1Running cxxtest tests (35 tests)
2In LessThanEquals::testLessThanEquals:
3LessThanEquals.h:16: Error: Expected (1 <= 0), found (1 > 0)
4LessThanEquals.h:17: Error: Test failed: 1 <=? 0
5LessThanEquals.h:17: Error: Expected (1 <= 0), found (1 > 0)
6LessThanEquals.h:19: Error: Expected (1 < 0), found (1 >= 0)
7LessThanEquals.h:20: Error: Test failed: 1 <=? 0
8LessThanEquals.h:20: Error: Expected (1 <= 0), found (1 > 0)
9In Relation::testPredicate:
10Relation.h:19: Error: Expected MyNegative( 1 ), found !MyNegative( 1 )
11Relation.h:20: Error: Test failed: 1 <? 0
12Relation.h:20: Error: Expected MyNegative( 1 ), found !MyNegative( 1 )
13Relation.h:22: Warning: 1
14Relation.h:24: Warning: 1
15In Relation::testRelation:
16Relation.h:29: Error: Expected MyLess<int>( 2, 1 ), found !MyLess<int>( 2, 1 )
17Relation.h:30: Error: Test failed: 2 <? 1
18Relation.h:30: Error: Expected MyLess<int>( 2, 1 ), found !MyLess<int>( 2, 1 )
19Relation.h:32: Warning: 1
20Relation.h:34: Warning: 1
21In DefaultTraits::testSmallDefaultTraits:
22DefaultTraits.h:23: Error: Test failed: { 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07  }
23In DefaultTraits::testBigDefaultTraits:
24DefaultTraits.h:39: Error: Test failed: { 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F ... }
25In DoubleCall::testAssertEqualsWithSideEffects:
26DoubleCall.h:21: Error: Expected (increment() == 3), found (1 != 3)
27In DoubleCall::testAssertDiffersWithSideEffects:
28DoubleCall.h:26: Error: Expected (increment() != 1), found (1)
29In DoubleCall::testAssertDeltaWithSideEffects:
30DoubleCall.h:31: Error: Expected (increment() == 2.0) up to 0.5 (0.5000), found (1 != 2.0000)
31In SameData::testAssertSameData:
32SameData.h:24: Error: Expected DATA_SIZE (24) bytes to be equal at (x) and (y), found:
33{ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 }
34differs from
35{ FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 EF EE ED EC EB EA E9 E8 }
36In SameData::testAssertMessageSameData:
37SameData.h:29: Error: Test failed: Not same data
38SameData.h:29: Error: Expected DATA_SIZE (24) bytes to be equal at (x) and (y), found:
39{ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 }
40differs from
41{ FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 EF EE ED EC EB EA E9 E8 }
42In SameData::testSafeAssertSameData:
43SameData.h:34: Error: Expected DATA_SIZE (24) bytes to be equal at (x) and (y), found:
44{ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 }
45differs from
46{ FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 EF EE ED EC EB EA E9 E8 }
47In SameData::testSafeAssertMessageSameData:
48SameData.h:39: Error: Test failed: Not same data
49SameData.h:39: Error: Expected DATA_SIZE (24) bytes to be equal at (x) and (y), found:
50{ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 }
51differs from
52{ FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 EF EE ED EC EB EA E9 E8 }
54In SameFiles::testAssertFileShorter:
55SameFiles.h:18: Error: File 'SameFiles.h' ended before file 'SameFilesLonger.h' (line 42)
56=     }
57=  };
61In SameFiles::testAssertFileLonger:
62SameFiles.h:23: Error: File 'SameFiles.h' ended before file 'SameFilesLonger.h' (line 42)
63=     }
64=  };
68In SameFiles::testAssertMessageSameFiles:
69SameFiles.h:28: Error: Test failed: Not same files
70SameFiles.h:28: Error: Files 'SameFiles.h' and 'SameData.h' differ at line 4
71= #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
73= //
74< // This test suite demonstrates TS_ASSERT_SAME_ATA
76> // This test suite demonstrates TS_ASSERT_SAME_//
79In SameFiles::testSafeAssertMessageSameFiles:
80SameFiles.h:38: Error: Test failed: Not same files
81SameFiles.h:38: Error: Files 'SameFiles.h' and 'SameData.h' differ at line 4
82= #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
84= //
85< // This test suite demonstrates TS_ASSERT_SAME_ATA
87> // This test suite demonstrates TS_ASSERT_SAME_//
89In TestMessageMacros::testMessageMacros:
90Tsm.h:15: Error: Test failed: String
91Tsm.h:15: Error: Assertion failed: false
92Tsm.h:16: Error: Test failed: 42
93Tsm.h:16: Error: Assertion failed: false
94Tsm.h:17: Error: Test failed: String
95Tsm.h:17: Error: Expected (2 + 2 == 5), found (4 != 5)
96Tsm.h:18: Error: Test failed: 42
97Tsm.h:18: Error: Expected (2 + 2 == 5), found (4 != 5)
98Tsm.h:19: Error: Test failed: String
99Tsm.h:19: Error: Expected 1 (1) bytes to be equal at (&x) and (&y), found:
100{ 78 }
101differs from
102{ 79 }
103Tsm.h:20: Error: Test failed: 42
104Tsm.h:20: Error: Expected 1 (1) bytes to be equal at (&x) and (&y), found:
105{ 78 }
106differs from
107{ 79 }
108Tsm.h:21: Error: Test failed: String
109Tsm.h:21: Error: Expected (1.0 == 2.0) up to 0.5 (0.5000), found (1.0000 != 2.0000)
110Tsm.h:22: Error: Test failed: 42
111Tsm.h:22: Error: Expected (1.0 == 2.0) up to 0.5 (0.5000), found (1.0000 != 2.0000)
112Tsm.h:23: Error: Test failed: String
113Tsm.h:23: Error: Expected (0 != 0), found (0)
114Tsm.h:24: Error: Test failed: 42
115Tsm.h:24: Error: Expected (0 != 0), found (0)
116Tsm.h:25: Error: Test failed: String
117Tsm.h:25: Error: Expected (2 < 1), found (2 >= 1)
118Tsm.h:26: Error: Test failed: 42
119Tsm.h:26: Error: Expected (2 < 1), found (2 >= 1)
120Tsm.h:27: Error: Test failed: String
121Tsm.h:27: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
122Tsm.h:28: Error: Test failed: 42
123Tsm.h:28: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
124Tsm.h:29: Error: Test failed: String
125Tsm.h:29: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (...) but it didn't throw
126Tsm.h:30: Error: Test failed: 42
127Tsm.h:30: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (...) but it didn't throw
128Tsm.h:31: Error: Test failed: String
129Tsm.h:31: Error: Expected (throwInteger(n)) not to throw, but it did
130Tsm.h:32: Error: Test failed: 42
131Tsm.h:32: Error: Expected (throwInteger(n)) not to throw, but it did
132Tsm.h:33: Error: Test failed: String
133Tsm.h:33: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
134Tsm.h:34: Error: Test failed: 42
135Tsm.h:34: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
136Tsm.h:35: Error: Test failed: String
137Tsm.h:35: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
138Tsm.h:36: Error: Test failed: 42
139Tsm.h:36: Error: Expected (throwNothing()) to throw (int) but it didn't throw
140Tsm.h:37: Error: Test failed: String
141Tsm.h:37: Error: Expected (i == 43), found (42 != 43)
142Tsm.h:38: Error: Test failed: 42
143Tsm.h:38: Error: Expected (i == 43), found (42 != 43)
144In TraitsTest::testIntegerTraits:
145TraitsTest.h:13: Error: Test failed: 1
146TraitsTest.h:14: Error: Test failed: '\x0F'
147TraitsTest.h:15: Error: Test failed: -12
148TraitsTest.h:16: Error: Test failed: 34
149TraitsTest.h:17: Error: Test failed: -123
150TraitsTest.h:18: Error: Test failed: 456
151TraitsTest.h:19: Error: Test failed: -12345
152TraitsTest.h:20: Error: Test failed: 67890
153In TraitsTest::testFloatingPointTraits:
154TraitsTest.h:25: Error: Test failed: 0.1234
155TraitsTest.h:26: Error: Test failed: 0.1234
156In TraitsTest::testBoolTraits:
157TraitsTest.h:31: Error: Test failed: true
158TraitsTest.h:32: Error: Test failed: false
159In TraitsTest::testCharTraits:
160TraitsTest.h:37: Error: Test failed: 'A'
161TraitsTest.h:38: Error: Test failed: '\x04'
162TraitsTest.h:39: Error: Test failed: '\x1B'
163TraitsTest.h:40: Error: Test failed: '\0'
164TraitsTest.h:41: Error: Test failed: '\r'
165TraitsTest.h:42: Error: Test failed: '\n'
166TraitsTest.h:43: Error: Test failed: '\b'
167TraitsTest.h:44: Error: Test failed: '\t'
168TraitsTest.h:45: Error: Test failed: '\a'
169TraitsTest.h:46: Error: Test failed: '\xFB'
170In TraitsTest::testStringTraits:
171TraitsTest.h:51: Error: Test failed: (char *) is displayed as-is
173In TraitsTest::testStdStringTraits:
174TraitsTest.h:57: Error: Test failed: "std::string is displayed with \"\""
175TraitsTest.h:58: Error: Test failed: "Escapes\rAre\rTranslated"
176TraitsTest.h:59: Error: Test failed: "As are unprintable chars: \x124Vx"
178In MockTest::test_Unimplemented:
179MockTest.h:33: Error: Test failed: T::one(void) called with no T::Base_one object
180MockTest.h:129: Error: Expected (T::one() == 1), found (0 != 1)
182In MockTest::test_Mock_traits:
183MockTest.h:40: Error: Test failed: T::getOpaque(int i) called with no T::Base_getOpaque object
184MockTest.h:143: Error: Expected (T::getOpaque(3).value == 72), found (42 != 72)
185In MockTest::test_Override:
186MockTest.h:33: Error: Test failed: T::one(void) called with no T::Base_one object
187MockTest.h:157: Error: Expected (T::one() == 1), found (0 != 1)
189In MockTest::test_Unimplemented_supply:
190MockTest.h:42: Error: Test failed: T::supplyOne(void) called with no T::Base_supplyOne object
191MockTest.h:168: Error: Expected (supplyOne() == 1), found (0 != 1)
193In SameZero::test_TS_ASSERT_SAME_DATA_passed_zero:
194SameZero.h:22: Error: Expected sizeof(data) (4) bytes to be equal at (data) and (0), found:
195{ 00 01 02 03 }
196differs from
198SameZero.h:23: Error: Expected sizeof(data) (4) bytes to be equal at (0) and (data), found:
200differs from
201{ 00 01 02 03 }
202Failed 28 and Skipped 0 of 35 tests
203Success rate: 20%
204Error level = 28