1# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2# For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
4"""Execute files of Python code."""
6import inspect
7import marshal
8import os
9import struct
10import sys
11import types
13from coverage import env
14from coverage.backward import BUILTINS
15from coverage.backward import PYC_MAGIC_NUMBER, imp, importlib_util_find_spec
16from coverage.files import canonical_filename, python_reported_file
17from coverage.misc import CoverageException, ExceptionDuringRun, NoCode, NoSource, isolate_module
18from coverage.phystokens import compile_unicode
19from coverage.python import get_python_source
21os = isolate_module(os)
24class DummyLoader(object):
25    """A shim for the pep302 __loader__, emulating pkgutil.ImpLoader.
27    Currently only implements the .fullname attribute
28    """
29    def __init__(self, fullname, *_args):
30        self.fullname = fullname
33if importlib_util_find_spec:
34    def find_module(modulename):
35        """Find the module named `modulename`.
37        Returns the file path of the module, the name of the enclosing
38        package, and the spec.
39        """
40        try:
41            spec = importlib_util_find_spec(modulename)
42        except ImportError as err:
43            raise NoSource(str(err))
44        if not spec:
45            raise NoSource("No module named %r" % (modulename,))
46        pathname = spec.origin
47        packagename = spec.name
48        if spec.submodule_search_locations:
49            mod_main = modulename + ".__main__"
50            spec = importlib_util_find_spec(mod_main)
51            if not spec:
52                raise NoSource(
53                    "No module named %s; "
54                    "%r is a package and cannot be directly executed"
55                    % (mod_main, modulename)
56                )
57            pathname = spec.origin
58            packagename = spec.name
59        packagename = packagename.rpartition(".")[0]
60        return pathname, packagename, spec
62    def find_module(modulename):
63        """Find the module named `modulename`.
65        Returns the file path of the module, the name of the enclosing
66        package, and None (where a spec would have been).
67        """
68        openfile = None
69        glo, loc = globals(), locals()
70        try:
71            # Search for the module - inside its parent package, if any - using
72            # standard import mechanics.
73            if '.' in modulename:
74                packagename, name = modulename.rsplit('.', 1)
75                package = __import__(packagename, glo, loc, ['__path__'])
76                searchpath = package.__path__
77            else:
78                packagename, name = None, modulename
79                searchpath = None  # "top-level search" in imp.find_module()
80            openfile, pathname, _ = imp.find_module(name, searchpath)
82            # Complain if this is a magic non-file module.
83            if openfile is None and pathname is None:
84                raise NoSource(
85                    "module does not live in a file: %r" % modulename
86                    )
88            # If `modulename` is actually a package, not a mere module, then we
89            # pretend to be Python 2.7 and try running its __main__.py script.
90            if openfile is None:
91                packagename = modulename
92                name = '__main__'
93                package = __import__(packagename, glo, loc, ['__path__'])
94                searchpath = package.__path__
95                openfile, pathname, _ = imp.find_module(name, searchpath)
96        except ImportError as err:
97            raise NoSource(str(err))
98        finally:
99            if openfile:
100                openfile.close()
102        return pathname, packagename, None
105class PyRunner(object):
106    """Multi-stage execution of Python code.
108    This is meant to emulate real Python execution as closely as possible.
110    """
111    def __init__(self, args, as_module=False):
112        self.args = args
113        self.as_module = as_module
115        self.arg0 = args[0]
116        self.package = self.modulename = self.pathname = self.loader = self.spec = None
118    def prepare(self):
119        """Set sys.path properly.
121        This needs to happen before any importing, and without importing anything.
122        """
123        if self.as_module:
124            if env.PYBEHAVIOR.actual_syspath0_dash_m:
125                path0 = os.getcwd()
126            else:
127                path0 = ""
128        elif os.path.isdir(self.arg0):
129            # Running a directory means running the __main__.py file in that
130            # directory.
131            path0 = self.arg0
132        else:
133            path0 = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.arg0))
135        if os.path.isdir(sys.path[0]):
136            # sys.path fakery.  If we are being run as a command, then sys.path[0]
137            # is the directory of the "coverage" script.  If this is so, replace
138            # sys.path[0] with the directory of the file we're running, or the
139            # current directory when running modules.  If it isn't so, then we
140            # don't know what's going on, and just leave it alone.
141            top_file = inspect.stack()[-1][0].f_code.co_filename
142            sys_path_0_abs = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])
143            top_file_dir_abs = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(top_file))
144            sys_path_0_abs = canonical_filename(sys_path_0_abs)
145            top_file_dir_abs = canonical_filename(top_file_dir_abs)
146            if sys_path_0_abs != top_file_dir_abs:
147                path0 = None
149        else:
150            # sys.path[0] is a file. Is the next entry the directory containing
151            # that file?
152            if sys.path[1] == os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]):
153                # Can it be right to always remove that?
154                del sys.path[1]
156        if path0 is not None:
157            sys.path[0] = python_reported_file(path0)
159    def _prepare2(self):
160        """Do more preparation to run Python code.
162        Includes finding the module to run and adjusting sys.argv[0].
163        This method is allowed to import code.
165        """
166        if self.as_module:
167            self.modulename = self.arg0
168            pathname, self.package, self.spec = find_module(self.modulename)
169            if self.spec is not None:
170                self.modulename = self.spec.name
171            self.loader = DummyLoader(self.modulename)
172            self.pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)
173            self.args[0] = self.arg0 = self.pathname
174        elif os.path.isdir(self.arg0):
175            # Running a directory means running the __main__.py file in that
176            # directory.
177            for ext in [".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"]:
178                try_filename = os.path.join(self.arg0, "__main__" + ext)
179                if os.path.exists(try_filename):
180                    self.arg0 = try_filename
181                    break
182            else:
183                raise NoSource("Can't find '__main__' module in '%s'" % self.arg0)
185            if env.PY2:
186                self.arg0 = os.path.abspath(self.arg0)
188            # Make a spec. I don't know if this is the right way to do it.
189            try:
190                import importlib.machinery
191            except ImportError:
192                pass
193            else:
194                try_filename = python_reported_file(try_filename)
195                self.spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("__main__", None, origin=try_filename)
196                self.spec.has_location = True
197            self.package = ""
198            self.loader = DummyLoader("__main__")
199        else:
200            if env.PY3:
201                self.loader = DummyLoader("__main__")
203        self.arg0 = python_reported_file(self.arg0)
205    def run(self):
206        """Run the Python code!"""
208        self._prepare2()
210        # Create a module to serve as __main__
211        main_mod = types.ModuleType('__main__')
213        from_pyc = self.arg0.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo"))
214        main_mod.__file__ = self.arg0
215        if from_pyc:
216            main_mod.__file__ = main_mod.__file__[:-1]
217        if self.package is not None:
218            main_mod.__package__ = self.package
219        main_mod.__loader__ = self.loader
220        if self.spec is not None:
221            main_mod.__spec__ = self.spec
223        main_mod.__builtins__ = BUILTINS
225        sys.modules['__main__'] = main_mod
227        # Set sys.argv properly.
228        sys.argv = self.args
230        try:
231            # Make a code object somehow.
232            if from_pyc:
233                code = make_code_from_pyc(self.arg0)
234            else:
235                code = make_code_from_py(self.arg0)
236        except CoverageException:
237            raise
238        except Exception as exc:
239            msg = "Couldn't run '{filename}' as Python code: {exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc}"
240            raise CoverageException(msg.format(filename=self.arg0, exc=exc))
242        # Execute the code object.
243        # Return to the original directory in case the test code exits in
244        # a non-existent directory.
245        cwd = os.getcwd()
246        try:
247            exec(code, main_mod.__dict__)
248        except SystemExit:                          # pylint: disable=try-except-raise
249            # The user called sys.exit().  Just pass it along to the upper
250            # layers, where it will be handled.
251            raise
252        except Exception:
253            # Something went wrong while executing the user code.
254            # Get the exc_info, and pack them into an exception that we can
255            # throw up to the outer loop.  We peel one layer off the traceback
256            # so that the coverage.py code doesn't appear in the final printed
257            # traceback.
258            typ, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
260            # PyPy3 weirdness.  If I don't access __context__, then somehow it
261            # is non-None when the exception is reported at the upper layer,
262            # and a nested exception is shown to the user.  This getattr fixes
263            # it somehow? https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issue/1903
264            getattr(err, '__context__', None)
266            # Call the excepthook.
267            try:
268                if hasattr(err, "__traceback__"):
269                    err.__traceback__ = err.__traceback__.tb_next
270                sys.excepthook(typ, err, tb.tb_next)
271            except SystemExit:                      # pylint: disable=try-except-raise
272                raise
273            except Exception:
274                # Getting the output right in the case of excepthook
275                # shenanigans is kind of involved.
276                sys.stderr.write("Error in sys.excepthook:\n")
277                typ2, err2, tb2 = sys.exc_info()
278                err2.__suppress_context__ = True
279                if hasattr(err2, "__traceback__"):
280                    err2.__traceback__ = err2.__traceback__.tb_next
281                sys.__excepthook__(typ2, err2, tb2.tb_next)
282                sys.stderr.write("\nOriginal exception was:\n")
283                raise ExceptionDuringRun(typ, err, tb.tb_next)
284            else:
285                sys.exit(1)
286        finally:
287            os.chdir(cwd)
290def run_python_module(args):
291    """Run a Python module, as though with ``python -m name args...``.
293    `args` is the argument array to present as sys.argv, including the first
294    element naming the module being executed.
296    This is a helper for tests, to encapsulate how to use PyRunner.
298    """
299    runner = PyRunner(args, as_module=True)
300    runner.prepare()
301    runner.run()
304def run_python_file(args):
305    """Run a Python file as if it were the main program on the command line.
307    `args` is the argument array to present as sys.argv, including the first
308    element naming the file being executed.  `package` is the name of the
309    enclosing package, if any.
311    This is a helper for tests, to encapsulate how to use PyRunner.
313    """
314    runner = PyRunner(args, as_module=False)
315    runner.prepare()
316    runner.run()
319def make_code_from_py(filename):
320    """Get source from `filename` and make a code object of it."""
321    # Open the source file.
322    try:
323        source = get_python_source(filename)
324    except (IOError, NoSource):
325        raise NoSource("No file to run: '%s'" % filename)
327    code = compile_unicode(source, filename, "exec")
328    return code
331def make_code_from_pyc(filename):
332    """Get a code object from a .pyc file."""
333    try:
334        fpyc = open(filename, "rb")
335    except IOError:
336        raise NoCode("No file to run: '%s'" % filename)
338    with fpyc:
339        # First four bytes are a version-specific magic number.  It has to
340        # match or we won't run the file.
341        magic = fpyc.read(4)
342        if magic != PYC_MAGIC_NUMBER:
343            raise NoCode("Bad magic number in .pyc file: {} != {}".format(magic, PYC_MAGIC_NUMBER))
345        date_based = True
346        if env.PYBEHAVIOR.hashed_pyc_pep552:
347            flags = struct.unpack('<L', fpyc.read(4))[0]
348            hash_based = flags & 0x01
349            if hash_based:
350                fpyc.read(8)    # Skip the hash.
351                date_based = False
352        if date_based:
353            # Skip the junk in the header that we don't need.
354            fpyc.read(4)            # Skip the moddate.
355            if env.PYBEHAVIOR.size_in_pyc:
356                # 3.3 added another long to the header (size), skip it.
357                fpyc.read(4)
359        # The rest of the file is the code object we want.
360        code = marshal.load(fpyc)
362    return code