1 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.1.  */
3 /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
4    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9    any later version.
11    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    GNU General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
19    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
21 /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
22    Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
23    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
24    in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
26 /* Tokens.  */
27 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
28 # define YYTOKENTYPE
29    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
30       know about them.  */
31    enum yytokentype {
32      BEG = 258,
33      END = 259,
34      ACCELERATORS = 260,
35      VIRTKEY = 261,
36      ASCII = 262,
37      NOINVERT = 263,
38      SHIFT = 264,
39      CONTROL = 265,
40      ALT = 266,
41      BITMAP = 267,
42      CURSOR = 268,
43      DIALOG = 269,
44      DIALOGEX = 270,
45      EXSTYLE = 271,
46      CAPTION = 272,
47      CLASS = 273,
48      STYLE = 274,
49      AUTO3STATE = 275,
50      AUTOCHECKBOX = 276,
51      AUTORADIOBUTTON = 277,
52      CHECKBOX = 278,
53      COMBOBOX = 279,
54      CTEXT = 280,
55      DEFPUSHBUTTON = 281,
56      EDITTEXT = 282,
57      GROUPBOX = 283,
58      LISTBOX = 284,
59      LTEXT = 285,
60      PUSHBOX = 286,
61      PUSHBUTTON = 287,
62      RADIOBUTTON = 288,
63      RTEXT = 289,
64      SCROLLBAR = 290,
65      STATE3 = 291,
66      USERBUTTON = 292,
67      BEDIT = 293,
68      HEDIT = 294,
69      IEDIT = 295,
70      FONT = 296,
71      ICON = 297,
72      LANGUAGE = 298,
73      CHARACTERISTICS = 299,
74      VERSIONK = 300,
75      MENU = 301,
76      MENUEX = 302,
77      MENUITEM = 303,
78      SEPARATOR = 304,
79      POPUP = 305,
80      CHECKED = 306,
81      GRAYED = 307,
82      HELP = 308,
83      INACTIVE = 309,
84      MENUBARBREAK = 310,
85      MENUBREAK = 311,
86      MESSAGETABLE = 312,
87      RCDATA = 313,
88      STRINGTABLE = 314,
89      VERSIONINFO = 315,
90      FILEVERSION = 316,
91      PRODUCTVERSION = 317,
92      FILEFLAGSMASK = 318,
93      FILEFLAGS = 319,
94      FILEOS = 320,
95      FILETYPE = 321,
96      FILESUBTYPE = 322,
99      VALUE = 325,
100      BLOCK = 326,
101      MOVEABLE = 327,
102      FIXED = 328,
103      PURE = 329,
104      IMPURE = 330,
105      PRELOAD = 331,
106      LOADONCALL = 332,
107      DISCARDABLE = 333,
108      NOT = 334,
109      QUOTEDSTRING = 335,
110      STRING = 336,
111      NUMBER = 337,
112      SIZEDSTRING = 338,
113      IGNORED_TOKEN = 339,
114      NEG = 340
115    };
116 #endif
117 /* Tokens.  */
118 #define BEG 258
119 #define END 259
120 #define ACCELERATORS 260
121 #define VIRTKEY 261
122 #define ASCII 262
123 #define NOINVERT 263
124 #define SHIFT 264
125 #define CONTROL 265
126 #define ALT 266
127 #define BITMAP 267
128 #define CURSOR 268
129 #define DIALOG 269
130 #define DIALOGEX 270
131 #define EXSTYLE 271
132 #define CAPTION 272
133 #define CLASS 273
134 #define STYLE 274
135 #define AUTO3STATE 275
136 #define AUTOCHECKBOX 276
137 #define AUTORADIOBUTTON 277
138 #define CHECKBOX 278
139 #define COMBOBOX 279
140 #define CTEXT 280
141 #define DEFPUSHBUTTON 281
142 #define EDITTEXT 282
143 #define GROUPBOX 283
144 #define LISTBOX 284
145 #define LTEXT 285
146 #define PUSHBOX 286
147 #define PUSHBUTTON 287
148 #define RADIOBUTTON 288
149 #define RTEXT 289
150 #define SCROLLBAR 290
151 #define STATE3 291
152 #define USERBUTTON 292
153 #define BEDIT 293
154 #define HEDIT 294
155 #define IEDIT 295
156 #define FONT 296
157 #define ICON 297
158 #define LANGUAGE 298
159 #define CHARACTERISTICS 299
160 #define VERSIONK 300
161 #define MENU 301
162 #define MENUEX 302
163 #define MENUITEM 303
164 #define SEPARATOR 304
165 #define POPUP 305
166 #define CHECKED 306
167 #define GRAYED 307
168 #define HELP 308
169 #define INACTIVE 309
170 #define MENUBARBREAK 310
171 #define MENUBREAK 311
172 #define MESSAGETABLE 312
173 #define RCDATA 313
174 #define STRINGTABLE 314
175 #define VERSIONINFO 315
176 #define FILEVERSION 316
177 #define PRODUCTVERSION 317
178 #define FILEFLAGSMASK 318
179 #define FILEFLAGS 319
180 #define FILEOS 320
181 #define FILETYPE 321
182 #define FILESUBTYPE 322
184 #define BLOCKVARFILEINFO 324
185 #define VALUE 325
186 #define BLOCK 326
187 #define MOVEABLE 327
188 #define FIXED 328
189 #define PURE 329
190 #define IMPURE 330
191 #define PRELOAD 331
192 #define LOADONCALL 332
193 #define DISCARDABLE 333
194 #define NOT 334
195 #define QUOTEDSTRING 335
196 #define STRING 336
197 #define NUMBER 337
198 #define SIZEDSTRING 338
199 #define IGNORED_TOKEN 339
200 #define NEG 340
205 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
206 #line 66 "rcparse.y"
207 typedef union YYSTYPE {
208   struct accelerator acc;
209   struct accelerator *pacc;
210   struct dialog_control *dialog_control;
211   struct menuitem *menuitem;
212   struct
213   {
214     struct rcdata_item *first;
215     struct rcdata_item *last;
216   } rcdata;
217   struct rcdata_item *rcdata_item;
218   struct stringtable_data *stringtable;
219   struct fixed_versioninfo *fixver;
220   struct ver_info *verinfo;
221   struct ver_stringinfo *verstring;
222   struct ver_varinfo *vervar;
223   struct res_id id;
224   struct res_res_info res_info;
225   struct
226   {
227     unsigned short on;
228     unsigned short off;
229   } memflags;
230   struct
231   {
232     unsigned long val;
233     /* Nonzero if this number was explicitly specified as long.  */
234     int dword;
235   } i;
236   unsigned long il;
237   unsigned short is;
238   const char *s;
239   struct
240   {
241     unsigned long length;
242     const char *s;
243   } ss;
244 } YYSTYPE;
245 /* Line 1447 of yacc.c.  */
246 #line 247 "rcparse.h"
247 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
248 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
249 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
250 #endif
252 extern YYSTYPE yylval;