2--  It is generated automatically, by program c-posix.c
4--                                                                          --
5--            FLORIST (FSU Implementation of POSIX.5) COMPONENTS            --
6--                                                                          --
7--                               P O S I X . C                              --
8--                                                                          --
9--                                   S p e c                                --
10--                                                                          --
11--                                                                          --
12--  Copyright (c) 1996, 1997   Florida State University (FSU),              --
13--  All Rights Reserved.                                                    --
14--                                                                          --
15--  This  file  is a component of  FLORIST,  an  Ada  application  program  --
16--  interface for operating system services for use with the GNAT compiler  --
17--  and the  Gnu  Ada  Runtime  Library (GNARL).   FLORIST  is intended to  --
18--  conform to the IEEE POSIX Ada standards, 1003.5-1992 and 1003.5b-1993.  --
19--  It also includes support for Draft 1 of IEEE Project 1003.5c.           --
20--                                                                          --
21--  This is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under  --
22--  terms of the  GNU  General  Public  License as  published by the  Free  --
23--  Software Foundation;  either version  2, or (at your option) any later  --
24--  version.  This software is distributed  in  the hope  that  it will be  --
25--  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without  even the implied  warranty  --
27--  General Public License for more details.  You  should have  received a  --
28--  copy of the GNU General Public License  distributed  with  GNARL;  see  --
29--  file  COPYING.  If not,  write to  the  Free  Software  Foundation, 59  --
30--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                   --
31--                                                                          --
32--                                                                          --
33--                                                                          --
34--                                                                          --
35--                                                                          --
36--                                                                          --
37--                                                                          --
38--                                                                          --
40with System; use System;
41with Unchecked_Conversion;
42package POSIX.C is
43   pragma Elaborate_Body;
44   --  =========  --
45   --   WARNING   --
46   --  =========  --
48   --  This package should NOT be used directly by an application.
49   --  It is internal to the FLORIST implementation of the POSIX.5 API,
50   --  and may be changed or replaced in future versions of FLORIST.
52   ALIGNMENT : constant := Natural'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment, 8);
53   --  worst-case alignment requirement
55   ---------------------
56   --  basic C types  --
57   ---------------------
58   type short is range -2**15 .. (2**15) - 1;
59   for short'Size use 16;
60   type int is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
61   for int'Size use 32;
62   type int_ptr is access constant int;
63   pragma Convention (C, int_ptr);
64   type int_var_ptr is access all int;
65   pragma Convention (C, int_var_ptr);
66   type unsigned is mod 2**32;
67   for unsigned'Size use 32;
68   type long is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
69   for long'Size use 32;
70   type unsigned_long is mod 2**32;
71   for unsigned_long'Size use 32;
72   type unsigned_int is mod 2**32;
73   for unsigned_int'Size use 32;
74   type unsigned_short is mod 2**16;
75   for unsigned_short'Size use 16;
76   type caddr_t is mod 2**32;
77   for caddr_t'Size use 32;
78   type size_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
79   for size_t'Size use 32;
80   type size_t_ptr is access constant size_t;
81   pragma Convention (C, size_t_ptr);
82   type size_t_var_ptr is access all size_t;
83   pragma Convention (C, size_t_var_ptr);
84   type time_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
85   for time_t'Size use 32;
86   type time_t_ptr is access constant time_t;
87   pragma Convention (C, time_t_ptr);
88   type time_t_var_ptr is access all time_t;
89   pragma Convention (C, time_t_var_ptr);
90   type clock_t is mod 2**32;
91   for clock_t'Size use 32;
92   type clock_t_ptr is access constant clock_t;
93   pragma Convention (C, clock_t_ptr);
94   type clock_t_var_ptr is access all clock_t;
95   pragma Convention (C, clock_t_var_ptr);
96   type ptr_as_int is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
97   for ptr_as_int'Size use 32;
98   subtype char is POSIX_Character;
99   type char_ptr is access constant char;
100   pragma Convention (C, char_ptr);
101   type char_var_ptr is access all char;
102   pragma Convention (C, char_var_ptr);
103   function To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, char_ptr);
104   function To_char_ptr (Addr : Address) return char_ptr renames To_Ptr;
105   function To_Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (char_ptr, Address);
106   type char_ptr_ptr is access constant char_ptr;
107   pragma Convention (C, char_ptr_ptr);
108   type char_ptr_var_ptr is access all char_ptr;
109   pragma Convention (C, char_ptr_var_ptr);
110   function To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, char_ptr_ptr);
111   function To_Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (char_ptr_ptr, Address);
112   type char_ptr_array is
113     array (Positive range <>) of aliased char_ptr;
114   function malloc (size : size_t) return char_ptr;
115   function malloc (size : size_t) return char_ptr_ptr;
116      pragma Import (C, malloc, "malloc");
117   procedure free (object : char_ptr);
118   procedure free (object : char_ptr_ptr);
119      pragma Import (C, free, "free");
120   procedure Advance (Ptr : in out char_ptr);
121   procedure Advance (Ptr : in out char_ptr_ptr);
122   --  advance Ptr to next location
123   --  pragma Inline (Advance);
124   function Form_POSIX_String (Str : char_ptr)
125      return POSIX_String;
126   --  makes new copy of string, without null terminator
128   -----------------
129   --  constants  --
130   -----------------
131   AIO_ALLDONE : constant := 2;
132   AIO_CANCELED : constant := 0;
133   AIO_NOTCANCELED : constant := 1;
134   B0 : constant := 0;
135   B110 : constant := 3;
136   B115200 : constant := 17;
137   B1200 : constant := 9;
138   B134 : constant := 4;
139   B150 : constant := 5;
140   B1800 : constant := 10;
141   B19200 : constant := 14;
142   B200 : constant := 6;
143   B230400 : constant := 18;
144   B2400 : constant := 11;
145   B300 : constant := 7;
146   B38400 : constant := 15;
147   B460800 : constant := 19;
148   B4800 : constant := 12;
149   B50 : constant := 1;
150   B57600 : constant := 16;
151   B600 : constant := 8;
152   B75 : constant := 2;
153   B9600 : constant := 13;
154   BRKINT : constant := 2;
155   --  *** MISSING: CLK_TCK ***  --
156   CLK_TCK : constant := 0;
157   CLOCAL : constant := 32768;
158   CLOCK_REALTIME : constant := 0;
159   CREAD : constant := 2048;
160   CSIZE : constant := 768;
161   CSTOPB : constant := 1024;
162   CS5 : constant := 0;
163   CS6 : constant := 256;
164   CS7 : constant := 512;
165   CS8 : constant := 768;
166   --   error code constants are in posix.ads
167   ECHO : constant := 8;
168   ECHOE : constant := 2;
169   ECHOK : constant := 4;
170   ECHONL : constant := 16;
171   FD_CLOEXEC : constant := 1;
172   F_DUPFD : constant := 0;
173   F_GETFD : constant := 1;
174   F_GETFL : constant := 3;
175   F_GETLK : constant := 12;
176   F_OK : constant := 0;
177   F_RDLCK : constant := 0;
178   F_SETFD : constant := 2;
179   F_SETFL : constant := 4;
180   F_SETLK : constant := 13;
181   F_SETLKW : constant := 14;
182   F_UNLCK : constant := 2;
183   F_WRLCK : constant := 1;
184   HUPCL : constant := 16384;
185   ICANON : constant := 256;
186   ICRNL : constant := 256;
187   IEXTEN : constant := 1024;
188   IGNBRK : constant := 1;
189   IGNCR : constant := 128;
190   IGNPAR : constant := 4;
191   INLCR : constant := 64;
192   INPCK : constant := 16;
193   ISIG : constant := 128;
194   ISTRIP : constant := 32;
195   IXOFF : constant := 1024;
196   IXON : constant := 512;
197   L_ctermid : constant := 9;
198   LIO_NOP : constant := 2;
199   LIO_NOWAIT : constant := 1;
200   LIO_READ : constant := 0;
201   LIO_WAIT : constant := 0;
202   LIO_WRITE : constant := 1;
203   MAP_FAILED : constant := -1;
204   MAP_FILE : constant := 0;
205   MAP_FIXED : constant := 16;
206   --  *** MISSING: MAP_VARIABLE ***  --
207   MAP_VARIABLE : constant := 0;
208   MAP_PRIVATE : constant := 2;
209   MAP_SHARED : constant := 1;
210   MAX_CANON : constant := 255;
211   MAX_INPUT : constant := 255;
212   MCL_CURRENT : constant := 8192;
213   MCL_FUTURE : constant := 16384;
214   MS_ASYNC : constant := 1;
215   MS_INVALIDATE : constant := 2;
216   MS_SYNC : constant := 4;
217   --  *** MISSING: MS_EINTR ***  --
218   MS_EINTR : constant := 0;
219   NCCS : constant := 32;
220   NOFLSH : constant := 2147483648;
221   OPOST : constant := 1;
222   O_ACCMODE : constant := 3;
223   O_APPEND : constant := 1024;
224   O_CREAT : constant := 64;
225   O_DSYNC : constant := 4096;
226   O_EXCL : constant := 128;
227   O_NOCTTY : constant := 256;
228   O_NONBLOCK : constant := 2048;
229   O_RDONLY : constant := 0;
230   O_RDWR : constant := 2;
231   O_RSYNC : constant := 4096;
232   O_SYNC : constant := 4096;
233   O_TRUNC : constant := 512;
234   O_WRONLY : constant := 1;
235   --  *** MISSING: PAGESIZE ***  --
236   PAGESIZE : constant := 0;
237   PARENB : constant := 4096;
238   PARMRK : constant := 8;
239   PARODD : constant := 8192;
240   PROT_EXEC : constant := 4;
241   PROT_NONE : constant := 0;
242   PROT_READ : constant := 1;
243   PROT_WRITE : constant := 2;
245   PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED : constant := 1;
246   PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED : constant := 0;
247   --  *** MISSING: PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT ***  --
248   PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 0;
249   --  *** MISSING: PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE ***  --
250   PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE : constant := 0;
251   --  *** MISSING: PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT ***  --
252   PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 0;
253   PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED : constant := 1;
254   PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE : constant := 0;
255   PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS : constant := 1;
256   PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM : constant := 0;
257   R_OK : constant := 4;
258   SA_NOCLDSTOP : constant := 1;
259   SA_SIGINFO : constant := 4;
260   SCHED_FIFO : constant := 1;
261   SCHED_OTHER : constant := 0;
262   SCHED_RR : constant := 2;
263   SEEK_CUR : constant := 1;
264   SEEK_END : constant := 2;
265   SEEK_SET : constant := 0;
266   SIGABRT : constant := 6;
267   SIGALRM : constant := 14;
268   SIGBUS : constant := 7;
269   SIGCHLD : constant := 17;
270   SIGCONT : constant := 18;
271   SIGEV_NONE : constant := 1;
272   SIGEV_SIGNAL : constant := 0;
273   SIGEV_THREAD : constant := 2;
274   SIGFPE : constant := 8;
275   SIGHUP : constant := 1;
276   SIGILL : constant := 4;
277   SIGINT : constant := 2;
278   SIGIO : constant := 29;
279   SIGKILL : constant := 9;
280   SIGPIPE : constant := 13;
281   SIGQUIT : constant := 3;
282   SIGRTMAX : constant := 64;
283   SIGRTMIN : constant := 34;
284   NSIGS : constant := 64;
285   SIGSEGV : constant := 11;
286   SIGSTOP : constant := 19;
287   SIGTERM : constant := 15;
288   SIGTRAP : constant := 5;
289   SIGTSTP : constant := 20;
290   SIGTTIN : constant := 21;
291   SIGTTOU : constant := 22;
292   SIGURG : constant := 23;
293   SIGUSR1 : constant := 10;
294   SIGUSR2 : constant := 12;
295   SIG_BLOCK : constant := 0;
296   SIG_DFL : constant := 0;
297   SIG_IGN : constant := 1;
298   SIG_SETMASK : constant := 2;
299   SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := 1;
300   SI_ASYNCIO : constant := -4;
301   SI_MESGQ : constant := -3;
302   SI_QUEUE : constant := -1;
303   SI_TIMER : constant := -2;
304   SI_USER : constant := 0;
305   S_IFSOCK : constant := 49152;
306   S_IRGRP : constant := 32;
307   S_IROTH : constant := 4;
308   S_IRUSR : constant := 256;
309   S_IRWXG : constant := 56;
310   S_IRWXO : constant := 7;
311   S_IRWXU : constant := 448;
312   S_ISGID : constant := 1024;
313   S_ISUID : constant := 2048;
314   S_IWGRP : constant := 16;
315   S_IWOTH : constant := 2;
316   S_IWUSR : constant := 128;
317   S_IXGRP : constant := 8;
318   S_IXOTH : constant := 1;
319   S_IXUSR : constant := 64;
320   TCIFLUSH : constant := 0;
321   TCIOFF : constant := 2;
322   TCIOFLUSH : constant := 2;
323   TCION : constant := 3;
324   TCOFLUSH : constant := 1;
325   TCOOFF : constant := 0;
326   TCOON : constant := 1;
327   TCSADRAIN : constant := 1;
328   TCSAFLUSH : constant := 2;
329   TCSANOW : constant := 0;
330   TIMER_ABSTIME : constant := 1;
331   --  *** MISSING: TIMER_RELTIME ***  --
332   TIMER_RELTIME : constant := 0;
333   TOSTOP : constant := 4194304;
334   VEOF : constant := 4;
335   VEOL : constant := 6;
336   VERASE : constant := 2;
337   VINTR : constant := 0;
338   VKILL : constant := 3;
339   VMIN : constant := 5;
340   VQUIT : constant := 1;
341   VSTART : constant := 13;
342   VSTOP : constant := 14;
343   VSUSP : constant := 12;
344   VTIME : constant := 7;
345   WNOHANG : constant := 1;
346   WUNTRACED : constant := 2;
347   W_OK : constant := 2;
348   X_OK : constant := 1;
349   PC_ASYNC_IO : constant := 10;
350   PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED : constant := 6;
351   PC_LINK_MAX : constant := 0;
352   PC_MAX_CANON : constant := 1;
353   PC_MAX_INPUT : constant := 2;
354   PC_NAME_MAX : constant := 3;
355   PC_NO_TRUNC : constant := 7;
356   PC_PATH_MAX : constant := 4;
357   PC_PIPE_BUF : constant := 5;
358   PC_PRIO_IO : constant := 11;
359   PC_SYNC_IO : constant := 9;
360   PC_SOCK_MAXBUF : constant := 12;
361   SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX : constant := 23;
362   SC_AIO_MAX : constant := 24;
363   SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX : constant := 25;
364   SC_ARG_MAX : constant := 0;
365   SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO : constant := 12;
366   SC_CHILD_MAX : constant := 1;
367   SC_CLK_TCK : constant := 2;
368   SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX : constant := 26;
369   SC_FSYNC : constant := 15;
370   SC_JOB_CONTROL : constant := 7;
371   SC_MAPPED_FILES : constant := 16;
372   SC_MEMLOCK : constant := 17;
373   SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE : constant := 18;
374   SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION : constant := 19;
375   SC_MESSAGE_PASSING : constant := 20;
376   SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX : constant := 27;
377   SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX : constant := 28;
378   SC_NGROUPS_MAX : constant := 3;
379   SC_OPEN_MAX : constant := 4;
380   SC_PAGESIZE : constant := 30;
381   SC_PII : constant := 53;
382   SC_PII_XTI : constant := 54;
383   SC_PII_SOCKET : constant := 55;
384   SC_PII_INTERNET : constant := 56;
385   SC_PII_INTERNET_STREAM : constant := 61;
386   SC_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM : constant := 62;
387   SC_PII_OSI : constant := 57;
388   SC_PII_OSI_M : constant := 65;
389   SC_PII_OSI_COTS : constant := 63;
390   SC_PII_OSI_CLTS : constant := 64;
391   --  *** MISSING: SC_PII_NET_SUPPORT ***  --
392   SC_PII_NET_SUPPORT : constant := 0;
393   SC_POLL : constant := 58;
394   --  *** MISSING: SC_POSIX_PII_NET_SUPPORT ***  --
395   SC_POSIX_PII_NET_SUPPORT : constant := 0;
396   SC_PRIORITIZED_IO : constant := 13;
397   SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING : constant := 10;
398   SC_SELECT : constant := 59;
399   SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED : constant := 82;
400   SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS : constant := 9;
401   SC_RTSIG_MAX : constant := 31;
402   SC_SAVED_IDS : constant := 8;
403   SC_SEMAPHORES : constant := 21;
404   SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX : constant := 32;
405   SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX : constant := 33;
406   SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS : constant := 22;
407   SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX : constant := 34;
408   SC_STREAM_MAX : constant := 5;
409   SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO : constant := 14;
410   SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING : constant := 79;
411   SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 80;
412   SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 81;
413   SC_TIMERS : constant := 11;
414   SC_TIMER_MAX : constant := 35;
415   SC_TZNAME_MAX : constant := 6;
416   SC_T_IOV_MAX : constant := 66;
417   SC_UIO_MAXIOV : constant := 60;
418   SC_VERSION : constant := 29;
420   ------------------------
421   --  type definitions  --
422   ------------------------
423   type off_t is range -2**63 .. (2**63) - 1;
424   for off_t'Size use 64;
425   type pid_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
426   for pid_t'Size use 32;
427   type gid_t is mod 2**32;
428   for gid_t'Size use 32;
429   type uid_t is mod 2**32;
430   for uid_t'Size use 32;
431   type mode_t is mod 2**32;
432   for mode_t'Size use 32;
433   type suseconds_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
434   for suseconds_t'Size use 32;
435   type ssize_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
436   for ssize_t'Size use 32;
437   type DIR is
438     array (1 .. 1) of int;
439   for DIR'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
440   for DIR'Size use 32;
441   type DIR_ptr is access constant DIR;
442   pragma Convention (C, DIR_ptr);
443   type DIR_var_ptr is access all DIR;
444   pragma Convention (C, DIR_var_ptr);
445   type ino_t is mod 2**64;
446   for ino_t'Size use 64;
447   type dev_t is mod 2**64;
448   for dev_t'Size use 64;
449   type cc_t is mod 2**8;
450   for cc_t'Size use 8;
451   type nlink_t is mod 2**32;
452   for nlink_t'Size use 32;
453   --  *** MISSING: blksize_t ***  --
454   type blksize_t is mod 2**32;
455   for blksize_t'Size use 32;
456   --  *** MISSING: blkcnt_t ***  --
457   type blkcnt_t is mod 2**32;
458   for blkcnt_t'Size use 32;
459   type tcflag_t is mod 2**32;
460   for tcflag_t'Size use 32;
461   type clockid_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
462   for clockid_t'Size use 32;
463   type mqd_t is range -2**31 .. (2**31) - 1;
464   for mqd_t'Size use 32;
465   type pthread_attr_t is
466     array (1 .. 9) of int;
467   for pthread_attr_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
468   for pthread_attr_t'Size use 288;
469   type pthread_attr_t_ptr is access constant pthread_attr_t;
470   pragma Convention (C, pthread_attr_t_ptr);
471   type pthread_attr_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_attr_t;
472   pragma Convention (C, pthread_attr_t_var_ptr);
473   type pthread_cond_t is
474     array (1 .. 12) of int;
475   for pthread_cond_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
476   for pthread_cond_t'Size use 384;
477   type pthread_cond_t_ptr is access constant pthread_cond_t;
478   pragma Convention (C, pthread_cond_t_ptr);
479   type pthread_cond_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_cond_t;
480   pragma Convention (C, pthread_cond_t_var_ptr);
481   type pthread_condattr_t is
482     array (1 .. 1) of int;
483   for pthread_condattr_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
484   for pthread_condattr_t'Size use 32;
485   type pthread_condattr_t_ptr is access constant pthread_condattr_t;
486   pragma Convention (C, pthread_condattr_t_ptr);
487   type pthread_condattr_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_condattr_t;
488   pragma Convention (C, pthread_condattr_t_var_ptr);
489   type pthread_key_t is
490     array (1 .. 1) of int;
491   for pthread_key_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
492   for pthread_key_t'Size use 32;
493   type pthread_key_t_ptr is access constant pthread_key_t;
494   pragma Convention (C, pthread_key_t_ptr);
495   type pthread_key_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_key_t;
496   pragma Convention (C, pthread_key_t_var_ptr);
497   type pthread_mutex_t is
498     array (1 .. 6) of int;
499   for pthread_mutex_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
500   for pthread_mutex_t'Size use 192;
501   type pthread_mutex_t_ptr is access constant pthread_mutex_t;
502   pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutex_t_ptr);
503   type pthread_mutex_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_mutex_t;
504   pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutex_t_var_ptr);
505   type pthread_mutexattr_t is
506     array (1 .. 1) of int;
507   for pthread_mutexattr_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
508   for pthread_mutexattr_t'Size use 32;
509   type pthread_mutexattr_t_ptr is access constant pthread_mutexattr_t;
510   pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutexattr_t_ptr);
511   type pthread_mutexattr_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_mutexattr_t;
512   pragma Convention (C, pthread_mutexattr_t_var_ptr);
513   type pthread_once_t is
514     array (1 .. 1) of int;
515   for pthread_once_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
516   for pthread_once_t'Size use 32;
517   type pthread_once_t_ptr is access constant pthread_once_t;
518   pragma Convention (C, pthread_once_t_ptr);
519   type pthread_once_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_once_t;
520   pragma Convention (C, pthread_once_t_var_ptr);
521   type pthread_t is
522     array (1 .. 1) of int;
523   for pthread_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
524   for pthread_t'Size use 32;
525   type pthread_t_ptr is access constant pthread_t;
526   pragma Convention (C, pthread_t_ptr);
527   type pthread_t_var_ptr is access all pthread_t;
528   pragma Convention (C, pthread_t_var_ptr);
529   type sem_t is
530     array (1 .. 4) of int;
531   for sem_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
532   for sem_t'Size use 128;
533   type sem_t_ptr is access constant sem_t;
534   pragma Convention (C, sem_t_ptr);
535   type sem_t_var_ptr is access all sem_t;
536   pragma Convention (C, sem_t_var_ptr);
537   type sigset_t is
538     array (1 .. 32) of int;
539   for sigset_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
540   for sigset_t'Size use 1024;
541   type sigset_t_ptr is access constant sigset_t;
542   pragma Convention (C, sigset_t_ptr);
543   type sigset_t_var_ptr is access all sigset_t;
544   pragma Convention (C, sigset_t_var_ptr);
545   type speed_t is mod 2**32;
546   for speed_t'Size use 32;
547   type socklen_t is mod 2**32;
548   for socklen_t'Size use 32;
549   type timer_t is mod 2**32;
550   for timer_t'Size use 32;
551   type sigval (Dummy : Boolean := True) is record
552      case Dummy is
553         when True  => sival_int : int;
554         when False => sival_ptr : System.Address;
555      end case;
556   end record;
557   pragma Unchecked_Union (sigval);
558   null_sigval : constant sigval :=
559      (Dummy => False, sival_ptr => System.Null_Address);
560   sigval_byte_size : constant := 4;
561   sigval_alignment : constant := ALIGNMENT;
562   type siginfo_t is record
563      si_signo : int;
564      si_code : int;
565      si_value : sigval;
566   end record;
567   for siginfo_t use record
568      si_signo at 0 range 0 .. 31;
569      si_code at 8 range 0 .. 31;
570      si_value at 20 range 0 .. 31;
571   end record;
572   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, siginfo_t);
573   for siginfo_t'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
574   pragma Warnings (Off);
575   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
576   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
577   for siginfo_t'Size use 1024;
578   pragma Warnings (On);
579   type siginfo_t_ptr is access constant siginfo_t;
580   pragma Convention (C, siginfo_t_ptr);
581   type siginfo_t_var_ptr is access all siginfo_t;
582   pragma Convention (C, siginfo_t_var_ptr);
584   -----------------------
585   --  structure types  --
586   -----------------------
587   type struct_sigevent is record
588      sigev_notify : int;
589      sigev_signo : int;
590      sigev_value : sigval;
591      sigev_notify_function : System.Address;
592      sigev_notify_attributes : System.Address;
593   end record;
594   for struct_sigevent use record
595      sigev_notify at 8 range 0 .. 31;
596      sigev_signo at 4 range 0 .. 31;
597      sigev_value at 0 range 0 .. 31;
598      sigev_notify_function at 12 range 0 .. 31;
599      sigev_notify_attributes at 16 range 0 .. 31;
600   end record;
601   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigevent);
602   for struct_sigevent'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
603   pragma Warnings (Off);
604   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
605   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
606   for struct_sigevent'Size use 512;
607   pragma Warnings (On);
608   type sigevent_ptr is access constant struct_sigevent;
609   pragma Convention (C, sigevent_ptr);
610   type sigevent_var_ptr is access all struct_sigevent;
611   pragma Convention (C, sigevent_var_ptr);
612   type struct_aiocb is record
613      aio_fildes : int;
614      aio_offset : off_t;
615      aio_buf : System.Address;
616      pragma Volatile (aio_buf);
617      aio_nbytes : size_t;
618      aio_reqprio : int;
619      aio_sigevent : struct_sigevent;
620      aio_lio_opcode : int;
621   end record;
622   for struct_aiocb use record
623      aio_fildes at 0 range 0 .. 31;
624      aio_offset at 104 range 0 .. 63;
625      aio_buf at 12 range 0 .. 31;
626      aio_nbytes at 16 range 0 .. 31;
627      aio_reqprio at 8 range 0 .. 31;
628      aio_sigevent at 20 range 0 .. 511;
629      aio_lio_opcode at 4 range 0 .. 31;
630   end record;
631   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_aiocb);
632   for struct_aiocb'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
633   pragma Warnings (Off);
634   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
635   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
636   for struct_aiocb'Size use 1152;
637   pragma Warnings (On);
638   type aiocb_ptr is access constant struct_aiocb;
639   pragma Convention (C, aiocb_ptr);
640   type aiocb_var_ptr is access all struct_aiocb;
641   pragma Convention (C, aiocb_var_ptr);
642   type struct_dirent is record
643      d_name : POSIX_String (1 .. 1);
644   end record;
645   for struct_dirent use record
646      d_name at 19 range 0 .. 7;
647   end record;
648   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dirent);
649   for struct_dirent'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
650   pragma Warnings (Off);
651   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
652   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
653   for struct_dirent'Size use 2240;
654   pragma Warnings (On);
655   type dirent_ptr is access constant struct_dirent;
656   pragma Convention (C, dirent_ptr);
657   type dirent_var_ptr is access all struct_dirent;
658   pragma Convention (C, dirent_var_ptr);
659   type struct_flock is record
660      l_type : short;
661      l_whence : short;
662      l_start : off_t;
663      l_len : off_t;
664      l_pid : pid_t;
665   end record;
666   for struct_flock use record
667      l_type at 0 range 0 .. 15;
668      l_whence at 2 range 0 .. 15;
669      l_start at 8 range 0 .. 63;
670      l_len at 16 range 0 .. 63;
671      l_pid at 24 range 0 .. 31;
672   end record;
673   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_flock);
674   for struct_flock'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
675   pragma Warnings (Off);
676   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
677   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
678   for struct_flock'Size use 256;
679   pragma Warnings (On);
680   type flock_ptr is access constant struct_flock;
681   pragma Convention (C, flock_ptr);
682   type flock_var_ptr is access all struct_flock;
683   pragma Convention (C, flock_var_ptr);
684   type struct_group is record
685      gr_name : char_ptr;
686      gr_gid : gid_t;
687      gr_mem : char_ptr_ptr;
688   end record;
689   for struct_group use record
690      gr_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
691      gr_gid at 8 range 0 .. 31;
692      gr_mem at 12 range 0 .. 31;
693   end record;
694   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_group);
695   for struct_group'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
696   pragma Warnings (Off);
697   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
698   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
699   for struct_group'Size use 128;
700   pragma Warnings (On);
701   type group_ptr is access constant struct_group;
702   pragma Convention (C, group_ptr);
703   type group_var_ptr is access all struct_group;
704   pragma Convention (C, group_var_ptr);
705   type struct_mq_attr is record
706      mq_flags : long;
707      mq_maxmsg : long;
708      mq_msgsize : long;
709      mq_curmsgs : long;
710   end record;
711   for struct_mq_attr use record
712      mq_flags at 0 range 0 .. 31;
713      mq_maxmsg at 4 range 0 .. 31;
714      mq_msgsize at 8 range 0 .. 31;
715      mq_curmsgs at 12 range 0 .. 31;
716   end record;
717   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_mq_attr);
718   for struct_mq_attr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
719   pragma Warnings (Off);
720   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
721   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
722   for struct_mq_attr'Size use 256;
723   pragma Warnings (On);
724   type mq_attr_ptr is access constant struct_mq_attr;
725   pragma Convention (C, mq_attr_ptr);
726   type mq_attr_var_ptr is access all struct_mq_attr;
727   pragma Convention (C, mq_attr_var_ptr);
728   type struct_passwd is record
729      pw_name : char_ptr;
730      pw_uid : uid_t;
731      pw_gid : gid_t;
732      pw_dir : char_ptr;
733      pw_shell : char_ptr;
734   end record;
735   for struct_passwd use record
736      pw_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
737      pw_uid at 8 range 0 .. 31;
738      pw_gid at 12 range 0 .. 31;
739      pw_dir at 20 range 0 .. 31;
740      pw_shell at 24 range 0 .. 31;
741   end record;
742   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_passwd);
743   for struct_passwd'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
744   pragma Warnings (Off);
745   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
746   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
747   for struct_passwd'Size use 224;
748   pragma Warnings (On);
749   type passwd_ptr is access constant struct_passwd;
750   pragma Convention (C, passwd_ptr);
751   type passwd_var_ptr is access all struct_passwd;
752   pragma Convention (C, passwd_var_ptr);
753   type struct_sigaction is record
754      sa_handler : System.Address;
755      sa_mask : sigset_t;
756      sa_flags : int;
757   end record;
758   for struct_sigaction use record
759      sa_handler at 0 range 0 .. 31;
760      sa_mask at 4 range 0 .. 1023;
761      sa_flags at 132 range 0 .. 31;
762   end record;
763   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigaction);
764   for struct_sigaction'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
765   pragma Warnings (Off);
766   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
767   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
768   for struct_sigaction'Size use 1120;
769   pragma Warnings (On);
770   type sigaction_ptr is access constant struct_sigaction;
771   pragma Convention (C, sigaction_ptr);
772   type sigaction_var_ptr is access all struct_sigaction;
773   pragma Convention (C, sigaction_var_ptr);
774   type struct_sched_param is record
775      sched_priority : int;
776   end record;
777   for struct_sched_param use record
778      sched_priority at 0 range 0 .. 31;
779   end record;
780   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sched_param);
781   for struct_sched_param'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
782   pragma Warnings (Off);
783   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
784   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
785   for struct_sched_param'Size use 32;
786   pragma Warnings (On);
787   type sched_param_ptr is access constant struct_sched_param;
788   pragma Convention (C, sched_param_ptr);
789   type sched_param_var_ptr is access all struct_sched_param;
790   pragma Convention (C, sched_param_var_ptr);
791   type cc_t_array is array (0 .. NCCS - 1) of cc_t;
792   type struct_stat is record
793      st_mode : mode_t;
794      st_ino : ino_t;
795      st_dev : dev_t;
796      st_nlink : nlink_t;
797      st_uid : uid_t;
798      st_gid : gid_t;
799      st_size : off_t;
800      st_blksize : blksize_t;
801      st_blocks : blkcnt_t;
802      st_atime : time_t;
803      st_mtime : time_t;
804      st_ctime : time_t;
805   end record;
806   for struct_stat use record
807      st_mode at 16 range 0 .. 31;
808      st_ino at 8 range 0 .. 63;
809      st_dev at 0 range 0 .. 63;
810      st_nlink at 20 range 0 .. 31;
811      st_uid at 24 range 0 .. 31;
812      st_gid at 28 range 0 .. 31;
813      st_size at 48 range 0 .. 63;
814      st_blksize at 56 range 0 .. 31;
815      st_blocks at 64 range 0 .. 63;
816      st_atime at 72 range 0 .. 31;
817      st_mtime at 80 range 0 .. 31;
818      st_ctime at 88 range 0 .. 31;
819   end record;
820   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_stat);
821   for struct_stat'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
822   pragma Warnings (Off);
823   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
824   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
825   for struct_stat'Size use 832;
826   pragma Warnings (On);
827   type stat_ptr is access constant struct_stat;
828   pragma Convention (C, stat_ptr);
829   type stat_var_ptr is access all struct_stat;
830   pragma Convention (C, stat_var_ptr);
831   function To_Stat_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, stat_ptr);
832   type struct_termios is record
833      c_iflag : tcflag_t;
834      c_oflag : tcflag_t;
835      c_cflag : tcflag_t;
836      c_lflag : tcflag_t;
837      c_cc : cc_t_array;
838   end record;
839   for struct_termios use record
840      c_iflag at 0 range 0 .. 31;
841      c_oflag at 4 range 0 .. 31;
842      c_cflag at 8 range 0 .. 31;
843      c_lflag at 12 range 0 .. 31;
844      c_cc at 17 range 0 .. 255;
845   end record;
846   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_termios);
847   for struct_termios'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
848   pragma Warnings (Off);
849   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
850   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
851   for struct_termios'Size use 480;
852   pragma Warnings (On);
853   type termios_ptr is access constant struct_termios;
854   pragma Convention (C, termios_ptr);
855   type termios_var_ptr is access all struct_termios;
856   pragma Convention (C, termios_var_ptr);
858   --  timeval structure  --
859   type struct_timeval is record
860      tv_sec : time_t;
861      tv_usec : suseconds_t;
862   end record;
863   for struct_timeval use record
864      tv_sec at 0 range 0 .. 31;
865      tv_usec at 4 range 0 .. 31;
866   end record;
867   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_timeval);
868   for struct_timeval'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
869   pragma Warnings (Off);
870   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
871   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
872   for struct_timeval'Size use 64;
873   pragma Warnings (On);
874   type timeval_ptr is access constant struct_timeval;
875   pragma Convention (C, timeval_ptr);
876   type timeval_var_ptr is access all struct_timeval;
877   pragma Convention (C, timeval_var_ptr);
878   type struct_timespec is record
879      tv_sec : time_t;
880      tv_nsec : long;
881   end record;
882   for struct_timespec use record
883      tv_sec at 0 range 0 .. 31;
884      tv_nsec at 4 range 0 .. 31;
885   end record;
886   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_timespec);
887   for struct_timespec'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
888   pragma Warnings (Off);
889   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
890   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
891   for struct_timespec'Size use 64;
892   pragma Warnings (On);
893   type timespec_ptr is access constant struct_timespec;
894   pragma Convention (C, timespec_ptr);
895   type timespec_var_ptr is access all struct_timespec;
896   pragma Convention (C, timespec_var_ptr);
897   type struct_itimerspec is record
898      it_interval : struct_timespec;
899      it_value : struct_timespec;
900   end record;
901   for struct_itimerspec use record
902      it_interval at 0 range 0 .. 63;
903      it_value at 8 range 0 .. 63;
904   end record;
905   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_itimerspec);
906   for struct_itimerspec'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
907   pragma Warnings (Off);
908   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
909   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
910   for struct_itimerspec'Size use 128;
911   pragma Warnings (On);
912   type itimerspec_ptr is access constant struct_itimerspec;
913   pragma Convention (C, itimerspec_ptr);
914   type itimerspec_var_ptr is access all struct_itimerspec;
915   pragma Convention (C, itimerspec_var_ptr);
916   type struct_tm is record
917      tm_sec : int;
918      tm_min : int;
919      tm_hour : int;
920      tm_mday : int;
921      tm_mon : int;
922      tm_year : int;
923      tm_wday : int;
924      tm_yday : int;
925      tm_isdst : int;
926   end record;
927   for struct_tm use record
928      tm_sec at 0 range 0 .. 31;
929      tm_min at 4 range 0 .. 31;
930      tm_hour at 8 range 0 .. 31;
931      tm_mday at 12 range 0 .. 31;
932      tm_mon at 16 range 0 .. 31;
933      tm_year at 20 range 0 .. 31;
934      tm_wday at 24 range 0 .. 31;
935      tm_yday at 28 range 0 .. 31;
936      tm_isdst at 32 range 0 .. 31;
937   end record;
938   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_tm);
939   for struct_tm'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
940   pragma Warnings (Off);
941   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
942   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
943   for struct_tm'Size use 352;
944   pragma Warnings (On);
945   type tm_ptr is access constant struct_tm;
946   pragma Convention (C, tm_ptr);
947   type tm_var_ptr is access all struct_tm;
948   pragma Convention (C, tm_var_ptr);
949   type struct_tms is record
950      tms_utime : clock_t;
951      tms_stime : clock_t;
952      tms_cutime : clock_t;
953      tms_cstime : clock_t;
954   end record;
955   for struct_tms use record
956      tms_utime at 0 range 0 .. 31;
957      tms_stime at 4 range 0 .. 31;
958      tms_cutime at 8 range 0 .. 31;
959      tms_cstime at 12 range 0 .. 31;
960   end record;
961   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_tms);
962   for struct_tms'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
963   pragma Warnings (Off);
964   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
965   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
966   for struct_tms'Size use 128;
967   pragma Warnings (On);
968   type tms_ptr is access constant struct_tms;
969   pragma Convention (C, tms_ptr);
970   type tms_var_ptr is access all struct_tms;
971   pragma Convention (C, tms_var_ptr);
972   type struct_utimbuf is record
973      modtime : time_t;
974      actime : time_t;
975   end record;
976   for struct_utimbuf use record
977      modtime at 4 range 0 .. 31;
978      actime at 0 range 0 .. 31;
979   end record;
980   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_utimbuf);
981   for struct_utimbuf'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
982   pragma Warnings (Off);
983   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
984   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
985   for struct_utimbuf'Size use 64;
986   pragma Warnings (On);
987   type utimbuf_ptr is access constant struct_utimbuf;
988   pragma Convention (C, utimbuf_ptr);
989   type utimbuf_var_ptr is access all struct_utimbuf;
990   pragma Convention (C, utimbuf_var_ptr);
991   subtype utsname_sysname_string is
992      POSIX_String (1 .. 65);
993   subtype utsname_nodename_string is
994      POSIX_String (1 .. 65);
995   subtype utsname_release_string is
996      POSIX_String (1 .. 65);
997   subtype utsname_version_string is
998      POSIX_String (1 .. 65);
999   subtype utsname_machine_string is
1000      POSIX_String (1 .. 65);
1001   type struct_utsname is record
1002      sysname : utsname_sysname_string;
1003      nodename : utsname_nodename_string;
1004      release : utsname_release_string;
1005      version : utsname_version_string;
1006      machine : utsname_machine_string;
1007   end record;
1008   for struct_utsname use record
1009      sysname at 0 range 0 .. 519;
1010      nodename at 65 range 0 .. 519;
1011      release at 130 range 0 .. 519;
1012      version at 195 range 0 .. 519;
1013      machine at 260 range 0 .. 519;
1014   end record;
1015   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_utsname);
1016   for struct_utsname'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1017   pragma Warnings (Off);
1018   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1019   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1020   for struct_utsname'Size use 3120;
1021   pragma Warnings (On);
1022   type utsname_ptr is access constant struct_utsname;
1023   pragma Convention (C, utsname_ptr);
1024   type utsname_var_ptr is access all struct_utsname;
1025   pragma Convention (C, utsname_var_ptr);
1027   ----------------------------------
1028   --  link names for C functions  --
1029   ----------------------------------
1030   HAVE_access : constant Boolean := True;
1031   access_LINKNAME : constant String := "access";
1032   HAVE_aio_cancel : constant Boolean := True;
1033   aio_cancel_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_cancel";
1034   HAVE_aio_error : constant Boolean := True;
1035   aio_error_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_error";
1036   HAVE_aio_fsync : constant Boolean := True;
1037   aio_fsync_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_fsync";
1038   HAVE_aio_read : constant Boolean := True;
1039   aio_read_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_read";
1040   HAVE_aio_return : constant Boolean := True;
1041   aio_return_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_return";
1042   HAVE_aio_suspend : constant Boolean := True;
1043   aio_suspend_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_suspend";
1044   HAVE_aio_write : constant Boolean := True;
1045   aio_write_LINKNAME : constant String := "aio_write";
1046   HAVE_cfgetispeed : constant Boolean := True;
1047   cfgetispeed_LINKNAME : constant String := "cfgetispeed";
1048   HAVE_cfgetospeed : constant Boolean := True;
1049   cfgetospeed_LINKNAME : constant String := "cfgetospeed";
1050   HAVE_cfsetispeed : constant Boolean := True;
1051   cfsetispeed_LINKNAME : constant String := "cfsetispeed";
1052   HAVE_cfsetospeed : constant Boolean := True;
1053   cfsetospeed_LINKNAME : constant String := "cfsetospeed";
1054   HAVE_chdir : constant Boolean := True;
1055   chdir_LINKNAME : constant String := "chdir";
1056   HAVE_chmod : constant Boolean := True;
1057   chmod_LINKNAME : constant String := "chmod";
1058   HAVE_chown : constant Boolean := True;
1059   chown_LINKNAME : constant String := "chown";
1060   HAVE_clock_getres : constant Boolean := True;
1061   clock_getres_LINKNAME : constant String := "clock_getres";
1062   HAVE_clock_gettime : constant Boolean := True;
1063   clock_gettime_LINKNAME : constant String := "clock_gettime";
1064   HAVE_clock_settime : constant Boolean := True;
1065   clock_settime_LINKNAME : constant String := "clock_settime";
1066   HAVE_close : constant Boolean := True;
1067   close_LINKNAME : constant String := "close";
1068   HAVE_closedir : constant Boolean := True;
1069   closedir_LINKNAME : constant String := "closedir";
1070   HAVE_ctermid : constant Boolean := True;
1071   ctermid_LINKNAME : constant String := "ctermid";
1072   HAVE_ctime : constant Boolean := True;
1073   ctime_LINKNAME : constant String := "ctime";
1074   HAVE_ctime_r : constant Boolean := True;
1075   ctime_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "ctime_r";
1076   HAVE_dup : constant Boolean := True;
1077   dup_LINKNAME : constant String := "dup";
1078   HAVE_dup2 : constant Boolean := True;
1079   dup2_LINKNAME : constant String := "dup2";
1080   HAVE_execv : constant Boolean := True;
1081   execv_LINKNAME : constant String := "execv";
1082   HAVE_execve : constant Boolean := True;
1083   execve_LINKNAME : constant String := "execve";
1084   HAVE_execvp : constant Boolean := True;
1085   execvp_LINKNAME : constant String := "execvp";
1086   HAVE_fchmod : constant Boolean := True;
1087   fchmod_LINKNAME : constant String := "fchmod";
1088   HAVE_fcntl : constant Boolean := True;
1089   fcntl_LINKNAME : constant String := "fcntl";
1090   HAVE_fdatasync : constant Boolean := True;
1091   fdatasync_LINKNAME : constant String := "fdatasync";
1092   HAVE_fork : constant Boolean := True;
1093   fork_LINKNAME : constant String := "fork";
1094   HAVE_fpathconf : constant Boolean := True;
1095   fpathconf_LINKNAME : constant String := "fpathconf";
1096   HAVE_fstat : constant Boolean := True;
1097   fstat_LINKNAME : constant String := "__gnat_florist_fstat";
1098   HAVE_fsync : constant Boolean := True;
1099   fsync_LINKNAME : constant String := "fsync";
1100   HAVE_ftruncate : constant Boolean := True;
1101   ftruncate_LINKNAME : constant String := "ftruncate64";
1102   HAVE_getcwd : constant Boolean := True;
1103   getcwd_LINKNAME : constant String := "getcwd";
1104   HAVE_getegid : constant Boolean := True;
1105   getegid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getegid";
1106   HAVE_getenv : constant Boolean := True;
1107   getenv_LINKNAME : constant String := "getenv";
1108   HAVE_geteuid : constant Boolean := True;
1109   geteuid_LINKNAME : constant String := "geteuid";
1110   HAVE_getgid : constant Boolean := True;
1111   getgid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getgid";
1112   HAVE_getgrgid : constant Boolean := True;
1113   getgrgid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getgrgid";
1114   HAVE_getgrnam : constant Boolean := True;
1115   getgrnam_LINKNAME : constant String := "getgrnam";
1116   HAVE_getgroups : constant Boolean := True;
1117   getgroups_LINKNAME : constant String := "getgroups";
1118   HAVE_getlogin : constant Boolean := True;
1119   getlogin_LINKNAME : constant String := "getlogin";
1120   HAVE_getpgrp : constant Boolean := True;
1121   getpgrp_LINKNAME : constant String := "getpgrp";
1122   HAVE_getpid : constant Boolean := True;
1123   getpid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getpid";
1124   HAVE_getppid : constant Boolean := True;
1125   getppid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getppid";
1126   HAVE_getpwnam : constant Boolean := True;
1127   getpwnam_LINKNAME : constant String := "getpwnam";
1128   HAVE_getpwuid : constant Boolean := True;
1129   getpwuid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getpwuid";
1130   HAVE_gettimeofday : constant Boolean := True;
1131   gettimeofday_LINKNAME : constant String := "gettimeofday";
1132   HAVE_getuid : constant Boolean := True;
1133   getuid_LINKNAME : constant String := "getuid";
1134   HAVE_gmtime_r : constant Boolean := True;
1135   gmtime_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "gmtime_r";
1136   HAVE_isatty : constant Boolean := True;
1137   isatty_LINKNAME : constant String := "isatty";
1138   HAVE_kill : constant Boolean := True;
1139   kill_LINKNAME : constant String := "kill";
1140   HAVE_link : constant Boolean := True;
1141   link_LINKNAME : constant String := "link";
1142   HAVE_lio_listio : constant Boolean := True;
1143   lio_listio_LINKNAME : constant String := "lio_listio";
1144   HAVE_lstat : constant Boolean := True;
1145   lstat_LINKNAME : constant String := "__gnat_florist_lstat";
1146   HAVE_lseek : constant Boolean := True;
1147   lseek_LINKNAME : constant String := "lseek64";
1148   HAVE_mkdir : constant Boolean := True;
1149   mkdir_LINKNAME : constant String := "mkdir";
1150   HAVE_mkfifo : constant Boolean := True;
1151   mkfifo_LINKNAME : constant String := "mkfifo";
1152   HAVE_mlock : constant Boolean := True;
1153   mlock_LINKNAME : constant String := "mlock";
1154   HAVE_mlockall : constant Boolean := True;
1155   mlockall_LINKNAME : constant String := "mlockall";
1156   HAVE_mmap : constant Boolean := True;
1157   mmap_LINKNAME : constant String := "mmap";
1158   HAVE_mprotect : constant Boolean := True;
1159   mprotect_LINKNAME : constant String := "mprotect";
1160   HAVE_mq_close : constant Boolean := True;
1161   mq_close_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_close";
1162   HAVE_mq_getattr : constant Boolean := True;
1163   mq_getattr_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_getattr";
1164   HAVE_mq_notify : constant Boolean := True;
1165   mq_notify_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_notify";
1166   HAVE_mq_open : constant Boolean := True;
1167   mq_open_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_open";
1168   HAVE_mq_receive : constant Boolean := True;
1169   mq_receive_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_receive";
1170   HAVE_mq_send : constant Boolean := True;
1171   mq_send_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_send";
1172   HAVE_mq_setattr : constant Boolean := True;
1173   mq_setattr_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_setattr";
1174   HAVE_mq_unlink : constant Boolean := True;
1175   mq_unlink_LINKNAME : constant String := "mq_unlink";
1176   HAVE_msync : constant Boolean := True;
1177   msync_LINKNAME : constant String := "msync";
1178   HAVE_munlock : constant Boolean := True;
1179   munlock_LINKNAME : constant String := "munlock";
1180   HAVE_munlockall : constant Boolean := True;
1181   munlockall_LINKNAME : constant String := "munlockall";
1182   HAVE_munmap : constant Boolean := True;
1183   munmap_LINKNAME : constant String := "munmap";
1184   HAVE_open : constant Boolean := True;
1185   open_LINKNAME : constant String := "__gnat_florist_open";
1186   HAVE_opendir : constant Boolean := True;
1187   opendir_LINKNAME : constant String := "opendir";
1188   HAVE_pathconf : constant Boolean := True;
1189   pathconf_LINKNAME : constant String := "pathconf";
1190   HAVE_pipe : constant Boolean := True;
1191   pipe_LINKNAME : constant String := "pipe";
1192   pthread_cond_broadcast_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1193      "pthread_cond_broadcast";
1194   pthread_cond_destroy_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_cond_destroy";
1195   pthread_cond_init_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_cond_init";
1196   pthread_cond_signal_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_cond_signal";
1197   pthread_cond_timedwait_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1198      "pthread_cond_timedwait";
1199   pthread_cond_wait_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_cond_wait";
1200   pthread_condattr_destroy_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1201      "pthread_condattr_destroy";
1202   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_condattr_getpshared ***  --
1203   pthread_condattr_getpshared_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1204      "nosys_direct";
1205   pthread_condattr_init_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1206      "pthread_condattr_init";
1207   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_condattr_setpshared ***  --
1208   pthread_condattr_setpshared_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1209      "nosys_direct";
1210   pthread_mutex_destroy_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1211      "pthread_mutex_destroy";
1212   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutex_getprioceiling ***  --
1213   pthread_mutex_getprioceiling_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1214      "nosys_direct";
1215   pthread_mutex_init_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_mutex_init";
1216   pthread_mutex_lock_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_mutex_lock";
1217   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutex_setprioceiling ***  --
1218   pthread_mutex_setprioceiling_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1219      "nosys_direct";
1220   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutex_trylock ***  --
1221   pthread_mutex_trylock_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1222      "nosys_direct";
1223   pthread_mutex_unlock_LINKNAME : constant String := "pthread_mutex_unlock";
1224   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_destroy ***  --
1225   pthread_mutexattr_destroy_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1226      "nosys_direct";
1227   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling ***  --
1228   pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1229      "nosys_direct";
1230   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol ***  --
1231   pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1232      "nosys_direct";
1233   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_getpshared ***  --
1234   pthread_mutexattr_getpshared_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1235      "nosys_direct";
1236   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_init ***  --
1237   pthread_mutexattr_init_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1238      "nosys_direct";
1239   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling ***  --
1240   pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1241      "nosys_direct";
1242   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol ***  --
1243   pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1244      "nosys_direct";
1245   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_mutexattr_setpshared ***  --
1246   pthread_mutexattr_setpshared_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1247      "nosys_direct";
1248   --  *** MISSING: function pthread_sigmask ***  --
1249   pthread_sigmask_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_direct";
1250   HAVE_putenv : constant Boolean := True;
1251   putenv_LINKNAME : constant String := "putenv";
1252   HAVE_read : constant Boolean := True;
1253   read_LINKNAME : constant String := "read";
1254   HAVE_readdir : constant Boolean := True;
1255   readdir_LINKNAME : constant String := "readdir64";
1256   HAVE_readdir_r : constant Boolean := True;
1257   readdir_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "readdir64_r";
1258   HAVE_rename : constant Boolean := True;
1259   rename_LINKNAME : constant String := "rename";
1260   HAVE_rmdir : constant Boolean := True;
1261   rmdir_LINKNAME : constant String := "rmdir";
1262   HAVE_sched_get_priority_max : constant Boolean := True;
1263   sched_get_priority_max_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1264       "sched_get_priority_max";
1265   HAVE_sched_get_priority_min : constant Boolean := True;
1266   sched_get_priority_min_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1267       "sched_get_priority_min";
1268   HAVE_sched_rr_get_interval : constant Boolean := True;
1269   sched_rr_get_interval_LINKNAME : constant String :=
1270       "sched_rr_get_interval";
1271   HAVE_sched_getparam : constant Boolean := True;
1272   sched_getparam_LINKNAME : constant String := "sched_getparam";
1273   HAVE_sched_getscheduler : constant Boolean := True;
1274   sched_getscheduler_LINKNAME : constant String := "sched_getscheduler";
1275   HAVE_sched_setparam : constant Boolean := True;
1276   sched_setparam_LINKNAME : constant String := "sched_setparam";
1277   HAVE_sched_setscheduler : constant Boolean := True;
1278   sched_setscheduler_LINKNAME : constant String := "sched_setscheduler";
1279   HAVE_sched_yield : constant Boolean := True;
1280   sched_yield_LINKNAME : constant String := "sched_yield";
1281   --  *** MISSING: function sem_close ***  --
1282   HAVE_sem_close : constant Boolean := False;
1283   sem_close_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1284   --  *** MISSING: function sem_destroy ***  --
1285   HAVE_sem_destroy : constant Boolean := False;
1286   sem_destroy_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1287   --  *** MISSING: function sem_getvalue ***  --
1288   HAVE_sem_getvalue : constant Boolean := False;
1289   sem_getvalue_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1290   --  *** MISSING: function sem_init ***  --
1291   HAVE_sem_init : constant Boolean := False;
1292   sem_init_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1293   --  *** MISSING: function sem_open ***  --
1294   HAVE_sem_open : constant Boolean := False;
1295   sem_open_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1296   --  *** MISSING: function sem_post ***  --
1297   HAVE_sem_post : constant Boolean := False;
1298   sem_post_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1299   --  *** MISSING: function sem_trywait ***  --
1300   HAVE_sem_trywait : constant Boolean := False;
1301   sem_trywait_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1302   --  *** MISSING: function sem_unlink ***  --
1303   HAVE_sem_unlink : constant Boolean := False;
1304   sem_unlink_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1305   --  *** MISSING: function sem_wait ***  --
1306   HAVE_sem_wait : constant Boolean := False;
1307   sem_wait_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
1308   HAVE_setenv : constant Boolean := True;
1309   setenv_LINKNAME : constant String := "setenv";
1310   HAVE_setgid : constant Boolean := True;
1311   setgid_LINKNAME : constant String := "setgid";
1312   HAVE_setpgid : constant Boolean := True;
1313   setpgid_LINKNAME : constant String := "setpgid";
1314   HAVE_setsid : constant Boolean := True;
1315   setsid_LINKNAME : constant String := "setsid";
1316   HAVE_setuid : constant Boolean := True;
1317   setuid_LINKNAME : constant String := "setuid";
1318   HAVE_shm_open : constant Boolean := True;
1319   shm_open_LINKNAME : constant String := "shm_open";
1320   HAVE_shm_unlink : constant Boolean := True;
1321   shm_unlink_LINKNAME : constant String := "shm_unlink";
1322   HAVE_sigaction : constant Boolean := True;
1323   sigaction_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigaction";
1324   HAVE_sigaddset : constant Boolean := True;
1325   sigaddset_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigaddset";
1326   HAVE_sigdelset : constant Boolean := True;
1327   sigdelset_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigdelset";
1328   HAVE_sigemptyset : constant Boolean := True;
1329   sigemptyset_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigemptyset";
1330   HAVE_sigfillset : constant Boolean := True;
1331   sigfillset_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigfillset";
1332   HAVE_sigismember : constant Boolean := True;
1333   sigismember_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigismember";
1334   HAVE_sigpending : constant Boolean := True;
1335   sigpending_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigpending";
1336   HAVE_sigprocmask : constant Boolean := True;
1337   sigprocmask_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigprocmask";
1338   HAVE_sigqueue : constant Boolean := True;
1339   sigqueue_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigqueue";
1340   HAVE_sigtimedwait : constant Boolean := True;
1341   sigtimedwait_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigtimedwait";
1342   HAVE_sigwait : constant Boolean := True;
1343   sigwait_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigwait";
1344   HAVE_sigwaitinfo : constant Boolean := True;
1345   sigwaitinfo_LINKNAME : constant String := "sigwaitinfo";
1346   HAVE_stat : constant Boolean := True;
1347   stat_LINKNAME : constant String := "__gnat_florist_stat";
1348   HAVE_sysconf : constant Boolean := True;
1349   sysconf_LINKNAME : constant String := "sysconf";
1350   HAVE_tcdrain : constant Boolean := True;
1351   tcdrain_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcdrain";
1352   HAVE_tcflow : constant Boolean := True;
1353   tcflow_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcflow";
1354   HAVE_tcflush : constant Boolean := True;
1355   tcflush_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcflush";
1356   HAVE_tcgetattr : constant Boolean := True;
1357   tcgetattr_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcgetattr";
1358   HAVE_tcgetpgrp : constant Boolean := True;
1359   tcgetpgrp_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcgetpgrp";
1360   HAVE_tcsendbreak : constant Boolean := True;
1361   tcsendbreak_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcsendbreak";
1362   HAVE_tcsetattr : constant Boolean := True;
1363   tcsetattr_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcsetattr";
1364   HAVE_tcsetpgrp : constant Boolean := True;
1365   tcsetpgrp_LINKNAME : constant String := "tcsetpgrp";
1366   HAVE_time : constant Boolean := True;
1367   time_LINKNAME : constant String := "time";
1368   HAVE_timer_create : constant Boolean := True;
1369   timer_create_LINKNAME : constant String := "timer_create";
1370   HAVE_timer_delete : constant Boolean := True;
1371   timer_delete_LINKNAME : constant String := "timer_delete";
1372   HAVE_timer_getoverrun : constant Boolean := True;
1373   timer_getoverrun_LINKNAME : constant String := "timer_getoverrun";
1374   HAVE_timer_gettime : constant Boolean := True;
1375   timer_gettime_LINKNAME : constant String := "timer_gettime";
1376   HAVE_timer_settime : constant Boolean := True;
1377   timer_settime_LINKNAME : constant String := "timer_settime";
1378   HAVE_times : constant Boolean := True;
1379   times_LINKNAME : constant String := "times";
1380   HAVE_ttyname : constant Boolean := True;
1381   ttyname_LINKNAME : constant String := "ttyname";
1382   HAVE_umask : constant Boolean := True;
1383   umask_LINKNAME : constant String := "umask";
1384   HAVE_uname : constant Boolean := True;
1385   uname_LINKNAME : constant String := "__gnat_florist_uname";
1386   HAVE_unlink : constant Boolean := True;
1387   unlink_LINKNAME : constant String := "unlink";
1388   HAVE_unsetenv : constant Boolean := True;
1389   unsetenv_LINKNAME : constant String := "unsetenv";
1390   HAVE_utime : constant Boolean := True;
1391   utime_LINKNAME : constant String := "utime";
1392   HAVE_waitpid : constant Boolean := True;
1393   waitpid_LINKNAME : constant String := "waitpid";
1394   HAVE_write : constant Boolean := True;
1395   write_LINKNAME : constant String := "write";
1397   ------------------------------
1398   --  C functions for macros  --
1399   ------------------------------
1400   function s_isdir (mode : mode_t) return int;
1401   pragma Import (C, s_isdir, "s_isdir");
1402   function s_ischr (mode : mode_t) return int;
1403   pragma Import (C, s_ischr, "s_ischr");
1404   function s_isblk (mode : mode_t) return int;
1405   pragma Import (C, s_isblk, "s_isblk");
1406   function s_islnk (mode : mode_t) return int;
1407   pragma Import (C, s_islnk, "s_islnk");
1408   function s_isreg (mode : mode_t) return int;
1409   pragma Import (C, s_isreg, "s_isreg");
1410   function s_isfifo (mode : mode_t) return int;
1411   pragma Import (C, s_isfifo, "s_isfifo");
1412   function s_ismsg (mode : mode_t) return int;
1413   pragma Import (C, s_ismsg, "s_ismsg");
1414   function s_issem (mode : mode_t) return int;
1415   pragma Import (C, s_issem, "s_issem");
1416   function s_isshm (mode : mode_t) return int;
1417   pragma Import (C, s_isshm, "s_isshm");
1418   function s_issock (mode : mode_t) return int;
1419   pragma Import (C, s_issock, "s_issock");
1420   function s_typeismq (stat : stat_ptr) return int;
1421   pragma Import (C, s_typeismq, "s_typeismq");
1422   function s_typeissem (stat : stat_ptr) return int;
1423   pragma Import (C, s_typeissem, "s_typeissem");
1424   function s_typeisshm (stat : stat_ptr) return int;
1425   pragma Import (C, s_typeisshm, "s_typeisshm");
1426   function wifexited (stat_val : int) return int;
1427   pragma Import (C, wifexited, "wifexited");
1428   function wifexitstatus (stat_val : int) return int;
1429   pragma Import (C, wifexitstatus, "wifexitstatus");
1430   function wifsignaled (stat_val : int) return int;
1431   pragma Import (C, wifsignaled, "wifsignaled");
1432   function wiftermsig (stat_val : int) return int;
1433   pragma Import (C, wiftermsig, "wiftermsig");
1434   function wifstopped (stat_val : int) return int;
1435   pragma Import (C, wifstopped, "wifstopped");
1436   function wifstopsig (stat_val : int) return int;
1437   pragma Import (C, wifstopsig, "wifstopsig");
1438   package Sockets is
1440      ----------------
1441      --  socket.h  --
1442      ----------------
1443      type sa_family_t is mod 2**16;
1444      for sa_family_t'Size use 16;
1445      type in_port_t is mod 2**16;
1446      for in_port_t'Size use 16;
1448      -----------------
1449      --  constants  --
1450      -----------------
1451      HOST_NOT_FOUND : constant := 1;
1452      NO_DATA : constant := 4;
1453      NO_RECOVERY : constant := 3;
1454      TRY_AGAIN : constant := 2;
1455      --  *** MISSING: MAX_SOCKADDR_EXT ***  --
1456      MAX_SOCKADDR_EXT : constant := 108;
1458      --  sockets protocol level  --
1459      SOL_SOCKET : constant := 1;
1461      --  socket types  --
1462      SOCK_STREAM : constant := 1;
1463      SOCK_DGRAM : constant := 2;
1464      SOCK_RAW : constant := 3;
1465      SOCK_SEQPACKET : constant := 5;
1467      --  address families  --
1468      AF_MAX : constant := 37;
1469      AF_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
1470      AF_UNIX : constant := 1;
1471      AF_LOCAL : constant := 1;
1472      AF_INET : constant := 2;
1473      --  *** MISSING: AF_OSI ***  --
1474      AF_OSI : constant := 0;
1475      --  *** MISSING: AF_ISO ***  --
1476      AF_ISO : constant := 0;
1478      --  protocol families  --
1479      PF_MAX : constant := 37;
1480      PF_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
1481      PF_LOCAL : constant := 1;
1482      PF_UNIX : constant := 1;
1483      PF_INET : constant := 2;
1484      --  *** MISSING: PF_OSI ***  --
1485      PF_OSI : constant := 0;
1486      --  *** MISSING: PF_ISO ***  --
1487      PF_ISO : constant := 0;
1489      --  socket options  --
1490      SO_BROADCAST : constant := 6;
1491      SO_DEBUG : constant := 1;
1492      SO_DONTROUTE : constant := 5;
1493      SO_ERROR : constant := 4;
1494      SO_KEEPALIVE : constant := 9;
1495      SO_LINGER : constant := 13;
1496      SO_OOBINLINE : constant := 10;
1497      SO_RCVBUF : constant := 8;
1498      SO_RCVLOWAT : constant := 16;
1499      SO_RCVTIMEO : constant := 18;
1500      SO_REUSEADDR : constant := 2;
1501      SO_SNDBUF : constant := 7;
1502      SO_SNDLOWAT : constant := 17;
1503      SO_SNDTIMEO : constant := 19;
1504      SO_TYPE : constant := 3;
1506      --  max queued connections  --
1507      SOMAXCONN : constant := 128;
1509      --  send & receive option flag bits  --
1510      MSG_OOB : constant := 1;
1511      MSG_PEEK : constant := 2;
1512      MSG_DONTROUTE : constant := 4;
1513      MSG_EOR : constant := 128;
1514      MSG_TRUNC : constant := 32;
1515      MSG_CTRUNC : constant := 8;
1516      MSG_WAITALL : constant := 256;
1517      --  *** MISSING: MSG_MAXIOVLEN ***  --
1518      MSG_MAXIOVLEN : constant := 0;
1520      --  socket address information option flag bits  --
1521      AI_PASSIVE : constant := 1;
1522      AI_CANONNAME : constant := 2;
1524      --  scoket shutdown mode flag bits  --
1525      SHUT_RD : constant := 0;
1526      SHUT_WR : constant := 1;
1527      SHUT_RDWR : constant := 2;
1529      ------------------
1530      --  structures  --
1531      ------------------
1533      --  generic socket address  --
1534      type struct_sockaddr is record
1535         sa_family : sa_family_t;
1536         sa_data : POSIX_String (1 .. 14);
1537      end record;
1538      for struct_sockaddr use record
1539         sa_family at 0 range 0 .. 15;
1540         sa_data at 2 range 0 .. 111;
1541      end record;
1542      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr);
1543      for struct_sockaddr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1544      pragma Warnings (Off);
1545      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1546      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1547      for struct_sockaddr'Size use 128;
1548      pragma Warnings (On);
1549      type sockaddr_ptr is access constant struct_sockaddr;
1550      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_ptr);
1551      type sockaddr_var_ptr is access all struct_sockaddr;
1552      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_var_ptr);
1554      --  struct addrinfo...  --
1555      type struct_addrinfo;
1556      type addrinfo_ptr is access constant struct_addrinfo;
1557      pragma Convention (C, addrinfo_ptr);
1558      type addrinfo_var_ptr is access all struct_addrinfo;
1559      pragma Convention (C, addrinfo_var_ptr);
1560      type struct_addrinfo is record
1561         ai_flags : int;
1562         ai_family : int;
1563         ai_socktype : int;
1564         ai_protocol : int;
1565         ai_addrlen : size_t;
1566         ai_addr : sockaddr_ptr;
1567         ai_canonname : char_ptr;
1568         ai_next : addrinfo_ptr;
1569      end record;
1570      for struct_addrinfo use record
1571         ai_flags at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1572         ai_family at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1573         ai_socktype at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1574         ai_protocol at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1575         ai_addrlen at 16 range 0 .. 31;
1576         ai_addr at 20 range 0 .. 31;
1577         ai_canonname at 24 range 0 .. 31;
1578         ai_next at 28 range 0 .. 31;
1579      end record;
1580      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_addrinfo);
1581      for struct_addrinfo'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1582      pragma Warnings (Off);
1583      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1584      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1585      for struct_addrinfo'Size use 256;
1586      pragma Warnings (On);
1588      --  message option header  --
1589      type struct_cmsghdr is record
1590         cmsg_level : int;
1591         cmsg_type : int;
1592         cmsg_len : socklen_t;
1593      end record;
1594      for struct_cmsghdr use record
1595         cmsg_level at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1596         cmsg_type at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1597         cmsg_len at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1598      end record;
1599      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_cmsghdr);
1600      for struct_cmsghdr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1601      pragma Warnings (Off);
1602      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1603      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1604      for struct_cmsghdr'Size use 96;
1605      pragma Warnings (On);
1606      type cmsghdr_ptr is access constant struct_cmsghdr;
1607      pragma Convention (C, cmsghdr_ptr);
1608      type cmsghdr_var_ptr is access all struct_cmsghdr;
1609      pragma Convention (C, cmsghdr_var_ptr);
1611      --  host database entry  --
1612      type struct_hostent is record
1613         h_name : char_ptr;
1614         h_aliases : char_ptr_ptr;
1615         h_addrtype : int;
1616         h_length : int;
1617         h_addr_list : char_ptr_ptr;
1618      end record;
1619      for struct_hostent use record
1620         h_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1621         h_aliases at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1622         h_addrtype at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1623         h_length at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1624         h_addr_list at 16 range 0 .. 31;
1625      end record;
1626      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_hostent);
1627      for struct_hostent'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1628      pragma Warnings (Off);
1629      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1630      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1631      for struct_hostent'Size use 160;
1632      pragma Warnings (On);
1633      type hostent_ptr is access constant struct_hostent;
1634      pragma Convention (C, hostent_ptr);
1635      type hostent_var_ptr is access all struct_hostent;
1636      pragma Convention (C, hostent_var_ptr);
1638      --  internet address  --
1639      type in_addr_t is mod 2**32;
1640      for in_addr_t'Size use 32;
1641      type struct_in_addr is record
1642         s_addr : in_addr_t;
1643      end record;
1644      for struct_in_addr use record
1645         s_addr at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1646      end record;
1647      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_in_addr);
1648      for struct_in_addr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1649      pragma Warnings (Off);
1650      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1651      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1652      for struct_in_addr'Size use 32;
1653      pragma Warnings (On);
1654      type in_addr_ptr is access constant struct_in_addr;
1655      pragma Convention (C, in_addr_ptr);
1656      type in_addr_var_ptr is access all struct_in_addr;
1657      pragma Convention (C, in_addr_var_ptr);
1659      --  linger option structure  --
1660      type struct_linger is record
1661         l_onoff : int;
1662         l_linger : int;
1663      end record;
1664      for struct_linger use record
1665         l_onoff at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1666         l_linger at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1667      end record;
1668      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_linger);
1669      for struct_linger'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1670      pragma Warnings (Off);
1671      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1672      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1673      for struct_linger'Size use 64;
1674      pragma Warnings (On);
1675      type linger_ptr is access constant struct_linger;
1676      pragma Convention (C, linger_ptr);
1677      type linger_var_ptr is access all struct_linger;
1678      pragma Convention (C, linger_var_ptr);
1680      --  I/O vector  --
1681      type struct_iovec is record
1682         iov_base : char_ptr;
1683         iov_len : size_t;
1684      end record;
1685      for struct_iovec use record
1686         iov_base at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1687         iov_len at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1688      end record;
1689      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_iovec);
1690      for struct_iovec'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1691      pragma Warnings (Off);
1692      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1693      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1694      for struct_iovec'Size use 64;
1695      pragma Warnings (On);
1696      type iovec_ptr is access constant struct_iovec;
1697      pragma Convention (C, iovec_ptr);
1698      type iovec_var_ptr is access all struct_iovec;
1699      pragma Convention (C, iovec_var_ptr);
1701      --  message header  --
1702      type struct_msghdr is record
1703         msg_name : sockaddr_ptr;
1704         msg_namelen : size_t;
1705         msg_iov : iovec_ptr;
1706         msg_iovlen : size_t;
1707         msg_control : char_ptr;
1708         msg_controllen : socklen_t;
1709         msg_flags : int;
1710      end record;
1711      for struct_msghdr use record
1712         msg_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1713         msg_namelen at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1714         msg_iov at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1715         msg_iovlen at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1716         msg_control at 16 range 0 .. 31;
1717         msg_controllen at 20 range 0 .. 31;
1718         msg_flags at 24 range 0 .. 31;
1719      end record;
1720      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_msghdr);
1721      for struct_msghdr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1722      pragma Warnings (Off);
1723      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1724      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1725      for struct_msghdr'Size use 224;
1726      pragma Warnings (On);
1727      type msghdr_ptr is access constant struct_msghdr;
1728      pragma Convention (C, msghdr_ptr);
1729      type msghdr_var_ptr is access all struct_msghdr;
1730      pragma Convention (C, msghdr_var_ptr);
1732      --  local socket address  --
1733      subtype sun_path_string is POSIX_String (1 .. 108);
1734      type struct_sockaddr_un is record
1735         sun_family : sa_family_t;
1736         sun_path : sun_path_string;
1737      end record;
1738      for struct_sockaddr_un use record
1739         sun_family at 0 range 0 .. 15;
1740         sun_path at 2 range 0 .. 863;
1741      end record;
1742      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr_un);
1743      for struct_sockaddr_un'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1744      pragma Warnings (Off);
1745      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1746      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1747      for struct_sockaddr_un'Size use 880;
1748      pragma Warnings (On);
1749      type sockaddr_un_ptr is access constant struct_sockaddr_un;
1750      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_un_ptr);
1751      type sockaddr_un_var_ptr is access all struct_sockaddr_un;
1752      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_un_var_ptr);
1754      --  internet socket address  --
1755      type struct_sockaddr_in is record
1756         sin_family : sa_family_t;
1757         sin_port : in_port_t;
1758         sin_addr : struct_in_addr;
1759         sin_zero : POSIX_String (1 .. 8);
1760      end record;
1761      for struct_sockaddr_in use record
1762         sin_family at 0 range 0 .. 15;
1763         sin_port at 2 range 0 .. 15;
1764         sin_addr at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1765         sin_zero at 8 range 0 .. 63;
1766      end record;
1767      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr_in);
1768      for struct_sockaddr_in'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1769      pragma Warnings (Off);
1770      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1771      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1772      for struct_sockaddr_in'Size use 128;
1773      pragma Warnings (On);
1774      type sockaddr_in_ptr is access constant struct_sockaddr_in;
1775      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_in_ptr);
1776      type sockaddr_in_var_ptr is access all struct_sockaddr_in;
1777      pragma Convention (C, sockaddr_in_var_ptr);
1779      --  IP Level ip_opts structure  --
1780      type struct_ip_opts is record
1781         ip_dst : struct_in_addr;
1782         ip_opts : POSIX.Octet_Array (1 .. 40);
1783      end record;
1784      for struct_ip_opts use record
1785         ip_dst at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1786         ip_opts at 4 range 0 .. 319;
1787      end record;
1788      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ip_opts);
1789      for struct_ip_opts'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1790      pragma Warnings (Off);
1791      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1792      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1793      for struct_ip_opts'Size use 352;
1794      pragma Warnings (On);
1795      type ip_opts_ptr is access constant struct_ip_opts;
1796      pragma Convention (C, ip_opts_ptr);
1797      type ip_opts_var_ptr is access all struct_ip_opts;
1798      pragma Convention (C, ip_opts_var_ptr);
1800      --------------------------------
1801      --  link names for functions  --
1802      --------------------------------
1803      HAVE_accept : constant Boolean := True;
1804      accept_LINKNAME : constant String := "accept";
1805      HAVE_bind : constant Boolean := True;
1806      bind_LINKNAME : constant String := "bind";
1807      HAVE_connect : constant Boolean := True;
1808      connect_LINKNAME : constant String := "connect";
1809      HAVE_getsockname : constant Boolean := True;
1810      getsockname_LINKNAME : constant String := "getsockname";
1811      HAVE_getsockopt : constant Boolean := True;
1812      getsockopt_LINKNAME : constant String := "getsockopt";
1813      HAVE_isfdtype : constant Boolean := True;
1814      isfdtype_LINKNAME : constant String := "isfdtype";
1815      HAVE_listen : constant Boolean := True;
1816      listen_LINKNAME : constant String := "listen";
1817      HAVE_recv : constant Boolean := True;
1818      recv_LINKNAME : constant String := "recv";
1819      HAVE_recvfrom : constant Boolean := True;
1820      recvfrom_LINKNAME : constant String := "recvfrom";
1821      HAVE_recvmsg : constant Boolean := True;
1822      recvmsg_LINKNAME : constant String := "recvmsg";
1823      HAVE_send : constant Boolean := True;
1824      send_LINKNAME : constant String := "send";
1825      HAVE_sendto : constant Boolean := True;
1826      sendto_LINKNAME : constant String := "sendto";
1827      HAVE_sendmsg : constant Boolean := True;
1828      sendmsg_LINKNAME : constant String := "sendmsg";
1829      HAVE_setsockopt : constant Boolean := True;
1830      setsockopt_LINKNAME : constant String := "setsockopt";
1831      HAVE_shutdown : constant Boolean := True;
1832      shutdown_LINKNAME : constant String := "shutdown";
1833      HAVE_socket : constant Boolean := True;
1834      socket_LINKNAME : constant String := "socket";
1835      HAVE_sockatmark : constant Boolean := True;
1836      sockatmark_LINKNAME : constant String := "sockatmark";
1837      HAVE_socketpair : constant Boolean := True;
1838      socketpair_LINKNAME : constant String := "socketpair";
1840   end Sockets;
1842   package XTI is
1844      ----------------------
1845      --  XTI structures  --
1846      ----------------------
1848      --  netbuf structure  --
1849      --  *** MISSING: netbuf ***  --
1850      type struct_netbuf is record
1851         maxlen : unsigned_int;
1852         len : unsigned_int;
1853         buf : char_ptr;
1854      end record;
1855      for struct_netbuf use record
1856         maxlen at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1857         len at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1858         buf at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1859      end record;
1860      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_netbuf);
1861      for struct_netbuf'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1862      pragma Warnings (Off);
1863      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1864      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1865      for struct_netbuf'Size use 96;
1866      pragma Warnings (On);
1867      type netbuf_ptr is access constant struct_netbuf;
1868      pragma Convention (C, netbuf_ptr);
1869      type netbuf_var_ptr is access all struct_netbuf;
1870      pragma Convention (C, netbuf_var_ptr);
1872      --  t_info structure  --
1873      --  *** MISSING: t_info ***  --
1874      type struct_t_info is record
1875         addr : long;
1876         options : long;
1877         tsdu : long;
1878         etsdu : long;
1879         connect : long;
1880         discon : long;
1881         servtype : long;
1882         flags : long;
1883      end record;
1884      for struct_t_info use record
1885         addr at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1886         options at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1887         tsdu at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1888         etsdu at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1889         connect at 16 range 0 .. 31;
1890         discon at 20 range 0 .. 31;
1891         servtype at 24 range 0 .. 31;
1892         flags at 28 range 0 .. 31;
1893      end record;
1894      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_info);
1895      for struct_t_info'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1896      pragma Warnings (Off);
1897      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1898      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1899      for struct_t_info'Size use 256;
1900      pragma Warnings (On);
1901      type t_info_ptr is access constant struct_t_info;
1902      pragma Convention (C, t_info_ptr);
1903      type t_info_var_ptr is access all struct_t_info;
1904      pragma Convention (C, t_info_var_ptr);
1906      --  t_opthdr structure  --
1907      --  *** MISSING: t_opthdr ***  --
1908      type struct_t_opthdr is record
1909         len : unsigned_long;
1910         level : unsigned_long;
1911         name : unsigned_long;
1912         status : unsigned_long;
1913      end record;
1914      for struct_t_opthdr use record
1915         len at 0 range 0 .. 31;
1916         level at 4 range 0 .. 31;
1917         name at 8 range 0 .. 31;
1918         status at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1919      end record;
1920      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_opthdr);
1921      for struct_t_opthdr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1922      pragma Warnings (Off);
1923      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1924      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1925      for struct_t_opthdr'Size use 128;
1926      pragma Warnings (On);
1927      type t_opthdr_ptr is access constant struct_t_opthdr;
1928      pragma Convention (C, t_opthdr_ptr);
1929      type t_opthdr_var_ptr is access all struct_t_opthdr;
1930      pragma Convention (C, t_opthdr_var_ptr);
1932      --  t_bind structure  --
1933      --  *** MISSING: t_bind ***  --
1934      type struct_t_bind is record
1935         addr : struct_netbuf;
1936         qlen : unsigned;
1937      end record;
1938      for struct_t_bind use record
1939         addr at 0 range 0 .. 95;
1940         qlen at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1941      end record;
1942      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_bind);
1943      for struct_t_bind'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1944      pragma Warnings (Off);
1945      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1946      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1947      for struct_t_bind'Size use 128;
1948      pragma Warnings (On);
1949      type t_bind_ptr is access constant struct_t_bind;
1950      pragma Convention (C, t_bind_ptr);
1951      type t_bind_var_ptr is access all struct_t_bind;
1952      pragma Convention (C, t_bind_var_ptr);
1954      --  t_optmgmt structure  --
1955      --  *** MISSING: t_optmgmt ***  --
1956      type struct_t_optmgmt is record
1957         opt : struct_netbuf;
1958         flags : long;
1959      end record;
1960      for struct_t_optmgmt use record
1961         opt at 0 range 0 .. 95;
1962         flags at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1963      end record;
1964      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_optmgmt);
1965      for struct_t_optmgmt'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1966      pragma Warnings (Off);
1967      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1968      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1969      for struct_t_optmgmt'Size use 128;
1970      pragma Warnings (On);
1971      type t_optmgmt_ptr is access constant struct_t_optmgmt;
1972      pragma Convention (C, t_optmgmt_ptr);
1973      type t_optmgmt_var_ptr is access all struct_t_optmgmt;
1974      pragma Convention (C, t_optmgmt_var_ptr);
1976      --  t_discon structure  --
1977      --  *** MISSING: t_discon ***  --
1978      type struct_t_discon is record
1979         udata : struct_netbuf;
1980         reason : int;
1981         sequence : int;
1982      end record;
1983      for struct_t_discon use record
1984         udata at 0 range 0 .. 95;
1985         reason at 12 range 0 .. 31;
1986         sequence at 16 range 0 .. 31;
1987      end record;
1988      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_discon);
1989      for struct_t_discon'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
1990      pragma Warnings (Off);
1991      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
1992      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
1993      for struct_t_discon'Size use 160;
1994      pragma Warnings (On);
1995      type t_discon_ptr is access constant struct_t_discon;
1996      pragma Convention (C, t_discon_ptr);
1997      type t_discon_var_ptr is access all struct_t_discon;
1998      pragma Convention (C, t_discon_var_ptr);
2000      --  t_call structure  --
2001      --  *** MISSING: t_call ***  --
2002      type struct_t_call is record
2003         addr : struct_netbuf;
2004         opt : struct_netbuf;
2005         udata : struct_netbuf;
2006         sequence : int;
2007      end record;
2008      for struct_t_call use record
2009         addr at 0 range 0 .. 95;
2010         opt at 12 range 0 .. 95;
2011         udata at 24 range 0 .. 95;
2012         sequence at 36 range 0 .. 31;
2013      end record;
2014      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_call);
2015      for struct_t_call'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2016      pragma Warnings (Off);
2017      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2018      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2019      for struct_t_call'Size use 320;
2020      pragma Warnings (On);
2021      type t_call_ptr is access constant struct_t_call;
2022      pragma Convention (C, t_call_ptr);
2023      type t_call_var_ptr is access all struct_t_call;
2024      pragma Convention (C, t_call_var_ptr);
2026      --  t_unitdata structure  --
2027      --  *** MISSING: t_unitdata ***  --
2028      type struct_t_unitdata is record
2029         addr : struct_netbuf;
2030         opt : struct_netbuf;
2031         udata : struct_netbuf;
2032      end record;
2033      for struct_t_unitdata use record
2034         addr at 0 range 0 .. 95;
2035         opt at 12 range 0 .. 95;
2036         udata at 24 range 0 .. 95;
2037      end record;
2038      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_unitdata);
2039      for struct_t_unitdata'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2040      pragma Warnings (Off);
2041      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2042      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2043      for struct_t_unitdata'Size use 288;
2044      pragma Warnings (On);
2045      type t_unitdata_ptr is access constant struct_t_unitdata;
2046      pragma Convention (C, t_unitdata_ptr);
2047      type t_unitdata_var_ptr is access all struct_t_unitdata;
2048      pragma Convention (C, t_unitdata_var_ptr);
2050      --  t_uderr structure  --
2051      --  *** MISSING: t_uderr ***  --
2052      type struct_t_uderr is record
2053         addr : struct_netbuf;
2054         opt : struct_netbuf;
2055         error : long;
2056      end record;
2057      for struct_t_uderr use record
2058         addr at 0 range 0 .. 95;
2059         opt at 12 range 0 .. 95;
2060         error at 24 range 0 .. 31;
2061      end record;
2062      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_uderr);
2063      for struct_t_uderr'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2064      pragma Warnings (Off);
2065      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2066      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2067      for struct_t_uderr'Size use 224;
2068      pragma Warnings (On);
2069      type t_uderr_ptr is access constant struct_t_uderr;
2070      pragma Convention (C, t_uderr_ptr);
2071      type t_uderr_var_ptr is access all struct_t_uderr;
2072      pragma Convention (C, t_uderr_var_ptr);
2074      --  t_iovec structure  --
2075      --  *** MISSING: t_iovec ***  --
2076      type struct_t_iovec is record
2077         iov_base : char_ptr;
2078         iov_len : unsigned_int;
2079      end record;
2080      for struct_t_iovec use record
2081         iov_base at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2082         iov_len at 4 range 0 .. 31;
2083      end record;
2084      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_iovec);
2085      for struct_t_iovec'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2086      pragma Warnings (Off);
2087      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2088      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2089      for struct_t_iovec'Size use 64;
2090      pragma Warnings (On);
2091      type t_iovec_ptr is access constant struct_t_iovec;
2092      pragma Convention (C, t_iovec_ptr);
2093      type t_iovec_var_ptr is access all struct_t_iovec;
2094      pragma Convention (C, t_iovec_var_ptr);
2096      --  t_kpalive structure  --
2097      --  *** MISSING: t_kpalive ***  --
2098      type struct_t_kpalive is record
2099         kp_onoff : long;
2100         kp_timeout : long;
2101      end record;
2102      for struct_t_kpalive use record
2103         kp_onoff at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2104         kp_timeout at 4 range 0 .. 31;
2105      end record;
2106      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_kpalive);
2107      for struct_t_kpalive'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2108      pragma Warnings (Off);
2109      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2110      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2111      for struct_t_kpalive'Size use 64;
2112      pragma Warnings (On);
2113      type t_kpalive_ptr is access constant struct_t_kpalive;
2114      pragma Convention (C, t_kpalive_ptr);
2115      type t_kpalive_var_ptr is access all struct_t_kpalive;
2116      pragma Convention (C, t_kpalive_var_ptr);
2118      --  The following are the events returned from t_look()  --
2119      --  *** MISSING: T_LISTEN ***  --
2120      T_LISTEN : constant := 0;
2121      --  *** MISSING: T_CONNECT ***  --
2122      T_CONNECT : constant := 0;
2123      --  *** MISSING: T_DATA ***  --
2124      T_DATA : constant := 0;
2125      --  *** MISSING: T_EXDATA ***  --
2126      T_EXDATA : constant := 0;
2127      --  *** MISSING: T_DISCONNECT ***  --
2128      T_DISCONNECT : constant := 0;
2129      --  *** MISSING: T_UDERR ***  --
2130      T_UDERR : constant := 0;
2131      --  *** MISSING: T_ORDREL ***  --
2132      T_ORDREL : constant := 0;
2133      --  *** MISSING: T_GODATA ***  --
2134      T_GODATA : constant := 0;
2135      --  *** MISSING: T_GOEXDATA ***  --
2136      T_GOEXDATA : constant := 0;
2137      --  *** MISSING: T_EVENTS ***  --
2138      T_EVENTS : constant := 0;
2139      --  *** MISSING: T_MORE ***  --
2140      T_MORE : constant := 0;
2141      --  *** MISSING: T_EXPEDITED ***  --
2142      T_EXPEDITED : constant := 0;
2143      --  *** MISSING: T_PUSH ***  --
2144      T_PUSH : constant := 0;
2145      --  *** MISSING: T_NEGOTIATE ***  --
2146      T_NEGOTIATE : constant := 0;
2147      --  *** MISSING: T_CHECK ***  --
2148      T_CHECK : constant := 0;
2149      --  *** MISSING: T_DEFAULT ***  --
2150      T_DEFAULT : constant := 0;
2151      --  *** MISSING: T_SUCCESS ***  --
2152      T_SUCCESS : constant := 0;
2153      --  *** MISSING: T_FAILURE ***  --
2154      T_FAILURE : constant := 0;
2155      --  *** MISSING: T_CURRENT ***  --
2156      T_CURRENT : constant := 0;
2157      --  *** MISSING: T_PARTSUCCESS ***  --
2158      T_PARTSUCCESS : constant := 0;
2159      --  *** MISSING: T_READONLY ***  --
2160      T_READONLY : constant := 0;
2161      --  *** MISSING: T_NOTSUPPORT ***  --
2162      T_NOTSUPPORT : constant := 0;
2163      --  *** MISSING: T_RAW ***  --
2164      T_RAW : constant := 0;
2166      --  Service types defines  --
2167      --  *** MISSING: T_COTS ***  --
2168      T_COTS : constant := 0;
2169      --  *** MISSING: T_COTS_ORD ***  --
2170      T_COTS_ORD : constant := 0;
2171      --  *** MISSING: T_CLTS ***  --
2172      T_CLTS : constant := 0;
2173      --  *** MISSING: T_SENDZERO ***  --
2174      T_SENDZERO : constant := 0;
2175      --  *** MISSING: SENDZERO ***  --
2176      SENDZERO : constant := 0;
2177      --  *** MISSING: T_XPG4_1 ***  --
2178      T_XPG4_1 : constant := 0;
2179      --  *** MISSING: XPG4_1 ***  --
2180      XPG4_1 : constant := 0;
2181      --  *** MISSING: T_BIND ***  --
2182      T_BIND : constant := 0;
2183      --  *** MISSING: T_OPTMGMT ***  --
2184      T_OPTMGMT : constant := 0;
2185      --  *** MISSING: T_CALL ***  --
2186      T_CALL : constant := 0;
2187      --  *** MISSING: T_DIS ***  --
2188      T_DIS : constant := 0;
2189      --  *** MISSING: T_UNITDATA ***  --
2190      T_UNITDATA : constant := 0;
2191      --  *** MISSING: T_UDERROR ***  --
2192      T_UDERROR : constant := 0;
2193      --  *** MISSING: T_INFO ***  --
2194      T_INFO : constant := 0;
2195      --  *** MISSING: T_KUNITDATA ***  --
2196      T_KUNITDATA : constant := 0;
2197      --  *** MISSING: T_ADDR ***  --
2198      T_ADDR : constant := 0;
2199      --  *** MISSING: T_OPT ***  --
2200      T_OPT : constant := 0;
2201      --  *** MISSING: T_UDATA ***  --
2202      T_UDATA : constant := 0;
2203      --  *** MISSING: T_ALL ***  --
2204      T_ALL : constant := 0;
2205      --  *** MISSING: T_UNINIT ***  --
2206      T_UNINIT : constant := 0;
2207      --  *** MISSING: T_UNBND ***  --
2208      T_UNBND : constant := 0;
2209      --  *** MISSING: T_IDLE ***  --
2210      T_IDLE : constant := 0;
2211      --  *** MISSING: T_OUTCON ***  --
2212      T_OUTCON : constant := 0;
2213      --  *** MISSING: T_INCON ***  --
2214      T_INCON : constant := 0;
2215      --  *** MISSING: T_DATAXFER ***  --
2216      T_DATAXFER : constant := 0;
2217      --  *** MISSING: T_OUTREL ***  --
2218      T_OUTREL : constant := 0;
2219      --  *** MISSING: T_INREL ***  --
2220      T_INREL : constant := 0;
2221      --  *** MISSING: T_YES ***  --
2222      T_YES : constant := 0;
2223      --  *** MISSING: T_NO ***  --
2224      T_NO : constant := 0;
2225      --  *** MISSING: T_UNUSED ***  --
2226      T_UNUSED : constant := 0;
2227      --  *** MISSING: T_NULL ***  --
2228      T_NULL : constant := 0;
2229      --  *** MISSING: T_ABSREQ ***  --
2230      T_ABSREQ : constant := 0;
2231      --  *** MISSING: T_INFINITE ***  --
2232      T_INFINITE : constant := 0;
2233      --  *** MISSING: T_INVALID ***  --
2234      T_INVALID : constant := 0;
2236      --  XTI-level Options  --
2237      --  *** MISSING: XTI_GENERIC ***  --
2238      XTI_GENERIC : constant := 0;
2239      --  *** MISSING: XTI_DEBUG ***  --
2240      XTI_DEBUG : constant := 0;
2241      --  *** MISSING: XTI_LINGER ***  --
2242      XTI_LINGER : constant := 0;
2243      --  *** MISSING: XTI_RCVBUF ***  --
2244      XTI_RCVBUF : constant := 0;
2245      --  *** MISSING: XTI_RCVLOWAT ***  --
2246      XTI_RCVLOWAT : constant := 0;
2247      --  *** MISSING: XTI_SNDBUF ***  --
2248      XTI_SNDBUF : constant := 0;
2249      --  *** MISSING: XTI_SNDLOWAT ***  --
2250      XTI_SNDLOWAT : constant := 0;
2252      --  t_linger structure  --
2253      --  *** MISSING: t_linger ***  --
2254      type struct_t_linger is record
2255         l_onoff : long;
2256         l_linger : long;
2257      end record;
2258      for struct_t_linger use record
2259         l_onoff at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2260         l_linger at 4 range 0 .. 31;
2261      end record;
2262      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_t_linger);
2263      for struct_t_linger'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2264      pragma Warnings (Off);
2265      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2266      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2267      for struct_t_linger'Size use 64;
2268      pragma Warnings (On);
2269      type t_linger_ptr is access constant struct_t_linger;
2270      pragma Convention (C, t_linger_ptr);
2271      type t_linger_var_ptr is access all struct_t_linger;
2272      pragma Convention (C, t_linger_var_ptr);
2274      --  General definitions for option management  --
2275      --  *** MISSING: T_UNSPEC ***  --
2276      T_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
2277      --  *** MISSING: T_ALLOPT ***  --
2278      T_ALLOPT : constant := 0;
2279      function c_T_ALIGN (p : char_ptr) return int;
2280      pragma Import (C, c_T_ALIGN, "c_T_ALIGN");
2282      --  TCP Level and Options  --
2283      --  *** MISSING: INET_TCP ***  --
2284      INET_TCP : constant := 0;
2285      TCP_NODELAY : constant := 1;
2286      TCP_MAXSEG : constant := 2;
2287      --  *** MISSING: TCP_KEEPALIVE ***  --
2288      TCP_KEEPALIVE : constant := 0;
2289      --  *** MISSING: T_GARBAGE ***  --
2290      T_GARBAGE : constant := 0;
2292      --  UDP Level and Options  --
2293      --  *** MISSING: INET_UDP ***  --
2294      INET_UDP : constant := 0;
2295      --  *** MISSING: UDP_CHECKSUM ***  --
2296      UDP_CHECKSUM : constant := 0;
2298      --  IP Level and Options  --
2299      --  *** MISSING: INET_IP ***  --
2300      INET_IP : constant := 0;
2301      IP_OPTIONS : constant := 4;
2302      IP_TOS : constant := 1;
2303      IP_TTL : constant := 2;
2304      --  *** MISSING: IP_REUSEADDR ***  --
2305      IP_REUSEADDR : constant := 0;
2306      --  *** MISSING: IP_DONTROUTE ***  --
2307      IP_DONTROUTE : constant := 0;
2308      --  *** MISSING: IP_BROADCAST ***  --
2309      IP_BROADCAST : constant := 0;
2311      --  IP_TOS precedence levels  --
2312      --  *** MISSING: T_ROUTINE ***  --
2313      T_ROUTINE : constant := 0;
2314      --  *** MISSING: T_PRIORITY ***  --
2315      T_PRIORITY : constant := 0;
2316      --  *** MISSING: T_IMMEDIATE ***  --
2317      T_IMMEDIATE : constant := 0;
2318      --  *** MISSING: T_FLASH ***  --
2319      T_FLASH : constant := 0;
2320      --  *** MISSING: T_OVERRIDEFLASH ***  --
2321      T_OVERRIDEFLASH : constant := 0;
2322      --  *** MISSING: T_CRITIC_ECP ***  --
2323      T_CRITIC_ECP : constant := 0;
2324      --  *** MISSING: T_INETCONTROL ***  --
2325      T_INETCONTROL : constant := 0;
2326      --  *** MISSING: T_NETCONTROL ***  --
2327      T_NETCONTROL : constant := 0;
2329      --  IP_TOS type of service  --
2330      --  *** MISSING: T_NOTOS ***  --
2331      T_NOTOS : constant := 0;
2332      --  *** MISSING: T_LDELAY ***  --
2333      T_LDELAY : constant := 0;
2334      --  *** MISSING: T_HITHRPT ***  --
2335      T_HITHRPT : constant := 0;
2336      --  *** MISSING: T_HIREL ***  --
2337      T_HIREL : constant := 0;
2339      --------------------------------
2340      --  link names for functions  --
2341      --------------------------------
2342      --  *** MISSING: function t_accept ***  --
2343      HAVE_t_accept : constant Boolean := False;
2344      t_accept_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2345      --  *** MISSING: function t_alloc ***  --
2346      HAVE_t_alloc : constant Boolean := False;
2347      t_alloc_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2348      --  *** MISSING: function t_bind ***  --
2349      HAVE_t_bind : constant Boolean := False;
2350      t_bind_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2351      --  *** MISSING: function t_blocking ***  --
2352      HAVE_t_blocking : constant Boolean := False;
2353      t_blocking_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2354      --  *** MISSING: function t_close ***  --
2355      HAVE_t_close : constant Boolean := False;
2356      t_close_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2357      --  *** MISSING: function t_connect ***  --
2358      HAVE_t_connect : constant Boolean := False;
2359      t_connect_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2360      --  *** MISSING: function t_error ***  --
2361      HAVE_t_error : constant Boolean := False;
2362      t_error_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2363      --  *** MISSING: function t_free ***  --
2364      HAVE_t_free : constant Boolean := False;
2365      t_free_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2366      --  *** MISSING: function t_getinfo ***  --
2367      HAVE_t_getinfo : constant Boolean := False;
2368      t_getinfo_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2369      --  *** MISSING: function t_getprotaddr ***  --
2370      HAVE_t_getprotaddr : constant Boolean := False;
2371      t_getprotaddr_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2372      --  *** MISSING: function t_getstate ***  --
2373      HAVE_t_getstate : constant Boolean := False;
2374      t_getstate_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2375      --  *** MISSING: function t_listen ***  --
2376      HAVE_t_listen : constant Boolean := False;
2377      t_listen_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2378      --  *** MISSING: function t_look ***  --
2379      HAVE_t_look : constant Boolean := False;
2380      t_look_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2381      --  *** MISSING: function t_nonblocking ***  --
2382      HAVE_t_nonblocking : constant Boolean := False;
2383      t_nonblocking_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2384      --  *** MISSING: function t_open ***  --
2385      HAVE_t_open : constant Boolean := False;
2386      t_open_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2387      --  *** MISSING: function t_optmgmt ***  --
2388      HAVE_t_optmgmt : constant Boolean := False;
2389      t_optmgmt_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2390      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcv ***  --
2391      HAVE_t_rcv : constant Boolean := False;
2392      t_rcv_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2393      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvconnect ***  --
2394      HAVE_t_rcvconnect : constant Boolean := False;
2395      t_rcvconnect_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2396      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvdis ***  --
2397      HAVE_t_rcvdis : constant Boolean := False;
2398      t_rcvdis_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2399      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvrel ***  --
2400      HAVE_t_rcvrel : constant Boolean := False;
2401      t_rcvrel_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2402      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvreldata ***  --
2403      HAVE_t_rcvreldata : constant Boolean := False;
2404      t_rcvreldata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2405      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvudata ***  --
2406      HAVE_t_rcvudata : constant Boolean := False;
2407      t_rcvudata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2408      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvuderr ***  --
2409      HAVE_t_rcvuderr : constant Boolean := False;
2410      t_rcvuderr_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2411      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvv ***  --
2412      HAVE_t_rcvv : constant Boolean := False;
2413      t_rcvv_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2414      --  *** MISSING: function t_rcvvudata ***  --
2415      HAVE_t_rcvvudata : constant Boolean := False;
2416      t_rcvvudata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2417      --  *** MISSING: function t_snd ***  --
2418      HAVE_t_snd : constant Boolean := False;
2419      t_snd_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2420      --  *** MISSING: function t_snddis ***  --
2421      HAVE_t_snddis : constant Boolean := False;
2422      t_snddis_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2423      --  *** MISSING: function t_sndudata ***  --
2424      HAVE_t_sndudata : constant Boolean := False;
2425      t_sndudata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2426      --  *** MISSING: function t_sndrel ***  --
2427      HAVE_t_sndrel : constant Boolean := False;
2428      t_sndrel_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2429      --  *** MISSING: function t_sndreldata ***  --
2430      HAVE_t_sndreldata : constant Boolean := False;
2431      t_sndreldata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2432      --  *** MISSING: function t_sndv ***  --
2433      HAVE_t_sndv : constant Boolean := False;
2434      t_sndv_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2435      --  *** MISSING: function t_sndvudata ***  --
2436      HAVE_t_sndvudata : constant Boolean := False;
2437      t_sndvudata_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2438      --  *** MISSING: function t_strerror ***  --
2439      HAVE_t_strerror : constant Boolean := False;
2440      t_strerror_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2441      --  *** MISSING: function t_sync ***  --
2442      HAVE_t_sync : constant Boolean := False;
2443      t_sync_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2444      --  *** MISSING: function t_unbind ***  --
2445      HAVE_t_unbind : constant Boolean := False;
2446      t_unbind_LINKNAME : constant String := "nosys_neg_one";
2448   end XTI;
2449   package Netinet is
2451      -------------------------
2452      --  From netinet/in.h  --
2453      -------------------------
2454      IPPROTO_IP : constant := 0;
2455      IPPROTO_ICMP : constant := 1;
2456      IPPROTO_TCP : constant := 6;
2457      IPPROTO_UDP : constant := 17;
2458      IPPROTO_RAW : constant := 255;
2459      IP_OPTIONS : constant := 4;
2460      IP_HDRINCL : constant := 3;
2461      IP_TOS : constant := 1;
2462      IP_TTL : constant := 2;
2463      --  *** MISSING: IP_RECVDSTADDR ***  --
2464      IP_RECVDSTADDR : constant := 0;
2465      INADDR_NONE : constant := 4294967295;
2466      INADDR_ANY : constant := 0;
2467      INADDR_BROADCAST : constant := 4294967295;
2468      INADDR_LOOPBACK : constant := 2130706433;
2469      INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP : constant := 3758096384;
2470      INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP : constant := 3758096385;
2471      INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP : constant := 3758096639;
2472      HAVE_inet_addr : constant Boolean := True;
2473      inet_addr_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_addr";
2474      HAVE_inet_makeaddr : constant Boolean := True;
2475      inet_makeaddr_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_makeaddr";
2476      HAVE_inet_network : constant Boolean := True;
2477      inet_network_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_network";
2478      HAVE_inet_lnaof : constant Boolean := True;
2479      inet_lnaof_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_lnaof";
2480      HAVE_inet_netof : constant Boolean := True;
2481      inet_netof_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_netof";
2482      HAVE_inet_ntoa : constant Boolean := True;
2483      inet_ntoa_LINKNAME : constant String := "inet_ntoa";
2485      --------------------------
2486      --  From netinet/tcp.h  --
2487      --------------------------
2488      TCP_NODELAY : constant := 1;
2489      TCP_MAXSEG : constant := 2;
2490      --  *** MISSING: TCP_KEEPALIVE ***  --
2491      TCP_KEEPALIVE : constant := 0;
2492      --  *** MISSING: TCP_MAXRXT ***  --
2493      TCP_MAXRXT : constant := 0;
2494      --  *** MISSING: TCP_STDURG ***  --
2495      TCP_STDURG : constant := 0;
2497      -------------------------
2498      --  From netinet/ip.h  --
2499      -------------------------
2500      IPTOS_LOWDELAY : constant := 16;
2501      IPTOS_THROUGHPUT : constant := 8;
2502      IPTOS_RELIABILITY : constant := 4;
2504   end Netinet;
2505   package NetDB is
2506      use Sockets;
2507      type struct_netent is record
2508         n_name : char_ptr;
2509         n_aliases : char_ptr_ptr;
2510         n_addrtype : int;
2511         n_net : in_addr_t;
2512      end record;
2513      for struct_netent use record
2514         n_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2515         n_aliases at 4 range 0 .. 31;
2516         n_addrtype at 8 range 0 .. 31;
2517         n_net at 12 range 0 .. 31;
2518      end record;
2519      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_netent);
2520      for struct_netent'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2521      pragma Warnings (Off);
2522      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2523      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2524      for struct_netent'Size use 128;
2525      pragma Warnings (On);
2526      type netent_ptr is access constant struct_netent;
2527      pragma Convention (C, netent_ptr);
2528      type netent_var_ptr is access all struct_netent;
2529      pragma Convention (C, netent_var_ptr);
2531      --  protocol database entry  --
2532      type struct_protoent is record
2533         p_name : char_ptr;
2534         p_aliases : char_ptr_ptr;
2535         p_proto : int;
2536      end record;
2537      for struct_protoent use record
2538         p_name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2539         p_aliases at 4 range 0 .. 31;
2540         p_proto at 8 range 0 .. 31;
2541      end record;
2542      pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_protoent);
2543      for struct_protoent'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2544      pragma Warnings (Off);
2545      --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2546      --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2547      for struct_protoent'Size use 96;
2548      pragma Warnings (On);
2549      type protoent_ptr is access constant struct_protoent;
2550      pragma Convention (C, protoent_ptr);
2551      type protoent_var_ptr is access all struct_protoent;
2552      pragma Convention (C, protoent_var_ptr);
2554      --  local socket address  --
2555      HAVE_endhostent : constant Boolean := True;
2556      endhostent_LINKNAME : constant String := "endhostent";
2557      HAVE_endnetent : constant Boolean := True;
2558      endnetent_LINKNAME : constant String := "endnetent";
2559      HAVE_endprotoent : constant Boolean := True;
2560      endprotoent_LINKNAME : constant String := "endprotoent";
2561      HAVE_endservent : constant Boolean := True;
2562      endservent_LINKNAME : constant String := "endservent";
2563      HAVE_getaddrinfo : constant Boolean := True;
2564      getaddrinfo_LINKNAME : constant String := "getaddrinfo";
2565      HAVE_freeaddrinfo : constant Boolean := True;
2566      freeaddrinfo_LINKNAME : constant String := "freeaddrinfo";
2567      HAVE_getnameinfo : constant Boolean := True;
2568      getnameinfo_LINKNAME : constant String := "getnameinfo";
2569      HAVE_gethostbyaddr : constant Boolean := True;
2570      gethostbyaddr_LINKNAME : constant String := "gethostbyaddr";
2571      HAVE_gethostbyaddr_r : constant Boolean := True;
2572      gethostbyaddr_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "gethostbyaddr_r";
2573      HAVE_gethostbyname : constant Boolean := True;
2574      gethostbyname_LINKNAME : constant String := "gethostbyname";
2575      HAVE_gethostbyname_r : constant Boolean := True;
2576      gethostbyname_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "gethostbyname_r";
2577      HAVE_gethostname : constant Boolean := True;
2578      gethostname_LINKNAME : constant String := "gethostname";
2579      HAVE_getnetbyaddr : constant Boolean := True;
2580      getnetbyaddr_LINKNAME : constant String := "getnetbyaddr";
2581      HAVE_getnetbyaddr_r : constant Boolean := True;
2582      getnetbyaddr_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getnetbyaddr_r";
2583      HAVE_getnetbyname : constant Boolean := True;
2584      getnetbyname_LINKNAME : constant String := "getnetbyname";
2585      HAVE_getnetbyname_r : constant Boolean := True;
2586      getnetbyname_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getnetbyname_r";
2587      HAVE_getpeername : constant Boolean := True;
2588      getpeername_LINKNAME : constant String := "getpeername";
2589      HAVE_getprotobyname : constant Boolean := True;
2590      getprotobyname_LINKNAME : constant String := "getprotobyname";
2591      HAVE_getprotobyname_r : constant Boolean := True;
2592      getprotobyname_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getprotobyname_r";
2593      HAVE_getprotobynumber : constant Boolean := True;
2594      getprotobynumber_LINKNAME : constant String := "getprotobynumber";
2595      HAVE_getprotobynumber_r : constant Boolean := True;
2596      getprotobynumber_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getprotobynumber_r";
2597      HAVE_getservbyname : constant Boolean := True;
2598      getservbyname_LINKNAME : constant String := "getservbyname";
2599      HAVE_getservbyname_r : constant Boolean := True;
2600      getservbyname_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getservbyname_r";
2601      HAVE_getservbyport : constant Boolean := True;
2602      getservbyport_LINKNAME : constant String := "getservbyport";
2603      HAVE_getservbyport_r : constant Boolean := True;
2604      getservbyport_r_LINKNAME : constant String := "getservbyport_r";
2605      HAVE_sethostent : constant Boolean := True;
2606      sethostent_LINKNAME : constant String := "sethostent";
2607      HAVE_setnetent : constant Boolean := True;
2608      setnetent_LINKNAME : constant String := "setnetent";
2609      HAVE_setprotoent : constant Boolean := True;
2610      setprotoent_LINKNAME : constant String := "setprotoent";
2611      HAVE_setservent : constant Boolean := True;
2612      setservent_LINKNAME : constant String := "setservent";
2614   end NetDB;
2616   --  pollfd structure  --
2617   type struct_pollfd is record
2618      fd : int;
2619      events : short;
2620      revents : short;
2621   end record;
2622   for struct_pollfd use record
2623      fd at 0 range 0 .. 31;
2624      events at 4 range 0 .. 15;
2625      revents at 6 range 0 .. 15;
2626   end record;
2627   pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_pollfd);
2628   for struct_pollfd'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2629   pragma Warnings (Off);
2630   --  There may be holes in the record, due to
2631   --  components not defined by POSIX standard.
2632   for struct_pollfd'Size use 64;
2633   pragma Warnings (On);
2634   type pollfd_ptr is access constant struct_pollfd;
2635   pragma Convention (C, pollfd_ptr);
2636   type pollfd_var_ptr is access all struct_pollfd;
2637   pragma Convention (C, pollfd_var_ptr);
2638   type fd_mask_array is array (Integer range <>) of unsigned_int;
2640   --  fd_set structure  --
2641   type fd_set is
2642     array (1 .. 32) of int;
2643   for fd_set'Alignment use ALIGNMENT;
2644   for fd_set'Size use 1024;
2645   type fd_set_ptr is access constant fd_set;
2646   pragma Convention (C, fd_set_ptr);
2647   type fd_set_var_ptr is access all fd_set;
2648   pragma Convention (C, fd_set_var_ptr);
2649   FD_SETSIZE : constant := 1024;
2650   --  *** MISSING: INFTIM ***  --
2651   INFTIM : constant := 0;
2652   POLLIN : constant := 1;
2653   POLLRDNORM : constant := 64;
2654   POLLRDBAND : constant := 128;
2655   POLLPRI : constant := 2;
2656   POLLWRNORM : constant := 256;
2657   POLLWRBAND : constant := 512;
2658   POLLERR : constant := 8;
2659   POLLNVAL : constant := 32;
2660   HAVE_poll : constant Boolean := True;
2661   poll_LINKNAME : constant String := "poll";
2662   HAVE_select : constant Boolean := True;
2663   select_LINKNAME : constant String := "select";
2665end POSIX.C;