1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>
7Module implementing the Plugin installation dialog.
10import os
11import sys
12import shutil
13import zipfile
14import compileall
15import glob
16import contextlib
17import urllib.parse
19from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, Qt, QDir, QFileInfo
20from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
21    QWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QAbstractButton, QApplication, QDialog,
22    QVBoxLayout
25from E5Gui import E5FileDialog
26from E5Gui.E5MainWindow import E5MainWindow
28from .Ui_PluginInstallDialog import Ui_PluginInstallDialog
30import Utilities
31import Preferences
33from Utilities.uic import compileUiFiles
36class PluginInstallWidget(QWidget, Ui_PluginInstallDialog):
37    """
38    Class implementing the Plugin installation dialog.
39    """
40    def __init__(self, pluginManager, pluginFileNames, parent=None):
41        """
42        Constructor
44        @param pluginManager reference to the plugin manager object
45        @param pluginFileNames list of plugin files suggested for
46            installation (list of strings)
47        @param parent parent of this dialog (QWidget)
48        """
49        super().__init__(parent)
50        self.setupUi(self)
52        if pluginManager is None:
53            # started as external plugin installer
54            from .PluginManager import PluginManager
55            self.__pluginManager = PluginManager(doLoadPlugins=False)
56            self.__external = True
57        else:
58            self.__pluginManager = pluginManager
59            self.__external = False
61        self.__backButton = self.buttonBox.addButton(
62            self.tr("< Back"), QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.ActionRole)
63        self.__nextButton = self.buttonBox.addButton(
64            self.tr("Next >"), QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.ActionRole)
65        self.__finishButton = self.buttonBox.addButton(
66            self.tr("Install"), QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.ActionRole)
68        self.__closeButton = self.buttonBox.button(
69            QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Close)
70        self.__cancelButton = self.buttonBox.button(
71            QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel)
73        userDir = self.__pluginManager.getPluginDir("user")
74        if userDir is not None:
75            self.destinationCombo.addItem(
76                self.tr("User plugins directory"),
77                userDir)
79        globalDir = self.__pluginManager.getPluginDir("global")
80        if globalDir is not None and os.access(globalDir, os.W_OK):
81            self.destinationCombo.addItem(
82                self.tr("Global plugins directory"),
83                globalDir)
85        self.__installedDirs = []
86        self.__installedFiles = []
88        self.__restartNeeded = False
90        downloadDir = QDir(Preferences.getPluginManager("DownloadPath"))
91        for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames:
92            fi = QFileInfo(pluginFileName)
93            if fi.isRelative():
94                pluginFileName = QFileInfo(
95                    downloadDir, fi.fileName()).absoluteFilePath()
96            self.archivesList.addItem(pluginFileName)
97            self.archivesList.sortItems()
99        self.__currentIndex = 0
100        self.__selectPage()
102    def restartNeeded(self):
103        """
104        Public method to check, if a restart of the IDE is required.
106        @return flag indicating a restart is required (boolean)
107        """
108        return self.__restartNeeded
110    def __createArchivesList(self):
111        """
112        Private method to create a list of plugin archive names.
114        @return list of plugin archive names (list of strings)
115        """
116        archivesList = []
117        for row in range(self.archivesList.count()):
118            archivesList.append(self.archivesList.item(row).text())
119        return archivesList
121    def __selectPage(self):
122        """
123        Private method to show the right wizard page.
124        """
125        self.wizard.setCurrentIndex(self.__currentIndex)
126        if self.__currentIndex == 0:
127            self.__backButton.setEnabled(False)
128            self.__nextButton.setEnabled(self.archivesList.count() > 0)
129            self.__finishButton.setEnabled(False)
130            self.__closeButton.hide()
131            self.__cancelButton.show()
132        elif self.__currentIndex == 1:
133            self.__backButton.setEnabled(True)
134            self.__nextButton.setEnabled(self.destinationCombo.count() > 0)
135            self.__finishButton.setEnabled(False)
136            self.__closeButton.hide()
137            self.__cancelButton.show()
138        else:
139            self.__backButton.setEnabled(True)
140            self.__nextButton.setEnabled(False)
141            self.__finishButton.setEnabled(True)
142            self.__closeButton.hide()
143            self.__cancelButton.show()
145            msg = self.tr(
146                "Plugin ZIP-Archives:\n{0}\n\nDestination:\n{1} ({2})"
147            ).format(
148                "\n".join(self.__createArchivesList()),
149                self.destinationCombo.currentText(),
150                self.destinationCombo.itemData(
151                    self.destinationCombo.currentIndex()
152                )
153            )
154            self.summaryEdit.setPlainText(msg)
156    @pyqtSlot()
157    def on_addArchivesButton_clicked(self):
158        """
159        Private slot to select plugin ZIP-archives via a file selection dialog.
160        """
161        dn = Preferences.getPluginManager("DownloadPath")
162        archives = E5FileDialog.getOpenFileNames(
163            self,
164            self.tr("Select plugin ZIP-archives"),
165            dn,
166            self.tr("Plugin archive (*.zip)"))
168        if archives:
169            matchflags = Qt.MatchFlag.MatchFixedString
170            if not Utilities.isWindowsPlatform():
171                matchflags |= Qt.MatchFlag.MatchCaseSensitive
172            for archive in archives:
173                if len(self.archivesList.findItems(archive, matchflags)) == 0:
174                    # entry not in list already
175                    self.archivesList.addItem(archive)
176            self.archivesList.sortItems()
178        self.__nextButton.setEnabled(self.archivesList.count() > 0)
180    @pyqtSlot()
181    def on_archivesList_itemSelectionChanged(self):
182        """
183        Private slot called, when the selection of the archives list changes.
184        """
185        self.removeArchivesButton.setEnabled(
186            len(self.archivesList.selectedItems()) > 0)
188    @pyqtSlot()
189    def on_removeArchivesButton_clicked(self):
190        """
191        Private slot to remove archives from the list.
192        """
193        for archiveItem in self.archivesList.selectedItems():
194            itm = self.archivesList.takeItem(
195                self.archivesList.row(archiveItem))
196            del itm
198        self.__nextButton.setEnabled(self.archivesList.count() > 0)
200    @pyqtSlot(QAbstractButton)
201    def on_buttonBox_clicked(self, button):
202        """
203        Private slot to handle the click of a button of the button box.
205        @param button reference to the button pressed (QAbstractButton)
206        """
207        if button == self.__backButton:
208            self.__currentIndex -= 1
209            self.__selectPage()
210        elif button == self.__nextButton:
211            self.__currentIndex += 1
212            self.__selectPage()
213        elif button == self.__finishButton:
214            self.__finishButton.setEnabled(False)
215            self.__installPlugins()
216            if not Preferences.getPluginManager("ActivateExternal"):
217                Preferences.setPluginManager("ActivateExternal", True)
218                self.__restartNeeded = True
219            self.__closeButton.show()
220            self.__cancelButton.hide()
222    def __installPlugins(self):
223        """
224        Private method to install the selected plugin archives.
226        @return flag indicating success (boolean)
227        """
228        res = True
229        self.summaryEdit.clear()
230        for archive in self.__createArchivesList():
231            self.summaryEdit.append(
232                self.tr("Installing {0} ...").format(archive))
233            ok, msg, restart = self.__installPlugin(archive)
234            res = res and ok
235            if ok:
236                self.summaryEdit.append(self.tr("  ok"))
237            else:
238                self.summaryEdit.append(msg)
239            if restart:
240                self.__restartNeeded = True
241        self.summaryEdit.append("\n")
242        if res:
243            self.summaryEdit.append(self.tr(
244                """The plugins were installed successfully."""))
245        else:
246            self.summaryEdit.append(self.tr(
247                """Some plugins could not be installed."""))
249        return res
251    def __installPlugin(self, archiveFilename):
252        """
253        Private slot to install the selected plugin.
255        @param archiveFilename name of the plugin archive
256            file (string)
257        @return flag indicating success (boolean), error message
258            upon failure (string) and flag indicating a restart
259            of the IDE is required (boolean)
260        """
261        installedPluginName = ""
263        archive = archiveFilename
264        destination = self.destinationCombo.itemData(
265            self.destinationCombo.currentIndex())
267        # check if archive is a local url
268        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(archive)
269        if url[0].lower() == 'file':
270            archive = url[2]
272        # check, if the archive exists
273        if not os.path.exists(archive):
274            return (
275                False,
276                self.tr(
277                    """<p>The archive file <b>{0}</b> does not exist. """
278                    """Aborting...</p>""").format(archive),
279                False
280            )
282        # check, if the archive is a valid zip file
283        if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive):
284            return (
285                False,
286                self.tr(
287                    """<p>The file <b>{0}</b> is not a valid plugin """
288                    """ZIP-archive. Aborting...</p>""").format(archive),
289                False
290            )
292        # check, if the destination is writeable
293        if not os.access(destination, os.W_OK):
294            return (
295                False,
296                self.tr(
297                    """<p>The destination directory <b>{0}</b> is not """
298                    """writeable. Aborting...</p>""").format(destination),
299                False
300            )
302        zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, "r")
304        # check, if the archive contains a valid plugin
305        pluginFound = False
306        pluginFileName = ""
307        for name in zipFile.namelist():
308            if self.__pluginManager.isValidPluginName(name):
309                installedPluginName = name[:-3]
310                pluginFound = True
311                pluginFileName = name
312                break
314        if not pluginFound:
315            return (
316                False,
317                self.tr(
318                    """<p>The file <b>{0}</b> is not a valid plugin """
319                    """ZIP-archive. Aborting...</p>""").format(archive),
320                False
321            )
323        # parse the plugin module's plugin header
324        pluginSource = Utilities.decode(zipFile.read(pluginFileName))[0]
325        packageName = ""
326        internalPackages = []
327        needsRestart = False
328        pyqtApi = 0
329        doCompile = True
330        for line in pluginSource.splitlines():
331            if line.startswith("packageName"):
332                tokens = line.split("=")
333                if (
334                    tokens[0].strip() == "packageName" and
335                    tokens[1].strip()[1:-1] != "__core__"
336                ):
337                    if tokens[1].strip()[0] in ['"', "'"]:
338                        packageName = tokens[1].strip()[1:-1]
339                    else:
340                        if tokens[1].strip() == "None":
341                            packageName = "None"
342            elif line.startswith("internalPackages"):
343                tokens = line.split("=")
344                token = tokens[1].strip()[1:-1]
345                # it is a comma separated string
346                internalPackages = [p.strip() for p in token.split(",")]
347            elif line.startswith("needsRestart"):
348                tokens = line.split("=")
349                needsRestart = tokens[1].strip() == "True"
350            elif line.startswith("pyqtApi"):
351                tokens = line.split("=")
352                with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
353                    pyqtApi = int(tokens[1].strip())
354            elif line.startswith("doNotCompile"):
355                tokens = line.split("=")
356                if tokens[1].strip() == "True":
357                    doCompile = False
358            elif line.startswith("# End-Of-Header"):
359                break
361        if not packageName:
362            return (
363                False,
364                self.tr(
365                    """<p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> does not contain """
366                    """a 'packageName' attribute. Aborting...</p>"""
367                ).format(pluginFileName),
368                False
369            )
371        if pyqtApi < 2:
372            return (
373                False,
374                self.tr(
375                    """<p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> does not conform"""
376                    """ with the PyQt v2 API. Aborting...</p>"""
377                ).format(pluginFileName),
378                False
379            )
381        # check, if it is a plugin, that collides with others
382        if (
383            not os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)) and
384            packageName != "None" and
385            os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, packageName))
386        ):
387            return (
388                False,
389                self.tr("""<p>The plugin package <b>{0}</b> exists. """
390                        """Aborting...</p>""").format(
391                    os.path.join(destination, packageName)),
392                False
393            )
395        if (
396            os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)) and
397            packageName != "None" and
398            not os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, packageName))
399        ):
400            return (
401                False,
402                self.tr("""<p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> exists. """
403                        """Aborting...</p>""").format(
404                    os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)),
405                False
406            )
408        activatePlugin = False
409        if not self.__external:
410            activatePlugin = (
411                not self.__pluginManager.isPluginLoaded(
412                    installedPluginName) or
413                (self.__pluginManager.isPluginLoaded(installedPluginName) and
414                 self.__pluginManager.isPluginActive(installedPluginName))
415            )
416            # try to unload a plugin with the same name
417            self.__pluginManager.unloadPlugin(installedPluginName)
419        # uninstall existing plug-in first to get clean conditions
420        if (
421            packageName != "None" and
422            not os.path.exists(
423                os.path.join(destination, packageName, "__init__.py"))
424        ):
425            # package directory contains just data, don't delete it
426            self.__uninstallPackage(destination, pluginFileName, "")
427        else:
428            self.__uninstallPackage(destination, pluginFileName, packageName)
430        # clean sys.modules
431        reload_ = self.__pluginManager.removePluginFromSysModules(
432            installedPluginName, packageName, internalPackages)
434        # now do the installation
435        self.__installedDirs = []
436        self.__installedFiles = []
437        try:
438            if packageName != "None":
439                namelist = sorted(zipFile.namelist())
440                tot = len(namelist)
441                self.progress.setMaximum(tot)
442                QApplication.processEvents()
443                for prog, name in enumerate(namelist):
444                    self.progress.setValue(prog)
445                    QApplication.processEvents()
446                    if (
447                        name == pluginFileName or
448                        name.startswith("{0}/".format(packageName)) or
449                        name.startswith("{0}\\".format(packageName))
450                    ):
451                        outname = name.replace("/", os.sep)
452                        outname = os.path.join(destination, outname)
453                        if outname.endswith("/") or outname.endswith("\\"):
454                            # it is a directory entry
455                            outname = outname[:-1]
456                            if not os.path.exists(outname):
457                                self.__makedirs(outname)
458                        else:
459                            # it is a file
460                            d = os.path.dirname(outname)
461                            if not os.path.exists(d):
462                                self.__makedirs(d)
463                            with open(outname, "wb") as f:
464                                f.write(zipFile.read(name))
465                            self.__installedFiles.append(outname)
466                self.progress.setValue(tot)
467                # now compile user interface files
468                compileUiFiles(os.path.join(destination, packageName), True)
469            else:
470                outname = os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)
471                with open(outname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
472                    f.write(pluginSource)
473                self.__installedFiles.append(outname)
474        except OSError as why:
475            self.__rollback()
476            return (
477                False,
478                self.tr("Error installing plugin. Reason: {0}")
479                .format(str(why)),
480                False
481            )
482        except Exception:
483            sys.stderr.write("Unspecific exception installing plugin.\n")
484            self.__rollback()
485            return (
486                False,
487                self.tr("Unspecific exception installing plugin."),
488                False
489            )
491        # now compile the plugins
492        if doCompile:
493            dirName = os.path.join(destination, packageName)
494            files = os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)
495            os.path.join_unicode = False
496            compileall.compile_dir(dirName, quiet=True)
497            compileall.compile_file(files, quiet=True)
498            os.path.join_unicode = True
500            # now load and activate the plugin
501        self.__pluginManager.loadPlugin(
502            installedPluginName, destination, reload_=reload_, install=True)
503        if activatePlugin and not self.__external:
504            self.__pluginManager.activatePlugin(installedPluginName)
506        return True, "", needsRestart
508    def __rollback(self):
509        """
510        Private method to rollback a failed installation.
511        """
512        for fname in self.__installedFiles:
513            if os.path.exists(fname):
514                os.remove(fname)
515        for dname in self.__installedDirs:
516            if os.path.exists(dname):
517                shutil.rmtree(dname)
519    def __makedirs(self, name, mode=0o777):
520        """
521        Private method to create a directory and all intermediate ones.
523        This is an extended version of the Python one in order to
524        record the created directories.
526        @param name name of the directory to create (string)
527        @param mode permission to set for the new directory (integer)
528        """
529        head, tail = os.path.split(name)
530        if not tail:
531            head, tail = os.path.split(head)
532        if head and tail and not os.path.exists(head):
533            self.__makedirs(head, mode)
534            if tail == os.curdir:
535                # xxx/newdir/. exists if xxx/newdir exists
536                return
537        os.mkdir(name, mode)
538        self.__installedDirs.append(name)
540    def __uninstallPackage(self, destination, pluginFileName, packageName):
541        """
542        Private method to uninstall an already installed plugin to prepare
543        the update.
545        @param destination name of the plugin directory (string)
546        @param pluginFileName name of the plugin file (string)
547        @param packageName name of the plugin package (string)
548        """
549        packageDir = (
550            None
551            if packageName in ("", "None") else
552            os.path.join(destination, packageName)
553        )
554        pluginFile = os.path.join(destination, pluginFileName)
556        with contextlib.suppress(OSError, os.error):
557            if packageDir and os.path.exists(packageDir):
558                shutil.rmtree(packageDir)
560            fnameo = "{0}o".format(pluginFile)
561            if os.path.exists(fnameo):
562                os.remove(fnameo)
564            fnamec = "{0}c".format(pluginFile)
565            if os.path.exists(fnamec):
566                os.remove(fnamec)
568            pluginDirCache = os.path.join(
569                os.path.dirname(pluginFile), "__pycache__")
570            if os.path.exists(pluginDirCache):
571                pluginFileName = os.path.splitext(
572                    os.path.basename(pluginFile))[0]
573                for fnameo in glob.glob(
574                    os.path.join(pluginDirCache,
575                                 "{0}*.pyo".format(pluginFileName))):
576                    os.remove(fnameo)
577                for fnamec in glob.glob(
578                    os.path.join(pluginDirCache,
579                                 "{0}*.pyc".format(pluginFileName))):
580                    os.remove(fnamec)
582            os.remove(pluginFile)
585class PluginInstallDialog(QDialog):
586    """
587    Class for the dialog variant.
588    """
589    def __init__(self, pluginManager, pluginFileNames, parent=None):
590        """
591        Constructor
593        @param pluginManager reference to the plugin manager object
594        @param pluginFileNames list of plugin files suggested for
595            installation (list of strings)
596        @param parent reference to the parent widget (QWidget)
597        """
598        super().__init__(parent)
599        self.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
601        self.__layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
602        self.__layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
603        self.setLayout(self.__layout)
605        self.cw = PluginInstallWidget(pluginManager, pluginFileNames, self)
606        size = self.cw.size()
607        self.__layout.addWidget(self.cw)
608        self.resize(size)
609        self.setWindowTitle(self.cw.windowTitle())
611        self.cw.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept)
612        self.cw.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject)
614    def restartNeeded(self):
615        """
616        Public method to check, if a restart of the IDE is required.
618        @return flag indicating a restart is required (boolean)
619        """
620        return self.cw.restartNeeded()
623class PluginInstallWindow(E5MainWindow):
624    """
625    Main window class for the standalone dialog.
626    """
627    def __init__(self, pluginFileNames, parent=None):
628        """
629        Constructor
631        @param pluginFileNames list of plugin files suggested for
632            installation (list of strings)
633        @param parent reference to the parent widget (QWidget)
634        """
635        super().__init__(parent)
636        self.cw = PluginInstallWidget(None, pluginFileNames, self)
637        size = self.cw.size()
638        self.setCentralWidget(self.cw)
639        self.resize(size)
640        self.setWindowTitle(self.cw.windowTitle())
642        self.setStyle(Preferences.getUI("Style"),
643                      Preferences.getUI("StyleSheet"))
645        self.cw.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.close)
646        self.cw.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.close)