2{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
5#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
6{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
9#ifndef MIN_VERSION_template_haskell
10#define MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(x,y,z) 1
13-- |
14-- Copyright   :  (C) 2008-2016 Edward Kmett, (C) 2015-2016 Ryan Scott
15-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
17-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
18-- Stability   :  provisional
19-- Portability :  portable
21-- Functions to mechanically derive 'Bifunctor', 'Bifoldable',
22-- or 'Bitraversable' instances, or to splice their functions directly into
23-- source code. You need to enable the @TemplateHaskell@ language extension
24-- in order to use this module.
27module Data.Bifunctor.TH (
28    -- * @derive@- functions
29    -- $derive
30    -- * @make@- functions
31    -- $make
32    -- * 'Bifunctor'
33    deriveBifunctor
34  , deriveBifunctorOptions
35  , makeBimap
36  , makeBimapOptions
37    -- * 'Bifoldable'
38  , deriveBifoldable
39  , deriveBifoldableOptions
40  , makeBifold
41  , makeBifoldOptions
42  , makeBifoldMap
43  , makeBifoldMapOptions
44  , makeBifoldr
45  , makeBifoldrOptions
46  , makeBifoldl
47  , makeBifoldlOptions
48    -- * 'Bitraversable'
49  , deriveBitraversable
50  , deriveBitraversableOptions
51  , makeBitraverse
52  , makeBitraverseOptions
53  , makeBisequenceA
54  , makeBisequenceAOptions
55  , makeBimapM
56  , makeBimapMOptions
57  , makeBisequence
58  , makeBisequenceOptions
59    -- * 'Options'
60  , Options(..)
61  , defaultOptions
62  ) where
64import           Control.Monad (guard, unless, when, zipWithM)
66import           Data.Bifunctor.TH.Internal
67import           Data.Either (rights)
68import           Data.List
69import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList, keys, lookup, size)
70import           Data.Maybe
72import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
73import           Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
74import           Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
75import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
78-- User-facing API
81-- | Options that further configure how the functions in "Data.Bifunctor.TH"
82-- should behave.
83newtype Options = Options
84  { emptyCaseBehavior :: Bool
85    -- ^ If 'True', derived instances for empty data types (i.e., ones with
86    --   no data constructors) will use the @EmptyCase@ language extension.
87    --   If 'False', derived instances will simply use 'seq' instead.
88    --   (This has no effect on GHCs before 7.8, since @EmptyCase@ is only
89    --   available in 7.8 or later.)
90  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
92-- | Conservative 'Options' that doesn't attempt to use @EmptyCase@ (to
93-- prevent users from having to enable that extension at use sites.)
94defaultOptions :: Options
95defaultOptions = Options { emptyCaseBehavior = False }
97{- $derive
99'deriveBifunctor', 'deriveBifoldable', and 'deriveBitraversable' automatically
100generate their respective class instances for a given data type, newtype, or data
101family instance that has at least two type variable. Examples:
104&#123;-&#35; LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell &#35;-&#125;
105import Data.Bifunctor.TH
107data Pair a b = Pair a b
108$('deriveBifunctor' ''Pair) -- instance Bifunctor Pair where ...
110data WrapLeftPair f g a b = WrapLeftPair (f a) (g a b)
111$('deriveBifoldable' ''WrapLeftPair)
112-- instance (Foldable f, Bifoldable g) => Bifoldable (WrapLeftPair f g) where ...
115If you are using @template-haskell- or later (i.e., GHC 7.4 or later),
116the @derive@ functions can be used data family instances (which requires the
117@-XTypeFamilies@ extension). To do so, pass the name of a data or newtype instance
118constructor (NOT a data family name!) to a @derive@ function.  Note that the
119generated code may require the @-XFlexibleInstances@ extension. Example:
122&#123;-&#35; LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies &#35;-&#125;
123import Data.Bifunctor.TH
125class AssocClass a b c where
126    data AssocData a b c
127instance AssocClass Int b c where
128    data AssocData Int b c = AssocDataInt1 Int | AssocDataInt2 b c
129$('deriveBitraversable' 'AssocDataInt1) -- instance Bitraversable (AssocData Int) where ...
130-- Alternatively, one could use $(deriveBitraversable 'AssocDataInt2)
133Note that there are some limitations:
135* The 'Name' argument to a @derive@ function must not be a type synonym.
137* With a @derive@ function, the last two type variables must both be of kind @*@.
138  Other type variables of kind @* -> *@ are assumed to require a 'Functor',
139  'Foldable', or 'Traversable' constraint (depending on which @derive@ function is
140  used), and other type variables of kind @* -> * -> *@ are assumed to require an
141  'Bifunctor', 'Bifoldable', or 'Bitraversable' constraint. If your data type
142  doesn't meet these assumptions, use a @make@ function.
144* If using the @-XDatatypeContexts@, @-XExistentialQuantification@, or @-XGADTs@
145  extensions, a constraint cannot mention either of the last two type variables. For
146  example, @data Illegal2 a b where I2 :: Ord a => a -> b -> Illegal2 a b@ cannot
147  have a derived 'Bifunctor' instance.
149* If either of the last two type variables is used within a constructor argument's
150  type, it must only be used in the last two type arguments. For example,
151  @data Legal a b = Legal (Int, Int, a, b)@ can have a derived 'Bifunctor' instance,
152  but @data Illegal a b = Illegal (a, b, a, b)@ cannot.
154* Data family instances must be able to eta-reduce the last two type variables. In other
155  words, if you have a instance of the form:
157  @
158  data family Family a1 ... an t1 t2
159  data instance Family e1 ... e2 v1 v2 = ...
160  @
162  Then the following conditions must hold:
164  1. @v1@ and @v2@ must be distinct type variables.
165  2. Neither @v1@ not @v2@ must be mentioned in any of @e1@, ..., @e2@.
169{- $make
171There may be scenarios in which you want to, say, 'bimap' over an arbitrary data type
172or data family instance without having to make the type an instance of 'Bifunctor'. For
173these cases, this module provides several functions (all prefixed with @make@-) that
174splice the appropriate lambda expression into your source code.
176This is particularly useful for creating instances for sophisticated data types. For
177example, 'deriveBifunctor' cannot infer the correct type context for
178@newtype HigherKinded f a b c = HigherKinded (f a b c)@, since @f@ is of kind
179@* -> * -> * -> *@. However, it is still possible to create a 'Bifunctor' instance for
180@HigherKinded@ without too much trouble using 'makeBimap':
183&#123;-&#35; LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell &#35;-&#125;
184import Data.Bifunctor
185import Data.Bifunctor.TH
187newtype HigherKinded f a b c = HigherKinded (f a b c)
189instance Bifunctor (f a) => Bifunctor (HigherKinded f a) where
190    bimap = $(makeBimap ''HigherKinded)
195-- | Generates a 'Bifunctor' instance declaration for the given data type or data
196-- family instance.
197deriveBifunctor :: Name -> Q [Dec]
198deriveBifunctor = deriveBifunctorOptions defaultOptions
200-- | Like 'deriveBifunctor', but takes an 'Options' argument.
201deriveBifunctorOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q [Dec]
202deriveBifunctorOptions = deriveBiClass Bifunctor
204-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bimap' (without requiring a
205-- 'Bifunctor' instance).
206makeBimap :: Name -> Q Exp
207makeBimap = makeBimapOptions defaultOptions
209-- | Like 'makeBimap', but takes an 'Options' argument.
210makeBimapOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
211makeBimapOptions = makeBiFun Bimap
213-- | Generates a 'Bifoldable' instance declaration for the given data type or data
214-- family instance.
215deriveBifoldable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
216deriveBifoldable = deriveBifoldableOptions defaultOptions
218-- | Like 'deriveBifoldable', but takes an 'Options' argument.
219deriveBifoldableOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q [Dec]
220deriveBifoldableOptions = deriveBiClass Bifoldable
222--- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bifold' (without requiring a
223-- 'Bifoldable' instance).
224makeBifold :: Name -> Q Exp
225makeBifold = makeBifoldOptions defaultOptions
227-- | Like 'makeBifold', but takes an 'Options' argument.
228makeBifoldOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
229makeBifoldOptions opts name = appsE [ makeBifoldMapOptions opts name
230                                    , varE idValName
231                                    , varE idValName
232                                    ]
234-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bifoldMap' (without requiring
235-- a 'Bifoldable' instance).
236makeBifoldMap :: Name -> Q Exp
237makeBifoldMap = makeBifoldMapOptions defaultOptions
239-- | Like 'makeBifoldMap', but takes an 'Options' argument.
240makeBifoldMapOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
241makeBifoldMapOptions = makeBiFun BifoldMap
243-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bifoldr' (without requiring a
244-- 'Bifoldable' instance).
245makeBifoldr :: Name -> Q Exp
246makeBifoldr = makeBifoldrOptions defaultOptions
248-- | Like 'makeBifoldr', but takes an 'Options' argument.
249makeBifoldrOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
250makeBifoldrOptions = makeBiFun Bifoldr
252-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bifoldl' (without requiring a
253-- 'Bifoldable' instance).
254makeBifoldl :: Name -> Q Exp
255makeBifoldl = makeBifoldlOptions defaultOptions
257-- | Like 'makeBifoldl', but takes an 'Options' argument.
258makeBifoldlOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
259makeBifoldlOptions opts name = do
260  f <- newName "f"
261  g <- newName "g"
262  z <- newName "z"
263  t <- newName "t"
264  lamE [varP f, varP g, varP z, varP t] $
265    appsE [ varE appEndoValName
266          , appsE [ varE getDualValName
267                  , appsE [ makeBifoldMapOptions opts name
268                          , foldFun f
269                          , foldFun g
270                          , varE t]
271                  ]
272          , varE z
273          ]
274  where
275    foldFun :: Name -> Q Exp
276    foldFun n = infixApp (conE dualDataName)
277                         (varE composeValName)
278                         (infixApp (conE endoDataName)
279                                   (varE composeValName)
280                                   (varE flipValName `appE` varE n)
281                         )
283-- | Generates a 'Bitraversable' instance declaration for the given data type or data
284-- family instance.
285deriveBitraversable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
286deriveBitraversable = deriveBitraversableOptions defaultOptions
288-- | Like 'deriveBitraversable', but takes an 'Options' argument.
289deriveBitraversableOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q [Dec]
290deriveBitraversableOptions = deriveBiClass Bitraversable
292-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bitraverse' (without
293-- requiring a 'Bitraversable' instance).
294makeBitraverse :: Name -> Q Exp
295makeBitraverse = makeBitraverseOptions defaultOptions
297-- | Like 'makeBitraverse', but takes an 'Options' argument.
298makeBitraverseOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
299makeBitraverseOptions = makeBiFun Bitraverse
301-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bisequenceA' (without
302-- requiring a 'Bitraversable' instance).
303makeBisequenceA :: Name -> Q Exp
304makeBisequenceA = makeBisequenceAOptions defaultOptions
306-- | Like 'makeBitraverseA', but takes an 'Options' argument.
307makeBisequenceAOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
308makeBisequenceAOptions opts name = appsE [ makeBitraverseOptions opts name
309                                         , varE idValName
310                                         , varE idValName
311                                         ]
313-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bimapM' (without
314-- requiring a 'Bitraversable' instance).
315makeBimapM :: Name -> Q Exp
316makeBimapM = makeBimapMOptions defaultOptions
318-- | Like 'makeBimapM', but takes an 'Options' argument.
319makeBimapMOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
320makeBimapMOptions opts name = do
321  f <- newName "f"
322  g <- newName "g"
323  lamE [varP f, varP g] . infixApp (varE unwrapMonadValName) (varE composeValName) $
324                          appsE [ makeBitraverseOptions opts name
325                                , wrapMonadExp f
326                                , wrapMonadExp g
327                                ]
328  where
329    wrapMonadExp :: Name -> Q Exp
330    wrapMonadExp n = infixApp (conE wrapMonadDataName) (varE composeValName) (varE n)
332-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'bisequence' (without
333-- requiring a 'Bitraversable' instance).
334makeBisequence :: Name -> Q Exp
335makeBisequence = makeBisequenceOptions defaultOptions
337-- | Like 'makeBisequence', but takes an 'Options' argument.
338makeBisequenceOptions :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
339makeBisequenceOptions opts name = appsE [ makeBimapMOptions opts name
340                                        , varE idValName
341                                        , varE idValName
342                                        ]
345-- Code generation
348-- | Derive a class instance declaration (depending on the BiClass argument's value).
349deriveBiClass :: BiClass -> Options -> Name -> Q [Dec]
350deriveBiClass biClass opts name = do
351  info <- reifyDatatype name
352  case info of
353    DatatypeInfo { datatypeContext   = ctxt
354                 , datatypeName      = parentName
355                 , datatypeInstTypes = instTys
356                 , datatypeVariant   = variant
357                 , datatypeCons      = cons
358                 } -> do
359      (instanceCxt, instanceType)
360          <- buildTypeInstance biClass parentName ctxt instTys variant
361      (:[]) `fmap` instanceD (return instanceCxt)
362                             (return instanceType)
363                             (biFunDecs biClass opts parentName instTys cons)
365-- | Generates a declaration defining the primary function(s) corresponding to a
366-- particular class (bimap for Bifunctor, bifoldr and bifoldMap for Bifoldable, and
367-- bitraverse for Bitraversable).
369-- For why both bifoldr and bifoldMap are derived for Bifoldable, see Trac #7436.
370biFunDecs :: BiClass -> Options -> Name -> [Type] -> [ConstructorInfo] -> [Q Dec]
371biFunDecs biClass opts parentName instTys cons =
372  map makeFunD $ biClassToFuns biClass
373  where
374    makeFunD :: BiFun -> Q Dec
375    makeFunD biFun =
376      funD (biFunName biFun)
377           [ clause []
378                    (normalB $ makeBiFunForCons biFun opts parentName instTys cons)
379                    []
380           ]
382-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like the BiFun argument.
383makeBiFun :: BiFun -> Options -> Name -> Q Exp
384makeBiFun biFun opts name = do
385  info <- reifyDatatype name
386  case info of
387    DatatypeInfo { datatypeContext   = ctxt
388                 , datatypeName      = parentName
389                 , datatypeInstTypes = instTys
390                 , datatypeVariant   = variant
391                 , datatypeCons      = cons
392                 } ->
393      -- We force buildTypeInstance here since it performs some checks for whether
394      -- or not the provided datatype can actually have bimap/bifoldr/bitraverse/etc.
395      -- implemented for it, and produces errors if it can't.
396      buildTypeInstance (biFunToClass biFun) parentName ctxt instTys variant
397        >> makeBiFunForCons biFun opts parentName instTys cons
399-- | Generates a lambda expression for the given constructors.
400-- All constructors must be from the same type.
401makeBiFunForCons :: BiFun -> Options -> Name -> [Type] -> [ConstructorInfo] -> Q Exp
402makeBiFunForCons biFun opts _parentName instTys cons = do
403  argNames <- mapM newName $ catMaybes [ Just "f"
404                                       , Just "g"
405                                       , guard (biFun == Bifoldr) >> Just "z"
406                                       , Just "value"
407                                       ]
408  let ([map1, map2], others) = splitAt 2 argNames
409      z          = head others -- If we're deriving bifoldr, this will be well defined
410                               -- and useful. Otherwise, it'll be ignored.
411      value      = last others
412      lastTyVars = map varTToName $ drop (length instTys - 2) instTys
413      tvMap      = Map.fromList $ zip lastTyVars [map1, map2]
414  lamE (map varP argNames)
415      . appsE
416      $ [ varE $ biFunConstName biFun
417        , makeFun z value tvMap
418        ] ++ map varE argNames
419  where
420    makeFun :: Name -> Name -> TyVarMap -> Q Exp
421    makeFun z value tvMap = do
422#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
423      roles <- reifyRoles _parentName
425      case () of
426        _
428#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
429          | Just (rs, PhantomR) <- unsnoc roles
430          , Just (_,  PhantomR) <- unsnoc rs
431         -> biFunPhantom z value
434          | null cons && emptyCaseBehavior opts && ghc7'8OrLater
435         -> biFunEmptyCase biFun z value
437          | null cons
438         -> biFunNoCons biFun z value
440          | otherwise
441         -> caseE (varE value)
442                  (map (makeBiFunForCon biFun z tvMap) cons)
444    ghc7'8OrLater :: Bool
445#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
446    ghc7'8OrLater = True
448    ghc7'8OrLater = False
451#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
452    biFunPhantom :: Name -> Name -> Q Exp
453    biFunPhantom z value =
454        biFunTrivial coerce
455                     (varE pureValName `appE` coerce)
456                     biFun z
457      where
458        coerce :: Q Exp
459        coerce = varE coerceValName `appE` varE value
462-- | Generates a lambda expression for a single constructor.
463makeBiFunForCon :: BiFun -> Name -> TyVarMap -> ConstructorInfo -> Q Match
464makeBiFunForCon biFun z tvMap
465  (ConstructorInfo { constructorName    = conName
466                   , constructorContext = ctxt
467                   , constructorFields  = ts }) = do
468    ts'      <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms ts
469    argNames <- newNameList "_arg" $ length ts'
470    if (any (`predMentionsName` Map.keys tvMap) ctxt
471          || Map.size tvMap < 2)
472          && not (allowExQuant (biFunToClass biFun))
473       then existentialContextError conName
474       else makeBiFunForArgs biFun z tvMap conName ts' argNames
476-- | Generates a lambda expression for a single constructor's arguments.
477makeBiFunForArgs :: BiFun
478                 -> Name
479                 -> TyVarMap
480                 -> Name
481                 -> [Type]
482                 -> [Name]
483                 -> Q Match
484makeBiFunForArgs biFun z tvMap conName tys args =
485  match (conP conName $ map varP args)
486        (normalB $ biFunCombine biFun conName z args mappedArgs)
487        []
488  where
489    mappedArgs :: Q [Either Exp Exp]
490    mappedArgs = zipWithM (makeBiFunForArg biFun tvMap conName) tys args
492-- | Generates a lambda expression for a single argument of a constructor.
493--  The returned value is 'Right' if its type mentions one of the last two type
494-- parameters. Otherwise, it is 'Left'.
495makeBiFunForArg :: BiFun
496                -> TyVarMap
497                -> Name
498                -> Type
499                -> Name
500                -> Q (Either Exp Exp)
501makeBiFunForArg biFun tvMap conName ty tyExpName =
502  makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName True ty `appEitherE` varE tyExpName
504-- | Generates a lambda expression for a specific type. The returned value is
505-- 'Right' if its type mentions one of the last two type parameters. Otherwise,
506-- it is 'Left'.
507makeBiFunForType :: BiFun
508                 -> TyVarMap
509                 -> Name
510                 -> Bool
511                 -> Type
512                 -> Q (Either Exp Exp)
513makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant (VarT tyName) =
514  case Map.lookup tyName tvMap of
515    Just mapName -> fmap Right . varE $
516                        if covariant
517                           then mapName
518                           else contravarianceError conName
519    Nothing -> fmap Left $ biFunTriv biFun
520makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant (SigT ty _) =
521  makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant ty
522makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant (ForallT _ _ ty) =
523  makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant ty
524makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant ty =
525  let tyCon  :: Type
526      tyArgs :: [Type]
527      tyCon:tyArgs = unapplyTy ty
529      numLastArgs :: Int
530      numLastArgs = min 2 $ length tyArgs
532      lhsArgs, rhsArgs :: [Type]
533      (lhsArgs, rhsArgs) = splitAt (length tyArgs - numLastArgs) tyArgs
535      tyVarNames :: [Name]
536      tyVarNames = Map.keys tvMap
538      mentionsTyArgs :: Bool
539      mentionsTyArgs = any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) tyArgs
541      makeBiFunTuple :: ([Q Pat] -> Q Pat) -> (Int -> Name) -> Int
542                     -> Q (Either Exp Exp)
543      makeBiFunTuple mkTupP mkTupleDataName n = do
544        args <- mapM newName $ catMaybes [ Just "x"
545                                         , guard (biFun == Bifoldr) >> Just "z"
546                                         ]
547        xs <- newNameList "_tup" n
549        let x = head args
550            z = last args
551        fmap Right $ lamE (map varP args) $ caseE (varE x)
552             [ match (mkTupP $ map varP xs)
553                     (normalB $ biFunCombine biFun
554                                             (mkTupleDataName n)
555                                             z
556                                             xs
557                                             (zipWithM makeBiFunTupleField tyArgs xs)
558                     )
559                     []
560             ]
562      makeBiFunTupleField :: Type -> Name -> Q (Either Exp Exp)
563      makeBiFunTupleField fieldTy fieldName =
564        makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant fieldTy
565          `appEitherE` varE fieldName
567   in case tyCon of
568     ArrowT
569       | not (allowFunTys (biFunToClass biFun)) -> noFunctionsError conName
570       | mentionsTyArgs, [argTy, resTy] <- tyArgs ->
571         do x <- newName "x"
572            b <- newName "b"
573            fmap Right . lamE [varP x, varP b] $
574              covBiFun covariant resTy `appE` (varE x `appE`
575                (covBiFun (not covariant) argTy `appE` varE b))
576         where
577           covBiFun :: Bool -> Type -> Q Exp
578           covBiFun cov = fmap fromEither . makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName cov
579#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
580     UnboxedTupleT n
581       | n > 0 && mentionsTyArgs -> makeBiFunTuple unboxedTupP unboxedTupleDataName n
583     TupleT n
584       | n > 0 && mentionsTyArgs -> makeBiFunTuple tupP tupleDataName n
585     _ -> do
586         itf <- isTyFamily tyCon
587         if any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) lhsArgs || (itf && mentionsTyArgs)
588           then outOfPlaceTyVarError conName
589           else if any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) rhsArgs
590                  then fmap Right . biFunApp biFun . appsE $
591                         ( varE (fromJust $ biFunArity biFun numLastArgs)
592                         : map (fmap fromEither . makeBiFunForType biFun tvMap conName covariant)
593                                rhsArgs
594                         )
595                  else fmap Left $ biFunTriv biFun
598-- Template Haskell reifying and AST manipulation
601-- For the given Types, generate an instance context and head. Coming up with
602-- the instance type isn't as simple as dropping the last types, as you need to
603-- be wary of kinds being instantiated with *.
604-- See Note [Type inference in derived instances]
605buildTypeInstance :: BiClass
606                  -- ^ Bifunctor, Bifoldable, or Bitraversable
607                  -> Name
608                  -- ^ The type constructor or data family name
609                  -> Cxt
610                  -- ^ The datatype context
611                  -> [Type]
612                  -- ^ The types to instantiate the instance with
613                  -> DatatypeVariant
614                  -- ^ Are we dealing with a data family instance or not
615                  -> Q (Cxt, Type)
616buildTypeInstance biClass tyConName dataCxt instTysOrig variant = do
617    -- Make sure to expand through type/kind synonyms! Otherwise, the
618    -- eta-reduction check might get tripped up over type variables in a
619    -- synonym that are actually dropped.
620    -- (See GHC Trac #11416 for a scenario where this actually happened.)
621    varTysExp <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms instTysOrig
623    let remainingLength :: Int
624        remainingLength = length instTysOrig - 2
626        droppedTysExp :: [Type]
627        droppedTysExp = drop remainingLength varTysExp
629        droppedStarKindStati :: [StarKindStatus]
630        droppedStarKindStati = map canRealizeKindStar droppedTysExp
632    -- Check there are enough types to drop and that all of them are either of
633    -- kind * or kind k (for some kind variable k). If not, throw an error.
634    when (remainingLength < 0 || any (== NotKindStar) droppedStarKindStati) $
635      derivingKindError biClass tyConName
637    let droppedKindVarNames :: [Name]
638        droppedKindVarNames = catKindVarNames droppedStarKindStati
640        -- Substitute kind * for any dropped kind variables
641        varTysExpSubst :: [Type]
642        varTysExpSubst = map (substNamesWithKindStar droppedKindVarNames) varTysExp
644        remainingTysExpSubst, droppedTysExpSubst :: [Type]
645        (remainingTysExpSubst, droppedTysExpSubst) =
646          splitAt remainingLength varTysExpSubst
648        -- All of the type variables mentioned in the dropped types
649        -- (post-synonym expansion)
650        droppedTyVarNames :: [Name]
651        droppedTyVarNames = freeVariables droppedTysExpSubst
653    -- If any of the dropped types were polykinded, ensure that they are of kind *
654    -- after substituting * for the dropped kind variables. If not, throw an error.
655    unless (all hasKindStar droppedTysExpSubst) $
656      derivingKindError biClass tyConName
658    let preds    :: [Maybe Pred]
659        kvNames  :: [[Name]]
660        kvNames' :: [Name]
661        -- Derive instance constraints (and any kind variables which are specialized
662        -- to * in those constraints)
663        (preds, kvNames) = unzip $ map (deriveConstraint biClass) remainingTysExpSubst
664        kvNames' = concat kvNames
666        -- Substitute the kind variables specialized in the constraints with *
667        remainingTysExpSubst' :: [Type]
668        remainingTysExpSubst' =
669          map (substNamesWithKindStar kvNames') remainingTysExpSubst
671        -- We now substitute all of the specialized-to-* kind variable names with
672        -- *, but in the original types, not the synonym-expanded types. The reason
673        -- we do this is a superficial one: we want the derived instance to resemble
674        -- the datatype written in source code as closely as possible. For example,
675        -- for the following data family instance:
676        --
677        --   data family Fam a
678        --   newtype instance Fam String = Fam String
679        --
680        -- We'd want to generate the instance:
681        --
682        --   instance C (Fam String)
683        --
684        -- Not:
685        --
686        --   instance C (Fam [Char])
687        remainingTysOrigSubst :: [Type]
688        remainingTysOrigSubst =
689          map (substNamesWithKindStar (union droppedKindVarNames kvNames'))
690            $ take remainingLength instTysOrig
692        isDataFamily :: Bool
693        isDataFamily = case variant of
694                         Datatype        -> False
695                         Newtype         -> False
696                         DataInstance    -> True
697                         NewtypeInstance -> True
699        remainingTysOrigSubst' :: [Type]
700        -- See Note [Kind signatures in derived instances] for an explanation
701        -- of the isDataFamily check.
702        remainingTysOrigSubst' =
703          if isDataFamily
704             then remainingTysOrigSubst
705             else map unSigT remainingTysOrigSubst
707        instanceCxt :: Cxt
708        instanceCxt = catMaybes preds
710        instanceType :: Type
711        instanceType = AppT (ConT $ biClassName biClass)
712                     $ applyTyCon tyConName remainingTysOrigSubst'
714    -- If the datatype context mentions any of the dropped type variables,
715    -- we can't derive an instance, so throw an error.
716    when (any (`predMentionsName` droppedTyVarNames) dataCxt) $
717      datatypeContextError tyConName instanceType
718    -- Also ensure the dropped types can be safely eta-reduced. Otherwise,
719    -- throw an error.
720    unless (canEtaReduce remainingTysExpSubst' droppedTysExpSubst) $
721      etaReductionError instanceType
722    return (instanceCxt, instanceType)
724-- | Attempt to derive a constraint on a Type. If successful, return
725-- Just the constraint and any kind variable names constrained to *.
726-- Otherwise, return Nothing and the empty list.
728-- See Note [Type inference in derived instances] for the heuristics used to
729-- come up with constraints.
730deriveConstraint :: BiClass -> Type -> (Maybe Pred, [Name])
731deriveConstraint biClass t
732  | not (isTyVar t) = (Nothing, [])
733  | otherwise = case hasKindVarChain 1 t of
734      Just ns -> ((`applyClass` tName) `fmap` biClassConstraint biClass 1, ns)
735      _ -> case hasKindVarChain 2 t of
736                Just ns -> ((`applyClass` tName) `fmap` biClassConstraint biClass 2, ns)
737                _       -> (Nothing, [])
738  where
739    tName :: Name
740    tName = varTToName t
743Note [Kind signatures in derived instances]
746It is possible to put explicit kind signatures into the derived instances, e.g.,
748  instance C a => C (Data (f :: * -> *)) where ...
750But it is preferable to avoid this if possible. If we come up with an incorrect
751kind signature (which is entirely possible, since our type inferencer is pretty
752unsophisticated - see Note [Type inference in derived instances]), then GHC will
753flat-out reject the instance, which is quite unfortunate.
755Plain old datatypes have the advantage that you can avoid using any kind signatures
756at all in their instances. This is because a datatype declaration uses all type
757variables, so the types that we use in a derived instance uniquely determine their
758kinds. As long as we plug in the right types, the kind inferencer can do the rest
759of the work. For this reason, we use unSigT to remove all kind signatures before
760splicing in the instance context and head.
762Data family instances are trickier, since a data family can have two instances that
763are distinguished by kind alone, e.g.,
765  data family Fam (a :: k)
766  data instance Fam (a :: * -> *)
767  data instance Fam (a :: *)
769If we dropped the kind signatures for C (Fam a), then GHC will have no way of
770knowing which instance we are talking about. To avoid this scenario, we always
771include explicit kind signatures in data family instances. There is a chance that
772the inferred kind signatures will be incorrect, but if so, we can always fall back
773on the make- functions.
775Note [Type inference in derived instances]
778Type inference is can be tricky to get right, and we want to avoid recreating the
779entirety of GHC's type inferencer in Template Haskell. For this reason, we will
780probably never come up with derived instance contexts that are as accurate as
781GHC's. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything! There are a couple of simple
782things we can do to make instance contexts that work for 80% of use cases:
7841. If one of the last type parameters is polykinded, then its kind will be
785   specialized to * in the derived instance. We note what kind variable the type
786   parameter had and substitute it with * in the other types as well. For example,
787   imagine you had
789     data Data (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k)
791   Then you'd want to derived instance to be:
793     instance C (Data (a :: *))
795   Not:
797     instance C (Data (a :: k))
7992. We naïvely come up with instance constraints using the following criteria:
801   (i)  If there's a type parameter n of kind k1 -> k2 (where k1/k2 are * or kind
802        variables), then generate a Functor n constraint, and if k1/k2 are kind
803        variables, then substitute k1/k2 with * elsewhere in the types. We must
804        consider the case where they are kind variables because you might have a
805        scenario like this:
807          newtype Compose (f :: k3 -> *) (g :: k1 -> k2 -> k3) (a :: k1) (b :: k2)
808            = Compose (f (g a b))
810        Which would have a derived Bifunctor instance of:
812          instance (Functor f, Bifunctor g) => Bifunctor (Compose f g) where ...
813   (ii) If there's a type parameter n of kind k1 -> k2 -> k3 (where k1/k2/k3 are
814        * or kind variables), then generate a Bifunctor n constraint and perform
815        kind substitution as in the other case.
819Note [Matching functions with GADT type variables]
822When deriving Bifoldable, there is a tricky corner case to consider:
824  data Both a b where
825    BothCon :: x -> x -> Both x x
827Which fold functions should be applied to which arguments of BothCon? We have a
828choice, since both the function of type (a -> m) and of type (b -> m) can be
829applied to either argument. In such a scenario, the second fold function takes
830precedence over the first fold function, so the derived Bifoldable instance would be:
832  instance Bifoldable Both where
833    bifoldMap _ g (BothCon x1 x2) = g x1 <> g x2
835This is not an arbitrary choice, as this definition ensures that
836bifoldMap id = Foldable.foldMap for a derived Bifoldable instance for Both.
840-- Error messages
843-- | Either the given data type doesn't have enough type variables, or one of
844-- the type variables to be eta-reduced cannot realize kind *.
845derivingKindError :: BiClass -> Name -> a
846derivingKindError biClass tyConName = error
847  . showString "Cannot derive well-kinded instance of form ‘"
848  . showString className
849  . showChar ' '
850  . showParen True
851    ( showString (nameBase tyConName)
852    . showString " ..."
853    )
854  . showString "‘\n\tClass "
855  . showString className
856  . showString " expects an argument of kind * -> * -> *"
857  $ ""
858  where
859    className :: String
860    className = nameBase $ biClassName biClass
862-- | One of the last two type variables appeard in a contravariant position
863-- when deriving Bifoldable or Bitraversable.
864contravarianceError :: Name -> a
865contravarianceError conName = error
866  . showString "Constructor ‘"
867  . showString (nameBase conName)
868  . showString "‘ must not use the last type variable(s) in a function argument"
869  $ ""
871-- | A constructor has a function argument in a derived Bifoldable or Bitraversable
872-- instance.
873noFunctionsError :: Name -> a
874noFunctionsError conName = error
875  . showString "Constructor ‘"
876  . showString (nameBase conName)
877  . showString "‘ must not contain function types"
878  $ ""
880-- | The data type has a DatatypeContext which mentions one of the eta-reduced
881-- type variables.
882datatypeContextError :: Name -> Type -> a
883datatypeContextError dataName instanceType = error
884  . showString "Can't make a derived instance of ‘"
885  . showString (pprint instanceType)
886  . showString "‘:\n\tData type ‘"
887  . showString (nameBase dataName)
888  . showString "‘ must not have a class context involving the last type argument(s)"
889  $ ""
891-- | The data type has an existential constraint which mentions one of the
892-- eta-reduced type variables.
893existentialContextError :: Name -> a
894existentialContextError conName = error
895  . showString "Constructor ‘"
896  . showString (nameBase conName)
897  . showString "‘ must be truly polymorphic in the last argument(s) of the data type"
898  $ ""
900-- | The data type mentions one of the n eta-reduced type variables in a place other
901-- than the last nth positions of a data type in a constructor's field.
902outOfPlaceTyVarError :: Name -> a
903outOfPlaceTyVarError conName = error
904  . showString "Constructor ‘"
905  . showString (nameBase conName)
906  . showString "‘ must only use its last two type variable(s) within"
907  . showString " the last two argument(s) of a data type"
908  $ ""
910-- | One of the last type variables cannot be eta-reduced (see the canEtaReduce
911-- function for the criteria it would have to meet).
912etaReductionError :: Type -> a
913etaReductionError instanceType = error $
914  "Cannot eta-reduce to an instance of form \n\tinstance (...) => "
915  ++ pprint instanceType
918-- Class-specific constants
921-- | A representation of which class is being derived.
922data BiClass = Bifunctor | Bifoldable | Bitraversable
924-- | A representation of which function is being generated.
925data BiFun = Bimap | Bifoldr | BifoldMap | Bitraverse
926  deriving Eq
928biFunConstName :: BiFun -> Name
929biFunConstName Bimap      = bimapConstValName
930biFunConstName Bifoldr    = bifoldrConstValName
931biFunConstName BifoldMap  = bifoldMapConstValName
932biFunConstName Bitraverse = bitraverseConstValName
934biClassName :: BiClass -> Name
935biClassName Bifunctor     = bifunctorTypeName
936biClassName Bifoldable    = bifoldableTypeName
937biClassName Bitraversable = bitraversableTypeName
939biFunName :: BiFun -> Name
940biFunName Bimap      = bimapValName
941biFunName Bifoldr    = bifoldrValName
942biFunName BifoldMap  = bifoldMapValName
943biFunName Bitraverse = bitraverseValName
945biClassToFuns :: BiClass -> [BiFun]
946biClassToFuns Bifunctor     = [Bimap]
947biClassToFuns Bifoldable    = [Bifoldr, BifoldMap]
948biClassToFuns Bitraversable = [Bitraverse]
950biFunToClass :: BiFun -> BiClass
951biFunToClass Bimap      = Bifunctor
952biFunToClass Bifoldr    = Bifoldable
953biFunToClass BifoldMap  = Bifoldable
954biFunToClass Bitraverse = Bitraversable
956biClassConstraint :: BiClass -> Int -> Maybe Name
957biClassConstraint Bifunctor     1 = Just functorTypeName
958biClassConstraint Bifoldable    1 = Just foldableTypeName
959biClassConstraint Bitraversable 1 = Just traversableTypeName
960biClassConstraint biClass       2 = Just $ biClassName biClass
961biClassConstraint _             _ = Nothing
963biFunArity :: BiFun -> Int -> Maybe Name
964biFunArity Bimap      1 = Just fmapValName
965biFunArity Bifoldr    1 = Just foldrValName
966biFunArity BifoldMap  1 = Just foldMapValName
967biFunArity Bitraverse 1 = Just traverseValName
968biFunArity biFun      2 = Just $ biFunName biFun
969biFunArity _          _ = Nothing
971allowFunTys :: BiClass -> Bool
972allowFunTys Bifunctor = True
973allowFunTys _         = False
975allowExQuant :: BiClass -> Bool
976allowExQuant Bifoldable = True
977allowExQuant _          = False
979-- See Trac #7436 for why explicit lambdas are used
980biFunTriv :: BiFun -> Q Exp
981biFunTriv Bimap = do
982  x <- newName "x"
983  lamE [varP x] $ varE x
984-- The biFunTriv definitions for bifoldr, bifoldMap, and bitraverse might seem
985-- useless, but they do serve a purpose.
986-- See Note [biFunTriv for Bifoldable and Bitraversable]
987biFunTriv Bifoldr = do
988  z <- newName "z"
989  lamE [wildP, varP z] $ varE z
990biFunTriv BifoldMap = lamE [wildP] $ varE memptyValName
991biFunTriv Bitraverse = varE pureValName
993biFunApp :: BiFun -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
994biFunApp Bifoldr e = do
995  x <- newName "x"
996  z <- newName "z"
997  lamE [varP x, varP z] $ appsE [e, varE z, varE x]
998biFunApp _ e = e
1000biFunCombine :: BiFun
1001             -> Name
1002             -> Name
1003             -> [Name]
1004             -> Q [Either Exp Exp]
1005             -> Q Exp
1006biFunCombine Bimap      = bimapCombine
1007biFunCombine Bifoldr    = bifoldrCombine
1008biFunCombine BifoldMap  = bifoldMapCombine
1009biFunCombine Bitraverse = bitraverseCombine
1011bimapCombine :: Name
1012             -> Name
1013             -> [Name]
1014             -> Q [Either Exp Exp]
1015             -> Q Exp
1016bimapCombine conName _ _ = fmap (foldl' AppE (ConE conName) . fmap fromEither)
1018-- bifoldr, bifoldMap, and bitraverse are handled differently from bimap, since
1019-- they filter out subexpressions whose types do not mention one of the last two
1020-- type parameters. See
1021-- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/DeriveFunctor#AlternativestrategyforderivingFoldableandTraversable
1022-- for further discussion.
1024bifoldrCombine :: Name
1025               -> Name
1026               -> [Name]
1027               -> Q [Either Exp Exp]
1028               -> Q Exp
1029bifoldrCombine _ zName _ = fmap (foldr AppE (VarE zName) . rights)
1031bifoldMapCombine :: Name
1032                 -> Name
1033                 -> [Name]
1034                 -> Q [Either Exp Exp]
1035                 -> Q Exp
1036bifoldMapCombine _ _ _ = fmap (go . rights)
1037  where
1038    go :: [Exp] -> Exp
1039    go [] = VarE memptyValName
1040    go es = foldr1 (AppE . AppE (VarE mappendValName)) es
1042bitraverseCombine :: Name
1043                  -> Name
1044                  -> [Name]
1045                  -> Q [Either Exp Exp]
1046                  -> Q Exp
1047bitraverseCombine conName _ args essQ = do
1048    ess <- essQ
1050    let argTysTyVarInfo :: [Bool]
1051        argTysTyVarInfo = map isRight ess
1053        argsWithTyVar, argsWithoutTyVar :: [Name]
1054        (argsWithTyVar, argsWithoutTyVar) = partitionByList argTysTyVarInfo args
1056        conExpQ :: Q Exp
1057        conExpQ
1058          | null argsWithTyVar
1059          = appsE (conE conName:map varE argsWithoutTyVar)
1060          | otherwise = do
1061              bs <- newNameList "b" $ length args
1062              let bs'  = filterByList  argTysTyVarInfo bs
1063                  vars = filterByLists argTysTyVarInfo
1064                                       (map varE bs) (map varE args)
1065              lamE (map varP bs') (appsE (conE conName:vars))
1067    conExp <- conExpQ
1069    let go :: [Exp] -> Exp
1070        go []  = VarE pureValName `AppE` conExp
1071        go [e] = VarE fmapValName `AppE` conExp `AppE` e
1072        go (e1:e2:es) = foldl' (\se1 se2 -> InfixE (Just se1) (VarE apValName) (Just se2))
1073          (VarE liftA2ValName `AppE` conExp `AppE` e1 `AppE` e2) es
1075    return . go . rights $ ess
1077biFunEmptyCase :: BiFun -> Name -> Name -> Q Exp
1078biFunEmptyCase biFun z value =
1079    biFunTrivial emptyCase
1080                 (varE pureValName `appE` emptyCase)
1081                 biFun z
1082  where
1083    emptyCase :: Q Exp
1084    emptyCase = caseE (varE value) []
1086biFunNoCons :: BiFun -> Name -> Name -> Q Exp
1087biFunNoCons biFun z value =
1088    biFunTrivial seqAndError
1089                 (varE pureValName `appE` seqAndError)
1090                 biFun z
1091  where
1092    seqAndError :: Q Exp
1093    seqAndError = appE (varE seqValName) (varE value) `appE`
1094                  appE (varE errorValName)
1095                        (stringE $ "Void " ++ nameBase (biFunName biFun))
1097biFunTrivial :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> BiFun -> Name -> Q Exp
1098biFunTrivial bimapE bitraverseE biFun z = go biFun
1099  where
1100    go :: BiFun -> Q Exp
1101    go Bimap      = bimapE
1102    go Bifoldr    = varE z
1103    go BifoldMap  = varE memptyValName
1104    go Bitraverse = bitraverseE
1107Note [biFunTriv for Bifoldable and Bitraversable]
1109When deriving Bifoldable and Bitraversable, we filter out any subexpressions whose
1110type does not mention one of the last two type parameters. From this, you might
1111think that we don't need to implement biFunTriv for bifoldr, bifoldMap, or
1112bitraverse at all, but in fact we do need to. Imagine the following data type:
1114    data T a b = MkT a (T Int b)
1116In a derived Bifoldable T instance, you would generate the following bifoldMap
1119    bifoldMap f g (MkT a1 a2) = f a1 <> bifoldMap (\_ -> mempty) g arg2
1121You need to fill in biFunTriv (\_ -> mempty) as the first argument to the recursive
1122call to bifoldMap, since that is how the algorithm handles polymorphic recursion.