1 /* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  *  Copyright (C) 2008-2010  Kouhei Sutou <kou@clear-code.com>
4  *
5  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  *  (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  *
18  */
20 #ifndef __GCUT_INSPECT_H__
21 #define __GCUT_INSPECT_H__
23 #include <glib-object.h>
27 /**
28  * SECTION: gcut-inspect
29  * @title: Object inspection functions
30  * @short_description: Functions to inspect an object for
31  * debugging.
32  *
33  * In test result, we need to know detail of inspected
34  * objects for debugging. Functions of this section help us
35  * to inspect interested objects.
36  *
37  * Since: 1.0.6
38  */
41 /**
42  * gcut_inspect_direct:
43  * @string: the output string.
44  * @data: the interested target.
45  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
46  *
47  * Shows @data as unsigned integer.
48  *
49  * e.g.:
50  * |[
51  * gcut_inspect_direct(string, GUINT_TO_POINTER(100), NULL) -> "100"
52  * ]|
53  *
54  * Since: 1.0.6
55  */
56 void        gcut_inspect_direct       (GString       *string,
57                                        gconstpointer  data,
58                                        gpointer       user_data);
60 /**
61  * gcut_inspect_int:
62  * @string: the output string.
63  * @data: the interested target.
64  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
65  *
66  * Shows @data as integer.
67  *
68  * e.g.:
69  * |[
70  * gint int_value = 100;
71  * gcut_inspect_int(string, &int_value, NULL) -> "100"
72  * ]|
73  *
74  * Since: 1.0.6
75  */
76 void        gcut_inspect_int          (GString       *string,
77                                        gconstpointer  data,
78                                        gpointer       user_data);
80 /**
81  * gcut_inspect_uint:
82  * @string: the output string.
83  * @data: the interested target.
84  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
85  *
86  * Shows @data as unsigned integer.
87  *
88  * e.g.:
89  * |[
90  * guint uint_value = 100;
91  * gcut_inspect_uint(string, &uint_value, NULL) -> "100"
92  * ]|
93  *
94  * Since: 1.0.6
95  */
96 void        gcut_inspect_uint         (GString       *string,
97                                        gconstpointer  data,
98                                        gpointer       user_data);
100 /**
101  * gcut_inspect_int64:
102  * @string: the output string.
103  * @data: the interested target.
104  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
105  *
106  * Shows @data as 64-bit integer.
107  *
108  * e.g.:
109  * |[
110  * gint64 int64_value = 100;
111  * gcut_inspect_int64(string, &int64_value, NULL) -> "100"
112  * ]|
113  *
114  * Since: 1.1.3
115  */
116 void        gcut_inspect_int64        (GString       *string,
117                                        gconstpointer  data,
118                                        gpointer       user_data);
120 /**
121  * gcut_inspect_uint64:
122  * @string: the output string.
123  * @data: the interested target.
124  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
125  *
126  * Shows @data as 64-bit unsigned integer.
127  *
128  * e.g.:
129  * |[
130  * guint64 uint64_value = 100;
131  * gcut_inspect_uint64(string, &uint64_value, NULL) -> "100"
132  * ]|
133  *
134  * Since: 1.1.3
135  */
136 void        gcut_inspect_uint64       (GString       *string,
137                                        gconstpointer  data,
138                                        gpointer       user_data);
140 /**
141  * gcut_inspect_size:
142  * @string: the output string.
143  * @data: the interested target.
144  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
145  *
146  * Shows @data as unsigned integer.
147  *
148  * e.g.:
149  * |[
150  * gsize size_value = 100;
151  * gcut_inspect_size(string, &size_value, NULL) -> "100"
152  * ]|
153  *
154  * Since: 1.1.3
155  */
156 void        gcut_inspect_size         (GString       *string,
157                                        gconstpointer  data,
158                                        gpointer       user_data);
160 /**
161  * gcut_inspect_char:
162  * @string: the output string.
163  * @data: the interested target.
164  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
165  *
166  * Shows @data as character.
167  *
168  * e.g.:
169  * |[
170  * gcut_inspect_char(string, 'C', NULL) -> "'C'"
171  * gcut_inspect_char(string, '\0', NULL) -> "'\0'"
172  * gcut_inspect_char(string, '\n', NULL) -> "'\n'"
173  * ]|
174  *
175  * Since: 1.1.3
176  */
177 void        gcut_inspect_char         (GString       *string,
178                                        gconstpointer  data,
179                                        gpointer       user_data);
180 /**
181  * gcut_inspect_string:
182  * @string: the output string.
183  * @data: the interested target.
184  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
185  *
186  * Shows @data as string. It also accepts %NULL.
187  *
188  * e.g.:
189  * |[
190  * gcut_inspect_string(string, "string", NULL) -> "\"string\""
191  * ]|
192  *
193  * Since: 1.0.6
194  */
195 void        gcut_inspect_string       (GString       *string,
196                                        gconstpointer  data,
197                                        gpointer       user_data);
199 /**
200  * gcut_inspect_type:
201  * @string: the output string.
202  * @data: the interested target.
203  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
204  *
205  * Shows @data as %GType.
206  *
207  * e.g.:
208  * |[
209  * gcut_inspect_type(string, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW, NULL) -> "&lt;GtkWindow&gt;"
210  * ]|
211  *
212  * Since: 1.0.6
213  */
214 void        gcut_inspect_type         (GString       *string,
215                                        gconstpointer  data,
216                                        gpointer       user_data);
218 /**
219  * gcut_inspect_flags:
220  * @string: the output string.
221  * @data: the interested target.
222  * @user_data: the pointer of GFlags type.
223  *
224  * Shows @data as value a GFlags type.
225  *
226  * e.g.:
227  * |[
228  * GType flags_type;
229  * GtkWidgetFlags flags;
230  *
231  * flags_type = GTK_TYPE_WIDGET_FLAGS;
232  * flags = GTK_TOPLEVEL | GTK_VISIBLE;
233  * gcut_inspect_flags(string, &flags, &flags_type);
234  * -> #&lt;GtkWidgetFlags: toplevel|visible (GTK_TOPLEVEL:0x10)|(GTK_VISIBLE:0x100)&gt;
235  * ]|
236  *
237  * Since: 1.0.6
238  */
239 void        gcut_inspect_flags        (GString       *string,
240                                        gconstpointer  data,
241                                        gpointer       user_data);
243 /**
244  * gcut_inspect_enum:
245  * @string: the output string.
246  * @data: the interested target.
247  * @user_data: the pointer of GEnum type.
248  *
249  * Shows @data as value of a GEnum type.
250  *
251  * e.g.:
252  * |[
253  * GType enum_type;
254  * GtkWidgetHelpType value;
255  *
256  * enum_type = GTK_TYPE_WIDGET_HELP_TYPE;
258  * gcut_inspect_enum(string, &value, &enum_type);
259  * -> #&lt;GtkWidgetHelpType: tooltip(GTK_WIDGET_HELP_TOOLTIP:0)&gt;
260  * ]|
261  *
262  * Since: 1.0.6
263  */
264 void        gcut_inspect_enum         (GString       *string,
265                                        gconstpointer  data,
266                                        gpointer       user_data);
268 /**
269  * gcut_inspect_pointer
270  * @string: the output string.
271  * @data: the interested target.
272  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
273  *
274  * Shows @data as a pointer.
275  *
276  * e.g.:
277  * |[
278  * memory = malloc(1);
279  * gcut_inspect_pointer(string, memory, NULL) -> "#<0xXXXXXXX>"
280  * ]|
281  *
282  * Since: 1.0.6
283  */
284 void        gcut_inspect_pointer      (GString       *string,
285                                        gconstpointer  data,
286                                        gpointer       user_data);
288 /**
289  * gcut_inspect_boolean:
290  * @string: the output string.
291  * @data: the interested target.
292  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
293  *
294  * Shows @data as boolean.
295  *
296  * e.g.:
297  * |[
298  * gboolean boolean_value;
300  * boolean_value = TRUE;
301  * gcut_inspect_boolean(string, &boolean_value, NULL) -> "TRUE"
302  * boolean_value = FALSE;
303  * gcut_inspect_boolean(string, &boolean_value, NULL) -> "FALSE"
304  * ]|
305  *
306  * Since: 1.1.3
307  */
308 void        gcut_inspect_boolean      (GString       *string,
309                                        gconstpointer  data,
310                                        gpointer       user_data);
312 /**
313  * gcut_inspect_double:
314  * @string: the output string.
315  * @data: the interested target.
316  * @user_data: the data passed by user. (ignored)
317  *
318  * Shows @data as double floating point number.
319  *
320  * e.g.:
321  * |[
322  * gdouble double_value = 2.9;
323  * gcut_inspect_double(string, &double_value, NULL) -> "2.9"
324  * ]|
325  *
326  * Since: 1.1.3
327  */
328 void        gcut_inspect_double       (GString       *string,
329                                        gconstpointer  data,
330                                        gpointer       user_data);
334 #endif /* __GCUT_INSPECT_H__ */
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338 */