1 /*!
2  *  Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
3  * \file memory.h
4  * \brief Additional memory hanlding utilities.
5  */
6 #ifndef DMLC_MEMORY_H_
7 #define DMLC_MEMORY_H_
9 #include <vector>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <utility>
12 #include "./base.h"
13 #include "./logging.h"
14 #include "./thread_local.h"
16 namespace dmlc {
18 /*!
19  * \brief A memory pool that allocate memory of fixed size and alignment.
20  * \tparam size The size of each piece.
21  * \tparam align The alignment requirement of the memory.
22  */
23 template<size_t size, size_t align>
24 class MemoryPool {
25  public:
26   /*! \brief constructor */
MemoryPool()27   MemoryPool() {
28     static_assert(align % alignof(LinkedList) == 0,
29                   "alignment requirement failed.");
30     curr_page_.reset(new Page());
31   }
32   /*! \brief allocate a new memory of size */
allocate()33   inline void* allocate() {
34     if (head_ != nullptr) {
35       LinkedList* ret = head_;
36       head_ = head_->next;
37       return ret;
38     } else {
39       if (page_ptr_ < kPageSize) {
40         return &(curr_page_->data[page_ptr_++]);
41       } else {
42         allocated_.push_back(std::move(curr_page_));
43         curr_page_.reset(new Page());
44         page_ptr_ = 1;
45         return &(curr_page_->data[0]);
46       }
47     }
48   }
49   /*!
50    * \brief deallocate a piece of memory
51    * \param p The pointer to the memory to be de-allocated.
52    */
deallocate(void * p)53   inline void deallocate(void* p) {
54     LinkedList* ptr = static_cast<LinkedList*>(p);
55     ptr->next = head_;
56     head_ = ptr;
57   }
59  private:
60   // page size of each member
61   static const int kPageSize = ((1 << 22) / size);
62   // page to be requested.
63   struct Page {
64     typename std::aligned_storage<size, align>::type data[kPageSize];
65   };
66   // internal linked list structure.
67   struct LinkedList {
68     LinkedList* next{nullptr};
69   };
70   // head of free list
71   LinkedList* head_{nullptr};
72   // current free page
73   std::unique_ptr<Page> curr_page_;
74   // pointer to the current free page position.
75   size_t page_ptr_{0};
76   // allocated pages.
77   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Page> > allocated_;
78 };
81 /*!
82  * \brief A thread local allocator that get memory from a threadlocal memory pool.
83  * This is suitable to allocate objects that do not cross thread.
84  * \tparam T the type of the data to be allocated.
85  */
86 template<typename T>
87 class ThreadlocalAllocator {
88  public:
89   /*! \brief pointer type */
90   typedef T* pointer;
91   /*! \brief const pointer type */
92   typedef const T* const_ptr;
93   /*! \brief value type */
94   typedef T value_type;
95   /*! \brief default constructor */
ThreadlocalAllocator()96   ThreadlocalAllocator() {}
97   /*!
98    * \brief constructor from another allocator
99    * \param other another allocator
100    * \tparam U another type
101    */
102   template<typename U>
ThreadlocalAllocator(const ThreadlocalAllocator<U> & other)103   ThreadlocalAllocator(const ThreadlocalAllocator<U>& other) {}
104   /*!
105    * \brief allocate memory
106    * \param n number of blocks
107    * \return an uninitialized memory of type T.
108    */
allocate(size_t n)109   inline T* allocate(size_t n) {
110     CHECK_EQ(n, 1);
111     typedef ThreadLocalStore<MemoryPool<sizeof(T), alignof(T)> > Store;
112     return static_cast<T*>(Store::Get()->allocate());
113   }
114   /*!
115    * \brief deallocate memory
116    * \param p a memory to be returned.
117    * \param n number of blocks
118    */
deallocate(T * p,size_t n)119   inline void deallocate(T* p, size_t n) {
120     CHECK_EQ(n, 1);
121     typedef ThreadLocalStore<MemoryPool<sizeof(T), alignof(T)> > Store;
122     Store::Get()->deallocate(p);
123   }
124 };
127 /*!
128  * \brief a shared pointer like type that allocate object
129  *   from a threadlocal object pool. This object is not thread-safe
130  *   but can be faster than shared_ptr in certain usecases.
131  * \tparam T the data type.
132  */
133 template<typename T>
134 struct ThreadlocalSharedPtr {
135  public:
136   /*! \brief default constructor */
ThreadlocalSharedPtrThreadlocalSharedPtr137   ThreadlocalSharedPtr() : block_(nullptr) {}
138   /*!
139    * \brief constructor from nullptr
140    * \param other the nullptr type
141    */
ThreadlocalSharedPtrThreadlocalSharedPtr142   ThreadlocalSharedPtr(std::nullptr_t other) : block_(nullptr) {}  // NOLINT(*)
143   /*!
144    * \brief copy constructor
145    * \param other another pointer.
146    */
ThreadlocalSharedPtrThreadlocalSharedPtr147   ThreadlocalSharedPtr(const ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T>& other)
148       : block_(other.block_) {
149     IncRef(block_);
150   }
151   /*!
152    * \brief move constructor
153    * \param other another pointer.
154    */
ThreadlocalSharedPtrThreadlocalSharedPtr155   ThreadlocalSharedPtr(ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T>&& other)
156       : block_(other.block_) {
157     other.block_ = nullptr;
158   }
159   /*!
160    * \brief destructor
161    */
~ThreadlocalSharedPtrThreadlocalSharedPtr162   ~ThreadlocalSharedPtr() {
163     DecRef(block_);
164   }
165   /*!
166    * \brief move assignment
167    * \param other another object to be assigned.
168    * \return self.
169    */
170   inline ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T>& operator=(ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T>&& other) {
171     DecRef(block_);
172     block_ = other.block_;
173     other.block_ = nullptr;
174     return *this;
175   }
176   /*!
177    * \brief copy assignment
178    * \param other another object to be assigned.
179    * \return self.
180    */
181   inline ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T> &operator=(const ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T>& other) {
182     DecRef(block_);
183     block_ = other.block_;
184     IncRef(block_);
185     return *this;
186   }
187   /*! \brief check if nullptr */
188   inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t other) const {
189     return block_ == nullptr;
190   }
191   /*!
192    * \return get the pointer content.
193    */
getThreadlocalSharedPtr194   inline T* get() const {
195     if (block_ == nullptr) return nullptr;
196     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(block_->data));
197   }
198   /*!
199    * \brief reset the pointer to nullptr.
200    */
resetThreadlocalSharedPtr201   inline void reset() {
202     DecRef(block_);
203     block_ = nullptr;
204   }
205   /*! \return if use_count == 1*/
uniqueThreadlocalSharedPtr206   inline bool unique() const {
207     if (block_ == nullptr) return false;
208     return block_->use_count_ == 1;
209   }
210   /*! \return dereference pointer */
211   inline T* operator*() const {
212     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(block_->data));
213   }
214   /*! \return dereference pointer */
215   inline T* operator->() const {
216     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(block_->data));
217   }
218   /*!
219    * \brief create a new space from threadlocal storage and return it.
220    * \tparam Args the arguments.
221    * \param args The input argument
222    * \return the allocated pointer.
223    */
224   template <typename... Args>
CreateThreadlocalSharedPtr225   inline static ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T> Create(Args&&... args) {
226     ThreadlocalAllocator<RefBlock> arena;
227     ThreadlocalSharedPtr<T> p;
228     p.block_ = arena.allocate(1);
229     p.block_->use_count_ = 1;
230     new (&(p.block_->data)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
231     return p;
232   }
234  private:
235   // internal reference block
236   struct RefBlock {
237     typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type data;
238     unsigned use_count_;
239   };
240   // decrease ref counter
DecRefThreadlocalSharedPtr241   inline static void DecRef(RefBlock* block) {
242     if (block != nullptr) {
243       if (--block->use_count_ == 0) {
244         ThreadlocalAllocator<RefBlock> arena;
245         T* dptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&(block->data));
246         dptr->~T();
247         arena.deallocate(block, 1);
248       }
249     }
250   }
251   // increase ref counter
IncRefThreadlocalSharedPtr252   inline static void IncRef(RefBlock* block) {
253     if (block != nullptr) {
254       ++block->use_count_;
255     }
256   }
257   // internal block
258   RefBlock *block_;
259 };
261 }  // namespace dmlc
263 #endif  // DMLC_MEMORY_H_