3# Copyright © 2014-2020 Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues <josch@debian.org>
4# Copyright © 2020      Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
6# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
13# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
16use strict;
17use warnings;
18use autodie;
20use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_bundling no_auto_abbrev);
22use Dpkg::Control;
23use Dpkg::Index;
24use Dpkg::Deps;
25use Dpkg::Source::Package;
26use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
27use File::Path qw(make_path);
28use File::HomeDir;
29use JSON::PP;
30use Time::Piece;
31use File::Basename;
32use List::Util qw(any none);
34my $progname;
37    $progname = basename($0);
38    eval { require String::ShellQuote; };
39    if ($@) {
40        if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate String\/ShellQuote\.pm/) {
41            die
42"$progname: you must have the libstring-shellquote-perl package installed\n"
43              . "to use this script";
44        } else {
45            die
46"$progname: problem loading the String::ShellQuote module:\n  $@\n"
47              . "Have you installed the libstring-shellquote-perl package?";
48        }
49    }
51    eval {
52        require LWP::Simple;
53        require LWP::UserAgent;
54        require URI::Escape;    # libwww-perl depends on liburi-perl
55        no warnings;
56        $LWP::Simple::ua
57          = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'LWP::UserAgent/debrebuild');
58        $LWP::Simple::ua->env_proxy();
59    };
60    if ($@) {
61        if ($@ =~ m/Can\'t locate LWP/) {
62            die "$progname: you must have the libwww-perl package installed\n"
63              . "to use this script";
64        } else {
65            die "$progname: problem loading the LWP and URI modules:\n  $@\n"
66              . "Have you installed the libwww-perl package?";
67        }
68    }
72my $respect_build_path = 1;
73my $use_tor            = 0;
74my $outdir             = './';
75my $builder            = 'none';
76my $timestamp          = '';
78my %OPTIONS = (
79    'help|h'              => sub { usage(0); },
80    'use-tor-proxy!'      => \$use_tor,
81    'respect-build-path!' => \$respect_build_path,
82    'buildresult=s'       => \$outdir,
83    'builder=s'           => \$builder,
84    'timestamp|t=s'       => \$timestamp,
87sub usage {
88    my ($exit_code) = @_;
89    $exit_code //= 0;
90    print <<EOF;
91Usage: $progname [options] <buildinfo>
92       $progname <--help|-h>
94Given a buildinfo file from a Debian package, generate instructions for
95attempting to reproduce the binary packages built from the associated source
96and build information.
99 --help, -h                 Show this help and exit
100 --[no-]use-tor-proxy       Whether to fetch resources via tor (socks://
101                            Assumes "apt-transport-tor" is installed both in host + chroot
102 --[no-]respect-build-path  Whether to setup the build to use the Build-Path from the
103                            provided .buildinfo file.
104 --buildresults             Directory for the build artifacts (default: ./)
105 --builder=BUILDER          Which building software should be used. Possible values are
106                            none, sbuild, mmdebstrap, dpkg and sbuild+unshare. The default
107                            is none. See section BUILDER for details.
108 --timestamp, -t            The required unstable main timestamps from snapshot.d.o if you
109                            already know them, separated by commas, or one of the values
110                            "first_seen" or "metasnap". See section TIMESTAMPS.
112Note: $progname can parse buildinfo files with and without a GPG signature.  However,
113the signature (if present) is discarded as debrebuild does not support verifying
114it.  If the authenticity or integrity of the buildinfo files are important to
115you, checking these need to be done before invoking $progname, for example by using
120    \$ $progname --buildresults=./artifacts --builder=mmdebstrap hello_2.10-2_amd64.buildinfo
124debrebuild can use different backends to perform the actual package rebuild.
125The desired backend is chosen using the --builder option. The default is
128    none            Dry-run mode. No build is performed.
129    sbuild          Use sbuild to build the package. This requires sbuild to be
130                    setup with schroot chroots of Debian stable distributions.
131    mmdebstrap      Use mmdebstrap to build the package. This requires no
132                    setup and no superuser privileges.
133    dpkg            Directly run apt-get and dpkg-buildpackage on the current
134                    system without chroot. This requires root privileges.
135    sbuild+unshare  Use sbuild with the unshare backend. This will create the
136                    chroot and perform the build without superuser privileges
137                    and without any setup.
141The --timestamp option allows one to skip the step of figuring out the correct
142set of required timestamps by listing them separated by commas in the same
143format used in the snapshot.d.o URL. The default is to use the "first_seen"
144attribute from the snapshot.d.o API and download multiple Packages files until
145all required timestamps are found. To explicitly select this mode, use
146--timestamp=first_seen. Lastly, the metasnap.d.n service can be used to figure
147out the right set of timestamps. This mode can be selected by using
148--timestamp=metasnap. In contrast to the "first_seen" mode, the metasnap.d.n
149service will always return a minimal set of timestamps if the package versions
150were at some point part of Debian unstable main.
154Before kernel 5.10.1 or before Debian 11 (Bullseye), unprivileged user
155namespaces were disabled in Debian for security reasons. Refer to Debian bug
156#898446 for details. To enable user namespaces, run:
158    \$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1
160The sbuild+unshare builder requires and the mmdebstrap builder benefits from
161having unprivileged user namespaces activated. On Ubuntu they are enabled by
166Currently, the code assumes that all packages were at some point part of Debian
167unstable main. This fails for packages from Debian ports, packages from
168experimental as well as for locally built packages or packages from third
169party repositories. Enabling support for Debian ports and experimental is
170conceptually possible and only needs somebody implementing it.
174    exit($exit_code);
179my $buildinfo = shift @ARGV;
180if (not defined($buildinfo)) {
181    print STDERR "ERROR: Missing mandatory buildinfo filename\n";
182    print STDERR "\n";
183    usage(1);
185if ($buildinfo eq '--help' or $buildinfo eq '-h') {
186    usage(0);
189if ($buildinfo =~ m/^-/) {
190    print STDERR "ERROR: Unsupported option $buildinfo\n";
191    print STDERR "\n";
192    usage(1);
195if (@ARGV) {
196    print STDERR "ERROR: This program requires exactly argument!\n";
197    print STDERR "\n";
198    usage(1);
201my $base_mirror = "http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian";
202if ($use_tor) {
203    $base_mirror = "tor+http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian";
204    eval {
205        $LWP::Simple::ua->proxy([qw(http https)] => 'socks://');
206    };
207    if ($@) {
208        if ($@ =~ m/Can\'t locate LWP/) {
209            die
210"Unable to use tor: the liblwp-protocol-socks-perl package is not installed\n";
211        } else {
212            die "Unable to use tor: Couldn't load socks proxy support: $@\n";
213        }
214    }
217# buildinfo support in libdpkg-perl (>= 1.18.11)
218my $cdata = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_FILE_BUILDINFO, allow_pgp => 1);
220if (not $cdata->load($buildinfo)) {
221    die "cannot load $buildinfo\n";
224if ($cdata->get_option('is_pgp_signed')) {
225    print
226"$buildinfo contained a GPG signature; it has NOT been validated (debrebuild does not support this)!\n";
227} else {
228    print "$buildinfo was unsigned\n";
231my @architectures = split /\s+/, $cdata->{"Architecture"};
232my $build_source  = (scalar(grep /^source$/, @architectures)) == 1;
233my $build_archall = (scalar(grep /^all$/, @architectures)) == 1;
234@architectures = grep { !/^source$/ && !/^all$/ } @architectures;
235if (scalar @architectures > 1) {
236    die "more than one architecture in Architecture field\n";
238my $build_archany = (scalar @architectures) == 1;
240my $build_arch = $cdata->{"Build-Architecture"};
241if (not defined($build_arch)) {
242    die "need Build-Architecture field\n";
244my $host_arch = $cdata->{"Host-Architecture"};
245if (not defined($host_arch)) {
246    $host_arch = $build_arch;
249my $srcpkgname = $cdata->{Source};
250my $srcpkgver  = $cdata->{Version};
251my $srcpkgbinver
252  = $cdata->{Version};    # this version will include the binmu suffix
253if ($srcpkgname =~ / /) {
254    # In some cases such as binNMUs, the source field contains a version in
255    # the form:
256    #     mscgen (0.20)
257    ($srcpkgname, $srcpkgver) = split / /, $srcpkgname, 2;
258    # Add a simple control check to avoid the worst surprises and stop obvious
259    # cases of garbage-in-garbage-out.
260    die("Unexpected source package name: ${srcpkgname}\n")
261      if $srcpkgname =~ m{[ \t_/\(\)<>!\n%&\$\#\@]};
262    # remove the surrounding parenthesis from the version
263    $srcpkgver =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
266my $new_buildinfo;
268    my $arch;
269    if ($build_archany) {
270        $arch = $host_arch;
271    } elsif ($build_archall) {
272        $arch = 'all';
273    } else {
274        die "nothing to build\n";
275    }
276    $new_buildinfo = "$outdir/${srcpkgname}_${srcpkgbinver}_$arch.buildinfo";
278if (-e $new_buildinfo) {
279    my ($dev1, $ino1) = (lstat $buildinfo)[0, 1]
280      or die "cannot lstat $buildinfo: $!\n";
281    my ($dev2, $ino2) = (lstat $new_buildinfo)[0, 1]
282      or die "cannot lstat $new_buildinfo: $!\n";
283    if ($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2) {
284        die "refusing to overwrite the input buildinfo file\n";
285    }
288my $inst_build_deps = $cdata->{"Installed-Build-Depends"};
289if (not defined($inst_build_deps)) {
290    die "need Installed-Build-Depends field\n";
292my $custom_build_path = $respect_build_path ? $cdata->{'Build-Path'} : undef;
294if (defined($custom_build_path)) {
295    if ($custom_build_path =~ m{['`\$\\"\(\)<>#]|(?:\a|/)[.][.](?:\z|/)}) {
296        warn(
297"Retry build with --no-respect-build-path to ignore the Build-Path field.\n"
298        );
299        die(
300"Refusing to use $custom_build_path as Build-Path: Looks too special to be true"
301        );
302    }
304    if ($custom_build_path eq '' or $custom_build_path !~ m{^/}) {
305        warn(
306"Retry build with --no-respect-build-path to ignore the Build-Path field.\n"
307        );
308        die(
309qq{Build-Path must be a non-empty absolute path (i.e. start with "/").\n}
310        );
311    }
312    print "Using defined Build-Path: ${custom_build_path}\n";
313} else {
314    if ($respect_build_path) {
315        print
316"No Build-Path defined; not setting a defined build path for this build.\n";
317    }
320my $srcpkg = Dpkg::Source::Package->new();
321$srcpkg->{fields}{'Source'}  = $srcpkgname;
322$srcpkg->{fields}{'Version'} = $srcpkgver;
323my $dsc_fname
324  = (dirname($buildinfo)) . '/' . $srcpkg->get_basename(1) . ".dsc";
326my $environment = $cdata->{"Environment"};
327if (not defined($environment)) {
328    die "need Environment field\n";
330$environment =~ s/\n/ /g;    # remove newlines
331$environment =~ s/^ //;      # remove leading whitespace
333my @environment;
334foreach my $line (split /\n/, $cdata->{"Environment"}) {
335    chomp $line;
336    if ($line eq '') {
337        next;
338    }
339    my ($name, $val) = split /=/, $line, 2;
340    $val =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
341    push @environment, "$name=$val";
344# gather all installed build-depends and figure out the version of base-files
345my $base_files_version;
346my @inst_build_deps = ();
348  = deps_parse($inst_build_deps, reduce_arch => 0, build_dep => 0);
349if (!defined $inst_build_deps) {
350    die "deps_parse failed\n";
353foreach my $pkg ($inst_build_deps->get_deps()) {
354    if (!$pkg->isa('Dpkg::Deps::Simple')) {
355        die "dependency disjunctions are not allowed\n";
356    }
357    if (not defined($pkg->{package})) {
358        die "name undefined\n";
359    }
360    if (defined($pkg->{relation})) {
361        if ($pkg->{relation} ne "=") {
362            die "wrong relation";
363        }
364        if (not defined($pkg->{version})) {
365            die "version undefined\n";
366        }
367    } else {
368        die "no version";
369    }
370    if ($pkg->{package} eq "base-files") {
371        if (defined($base_files_version)) {
372            die "more than one base-files\n";
373        }
374        $base_files_version = $pkg->{version};
375    }
376    push @inst_build_deps,
377      {
378        name         => $pkg->{package},
379        architecture => $pkg->{archqual},
380        version      => $pkg->{version} };
383if (!defined($base_files_version)) {
384    die "no base-files\n";
387# figure out the debian release from the version of base-files
388my $base_dist;
390my %base_files_map = ();
391my $di_path        = '/usr/share/distro-info/debian.csv';
392eval { require Debian::DistroInfo; };
393if (!$@) {
394    # libdistro-info-perl is installed
395    my $di = DebianDistroInfo->new();
396    foreach my $series ($di->all) {
397        if (!$di->version($series)) {
398            next;
399        }
400        $base_files_map{ $di->version($series) } = $series;
401    }
402} elsif (-f $di_path) {
403    # distro-info-data is installed
404    open my $fh, '<', $di_path or die "cannot open $di_path: $!\n";
405    my $i = 0;
406    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
407        chomp($line);
408        $i++;
409        my @cells = split /,/, $line;
410        if (scalar @cells < 4) {
411            die "cannot parse line $i of $di_path\n";
412        }
413        if (
414            $i == 1
415            and (  scalar @cells < 6
416                or $cells[0] ne 'version'
417                or $cells[1] ne 'codename'
418                or $cells[2] ne 'series'
419                or $cells[3] ne 'created'
420                or $cells[4] ne 'release'
421                or $cells[5] ne 'eol')
422        ) {
423            die "cannot find correct header in $di_path\n";
424        }
425        if ($i == 1) {
426            next;
427        }
428        $base_files_map{ $cells[0] } = $cells[2];
429    }
430    close $fh;
431} else {
432    # nothing is installed -- use hard-coded values
433    %base_files_map = (
434        "6"  => "squeeze",
435        "7"  => "wheezy",
436        "8"  => "jessie",
437        "9"  => "stretch",
438        "10" => "buster",
439        "11" => "bullseye",
440        "12" => "bookworm",
441        "13" => "trixie",
442    );
445$base_files_version =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/;
447# we subtract one from $base_files_version because we want the Debian release
448# before what is currently in unstable
449$base_dist = $base_files_map{ $base_files_version - 1 };
451if (!defined $base_dist) {
452    die "base-files version didn't map to any Debian release\n";
455my $src_date;
457    print "retrieving snapshot.d.o data for $srcpkgname $srcpkgver\n";
458    my $json_url
459      = "http://snapshot.debian.org/mr/package/$srcpkgname/$srcpkgver/srcfiles?fileinfo=1";
460    my $content = LWP::Simple::get($json_url);
461    die "cannot retrieve $json_url" unless defined $content;
462    my $json = JSON::PP->new();
463    # json options taken from debsnap
464    my $json_text = $json->allow_nonref->utf8->relaxed->decode($content);
465    die "cannot decode json" unless defined $json_text;
466    foreach my $result (@{ $json_text->{result} }) {
467        # FIXME - assumption: package is from Debian official (and not ports)
468        my @package_from_main = grep { $_->{archive_name} eq "debian" }
469          @{ $json_text->{fileinfo}->{ $result->{hash} } };
470        if (scalar @package_from_main > 1) {
471            die
472              "more than one package with the same hash in Debian official\n";
473        }
474        if (scalar @package_from_main == 0) {
475            die "no package with the right hash in Debian official\n";
476        }
477        $src_date = $package_from_main[0]->{first_seen};
478    }
480if (!defined($src_date)) {
481    die "cannot find .dsc\n";
484# support timestamps being separated by a comma
485my @required_timestamps = ();
486if ($timestamp eq "first_seen") {
487    # nothing to do, timestamps will be figured out later
488} elsif ($timestamp eq "metasnap") {
489    # acquire the required timestamps using metasnap.d.n
490    print "retrieving required timestamps from metasnap.d.n\n";
491    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);
492    $ua->env_proxy;
493    my @pkgs = ();
494    foreach my $pkg (@inst_build_deps) {
495        my $pkg_name = $pkg->{name};
496        my $pkg_ver  = $pkg->{version};
497        my $pkg_arch = $pkg->{architecture};
498        if (defined $pkg_arch) {
499            push @pkgs,
500              URI::Escape::uri_escape("$pkg_name:$pkg_arch=$pkg_ver");
501        } else {
502            push @pkgs, URI::Escape::uri_escape("$pkg_name=$pkg_ver");
503        }
504    }
505    my $response
506      = $ua->get('https://metasnap.debian.net/cgi-bin/api'
507          . '?archive=debian'
508          . "&pkgs="
509          . (join "%2C", @pkgs)
510          . "&arch=$build_arch"
511          . '&suite=unstable'
512          . '&comp=main');
513    if (!$response->is_success) {
514        die "request to metasnap.d.n failed: $response->status_line";
515    }
516    foreach my $line (split /\n/, $response->decoded_content) {
517        my ($arch, $t) = split / /, $line, 2;
518        if ($arch ne $build_arch) {
519            die
520"debrebuild is currently unable to handle multiple architectures";
521        }
522        push @required_timestamps, $t;
523    }
524} else {
525    @required_timestamps = split(/,/, $timestamp);
528# setup a temporary apt directory
530my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
532foreach my $d ((
533        '/etc/apt',                        '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d',
534        '/etc/apt/preferences.d',          '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d',
535        '/etc/apt/sources.list.d',         '/var/lib/apt/lists/partial',
536        '/var/cache/apt/archives/partial', '/var/lib/dpkg',
537    )
538) {
539    make_path("$tempdir/$d");
542# We use the Build-Date field as a heuristic to find a good date for the
543# stable release. If we would get the stable release from deb.debian.org
544# instead, then packages might be newer than in unstable of the past because
545# of point releases. The date from the source package will also work in most
546# cases but will fail for binNMU buildinfo files where the source package
547# might even come from years in the past
548my $build_date;
550    local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
551    my $tp
552      = Time::Piece->strptime($cdata->{'Build-Date'}, '%a, %d %b %Y %T %z');
553    $build_date = $tp->strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ");
556sub get_sources_list() {
557    my @result = ();
558    push @result, "deb $base_mirror/$build_date/ $base_dist main";
559    push @result, "deb-src $base_mirror/$src_date/ unstable main";
560    foreach my $ts (@required_timestamps) {
561        push @result, "deb $base_mirror/$ts/ unstable main";
562    }
563    return @result;
566open(FH, '>', "$tempdir/etc/apt/sources.list");
567print FH (join "\n", get_sources_list) . "\n";
568close FH;
569# FIXME - document what's dpkg's status for
570# Create dpkg status
571open(FH, '>', "$tempdir/var/lib/dpkg/status");
572close FH;    #empty file
573# Create apt.conf
574my $aptconf = "$tempdir/etc/apt/apt.conf";
575open(FH, '>', $aptconf);
577# We create an apt.conf and pass it to apt via the APT_CONFIG environment
578# variable instead of passing all options via the command line because
579# otherwise apt will read the system's config first and might get unwanted
580# configuration options from there. See apt.conf(5) for the order in which
581# configuration options are read.
583# While we are at it, we also set all other options through our custom
584# apt.conf.
586# Apt::Architecture has to be set because otherwise apt will default to the
587# architecture apt was compiled for.
589# Apt::Architectures has to be set or otherwise apt will use dpkg to find all
590# foreign architectures of the system running apt.
592# Dir::State::status has to be set even though Dir is set because Dir::State
593# is set to var/lib/apt, so Dir::State::status would be below that but really
594# isn't and without an absolute path, Dir::State::status would be constructed
595# from Dir + Dir::State + Dir::State::status. This has been fixed in apt
596# commit 475f75506db48a7fa90711fce4ed129f6a14cc9a.
598# Acquire::Check-Valid-Until has to be set to false because the snapshot
599# timestamps might be too far in the past to still be valid. This could be
600# fixed by a solution to https://bugs.debian.org/763419
602# Acquire::Languages has to be set to prevent downloading of translations from
603# the mirrors.
605# Binary::apt-get::Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories has to be set to false
606# so that apt-get update fails if repositories cannot be authenticated. The
607# default value of this option will change to true with apt from Debian
608# Buster.
610# We need APT::Get::allow-downgrades set to true, because even if we choose a
611# base distribution that was released before the state that "unstable"
612# currently is in, the package versions in that stable release might be newer
613# than what is in unstable due to security fixes. Choosing a stable release
614# from an older snapshot timestamp would fix this problem but would defeat the
615# purpose of a base distribution for builders like sbuild which can take
616# advantage of existing chroot environments.
618print FH <<EOF;
619Apt {
620   Architecture "$build_arch";
621   Architectures "$build_arch";
624Dir "$tempdir";
625Dir::State::status "$tempdir/var/lib/dpkg/status";
626Acquire::Languages "none";
627Binary::apt-get::Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "false";
629my @common_aptopts = (
630    'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until "false";',
631    'Acquire::http::Dl-Limit "1000";',
632    'Acquire::https::Dl-Limit "1000";',
633    'Acquire::Retries "5";',
634    'APT::Get::allow-downgrades "true";',
636foreach my $line (@common_aptopts) {
637    print FH "$line\n";
639close FH;
641# add the removed keys because they are not returned by Dpkg::Vendor
642# we don't need the Ubuntu vendor now but we already put the comments to
643# possibly extend this script to other Debian derivatives
644my @keyrings     = ();
645my $debianvendor = Dpkg::Vendor::Debian->new();
646push @keyrings, $debianvendor->run_hook('archive-keyrings');
647push @keyrings, $debianvendor->run_hook('archive-keyrings-historic');
648#my $ubuntuvendor = Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu->new();
649#push @keyrings, $ubuntuvendor->run_hook('archive-keyrings');
650#push @keyrings, $ubuntuvendor->run_hook('archive-keyrings-historic');
652foreach my $keyring (@keyrings) {
653    my $base = basename $keyring;
654    print "$keyring\n";
655    if (-f $keyring) {
656        print "linking $tempdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$base to $keyring\n";
657        symlink $keyring, "$tempdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$base";
658    }
661$ENV{'APT_CONFIG'} = $aptconf;
6630 == system 'apt-get', 'update' or die "apt-get update failed\n";
665sub dpkg_index_key_func {
666    return
667        $_[0]->{Package} . ' '
668      . $_[0]->{Version} . ' '
669      . $_[0]->{Architecture};
672sub parse_all_packages_files {
673    my $dpkg_index = Dpkg::Index->new(get_key_func => \&dpkg_index_key_func);
675    open(my $fd, '-|', 'apt-get', 'indextargets', '--format', '$(FILENAME)',
676        'Created-By: Packages');
677    while (my $fname = <$fd>) {
678        chomp $fname;
679        print "parsing $fname...\n";
680        open(my $fd2, '-|', '/usr/lib/apt/apt-helper', 'cat-file', $fname);
681        $dpkg_index->parse($fd2, "pipe") or die "cannot parse Packages file\n";
682        close($fd2);
683    }
684    close($fd);
685    return $dpkg_index;
688my $index = parse_all_packages_files();
689if (scalar @required_timestamps == 0) {
690    # go through all packages in the Installed-Build-Depends field and find out
691    # the timestamps at which they were first seen each
692    my %notfound_timestamps;
694    my %missing;
696    foreach my $pkg (@inst_build_deps) {
697        my $pkg_name = $pkg->{name};
698        my $pkg_ver  = $pkg->{version};
699        my $pkg_arch = $pkg->{architecture};
701      # check if we really need to acquire this package from snapshot.d.o or if
702      # it already exists in the cache
703        if (defined $pkg->{architecture}) {
704            if ($index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver $pkg_arch")) {
705                print "skipping $pkg_name $pkg_ver\n";
706                next;
707            }
708        } else {
709            if ($index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver $build_arch")) {
710                $pkg->{architecture} = $build_arch;
711                print "skipping $pkg_name $pkg_ver\n";
712                next;
713            }
714            if ($index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver all")) {
715                $pkg->{architecture} = "all";
716                print "skipping $pkg_name $pkg_ver\n";
717                next;
718            }
719        }
721        print "retrieving snapshot.d.o data for $pkg_name $pkg_ver\n";
722        my $json_url
723          = "http://snapshot.debian.org/mr/binary/$pkg_name/$pkg_ver/binfiles?fileinfo=1";
724        my $content = LWP::Simple::get($json_url);
725        die "cannot retrieve $json_url" unless defined $content;
726        my $json = JSON::PP->new();
727        # json options taken from debsnap
728        my $json_text = $json->allow_nonref->utf8->relaxed->decode($content);
729        die "cannot decode json" unless defined $json_text;
730        my $pkg_hash;
731        if (scalar @{ $json_text->{result} } == 1) {
732           # if there is only a single result, then the package must either be
733           # Architecture:all, be the build architecture or match the requested
734           # architecture
735            $pkg_hash = ${ $json_text->{result} }[0]->{hash};
736            $pkg->{architecture}
737              = ${ $json_text->{result} }[0]->{architecture};
738            # if a specific architecture was requested, it should match
739            if (defined $pkg_arch && $pkg_arch ne $pkg->{architecture}) {
740                die
741"package $pkg_name was explicitly requested for $pkg_arch but only $pkg->{architecture} was found\n";
742            }
743            # if no specific architecture was requested, it should be the build
744            # architecture
745            if (   !defined $pkg_arch
746                && $build_arch ne $pkg->{architecture}
747                && "all" ne $pkg->{architecture}) {
748                die
749"package $pkg_name was implicitly requested for $pkg_arch but only $pkg->{architecture} was found\n";
750            }
751          # Ensure that $pkg_arch is defined from here as we want to look it up
752          # later in a Packages file from snapshot.d.o if it is not in the
753          # current Packages file
754            $pkg_arch = $pkg->{architecture};
755        } else {
756            # Since the package occurs more than once, we expect it to be of
757            # Architecture:any
758            #
759            # If no specific architecture was requested, look for the build
760            # architecture
761            if (!defined $pkg_arch) {
762                $pkg_arch = $build_arch;
763            }
764            foreach my $result (@{ $json_text->{result} }) {
765                if ($result->{architecture} eq $pkg_arch) {
766                    $pkg_hash = $result->{hash};
767                    last;
768                }
769            }
770            if (!defined($pkg_hash)) {
771                die "cannot find package in architecture $pkg_arch\n";
772            }
773            # we now know that this package is not architecture:all but has a
774            # concrete architecture
775            $pkg->{architecture} = $pkg_arch;
776        }
777        # FIXME - assumption: package is from Debian official (and not ports)
778        my @package_from_main = grep { $_->{archive_name} eq "debian" }
779          @{ $json_text->{fileinfo}->{$pkg_hash} };
780        if (scalar @package_from_main > 1) {
781            die
782              "more than one package with the same hash in Debian official\n";
783        }
784        if (scalar @package_from_main == 0) {
785            die "no package with the right hash in Debian official\n";
786        }
787        my $date = $package_from_main[0]->{first_seen};
788        $pkg->{first_seen}                             = $date;
789        $notfound_timestamps{$date}                    = 1;
790        $missing{"${pkg_name}/${pkg_ver}/${pkg_arch}"} = 1;
791    }
793    # feed apt with timestamped snapshot.debian.org URLs until apt is able to
794    # find all the required package versions. We start with the most recent
795    # timestamp, check which packages cannot be found at that timestamp, add
796    # the timestamp of the most recent not-found package and continue doing
797    # this iteratively until all versions can be found.
799    while (0 < scalar keys %notfound_timestamps) {
800        print "left to check: " . (scalar keys %notfound_timestamps) . "\n";
801        my @timestamps = map { Time::Piece->strptime($_, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') }
802          (sort keys %notfound_timestamps);
803        my $newest = $timestamps[$#timestamps];
804        $newest = $newest->strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ");
805        push @required_timestamps, $newest;
806        delete $notfound_timestamps{$newest};
808        my $snapshot_url = "$base_mirror/$newest/";
810        open(FH, '>>', "$tempdir/etc/apt/sources.list");
811        print FH "deb ${snapshot_url} unstable main\n";
812        close FH;
814        0 == system 'apt-get', 'update' or die "apt-get update failed\n";
816        my $index = parse_all_packages_files();
817        foreach my $pkg (@inst_build_deps) {
818            my $pkg_name   = $pkg->{name};
819            my $pkg_ver    = $pkg->{version};
820            my $pkg_arch   = $pkg->{architecture};
821            my $first_seen = $pkg->{first_seen};
822            my $cdata = $index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver $pkg_arch");
823            if (not defined($cdata->{"Package"})) {
824                # Not present yet; we hope a later snapshot URL will locate it.
825                next;
826            }
827            delete($missing{"${pkg_name}/${pkg_ver}/${pkg_arch}"});
828            if (defined $first_seen) {
829              # this may delete timestamps that we actually need for some other
830              # packages
831                delete $notfound_timestamps{$first_seen};
832            }
833        }
834    }
836    if (%missing) {
837        print STDERR 'Cannot locate the following packages via snapshots'
838          . " or the current repo/mirror\n";
839        for my $key (sort(keys(%missing))) {
840            print STDERR "  ${key}\n";
841        }
842        exit(1);
843    }
844} else {
845    # find out the actual package architecture for all installed build
846    # dependencies without explicit architecture qualification
847    foreach my $pkg (@inst_build_deps) {
848        my $pkg_name = $pkg->{name};
849        my $pkg_ver  = $pkg->{version};
850        if (defined $pkg->{architecture}) {
851            next;
852        }
853        if ($index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver $build_arch")) {
854            $pkg->{architecture} = $build_arch;
855            next;
856        }
857        if ($index->get_by_key("$pkg_name $pkg_ver all")) {
858            $pkg->{architecture} = "all";
859            next;
860        }
861        die "cannot find $pkg_name $pkg_ver in index\n";
862    }
865# remove $tempdir manually to avoid any surprises
8660 == system 'apt-get', '--option',
867  'Dir::Etc::SourceList=/dev/null',  '--option',
868  'Dir::Etc::SourceParts=/dev/null', 'update'
869  or die "apt-get update failed\n";
871foreach my $f (
872    '/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin',
873    '/var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin',
874    '/var/lib/dpkg/status',
875    '/var/lib/apt/lists/lock',
876    '/etc/apt/apt.conf',
877    '/etc/apt/sources.list',
878    '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-removed-keys.gpg',
879    '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-keyring.gpg'
880) {
881    unlink "$tempdir/$f" or die "cannot unlink $tempdir/$f: $!\n";
884foreach my $d (
885    '/var/cache/apt/archives/partial', '/var/cache/apt/archives',
886    '/var/cache/apt',                  '/var/cache',
887    '/var/lib/dpkg',                   '/var/lib/apt/lists/auxfiles',
888    '/var/lib/apt/lists/partial',      '/var/lib/apt/lists',
889    '/var/lib/apt',                    '/var/lib',
890    '/var',                            '/etc/apt/sources.list.d',
891    '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d',          '/etc/apt/preferences.d',
892    '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d',             '/etc/apt',
893    '/etc',                            ''
894) {
895    rmdir "$tempdir/$d" or die "cannot rmdir $d: $!\n";
898!-e $tempdir or die "failed to remove $tempdir\n";
900if ($builder ne "none") {
901    if (!-e $outdir) {
902        make_path($outdir);
903    }
906my $build       = '';
907my $changesarch = '';
908if ($build_archany and $build_archall) {
909    $build       = "binary";
910    $changesarch = $host_arch;
911} elsif ($build_archany and !$build_archall) {
912    $build       = "any";
913    $changesarch = $host_arch;
914} elsif (!$build_archany and $build_archall) {
915    $build       = "all";
916    $changesarch = 'all';
917} else {
918    die "nothing to build\n";
921my @install = ();
922foreach my $pkg (@inst_build_deps) {
923    my $pkg_name = $pkg->{name};
924    my $pkg_ver  = $pkg->{version};
925    my $pkg_arch = $pkg->{architecture};
926    if (any { $_ eq $builder } ('mmdebstrap', 'none', 'dpkg')) {
927        if ($pkg_arch eq "all" || $pkg_arch eq $build_arch) {
928            push @install, "$pkg_name=$pkg_ver";
929        } else {
930            push @install, "$pkg_name:$pkg_arch=$pkg_ver";
931        }
932    } elsif (any { $_ eq $builder } ('sbuild', 'sbuild+unshare')) {
933        if ($pkg_arch eq "all" || $pkg_arch eq $build_arch) {
934            push @install, "$pkg_name (= $pkg_ver)";
935        } else {
936            push @install, "$pkg_name:$pkg_arch (= $pkg_ver)";
937        }
938    } else {
939        die "unsupported builder: $builder\n";
940    }
943if ($builder eq "none") {
944    print "\n";
945    print "Manual installation and build\n";
946    print "-----------------------------\n";
947    print "\n";
948    print
949      "The following sources.list contains all the required repositories:\n";
950    print "\n";
951    print(join "\n", get_sources_list);
952    print "\n";
953    print "You can manually install the right dependencies like this:\n";
954    print "\n";
955    print "apt-get install --no-install-recommends";
957    # Release files from snapshots.d.o have often expired by the time
958    # we fetch them.  Include the option to work around that to assist
959    # the user.
960    print " -oAcquire::Check-Valid-Until=false";
961    foreach my $pkg (@install) {
962        print " $pkg";
963    }
964    print "\n";
965    print "\n";
966    print "And then build your package:\n";
967    print "\n";
968    if ($custom_build_path) {
969        require Cwd;
970        my $custom_build_parent_dir = dirname($custom_build_path);
971        my $dsc_path                = Cwd::realpath($dsc_fname)
972          // die("Cannot resolve ${dsc_fname}: $!\n");
973        print "mkdir -p \"${custom_build_parent_dir}\"\n";
974        print qq{dpkg-source -x "${dsc_path}" "${custom_build_path}"\n};
975        print "cd \"$custom_build_path\"\n";
976    } else {
977        print qq{dpkg-source -x "${dsc_fname}"\n};
978        print "cd packagedirectory\n";
979    }
980    print "\n";
981    if ($cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"}) {
982        print(  "Since this is a binNMU, you must put the following "
983              . "lines at the top of debian/changelog:\n\n");
984        print($cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"});
985    }
986    print "\n";
987    print(  "$environment dpkg-buildpackage -uc "
988          . "--host-arch=$host_arch --build=$build\n");
989} elsif ($builder eq "dpkg") {
990    if ("$build_arch\n" ne `dpkg --print-architecture`) {
991        die "must be run on $build_arch\n";
992    }
994    if ($> != 0) {
995        die "you must be root for the dpkg builder\n";
996    }
998    if (-e $custom_build_path) {
999        die "$custom_build_path exists -- refusing to overwrite\n";
1000    }
1002    my $sources = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debrebuild.list';
1003    if (-e $sources) {
1004        die "$sources already exists -- refusing to overwrite\n";
1005    }
1006    open(FH, '>', $sources) or die "cannot open $sources: $!\n";
1007    print FH (join "\n", get_sources_list) . "\n";
1008    close FH;
1010    my $config = '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/23-debrebuild.conf';
1011    if (-e $config) {
1012        die "$config already exists -- refusing to overwrite\n";
1013    }
1014    open(FH, '>', $config) or die "cannot open $config: $!\n";
1015    foreach my $line (@common_aptopts) {
1016        print FH "$line\n";
1017    }
1018    close FH;
1020    0 == system 'apt-get', 'update' or die "apt-get update failed\n";
1022    my @cmd
1023      = ('apt-get', 'install', '--no-install-recommends', '--yes', @install);
1024    0 == system @cmd or die "apt-get install failed\n";
1026    0 == system 'apt-get', 'source', '--only-source', '--download-only',
1027      "$srcpkgname=$srcpkgver"
1028      or die "apt-get source failed\n";
1029    unlink $sources or die "failed to unlink $sources\n";
1030    unlink $config  or die "failed to unlink $config\n";
1031    make_path(dirname $custom_build_path);
1032    0 == system 'dpkg-source', '--no-check', '--extract',
1033      $srcpkg->get_basename(1) . '.dsc', $custom_build_path
1034      or die "dpkg-source failed\n";
1036    if ($cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"}) {
1037        open my $infh, '<', "$custom_build_path/debian/changelog"
1038          or die "cannot open debian/changelog for reading: $!\n";
1039        my $changelogcontent = do { local $/; <$infh> };
1040        close $infh;
1041        open my $outfh, '>', "$custom_build_path/debian/changelog"
1042          or die "cannot open debian/changelog for writing: $!\n";
1043        my $logentry = $cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"};
1044        # due to storing the binnmu changelog entry in deb822 buildinfo, the
1045        # first character is an unwanted newline
1046        $logentry =~ s/^\n//;
1047        print $outfh $logentry;
1048        # while the linebreak at the beginning is wrong, there are two missing
1049        # at the end
1050        print $outfh "\n\n";
1051        print $outfh $changelogcontent;
1052        close $outfh;
1053    }
1054    0 == system 'env', "--chdir=$custom_build_path", @environment,
1055      'dpkg-buildpackage', '-uc', "--host-arch=$host_arch", "--build=$build"
1056      or die "dpkg-buildpackage failed\n";
1057    # we are not interested in the unpacked source directory
1058    0 == system 'rm', '-r', $custom_build_path
1059      or die "failed to remove $custom_build_path: $?";
1060    # but instead we want the produced artifacts
1061    0 == system 'dcmd', 'mv',
1062      (dirname $custom_build_path)
1063      . "/${srcpkgname}_${srcpkgbinver}_$changesarch.changes", $outdir
1064      or die "dcmd failed\n";
1065} elsif ($builder eq "sbuild" or $builder eq "sbuild+unshare") {
1066    my $tarballpath = File::HomeDir->my_home
1067      . "/.cache/sbuild/$base_dist-$build_arch.tar.gz";
1068    if ($builder eq "sbuild+unshare") {
1069        if (!-e $tarballpath) {
1070            my $chrootdir = tempdir();
1071            0 == system 'sbuild-createchroot', '--chroot-mode=unshare',
1072              '--make-sbuild-tarball', $tarballpath,
1073              $base_dist, $chrootdir, "$base_mirror/$build_date/"
1074              or die "sbuild-createchroot failed\n";
1075            !-e $chrootdir or die "$chrootdir wasn't removed\n";
1076        }
1077    }
1079    my @cmd = ('env', "--chdir=$outdir", @environment, 'sbuild');
1080    foreach my $line (get_sources_list) {
1081        push @cmd, "--extra-repository=$line";
1082    }
1084    # Release files from snapshots.d.o have often expired by the time
1085    # we fetch them.  Include the option to work around that to assist
1086    # the user.
1087    push @cmd,
1088        '--chroot-setup-commands=echo '
1089      . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote(join '\n', @common_aptopts))
1090      . ' | tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/23-debrebuild.conf';
1092    # sbuild chroots have build-essential already installed. This might
1093    # interfere with the packages that we need to install. Example:
1094    # libc6-dev : Breaks: libgcc-8-dev (< 8.4.0-2~) but 8.3.0-6 is to be inst..
1095    # Thus, we remove them beforehand -- the right versions will get installed
1096    # later anyways.
1097    # We have to list the packages manually instead of relying on autoremove
1098    # because debootstrap marks them all as manually installed.
1099    push @cmd,
1100      (     '--chroot-setup-commands=apt-get --yes remove build-essential'
1101          . ' libc6-dev gcc g++ make dpkg-dev');
1102    push @cmd, '--chroot-setup-commands=apt-get --yes autoremove';
1104    push @cmd, "--add-depends=" . (join ",", @install);
1105    push @cmd, "--build=$build_arch";
1106    push @cmd, "--host=$host_arch";
1108    if ($build_source) {
1109        push @cmd, '--source';
1110    } else {
1111        push @cmd, '--no-source';
1112    }
1113    if ($build_archany) {
1114        push @cmd, '--arch-any';
1115    } else {
1116        push @cmd, '--no-arch-any';
1117    }
1118    if ($build_archall) {
1119        push @cmd, '--arch-all';
1120    } else {
1121        push @cmd, '--no-arch-all';
1122    }
1123    if ($cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"}) {
1124        push @cmd, "--binNMU-changelog=$cdata->{'Binary-Only-Changes'}";
1125    }
1126    if ($builder eq "sbuild+unshare") {
1127        push @cmd, "--chroot=$tarballpath";
1128        push @cmd, "--chroot-mode=unshare";
1129    }
1130    push @cmd, "--dist=$base_dist";
1131    push @cmd, "--no-run-lintian";
1132    push @cmd, "--no-run-autopkgtest";
1133    push @cmd, "--no-apt-upgrade";
1134    push @cmd, "--no-apt-distupgrade";
1135    # disable the explainer
1136    push @cmd, "--bd-uninstallable-explainer=";
1137    # We need the aspcud resolver to install packages that are older than the
1138    # ones in the latest snapshot. Apt by default will only use the latest
1139    # package versions as candidates and sbuild uses a dummy package instead
1140    # of crafting an apt command line with the exact version requirements.
1141    push @cmd, "--build-dep-resolver=aspcud";
1143    if ($custom_build_path) {
1144        push @cmd, "--build-path=$custom_build_path";
1145    }
1146    push @cmd, "${srcpkgname}_$srcpkgver";
1147    print((join " ", @cmd) . "\n");
1148    0 == system @cmd or die "sbuild failed\n";
1149} elsif ($builder eq "mmdebstrap") {
1151    my @binnmucmds = ();
1152    if ($cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"}) {
1153        my $logentry = $cdata->{"Binary-Only-Changes"};
1154     # due to storing the binnmu changelog entry in deb822 buildinfo, the first
1155     # character is an unwanted newline
1156        $logentry =~ s/^\n//;
1157      # while the linebreak at the beginning is wrong, there are two missing at
1158      # the end
1159        $logentry .= "\n\n";
1160        push @binnmucmds,
1161            '{ printf "%s" '
1162          . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote $logentry)
1163          . "; cat debian/changelog; } > debian/changelog.debrebuild",
1164          "mv debian/changelog.debrebuild debian/changelog";
1165    }
1167    my @cmd = (
1168        'env', '-i',
1169        'PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
1170        'mmdebstrap',
1171        "--arch=$build_arch",
1172        "--variant=apt",
1173        (map { "--aptopt=$_" } @common_aptopts),
1174        '--include=' . (join ' ', @install),
1175        '--essential-hook=chroot "$1" sh -c "'
1176          . (
1177            join ' && ',
1178            'rm /etc/apt/sources.list',
1179            'echo '
1180              . (
1181                String::ShellQuote::shell_quote(
1182                    (join "\n", get_sources_list) . "\n"
1183                ))
1184              . ' >> /etc/apt/sources.list',
1185            'apt-get update'
1186          )
1187          . '"',
1188        '--customize-hook=chroot "$1" sh -c "'
1189          . (
1190            join ' && ',
1191            "apt-get source --only-source -d $srcpkgname=$srcpkgver",
1192            "mkdir -p "
1193              . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote(dirname $custom_build_path)),
1194            "dpkg-source --no-check -x /"
1195              . $srcpkg->get_basename(1) . '.dsc '
1196              . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote $custom_build_path),
1197            'cd ' . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote $custom_build_path),
1198            @binnmucmds,
1199"env $environment dpkg-buildpackage -uc -a $host_arch --build=$build",
1200            'cd /',
1201            'rm -r ' . (String::ShellQuote::shell_quote $custom_build_path))
1202          . '"',
1203        '--customize-hook=sync-out '
1204          . (dirname $custom_build_path)
1205          . " $outdir",
1206        $base_dist,
1207        '/dev/null',
1208        "deb $base_mirror/$build_date/ $base_dist main"
1209    );
1210    print((join ' ', @cmd) . "\n");
1212    0 == system @cmd or die "mmdebstrap failed\n";
1213} else {
1214    die "unsupported builder: $builder\n";
1217# test if all checksums in the buildinfo file check out
1218if ($builder ne "none") {
1219    print "build artifacts stored in $outdir\n";
1221    my $checksums = Dpkg::Checksums->new();
1222    $checksums->add_from_control($cdata);
1223    # remove the .dsc as we only did the binaries
1224    #  - the .dsc cannot be reproduced anyways because we cannot reproduce its
1225    #    signature
1226    #  - binNMUs can only be done with --build=any
1227    foreach my $file ($checksums->get_files()) {
1228        if ($file !~ /\.dsc$/) {
1229            next;
1230        }
1231        $checksums->remove_file($file);
1232    }
1234    my $new_cdata
1235      = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_FILE_BUILDINFO, allow_pgp => 1);
1236    $new_cdata->load($new_buildinfo);
1237    my $new_checksums = Dpkg::Checksums->new();
1238    $new_checksums->add_from_control($new_cdata);
1240    my @files     = $checksums->get_files();
1241    my @new_files = $new_checksums->get_files();
1243    if (scalar @files != scalar @new_files) {
1244        print("old buildinfo:\n" . (join "\n", @files) . "\n");
1245        print("new buildinfo:\n" . (join "\n", @new_files) . "\n");
1246        die "new buildinfo contains a different number of files\n";
1247    }
1249    for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#files ; $i++) {
1250        if ($files[$i] ne $new_files[$i]) {
1251            die "different checksum files at position $i\n";
1252        }
1253        if ($files[$i] =~ /\.dsc$/) {
1254            print("skipping $files[$i]\n");
1255            next;
1256        }
1257        print("checking $files[$i]: ");
1258        if ($checksums->get_size($files[$i])
1259            != $new_checksums->get_size($files[$i])) {
1260            die "size differs for $files[$i]\n";
1261        } else {
1262            print("size... ");
1263        }
1264        my $chksum     = $checksums->get_checksum($files[$i], undef);
1265        my $new_chksum = $new_checksums->get_checksum($new_files[$i], undef);
1266        if (scalar keys %{$chksum} != scalar keys %{$new_chksum}) {
1267            die "different algos for $files[$i]\n";
1268        }
1269        foreach my $algo (keys %{$chksum}) {
1270            if (!exists $new_chksum->{$algo}) {
1271                die "$algo is not used in both buildinfo files\n";
1272            }
1273            if ($chksum->{$algo} ne $new_chksum->{$algo}) {
1274                die "value of $algo differs for $files[$i]\n";
1275            }
1276            print("$algo... ");
1277        }
1278        print("all OK\n");
1279    }