1defmodule Plug.Conn.WrapperError do
2  @moduledoc """
3  Wraps the connection in an error which is meant
4  to be handled upper in the stack.
6  Used by both `Plug.Debugger` and `Plug.ErrorHandler`.
7  """
8  defexception [:conn, :kind, :reason, :stack]
10  def message(%{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stack}) do
11    Exception.format_banner(kind, reason, stack)
12  end
14  @doc """
15  Reraises an error or a wrapped one.
16  """
17  def reraise(_conn, :error, %__MODULE__{stack: stack} = reason) do
18    :erlang.raise(:error, reason, stack)
19  end
20  def reraise(conn, :error, reason) do
21    stack   = System.stacktrace
22    wrapper = %__MODULE__{conn: conn, kind: :error, reason: reason, stack: stack}
23    :erlang.raise(:error, wrapper, stack)
24  end
25  def reraise(_conn, kind, reason) do
26    :erlang.raise(kind, reason, System.stacktrace)
27  end