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LICENSEH A D01-Jul-20211.4 KiB2822

README.mdH A D01-Jul-20217.1 KiB157141

docsite.erlH A D01-Jul-20213.3 KiB10688

mix.exsH A D01-Jul-2021229 1412

rebar.configH A D03-May-2022131 98

rebar.lockH A D01-Jul-20214 21


4Recon wants to be a set of tools usable in production to diagnose Erlang problems or inspect production environment safely.
6To build the library:
8    rebar3 compile
10Documentation for the library can be obtained at http://ferd.github.io/recon/
12It is recommended that you use tags if you do not want bleeding edge and development content for this library.
14Current Status
17[![Build Status](https://github.com/ferd/recon/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ferd/recon)
19Versions supported: OTP-18 and up. Support of OTP-17 down to R15B02 is best effort. Builds with Rebar3 require OTP-18.3 and up because that's what the build tools support. Testing may eventually clamp up to OTP-supported releases (current and the two prior).
24Branches are organized by version. `master` contains the bleeding edge, `2.x`
25contains all stable changes up to the latest release of v2, and `1.x` contains
26all stable changes of the first version of Recon.
30- 2.5.2
31  - [Increase Dialyzer strictness](https://github.com/ferd/recon/pull/88)
32  - [Accumulate all block entries in `format_blocks`](https://github.com/ferd/recon/pull/83)
33  - [option `io_server` can also be an `atom()` in traces doc](https://github.com/ferd/recon/pull/80)
34- 2.5.1
35  - Fix support for extra messages in traces (thanks to Péter Gömöri)
36  - Fix some typespecs for match specs (thanks to @chenduo)
37  - Support OTP-23 change of format in allocator blocks related to carrier migration support
38- 2.5.0
39  - Optional formatting of records in traces (thanks to @bartekgorny)
40  - Basic support for OTP-22 in `recon_alloc` (base handling of `foreign_blocks` type)
41- 2.4.0
42  - Optional formatting of records in traces (thanks to @bartekgorny)
43- 2.3.6
44  - Adapting for OTP-21. Includes the 'deprecation' of `recon:files/0`
45    since OTP-21 no longer supports listing all file descriptors, and
46    removing `error_logger_queue_len` from node stats since a new
47    logging mechanism was introduced in-process instead.
48- 2.3.5
49  - fixing timefold's first iteration to prevent errors at call-site
50    by sleeping before sampling
51- 2.3.4
52  - fixing edoc tag that broke some downstream packaging attempts
53- 2.3.3
54  - fixing `bin_leak` arith errors
55  - fixes to `recon_alloc:allocators/1` (incl. R16 compatibility)
56  - fix errors in scheduler wall time calculations
57  - `term_to_pid` supports binaries
58- 2.3.2
59  - Allow the `return_to` option in `recon_trace`
60  - More efficient sorting function for procs and ports attributes
61    (thanks to @zhongwencool and @pichi)
62  - Allow the usage of `return_trace` in `recon_trace:calls/2-3` instead
63    of `fun(_) -> return_trace() end`.
64- 2.3.1
65  - Updated `app_deps` script to run with rebar3 dependencies
66  - Minor docs update
67- 2.3.0
68  - Doc made clearer around semantics of `recon:proc_count` and
69    `recon:proc_window`.
70  - Fix doc typos
71  - Fix potential race condition on waiting for death of tracing process
72  - Add an option which allows sending tracing output somewhere other than
73    group_leader() (thanks @djnym)
74  - Add ability to pass custom formatter function when tracing (thanks @iilyak)
75- 2.2.1
76  - Fixing type specs for `recon:port_types/0` and `recon_lib:count/1`,
77    thanks to @lucafavatella
78  - Minor documentation fixes.
79- 2.2.0:
80  - Adding scheduler info metrics to get a more accurate picture than what
81    top and CPU gives.
82  - Broadening `recon_trace:calls/2` interface to allow multiple match specs,
83    which was currently only allowed for `calls/3`.
84  - Support for `mbcs_pool` data in `erts_alloc`, and some internal refactoring,
85    thanks to Lukas Larsson.
86- 2.1.2:
87  - Fixing tests for R15B02 and up
88  - Fixing a backwards compatibility for R15B03 on `recon_alloc` operations
89    with dumps on disk
90- 2.1.1:
91  - Renaming `recon_trace:mfa()` type to `recon_trace:tspec()` to avoid
92    issues in older Erlang versions regarding redefining an existing type
93    (Thanks Roberto Aloi)
94- 2.1.0:
95  - Adding `recon_trace` script to allow safe tracing of function calls
96    on production nodes.
97  - Adding `queue_fun.awk` script to inspect running functions of processes
98    with large mailboxes in a crash dump.
99- 2.0.2:
100  - Preventing crashes in `recon_alloc` when certain expected allocators
101    do not return results (Thanks to Michal Ptaszek)
102- 2.0.1:
103  - Add support for R16B03 in `recon_alloc`.
104- 2.0.0:
105  - Test suite added
106  - Major rewrite of `recon_alloc`, thanks to Lukas Larsson. Things that changed include:
107    - `average_sizes/0` is renamed `average_block_sizes/1` and now takes
108      the keywords `current` and `max`.
109    - Documentation updates.
110    - `memory/1` has new options in `allocated_types` and `allocated_instances`.
111    - `memory/2` has been added, which allows to choose between `current` and
112      `max` values. `memory(Term)` is made equivalent to `memory(Term, current)`.
113    - Allow `sbcs_to_mbcs/0` to take the arguments `current` and `max`.
114    - Added unit conversion function `set_unit/1`, which allows to get the
115      `recon_alloc` results in bytes (default), kilobytes, megabytes, and
116      gigabytes, to help with readability.
117  - Updated the internal rebar version, if anybody were to use it.
118  - `recon:port_info/1` no longer includes the `parallelism` option by default
119    within the `meta` category as this would hurt backwards compatibility on
120    some installations.
121  - `recon:get_state/2` is added in order to specify timeouts.
122    `recon:get_state/1` keeps its 5000 milliseconds timeout.
123  - Addition of a fake attribute called `binary_memory`, which is callable in
124    `recon:info/2,4`, `recon:proc_count/2`, and `recon:proc_window/3`. This
125    attribute allows to fetch the amount of memory used by refc binaries for
126    a process, and to sort by that value for counts and windows.
131- 1.2.0:
132  - add `recon_alloc:snapshot*` functions, which allow memory allocation
133    snapshots to be taken, saved on disk, reloaded, and analyzed on-demand.
134    Thanks to Lukas Larsson for this functionality.
135  - remove `parallelism` data from `port_info` for better OTP backwards
136    compatibility with little loss of information.
137- 1.1.0:
138  - add `recon_lib:term_to_port` to convert a string back to a
139    usable port.
140  - add `recon:port_info/1` and `recon:port_info/2`
141  - add `recon_alloc` module
142- 1.0.0: add `info/2` and `info/4`. The `memory` info type thus gets renamed
143  to `memory_used`, in order to avoid conflicts when picking between a type
144  and a specific process attribute. Types exported by the module also get
145  updated.
146- 0.4.2: extended `app_deps.erl` to read apps/ directories for releases
147- 0.4.1: fixed bug where nodes with lots of processes could see the GC call
148  fail if said processes failed between long calls within the `bin_leak`
149  function call.
150- 0.4.0: fixed bug where nodes with lots of processes or ports could see their
151  count or window functions fail because a process or socket closed between the
152  time the function started and before it finished. This ends up changing the
153  API in `recon_lib` for the window and count functions that take a specific
154  pid as an argument.
155- 0.3.1: factored out some logic from `recon:info/1` into `recon_lib:term_to_pid`
156  and allowed arbitrary terms to be used for pids in `recon:get_state/1`.