1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        steopts.h
3 // Purpose:     wxSTEditorOptions
4 // Author:      John Labenski, parts taken from wxGuide by Otto Wyss
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created:     11/05/2002
7 // Copyright:   (c) John Labenski, Otto Wyss
8 // Licence:     wxWidgets licence
9 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /// @file steopts.h
12 /// @brief wxSTEditorOptions, options for creation and behavior of wxSTEditor* classes.
14 #ifndef _STEOPTS_H_
15 #define _STEOPTS_H_
17 #include "wx/stedit/stedefs.h"
19 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxFileHistory;
20 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxConfigBase;
21 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxStatusBar;
22 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxMenuBar;
23 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxToolBar;
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 // Editor and window options for wxSTEditor and friends
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 /// wxSTEditorOptions types.
30 enum STE_OptionType
31 {
32     STE_OPTION_EDITOR,           ///< STE_EditorOptionsType
33     STE_OPTION_SPLITTER,         ///< STE_SplitterOptionsType
34     STE_OPTION_NOTEBOOK,         ///< STE_NotebookOptionsType
35     STE_OPTION_FRAME,            ///< STE_FrameOptionsType
36     STE_OPTION_CONFIG,           ///< STE_ConfigOptionsType
37     STE_OPTION_FINDREPLACE,      ///< STE_FindReplaceOptionsType
39     STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILENAME, ///< default filename to use for new editor
40     STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEPATH, ///< default filepath to start with in filedlg
41     STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEEXTS, ///< default file extensions to show in filedlg
43     /// These are the paths to save the config data to. These are used if
44     ///  STE_ConfigOptionsType are set to save and the user has opted to
45     ///  save the preferences (eg. ID_STE_SAVE_PREFERENCES).
46     ///
47     /// The base path (note leading '/' to specify from root) is prepended to
48     ///   the other paths unless they have a leading '/' to denote that
49     ///   they're absolute paths.
50     /// Use wxSTEditorOptions::GetConfigPath(size_t path_n) to get the
51     ///  full "base + other" path, else just GetOption() to retrieve the
52     ///  actual value.
53     STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_BASE,        ///< "/wxSTEditor"
54     STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_PREFS,       ///< "Preferences"
55     STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_STYLES,      ///< "Styles"
56     STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_LANGS,       ///< "Languages"
57     STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_FRAME,       ///< "Frame"
62 };
64 /// Options for the wxSTEditor
65 enum STE_EditorOptionsType
66 {
67     STE_CREATE_POPUPMENU    = 0x0001, ///< Create a rightclick popupmenu at startup
68                                       ///< uses items in wxSTEditorMenuManager
69                                       ///< only creates if one is not previously assigned.
70     STE_QUERY_SAVE_MODIFIED = 0x0002, ///< Popup dialog to ask to save if modified.
71     STE_CREATE_ACCELTABLE   = 0x0004, ///< Create and assign a wxAcceleratorTable
72                                       ///< for the editor from the popup menu items
73                                       ///< and any items in the wxMenubar that the
74                                       ///< editor can handle.
75                                       ///< NOTE: this has problems so it's not enabled
76                                       ///< by default.
79 };
81 /// Options for the wxSTEditorSplitter
82 enum STE_SplitterOptionsType
83 {
84     STS_CREATE_POPUPMENU    = 0x0001, ///< Right-click menu for setting splitting
85                                       ///< only creates if one is not previously assigned.
86     STS_NO_EDITOR           = 0x0002, ///< Don't initialize with an editor (you'll need to create one).
87                                       ///< The code assumes that GetEditor() for the splitter returns a valid editor.
88     STS_SPLITBUTTONS        = 0x0004, ///< When there is a single editor, show splitter buttons
89                                       ///< above and to the side of the scrollbars.
90     STS_DO_DRAG_AND_DROP    = 0x0008, ///< Create a wxSTEditorFileDropTarget for the splitter.
91                                       ///< For read-only editors you probably don't want this.
94 };
96 /// Options for the wxSTEditorNotebook
97 enum STE_NotebookOptionsType
98 {
99     STN_CREATE_POPUPMENU    = 0x0001, ///< Have a right-click tab menu
100                                       ///< only creates if one is not previously assigned.
101     STN_ALPHABETICAL_TABS   = 0x0002, ///< Always sort tabs alphabetically.
102     STN_UPDATE_TITLES       = 0x0004, ///< Update the titles of the pages.
103     STN_ALLOW_NO_PAGES      = 0x0008, ///< Allow having no pages.
104     STN_DO_DRAG_AND_DROP    = 0x0010, ///< Create a wxSTEditorFileDropTarget for the notebook.
107 };
109 /// Options for the wxSTEditorFrame.
110 /// If neither STF_CREATE_SINGLEPAGE|STF_CREATE_NOTEBOOK then don't create an editor, don't have both.
111 enum STE_FrameOptionsType
112 {
113     STF_CREATE_SINGLEPAGE   = 0x0001, ///< Create a single text editor.
114     STF_CREATE_NOTEBOOK     = 0x0002, ///< Create a wxSTEditorNotebook for editors.
115     STF_CREATE_SIDEBAR      = 0x0004, ///< Create a wxNotebook side panel.
116                                       ///< First page is a wxSTEditorTreeCtrl for listing files,
117                                       ///< you can add other pages in any order.
118     STF_CREATE_RESULT_NOTEBOOK = 0x0008, ///< Create a wxNotebook bottom panel for results.
119                                          ///< First page is a wxSTEditorFindResultsEditor for find results,
120                                          ///< you can add other pages in any order.
121     STF_CREATE_TOOLBAR      = 0x0010, ///< Create and maintain a toolbar.
122     STF_CREATE_MENUBAR      = 0x0020, ///< Create and maintain a menubar.
123     STF_CREATE_STATUSBAR    = 0x0040, ///< Create and maintain a statusbar.
124     STF_CREATE_FILEHISTORY  = 0x0080, ///< Create and maintain a wxFileHistory
125                                       ///< if one doesn't already exist and you have wxID_OPEN.
126     STF_DO_DRAG_AND_DROP    = 0x0100, ///< Create a wxSTEditorFileDropTarget for the frame.
129 };
131 /// Options for using wxConfig to save preferences.
132 /// wxConfigBase::Get(false) is called to to save prefs, if a wxConfig isn't
133 /// already created one will NOT be created and these options are ignored.
134 enum STE_ConfigOptionsType
135 {
136     STF_CONFIG             = 0x0002, ///< wxSTEditorFrame will save its prefs if any
137                                      ///< prefs saved only for menu item ID_STE_SAVE_PREFERENCES
139     STE_CONFIG_FILEHISTORY = 0x0004, ///< wxSTEditorOption's wxFileHistory should be saved
140     STE_CONFIG_FINDREPLACE = 0x0008, ///< wxSTEditorFindReplaceData should be saved
142     STE_CONFIG_PREFS       = 0x0010, ///< wxSTEditorPrefs will save their prefs
143     STE_CONFIG_STYLES      = 0x0020, ///< wxSTEditorStyles will save their prefs
144     STE_CONFIG_LANGS       = 0x0040, ///< wxSTEditorLangs will save their prefs
146     STE_CONFIG_SAVE_DIFFS  = 0x0100, ///< Only save modified from default values
147                                      ///< removing ones that are default.
149     STE_CONFIG_SAVE_ALWAYS = 0x0200, ///< Always save the config
150                                      ///< on pref dialog close, frame close...
151                                      ///< You may want to remove the menu item
152                                      ///<   ID_STE_SAVE_PREFERENCES.
155 };
157 /// Same as STEFindReplaceDialogStyles
158 enum STE_FindReplaceOptionsType
159 {
160     //STE_FR_REPLACEDIALOG = 0x001, // makes no sense as an option here
162     //STE_FR_NOUPDOWN      = 0x002, //wxFR_NOUPDOWN      = 2, don't allow changing the search direction
163     //STE_FR_NOMATCHCASE   = 0x004, //wxFR_NOMATCHCASE   = 4, don't allow case sensitive searching
164     //STE_FR_NOWHOLEWORD   = 0x008, //wxFR_NOWHOLEWORD   = 8, don't allow whole word searching
165     //STE_FR_NOWORDSTART   = 0x010, // don't allow word start searching
166     //STE_FR_NOWRAPAROUND  = 0x020, // don't allow wrapping around
167     //STE_FR_NOREGEX       = 0x040, // don't allow regex searching
168     //STE_FR_NOALLDOCS     = 0x080  // don't allow search all docs option
169                                    //    (for not having editor notebook)
172 };
174 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 /// @class wxSTEditorOptions
176 /// @brief Ref counted options for the wxSTEditor/Splitter/Notebook/Frame.
177 ///
178 /// These options are passed and refed from parent to child. For example if you
179 /// start with a frame and notebook the notebook->splitter->editor(s) share them.
180 /// If you start with a splitter then the splitter shares them with editor(s).
181 ///
182 /// This is done so that you set one of these up and pass it to the frame/notebook
183 /// splitter/editor and it tries to do as much as possible for you.
184 ///
185 /// For a wxSTEditorFrame you set the options with wxSTEditorFrame::CreateOptions()
186 /// just after creation.
187 ///
188 /// The default filenames/paths are updated so that when you load/save a file
189 /// the next time you load/save you'll go back to the same dir.
190 ///
191 /// If you don't want an Option - set it to 0, don't want prefs/styles/langs
192 /// set with wxSTEditorPrefs/Styles/Langs(false) for an uncreated version,
193 /// and for no menu manager set it to NULL. Remember that this class is refed so
194 /// that if you change it for one editor it changes for all the others too. To
195 /// "detach" an editor use SetOptions(some other options).
196 ///
197 /// The styles can be accessed using enum STE_OptionType for the predefined
198 ///   options or you can use named options.
199 ///
200 /// Note: The prefs/styles/langs are ref counted so this class is not very big.
201 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 /// A default filename to use, wxT("untitled.txt"), change this if you want.
204 WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_STEDIT(extern wxString) STE_DefaultFileName;
205 /// A default set of file extensions to use - change this if you want.
206 /// wxT("Any file (*)|*|") wxT("Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|")
207 /// wxT("C/C++ file (*.c;*.cpp;*.cxx)|*.c;*.cpp;*.cxx|")
208 /// wxT("H file (*.h)|*.h|") wxT("Html file (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|")
209 /// wxT("Lua file (*.lua)|*.lua|") wxT("Python file (*.py)|*.py"))
210 WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_STEDIT(extern wxString) STE_DefaultFileExtensions;
212 /// wxSTEditorRefData run-time class information.
213 WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_STEDIT(extern const wxClassInfo*) STE_GlobalRefDataClassInfo;
215 class WXDLLIMPEXP_STEDIT wxSTEditorOptions : public wxObject
216 {
217 public:
218     /// Default with nothing set at all.
219     wxSTEditorOptions();
221     /// Everything setup, new menu manager and global prefs/styles/langs.
222     /// Globals refed from wxSTEditor::GetGlobalEditorPrefs/Styles/Langs()
223     /// Ueses the static global wxSTEditorFindReplaceData.
224     wxSTEditorOptions( long editor_opt, // = STE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
225                        long splitter_opt = STS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
226                        long notebook_opt = STN_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
227                        long frame_opt    = STF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
228                        long config_opt   = STE_CONFIG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
229                        const wxString& defaultFileName = GetGlobalDefaultFileName(),
230                        const wxString& defaultFilePath = wxEmptyString,
231                        const wxString& defaultFileExt  = GetGlobalDefaultExtensions() );
233     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
234     /// @name Get/Set/Has option values (option is enum STE_OptionType)
235     /// @{
237     size_t GetOptionCount() const;
239     wxString GetOption(size_t option_n) const;
GetOptionInt(size_t option_n)240     int      GetOptionInt(size_t option_n) const { long n = 0; GetOption(option_n).ToLong(&n); return int(n); }
HasOptionIntFlag(size_t option_n,int flag)241     bool     HasOptionIntFlag(size_t option_n, int flag) const { return STE_HASBIT(GetOptionInt(option_n), flag); }
GetOptionBool(size_t option_n)242     bool     GetOptionBool(size_t option_n) const  { return GetOptionInt(option_n) != 0; }
244     void SetOption(size_t option_n, const wxString& value);
SetOptionInt(size_t option_n,int value)245     void SetOptionInt(size_t option_n, int value) { SetOption(option_n, wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), value)); }
SetOptionIntFlag(size_t option_n,int flag,bool set)246     void SetOptionIntFlag(size_t option_n, int flag, bool set) { SetOptionInt(option_n, STE_SETBIT(GetOptionInt(option_n), flag, set)); }
SetOptionBool(size_t option_n,bool value)247     void SetOptionBool(size_t option_n, bool value) { SetOptionInt(option_n, value ? 1 : 0); }
249     /// @}
250     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
251     /// @name Get/Set/Has option values (option is enum STE_OptionType)
252     /// @{
254     /// The options can also be accessed using named values.
255     /// The original values are the names of the enum STE_OptionType names.
256     wxString GetOptionName(size_t option_n) const;
257     void SetOptionName(size_t option_n, const wxString& name);
258     int FindOptionByName(const wxString& name) const;
HasNamedOption(const wxString & name)259     bool HasNamedOption(const wxString& name) const { return FindOptionByName(name) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
261     /// Add a new option with a given name, returning the index.
262     /// The name is useful when your derived class wants to store values,
263     ///   but you cannot be sure if the option may be set or what index it'll have.
264     size_t AddOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value);
266     /// @}
267     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
268     /// @name Get/Set/Has integer option flags.
269     /// @{
GetEditorOptions()271     int GetEditorOptions()   const { return GetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_EDITOR); }   ///< STE_EditorOptionsType
GetSplitterOptions()272     int GetSplitterOptions() const { return GetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_SPLITTER); } ///< STE_SplitterOptionsType
GetNotebookOptions()273     int GetNotebookOptions() const { return GetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_NOTEBOOK); } ///< STE_NotebookOptionsType
GetFrameOptions()274     int GetFrameOptions()    const { return GetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_FRAME); }    ///< STE_FrameOptionsType
GetConfigOptions()275     int GetConfigOptions()   const { return GetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_CONFIG); }   ///< STE_ConfigOptionsType
HasEditorOption(int opt)277     bool HasEditorOption(  int opt) const { return STE_HASBIT(opt, GetEditorOptions()); }
HasSplitterOption(int opt)278     bool HasSplitterOption(int opt) const { return STE_HASBIT(opt, GetSplitterOptions()); }
HasNotebookOption(int opt)279     bool HasNotebookOption(int opt) const { return STE_HASBIT(opt, GetNotebookOptions()); }
HasFrameOption(int opt)280     bool HasFrameOption(   int opt) const { return STE_HASBIT(opt, GetFrameOptions()); }
HasConfigOption(int opt)281     bool HasConfigOption(  int opt) const { return STE_HASBIT(opt, GetConfigOptions()); }
SetEditorOption(int opt,bool val)283     void SetEditorOption(   int opt, bool val ) { SetEditorOptions(STE_SETBIT(GetEditorOptions(), opt, val)); }
SetSplitterOption(int opt,bool val)284     void SetSplitterOption( int opt, bool val ) { SetSplitterOptions(STE_SETBIT(GetSplitterOptions(), opt, val)); }
SetNotebookOption(int opt,bool val)285     void SetNotebookOption( int opt, bool val ) { SetNotebookOptions(STE_SETBIT(GetNotebookOptions(), opt, val)); }
SetFrameOption(int opt,bool val)286     void SetFrameOption(    int opt, bool val ) { SetFrameOptions(STE_SETBIT(GetFrameOptions(), opt, val)); }
SetConfigOption(int opt,bool val)287     void SetConfigOption(   int opt, bool val ) { SetConfigOptions(STE_SETBIT(GetConfigOptions(), opt, val)); }
SetEditorOptions(int editOptions)289     void SetEditorOptions(   int editOptions )     { SetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_EDITOR, editOptions); }       ///< STE_EditorOptionsType
SetSplitterOptions(int splitterOptions)290     void SetSplitterOptions( int splitterOptions ) { SetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_SPLITTER, splitterOptions); } ///< STE_SplitterOptionsType
SetNotebookOptions(int notebookOptions)291     void SetNotebookOptions( int notebookOptions ) { SetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_NOTEBOOK, notebookOptions); } ///< STE_NotebookOptionsType
SetFrameOptions(int frameOptions)292     void SetFrameOptions(    int frameOptions )    { SetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_FRAME, frameOptions); }       ///< STE_FrameOptionsType
SetConfigOptions(int configOptions)293     void SetConfigOptions(   int configOptions )   { SetOptionInt(STE_OPTION_CONFIG, configOptions); }     ///< STE_ConfigOptionsType
295     /// @}
296     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
297     /// @name Default filenames.
298     /// @{
300     /// The default filename to use when creating a new editor.
GetDefaultFileName()301     wxString GetDefaultFileName() const { return GetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILENAME); }
302     /// The default and (updated by filedialog) last path for the the load/save dialog.
GetDefaultFilePath()303     wxString GetDefaultFilePath() const { return GetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEPATH); }
304     /// The default extensions to use in the load/save dialog.
GetDefaultFileExtensions()305     wxString GetDefaultFileExtensions() const { return GetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEEXTS); }
SetDefaultFileName(const wxString & fileName)307     void SetDefaultFileName( const wxString& fileName ) { SetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILENAME, fileName); }
SetDefaultFilePath(const wxString & filePath)308     void SetDefaultFilePath( const wxString& filePath ) { SetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEPATH, filePath); }
SetDefaultFileExtensions(const wxString & fileExt)309     void SetDefaultFileExtensions( const wxString& fileExt ) { SetOption(STE_OPTION_DEFAULT_FILEEXTS, fileExt); }
311     /// @}
313     /// Optional slash/backslash
314     wxPathFormat GetDisplayPathSeparator() const;
315     void SetDisplayPathSeparator(wxPathFormat);
317     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
318     /// @name Get the prefs/styles/langs to use in the editors (may be !IsOk()).
319     /// @{
320     wxSTEditorPrefs&  GetEditorPrefs() const;
321     wxSTEditorStyles& GetEditorStyles() const;
322     wxSTEditorLangs&  GetEditorLangs() const;
323     /// @}
325     /// @name Set the prefs/styles/langs to use in the editors (may be !IsOk()).
326     /// @{
327     void SetEditorPrefs( const wxSTEditorPrefs& prefs);
328     void SetEditorStyles(const wxSTEditorStyles& styles);
329     void SetEditorLangs( const wxSTEditorLangs& langs);
330     /// @}
332     /// Ref the global prefs/styles/langs see wxSTEditor::GetGlobalEditorXXX()
333     void SetUseGlobalPrefsStylesLangs();
335     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
336     /// Get the find/replace data to use, by default use the global version.
337     wxSTEditorFindReplaceData* GetFindReplaceData() const;
338     /// Set a "new" find/replace data to use, if !is_static it'll be deleted, NULL for none.
339     void SetFindReplaceData(wxSTEditorFindReplaceData* frData, bool is_static);
341     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
342     /// Get the menu manager used to create the menu's (may be NULL).
343     wxSTEditorMenuManager* GetMenuManager() const;
344     /// Set a "new" menu manager to use, if !is_static it'll be deleted, NULL for none.
345     void SetMenuManager(wxSTEditorMenuManager* steMM, bool is_static);
347     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
348     /// Get the wxFileHistory that stores recently opened files (may be NULL).
349     wxFileHistory* GetFileHistory() const;
350     /// Set a "new" wxFileHistory to use, if !is_static it'll be deleted, NULL for none.
351     void SetFileHistory(wxFileHistory* fileHistory, bool is_static);
353     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
354     /// Get the wxMenuBar to be updated (or NULL for none)
355     wxMenuBar* GetMenuBar() const;
356     /// Get the toolbar to be updated (or NULL for none)
357     wxToolBar* GetToolBar() const;
358     /// Get the statusbar to be updated (or NULL for none)
359     wxStatusBar* GetStatusBar() const;
360     /// Get the menu to popup in the editor(s), may be null for none
361     wxMenu* GetEditorPopupMenu() const;
362     /// Get the menu to popup on the splitter(s) sash, may be null for none
363     wxMenu* GetSplitterPopupMenu() const;
364     /// Get the menu to popup on the notebook tabs, maybe be null for none
365     wxMenu* GetNotebookPopupMenu() const;
367     /// Set a menubar and toolbar to be updated as necessary (won't be deleted)
368     void SetMenuBar(  wxMenuBar*   menuBar);
369     void SetToolBar(  wxToolBar*   toolBar);
370     void SetStatusBar(wxStatusBar* statusBar);
371     /// Set a "new" wxMenu to use as a popup menu, it'll be deleted if !is_static
372     void SetEditorPopupMenu(  wxMenu* menu, bool is_static);
373     void SetSplitterPopupMenu(wxMenu* menu, bool is_static);
374     void SetNotebookPopupMenu(wxMenu* menu, bool is_static);
376     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
377     /// @name Get/Set the ClientData in the ref data - see wxClientDataContainer.
378     /// You can store any extra info here, don't forget to delete void data.
379     /// @{
381     void          SetClientObject( wxClientData *data );
382     wxClientData *GetClientObject() const;
384     void  SetClientData( void *data );
385     void *GetClientData() const;
387     /// @}
388     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
389     /// @name Global settings, these are values that this class will be initialized with
390     /// @{
392     static wxString GetGlobalDefaultFileName();
393     static void     SetGlobalDefaultFileName(const wxString& fileName);
395     static wxString GetGlobalDefaultExtensions();
396     static void     SetGlobalDefaultFileExtensions(const wxString& fileExt);
398     /// @}
399     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
400     /// Register wxStEdits menu id's so that they do not collide with the id's of the calling app.
401     /// Calls wxRegisterId(ID_STE__LAST) to make the wxNewId() counter start at ID_STE__LAST + 1.
402     static void RegisterIds();
404     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
405     /// @name Load/Save the config for the prefs/styles/langs, see CFGPATH options
406     /// @{
408     /// Get the full path of the path_option_n STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_XXX where the
409     ///  full path is the basePath + optionPath.
410     wxString GetConfigPath(size_t path_option_n) const;
412     /// Add or remove the trailing '/' use this liberally since sometimes you
413     ///  will want the trailing '/' sometimes not, just run this to be sure.
414     static wxString FixConfigPath(const wxString& path, bool add_sep);
416     void LoadConfig(wxConfigBase &config);
417     void SaveConfig(wxConfigBase &config);
419     /// Load the wxFileHistory files (recently opened files)
420     void LoadFileConfig(wxConfigBase &config);
421     /// Save the wxFileHistory files (recently opened files)
422     void SaveFileConfig(wxConfigBase &config);
424     /// @}
425     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
426     /// @name Operators
427     /// @{
428     wxSTEditorOptions& operator = (const wxSTEditorOptions& steOpts)
429     {
430         if ( (*this) != steOpts )
431             Ref(steOpts);
432         return *this;
433     }
435     bool operator == (const wxSTEditorOptions& steOpts) const
436         { return m_refData == steOpts.m_refData; }
437     bool operator != (const wxSTEditorOptions& steOpts) const
438         { return m_refData != steOpts.m_refData; }
439     /// @}
440 };
442 #endif  // _STEOPTS_H_