes = None
1480        # list of (offset, length) regions of the file that should, evenually
1481        # be read in to data_ranges, either from 'bytes' or from the transport
1482        ranges = []
1483        base_offset = self._base_offset
1484        for index in nodes:
1485            offset = (index * _PAGE_SIZE)
1486            size = _PAGE_SIZE
1487            if index == 0:
1488                # Root node - special case
1489                if self._size:
1490                    size = min(_PAGE_SIZE, self._size)
1491                else:
1492                    # The only case where we don't know the size, is for very
1493                    # small indexes. So we read the whole thing
1494                    bytes = self._transport.get_bytes(self._name)
1495                    num_bytes = len(bytes)
1496                    self._size = num_bytes - base_offset
1497                    # the whole thing should be parsed out of 'bytes'
1498                    ranges = [(start, min(_PAGE_SIZE, num_bytes - start))
1499                              for start in range(
1500                                  base_offset, num_bytes, _PAGE_SIZE)]
1501                    break
1502            else:
1503                if offset > self._size:
1504                    raise AssertionError('tried to read past the end'
1505                                         ' of the file %s > %s'
1506                                         % (offset, self._size))
1507                size = min(size, self._size - offset)
1508            ranges.append((base_offset + offset, size))
1509        if not ranges:
1510            return
1511        elif bytes is not None:
1512            # already have the whole file
1513            data_ranges = [(start, bytes[start:start + size])
1514                           for start, size in ranges]
1515        elif self._file is None:
1516            data_ranges = self._transport.readv(self._name, ranges)
1517        else:
1518            data_ranges = []
1519            for offset, size in ranges:
1520                self._file.seek(offset)
1521                data_ranges.append((offset, self._file.read(size)))
1522        for offset, data in data_ranges:
1523            offset -= base_offset
1524            if offset == 0:
1525                # extract the header
1526                offset, data = self._parse_header_from_bytes(data)
1527                if len(data) == 0:
1528                    continue
1529            bytes = zlib.decompress(data)
1530            if bytes.startswith(_LEAF_FLAG):
1531                node = self._leaf_factory(bytes, self._key_length,
1532                                          self.node_ref_lists)
1533            elif bytes.startswith(_INTERNAL_FLAG):
1534                node = _InternalNode(bytes)
1535            else:
1536                raise AssertionError("Unknown node type for %r" % bytes)
1537            yield offset // _PAGE_SIZE, node
1539    def _signature(self):
1540        """The file signature for this index type."""
1541        return _BTSIGNATURE
1543    def validate(self):
1544        """Validate that everything in the index can be accessed."""
1545        # just read and parse every node.
1546        self._get_root_node()
1547        if len(self._row_lengths) > 1:
1548            start_node = self._row_offsets[1]
1549        else:
1550            # We shouldn't be reading anything anyway
1551            start_node = 1
1552        node_end = self._row_offsets[-1]
1553        for node in self._read_nodes(list(range(start_node, node_end))):
1554            pass
1557_gcchk_factory = _LeafNode
1560    from . import _btree_serializer_pyx as _btree_serializer
1561    _gcchk_factory = _btree_serializer._parse_into_chk
1562except ImportError as e:
1563    osutils.failed_to_load_extension(e)
1564    from . import _btree_serializer_py as _btree_serializer