1 // objective: test the \exception, \param, and \tparam commands
2 // check: class_test.xml
4 /** A Test class.
5  *  More details about this class.
6  *  @tparam T A template parameter.
7  */
8 template<class T> class Test
9 {
10   public:
11     /** An example member function.
12      *  \param p1 First parameter.
13      *  \param p2 Second parameter.
14      *  \exception std::out_of_range parameter is out of range.
15      *  \retval  0 if p1 and p2 are equal
16      *  \retval -1 if p1 is smaller than p2
17      *  \retval  1 if p1 is bigger than p2
18      */
19     int example(int p1,int p2) throw(std::out_of_range);
20 };