1 #include <cdk_int.h>
3 /*
4  * $Author: tom $
5  * $Date: 2016/11/20 19:12:46 $
6  * $Revision: 1.92 $
7  */
9 DeclareCDKObjects (HISTOGRAM, Histogram, setCdk, Unknown);
11 /*
12  * Create a histogram widget.
13  */
newCDKHistogram(CDKSCREEN * cdkscreen,int xplace,int yplace,int height,int width,int orient,const char * title,boolean Box,boolean shadow)14 CDKHISTOGRAM *newCDKHistogram (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
15 			       int xplace,
16 			       int yplace,
17 			       int height,
18 			       int width,
19 			       int orient,
20 			       const char *title,
21 			       boolean Box,
22 			       boolean shadow)
23 {
24    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
25    CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = 0;
26    int parentWidth      = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
27    int parentHeight     = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
28    int boxWidth;
29    int boxHeight;
30    int xpos             = xplace;
31    int ypos             = yplace;
32    int oldWidth         = 0;
33    int oldHeight        = 0;
35    if ((widget = newCDKObject (CDKHISTOGRAM, &my_funcs)) == 0)
36         return (0);
38    setCDKHistogramBox (widget, Box);
40    boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 2);
41    oldHeight = boxHeight;
43    boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);
44    oldWidth = boxWidth;
46    boxWidth = setCdkTitle (ObjOf (widget), title, -(boxWidth + 1));
48    /* Increment the height by the number of lines in the title. */
49    boxHeight += TitleLinesOf (widget);
51    /*
52     * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
53     */
54    boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? oldWidth : boxWidth);
55    boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? oldHeight : boxHeight);
57    /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
58    alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);
60    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Create the histogram pointer. */
61    ScreenOf (widget)    = cdkscreen;
62    widget->parent       = cdkscreen->window;
63    widget->win          = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);
64    widget->shadowWin    = 0;
65    widget->boxWidth     = boxWidth;
66    widget->boxHeight    = boxHeight;
67    widget->fieldWidth   = boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (widget);
68    widget->fieldHeight  = boxHeight - TitleLinesOf (widget) - 2 * BorderOf (widget);
69    widget->orient       = orient;
70    widget->shadow       = shadow;
72    /* Is the window null. */
73    if (widget->win == 0)
74    {
75       destroyCDKObject (widget);
76       return (0);
77    }
78    keypad (widget->win, TRUE);
80    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set up some default values. */
81    widget->filler       = '#' | A_REVERSE;
82    widget->statsAttr    = A_NORMAL;
83    widget->statsPos     = TOP;
84    widget->viewType     = vREAL;
85    widget->high         = 0;
86    widget->low          = 0;
87    widget->value        = 0;
88    widget->lowx         = 0;
89    widget->lowy         = 0;
90    widget->highx        = 0;
91    widget->highy        = 0;
92    widget->curx         = 0;
93    widget->cury         = 0;
94    widget->lowString    = 0;
95    widget->highString   = 0;
96    widget->curString    = 0;
98    /* Do we want a shadow? */
99    if (shadow)
100    {
101       widget->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);
102    }
104    registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vHISTOGRAM, widget);
106    return (widget);
107 }
109 /*
110  * This was added for the builder.
111  */
activateCDKHistogram(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,chtype * actions GCC_UNUSED)112 void activateCDKHistogram (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype *actions GCC_UNUSED)
113 {
114    drawCDKHistogram (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
115 }
117 /*
118  * Set various widget attributes.
119  */
setCDKHistogram(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,EHistogramDisplayType viewType,int statsPos,chtype statsAttr,int low,int high,int value,chtype filler,boolean Box)120 void setCDKHistogram (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget,
121 		      EHistogramDisplayType viewType,
122 		      int statsPos,
123 		      chtype statsAttr,
124 		      int low,
125 		      int high,
126 		      int value,
127 		      chtype filler,
128 		      boolean Box)
129 {
130    setCDKHistogramDisplayType (widget, viewType);
131    setCDKHistogramStatsPos (widget, statsPos);
132    setCDKHistogramValue (widget, low, high, value);
133    setCDKHistogramFillerChar (widget, filler);
134    setCDKHistogramStatsAttr (widget, statsAttr);
135    setCDKHistogramBox (widget, Box);
136 }
138 /*
139  * Set the values for the widget.
140  */
setCDKHistogramValue(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,int low,int high,int value)141 void setCDKHistogramValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, int low, int high, int value)
142 {
143    /* *INDENT-EQLS* We should error check the information we have. */
144    widget->low          = (low <= high ? low : 0);
145    widget->high         = (low <= high ? high : 0);
146    widget->value        = (low <= value && value <= high ? value : 0);
147    /* Determine the percentage of the given value. */
148    widget->percent      = ((widget->high == 0)
149 			   ? 0
150 			   : ((float)widget->value / (float)widget->high));
152    /* Determine the size of the histogram bar. */
153    if (widget->orient == VERTICAL)
154    {
155       widget->barSize = (int)(widget->percent * (float)widget->fieldHeight);
156    }
157    else
158    {
159       widget->barSize = (int)(widget->percent * (float)widget->fieldWidth);
160    }
162    /*
163     * We have a number of variables which determine the personality of the
164     * histogram.  We have to go through each one methodically, and set them
165     * correctly.  This section does this.
166     */
167    if (widget->viewType != vNONE)
168    {
169       char string[100];
170       int len;
172       if (widget->orient == VERTICAL)
173       {
174 	 if (widget->statsPos == LEFT || widget->statsPos == BOTTOM)
175 	 {
177 	    /* Free the space used by the character strings. */
178 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
179 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
180 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
182 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
183 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
184 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
185 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
186 	    widget->lowx       = 1;
187 	    widget->lowy       = widget->boxHeight - len - 1;
189 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
190 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
191 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
192 	    widget->highx      = 1;
193 	    widget->highy      = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
195 	    /* Set the current value attributes. */
196 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
197 	    {
198 	       sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
199 	    }
200 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
201 	    {
202 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
203 	    }
204 	    else
205 	    {
206 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
207 	    }
208 	    len = (int)strlen (string);
209 	    widget->curString = copyChar (string);
210 	    widget->curx = 1;
211 	    widget->cury = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2)
212 			    + TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1);
213 	 }
214 	 else if (widget->statsPos == CENTER)
215 	 {
216 	    /* Set the character strings correctly. */
217 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
218 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
219 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
221 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
222 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
223 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
224 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
225 	    widget->lowx       = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1;
226 	    widget->lowy       = widget->boxHeight - len - 1;
228 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
229 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
230 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
231 	    widget->highx      = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1;
232 	    widget->highy      = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
234 	    /* Set the stats label attributes. */
235 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
236 	    {
237 	       sprintf (string, "%3.2f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
238 	    }
239 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
240 	    {
241 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
242 	    }
243 	    else
244 	    {
245 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
246 	    }
247 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
248 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
249 	    widget->curString  = copyChar (string);
250 	    widget->curx       = (widget->fieldWidth / 2) + 1;
251 	    widget->cury       = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2)
252 				                     + TitleLinesOf (widget)
253 				                     + 1);
254 	 }
255 	 else if (widget->statsPos == RIGHT || widget->statsPos == TOP)
256 	 {
257 	    /* Set the character strings correctly. */
258 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
259 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
260 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
262 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
263 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
264 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
265 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
266 	    widget->lowx       = widget->fieldWidth;
267 	    widget->lowy       = widget->boxHeight - len - 1;
269 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
270 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
271 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
272 	    widget->highx      = widget->fieldWidth;
273 	    widget->highy      = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
275 	    /* Set the stats label attributes. */
276 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
277 	    {
278 	       sprintf (string, "%3.2f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
279 	    }
280 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
281 	    {
282 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
283 	    }
284 	    else
285 	    {
286 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
287 	    }
288 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
289 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
290 	    widget->curString  = copyChar (string);
291 	    widget->curx       = widget->fieldWidth;
292 	    widget->cury       = (((widget->fieldHeight - len) / 2)
293 				                     + TitleLinesOf (widget)
294 				                     + 1);
295 	 }
296       }
297       else
298       {
299 	 /* Alignment is HORIZONTAL. */
300 	 if (widget->statsPos == TOP || widget->statsPos == RIGHT)
301 	 {
302 	    /* Set the character strings correctly. */
303 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
304 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
305 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
307 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
308 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
309 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
310 	    widget->lowx       = 1;
311 	    widget->lowy       = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
313 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
314 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
315 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
316 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
317 	    widget->highx      = widget->boxWidth - len - 1;
318 	    widget->highy      = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
320 	    /* Set the stats label attributes. */
321 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
322 	    {
323 	       sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
324 	    }
325 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
326 	    {
327 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
328 	    }
329 	    else
330 	    {
331 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
332 	    }
333 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
334 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
335 	    widget->curString  = copyChar (string);
336 	    widget->curx       = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1;
337 	    widget->cury       = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
338 	 }
339 	 else if (widget->statsPos == CENTER)
340 	 {
341 	    /* Set the character strings correctly. */
342 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
343 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
344 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
346 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
347 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
348 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
349 	    widget->lowx       = 1;
350 	    widget->lowy       = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2)
351 				                     + TitleLinesOf (widget)
352 				                     + 1);
354 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
355 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
356 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
357 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
358 	    widget->highx      = widget->boxWidth - len - 1;
359 	    widget->highy      = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2)
360 				                     + TitleLinesOf (widget)
361 				                     + 1);
363 	    /* Set the stats label attributes. */
364 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
365 	    {
366 	       sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
367 	    }
368 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
369 	    {
370 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
371 	    }
372 	    else
373 	    {
374 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
375 	    }
376 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
377 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
378 	    widget->curString  = copyChar (string);
379 	    widget->curx       = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1;
380 	    widget->cury       = ((widget->fieldHeight / 2)
381 				                     + TitleLinesOf (widget)
382 				                     + 1);
383 	 }
384 	 else if (widget->statsPos == BOTTOM || widget->statsPos == LEFT)
385 	 {
386 	    /* Set the character strings correctly. */
387 	    freeChar (widget->lowString);
388 	    freeChar (widget->highString);
389 	    freeChar (widget->curString);
391 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the low label attributes. */
392 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->low);
393 	    widget->lowString  = copyChar (string);
394 	    widget->lowx       = 1;
395 	    widget->lowy       = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget);
397 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the high label attributes. */
398 	    sprintf (string, "%d", widget->high);
399 	    len                = (int)strlen (string);
400 	    widget->highString = copyChar (string);
401 	    widget->highx      = widget->boxWidth - len - 1;
402 	    widget->highy      = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget);
404 	    /* Set the stats label attributes. */
405 	    if (widget->viewType == vPERCENT)
406 	    {
407 	       sprintf (string, "%3.1f%%", (float)(widget->percent * 100));
408 	    }
409 	    else if (widget->viewType == vFRACTION)
410 	    {
411 	       sprintf (string, "%d/%d", widget->value, widget->high);
412 	    }
413 	    else
414 	    {
415 	       sprintf (string, "%d", widget->value);
416 	    }
417 	    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
418 	    widget->curString  = copyChar (string);
419 	    widget->curx       = (widget->fieldWidth - len) / 2 + 1;
420 	    widget->cury       = widget->boxHeight - 2 * BorderOf (widget);
421 	 }
422       }
423    }
424 }
getCDKHistogramValue(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)425 int getCDKHistogramValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
426 {
427    return widget->value;
428 }
getCDKHistogramLowValue(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)429 int getCDKHistogramLowValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
430 {
431    return widget->low;
432 }
getCDKHistogramHighValue(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)433 int getCDKHistogramHighValue (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
434 {
435    return widget->high;
436 }
438 /*
439  * Set the histogram display type.
440  */
setCDKHistogramDisplayType(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,EHistogramDisplayType viewType)441 void setCDKHistogramDisplayType (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, EHistogramDisplayType viewType)
442 {
443    widget->viewType = viewType;
444 }
getCDKHistogramViewType(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)445 EHistogramDisplayType getCDKHistogramViewType (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
446 {
447    return widget->viewType;
448 }
450 /*
451  * Set the position of the statistics information.
452  */
setCDKHistogramStatsPos(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,int statsPos)453 void setCDKHistogramStatsPos (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, int statsPos)
454 {
455    widget->statsPos = statsPos;
456 }
getCDKHistogramStatsPos(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)457 int getCDKHistogramStatsPos (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
458 {
459    return widget->statsPos;
460 }
462 /*
463  * Set the attribute of the statistics.
464  */
setCDKHistogramStatsAttr(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,chtype statsAttr)465 void setCDKHistogramStatsAttr (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype statsAttr)
466 {
467    widget->statsAttr = statsAttr;
468 }
getCDKHistogramStatsAttr(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)469 chtype getCDKHistogramStatsAttr (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
470 {
471    return widget->statsAttr;
472 }
474 /*
475  * Set the character to use when drawing the widget.
476  */
setCDKHistogramFillerChar(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,chtype character)477 void setCDKHistogramFillerChar (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, chtype character)
478 {
479    widget->filler = character;
480 }
getCDKHistogramFillerChar(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)481 chtype getCDKHistogramFillerChar (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
482 {
483    return widget->filler;
484 }
486 /*
487  * Set the widget box attribute.
488  */
setCDKHistogramBox(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget,boolean Box)489 void setCDKHistogramBox (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget, boolean Box)
490 {
491    ObjOf (widget)->box = Box;
492    ObjOf (widget)->borderSize = Box ? 1 : 0;
493 }
getCDKHistogramBox(CDKHISTOGRAM * widget)494 boolean getCDKHistogramBox (CDKHISTOGRAM *widget)
495 {
496    return ObjOf (widget)->box;
497 }
499 /*
500  * Set the background attribute of the widget.
501  */
_setBKattrHistogram(CDKOBJS * object,chtype attrib)502 static void _setBKattrHistogram (CDKOBJS *object, chtype attrib)
503 {
504    if (object != 0)
505    {
506       CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object;
507       wbkgd (widget->win, attrib);
508    }
509 }
511 /*
512  * Move the histogram field to the given location.
513  */
_moveCDKHistogram(CDKOBJS * object,int xplace,int yplace,boolean relative,boolean refresh_flag)514 static void _moveCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object,
515 			       int xplace,
516 			       int yplace,
517 			       boolean relative,
518 			       boolean refresh_flag)
519 {
520    CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object;
521    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
522    int currentX = getbegx (widget->win);
523    int currentY = getbegy (widget->win);
524    int xpos     = xplace;
525    int ypos     = yplace;
526    int xdiff    = 0;
527    int ydiff    = 0;
529    /*
530     * If this is a relative move, then we will adjust where we want
531     * to move to.
532     */
533    if (relative)
534    {
535       xpos = getbegx (widget->win) + xplace;
536       ypos = getbegy (widget->win) + yplace;
537    }
539    /* Adjust the window if we need to. */
540    alignxy (WindowOf (widget), &xpos, &ypos, widget->boxWidth, widget->boxHeight);
542    /* Get the difference. */
543    xdiff = currentX - xpos;
544    ydiff = currentY - ypos;
546    /* Move the window to the new location. */
547    moveCursesWindow (widget->win, -xdiff, -ydiff);
548    moveCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin, -xdiff, -ydiff);
550    /* Touch the windows so they 'move'. */
551    refreshCDKWindow (WindowOf (widget));
553    /* Redraw the window, if they asked for it. */
554    if (refresh_flag)
555    {
556       drawCDKHistogram (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
557    }
558 }
560 /*
561  * Draw the widget.
562  */
_drawCDKHistogram(CDKOBJS * object,boolean Box)563 static void _drawCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object, boolean Box)
564 {
565    CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object;
566    /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
567    chtype battr = 0;
568    chtype bchar = 0;
569    chtype fattr = widget->filler & A_ATTRIBUTES;
570    int histX    = TitleLinesOf (widget) + 1;
571    int histY    = widget->barSize;
572    int x, y;
574    /* Erase the window. */
575    werase (widget->win);
577    /* Box the widget if asked. */
578    if (Box)
579    {
580       drawObjBox (widget->win, ObjOf (widget));
581    }
583    /* Do we have a shadow to draw? */
584    if (widget->shadowWin != 0)
585    {
586       drawShadow (widget->shadowWin);
587    }
589    drawCdkTitle (widget->win, object);
591    /* If the user asked for labels, draw them in. */
592    if (widget->viewType != vNONE)
593    {
594       /* Draw in the low label. */
595       if (widget->lowString != 0)
596       {
597 	 int len = (int)strlen (widget->lowString);
598 	 writeCharAttrib (widget->win,
599 			  widget->lowx,
600 			  widget->lowy,
601 			  widget->lowString,
602 			  widget->statsAttr,
603 			  widget->orient,
604 			  0, len);
605       }
607       /* Draw in the current value label. */
608       if (widget->curString != 0)
609       {
610 	 int len = (int)strlen (widget->curString);
611 	 writeCharAttrib (widget->win,
612 			  widget->curx,
613 			  widget->cury,
614 			  widget->curString,
615 			  widget->statsAttr,
616 			  widget->orient,
617 			  0, len);
618       }
620       /* Draw in the high label. */
621       if (widget->highString != 0)
622       {
623 	 int len = (int)strlen (widget->highString);
624 	 writeCharAttrib (widget->win,
625 			  widget->highx,
626 			  widget->highy,
627 			  widget->highString,
628 			  widget->statsAttr,
629 			  widget->orient,
630 			  0, len);
631       }
632    }
634    if (widget->orient == VERTICAL)
635    {
636       histX = widget->boxHeight - widget->barSize - 1;
637       histY = widget->fieldWidth;
638    }
640    /* Draw the histogram bar. */
641    for (x = histX; x < widget->boxHeight - 1; x++)
642    {
643       for (y = 1; y <= histY; y++)
644       {
645 	 battr = mvwinch (widget->win, x, y);
646 	 bchar = CharOf (battr);
648 	 if (bchar == ' ')
649 	 {
650 	    (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, x, y, widget->filler);
651 	 }
652 	 else
653 	 {
654 	    (void)mvwaddch (widget->win, x, y, battr | fattr);
655 	 }
656       }
657    }
659    /* Refresh the window. */
660    wrefresh (widget->win);
661 }
663 /*
664  * Destroy the widget.
665  */
_destroyCDKHistogram(CDKOBJS * object)666 static void _destroyCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object)
667 {
668    if (object != 0)
669    {
670       CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object;
672       freeChar (widget->curString);
673       freeChar (widget->lowString);
674       freeChar (widget->highString);
675       cleanCdkTitle (object);
677       /* Clean up the windows. */
678       deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
679       deleteCursesWindow (widget->win);
681       /* Clean the key bindings. */
682       cleanCDKObjectBindings (vHISTOGRAM, widget);
684       /* Unregister this object. */
685       unregisterCDKObject (vHISTOGRAM, widget);
686    }
687 }
689 /*
690  * Erase the widget from the screen.
691  */
_eraseCDKHistogram(CDKOBJS * object)692 static void _eraseCDKHistogram (CDKOBJS *object)
693 {
694    if (validCDKObject (object))
695    {
696       CDKHISTOGRAM *widget = (CDKHISTOGRAM *)object;
698       eraseCursesWindow (widget->win);
699       eraseCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
700    }
701 }
703 dummyInject (Histogram)
705 dummyFocus (Histogram)
707 dummyUnfocus (Histogram)
709 dummyRefreshData (Histogram)
711 dummySaveData (Histogram)