1 /* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
2    file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.  */
3 #pragma once
5 #include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
7 #include <set>
8 #include <sstream>
9 #include <string>
11 #include <cm/string_view>
13 #include "cmCPackComponentGroup.h"
14 #include "cmCPackGenerator.h"
16 class cmXMLWriter;
18 /** \class cmCPackPKGGenerator
19  * \brief A generator for pkg files
20  *
21  */
22 class cmCPackPKGGenerator : public cmCPackGenerator
23 {
24 public:
25   cmCPackTypeMacro(cmCPackPKGGenerator, cmCPackGenerator);
27   /**
28    * Construct generator
29    */
30   cmCPackPKGGenerator();
31   ~cmCPackPKGGenerator() override;
33   bool SupportsComponentInstallation() const override;
35 protected:
36   int InitializeInternal() override;
GetOutputPostfix()37   const char* GetOutputPostfix() override { return "darwin"; }
39   // Copies or creates the resource file with the given name to the
40   // package or package staging directory dirName. The variable
41   // CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_${NAME} (where ${NAME} is the uppercased
42   // version of name) specifies the input file to use for this file,
43   // which will be configured via ConfigureFile.
44   bool CopyCreateResourceFile(const std::string& name,
45                               const std::string& dirName);
46   bool CopyResourcePlistFile(const std::string& name, const char* outName = 0);
48   int CopyInstallScript(const std::string& resdir, const std::string& script,
49                         const std::string& name);
51   // Retrieve the name of package file that will be generated for this
52   // component. The name is just the file name with extension, and
53   // does not include the subdirectory.
54   std::string GetPackageName(const cmCPackComponent& component);
56   // Writes a distribution.dist file, which turns a metapackage into a
57   // full-fledged distribution. This file is used to describe
58   // inter-component dependencies. metapackageFile is the name of the
59   // metapackage for the distribution. Only valid for a
60   // component-based install.
61   void WriteDistributionFile(const char* metapackageFile, const char* genName);
63   // Subroutine of WriteDistributionFile that writes out the
64   // dependency attributes for inter-component dependencies.
65   void AddDependencyAttributes(const cmCPackComponent& component,
66                                std::set<const cmCPackComponent*>& visited,
67                                std::ostringstream& out);
69   // Subroutine of WriteDistributionFile that writes out the
70   // reverse dependency attributes for inter-component dependencies.
71   void AddReverseDependencyAttributes(
72     const cmCPackComponent& component,
73     std::set<const cmCPackComponent*>& visited, std::ostringstream& out);
75   // Generates XML that encodes the hierarchy of component groups and
76   // their components in a form that can be used by distribution
77   // metapackages.
78   void CreateChoiceOutline(const cmCPackComponentGroup& group,
79                            cmXMLWriter& xout);
81   /// Create the "choice" XML element to describe a component group
82   /// for the installer GUI.
83   void CreateChoice(const cmCPackComponentGroup& group, cmXMLWriter& xout);
85   /// Create the "choice" XML element to describe a component for the
86   /// installer GUI.
87   void CreateChoice(const cmCPackComponent& component, cmXMLWriter& xout);
89   /// Creates a background in the distribution XML.
90   void CreateBackground(const char* themeName, const char* metapackageFile,
91                         cm::string_view genName, cmXMLWriter& xout);
93   // The PostFlight component when creating a metapackage
94   cmCPackComponent PostFlightComponent;
95 };