1ccdoc v08r41 2004/09/29 bin_dbg_msvc_MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-4.0
2ccdoc help 2004/09/29
3Copyright (C) 1998-2004 by Joe Linoff.
5For more information see http://ccdoc.sourceforge.net or
8  Table of Contents
10  Introduction ......................................  1
11  Phase Independent Switches ........................  2
12  Parse Phase .......................................  3
13  Index Phase .......................................  4
14  Output Phase ......................................  5
15  Running the Program ...............................  6
16  Comment Directives ................................  7
17  Comment Format ....................................  8
18  Package Help ......................................  9
201 Introduction
22  This program analyzes C++ declarations and produces HTML
23  documentation.
25  It has three basic operating phases: Parse, Index and Output. Each
26  phase is described in more detail below.
28    Phase   Description
29    ======  ==========================================
30    Parse   Parse C++ declarations and ccdoc comments.
31    Index   Generate cross references.
32    Output  Generate HTML output.
34  Phases are defined by the switches that are used on the command
35  line. Multiple phases can be specified in a single run. The phases
36  are described in the following sections. Each section describes the
37  phase specific switches and presents some usage examples.
39  After the phases have been discussed there is a section on flow
40  which describes different usage models and, following that, there is
41  a summary of the ccdoc comment directives.
432 Phase Independent Switches
45  This section presents the switches that can be used in any phase or,
46  as is the case with -h, no phase.
48  Switch        Description
49  ============  ======================================================
50  -args         Dump the command line arguments. This is enabled
51                automatically in verbose (-v) mode.
53  -cid          Deprecated. Same as -verbose.
55  -ctf <file>   Deprecated. Same as -db.
57  -db <file>    The name of the ccdoc database.
59  -h,-help      Displays the extensive on-line help and exits.
60                The on-line covers the different program phases, the
61                comment directives and the program switches.
63  -log <file>   All information output by the program is also sent
64                to the specified log file. Multiple log files can be
65                specified. By default all output is sent to cout.
67  -nocout       Turn off output to cout. This is used to test the
68                help output without displaying anything to the
69                console.
71  -putenv <env> Set an environment variable from the command line.
72                This is useful for setting up regression tests in
73                scripts on various platforms.
75  -[no]v        Turn verbose mode on or off. The default is off.
77  -version      Report the program version. The version contains the
78                program name, the version, the revision, the release
79                date and the compilation id. Here is an example of
80                what -version reports:
81                  % ccdoc -version
82                  ccdoc v08r41 2004/09/29 bin_opt_msvc_MSWin32-multi-thread-4.0
84  -[no]vf       Turn db verbose format mode on or off. The default is
85                on because it speeds up the writing significantly and
86                is only slightly larger. This switch enables verbose
87                mode in the database file to make things easier to
88                read for debugging.
90  -[no]warn     Turn warnings on or off. The default is on.
91  ============  ======================================================
93  Here is an example that shows how to output this help information to
94  a log file:
96    % ccdoc -log help.log -h
983 Parse Phase
100  During the parse phase C++ files are parsed to find declarations and
101  ccdoc comments. These entities are tokenized and stored into the
102  database specified by the -db switch. The parse phase is specified
103  by the -pkg switch or the presence of source files on the command
104  line.
106  When new files are parsed, the indexing information from previous
107  runs is lost.
109  Switch              Description
110  ==================  ==================================================
111  -[no]cdsm           Turn on or off the creation of default special
112                      members for classes. Specifically this tells ccdoc
113                      to create (or not create) entries for default
114                      constructors, copy constructors, destructors and
115                      copy operators if they were not explicitly defined
116                      in the class. The default is -cdsm.
118  -db <file>          The name of the ccdoc database.
120  -D<name>[=<value>]  Define a macro and, optionally, define its value.
122  -[no]doxygen        Enable limited doxygen compatibility mode.
123                      The default is -doxygen.
124                      This switch specifies that @file
125                      blocks are ignored.
127                      Some other doxygen compatible syntax is already
128                      supported whether this switch is specified or
129                      not, namely: the @endlink directive, the single
130                      line suffix comment forms (//!< and ///<) and
131                      the multiple line suffix comment forms (/*!< and
132                      /**<).
134                      This allows users more flexibility in converting
135                      between doxygen and ccdoc.
137  -files <list>       Designates a file that contains the list of files
138                      to parse.
140  -[no]jdsds          Enable javadoc short description syntax. This
141                      causes ccdoc to conform to the javadoc
142                      specification for processing short descriptions.
144                      This is the new default behavior as of r24.
146                      A javadoc short description is terminated by a
147                      period followed by a space, tab, newline or tag
148                      (directive).
150                      If -nojdsds is specified, the old-style ccdoc
151                      short description handling is enabled. That is,
152                      short descriptions are terminated by a blank
153                      line.
155  -pkg <name>         Define the package name for the entities in the
156                      source files. If no package is specified a
157                      default name is used or the @pkg <name>
158                      directive in the ccdoc comment is used. Children
159                      (like class methods) inherit the package from
160                      their parent.
162  -[no]tcms           Turn on or off the processing of template class
163                      methods that are defined outside of the class
164                      declaration.
166  -U<name>            Undefine a macro.
167  ==================  ==================================================
169  Here is an example that shows how multiple header files are parsed
170  from different source directories into a common database.
172    ccdoc -db /tmp/ccdoc.db -pkg Utilities project/utils/export/*.h
173    ccdoc -db /tmp/ccdoc.db -pkg Parser project/parser/export/*.h
1754 Index Phase
177  During the index phase ccdoc analyzes the database to find
178  associations between related entities. For example, if class Child
179  derives from class Parent, this phase will find Parent and link it
180  to the Child record so that a link can be generated during the
181  output phase. The index phase is specified by the -index switch.
183  If the index phase is not run, the output will contain no links.
186  Switch          Description
187  ==============  ===============================
188  -db <file>      The name of the ccdoc database.
190  -index          Generate the indices.
191  ==============  ===============================
193  Here is a use-case that shows how generate an index for a database.
195    ccdoc -db /tmp/ccdoc.db -index
1975 Output Phase
199  During the output phase, ccdoc generates HTML from the database.
200  This phase is optional. A user could develop their db reader and
201  output any another format (like XML). The output phase is specified
202  by the -htm or the -html switch.
204  After this phase is run, a top level file called
205  ccdoc.<root>.pkg.html will exist in the specified html path.
207  Switch              Description
208  ==================  ======================================================
209  -bg <color>         The background color. The default is the default for
210                      the browser.
212  -db <file>          The name of the ccdoc database.
214  -dospaths           The file paths contain backslashes that need to be
215                      converted to forwards slashes for HTML.
217  -htm <prefix>,
218  -html <prefix>      The HTML path prefix. This is used to designate the
219                      path where the HTML files will be stored. The directory
220                      suffix must be included if this is a directory path.
221                      Always use a forward slash to separate directories,
222                      even when you are running under a DOS window, because
223                      the HTTP path hierarchy separator is a forward slash.
225  -fg <color>         Same as -fgtext.
227  -fgtext <color>     The foreground text color. The default is the default
228                      for the browser.
230  -fglink <color>     The foreground link color. The default is the default
231                      for the browser.
233  -fgvlink <color>    The foreground vlink color. The default is the default
234                      for the browser. These are used links.
236  -header <file>      The HTML used for the customized header just after
237                      the <body> stmt. This is where clients insert their own
238                      custom information on each page. See the -meta command
239                      for information on how to insert meta variables in
240                      the <head> section.
242  -imageurl <URL>,
243  -imgurl <URL>       The URL that describes of the GIF images. This
244                      version of ccdoc does not use images so this switch
245                      has no effect.
247  -[no]macros         Deprecated. Same as -[no]rptmac.
249  -maxpathlen <num>   Maximum file path size. The default is 128. When the
250                      file path size exceeds the limit, the file name
251                      is truncated and a checksum is added to guarantee
252                      that the file name is unique. If maxpathlen is set
253                      to zero, no limit checking is performed.
255  -meta <file>        The HTML used for the customized header just after
256                      the <head> stmt. This is where clients insert their own
257                      custom information for meta variables on each page.
258                      If -meta is specified, ccdoc will not generate the
259                      the http-equiv meta variable for HTML 4.01 compliance
260                      and it will ignore the -rptctcs.
262  -[no]private        Deprecated. Same as -[no]rptpri.
264  -[no]protected      Deprecated. Same as -[no]rptpro.
266  -[no]public         Deprecated. Same as -[no]rptpub.
268  -root <name>        Change the name of the root package from 'root' to
269                      something else.
271  -rootfile <name>    Change the top level output file name from
272                      <prefix>ccdoc.root.pkg.html to whatever the user
273                      wants. This can be used to create the ccdoc.index.html
274                      file by specifying: -rootfile ccdoc.index.html.
275                      This switch allows you to completely specify the
276                      path. The -html prefix is ignored.
278  -rootpurl <URL>
279  -rooturl <URL>      The hyperlink for the parent of the root package.
280                      Setting this allows the generated HTML to seamlessly
281                      integrate to a higher level document by providing a back
282                      link to the users parent page.
284  -[no]rptcfuns       Report comments for undocumented namespaces. When
285                      -rptcfuns is specified, all related namespaces
286                      comments are reported. This includes namespaces
287                      that do not contain ccdoc comments which can be
288                      somewhat busy. When -norptcfuns is specified, only
289                      related namespaces with ccdoc comments are reported.
290                      The only exception is when none of the namespaces
291                      have ccdoc comments. In that case, only the first
292                      undocumented namespace is reported (for backward
293                      compatibility). The default is -norptcfuns.
295  -[no]rptcsd         Report class summary details. When -rptcsd is
296                      specified, the class summary page reports type, access
297                      and short description information. When -norptcsd
298                      is specified the class summary page only reports the
299                      names. The default is -rptcsd.
301  -[no]rptcsi <num>   The class summary indent switch. Define the indent
302                      level of each entry in the class summary report and
303                      the contents column. The default indent level is 4.
305  -rptctcs <string>   Allow the user to specify the Content-Type char set.
306                      This allows international languages to be supported.
307                      The default char set is "iso-8859-1".
308                      This switch is ignored if the -meta switch is specified.
310  -rptdefa <string>   Set the default string for the author field in
311                      top level entities. The default is "unascribed".
313  -rptdefasd <string> Set the default string for the automatically generated
314                      short description field in top level entities. The
315                      default is "automatically generated".
317  -rptdefsd <string>  Set the default string for the short description
318                      field in top level entities. The default is
319                      "undocumented".
321  -rptdefv <string>   Set the default string for the version field in
322                      top level entities. The default is "unknown".
324  -[no]rptdpa         If the package author is not specified, report the
325                      author as unascribed. The default is -norptdpa which
326                      tells ccdoc to ignore authors on packages unless they
327                      are explicitly specified.
329  -[no]rptdpd         If the package description is not specified, report the
330                      description as unknown. The default is -norptdpd which
331                      tells ccdoc to ignore descriptions on packages unless
332                      they are explicitly specified.
334  -[no]rptdpv         If the package version is not specified, report the
335                      version as unknown. The default is -norptdpv which
336                      tells ccdoc to ignore version on packages unless they
337                      are explicitly specified.
339  -[no]rptfwcf        The fixed width code font switch. Use a fixed width
340                      font when reporting code fragments. The default is
341                      -norptfwcf.
343  -[no]rpthpc         Report package contents hierarchically like the
344                      the class summary page. The default is -rpthpc.
346  -[no]rptim          Report all inherited methods as though they were
347                      defined locally. The default is -rptim.
349  -[no]rptmac         Report macros. Default is -norptmac because there can be
350                      large numbers of guards in header files. If a system is
351                      designed with ccdoc in mind, the header guards can be
352                      surrounded by ccdoc guards (#ifndef __ccdoc__) which
353                      would make this data more useful.
355  -[no]rptmac1        Report macros heuristically. This means that ccdoc
356                      attempts to filter out header guards and windows
357                      DLLIMPORT/DLLEXPORT macros by filtering out macro
358                      names with the prefixes: dll_, DLL_, include_, INCLUDE_,
359                      included_, INCLUDED_ and the suffixes: dll, _DLL,
360                      _h, _H, _hh, _HH, _include, _INCLUDE, _included,
361                      _INCLUDED, _included_, _INCLUDED_.
363                      The default is -norptmac1.
364                      When this switch is enabled, it also enables -rptmac.
365                      This is a better choice than -rptmac.
367  -rptmlci <num>      Maximum length of the content ids. This switch is
368                      used to avoid strange looking tables of content
369                      when the id is very long.
371                      When the string exceeds this length, only the
372                      first <num> characters are printed followed by
373                      .. to indicate truncation.
375                      The default length is 32. A value of zero means
376                      don't impose the limit. If no inherited from column
377                      exists, the value of the -rptmlcifi is added to make
378                      this field bigger.
380  -rptmlcifi <num>    Maximum length of the contents "inherited from"
381                      column id. This switch is used to avoid strange
382                      looking tables of content when the parent id is
383                      very long.
385                      When the string exceeds this length, only the
386                      first <num> characters are printed followed by
387                      .. to indicate truncation.
389                      The default length is 32. A value of zero means
390                      don't impose the limit.
392  -[no]rptpri         Report private items. The default is -norptpri.
394  -[no]rptpro         Report protected items. The default is -norptpro.
396  -[no]rptpub         Report public items. The default is -rptpub.
398  -[no]rptsci         Report the class information in sorted order. The
399                      default is -rptsci. If -norptsci is specified
400                      the class contents and details are not sorted.
402  -[no]rptsrc         Report the source information for each entity
403                      in the table of contents. This causes an additional
404                      column to be added to the table. The default is
405                      -norptsrc because this information is already
406                      reported for each entity in its description. It
407                      exists to provide debugging support for when no
408                      description is generated.
410  -[no]rpttyp         Report typedefs. Default is -rpttyp.
412  -[no]rptun          Report unions. Default is -rptun.
414  -sourceurl <URL>,
415  -srcurl <URL>       The URL where the source files can be found. If this
416                      is specified, hyperlinks are created for Source entries.
418  -trailer <file>     The HTML used for the customized trailer.
420  -[no]typedefs       Deprecated. Same as -[no]rpttyp.
422  -[no]unions         Deprecated. Same as -[no]rptun.
423  ==================  ======================================================
425  Here is a use case that shows how to generate HTML:
427    ccdoc -db ccdoc.db -html webdocs/ -imgurl images/ \ -trailer
428    custom_trailer.html \ -root MyProject -rooturl myproj.htm
4306 Running the Program
432  This section presents some example flows to help you understand how
433  to use the program more effectively.
435  6.1 Simple Flow
437  This is the simplest flow. You run all three phases at the same time.
439    % ## UNIX:
440    % ccdoc \
441        -db webdocs/ccdoc.db \
442        -pkg simple \
443        *.h \
444        -index \
445        -rootfile webdocs/index.html \
446        -html webdocs/
448    > REM DOS
449    > ccdoc -db webdocs/ccdoc.db -pkg simple *.h -index -rootfile webdocs/index.html -html webdocs/
451  Note that it forces the top level html file to be named index.html which
452  is convenient for most browsers.
454  6.2 Typical Flow
456  This is the typical for a usage for a system with multiple packages.
457  Each phase is run separately.
459    % ### Phase 1a - Parse
460    % ccdoc -db typical.db -pkg typical.utils work/utils/src/*.h
461    % # Don't report missing default constructors.
462    % ccdoc -db typical.db -pkg -nocdsm typical.liba work/liba/src/*.h
463    % # Define a macro that is used for my documentation.
464    % ccdoc -db typical.db -pkg \
465        -DMY_CCDOC_EXTERNAL typical.libb \
466        work/libb/src/*.h
468    % ### Phase 1b - Parse root level documentation
469    % ccdoc -db typical.db -pkg typical typical.txt
471    % ### Phase 2 - Index
472    % ccdoc -db typical.db -index
474    % ### Phase 3 - Output
475    %ccdoc \
476       -db typical.db \
477       -html webdocs/ \
478       -rootfile webdocs/index.html \
479       -srcurl work/ \
480       -trailer custom.htm
4827 Comment Directives
484  This section presents a brief overview of the ccdoc comment syntax.
486  The directives are summarized in the table below.
488    Id  Directive      Quick Summary
489    ==  =============  =====================================================
490     1 /** .. */       Encloses a javadoc style ccdoc comment.
491     2 /**< .. */      Encloses a doxygen style suffix ccdoc comment.
492     3 /*!< .. */      Encloses a doxygen style suffix ccdoc comment.
493     4 //@{ .. //@}    Encloses a ccdoc comment for C++ style line comments.
494     5 //@-            Single line suffix C++ style comment form.
495     6 ///<            Same as //@- (doxygen compatible).
496     7 //!<            Same as //@- (doxygen compatible).
497     8 /**@#-*/        Turn off ccdoc token parsing.
498     9 /**@#+*/        Turn on ccdoc token parsing.
499    10 /**@#=<ch>*/    Insert <ch> into the input stream.
500    11 {@link...}      The in-line link specification.
501    12 @@              Translate HTML special characters for code fragments.
502    13 @$              Same @link.
503    14 @author         Specify an author.
504    15 @deprecated     Describes the alternatives to use.
505    16 @exception      Deprecated, same as @throws.
506    17 @link,@endlink  Generate a hyperlink to a ccdoc entity.
507    18 @param          Document a function or class method parameter.
508    19 @pkg            Specifies the name of a package.
509    20 @pkgdoc         This comment documents a specific package.
510    21 @pkgdoctid      Redefine the output title id for a pkgdoc.
511    22 @return         Deprecated, same as @returns.
512    23 @returns        Documents the return value from a method or function.
513    24 @see            Add a hyperlink entry to the See section.
514    25 @since          When this became available.
515    26 @suffix         This is a suffix comment.
516    27 @throws         Document an exception.
517    28 @todo           Describes todo information.
518    29 @version        The entity version.
520  Each directive is described in more detail in the following
521  subsections.
523  7.1 /** .. */
525    Indicates javadoc style ccdoc comment that is associated with the
526    next C++ statement (prefix style comment).
528    A simple example is shown below:
530      /**
531       * This is the brief description that shows up in the table
532       * of contents.
533       * This is where the longer description starts.
534       * @author A. Programmer
535       * @version 1.0
536       */
537      void function(int a);
539  7.2 /**< .. */
541    Indicates the beginning of a ccdoc style comment that is
542    associated with the previous C++ statement (suffix style comment).
544    A simple example is shown below:
546      void function(int a);
547        /**<
548         * This is the brief description that shows up in the table
549         * of contents.
550         * This is where the longer description starts.
551         * @author A. Programmer
552         * @version 1.0
553         */
555  7.3 /*!< .. */
557    Indicates the beginning of a ccdoc style comment that is
558    associated with the previous C++ statement (suffix style comment).
560    A simple example is shown below:
562      void function(int a);
563        /*!<
564         * This is the brief description that shows up in the table
565         * of contents.
566         * This is where the longer description starts.
567         * @author A. Programmer
568         * @version 1.0
569         */
571  7.4 //@{ .. //@}
573    Specifies that a ccdoc comment is being specified using the '//'
574    comment form as shown below:
576      // ================================================
577      //@{
578      // This is a ccdoc comment.
579      //@}
580      // ================================================
581      int foo();
583    This pragma must exist by itself on the line.
585  7.5 //@-
587    Specifies the single line suffix C++ style comment form. This for
588    is useful for abbreviated comments. Here is an example:
590      class Point3D {
591      public:
592        int p1; //@- The x coordinate.
593        int p2; //@- The y coordinate.
594        int p3; //@- The z coordinate.
595      };
597    You can only specify a single line so directives other than
598    "{@link .. }" and "@link .. @endlink" are not supported.
600  7.6 ///<
602    Specifies the single line suffix C++ style comment form that is
603    compatible with doxygen. This for is useful for abbreviated
604    comments. Here is an example:
606      class Point3D {
607      public:
608        int p1; ///< The x coordinate.
609        int p2; ///< The y coordinate.
610        int p3; ///< The z coordinate.
611      };
613    You can only specify a single line so directives other than
614    "{@link .. }" and "@link .. @endlink" are not supported.
616  7.7 //!<
618    Specifies the single line suffix C++ style comment form that is
619    compatible with doxygen. This for is useful for abbreviated
620    comments. Here is an example:
622      class Point3D {
623      public:
624        int p1; //!< The x coordinate.
625        int p2; //!< The y coordinate.
626        int p3; //!< The z coordinate.
627      };
629    You can only specify a single line so directives other than
630    "{@link .. }" and "@link .. @endlink" are not supported.
632  7.8 /**@#-*/
634    Turn off ccdoc token parsing. Unlike #ifndef __ccdoc__ this
635    directive can be inserted anywhere. It is especially useful for
636    excluding portions of code that confuse ccdoc.  Here is an example
637    of how to use it:
639      /**@#-*/
640      #ifndef FOO
641      insert random junk to generate a compiler error.
642      #endif
643      /**@#+*/
645    This could also be done using the #ifndef pragma as follows:
647      #ifndef __ccdoc__
648      #ifndef FOO
649      insert random junk to generate a compiler error.
650      #endif
651      #endif
653  7.9 /**@#+*/
655    Turn ccdoc token processing back on. See 7.10 for usage details.
657  7.10 /**@#=<ch>*/
659    Insert a token into the ccdoc input stream to make parsing easier
660    without affecting the source code. This directive is typically
661    used to "fix" macro instantiations that are not terminated by
662    semi-colons as shown in the following example:
664      7.10.1 This will confuse ccdoc.
665        #define M(a) a=1;
666        M
667        M
668        class XX;
670      7.10.2 This will not confuse ccdoc because we insert semi-colons.
671        #define M(a) a=1;
672        M /**@#=;*/
673        M /**@#=;*/
674        class XX;
676      7.10.3 Neither will this because we prep it out.
677        #define M(a) a=1;
678        #ifdef __ccdoc__
679        M
680        M
681        #endif
682        class XX;
684      7.10.4 Or this because we put in redundant semi-colons.
685        #define M(a) a=1;
686        M;
687        M;
688        class XX;
690  7.11 {@link <entity> <name>}
692    This is very similar to the @link directive except that it can be
693    embedded inside comment lines. Like @link, it tells ccdoc to
694    generate a hyperlink to a ccdoc entity. Unlike @link the arguments
695    are not optional.
697    You must specify both the entity and the link name.
699    You must not embed white space in the '{@link' specification. For
700    example, '{ @ link' is not valid.
702    Any number of link specifications are allowed on a single line.
704    Invalid {@link...} specifications are output as simple text.
706    The example below shows how it is used:
708      /**
709       * Look at {@link #fct this} for more information,
710       * you can also look at {@link #fct1 this} or {@link #fct2 this}.
711       */
712      void fct3();
714    The <entity> is the ccdoc entity to link to. The <name> is the
715    user name of the link. It can consist of one or more tokens.
716    Leading white space is ignored.
718    There is a special case for operators. The example below shows how
719    to specify an {@link ..} directive for an operator.
721      /**
722       * This is the same as the {@link #operator== equals operator}
723       * for this class.
724       * @param obj The object to compare to for equality.
725       * @returns True if they are equal or false otherwise.
726       * @see #operator==
727       */
728      bool is_equal(const Class& obj) const;
730    Note that there are no spaces between the operator keyword and the
731    operator tokens.
733  7.12 @@ <line>
735    Translate HTML special characters for creating code fragments.
737    Convert '<' to "&lt;" , '>' to "&gt;" and '&' to
738    "&amp;". This is useful for inserting code fragments. Here is an
739    example of how you would use this directive in a comment:
741      /**
742       * Here is an example of how to use this directive.
743       *<blockquote>
744       *<pre>
745       *@@ for(int i=0;i<10 && j>3;++i,--j) {
746       *@@   cout << j << " " << i << endl;
747       *@@ }
748       *</pre>
749       *</blockquote>
750       */
752  7.13 @$ <entity> [<name>]
754     Same as @link. See section 7.20 for detailed information.
756  7.14 @author <name>
758    Specifies the author. To specify multiple authors add multiple
759    directives as shown below.
761      /**
762       * There are numerous authors.
763       * @author Foo Bar
764       * @author Spam Wombat
765       */
767    If an author is not specified for a package or a class, an entry
768    is generated to an "unascribed" author.
770    If there is more than one author, the best practice is to list
771    them chronologically from most recent to earliest.
773  7.15 @deprecated <description>
775    Specifies that this interface has been deprecated. You should
776    specify what to use as an alternative. The example below shows
777    how to use this directive.
779      /**
780       * Get the system time.
781       * @returns The system time.
782       * @deprecated Use get_time_as_string to avoid memory bloat.
783       */
784      const char* get_time();
786  7.16 @exception <name> <description>
788    Deprecated. See @throws for usage information.
790  7.17 @link <entity> [<name>] .. [@endlink]
792    Generate a hyperlink to a ccdoc entity anywhere in the the code
793    without generating an entry in the See section.
795    Here is an example of how it is used:
797      /**
798        * This class is closely associated with
799        * @link Utils::Foo my class
800        * and with this @link Utils::Spam my class @endlink and
801        * with @link Utils::Wombat link to wombat
802        * because they both do bar stuff.
803        */
805    The <entity> is the ccdoc entity to link to. The <name> is the
806    user name of the link. It can consist of one or more tokens.
807    Leading white space is ignored.
809    If the link name is not specified, the <entity> name is used.
811    The @endlink is optional. Note that in the wombat case, the string
812    "link to wombat" is the link text.
814  7.18 @param <name> <description>
816    Describes a parameter to a function. There should be one @param
817    directive for each argument. The example below shows how to use
818    this.
820      /**
821       * This function does stuff.
822       * @param name The name of the object. The description
823       * will span multiple lines until another directive or
824       * the end of the comment is found.
825       * @param aname Another name.
826       */
827      void do_something(const char* name,const char* x);
829    Beware! Ccdoc does not verify that the parameters are valid so it
830    is possible to input invalid parameters. Ccdoc does not verify
831    that the parameter names are the same either as in the example
832    above: aname should be x (or vice-versa).
834    The contents of an @param directive can span multiple lines.  All
835    lines following an @param directive are included until another
836    ccdoc directive (other than @link and @@) is encountered.  The
837    example below shows how this works:
839      /**
840       * This shows how @param can span multiple lines.
841       * @param p1 This parameter can have a
842       *@@         value < 10 and > 0. If the value
843       *           is out of range, an exception is thrown.
844       * @returns The associated record.
845       */
847  7.19 @pkg <name>
849    Specifies the name of the current package. All entities in the
850    file from the directive onward are associated with the package.
851    This pragma can be overridden from the command line by the -pkg
852    switch.
854    There is a special package called @null that can be used to
855    specify that the contents of a file are not associated with any
856    package. This is typically used in the file (or files) that
857    contain the package documentation. Typically these are not C++
858    header files.
860    The example below shows how to define the package directive.
862      /**@pkg Stuff.Utils */
864      /**@pkg Stuff::Utils */
866      // This file is not part of any package.
867      /**@pkg @null*/
869    Dots '.' or double colons '::' are used to separate hierarchical
870    sub-packages.
872    Package documentation is generated using the @pkgdoc directive as
873    shown in the next section.
875  7.20 @pkgdoc <path> [<url>]
877    Specifies that the current ccdoc comment is associated with a
878    package NOT a C++ entity.
880    This directive can be used to define the documentation in the top
881    package by specifying '@top' as the <name>. The old form: [ROOT]
882    is still accepted.
884    Dots '.' or double colons '::' are used to separate hierarchical
885    sub-packages.
887    If the <url> argument is specified, ccdoc uses that as the link.
888    This is useful for inserting custom pages into the ccdoc document
889    hierarchy but it puts a significant burden on the user to make
890    sure that links to other ccdoc generated files are valid.
892    The following example shows how to document several packages.
894      // This file is not part of any package.
895      /**@pkg @null*/
897      /**
898       * This is the documentation for the top of
899       * the documentation tree.
900       * @author The Build Team
901       * @version 1.1
902       * @pkg @top
903       */
905      /**
906       * This is the top level package for MyProject.
907       *
908       * It does lots of useful things and contains
909       * many other packages.
910       * @author Ms. MyProject
911       * @version 1.0
912       * @pkgdoc MyProject
913       */
915      /**
916       * This package contains the I/O utilities for
917       * MyProject.
918       *
919       * This is the detailed information about the
920       * I/O utilities package.
921       * @author Mr. IO_Utilities
922       * @version 1.1
923       * @pkgdoc MyProject::IO_Utilities
924       */
926      /**
927       * This package contains the string utilities for
928       * MyProject.
929       *
930       * This is the detailed information about the
931       * string utilities package.
932       * @author Mr. String_Utilities
933       * @version 1.2
934       * @pkgdoc MyProject.String_Utilities http://mysite/String_Utilities.html
935       */
937    It is important to note that the implicit top level package is
938    implied for @pkgdoc paths.
940  7.21 @pkgdoctid <name>
942    This directive must be specified after @pkgdoc. If it isn't a
943    warning will be generated and the directive will be ignored.
945    It allows you to redefine the pkgdoc title id. Normally when a
946    package name is specified the title on the page is "package
947    <name>". With this directive you can change the "package"
948    string to anything you like.
950    It was added because some users would like to define different
951    semantics for different packages, for example: some package might
952    be subsystems, others might be modules and still others might
953    really be packages. With this directive you can change the name in
954    the generated HTML file to better reflect package semantics in
955    your environment.
957    The example below shows how to define three packages: A, B and C.
958    A is the top level, B and C are children. A will be reported as a
959    "system", B will be reported as a "module" and C will be
960    reported as a "subsystem".
962      /**
963       * @pkgdoc A ../doc/A.html
964       * @pkgdoctid system
965       */
966      /**
967       * @pkgdoc A::B ../doc/A.B.html
968       * @pkgdoctid module
969       */
970      /**
971       * @pkgdoc A::C ../doc/A.C.html
972       * @pkgdoctid subsystem
973       */
975  7.22 @return <description>
977    Deprecated, same as @returns.
979  7.23 @returns <description>
981    Describes the return value from a function. If there is no return
982    value, do not use @returns. Ccdoc does not verify that you
983    documented the return value correctly. Here is an example of how
984    it is used.
986      /**
987       * Get the global value.
988       * @returns The global value.
989       */
990       static int get_global_value();
992    The contents of an @returns directive can span multiple lines.
993    All lines following an @returns directive are included until
994    another ccdoc directive (other than @link and @@) is encountered.
995    The example below shows how this works:
997      /**
998       * This shows how @returns can span multiple lines.
999       * @returns
1000       *@@ Return true if the value is < max or false if the value is >= max.
1001       * For more information about the value click
1002       *@link utils::value here @endlink .
1003       */
1005  7.24 @see <entity> [<number>]
1007    Associate an entity in the ccdoc database with the entity
1008    currently being described.
1010    It tells ccdoc to generate a hyperlink to a named entity in the
1011    database. If there are multiple entities with the same name, as is
1012    the case with overloaded functions, specify the number of the one
1013    that you want ccdoc to use. The number should be between 0 and the
1014    number of duplicate entities minus 1. If no number is specified,
1015    the first occurrence is used. The example below shows how to use
1016    this directive.
1018    There is an alternate form that allows the user to specify a url
1019    for the entity. This allows hyperlinks to objects that ccdoc
1020    doesn't know about. It is useful for adding links to documents.
1022    There is another alternative form that allows the user to specify
1023    in the current scope using a '#' prefix. This is convenient for
1024    describing method relations within a class.
1026    Packages are not specified in the @see <entity> specification
1027    because they can be changed at run-time. Ccdoc searchs for all C++
1028    entities that match the specification in all packages.
1030      /**
1031       * Generate three links, one to the class named Foo,
1032       * the second to the second overloaded method
1033       * Spam in the Bar class and the third to a document
1034       * called wombat at the specified URL.
1035       * @see Foo
1036       * @see Bar::Spam 2
1037       * @see <a href=wombat.html>wombat</a>
1038       */
1040    There is a special case for operators. The example below shows how
1041    to specify an @see link to an operator.
1043      /**
1044       * This is the same as the {@link #operator== equals operator}
1045       * for this class.
1046       * @param obj The object to compare to for equality.
1047       * @returns True if they are equal or false otherwise.
1048       * @see #operator==
1049       */
1050      bool is_equal(const Class& obj) const;
1052    Note that there are no spaces between the operator keyword and the
1053    operator tokens.
1055  7.25 @since <version>
1057    This is entity has only been available since the specified
1058    version.  Ccdoc does not impose any syntax requirements on the
1059    version string so you can use anything you want.
1061    The example below shows how to use this directive.
1063      /**
1064       * This is a new function.
1065       * It does really new stuff.
1066       * @author Foo Bar
1067       * @version 1.0
1068       * @since v1.2 Built: 2001/10/01
1069       */
1070      void fct();
1072  7.26 @suffix
1074    This is a suffix style comment, that is, it is attached to the
1075    preceding statement rather than the following statement as shown
1076    in the example below:
1078      class Foo {
1079      public:
1080        /**
1081         * This is the traditional prefix comment form.
1082         */
1083        void traditional_comment_form();
1085        //@{
1086        // This is an alternate prefix comment form.
1087        //@}
1088        void alt_prefix_comment_form();
1090        void traditional_suffix_comment_form();
1091          //@{
1092          // This is the new suffix comment
1093          // form that some folks have requested.
1094          // @suffix
1095          //@}
1097        void alt1_suffix_comment_form();
1098          /**<
1099           * This is a doxygen compatible suffix comment
1100           * form that some folks have requested.
1101           */
1103        void alt2_suffix_comment_form();
1104          /*!<
1105           * This is a doxygen compatible suffix comment
1106           * form that some folks have requested.
1107           */
1109        void alt3_suffix_comment_form(); //@- Short comment.
1110        void alt4_suffix_comment_form(); ///< Short comment.
1111        void alt5_suffix_comment_form(); //!< Short comment.
1112      };
1114    The alternative forms (1,2,4,5) are generally preferred for
1115    doxygen compatibility.
1117  7.27 @throws <name> <description>
1119    Specifies that this exception can be thrown by the method. If the
1120    <name> specifies a class in the ccdoc databse, a hyperlink is
1121    added. The example below shows hows to this directive.
1123      /**
1124       * This function does stuff.
1125       *
1126       * Here is more detail about the stuff
1127       * it does.
1128       * @param name The name of the object.
1129       * @returns The object.
1130       * @exception Exception_NullParameter Is thrown
1131       * if name is NULL.
1132       */
1133      SomeObject GetObject(const char* name);
1135    The contents of an @exception directive can span multiple lines.
1136    All lines following an @exception directive are included until
1137    another ccdoc directive (other than @link and @@) is encountered.
1138    The example below shows how this works:
1140      /**
1141       * This shows how @exception can span multiple lines.
1142       * @exception Port::Exception Is thrown when the program
1143       * runs out of disk space.
1144       */
1145      void use_disk_space();
1147  7.28 @todo <description>
1149    Specifies that there are additional things things to be done to
1150    this interface or its implementation. The example below shows
1151    how to use this directive.
1153      /**
1154       * Get the full file by name if it exists.
1155       * @param out The output file name.
1156       * @param in The input file name.
1157       * @returns The full file name of the first file that matches
1158       *          the name parameter. If no match is found, an empty
1159       *          string is returned.
1160       * @author Foo
1161       * @version 1.0
1162       * @todo Support wild cards in the input name.
1163       */
1164       void get_full_file_name(string& out,const string& in);
1166  7.29 @version <id>
1168    Specifies the version of the entity. If this directive is not
1169    specified for classes, functions or packages, "unknown" is reported.
11718 Comment Format
1173  The basic comment format is as follows:
1175    Format                    Description
1176    ========================  ===================================
1177    /**                       Start of comment.
1178     * <brief description>    The brief description is terminated
1179     *                        by a period followed by a tab, space
1180     *                        or newline or it is termined by a
1181     *                        directive. This complies with the
1182     *                        javadoc syntax.
1183     *
1184     *                        In older versions of ccdoc the brief
1185     *                        description was termined by a blank
1186     *                        line. This behavior can be re-enabled
1187     *                        by specifying the phase 1 -nojdsds
1188     *                        switch.
1189     *                        First blank (all w/s) line.
1190     *
1191     * <full description>     Any number of lines with blanks.
1192     */                       End of comment.
1193    <C++ entity>              The entity that the comment is
1194                              associated with (unless it is
1195                              a pkgdoc comment).
1196    ========================  ===================================
1198  Each blank line, other than the first one, is treated as a an HTML
1199  paragraph (<p>). The first blank line separates the brief
1200  description from the full description in -nojdsds mode otherwise it
1201  is ignored.
1203  Ccdoc directives can be embedded anywhere in either description but
1204  they must be the first entity on the line.
1206  The full description is optional.
1208  The leading asterisk on each line is optional.
1210  8.1 The simplest possible comment
1212    The example below shows the simplest possible comment forms.
1214      /**Get the age of an employee.*/
1215      unsigned int age(const char* name);
1217      //@{ Get the birthdate of an employee. //@}
1218      unsigned int birthdate(const char* name);
1220      unsigned num_items(); //@- The number of items.
1221      unsigned num_items1(); ///< The number of items.
1222      unsigned num_items2(); //!< The number of items.
1223      unsigned num_items3(); /**< The number of items. */
1224      unsigned num_items4(); /*!< The number of items. */
1226  8.2 A more reasonable example.
1228    The example below shows a more complete example for the function
1229    in 8.1. As you can see, it assumes that age is part of a class or
1230    a namespace called Employee.
1232      /**
1233       * Get an employees age.
1234       * This function is not thread safe because it
1235       * uses statically initialized data.
1236       *
1237       * If the age of the employee is not known, return
1238       * the value 0. The example below shows how to use
1239       * this function.
1240       * <blockquote>
1241       * <pre>
1242       *@@ #include <iostream>
1243       *@@ #include "Employee.h"
1244       *@@ int main(int,char**) {
1245       *@@   cout << "John Doe's age is"
1246       *@@        << Employee::age("John Doe")
1247       *@@        << endl;
1248       *@@   return 0;
1249       *@@ }
1250       * </pre>
1251       * </blockquote>
1252       * @param name The name of the employee.
1253       * @returns The age of the employee or zero if the
1254       *          age if the employee is not known.
1255       * @see Employee
1256       * @throws MyExceptions::NullArgException
1257       *         if the name argument is NULL.
1258       * @todo Modify this function to accept a std::string
1259       *       reference argument to avoid having to check
1260       *       for a NULL argument.
1261       */
1262       unsigned int age(const char* name);
1264  8.3 Alternative comment form 1
1266    Ccdoc allows you to use the C++ single line comment form in
1267    several ways. In this form you specify the beginning and ending of
1268    a comment by using the standard form and prepending the '//'s as
1269    shown below:
1271      ///**
1272      // * This is a simple comment.
1273      // */
1274      int simple;
1276  8.4 Alternative comment form 2
1278    This form allows you do away with the multi-line comment form
1279    entirely by specifying the ccdoc comments using begin and end
1280    directives as shown in the example below:
1282      // ================================================
1283      //@{
1284      // This is a simple comment for foo that uses the
1285      // new single line comment form.
1286      //@}
1287      // ================================================
1288      int foo();
1290  8.5 Alternative comment form 3 (suffix)
1292    This form allows you to specify complex ccdoc comments for the
1293    previous C++ statement as shown in the example below:
1295      int foo();
1296        //@{
1297        // This is a simple comment for foo().
1298        // @suffix
1299        //@}
1301      int foo1();
1302        /**<
1303         * This is a simple comment for foo1().
1304         */
1306      int foo2();
1307        /*!<
1308         * This is a simple comment for foo2().
1309         */
1311  8.6 Alternative comment form 4 (single line, suffix)
1313    Specifies the single line suffix C++ style comment form. This for
1314    is useful for abbreviated comments. Here is an example:
1316      class Point3D {
1317      public:
1318        int p1; //@- The x coordinate.
1319        int p2; ///< The y coordinate.
1320        int p3; //!< The z coordinate.
1321      };
1323    You can only specify a single line so most directives are not
1324    supported. The only supported directives are {@link .. } and
1325    @link .. @endlink.
13279 Package Help
1329  This section describes how to link to ccdoc comments from your
1330  documentation tree. The root level file is ccdoc.root.pkg.html. The
1331  'root' package name can be changed using the -root <name> switch.
1333  In the previous system the root level file was called
1334  ccdoc.index.html. That behavior can be mimic'ed by using the
1335  -rootfile ccdoc.index.html switch.
1337  Here is an example that shows how to create documentation for a
1338  system:
1340    % cat src/rootdoc.txt <<END
1341    /**
1342     * This is the root level documentation.
1343     * @author The Team
1344     * @version 1.2
1345     * @pkgdoc @root
1346     */
1347    END
1348    % ccdoc -db sys.db \
1349         -pkg system \
1350         -html web/ \
1351         -rooturl http://system/index.html \
1352         -srcurl http://system/src/ \
1353         src/rootdoc.txt \
1354         src/*.h
1356  Here is another example that shows how to create documentation for a
1357  system with a ccdoc.index.html root file:
1359    % cat src/rootdoc.txt <<END
1360    /**
1361     * This is the root level documentation.
1362     * @author The Team
1363     * @version 1.2
1364     * @pkgdoc @root
1365     */
1366    END
1367    % ccdoc -db sys.db \
1368         -pkg system \
1369         -html web/ \
1370         -rootfile web/ccdoc.index.html \
1371         -rooturl http://system/index.html \
1372         -srcurl http://system/src/ \
1373         src/rootdoc.txt \
1374         src/*.h
1376  Note that the root file: "http://system/index.html" is NOT
1377  generated by ccdoc.
1379  Also note that the -srcurl tells the browser where to find the
1380  source code.
1382  Each generated documentation file will have a link named 'Home' to
1383  the root url 'http://system/index.html'.
1385  The http://system/index.html can have a link to
1386  web/ccdoc.root.pkg.html to access the ccdoc documentation.
1389**                           HELPFUL HINTS                            **
1390**                                                                    **
1391**  To capture this message in an output file called help.log,        **
1392**  run this command as:                                              **
1393**                                                                    **
1394**    ccdoc -log help.log -nocout -h                                  **
1395**                                                                    **
1396**  If you just want to know how to run ccdoc, see section 6 of this  **
1397**  help message.                                                     **
1398**                                                                    **
1399**  If you just want to see some comment examples, see section 8 of   **
1400**  this help message.                                                **
1401**                                                                    **