1 /*
2   !!DESCRIPTION!! C-Manual Chapter 2.41: integer constants, 2.42: explizit long constants
3   !!ORIGIN!!      LCC 4.1 Testsuite
4   !!LICENCE!!     own, freely distributeable for non-profit. read CPYRIGHT.LCC
5 */
7 #include "common.h"
9 struct defs {
10      int cbits;          /* No. of bits per char           */
11      int ibits;          /*                 int            */
12      int sbits;          /*                 short          */
13      int lbits;          /*                 long           */
14      int ubits;          /*                 unsigned       */
15      int fbits;          /*                 float          */
16      int dbits;          /*                 double         */
17      #ifndef NO_FLOATS
18         float fprec;        /* Smallest number that can be    */
19         float dprec;        /* significantly added to 1.      */
20      #endif
21      int flgs;           /* Print return codes, by section */
22      int flgm;           /* Announce machine dependencies  */
23      int flgd;           /* give explicit diagnostics      */
24      int flgl;           /* Report local return codes.     */
25      int rrc;            /* recent return code             */
26      int crc;            /* Cumulative return code         */
27      char rfs[8];        /* Return from section            */
28 };
30      int lbits;          /*                 long           */
31      int ubits;          /*                 unsigned       */
32      int fbits;          /*                 float          */
33      int dbits;          /*                 double         */
34      #ifndef NO_FLOATS
35         float fprec;        /* Smallest number that can be    */
36         float dprec;        /* significantly added to 1.      */
37      #endif
38      int flgs;           /* Print return codes, by section */
39      int flgm;           /* Announce machine dependencies  */
40      int flgd;           /* give explicit diagnostics      */
41      int flgl;           /* Report local return codes.     */
42      int rrc;            /* recent return code             */
43      int crc;            /* Cumulative return code         */
44      char rfs[8];        /* Return from section            */
46 /*
47         2.4.1 Integer constants
48         2.4.2 Explicit long constants
49 */
51 /* Calculate 2**n by multiplying, not shifting  */
52 #ifndef NO_OLD_FUNC_DECL
pow2(n)53 long pow2(n)
54 long n;
55 {
56 #else
57 long pow2(long n) {
58 #endif
59    long s;
60    s = 1;
61    while(n--) s = s*2;
62    return s;
63 }
65    long d[39], o[39], x[39];
67 #ifndef NO_OLD_FUNC_DECL
68 s241(pd0)
69 struct defs *pd0;
70 {
71 #else
72 int s241(struct defs *pd0) {
73 #endif
75 /*   long pow2(); */
76    static char s241er[] = "s241,er%d\n";
77    static char qs241[8] = "s241   ";
78    char *ps, *pt;
79    int rc, j, lrc;
80    static long g[39] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
81                         0,6,0,8,0,12,0,16,0,18,0,20,0,24,
82                         0,28,0,30,0,32,0,36};
83 /*   long d[39], o[39], x[39]; */
85    rc = 0;
86    lrc = 0;
87    ps = qs241;
88    pt = pd0 -> rfs;
89    while (*pt++ = *ps++);
91      /* An integer constant consisting of a sequence of digits is
92         taken to be octal if it begins with 0 (digit zero), decimal
93         otherwise.                                            */
95    if (   8 !=  010
96      ||  16 !=  020
97      ||  24 !=  030
98      ||  32 !=  040
99      ||  40 !=  050
100      ||  48 !=  060
101      ||  56 !=  070
102      ||  64 != 0100
103      ||  72 != 0110
104      ||  80 != 0120
105      ||   9 != 0011
106      ||  17 != 0021
107      ||  25 != 0031
108      ||  33 != 0041
109      ||  41 != 0051
110      ||  49 != 0061
111      ||  57 != 0071
112      ||  65 != 0101
113      ||  73 != 0111
114      ||  81 != 0121 ){
115      rc = rc+1;
116      if( pd0->flgd != 0 ) printf(s241er,1);
117    }
119      /* A sequence of digits preceded by 0x or 0X (digit zero)
120         is taken to be a hexadecimal integer. The hexadecimal
121         digits include a or A through f or F with values 10
122         through 15.     */
124    if ( 0x00abcdef != 0xabcdef
125      || 0xabcdef != 0Xabcdef || 0Xabcdef != 0XAbcdef
126      || 0XAbcdef != 0XABcdef || 0XABcdef != 0XABCdef
127      || 0XABCdef != 0XABCDef || 0XABCDef != 0XABCDEf
128      || 0XABCDEf != 0XABCDEF || 0xABCDEF != 11259375 ){
129      rc = rc+2;
130      if( pd0->flgd != 0 ) printf(s241er,2);
131    }
133      /* A decimal constant whose value exceeds the largest signed
134         machine integer is taken to be long; an octal or hex con-
135         stant which exceeds the largest unsigned machine integer
136         is likewise taken to be long.     */
137 #if defined(REFERENCE) && defined(REFCC_SIZEOF_LONG_64BIT)
138 /*#warning "sizeof(long)!=4, skipping test"*/
139 #else
140    if ( sizeof 010000000000 != sizeof(long)      /* 2**30 */
141      || sizeof 1073741824   != sizeof(long)      /* ditto */
142      || sizeof 0x40000000   != sizeof(long) ){   /*   "   */
144      rc = rc+4;
145      if( pd0->flgd != 0 ) printf(s241er,4);
146    }
147 #endif
148      /* A decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant immediately followed
149         by l (letter ell) or L is a long constant.    */
151    if ( sizeof   67l != sizeof(long)
152      || sizeof   67L != sizeof(long)
153      || sizeof  067l != sizeof(long)
154      || sizeof  067L != sizeof(long)
155      || sizeof 0X67l != sizeof(long)
156      || sizeof 0x67L != sizeof(long) ){
157      rc = rc+8;
158      if( pd0 -> flgd != 0 ) printf(s241er,8);
159    }
161      /* Finally, we test to see that decimal (d), octal (o),
162         and hexadecimal (x) constants representing the same values
163         agree among themselves, and with computed values, at spec-
164         ified points over an appropriate range. The points select-
165         ed here are those with the greatest potential for caus-
166         ing trouble, i.e., zero, 1-16, and values of 2**n and
167         2**n - 1 where n is some multiple of 4 or 6. Unfortunately,
168         just what happens when a value is too big to fit in a
169         long is undefined; however, it would be nice if what
170         happened were at least consistent...      */
172    for ( j=0; j<17; j++ ) g[j] = j;
173    for ( j=18; j<39; ) {
174      g[j] = pow2(g[j]);
175      g[j-1] = g[j] - 1;
176      j = j+2;
177    }
179    d[0] = 0;                o[0] = 00;               x[0] = 0x0;
180    d[1] = 1;                o[1] = 01;               x[1] = 0x1;
181    d[2] = 2;                o[2] = 02;               x[2] = 0x2;
182    d[3] = 3;                o[3] = 03;               x[3] = 0x3;
183    d[4] = 4;                o[4] = 04;               x[4] = 0x4;
184    d[5] = 5;                o[5] = 05;               x[5] = 0x5;
185    d[6] = 6;                o[6] = 06;               x[6] = 0x6;
186    d[7] = 7;                o[7] = 07;               x[7] = 0x7;
187    d[8] = 8;                o[8] = 010;              x[8] = 0x8;
188    d[9] = 9;                o[9] = 011;              x[9] = 0x9;
189    d[10] = 10;              o[10] = 012;             x[10] = 0xa;
190    d[11] = 11;              o[11] = 013;             x[11] = 0xb;
191    d[12] = 12;              o[12] = 014;             x[12] = 0xc;
192    d[13] = 13;              o[13] = 015;             x[13] = 0xd;
193    d[14] = 14;              o[14] = 016;             x[14] = 0xe;
194    d[15] = 15;              o[15] = 017;             x[15] = 0xf;
195    d[16] = 16;              o[16] = 020;             x[16] = 0x10;
196    d[17] = 63;              o[17] = 077;             x[17] = 0x3f;
197    d[18] = 64;              o[18] = 0100;            x[18] = 0x40;
198    d[19] = 255;             o[19] = 0377;            x[19] = 0xff;
199    d[20] = 256;             o[20] = 0400;            x[20] = 0x100;
200    d[21] = 4095;            o[21] = 07777;           x[21] = 0xfff;
201    d[22] = 4096;            o[22] = 010000;          x[22] = 0x1000;
202    d[23] = 65535;           o[23] = 0177777;         x[23] = 0xffff;
203    d[24] = 65536;           o[24] = 0200000;         x[24] = 0x10000;
204    d[25] = 262143;          o[25] = 0777777;         x[25] = 0x3ffff;
205    d[26] = 262144;          o[26] = 01000000;        x[26] = 0x40000;
206    d[27] = 1048575;         o[27] = 03777777;        x[27] = 0xfffff;
207    d[28] = 1048576;         o[28] = 04000000;        x[28] = 0x100000;
208    d[29] = 16777215;        o[29] = 077777777;       x[29] = 0xffffff;
209    d[30] = 16777216;        o[30] = 0100000000;      x[30] = 0x1000000;
210    d[31] = 268435455;       o[31] = 01777777777;     x[31] = 0xfffffff;
211    d[32] = 268435456;       o[32] = 02000000000;     x[32] = 0x10000000;
212    d[33] = 1073741823;      o[33] = 07777777777;     x[33] = 0x3fffffff;
213    d[34] = 1073741824;      o[34] = 010000000000;    x[34] = 0x40000000;
214    d[35] = 4294967295;      o[35] = 037777777777;    x[35] = 0xffffffff;
215    d[36] = 4294967296;      o[36] = 040000000000;    x[36] = 0x100000000;
216    d[37] = 68719476735;     o[37] = 0777777777777;   x[37] = 0xfffffffff;
217    d[38] = 68719476736;     o[38] = 01000000000000;  x[38] = 0x1000000000;
219    /* WHEW! */
221    for (j=0; j<39; j++){
222      if ( g[j] != d[j]
223        || d[j] != o[j]
224        || o[j] != x[j]) {
225        if( pd0 -> flgm != 0 ) {
226 /*       printf(s241er,16);          save in case opinions change...     */
227          printf("Decimal and octal/hex constants sometimes give\n");
228          printf("   different results when assigned to longs.\n");
229        }
230 /*     lrc = 1;   save...   */
231      }
232    }
234    if (lrc != 0) rc =16;
236    return rc;
237 }
239 /*********************************************************************************************
240  the main loop that launches the sections
241 *********************************************************************************************/
243 #define cq_sections 1
section(int j,struct * pd0)246         int section(int j,struct* pd0){
247 #else
248         int section(int j,void* pd0){
249 #endif
250         switch(j){
251                 case 0: return s241(pd0);
252         }
253 }
255 /*
256         C REFERENCE MANUAL (main)
257 */
259 #ifndef NO_OLD_FUNC_DECL
260 main(n,args)
261 int n;
262 char **args;
263 {
264 #else
265 int main(int n,char **args) {
266 #endif
268 int j;
269 static struct defs d0, *pd0;
271    d0.flgs = 1;          /* These flags dictate            */
272    d0.flgm = 1;          /*     the verbosity of           */
273    d0.flgd = 1;          /*         the program.           */
274    d0.flgl = 1;
276    pd0 = &d0;
278    for (j=0; j<cq_sections; j++) {
279      d0.rrc=section(j,pd0);
280      d0.crc=d0.crc+d0.rrc;
281      if(d0.flgs != 0) printf("Section %s returned %d.\n",d0.rfs,d0.rrc);
282    }
284    if(d0.crc == 0) printf("\nNo errors detected.\n");
285    else printf("\nFailed.\n");
287    return d0.crc;
288 }