1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // File:        setup0.h
3 // Purpose:     wxSTEditor setup definitions (rename to setup.h)
4 // Maintainer:
5 // Created:     2003-04-04
6 // RCS-ID:
7 // Copyright:   (c) John Labenski
8 // Licence:     wxWidgets licence
9 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /// @file setup0.h
12 /// @brief This file is distributed as wx/stedit/setup0.h and should be copied to wx/stedit/setup.h.
13 /// You may modify the copied setup.h file to control the behavior of the
14 /// wxSTEditor or override the default values of the #defines, where allowed,
15 /// using the compiler flag "-D STE_USE_HTML_PRINT=1" (for example).
17 #ifndef _STESETUP_H_
18 #define _STESETUP_H_
20 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 // Track the version of this file to alert people when changes have been made
22 // so they can update their copy to wx/stedit/setup0.h.
23 // The STE_SETUP_VERSION is simply an integer that is incremented whenever
24 // wx/stedit/setup0.h is modified in a way that breaks compatibility.
25 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 #include "wx/stedit/stedefs.h" // Get the current version this should be updated to.
30 #   error "Your wx/stedit/setup.h file is out of date, please update to wx/stedit/setup0.h."
31 #endif
33 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 /// Set the maximum file size that the editor can try to load in bytes.
35 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 #ifndef STE_MaxFileSize
38     #define STE_MaxFileSize 100000000
39 #endif
41 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 /// Starting wxWindowID for the wxSTEdit menu items
43 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 #ifndef ID_STE__FIRST
46     #define ID_STE__FIRST 100 // first menu/window ID value
47 #endif
49 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 /// Number of notebook pages allowed before showing dialog saying max # pages reached.
51 /// Use wxSTEditorNotebook::SetMaxPageCount() to change it dynamically, but
52 /// there can never be more pages than STN_NOTEBOOK_PAGES_MAX.
53 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
56     #define STN_NOTEBOOK_PAGES_ALLOWED 200  // default max number of pages
57 #endif
59 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 /// Use wxHtmlEasyPrinting instead of normal printing.
61 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64     #define STE_USE_HTML_PRINT 0
65 #endif
67 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 /// Set default initial values for the wxSTEditor font.
69 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 // A smallish font size that is nicely readable (your mileage may vary)
73     #ifdef __WXGTK__
74         #define STE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 12
75     #else
76         #define STE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 10
77     #endif
78 #endif // #ifndef STE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
80 // A fixed width font - courier is not great, but a reasonable start
82     #ifdef __WXMSW__
83         // Use a TrueType/ClearType font on Windows
84         #define STE_DEFAULT_FONT_FACENAME wxT("Courier New")
85     #else
86         #define STE_DEFAULT_FONT_FACENAME wxT("Courier")
87     #endif
88 #endif // #ifndef STE_DEFAULT_FONT_FACENAME
90 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 /// @name STE_USE_LANG_XXX determines whether or not the language information will be compiled in or not.
92 ///
93 /// Note that the wxSTEditorLangs always has the
94 /// languages in the order given by enum STE_LangTypes STE_LANG_XXX
95 /// (wxSTC_LEX_XXX), however when the STE_USE_LANG_XXX is 0 the language struct
96 /// is NULL and the language will not be shown in the preference dialog.
97 /// Turning off unused languages serves two purposes, making a smaller binary
98 /// and a simplier interface by stripping out esoteric languages.
99 /// In order to make it easy to exclude languages be sure to use
100 /// wxSTEditorLangs::HasLanguage(lang_n) before accessing any values.
101 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 /// @{
104 #define STE_USE_LANG_CONTAINER   0 // 0  probably never want this shown
105 #define STE_USE_LANG_NULL        1 // 1
106 #define STE_USE_LANG_PYTHON      1 // 2
107 #define STE_USE_LANG_CPP         1 // 3
108 #define STE_USE_LANG_HTML        1 // 4
109 #define STE_USE_LANG_XML         1 // 5
110 #define STE_USE_LANG_PERL        1 // 6
111 #define STE_USE_LANG_SQL         1 // 7
112 #define STE_USE_LANG_VB          1 // 8
113 #define STE_USE_LANG_PROPERTIES  1 // 9
114 #define STE_USE_LANG_ERRORLIST   1 // 10
115 #define STE_USE_LANG_MAKEFILE    1 // 11
116 #define STE_USE_LANG_BATCH       1 // 12
117 #define STE_USE_LANG_XCODE       1 // 13
118 #define STE_USE_LANG_LATEX       1 // 14
119 #define STE_USE_LANG_LUA         1 // 15
120 #define STE_USE_LANG_DIFF        1 // 16
121 #define STE_USE_LANG_CONF        1 // 17
122 #define STE_USE_LANG_PASCAL      1 // 18
123 #define STE_USE_LANG_AVE         1 // 19
124 #define STE_USE_LANG_ADA         1 // 20
125 #define STE_USE_LANG_LISP        1 // 21
126 #define STE_USE_LANG_RUBY        1 // 22
127 #define STE_USE_LANG_EIFFEL      1 // 23
128 #define STE_USE_LANG_EIFFELKW    1 // 24
129 #define STE_USE_LANG_TCL         1 // 25
130 #define STE_USE_LANG_NNCRONTAB   1 // 26
131 #define STE_USE_LANG_BULLANT     1 // 27
132 #define STE_USE_LANG_VBSCRIPT    1 // 28
133 #define STE_USE_LANG_ASP         1 // 29
134 #define STE_USE_LANG_PHP         1 // 30
135 #define STE_USE_LANG_BAAN        1 // 31
136 #define STE_USE_LANG_MATLAB      1 // 32
137 #define STE_USE_LANG_SCRIPTOL    1 // 33
138 #define STE_USE_LANG_ASM         1 // 34
139 #define STE_USE_LANG_CPPNOCASE   1 // 35
140 #define STE_USE_LANG_FORTRAN     1 // 36
141 #define STE_USE_LANG_F77         1 // 37
142 #define STE_USE_LANG_CSS         1 // 38
143 #define STE_USE_LANG_POV         1 // 39
144 #define STE_USE_LANG_LOUT        1 // 40
145 #define STE_USE_LANG_ESCRIPT     1 // 41
146 #define STE_USE_LANG_PS          1 // 42
147 #define STE_USE_LANG_NSIS        1 // 43
148 #define STE_USE_LANG_MMIXAL      1 // 44
149 #define STE_USE_LANG_CLW         1 // 45
150 #define STE_USE_LANG_CLWNOCASE   1 // 46
151 #define STE_USE_LANG_LOT         1 // 47
152 #define STE_USE_LANG_YAML        1 // 48
153 #define STE_USE_LANG_TEX         1 // 49
154 #define STE_USE_LANG_METAPOST    1 // 50
155 #define STE_USE_LANG_POWERBASIC  1 // 51
156 #define STE_USE_LANG_FORTH       1 // 52
157 #define STE_USE_LANG_ERLANG      1 // 53
158 #define STE_USE_LANG_OCTAVE      1 // 54
159 #define STE_USE_LANG_MSSQL       1 // 55
160 #define STE_USE_LANG_VERILOG     1 // 56
161 #define STE_USE_LANG_KIX         1 // 57
162 #define STE_USE_LANG_GUI4CLI     1 // 58
163 #define STE_USE_LANG_SPECMAN     1 // 59
164 #define STE_USE_LANG_AU3         1 // 60
165 #define STE_USE_LANG_APDL        1 // 61
166 #define STE_USE_LANG_BASH        1 // 62
167 #define STE_USE_LANG_ASN1        1 // 63
168 #define STE_USE_LANG_VHDL        1 // 64
170 // Derived languages
171 #define STE_USE_LANG_JAVA        1 // 65
172 #define STE_USE_LANG_JAVASCRIPT  1 // 66
173 #define STE_USE_LANG_RC          1 // 67
174 #define STE_USE_LANG_CS          1 // 68
175 #define STE_USE_LANG_D           1 // 69
176 #define STE_USE_LANG_IDL         1 // 70
177 #define STE_USE_LANG_PLSQL       1 // 71
178 #define STE_USE_LANG_SQUIRREL    1 // 72
180 /// @}
182 #endif // _STESETUP_H_